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Слушайте музыку в этом минималистичном проигрывателе
Легкий и действительно хороший аудио плеер
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Лицензия | Бесплатно | |
ОС | Windows | |
Раздел | Медиа-плееры | |
Язык |
47 more |
Автор | Microsoft Corporation | |
Размер | 37.55 MB | |
Загрузки | 82,417 | |
Дата | 18 сен 2023 | |
Тип файла | MSIXBUNDLE | |
SHA256 | 7f2380660a25253495b9bbc9fda36f7184ade7a243a64c03c9b89b6a93e9e1e5 | |
Почему это приложение опубликовано на Uptodown? |
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Похожие на Groove Music
Совершенный партнер для вашего нового iPod или iPhone
Легкий и действительно хороший аудио плеер
Последняя версия наиболее часто используемого Mp3-плеера
Портативная версия мощного аудио-плеера
Слушайте музыку в этом минималистичном проигрывателе
Imploded Software AB
Отличный помощник для вашего плеера Zune
Простой, бесплатный аудиоплеер
Полнофункциональный бесплатный аудиоредактор
Организуйте ваши компакт диски и редактируйте их идентификационные метки
Пойте и развлекайтесь со своими друзьями
Простая альтернатива аудио редактору Audacity
Создавайте отличную музыку и транслируйте ее с Virtual DJ
Memory Card Recovery Program
Клиент с открытым исходным кодом для Audible
С помощью программы можно слушать музыкальные композиции и составлять списки воспроизведения. Есть возможность включить режим повтора одного или нескольких треков.
Дата обновления:
Microsoft Corporation
Версия Windows:
Windows 10
Музыка Groove – приложение для Windows, представляющее собой аудиоплеер. С помощью программы можно прослушивать композиции и создавать плейлисты. Утилита используется в качестве проигрывателя по умолчанию. Поддерживается полноэкранный и мини режим отображения.
Поиск музыки
После запуска приложения на экране появится список композиций, хранящихся на компьютере. Есть возможность вручную указать папки, содержащие музыкальные треки. Программа автоматически группирует песни по исполнителю и названию альбома. Поддерживается функция сортировки по дате добавления, алфавиту и жанру.
Утилита позволяет составлять плейлисты. Для этого необходимо перейти в соответствующий раздел и добавить треки в список. Можно выбрать обложку и указать название подборки.
При прослушивании музыки в нижней части экрана отображается информация об исполнителе и название композиции. Есть возможность приостанавливать и возобновлять воспроизведение. Также пользователи могут регулировать уровень громкости. Доступен режим повтора одного и того же трека и перемешивания песен.
Утилита содержит встроенный эквалайзер с несколькими пресетами. Он позволяет усиливать высокие или низкие частоты.
- приложение можно скачать и использовать бесплатно;
- как и AIMP, данная утилита представляет собой аудиопроигрыватель;
- есть возможность составлять плейлисты и сортировать композиции;
- поддерживается режим воспроизведения треков в случайном порядке;
- пользователи могут управлять частотными характеристиками звука при помощи встроенного эквалайзера;
- программа совместима с актуальными версиями Windows.
73,8 Мб (скачиваний: 8317)
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно
Нейронная сеть способна создавать видеоролики с участием ведущих. Пользователям доступен выбор фона, закадровой музыки, интонации голоса и скорости воспроизведения.
ver 1.0
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно
Платформа предназначена для создания видеороликов, в которых ведущий произносит заданный текст. Есть возможность выбрать внешность диктора и стиль речи.
ver 1.0
Windows 10, Windows 11 Бесплатно
Приложение позволяет сделать более плавным видео, снятое на экшн камеру, смартфон или планшет. Есть возможность настроить смещение и параметры стабилизации.
ver 1.5.0
Topaz Video
Windows 10, Windows 11 Бесплатно
Приложение использует возможности искусственного интеллекта для повышения качества видеозаписи. Пользователи могут повысить четкость изображения и убрать шумы.
