Mouse without borders windows 11

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Mouse without Borders ( is a product that makes you the captain of your computer fleet by allowing you to control up to four computers from a single mouse and keyboard. This means that with Mouse without Borders you can copy text or drag and drop files across computers.

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  • File Name:


    Mouse Without Borders is a Microsoft Garage project by Truong Do. Garage projects are side projects that Microsoft employees like Truong build for fun on their nights and weekends. Mouse Without Borders was designed for people who use many computers in the same room. For example, a laptop or tablet that you take to meetings might sit right alongside the desktop PC in your office.

  • Supported Operating Systems

    Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2016, Windows 10, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1

    Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 (32/64 bit). .Net 4.0 & up.

  • Download and run the installer on each of your machines. The Mouse without Borders setup experience will be launched after installation. Follow the instructions to configure Mouse without Borders.
    NOTE: The same version of Mouse without Borders must be run in the machines, old version can be uninstalled in Control Panel or by just running this command: msiexec /uninstall {D3BC954F-D661-474C-B367-30EB6E56542E} /qr. Visit for help & questions.

  • New in this release: Bug fixes and improvements.

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Название→ Mouse Without Borders
Лицензия→ Бесплатно
Поддержка→ Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Размер файла→ 1.3 Мб
Разработчик→ Microsoft Corp.
Обновлено→ 29 апреля 2021

Mouse Without Borders позволяет вам контролировать до 4 компьютеров в сети с помощью одной мыши и клавиатуры.

Скачать для Windows

Скачайте последнюю версию Mouse Without Borders по прямой ссылке. Программа совместима с операционными системами Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP разрядностью 32/64-bit, размер установочного файла — 1.3 Мб. Данный программный продукт разработан Microsoft Corp. и распространяется бесплатно. Также вы можете скачать программу с официального сайта.

Описание программы

Просто установите программу на каждый компьютер, которым вы хотите управлять, следуйте инструкциям по установке, и вы сразу же получите доступ к своей мыши и клавиатуре. Мышь без границ также позволяет перетаскивать файлы между компьютерами (очень круто), делиться буфером обмена и получать снимки экрана с других рабочих столов.

Чтобы передать управление с одного компьютера на другой, просто переместите мышь за пределы монитора, и программа автоматически переключит управление на другой компьютер. Вы можете настроить до 4 экранов компьютеров рядом или в два ряда. Другие функции включают поддержку переключения горячих клавиш, управление заставкой и удаленную блокировку.

В сравнении с


, Mouse Without Borders, вероятно, является наиболее удобной и простой в использовании (особенно для нетехнических пользователей), однако Synergy и особенно Input Director предлагают гораздо лучшие параметры конфигурации для опытных пользователей.

Хотя в Mouse Without Borders отсутствуют некоторые из этих расширенных функций, ее намного проще настроить, что, вероятно, делает ее лучшим выбором для тех, кто никогда не использовал совместное использование мыши и клавиатуры.

Скриншоты интерфейса

Комментарии пользователей

01 октября 2021

Я работаю со многими компьютерами в течение многих лет, это первый раз, когда я сталкиваюсь с таким инструментом. Я довольно много использовал удаленные программы, но это один из лучших бесплатных инструментов такого калибра, который так же впечатляет, как и этот, который я видел за долгое время. У меня есть еще 3 компьютера, которыми я пользуюсь довольно часто, и всегда хлопотно переключаться с одной мыши на другую, а потом не забыть переключиться обратно. Он установлен и в ближайшем будущем будет использоваться много часов! Два больших пальца вверх!

03 февраля 2020

Я использую это между ноутбуком Win7-Pro и рабочим столом WinXP-Pro, и он отлично работает в обоих направлениях. Очень полезный инструмент!

