Mother cleaned the windows twice last week they not go on holiday

Past Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense

 Все глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные  правильные  неправильные like – lik ed sleep – slept watch – watch ed  swim – swam  play – play ed  go – went count – count ed have – had

Все глаголы делятся на

правильные и неправильные



like – lik ed

sleep – slept

watch – watch ed

swim – swam

play – play ed

go – went

count – count ed

have – had

Remember!  Past Simple Tens обозначает действия, произошедшие в прошлом в определенное указанное время They graduated  four years ago .


Past Simple Tens

  • обозначает действия, произошедшие в прошлом в определенное указанное время
  • They graduated four years ago .

Remember! обозначает действия, постоянно  происходившие в прошлом, но которые больше не происходят He often  played football with his father  when he was five .


  • обозначает действия, постоянно происходившие в прошлом, но которые больше не происходят
  • He often played football with his father when he was five .

Remember! обозначает действия, следовавшие в прошлом непосредственно одно за другим They cooked the meal first ,  then  they ate with their friends.


  • обозначает действия, следовавшие в прошлом непосредственно одно за другим
  • They cooked the meal first , then they ate with their friends.

Remember! Когда речь идет о людях, которых уже нет в живых. Princess Diana visited a lot of schools.


  • Когда речь идет о людях, которых уже нет в живых.
  • Princess Diana visited a lot of schools.

Remember!  Слова-спутники  прошедшего времени: yesterday - вчера  the day before yesterday - позавчера last month – в прошлом месяце last year – в прошлом году last week – на прошлой неделе a year ago – год назад a week ago – неделю назад in 2009 – в 2009 году



прошедшего времени:

yesterday — вчера

the day before yesterday — позавчера

last month – в прошлом месяце

last year – в прошлом году

last week – на прошлой неделе

a year ago – год назад

a week ago – неделю назад

in 2009 – в 2009 году

Compare: I go  to school every day. I went to school yesterday. Girls played volleyball. Boys play football. Mom watched a film. Grandma watches TV in the living room.


  • I go to school every day.
  • I went to school yesterday.
  • Girls played volleyball.
  • Boys play football.
  • Mom watched a film.
  • Grandma watches TV in the living room.

Remember!  Чтобы задать вопрос или составить отрицательное предложение на помощь  приходит вспомогательный глагол  did


Чтобы задать вопрос или составить

отрицательное предложение на помощь

приходит вспомогательный глагол


slept A cat yesterday. sleep yesterday ? a cat Did sleep did not yesterday. A cat


A cat





a cat



did not


A cat

Задайте вопросы  My father went to the cinema yesterday. Did my father go to the cinema yesterday?  His sister bought a new dress last week. Did his sister buy a new dress last week?  A dog ate a bone. Did a dog eat a bone?

Задайте вопросы

My father went to the cinema yesterday.

Did my father go to the cinema yesterday?

His sister bought a new dress last week.

Did his sister buy a new dress last week?

A dog ate a bone.

Did a dog eat a bone?

Упражнение №1 Mother… (clean) the windows twice last week. They … (not/go) on holiday to Spain last year. Tina… (not/sing) in the school concert yesterday. Paul often…(fight) with his brother when they were young.

Упражнение №1

Mother… (clean) the windows twice last week.

They … (not/go) on holiday to Spain last year.

Tina… (not/sing) in the school concert yesterday.

Paul often…(fight) with his brother when they were young.

Упражнение №1 Mother Teresa… (help) the poor people of India. Her sister … (bake) this beautiful cake on Monday. … (Sam/enjoy) his trip to Wales last weekend. John…(fall) and …(hurt) his knee.

Упражнение №1

Mother Teresa… (help) the poor people of India.

Her sister … (bake) this beautiful cake on Monday.

… (Sam/enjoy) his trip to Wales last weekend.

John…(fall) and …(hurt) his knee.

Упражнение №2 Lesley … (buy) her house two months ago. It is a beautiful cottage in the countryside. However, when Lesley … (decide) to buy it, it … (need) a lot of work. First, she … (decorate) all the room. Then, she … (plant) lots of flowers in the garden. After that, she … (make) new curtains for all the windows. When it was ready, she … (move) in. That was last week. Now, Lesley is very happy.