ver 3.1.11
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно
Приложение представляет собой нейронную сеть, способную в автоматическом режиме обрабатывать видеоролики. Доступны инструменты для синтеза речи и транскрибации.
ver 60.1.2
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно
Сервис позволяет в несколько кликов создавать дубляж для видеороликов, телешоу и фильмов. Есть возможность вручную редактировать перевод и выбирать голоса героев.
ver 1.0
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно
Приложение позволяет создавать уникальные музыкальные треки в любом жанре. Нейронная сеть обучена на массиве данных, включающем в себя более 280 тысяч часов музыки.
ver 1.0
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно
Сервис представляет собой нейронную сеть, способную генерировать музыку. Пользователи могут создавать мелодии, сочинять тексты песен и записывать треки.
ver 1.0
Latest Version
Groove Music for Windows (Version 10.20112.10110.0)
Windows 8 32 or Later
Groove Music for Windows is Microsoft’s music streaming service. It comes with a catalog with over 40 million songs and allows you to upload your own to OneDrive.
You can also construct a Playlist as well as include in your Collection by clicking the arrowheads beside an album or track listing and also choosing the proper destination.
Groove Music for Windows
Groove does not allow you delete an album from the main Collection display unless you switch to the Songs tab. Rather, you have to click the album and afterwards the trash icon. That feels like an added and unnecessary action.
Groove doesn’t list music styles, however you can explore private artists, such as Imagine Dragons or Lil Uzi Vert, or themed playlists like “10 Songs You need to Hear This Week” and also “Hip Hop Pump!” That said, the Groove mobile apps does let you browse your Collection by genre.
Content as well as Sound Quality
Groove, like Slacker Radio as well as most other significant streaming music services these days, does not have any outright holes in its 40-million-song-strong music collection, so I had not a problem locating Arcade Fire, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Parliament-Funkadelic, and also Minnie Ripperton content.
An insider build of the Groove Music UWP app (Version 10.17083.18151.0) which features a scrapped visualizer that did not make it into stable builds. This was featured as only a few screenshots on online articles (not explaining how to get it), and then was kinda lost.
The visualizers are called «Dots» and «Ribbons», you can choose to change visualizer every song or settle on one of these.
«Ribbons» visualizers change their color scheme after a while. The first visualizer under «Dots» takes the cover art of the album/single or a generic Groove logo if the audio file lacks a cover art.
In order for this build to work properly (otherwise it takes forever before playing a song and doesn’t see your music library folders if installed with another package name which you can edit in the AppxManifest file) you need to replace Groove Music on Windows 10 or 11, or Media Player on Windows 11 with this version. Just right click it in the start menu and uninstall the current version, then double click the appxbundle file and install this Groove build (no developer mode enabled is needed).
To get the latest version of the Groove/Media Player app just update it through Microsoft Store and the latest app should reinstall again.
Getting the visualizer, and equalizer to work
Download the settings.dat file, and put it in %localappdata%Packages\Microsoft.ZuneMusic_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Settings\
You should then see the visualizer by clicking the bottom left corner when a song is playing (where the song cover art, title and artist is) and then you should see a button above in the screen. If you don’t, your system may not be compatible or your GPU drivers aren’t up to date.
This visualizer uses heavy shaders, composition effects and Direct2D so GPU support isn’t granted.
I’ve had the most luck with Intel iGPUs, tested HD 620 (i3-7020u), HD 520 (i5-6300u) and «Intel HD Graphics» from 2016 (Celeron N3450). Also tested «Intel HD Graphics» from 2012 (Celeron B830) but the visualizer didn’t work which is expected due to the age of that iGPU.
This info is outdated and kept here for context’s sake and i can’t figure out how to strikethrough the text so i’m just writing this to let you know, please read the update for recent info: AMD GPUs apparently don’t work well with some Composition effects so your mileage may vary, the Radeon Graphics on my Ryzen 3 3250u for example don’t work with this visualizer, despite being newer than all the above.~~
UPDATE: I’ve tried the visualizer again on this machine, and suddenly now it works! My guess is either something was wrong before or the drivers are more up to date, i’m not sure which is the cause since i’ve restored this machine using Lenovo media multiple times in the past, all prior trying this again, but i’m happy to report it works just fine now on here! (screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/U1qdNQh)
No idea about NVIDIA GPUs, i have no computers with one.
