Mongodb скачать windows 10 x64

Try MongoDB Community Edition

The community version of our distributed document database provides powerful ways to query and analyze your data.


MongoDB Community Server

The Community version of our distributed database offers a flexible document data model along with support for ad-hoc queries, secondary indexing, and real-time aggregations to provide powerful ways to access and analyze your data.

The database is also offered as a fully-managed service with MongoDB Atlas. Get access to advanced functionality such as auto-scaling, serverless instances, full-text search, and data distribution across regions and clouds. Deploy in minutes on AWS, Google Cloud, and/or Azure, with no downloads necessary.

Give it a try with a free, highly-available 512 MB cluster. or get started from your terminal with the following two commands:

  • 7.0.2 (current)check
  • 6.0.11-rc0 (release candidate)
  • 6.0.10
  • 5.0.21
  • 4.4.25
  • 4.2.24
  • 4.0.28
  • 3.6.23
  • 3.4.24
  • 3.2.22
  • 3.0.15
  • Amazon Linux 2 ARM 64check
  • Amazon Linux 2 x64
  • Amazon Linux 2023 ARM 64
  • Amazon Linux 2023 x64
  • Debian 11.0 x64
  • macOS ARM 64
  • macOS x64
  • RedHat / CentOS 7.0 x64
  • RedHat / CentOS 8.0 x64
  • RedHat / CentOS 8.2 ARM 64
  • RedHat / CentOS 9.0 ARM 64
  • RedHat / CentOS 9.0 x64
  • Source (tgz)
  • Source (zip)
  • SUSE 12 x64
  • SUSE 15 x64
  • Ubuntu 20.04 ARM 64
  • Ubuntu 20.04 x64
  • Ubuntu 22.04 ARM 64
  • Ubuntu 22.04 x64
  • Windows x64
  • mongos
  • servercheck
  • tgz


MongoDB Community Server

MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator Download

Kubernetes Operators are application-specific controllers that extend the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage instances of stateful applications such as databases. On self-managed infrastructure – whether on-premises or in the cloud – Kubernetes users can use the MongoDB Community Operator for Kubernetes to deploy MongoDB clusters.

Using the MongoDB Kubernetes operator, you have full control over your MongoDB deployment from a single Kubernetes control plane, with a consistent experience across different deployment environments.

MongoDB is an open-source and widely used document-oriented NoSQL database that is designed to store a large scale of data. It offers JSON-like documents, ad hoc queries, indexing, and real-time aggregation, which makes it popular in the database world and also allows you to work with that data very efficiently. With the growing popularity of MongoDB, it has become essential for web developers to install and use MongoDB on their systems.

In this article, we will tell you everything on how to download and install MongoDB in Windows 10. You can go through KnowledgeHut’s web application development course to learn how to create a web application using the MongoDB database and get yourself the job of your dreams. This extensive guide will show you how to install MongoDB 6.0.1 Community Edition in Windows 10. So let us get started. 

We will show you how to install MongoDB Community Edition on Windows 10 using the default method with the MSI installation wizard. 

The msiexec.exe tool is useful for system administrators who wish to deploy MongoDB in an unattended fashion using automation. 


Before you download and install MongoDB on Windows, you must consider some considerations.

1. Install MongoDB Shell Separately

MongoDB Shell (mongosh) does not come with the MongoDB Community Edition. You need to install it separately after successfully installing the MongoDB server on your windows 10 system.

2. Platform Support

MongoDB 6.0 Community Edition requires x86_64 architecture to function correctly.

It supports 64-bit versions of the following Windows versions:

  • Windows Server 2019 
  • Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 

3. Virtualization

Microsoft does not support VirtualBox on Hyper-V by default.

If you want to install MongoDB on VirtualBox, then you need to disable Hyper-V in windows.

Follow the following steps to disable Hyper-V in Windows 10: 

  • Go to Control Panel 
  • Select “Programs and Features” 
  • Select «Turn Windows features on or off» on the left side 
  • In the Windows Features menu, navigate to Hyper-V > Hyper-V Platform and uncheck the Hyper-V Hypervisor check box. 
  • Click OK to save changes 

4. Production Notes 

If you need to optimize database performance further, you can read the MongoDB production notes and deploy the configuration recommendations. 


Before downloading and installing MongoDB, you must fulfill the minimum MongoDB system requirements to avoid any errors and poor performance.

Given below are the hardware and software requirements for MongoDB: 

1. Hardware Requirements

For Intel x86_64 architecture, MongoDB requires: 

  • Sandy Bridge or later processor 
  • Tiger Lake, Celeron, or Pentium processor. 