24 января 2020

Это программное обеспечение претендует на замену KVM-переключателя, но на самом деле это не так. K в KVM означает КЛАВИАТУРА, V означает ВИДЕО, а M означает МЫШЬ. Мышь без границ позволяет использовать одну клавиатуру и одну мышь более чем с одним компьютером, но не позволяет использовать один монитор более чем с одним компьютером. Каждый компьютер, управляемый этим программным обеспечением, должен иметь собственный монитор, и человек, управляющий им, должен иметь возможность видеть монитор контролируемого компьютера, иначе программное обеспечение бесполезно. Это программное обеспечение выполняет функции K&M переключателя KVM, но не управляет функцией V; чтобы это было правдой, им нужно выяснить, как переключить один монитор на рабочий стол компьютеров, управляемых программным обеспечением. Я бы не рекомендовал заменять KVM-переключатель, если вы намерены использовать это программное обеспечение, потому что вам все равно понадобятся мониторы для компьютеров, которыми вы хотите управлять.

Tired of juggling between multiple computers in your home or office? Say hello to Microsoft’s groundbreaking Mouse without Borders!

In this tutorial, you will learn to set up this ingenious solution that empowers you to effortlessly control numerous PCs via a single set of peripherals (mouse and keyboard).

Read on and boost your productivity like never before!


Ensure you have two PCs on the same network running Windows 7 or later the following in place to follow along. This tutorial uses two PCs running Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Installing Mouse Without Borders on Windows

Developed by Microsoft, Mouse without Borders is a software application that allows you to seamlessly switch between up to four computers — flexibility at its finest.

You can enjoy this capability that eliminates the need for separate input devices for each system. How? You must install Mouse without Borders on all devices you wish to control.

To install Mouse without Borders, follow these steps on each of your devices:

1. Open your favorite web browser, navigate to the official download page, and click Download to download Mouse without Borders’ setup file.

Downloading the Mouse without Borders setup file
Downloading the Mouse without Borders setup file

2. Once downloaded, open the MouseWithoutBorderSetup file, as shown below, to begin the installation.

Opening the Mouse without Border setup file
Opening the Mouse without Border setup file

3. Next, click Next on the setup window to continue with the installation.

Continuing with the Mouse without Borders installation
Continuing with the Mouse without Borders installation

4. Now, tick the box at the bottom to accept the license terms, and click Install to begin the installation.

Installing Mouse without Borders
Installing Mouse without Borders

5. Lastly, click Finish to complete the installation and close the setup wizard.

At this point, you should have a working installation of Mouse without Borders on both computers.

Finishing the installation
Finishing the installation

Linking Multiple Devices in Mouse Without Borders

With the Mouse without Borders installed, you are almost ready to link multiple devices. But first, you must configure your Mouse without Borders installation.

To link multiple devices in Mouse without Borders:

1. On the first computer, open Mouse without Borders (if not yet opened), and click NO since you have not configured Mouse without Borders on your second computer yet.

Select the NO option.<>
Select the NO option.<>

2. Next, note down the SECURITY CODE and COMPUTER’S NAME, as you will need them to connect to this computer later.

Noting down the security code and computer name
Noting down the security code and computer name

3. Switch to the second computer, open the Mouse Without Borders window, and this time click Yes.

Initiating linking to another device
Initiating linking to another device

4. Now, provide the SECURITY CODE and COMPUTER NAME you noted in step two, and click LINK to link your devices.

Note that both fields are case-sensitive, so do not put extra characters or trailing spaces.

Linking devices
Linking devices

5. Once linked, click NEXT to continue.

Continuing the configuration
Continuing the configuration

6. Click DONE to finish the setup.

Finishing the link setup
Finishing the link setup

Your connected computers are now shown in the main Mouse without Borders window on both computers. Once the computers are connected, the software synchronizes the input devices, enabling you to control all connected computers with a single mouse and keyboard.

Viewing linked devices via Mouse without Borders in Windows 11
Viewing linked devices via Mouse without Borders in Windows 11
Viewing linked devices via Mouse without Borders in Windows 10
Viewing linked devices via Mouse without Borders in Windows 10

7. Ultimately, move your mouse cursor beyond the borders of either of your two PCs, as shown below.

As you can see, the other monitor is like an extension of your first one. But there is so much more to this capability since you can now control two systems linked together using a single mouse and keyboard.

