Mui windows xp что это

Windows XP, выпущенная Microsoft в 2001 году, была одной из самых популярных операционных систем того времени. Она предложила удобный и интуитивно понятный интерфейс для пользователей, но у нее также были ряд ограничений.

Mui (Multilingual User Interface) – это специальная технология разработки языковых пакетов для операционных систем Windows XP. С помощью Mui можно изменить язык интерфейса операционной системы, что полезно для пользователей, говорящих на других языках.

Использование Mui позволяет создавать и устанавливать дополнительные языковые пакеты, чтобы пользователи могли работать с операционной системой на своем родном языке. Он также предоставляет дополнительные возможности для персонализации и настройки интерфейса Windows XP.

Mui для Windows XP – это отличная возможность для тех пользователей, которые хотят использовать операционную систему на своем родном языке и настроить ее под свои предпочтения.


  1. Mui для windows xp: обзор и применение
  2. Преимущества использования Mui для windows xp
  3. Основные возможности Mui для windows xp
  4. Применение Mui для Windows XP в различных сферах

Mui для windows xp: обзор и применение

Расширение Mui (Multilingual User Interface) предназначено для операционной системы Windows XP и позволяет пользователям использовать интерфейс на разных языках. Это особенно полезно для пользователей, которые говорят на разных языках или работают с многоязычными приложениями.

С помощью Mui для windows xp пользователи могут добавлять и изменять языковые пакеты, что позволяет менять язык интерфейса и системных сообщений без переустановки операционной системы. Это очень удобно для людей, которые хотят использовать Windows XP на своем родном языке или не говорят на английском языке.

Для установки Mui для windows xp нужно сначала загрузить соответствующий языковой пакет с официального веб-сайта Microsoft. После загрузки пакета, его нужно установить на компьютер и перезагрузить систему. После перезагрузки пользователь может выбрать нужный язык интерфейса из списка доступных языков и применить его.

Преимущества Mui для windows xp:
1. Поддержка многоязычных приложений.
2. Возможность использования операционной системы на родном языке.
3. Легкость изменения языка интерфейса без переустановки системы.
4. Удобство для пользователей, которые не говорят на английском языке.

Mui для windows xp является полезным инструментом для пользователей, которые работают с разными языками или хотят использовать операционную систему на своем родном языке. Он позволяет легко менять язык интерфейса и системных сообщений, что делает использование Windows XP более удобным и комфортным для каждого пользователя.

Преимущества использования Mui для windows xp

1. Мультиязычность: благодаря Mui для windows xp пользователи могут использовать операционную систему на своем родном языке. Это удобно для пользователей, которые не владеют английским языком или предпочитают работать на другом языке.

2. Локализация: Mui для windows xp позволяет адаптировать операционную систему к конкретным региональным и культурным особенностям. Это включает не только перевод интерфейса, но и адаптацию форматов дат, времени, чисел и других параметров.

3. Расширение возможностей: Mui для windows xp позволяет устанавливать дополнительные языковые пакеты и расширять возможности операционной системы. Это позволяет пользователям получить доступ к большему количеству приложений, контента и сервисов на их родном языке.

4. Глобальная совместимость: Mui для windows xp обеспечивает совместимость с различными языками и системами письма. Это позволяет пользователям без проблем обмениваться информацией и работать с документами на разных языках и в разных форматах.

5. Удобство использования: Mui для windows xp предоставляет простой и удобный способ переключения между языками и управления языковыми настройками. Пользователи могут легко изменить язык интерфейса, а также настроить форматы отображения данных под свои потребности.

Основные возможности Mui для windows xp

С помощью Mui пользователь может легко изменить язык интерфейса операционной системы, без необходимости переустановки Windows XP. Доступно большое количество языковых пакетов, включая пакеты для самых распространенных языков.

Использование Mui для windows xp позволяет иметь на одном компьютере несколько учетных записей с разными языками интерфейса. Каждая учетная запись может быть на разном языке, что упрощает работу с разноязычными документами и облегчает общение с иностранными партнерами и коллегами.

Основные возможности Mui для windows xp:

  1. Установка нескольких языков интерфейса: Mui позволяет добавить и использовать несколько языковых пакетов, что позволяет менять язык интерфейса в любой момент без переустановки операционной системы.
  2. Работа с разноязычными документами: благодаря возможности установить разные языковые пакеты для каждой пользовательской учетной записи, Mui упрощает работу с документами на разных языках и облегчает коммуникацию с коллегами и партнерами из других стран.
  3. Простота использования: установка Mui для windows xp достаточно проста и не требует дополнительных навыков или знаний. Пользователю достаточно выбрать нужный язык из списка и следовать инструкциям установщика.

Mui для windows xp – это мощный инструмент для работы с разноязычными документами и общения с партнерами из разных стран. Благодаря легкой установке и использованию Mui, пользователи Windows XP могут с легкостью работать на разных языках и упростить свою работу.

Применение Mui для Windows XP в различных сферах

Mui для Windows XP представляет собой инструмент, который позволяет пользователю легко изменять язык интерфейса операционной системы. Это может быть полезно в различных сферах, таких как:

1. Образование

Mui для Windows XP позволяет студентам изучать и работать с компьютером на своем родном языке. Это значительно облегчает процесс обучения и позволяет более эффективно использовать вычислительные ресурсы.

2. Бизнес

Mui для Windows XP помогает компаниям, работающим на международном рынке, общаться с сотрудниками и клиентами на их родном языке. Это улучшает коммуникацию и способствует более эффективной работе персонала.