Упражнение №2

Lesley … (buy) her house two months ago. It is a beautiful cottage in the countryside. However, when Lesley … (decide) to buy it, it … (need) a lot of work. First, she … (decorate) all the room. Then, she … (plant) lots of flowers in the garden. After that, she … (make) new curtains for all the windows. When it was ready, she … (move) in. That was last week. Now, Lesley is very happy.

Past Simple … V+ed/ V2 … did not (didn’t) + V1 Did … V1? – Yes,… did.  - No, … didn’t.

Past Simple

  • … V+ed/ V2
  • … did not (didn’t) + V1
  • Did … V1? – Yes,… did.
  • — No, … didn’t.

Упражнение №3 Claude Monet … (be) a famous artist. He … (paint) lots of beautiful pictures in his lifetime. He often … (take) his paints and a canvas into the countryside. He … (love) to paint trees and rivers during the different seasons of the year. Monet … (create) a new kind of art called Impressionism. He … (die) in 1926, but many people still visit museums and galleries to look at his pictures.

Упражнение №3

Claude Monet … (be) a famous artist. He … (paint) lots of beautiful pictures in his lifetime. He often … (take) his paints and a canvas into the countryside. He … (love) to paint trees and rivers during the different seasons of the year. Monet … (create) a new kind of art called Impressionism. He … (die) in 1926, but many people still visit museums and galleries to look at his pictures.

Упражнение №4 Ferdinand Magellan … (be) a Portuguese sailor who … (want) to sail around the world. Emperor Charles V of Spain … (give) him five ships and two hundred and sixty-five Spanish sailors. They … (leave) Spain on 20 th September, 1519 and … (begin) their long and dangerous journey. On the journey, Magellan … (discover) the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, he and many of the sailors … (die) in a battle on 27 th April, 1521. After that, a Spanish sailor … (take) control of the ships and … (set off) to complete the voyage. Only one ship and sixteen men … (survive) the journey. They … (arrive) back in Spain on 6 th of September, 1522. They … (be) the first men to sail around the world.

Упражнение №4

Ferdinand Magellan … (be) a Portuguese sailor who … (want) to sail around the world. Emperor Charles V of Spain … (give) him five ships and two hundred and sixty-five Spanish sailors. They … (leave) Spain on 20 th September, 1519 and … (begin) their long and dangerous journey.

On the journey, Magellan … (discover) the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, he and many of the sailors … (die) in a battle on 27 th April, 1521. After that, a Spanish sailor … (take) control of the ships and … (set off) to complete the voyage. Only one ship and sixteen men … (survive) the journey. They … (arrive) back in Spain on 6 th of September, 1522. They … (be) the first men to sail around the world.

Упражнение №5 1.Ferdinand Magellan/ be/ a Portuguese sailor? 2.the Emperor of Spain/ give him/ fifteen ships? 3.they?/ leave/ Spain/ 1619? 4.the journey/ be/ long and dangerous? 5.Magellan/ discover/ the Pacific Ocean? 6.Magellan/ die/ with soldiers/ in battle? 7.a Spanish sailor/ complete/ voyage? 8.the remaining ship/ reach/ Spain/ 1523 ?

Упражнение №5

1.Ferdinand Magellan/ be/ a Portuguese sailor?

2.the Emperor of Spain/ give him/ fifteen ships?

3.they?/ leave/ Spain/ 1619?

4.the journey/ be/ long and dangerous?

5.Magellan/ discover/ the Pacific Ocean?

6.Magellan/ die/ with soldiers/ in battle?

7.a Spanish sailor/ complete/ voyage?

8.the remaining ship/ reach/ Spain/ 1523 ?

Упражнение №6 A: What … (you/ do) last summer? B: I … (work) in a fast food restaurant. A: What kind of work … (you/ do)? B: I … (take) orders from customers. A: … (you/ earn) much money? B: Yes, but I … (spend) most of it. A: What … (you/ spend) it on? B: I … (go) on holiday to the Greek island. A: … (you/ have) a good time? B: Yes, it … (be) wonderful.