Moving the mouse cursor beyond the borders
Moving the mouse cursor beyond the borders

Fixing the “we were unable…” Error

In some instances, you may receive the following error message after attempting to link your computers. There are different causes, but no worries, as there are ways you can fix errors like this.

Getting the "we were unable..." Error
Getting the “we were unable…” Error

Running Mouse without Borders as an Administrator

Errors may come up when you launch software, like Mouse without Borders, without elevated privileges. You can fix elevated privileges-related errors by running Mouse without Borders as an administrator. Doing so allows the software to access necessary system resources and perform certain functions that may otherwise be restricted.

To run Mouse without Borders as an administrator:

1. Locate the program file for Mouse without Borders on your computer, typically at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Garage\Mouse without Borders.

2. Once found, right-click the program file and select Run as administrator from the context menu. Mouse without Borders will now run with elevated privileges.

Running Mouse without Borders as an Administrator
Running Mouse without Borders as an Administrator

3. Now, check the link status of your computers if the issue persists. If yes, jump to the following section to work on compatibility issues.

Running Mouse without Borders in Compatibility Mode

If running Mouse without Borders as an administrator did not fix the error, try eliminating compatibility issues. Mouse without Borders may rely on certain APIs or system calls that could have changed or been deprecated in newer versions of Windows.

To fix the compatibility issues, run Mouse without Borders in compatibility mode:

1. Right click on the program file for Mouse Without Borders again, and select Properties from the context menu.

Accessing Mouse without Borders’ properties
Accessing Mouse without Borders’ properties

2. Next, set the compatibility mode for Mouse without Borders with the following:

  • Navigate to the Compatibility tab.
  • Tick the Run this program in compatibility mode checkbox to enable the compatibility mode, and choose an appropriate Windows version from the dropdown menu. This feature ensures Mouse without Borders can use appropriate APIs and system calls, mimicking the behavior of an older Windows version if necessary.
  • Click Apply and OK to save your changes.
Configuring Mouse without Borders to run in compatibility mode
Configuring Mouse without Borders to run in compatibility mode

3. Close and re-open Mouse without Borders as administrator, which also now runs in compatibility mode.

4. Now, check the link status of your computers and if the issue persists. If so, you may have to link your devices manually, as demonstrated in the following section.

Linking Devices Manually

Mouse without Borders may fail to detect all the computers in a network automatically. This failure may occur for various reasons, such as network configuration issues, firewalls, or other factors.

These factors prevent the software from discovering all the available devices. In such cases, manually linking the devices using their local IP addresses can be a viable solution.

To link your devices manually, follow the steps below:

1. Open PowerShell on the first computer and run the below ipconfig command to find the computer’s local IP address.

Displaying all current TCP/IP network configuration values
Displaying all current TCP/IP network configuration values

2. Note the local IPv4 address (i.e., 192.x.x.x) displayed under the Wi-Fi or Ethernet adapter, as shown below. You will need this information for manually linking the devices.

mouse without borders - Noting down the local IP address
Noting down the local IP address

3. Next, perform IP mappings with the following:

  • Switch to your second computer, and navigate to the IP Mappings tab in Mouse without Borders.
  • Input the name of your first computer followed by the local IP address you noted in step two (i.e., WINDOWS11 192.x.x.x).
Mapping the local IP of the other computer
Mapping the local IP of the other computer

4. Finally, navigate to the Machine Setup tab, and click Apply to save the changes. As shown below, you can now establish a link and connect your devices.

Linking devices manually
Linking devices manually


Throughout this tutorial, you have unlocked the capabilities of controlling multiple PCs using a single mouse and keyboard, eliminating the hassle of juggling between devices. Mouse without Borders provides a game-changing solution for managing multiple computers with ease and efficiency.