3. Туризм

Туристы, путешествующие в другие страны, могут использовать Mui для Windows XP, чтобы легко ориентироваться в окружающей среде и воспользоваться компьютерными ресурсами. Это позволяет им более комфортно проводить время и получать необходимую информацию на родном языке.

4. Государственные организации

Mui для Windows XP является полезным инструментом для государственных организаций, которые общаются с гражданами на разных языках. Он упрощает предоставление информации и услуг гражданам на их родном языке и способствует более эффективному взаимодействию.

Mui для Windows XP является мощным инструментом, который помогает пользователям адаптировать операционную систему под свои потребности. Его использование в различных сферах приводит к повышению эффективности работы и улучшению коммуникации.

Multilingual User Interface Pack for Windows XP Pro and Windows XP Pro N CD 1-5

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Multi Language Pack (DE, JA, KO, ZH, FR)

Multiple: German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, French

File: mui_win_xp_pro_n_cd1.iso

Label: WXM_CD1

Size: 417 MB (437 596 160 bytes)


MD5: A6C2AF72ACCA9BEA3C479C1AE143D006

SHA-1: 9D98DF38B6E0AE4679D06991A10FA2BAA725DB08

SHA-256: CBFFCE8953241596949FE820CDD68569735CF513F7D9A4068786032423B04809

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Multi Language Pack (AR, HE, ES, IT, SV, NL, PT)

Multiple: Arabic; Hebrew; Spanish; Italian; Swedish; Dutch; Portuguese

File: mui_win_xp_pro_n_cd2.iso

Label: WXM_CD2

Size: 491 MB (515 704 832 bytes)


MD5: 762DB4A61B327356C88B69F9866B67A7

SHA-1: 058C4DC5DA1D17AA9115F9D485CFC26238391260

SHA-256: DF6FF014197F17A2FA9903D2390FC11C406CEDA7AAFE28E9AA826D8DC3D549C9

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Multi Language Pack (NO, DA, FI, RU, CS)

Multiple: (Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Russian, Czech)

File: mui_win_xp_pro_n_cd3.iso

Label: WXM_CD3

Size: 308 MB (323 182 592 bytes)


MD5: 096EDE881646EE082A79099643091D76

SHA-1: 51475E33AE47690DC9F90C963F9B1640604050BE

SHA-256: 5F5D0B21FA6CBC0EE65BD45A9F7BA5092341C7AFF5244AB6C10A53E614186F40

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Multi Language Pack (PL, HU, PT, TR, EL)

Multiple: (Polish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Turkish, Greek)

File: mui_win_xp_pro_n_cd4.iso

Label: WXM_CD4

Size: 348 MB (364 945 408 bytes)


MD5: B4FD8BF79D4360220A548567E95B3A8D

SHA-1: 850A445F6F69AD15B010F424ED6321C4B529AD02

SHA-256: FDA21E14151000D64CFBCC7A804C30967899DD03C1DF24B42C6DC3E34CCA716C

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Multi Language Pack (SL, SK, TH, RO, HR, BG, ET, LT, LV)

Multiple: (Slovenian, Slovak, Thai, Romanian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian)

File: mui_win_xp_pro_n_cd5.iso

Label: WXM_CD5

Size: 157 MB (165 584 896 bytes)


MD5: 3D09D9AC993DB08D41F8DBBD49F47902

SHA-1: 59CDA82A7FC210350D4FF31B1F08C00A12A518EF

SHA-256: B7179D0BF5EDCC6BC12C1B281FAA76826522E880A7B7D9361526A1FA6AA8B00D

Comparison of Windows Vista Ultimate Start Menu with English selected in the left image, and Traditional Chinese selected in the right.

Multilingual User Interface (MUI) enables the localization of the user interface of an application.

MUI is provided by Microsoft as an integrated feature of its operating system Windows 11 down to Windows 2000 with some limitations in older versions.

MUI is used for localizing flagship Microsoft products Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office and as an open technology can be used in any application that runs in a version of Windows that supports MUI.

The core feature of MUI is the user-defined, system settings for preferred language that can be used/shared by all applications on a computer. The next most core feature is system functions (i.e. LoadString) that use this preference to load user interface assets at runtime from resources in the user’s preferred language. To be MUI-enabled, an application need only store user interface assets as language-specific resources and use LoadStrIng to load them at runtime.

MUI also supports storing user interface assets as separate, single-language files which provides for development and deployment flexibility. This feature is optional. The resources can be stored in the application binary.

MUI also provides system functions that allow for custom and extended localization behavior.


The MUI technology[1] is integrated into the Windows OS and can be leveraged in an application by storing localizable assets as resources in a prescribed way and using MUI-enabled win32 functions to read the resources.

A relatively simple implementation of MUI in an application stores the strings of each language in a string-table resource of the binary file and uses the win32 function LoadString to load strings at runtime. No other MUI related configuration or code is required. The following optional capabilities of MUI can be implemented if desired:

  • Store the resources of each language in a separate DLL in order to enable deployment/installation flexibility
  • An application can use dedicated MUI functions to provide more control of localizable asset consumption such as using a language other than the system-defined user preference
  • Localizable assets can be stored in a format other than resource

The design of MUI attempts to provide a common way to store application localization information that alleviates limitations of more traditional and monolithic designs for localization such as including all languages in the application logic files (i.e. resources). With MUI, the following deployment scenarios are possible:

  • Add support for a language by installing only languages files — without modifying application logic or other language files
  • Add new features and fix bugs by installing only application logic files — without modifying the installed language files


The following MUI related terms are either used in or derived from the Microsoft documentation.