Here’s a video of the visualizer in action (very laggy and just.. bad but still leaving it up since no one else made any other video yet): https://youtu.be/RG6pz1iqozM
Groove Music is a pay subscription service that allows the unlimited streaming platform on any device that will be installed. A one-month trial also offers available for but who previously tried the Zune music. Groove music is used to create a song and playlist through the cloud on all supported devices.
Groove music discontinued audio software is applicable in windows 7, 8, 10, and 11, and also in IOS and XBOX. It is a software application for creating songs and many others. It is the simplest method for playing music on personal computers. groove music is far from dead. It has a popular belief and an active consumer base.
Groove music offers several features. There is a sound equalizer, a powerful user face interface, music audio detection, and free online storage. The following steps are used to inbuilt the groove music in our system. Open the settings application on your pc next, you can do opening the main menu in the settings windows search bar and hit enter. then go to the settings in the app, change the default settings, and, moreover, the left panel of the menu clicks on it. After a quick refresh, groove music is on your PC. From the resulting menu, you can search the music format and set the groove music in the default player. with the last upgrade of windows, the player is focused on Zune music, a recent upgrade version of it.
It is supported in windows, XBOX, IOS.
Microsoft is shipping a new media player app named groove app it is especially used for personal computers it is the successor to the legacy windows media player app, the latter of which is still available from Microsoft. Its function quickly searches the music and plays to all. This is the main function of groove music.
The media player is a full felched music library that allows a quick browser song of the movie or anywhere. these are things involved the groove music. there are a lot of songs that are inbuilt into the groove music application. You can customize it through any device on various platforms. An equalizer that you can adjust the audio output of specific sound frequencies.
More is obtained instant feedback about the difference in audio quality of the application groove. these are features involved in the groove application and its uses.
In addition requirement, the sound equalizer offers the selection of pre-configured settings for various environments and audio output devices.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Josh L.
Groove Music is a digital audio player and music streaming service developed by Microsoft for Windows, Xbox, and Windows Phone. It allows users to purchase and stream music from the Windows Store, as well as upload their own music to OneDrive and stream it from the cloud. It also allows users to create and share playlists with friends.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Angus B********y
I recently started using Groove Music and I’m really enjoying it! The user interface is fairly intuitive and easy to use. I particularly like the ability to add my own music from my computer and then stream it from any device. I also like the smart playlists that Groove Music creates based on my listening history. The sound quality is excellent, and I’ve been really happy with my subscription so far. The app is also very stable and I haven’t experienced any bugs or crashes. I’m still exploring the features, but so far I’m very impressed.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Finlay Sloman
I found Groove Music to be a great music streaming software. It has an easy-to-use interface and a large selection of songs. I was able to quickly find the songs I was looking for. The sound quality of the songs is also excellent. The ability to create playlists is very useful.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Scott Knosp
This software is a music player that allows users to stream and download music from a vast library of songs. It offers personalized playlists and recommendations based on user preferences, and users can create their own playlists as well. The software also has a feature that allows users to upload their own music and access it from any device. Additionally, it offers a radio feature that plays similar songs to the ones the user is currently listening to.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Groove Music is a digital music streaming service that offers a vast library of songs and albums. Its standout feature is the ability to integrate your personal music collection stored on OneDrive, allowing users to stream their personal libraries along with the songs on the platform. Additionally, it provides customized playlist recommendations based on your listening habits with a sleek, user-friendly interface.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Packed with an attractive interface, it provides an impressive catalog of songs but often struggles with playlist syncing.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Easy to navigate, customizable playlists, occasionally unresponsive.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Easy to navigate, visually appealing.