You are now equipped to harness the full potential of Mouse without Borders, so embrace a new level of productivity! Now that you have mastered the basics, why not explore other features of Mouse without Borders, like hotkeys? Or learn how to troubleshoot clipboard-sharing issues?

Mouse without Borders supports clipboard sharing, copying and pasting text across computers, and dragging and dropping files. Simplify multitasking and streamline workflow with a unified control interface for multiple computers today!

Mouse without Borders Overview

Mouse without Borders is a Microsoft software program designed to allow users to control up to four computers from one keyboard and mouse. It enables users to move the mouse pointer freely between the four machines and to share text, files, and folders between the computers. The program works across different networks and allows users to switch back and forth between machines with just a few clicks.

Mouse without Borders allows users to control multiple computers with one mouse and keyboard.


• Control up to four computers with one keyboard and mouse: Mouse without Borders allows users to control up to four computers from one keyboard and mouse, enabling them to move the mouse pointer freely between the four machines.

• Share text, files, and folders between computers: The program also allows users to share text, files, and folders between the four computers.

• Works across different networks: Mouse without Borders works across different networks, including local networks and the internet.

• Simple to switch between machines: The program makes it easy to switch between machines with just a few clicks.

• Automatically recognize computers: Once the program is installed on all four computers, it will automatically recognize them and allow users to switch between them.

• Easy setup: Setting up Mouse without Borders is easy and can be completed in just a few minutes.

• Supports Windows and Mac operating systems: Mouse without Borders supports both Windows and Mac operating systems.

• Secure: All data shared between computers is encrypted, ensuring the security of the user’s information.

• Compatible with multiple devices: Mouse without Borders is compatible with multiple input devices, including keyboards, mice, and trackpads.

• Affordable: The program is free to use and can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.


Mouse without Borders is an incredibly useful program for people who need to control multiple computers with one keyboard and mouse. It allows them to move the mouse pointer freely between the computers and to share text, files, and folders between the computers. The program is easy to set up, secure, and free to use, making it an ideal choice for users who need to control multiple computers from one keyboard and mouse.

Minimum system requirements for Mouse without Borders:

* Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
* RAM: 1 GB or higher
* Hard Disk Space: 10 MB of free space
* Processor: Intel Pentium or later
* Network: Local Area Network (LAN) or Wireless
* Network Speed: 1 Mbps or higher
* Mouse/Keyboard: Microsoft Mouse/Keyboard or compatible

Mouse Without Borders скриншот № 1

Mouse Without Borders скриншот № 2

Mouse Without Borders — удобная программа, которая была разработана сотрудниками компании Microsoft в рамках проекта Microsoft Garage, и позволяющая одной клавиатурой и мышью одновременно управлять четырьмя компьютерами. Кроме переключения между рабочими столами, можно осуществлять перетаскивание файлов мышкой с одного десктопа на другой, производить одновременную авторизацию на всех компьютерах, делать скриншоты с любого экрана или блокировать контролируемые ПК.

Для предотвращения несанкционированного доступа к контролируемым компьютерам присутствует возможность ввести специльный код безопасности. Также можно изменить экран входа в систему на ежедневно обновляемую фотографию из Bing или свою собственную колекцию изображений. Присутствует поддержка «горячих» клавиш.

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Отзывы о программе Mouse Without Borders

Святой Няка-Лайк про Mouse Without Borders [09-03-2015]

Очень порадовала программа! На работе 2 компа, мониторы которых вплотную рядом стоят. Вот порой пытаешься курсор перетянуть с одного монитора на другой и каждый раз облом, а с этой программой очень легко это стало возможным. Не надо каждые 2 минуты перелазить с одного стула на другой. Юзаешь одну мышу и одну клаву на оба компа оч легко! Только в полноэкранных приложениях случаются неудобства (на 1 компе игра открыта, улетел курсор на другой моник — всё, на первый его уже вернуть не удается и контроль над игрой потерян до [ctrl-alt-del]`ета =)
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