Language-neutral (LN): Describes something that conveys a meaning regardless of the languages of the viewer, such as an image without text or other localizable aspects

LN resource: a resource that is shared by and installed for all language versions of the application

LN file: Windows binary containing the application logic and language-neutral resources

Language-specific (LS): Describes something that has significantly different meaning based on the languages of the viewer. The most common LS items are interface strings but can be other items such as an image with text in it

LS resource file: A set of resources localized for one language; a.k.a. MUI file

Language Preferences[edit]

A language selection is stored by the system for the system (shared by all users and maybe used as default for a new user) and for each user. These selections can be modified by the user via the system Control Panel but cannot be modified by an application.

These preferences control the language that the OS uses for UI elements. Applications can also use these preferences, and via MUI-enabled system functions (such as LoadString) the use is automatic and transparent (requires no MUI-specific code to use). But use of these preferences is optional and customizable. An application can be designed to ignore the language preferences. Or it may use them in ways other than that provided by MUI-enabled system functions.

An application can use MUI functions[2] to read language preferences — that default to the user selection [assumed] and are a list of languages in preference order. These preferences are provided at the system, user, process and thread levels [assumed that changing at a higher level modifies the preferences for lower levels].

An application can modify these language preference lists (via SetThreadPreferredUILanguages and other functions) in order to influence the behavior of MUI. For example:

std::string languageIdSpec = "en-US";
languageIdSpec.push_back('\0'); // must be double-null terminated
ULONG langCount = 1;
if (!::SetThreadPreferredUILanguages(MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME, languageIdSpec.c_str(), &langCount))
    throw std::runtime_error("Unable to set thread preferred UI language.");

Resource Storage[edit]

MUI provides support for localized resources stored in Windows binary (a.k.a. Win32 PE) files (DLL, EXE, SYS) — usually DLL files.

The resources for a language can either be stored in the application binary or in a MUI (a.k.a. LS) file — one per language. For MUI to find resources, a MUI file must be in the same directory as its associated LN file and be named the same as the LN file plus «.LCID.mui». For example, for LN file my-lib.dll, the MUI file for en-US would be named my-lib.dll.0409.mui.

String resources are coded as string table like so:

1 L"message text"

Resource Retrieval[edit]

Several win32 functions that read application resources are MUI-enabled, including LoadString, FormatMessage, and LoadImage.[3]

Each function attempts to read a resource for a language as selected by global language preferences, from application resources or associated MUI files (co-located with LN file and following naming convention). Each uses the global language preferences to choose a language that is available. If loading the resource for the first preferred language fails either because the MUI file does not exist or the resource does not exist in the MUI file, the function will try the next preferred language and so on until all preferences have been tried. If load fails for all preferred languages, then tries the LN file.

The most commonly used function is LoadString which loads strings from a string-table resource. Example using LoadString:

wchar_t* resourceCharArray;
int resourceLength = ::LoadStringW(_moduleHandle, resourceId, (LPWSTR)&resourceCharArray, 0);
if (!resourceLength)
    throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find resource.");
std::wstring text;
text.append(resourceCharArray, resourceLength);

This retrieves the address of the resource text character buffer which is not guaranteed to be null terminated. Then, this copies the characters to a std::string and its c_str() method is guaranteed to be null terminated. Therefore, there is no need to append a null. Another option is to have LoadString copy the string to a passed buffer, but that requires using a fixed-length buffer which has downsides like usually allocating more than needed or truncation if too short.

Oddly, MS documentation for LoadString does not mention its interaction with MUI — use of language preference.

FormatMessage is also MUI-enabled. Its function reference page describes its interaction with the user’s language preference when parameter dwLanguageId is passed as 0. But FormatMessage reads from a message table, not a string table and as Raymond Chen says, «nobody actually uses message tables».[4]

Non-Resource Storage and Retrieval[edit]

MS documentation recommends storing UI assets as resources since MUI fully supports retrieving from this storage, but it notes that MUI supports any other file format, such as XML, JSON or flat text file.[5] This implies that using the resource retrieval aspect of MUI is not required for an application to be MUI-enabled. An application can use its own, custom UI asset retrieval logic.

To be MUI-enabled, the application must use the system language preferences. The custom UI asset retrieval logic might optionally use the MUI function GetFileMUIPath to leverage the MUI file location and naming conventions.

Other Aspects[edit]

The MS MUI documentation describes the following concepts, but it is unclear how they relate to MUI and what value they offer:

  • Resource Configuration File[6]
  • Registry String Redirection[7]


Basic tasks to support/implement MUI:

  • Use LoadString in the application code to read resources; it uses user preference, system settings to read resources that are in the language that is most preferred by the user based on availability
  • Author resource source code (RC) for each language; recommended to store each language in a separate RC file

Upon completing the basic tasks, an application is MUI-enabled. But there are other features of MUI that an application can optionally take advantage of.

The basic tasks imply storing all languages in the resources of the application binary — which means it is not language neutral. This structure provides all runtime localization benefits of MUI and simple, single-file deployment but does not allow for deployment flexibility that MUI provides. In order to take advantage of the deployment flexibility:

  • Configure the application binary project to exclude all LS resources — making it the LN file
  • Configure project(s) to build each language to a resource DLL; named the same as the LN file + «LCID.mui» — MUI files
  • Deploy/install MUI files in same directory as the LN file

To store localized assets in formats other than resource, the application must implement a mechanism for reading assets at runtime based on the language preference system settings (see GetThreadUILanguage). In other words, the application loads UI assets based on the system language preference settings without using LoadString. The application might leverage the MUI file-per-language location and naming convention by using GetFileMUIPath.