 For AMD x86_64 architecture, MongoDB requires:

  • Bulldozer or later processor. 

2. Software Requirements

  • Windows Server 2019 
  • Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 

How to Download MongoDB for Windows 10?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to download MongoDB for windows 10 64-bit msi installer file.

Step 1: Go to the Official MongoDB website

Step 2: Navigate to Products > Community Edition 

Step 3: Select the appropriate installer file from the dropdown menus on the Community Edition page.

  • In the version dropdown, select the latest version, 6.0.1(current) 
  • In the Platform dropdown, select Windows 
  • In the Package dropdown, select msi 

How to Download MongoDB for Windows 10?

Step 4: Click the green «Download» button. Wait for 2-5 minutes for the file to download. (Depending on your internet speed) 

How to Install MongoDB on Windows 10 [Step-by-Step]?

After the installer file has been downloaded, it’s time to run the installer file. 


Step: 1: Go to the downloaded directory in your system (by default, it should be in the `Downloads` directory). 

Step 2: Double-click on the .msi file. It will open the MongoDB setup windows. 

MongoDB setup window

Step 3: It will open the MongoDB Community Edition installation wizard. This setup wizard guides you through the installation of MongoDB in your system. To continue the process, click «Next.» 

MongoDB setup end-user license

Step 4: Read the End-User License Agreement, accept the terms and conditions, and then click the «Next» button to continue. 

MongoDB setup options

Step 5: Next, you can choose either the Complete setup or Custom setup type to proceed. But for a beginner, we’d recommend using the Complete setup option. It installs MongoDB in the default location. Select the Complete setup, and click «Next.» 

MongoDB setup configuration


Step 6: Select the «Install MongoD as a Service» option on the next page. Keep all other parameters as default. Click on the «Next» button.

MongoDB compass setup

Step 7: In the next step, you will get an option to install MongoDB compass. Uncheck it if you don’t want MongoDB compass to be installed on your device, and then click the «Next» button. 

MongoDB installation

Step 8: In the «Ready to install MongoDB» page, click the «Install» button, give administrator access, and wait for the installation to finish. Once installation is complete, you can click on the «Finish» button to finalize your installation. 

How to Install mongosh MongoDB Shell in Windows 10?

MongoDB installer does not include mongosh, which is a MongoDB Shell used for interacting with MongoDB deployments. You need to install it separately.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to installing it: 

Step 1: Open the MongoDB Download Center from this link 

mongoose download center

Step 2: Select Windows 64-bit (8.1+) (MSI) in the Platform dropdown menu 

Step 3: Click on the Download button, and wait for the download. 

Step 4: Go to the download directory, and double-click the installer file. 

Step 5: Follow the installation prompts to install mongosh 

Set up Environment Variable

Before you can run the MongoDB server, you have to add the MongoDB path as an environment variable.

Step 1: Go to the MongoDB installation directory in the “C Drive.» Navigate to Server > 6.0 > bin folder. Copy the path. It will look like this:

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\6.0\bin 

MongoDB copy bin path

Step 2: Go to Windows Search for «Environment Variables» and open the option «Edit environment variables for your account» option.

Open ‘Edit the system environment variables’ in Windows 10

Step 3: Click on the «Environment Variable..»

Open environment variables

Step 4: On the System variables, find the «Path» option. Double-click on it.

Set environment variables for MongoDB

Step 5: Click on «New» to set a new path variable.

Set environment variables for MongoDB

Step 6: Paste the copied path here, and press «OK.» Now you can run the MongoDB local server from any path in the terminal of your computer. 

How to Check If MongoDB is Installed?

After you’ve added the environment variable in the system, you can run the `mongod –version`  command on the Command window to check if MongoDB is installed correctly. It should give a result like this: 

C:\Users\Arnab\Desktop> mongod --version 
db version v5.0.9 
Build Info: { 
"version": "5.0.9", 
"gitVersion": "6f7dae919422dcd7f4892c10ff20cdc721ad00e6", 
"modules": [], 
"allocator": "system", 
"environment": { 
"distarch": "x86_64", 
"target_arch": "x86_64" 

How to Create a Demo Database on MongoDB?

Now that you’ve successfully installed MongoDB and mongoose shell in your system, here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a demo database to check if the database is appropriately working.

Step 1: Open the command prompt on your desktop, and type `mongosh` to start the MongoDB server. The screen will look like this. 

Start MongoDB local server

Step 2: Type `show dbs` to see the existing databases.