Упражнение №6

A: What … (you/ do) last summer?

B: I … (work) in a fast food restaurant.

A: What kind of work … (you/ do)?

B: I … (take) orders from customers.

A: … (you/ earn) much money?

B: Yes, but I … (spend) most of it.

A: What … (you/ spend) it on?

B: I … (go) on holiday to the Greek island.

A: … (you/ have) a good time?

B: Yes, it … (be) wonderful.

Упражнение №7 1. Where/ go? 2. Who/ go with? 3. have/ a good time? 4. stay/ at a camp-site? 5. the weather/ good? 6. What/ do every day? 7. eat/ at restaurant? 8. go/ the beach?

Упражнение №7

1. Where/ go?

2. Who/ go with?

3. have/ a good time?

4. stay/ at a camp-site?

5. the weather/ good?

6. What/ do every day?

7. eat/ at restaurant?

8. go/ the beach?

Past Simple (прошедшее простое)

1. Образование:

«+» N + V2

«?» Did + N + V1

«-» N + did + not + V1

did not = didn’t


правильные глаголы

окончание –ed

неправильные глаголы

смотрим в 2 столбик таблицы неправильных глаголов

2. Словаиндикаторы:


last night/week/month/year/Monday…

two days/weeks/months/years ago


in 1999

3. Ситуации употребления:

1) Для действий, которые произошли в определённое время (мы знаем когда) в прошлом.

2) Для повторяющихся регулярно действий в прошлом.

3) Когда говорим о деятельности людей, которых нет в живых.

You played volleyball last weekend.

Did you play volleyball last weekend?

You did not play volleyball last weekend.

He went to school yesterday.

Did he go to school yesterday?

He did not go to school yesterday.

A list of irregular verbs:

Задание: раскройте скобки формируя утвердительное, вопросительное и отрицательное предложения.

1) Mother … (clean) the windows twice last week.

+ _____________________________________

? _____________________________________

— _____________________________________

2) They … (go) on holiday to Spain last year.

+ _____________________________________

? _____________________________________

— _____________________________________

3) Tina … (sing) in the school concert yesterday.

+ _____________________________________

? _____________________________________

— _____________________________________

4) Paul often … (fight) with his brother when they were young.

+ _____________________________________

? _____________________________________

— _____________________________________

5) He … (help) the poor people.

+ _____________________________________

? _____________________________________

— _____________________________________

6) Her sister … (bake) this cake on Monday.

+ _____________________________________

? _____________________________________

— _____________________________________

7) Kate … (enjoy) her trip to London last weekend.

+ _____________________________________

? _____________________________________

— _____________________________________

8) John … (fall) and … (hurt) his knee.

+ _____________________________________

? _____________________________________

— _____________________________________


• We use the past simple to talk about things that happened in the past.

We usually say when they happened. We often use past time expressions;

We walked to school yesterday. She finished her homework an hour ago.
• To form the past simple of regular verbs, we add -ed or -d to the main verb:
play -> played like -> liked

tidy -> tidied stop -> stopped
• In negative sentences and questions, we use didn’t/did and the infinitive.
Did you play football yesterday? 

Употребление the Past Simple

1)Говорим о действиях, которые закончились в прошлом, если есть слово yesterday, указано точное время, указано время суток, указано время года, месяц, год, век, указан возраст, если в предложении встречаются словосочетания со словами ago, last и time, наречия last, first , next , after that , then, если есть придаточное предложение, начинающееся с when.