Advantages over Localized Version[edit]

The MUI technology was developed in response and as an improvement to localized versions — an older technology for globalizing and deploying software packages. This section describes the differences and advantages of MUI over localized versions.

Windows localized via a MUI pack achieves the same goal as a localized version, but there are key differences. While both display menus and dialogs in the targeted language, only a localized version uses translated file and folder names. [what does this mean? some special folders are localizable (Documents, Downloads, …) but a user created file/folder is not localizable (by the OS). Doesn’t a language pack localize the special folder names? What else could it do?]

A localized version of Windows translates the base operating system, as well as all included programs [what programs?], including file and folder names [so it does localize file/folder names. this contradicts above], objects names [what’s an object?], strings in registry [really? what strings?], and any other internal strings used by Windows into a particular language. Localized versions of Windows support upgrading from a previous localized version and user interface resources are completely localized, which is not the case for MUI versions of a product. [what is not the case for MUI?]

A MUI version does not contain translated administrative functions such as registry entries [registry entries are functions?] and items in Microsoft Management Console.

One advantage of a MUI version is that each user of a computer can use a different language.[8] For a localized version of the OS, this is not possible. It may be possible for localized applications but requires installing multiple versions; one for each language, and this may lead to application storage space and side-by-side installation issues. With MUI, the single version supports multiple languages, and the OS and applications use the user’s preferred language. Further, the same OS can host an application that uses any of the application’s supported languages which may be different than the OS selected language and even a language that’s not supported by the OS.


MUI was introduced with Windows 2000 and is supported in each subsequent Windows release.

Windows 2000 and Windows XP[edit]

MUI products for these versions were available only through volume agreements from Microsoft. They were not available through retail channels. However, some OEMs distributed the product.[citation needed]

Languages in Windows XP[edit]

Up to Windows XP, MUI packs for a product are applied on top of an English version to provide a localized user experience. There are a total of 5 sets of MUI packs.

Set 1[edit]
  • German
  • French
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
Set 2[edit]
  • Arabic
  • Hebrew
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Swedish
  • Dutch
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
Set 3[edit]
  • Norwegian
  • Danish
  • Finnish
  • Russian
  • Czech
Set 4[edit]
  • Polish
  • Hungarian
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Turkish
  • Greek
Set 5[edit]
  • Bulgarian
  • Estonian
  • Croatian
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Romanian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Thai

Windows Vista[edit]

Windows Vista enhanced MUI technology to separate the English resources from the application logic binary files. The application logic files are now language-neutral a.k.a. language-independent. In other words, the application logic files are no longer English-centric. This separation allows for changing languages completely without changing the core binaries of Windows, and to have multiple languages installed using the same application logic binaries. Languages are applied as language packs containing the resources required to localize part of or the entire user interface in Windows Vista.

MUI packs are available to Windows Vista Enterprise users and as an Ultimate Extras to Windows Vista Ultimate users.

Beginning with Windows Vista, the set of associated MUI APIs are also made available to developers for application development. [This allows anyone to use the MUI technology?]

At launch, the following 16 language packs were released:

  • Danish
  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Finnish
  • Swedish
  • Russian
  • Korean
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Japanese

On October 23, 2007, the remaining 19 language packs were released:

  • Czech
  • Estonian
  • Croatian
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Hungarian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Romanian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Serbian (Latin)
  • Turkish
  • Greek
  • Bulgarian
  • Ukrainian
  • Hebrew
  • Arabic
  • Thai

Windows 7[edit]

MUI is available to Windows 7 Enterprise and Ultimate edition users, as well as Windows Phone 7.

Beginning with Windows 7, Microsoft started referring to a «MUI pack» as a «Language Pack»; not to be confused with a Language Interface Pack (LIP).[9]

At launch, the following 15 language packs were released[10] (Chinese (Hong Kong) is not available on mobile):

  • German
  • English (United Kingdom)
  • English (United States)
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Russian
  • Korean
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Chinese (Hong Kong)
  • Japanese

On October 31, 2009, the remaining 22 language packs were released (Estonian, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Hebrew, Arabic, and Thai are not available on mobile):

  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Estonian
  • Croatian
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Hungarian
  • Norwegian
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Romanian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Serbian (Latin)
  • Finnish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish
  • Greek
  • Bulgarian
  • Ukrainian
  • Hebrew
  • Arabic
  • Thai

Windows 8/8.1/RT[edit]

Beginning with Windows 8/RT, most editions of Windows are able to download and install all Language Packs,[11] with a few exceptions:

  • In Single Language editions of Windows, only one language pack is allowed to be installed, [12] the same behavior as editions of Windows 7 and earlier that are not Enterprise or Ultimate.
  • In OEM editions of Windows, the exact language packs that are preinstalled/available for download depend on the device manufacturer and country/region of purchase (and the mobile operator for devices with cellular connectivity). This is a mixture of a local-market feature and a feature for everyone everywhere. There may be multiple display languages preinstalled on the device by the manufacturer and/or wireless carrier, but each manufacturer and/or wireless carrier installs two different sets of languages: one set of preloaded languages and one set of languages that can be installed by the end user. This rule is currently used in Windows Phones as of Windows Phone 7[13] and PCs as of Windows 8 (since Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 share the same Windows NT kernel) and was later dropped in Windows 10 version 1803, but was later quietly reinstated as of Windows 10 version 1809. An end user could install a retail license on top of an OEM license by performing a clean install through the Media Creation Tool to circumvent the region locking and install any display language that they want.
    • The Windows update process does not affect the currently installed display languages in any way, but it may give the end user access to newly released language packs made available by the OEM (PCs only). However, when installing a new feature update, it may change the display language back to the one set during the initial setup process. For example, if the Samsung ATIV Smart PC on AT&T is upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 Anniversary Update (not necessarily done in one go), it will now be able to install Portuguese (Brazil), Vietnamese, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), and Japanese in addition to English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Korean (the last three languages can be downloaded by the end user at the time of its launch), just like with the Galaxy S8 series and the Verizon-based Galaxy Book.
    • On the other hand, a Samsung Galaxy Book device does not support Afrikaans as a display language, because Samsung apps do not officially support Afrikaans.[14] Furthermore, cellular variants of the Galaxy Book laptops sold in North America support fewer display languages than their Wi-Fi-only counterparts, just like on their smartphones.
    • Certain language packs like English (Australia) and English (Canada) are only supported on the Xbox consoles and the Surface Duo.
    • Some LIP packs require certain MUI packs (base languages) to be present or compatible.[15] If that base language is not present or compatible, then that LIP cannot be installed on that device.

Windows 10[edit]

Beginning with Windows 10 version 1803, Microsoft started using the term «Local Experience Pack» (LXP) in some places [store?] instead of the older term «Language Pack», but they work the same way.[16] In addition to installing via Windows Settings, these 110 LXPs are also available through the Microsoft Store (app and web); the latter enabling remote installation for consumer editions of Windows.[17] As with all applications from the Microsoft Store, only the LXPs that are compatible with that Windows device are shown in the Microsoft Store app.

An LXP is updated through the Microsoft Store; outside of the normal Windows update cycle.[18]

Supported languages[edit]

Supported languages by OS version is as follows:


MUI Language Packs by Windows version

Language English name 2000 XP Vista 7.0 7.1 8.0 8.1 10 11
العربية Arabic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Български Bulgarian No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Català Catalan (Spain) No LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP Yes
Čeština Czech Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dansk Danish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Deutsch German Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ελληνικά Greek Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
English (United Kingdom) English (United Kingdom) No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
English (United States) English (United States) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Español (España) Spanish (Spain) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Español (México) Spanish (Mexico) No No No No No No No Yes Yes
Eesti Estonian No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Suomi Finnish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Français (Canada) French (Canada) No No No No No No No Yes Yes
Français (France) French (France) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Galego Galician No LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP Yes
עברית Hebrew Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hrvatski Croatian No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Magyar Hungarian Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Indonesia Indonesian No LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP Yes
Italiano Italian Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
日本語 Japanese Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
한국어 Korean Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lietuvių Lithuanian No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Latviešu Latvian No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Norsk bokmål Norwegian Bokmål Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nederlands Dutch Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Polski Polish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Português (Brasil) Portuguese (Brazil) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Português (Portugal) Portuguese (Portugal) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Română Romanian No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Русский Russian Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Slovenčina Slovak No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Slovenščina Slovenian No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Srpski Serbian (Latin) No LIP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Svenska Swedish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ไทย Thai No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Türkçe Turkish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Українська Ukrainian No LIP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tiếng Việt Vietnamese No LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP LIP Yes
中文 (简体) Chinese (Simplified) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
中文 (香港特別行政區) Chinese (Hong Kong) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
中文 (繁體) Chinese (Traditional) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Language Interface Packs by Windows version

Language English name Base language required XP Vista 7.0 7.1 8.0 8.1 10 11
Afrikaans Afrikaans English Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
አማርኛ Amharic English Yes Yes
অসমীয়া Assamese English Yes Yes
Azərbaycan Azerbaijani English Yes Yes Yes
Беларуская Belarusian Russian Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
বাংলা (বাংলাদেশ) Bangla (Bangladesh) English Yes Yes
বাংলা (ভারত) Bangla (India) English Yes Yes Yes
Босански Bosnian (Cyrillic) Russian Yes Yes
Bosanski Bosnian (Latin) English Yes Yes Yes
Català Catalan (Spain) English Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MUI
Valencià Catalan (Spain, Valencian) Spanish
ᏣᎳᎩ Cherokee English
Cymraeg Welsh English Yes Yes Yes
Euskara Basque Spanish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MUI
فارسى Persian (Iran) English Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Filipino Filipino English Yes Yes
Gaeilge Irish English Yes Yes
Gàidhlig Scottish Gaelic English
Galego Galician Spanish Yes Yes MUI
ગુજરાતી Gujarati English Yes Yes
Hausa Hausa English Yes
हिन्दी Hindi English Yes Yes Yes
Հայերեն Armenian English Yes Yes
Indonesia Indonesian English Yes Yes MUI
Igbo Igbo English Yes
Íslenska Icelandic English Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ Inuktitut English Yes Yes
ქართული Georgian English Yes Yes
Қазақ тілі Kazakh English Yes Yes
ខ្មែរ Khmer English Yes
ಕನ್ನಡ Kannada English Yes Yes
कोंकणी Konkani English Yes Yes
کوردیی ناوەڕاست Central Kurdish English
Кыргызча Kyrgyz Russian Yes
Lëtzebuergesch Luxembourgish French Yes Yes
ລາວ Lao ???
Te reo Māori Maori English Yes Yes
Македонски Macedonian English Yes Yes
മലയാളം Malayalam English Yes Yes
Монгол Mongolian English
मराठी Marathi English Yes Yes
Melayu (Brunei) Malay (Brunei) English Yes
Melayu (Malaysia) Malay (Malaysia) English Yes Yes
Malti Maltese English Yes Yes
नेपाली Nepali English Yes Yes
Norsk nynorsk Norwegian Nynorsk Norwegian Bokmål Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sesotho sa Leboa Southern Sotho English Yes
ଓଡ଼ିଆ Odia English Yes
پنجابی Punjabi (Arabic, Pakistan) English
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Punjabi (Gurmukhi, India) English Yes Yes
درى Persian (Afghanistan) English Yes Yes
K’iche’ K’iche’ Spanish
Runasimi Quechua Spanish Yes Yes
Kinyarwanda Kinyarwanda English
سنڌي Sindhi English
සිංහල Sinhala English
Shqip Albanian English Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Српски (Босна и Херцеговина) Serbian (Bosnia & Herzegovina) English
Српски (Србија) Serbian (Serbia) Serbian (Latin) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Kiswahili Swahili English Yes Yes
தமிழ் Tamil English Yes Yes
తెలుగు Telugu English Yes Yes
Тоҷикӣ Tajik Russian
ትግር Tigrinya English
Türkmen dili Turkmen Russian
Setswana Tswana English Yes
Татар Tatar Russian Yes Yes
ئۇيغۇرچە Uyghur Chinese (Simplified)
اُردو Urdu English Yes Yes
O‘zbek Uzbek English
Tiếng Việt Vietnamese English Yes Yes MUI
Wolof Wolof French
IsiXhosa Xhosa English Yes
Èdè Yorùbá Yoruba English
IsiZulu Zulu English Yes