 Yesterday we went to the movie.  
 I rang  their doorbell several  times.  
 The Canadian singer often  sang  that song.  
 Tina didn’t sing in the school concert yesterday.  
 Her sister baked this beautiful cake on Monday.  
 John fell and hurt his knee.  
 Yesterday we played football  
 The football players arrived in London at 9 in the morning  
 Не called in the morning.  
 She didn’t work that night.  
 I worked in (the) summer.  
 They married in April, 1995  
 Gogol lived in the 19-th century.  
 Не started school at 7.  
 My brother played the guitar many years ago.  
 We went to the Zoo last Sunday.  
 When did you see him last?  
 At that time he worked in the Zoo.  
 What time did the match start?  
 First she bought one cat and then two more.  
 My brother played the guitar when he was a teenager.  
  They graduated four years ago.(When did they graduate? Four years ago. We know the time.)  
  I sprained my ankle last week.  
  Mother cleaned the windows twice last week.  
  Did Sam enjoy his trip to Wales last weekend?  
  They didn’t ‘go on holiday to Spain last year.  

2)Когда говорим о действии, используя промежутки времени и точки временного отсчёта, которые закончились.

 Paul often fought with his brother when they were young.  
He often played football with his dad when he was five.(But he doesn’t play football with his dad any more.)  
 Did I meet you in Hawaii in 2003?  
 My parents stayed in the country from June.  
 I stayed there from the beginning of July to the end of August.  
 Our teacher worked at school to the 30-th of June  
 We returned in the end of August.  

3)Когда описываем действия,  которые произошли последовательно в прошлом. Когда рассказываем истории.

 They cooked the  meal first. Then they ate  with their friends.  
 A man without a leg came to the door, took out his wrench, and started to force the lock.  
 She opened her handbag, took out a gun, aimed and fired.  
 Once upon a time there lived a little girl…  

4)  Говорим о людях, которых уже нет в живых.

 Princess Diana visited a lot of schools.  
 Mother Teresa helped the poor people of India.  

5) Используется в предложениях или вопросах, главным значением
которых является сообщение или выяснение деталей и обстоятельств, участников
события или действия.

 My brother invited 30 people to his birthday party.  
 Who broke the vase?  
 How did it happen?  
 Why didn`t you tell us about it?  
 The vikings discovered America.  
 My father smoked a lot.  
 They met at the exhibition.  
 We spoke Russian.  
 Не called too late.  

6)  Употребляется когда решительно отрицается какой-либо факт.

 I never called him.  
 We never met before.  
 I didn’t touch anything.  

7) Употребляется, если информация подаётся как факт, который нужно
принять к сведению, или человек считает необходимым выразить своё мнение.

 I forgot to buy bread.  
 I didn’t hear your question.  
 I didn’t like that place.  
 I didn’t understand your words.  
 Не didn’t call.  
 Our teacher fell ill.  
 I met him once.  
 I met Natasha this morning.  
 She told me…  

8) Если в предложении сообщается информация или делается запрос о только что

 A bee stung me!  
 Natasha pinched me!  
 Did the telephone ring?  

9) При описании / определении человека, предмета, ситуации, а также состояния
человека или природы.

 Before our neighbour was a circus clown.  
 Не always looked funny.  
 It was too late to call.  

Вопрос задан 26.06.2023 в 10:17.
Предмет Английский язык.
Спрашивает Жукова Рина.



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Отвечает Михайлов Дима.




Отвечает Титук Карина.

The correct sentence is: «Mother cleaned the windows twice last week.»



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< Предыдущий
Следующий >



Present Tenses
Past Tenses
Future Tenses


4. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

This is Mike. He 1)…(be) 12
years old. He 2)… (have got)
dark hair, grey eyes and a
pale complexion.
Mike 3)… (live) in Chicago
with his family. His father is a
teacher and his mother is a
has got
lawyer. Mike 4)… (not/have)
any brothers or sisters. He
5)… (love) football.
doesn’t have
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4
Check 5

5. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

Mike 6)… (want) to be a
professional football player.
He 7)… (like) school a lot. He
8)… (go) every day from 9 am
till 3:30 pm.
In his free time, Mike 9) …
(love) playing computer
games and he 10)… (enjoy)
watching TV.
Check 6
Check 7
Check 8
Check 9
Check 10

6. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

This is a family. Every
weekend they go to a
restaurant. Today they 1)…
(celebrate) mother’s
birthday. He daughter 2) …
(sing) a song to her. Her
are celebrating
mother 3)… (smile) to her.
is singing
Everybody 4)…(eat) tasty
is smiling
dinner. The boy doesn’t like
meat, so he 5) … (eat) salad.
is eating
is eating
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4
Check 5

7. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

A: What 1)… (you/do) so far?
B: Lot’s of things. I 2)…
(clean) the house, I 3) …
(cook) lunch and I 4)… (take)
the dog for a walk. What
about you?
have you done
have cleaned
have cooked
have taken
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4

8. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

A: I 5) … (water) the flowers,
I 6)… (wash) the dishes and I
7)… (cut) the grass.
have watered
have washed
have cut
Check 5
Check 6
Check 7

9. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

A: You look exhausted. 1)
…(work) too long?
B: Yes, I have. I 2) … (help)
my boss to update the files
all week. He 3)… (read) the
files and I 4)… (write) down
Have you
names, addresses, phone
been working
numbers. What about you?
have been helping
A: Well , I 5) … (train) hard
for the championship next has been reading
have been writing
have been training
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4
Check 5

10. Выбери правильный ответ

Dear diary,
It’s Sunday again. I … (be) so bored.
I … (not/know) what to do.
am not knowing
don’t know
not know
Mum is in the kitchen. She …(cook).
is cooking
has been cooking
She … (cook) since eight o’clock this morning.
is cooking
has been cooking


Dad’s in the garden. He … (mow) the lawn for two hours.
has been mowing
has mowed
He … (always/work) in the garden on Sunday mornings.
is always working
always works
has always worked
Jimmy is in his room. He … (do) his homework.
is doing
has done
I … (sit) alone in my bedroom. You’re my only companion.
am sitting


13. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

Mother 1)…(clean) the
windows twice last week.
They 2)…(not/go) on holidays
to Spain last year.
Tina 3)…(not/sing) in the
concert yesterday.
Paul often 4)…(fight) with his
didn’t go
brother when they were
didn’t sing
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4

14. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

Mother Teresa 5)…(help)
poor people of India.
Her sister 6)…(bake) this
beautiful bread on Monday.
7)…(Sam/enjoy) his trip to
Wales last weekend?
John 8)…(fall) and 9)…(hurt)
his knee.
Check 5
Did Sam enjoyed
Check 7
Check 6
Check 8
Check 9

15. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

Steve 1)…(have) an accident
yesterday. He 2)…(drive) his
car when a bird 3)…(fly) into
the windscreen. He 4)…(try)
to stop quickly but he 5)…
(crash) into a wall. Luckily, he was driving
6)…(not/be) hurt.
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4
Check 5
Check 5

16. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

Simon 1)…(dance) when he
fell and broke his leg.
Why 2)…(you/laugh) all
though your history lesson
was dancing
Bill 3)…(write) a letter when were you laughing
his mother 4)…(come).
was writing
It 5)…(rain) while I 6) …(wait)
for the bus.
was raining
was waiting
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4
Check 5
Check 6

17. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

• Jason 1)…(return) home before
the storm broke out.
• 2)…(Lucy/pack) her suitcase by
the time you called her?
• The children 3)…(finish) doing
their homework by nine o’clock. had returned
• 4)…(Julie/type) the letters by the Had Lucy packed
time her boss came to the
had finished
• I 5)…(not/finish) my lunch when Had Julie typed
uncle Bill came.
hadn’t finished
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4
Check 5

18. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

A: Are you all right? You look
B: Yes, I am. I didn’t sleep very
well. I 1)…(just/go) to sleep
last night when a lot of noise
outside woke me up. I got up had just gone
and went to the window. I 2)… had been standing
(stand) there for a few minutes
when two police cars stopped
outside the house.
Check 1
Check 2

19. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму

B: I went downstairs and a
policeman told me that two
prisoners 3)…(escape) from
prison and were hiding in the
A: Did they catch them again?
B: Yes, but I didn’t sleep well
after that.
Check 3

20. Выбери правильный ответ

They … (walk) in the park when the storm broke.
were walking
had been walking
The man …(pay) for his new car in cash.
had paid
I …(already/eat) breakfast by the time the others woke up.
had already eaten
already ate
had already ate
It …(snow) for three days when suddenly the sun came out.
was snowing
had been snowing