The multilingual user interface for Windows Phones did not appear until version 7.0.

Language packs for the new Windows Phone platform

Language English name 7.0 7.5 7.7 7.8 8.0 8.0.2 8.1 8.1.2 10
Afrikaans Afrikaans No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
አማርኛ Amharic No No No No No No No No Yes
العربية Arabic No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Azərbaycan Azerbaijani No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Беларуская Belarusian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Български Bulgarian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
বাংলা Bangla No No No No No No No Yes Yes
Català Catalan No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Čeština Czech No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dansk Danish No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Deutsch German Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ελληνικά Greek No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
English (United Kingdom) English (United Kingdom) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
English (United States) English (United States) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Español (España) Spanish (Spain) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Español (México) Spanish (Mexico) No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Eesti Estonian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Euskara Basque No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
فارسى Persian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Suomi Finnish No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Filipino Filipino No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Français (Canada) French (Canada) No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Français (France) French (France) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Galego Galician Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Hausa Hausa No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
עברית Hebrew No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
हिन्दी Hindi No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hrvatski Croatian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Magyar Hungarian No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Indonesia Indonesian No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Íslenska Icelandic No No No No No No No No Yes
Italiano Italian Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
日本語 Japanese No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Қазақ тілі Kazakh No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ខ្មែរ Khmer No No No No No No No Yes Yes
ಕನ್ನಡ Kannada No No No No No No No No Yes
한국어 Korean No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ລາວ Lao No No No No No No No Yes Yes
Lietuvių Lithuanian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Latviešu Latvian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Македонски Macedonian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
മലയാളം Malayalam No No No No No No No No Yes
Melayu Malay No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Norsk bokmål Norwegian Bokmål No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nederlands Dutch No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Polski Polish No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Português (Brasil) Portuguese (Brazil) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Português (Portugal) Portuguese (Portugal) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Română Romanian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Русский Russian No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Slovenčina Slovak No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Slovenščina Slovenian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Shqip Albanian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Srpski Serbian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Svenska Swedish No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Kiswahili Swahili No No No No No No No Yes Yes
தமிழ் Tamil No No No No No No No No Yes
తెలుగు Telugu No No No No No No No No Yes
ไทย Thai No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Türkçe Turkish No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Українська Ukrainian No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
O‘zbek Uzbek No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tiếng Việt Vietnamese No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
中文 (简体) Chinese (Simplified) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
中文 (香港特別行政區) Chinese (Hong Kong) No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
中文 (繁體) Chinese (Traditional) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


The MUI technology is covered by an international patent titled «Multilingual User Interface for an Operating System».[19] The inventors are Bjorn C. Rettig, Edward S. Miller, Gregory Wilson, and Shan Xu.

See also[edit]

  • Windows MUI Knowledge Center (archived)
  • Windows Language Packs (Microsoft reference)
  • Language Interface Pack (LIP)
  • GNU gettext: both a UNIX system for localization and a function similar to LoadString


  1. ^ Karl-Bridge-Microsoft. «Multilingual User Interface — Win32 apps». Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  2. ^ Karl-Bridge-Microsoft. «Multilingual User Interface Functions — Win32 apps». Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  3. ^ Karl-Bridge-Microsoft. «Loading Language Resources — Win32 apps». Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  4. ^ Chen, Raymond (2008-02-29). «Why can’t I get FormatMessage to load my resource string?». The Old New Thing. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
  5. ^ Karl-Bridge-Microsoft. «Supporting System Language Settings — Win32 apps». Retrieved 2022-07-09.
  6. ^ Karl-Bridge-Microsoft. «Preparing a Resource Configuration File — Win32 apps». Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  7. ^ Karl-Bridge-Microsoft. «Using Registry String Redirection — Win32 apps». Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  8. ^ «About Multilingual User Interface». Microsoft. Retrieved 22 June 2022.
  9. ^ «How To Install Language Packs In Windows 7». The Windows Club. Archived from the original on 1 August 2010. Retrieved 29 April 2016.
  10. ^ Team, My Digital Life Editorial (2009-07-12). «Windows 7 RTM GA Launch and MSDN/TechNet Release Schedule Roadmap « My Digital Life». My Digital Life. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  11. ^ «Language packs are available for Windows 8 and Windows RT». Microsoft. Retrieved 29 April 2016.
  12. ^ «Check whether your version of Windows supports multiple languages». Retrieved 2022-01-10.
  13. ^ Blog, Windows Experience (2011-07-06). «Windows Phone around the world: Language support in Mango». Windows Experience Blog. Retrieved 2022-01-10.
  14. ^ «Get Samsung Notes». Microsoft Store. Retrieved 2022-01-10.
  15. ^ «Language packs for Windows». Retrieved 2022-01-11.
  16. ^ «Local Experience Packs: What are they and when should you use them?». TECHCOMMUNITY.MICROSOFT.COM. 2018-11-14. Retrieved 2022-01-10.
  17. ^ «Local Experience Packs». Microsoft Store. Retrieved 2022-01-10.
  18. ^ «Local Experience Packs». Retrieved 2022-01-11.
  19. ^
    US patent 6252589, «Multilingual user interface for an operating system», published 2003-05-14

Многоязычный пользовательский интерфейс (MUI) — это имя Microsoft технология для Майкрософт Виндоус, Microsoft Office и другие приложения, позволяющие установить несколько языков интерфейса в одной системе. В системе с MUI каждый пользователь сможет выбрать свой предпочтительный язык отображения. Технология MUI была представлена ​​с Windows 2000 и с тех пор использовался в каждом выпуске (до Windows 10). Технология MUI защищена международным патентом «Многоязычный пользовательский интерфейс для операционной системы».[1] Изобретатели — Бьорн К. Реттиг, Эдвард С. Миллер, Грегори Уилсон и Шан Сюй.

Функционально пакеты MUI для определенного продукта выполняют ту же задачу, что и локализованные версии этого продукта, но с некоторыми ключевыми техническими отличиями. Хотя как локализованные версии программного обеспечения, так и версии MUI отображают меню и диалоговые окна на целевом языке, только локализованные версии имеют переведенные имена файлов и папок. Локализованная версия Windows переводит базовую операционную систему, а также все включенные программы, включая имена файлов и папок, имена объектов, строки в реестре и любые другие внутренние строки, используемые Windows, на определенный язык. Локализованные версии Windows поддерживают обновление с предыдущей локализованной версии, а ресурсы пользовательского интерфейса полностью локализованы, что не относится к версиям продукта с MUI. Версии продукта MUI не содержат переведенных административных функций, таких как реестр записи и предметы в Консоль управления Microsoft. Преимущество использования MUI перед локализованными версиями состоит в том, что каждый пользователь компьютера может использовать MUI на другом языке, не требуя установки разных версий программного обеспечения и не разрешая конфликты, которые могут возникнуть в результате. Например, с помощью технологии MUI любая версия Windows может размещать приложения Windows на любом другом языке.[2]

MUI в Windows 2000 и Windows XP

Продукты MUI для этих версий были доступны только в рамках корпоративных соглашений с Microsoft. Они не были доступны через розничные каналы. Однако некоторые OEM-производители распространял продукт. Вплоть до Windows XP, Пакеты MUI для продукта применяются поверх английской версии для обеспечения локализованного взаимодействия с пользователем.

MUI в Windows Vista и Windows 7

Виндоус виста усовершенствованная технология MUI с поддержкой единого, независимого от языка, языкового двоичные файлы поддержка нескольких языковых скинов, при этом ресурсы для конкретных языков содержатся в отдельных двоичных файлах. Архитектура MUI отделяет языковые ресурсы для пользовательского интерфейса от двоичного кода операционной системы. Такое разделение позволяет полностью менять языки без изменения основных двоичных файлов Windows Vista или устанавливать несколько языков на одном компьютере при использовании одних и тех же основных двоичных файлов. Языки применяются как языковые пакеты, содержащие ресурсы, необходимые для локализации части или всего пользовательского интерфейса в Windows Vista.

Пакеты MUI доступны для Виндоус виста Корпоративные пользователи и как Ultimate Extra пользователям Windows Vista Ultimate. Пакеты MUI также доступны для Windows 7 Пользователи редакций Enterprise и Ultimate.

Начиная с Windows Vista, набор связанных API-интерфейсов MUI также доступен разработчикам для разработки приложений.

Начиная с Windows 7, Microsoft начала называть MUI «языковыми пакетами», хотя это не следует путать с Пакеты языкового интерфейса (LIP)[3]

MUI в Windows 8 / 8.1 / RT и Windows 10

Начиная с Windows 8 / RT, все выпуски Windows могут загружать и устанавливать все языковые пакеты.[4]

Смотрите также

  • GNU gettext
  • Пакет языкового интерфейса (LIP)


  1. ^ Патент США 6252589, «Многоязычный пользовательский интерфейс для операционной системы», опубликовано 14 мая 2003 г.
  2. ^ «Руководство по многоязычному пользовательскому интерфейсу Windows Vista». Microsoft. Получено 24 февраля 2014.
  3. ^ «Как установить языковые пакеты в Windows 7». Клуб Windows. Получено 29 апреля 2016.
  4. ^ «Языковые пакеты доступны для Windows 8 и Windows RT». Microsoft. Получено 29 апреля 2016.