Sam …(work) here for six years before he left to go to university.
had worked
had been working
was working
Liz …(go) to the Bahamas for her holidays last year.
had gone
We …(watch) a film on TV when our guests arrived.
were watching
had watched
They …(already/see) the film twice at the cinema when she rented it on video.
had already been
had already seen


23. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (Future Simple или Present Simple)

A: I’m going to the gym
B: Well, while you 1)…(be)
there, I 2)…(do) the shopping.
A: 3)…(you/call) me when you
will do
4)…(get) home?
will you call
B: Yes, of course.
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4

24. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (Future Simple или Present Simple)

A: Is George going to eat
dinner with us?
B: No, by the time he 5…(get)
home it 6…(be) very late.
A: When 7…(you/pay) the
B: When I 8)…(get) my pay
will be
Check 5
Check 6
will you pay
Check 7
Check 8

25. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (Future Simple или Future Continuous)

A: Shall we go to the beach
B: Well, I’m working in the
morning, but I 1)…(phone) you
when I finish.
A: Shall we ask Ben and Linda to will phone
come with us?
will be seeing
B: Yes, I 2)…(see) Linda at work in will ask
the morning, so I 3)…(ask) her
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3

26. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (Future Simple или Future Continuous)

A: If they want to come I 4)…
(pick) you up from work and we
can all go together.
B: Great! Just think, we
5)…(swim) in the sea this time
tomorrow! I can’t wait!
will pick
Check 4
will be swimming
Check 5

27. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (Future Continuous или Future Perfect)

A: I can’t come shopping on
Saturday morning because I
B: That’s a pity.
A: Don’t phone me later than will be working
midnight because I 2)…(sleep)
will be sleeping
B: Shall I give you a call at about
10:30, then?
Check 1
Check 2

28. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (Future Continuous или Future Perfect)

A: Come to my house at six
B: 3)…(you/finish) your
homework by then?
will you have
A: Have you made the
preparations for the party? will have finished
B: Not yet, but I 4)…(finish) them
by this evening.
Check 3
Check 4

29. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (Future Perfect Continuous или Future Perfect)

1. By 3 o’clock, he … (study) for six
2. By the end of next month, Sam
…(finish) the project.
3. He …(not/start) painting the
kitchen before Tuesday.
4. By the time she arrives in Paris,
she …(travel) for four hours.
5. I hope I …(buy) my own house
by the time I’m thirty-five.
will have been
have finished
will not have
will have been
will have bought
Check 1
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4
Check 5

30. Поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (Future Perfect Continuous или Future Perfect)

6. By Saturday, Liza …(diet) for
two weeks.
7. Hopefully, they … (learn)
everything by the time they
sit the exam.
8. By 4 o’clock, I …(sit) in the
hairdresser’s for three hours.
9. By Christmas, I …(work) for
this company for eighteen
will have been
have learnt
will have been
will have been
Check 6
Check 7
Check 8
Check 9

31. Выбери правильный ответ

“What are you thinking about?” — “This time next week, I … on the beach.”
will have sunbathed
will have been sunbathing will be sunbathing
“Have you finished decorating your house yet?” – “No, but I … by Friday.”
will be finishing
will have been finishing
will have finished
“Have you just moved here?” – “No. I … for two years next month.”
will be living
will have been living
have lived
“… to the supermarket today?” – “Yes. Do you want me to get you something?”
Will you have gone
Will you have been
Will you be going

32. Выбери правильный ответ

“Can you give Steve a message for me?” — “Certainly I … him at work lately
will be seeing
will have seen
will have been seeing
“You’ve been working hard all day.” – “Yes, at 3 o’clock, I … for 6 hours.”
will be studying
will have been studying
will have studied
“John has an exam tomorrow, doesn’t he?” – “Yes. In fact, this time tomorrow, he … the exam.”
will have been sitting
will be sitting
has sat
“Are you typing another report?” – “Yes. By the time I finish this one, I … 23 reports
will have been typing
will have typed
will be typing

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