внешняя ссылка

  • Центр знаний Windows MUI[постоянная мертвая ссылка ]
  • Языковые пакеты Windows

First published on TECHNET on Apr 10, 2009

MUI: Windows 2000, 2003 and XP


This document covers some initial steps to take when experiencing issues with the Windows 2000/Windows Server 2003/Windows XP Multilanguage User Interface (MUI).

1. What is MUI? The Multilingual User Interface Pack is a set of language specific resource files that

can be added to the English version of Windows 2000, 2003 or XP. When installed on the

English version of Windows, MUI allows the user interface language of the operating

system to be changed according to the preferences of individual users.

2. What versions of Windows are supported by MUI? MUI was introduced in the Windows 2000 timeframe and is available for:

  • Windows XP Professional
  • Windows XP for Tablet PC
  • Windows XP Embedded
  • Windows Server 2003 Family

3. What is the Language Interface Pack (LIP)? LIP was introduced in Windows XP. It is a high-quality, localized «skin» for emerging or minority language markets, such as Catalan, Lithuanian, and Thai. Based on MUI technology, LIP provides the desktop user with an approximately 80% localized user experience by translating a reduced set of user interface elements. LIP is installed on a licensed copy of Windows and a fixed base language.

4. How to install or update MUI:

a. Unattended install or command line

246010 Unattended or quiet mode setup for Windows 2000 Multilingual version;EN-US;246010

325856 How to specify regional and language settings for an unattended

installation of Windows MultiLanguage Version in Windows Server 2003;EN-US;325856

885481 List of Setup command-line parameters for Tablet PC Edition 2005 MUI Pack;EN-US;885481

b. How to install service pack for MUI systems

Service Pack Release Notes for Windows Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Version

c. Important update for Windows XP Service Pack 2 Multilingual User Interface


841625 An update is available for the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Multilingual User

Interface Pack;EN-US;841625

883921 An update is available for Language Interface Packs and Multilingual User

Interfaces to improve support for Windows XP Service Pack 2;EN-US;883921

5. How to configure MUI: Open Control Panel. Open Regional and Language Options. On the Languages tab, set Language used in menus and dialogs.

Scoping the Issue:

There are a few important questions that will help determine the exact nature of the problem.

1. If the problem is not related to display, set Menus and dialogs back to

English, verify if the problem can be resolved. If no, the issue is probably not

related to MUI and we need to troubleshoot it as a normal system problem,

2. When did the issue start, and were any changes made that seemed to trigger it? i.e. did the problem start after another software installation or update?

3. How often does it occur?

4. Are there any events in Event viewer related to the MUI problem?

5. Is the problem occurring on all the Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 based systems?

6. Does the behavior change if you create a new OU and block policy inheritance?

7. Does the behavior change if you don’t have Office XP or 2003 or 2007 installed?

8. Does the behavior change if you build a new Windows XP and do not join to the domain?

9. Which languages are having the issue?

10. What are the specific steps taken to reproduce the problem? For absolute clarity, these steps can be recorded with Community Clips , or the taking of screen shots.

11. Does the error affect a brand new user account on the system, or the local Administrator account? Some problems are specific to a single user profile, or restricted users only.

12. How many systems are experiencing the issue?

13. Is this isolated to a small number of machines, or a single machine?

14. Does the issue occur if the system is booted in Safe Mode, or if you follow the Clean Boot procedure?

15. Some text is not localized and displayed as English

16. If some text is not localized and displayed as English, we need to check the corresponding


source files. When the .


files are missing or damaged, text is displayed in English. When a version mismatch occurs, the .


file is not used, and text is also displayed in English. To resolve this kind of issue, we may follow the process

17. Incorrect text size or format

Sometimes you may notice the following problems in the



Buttons on dialog boxes are partially or completely obstructed from view

Garbled characters in the error message

Dialog boxes are incorrectly formatted

This issue can occur because shared control libraries such as Comctl32.dll take the

UI locale into account when they read the properties of common control dialog


To resolve this issue, please set your UI locale to match your system local and

then test.

18. Question Marks (?????) are displayed

When you see question marks instead of readable text, be it in a document or in an application or dialog box, chances are good that your system locale differs from the one matching the document or application. Actually, it is not a


setting problem. You need to modify the

Language for non-Unicode applications

setting to change system locale. If you are using Windows XP or Windows 2003, you can use the


tool to run the non-unicode application without changing the system local.

19. Windows Update/QFE related issue

If you encounter Windows Update detection problems with the MUI system, please reset the UI local to English. Windows Update may have difficulty in detecting the correct file version with MUI. In addition, Windows Update cannot work if the Windows XP system has more than 23 MUI languages installed.

Data Gathering:

1. Please collect an MPS Report by downloading and running the correct version for your architecture from:

. When running the tool, please ensure the boxes for General, Internet and Networking, and Server Components are selected.

2. Use Process Monitor Log to check the related .mui files

3. Check the file build and replace the problematic files

. Remove the language using Muisetup.exe and reinstall the language to recover all

the MUI source files

4. Clean Boot / Safe Mode / Autoruns: Some application problems only happen with certain combinations of software running on the system. If you find that disabling Startup items or services allows the application to function properly, then you can utilize a divide and conquer approach, re-enabling half of the items during each test, to determine the piece or pieces of software that are causing the issue.

Additional Resources:

Please see the following knowledge base articles for more information about MUI.

  • Mtp media transfer protocol для windows 10
  • Mui windows 7 sp1 x86
  • Mtp device driver для windows xp
  • Mtp device driver windows 10 64 скачать
  • Mtorrent 64 бит для windows 10