Show database

Step 3: To create a new database, just type `use ` For example, `use Knowledgehut` and hit enter.

Create new database

Step 4: To create a collection, you can type the following command. `db.createCollection(“”)`. For example, we can create a collection of students by typing `db.createCollection(“students”)` 

Create new collection

Step 5: Then, you can insert new data by typing `db.students.insertOne({«name»:» John», «title»:» Doe»})`

Add data to collection

Step 6: Now you can type `show dbs` to see all the databases, including the new one you just created.

Show database

How to Uninstall MongoDB in Windows 10? 

Here are the steps you need to follow to uninstall MongoDB from Windows 10: 

Step 1: Go to the control panel. 

Step 2: Then go to the Programs and Features section 

How to Uninstall MongoDB in Windows 10

Step 3: Select MongoDB from the list and double-click on it, and a prompt will appear asking you to confirm the uninstallation. 

Step 4: Click OK and wait for the uninstallation. Your system will restart.

How to Uninstall MongoDB in Windows 10

With that, you have successfully uninstalled MongoDB from Windows 10. 

Navigate to Programs and Features

To verify whether you’ve successfully uninstalled MongoDB from your system, you can open the Command window and type the following command: `mongod –version`. If it shows that «mongod is not recognized as an internal or external command,» you’ve successfully uninstalled MongoDB from your Windows 10 system.


MongoDB has garnered quite a lot of attention among developers and designers across the globe, owing to its numerous advantages over other SQL-based databases. 

Not to mention that it’s extremely easy to install on your Windows 10 computer. 

Just download the installation files, launch it accordingly and follow the steps mentioned in detail to install MongoDB on your Windows 10.

If you want to learn more, go to KnowledgeHut’s web application development course, and you’ll learn everything you need to know about using the MongoDB database to create cloud-based applications.

Once done, test the newly installed application to check if it works appropriately as per your need. If not, make sure to follow the above-mentioned steps carefully to ensure that you’ve followed all the steps correctly. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How Do You Install MongoDB on Windows Using CMD?

Here is a step-by-step guide to installing MongoDB on Windows using CMD: 

1. Step 1 Open Your Browser and navigate to MongoDB Download Center. 

2. Step 2: Select the appropriate installer file from the dropdown menus.

  • In the version dropdown, select the latest version, 6.0.1(current) 
  • In the Platform dropdown, select Windows 
  • In the Package dropdown, select MSI. 

3. Go to the Downloads folder, and open the Windows Command Interpreter. 

4. Here, run the following command: `msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-6.0.1-signed.msi`, and press enter.

5. This will install MongoDB in the default directory «C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\6.0\bin.” 

2. Can You Install MongoDB on Windows? 

You can easily install MongoDB on a Windows system by following our step-by-step guide. Just check the system requirements before installing it on Windows. 

3. Can I Run MongoDB Locally? 

If you install the MongoDB community edition in your system, you can run MongoDB locally. However, you must consider that you can access the database only on your local machine. It’s not accessible via the internet.

4. How Do I Start MongoDB in Windows Automatically? 

When installing MongoDB on your Windows 10 machine, choose the option to install MongoDB as a service. This will run MongoDB automatically when your machine is booting up. 

5. How To Check MongoDB Version in Windows? 

Open your command prompt, and type the following command: `mongod –version`. It will show the MongoDB version installed on your machine.


Welcome to MongoDB!


  • mongod — The database server.
  • mongos — Sharding router.
  • mongo — The database shell (uses interactive javascript).

Download MongoDB

  • Using homebrew brew tap mongodb/brew
  • Using docker image docker pull mongo


See Building MongoDB.


For command line options invoke:

$ ./mongod --help

To run a single server database:

$ sudo mkdir -p /data/db
$ ./mongod
$ # The mongo javascript shell connects to localhost and test database by default:
$ ./mongo
> help

Installing Compass

You can install compass using the install_compass script packaged with MongoDB:

$ ./install_compass

This will download the appropriate MongoDB Compass package for your platform
and install it.


Client drivers for most programming languages are available at Use the shell
(mongo) for administrative tasks.

Bug Reports



Packages are created dynamically by the buildscripts/ script.
This will generate RPM and Debian packages.

Learn MongoDB

  • Documentation —
  • Developer Center —
  • MongoDB University —

Cloud Hosted MongoDB



    Technical questions about using MongoDB.


    Technical questions about building and developing MongoDB.


MongoDB is free and the source is available. Versions released prior to
October 16, 2018 are published under the AGPL. All versions released after
October 16, 2018, including patch fixes for prior versions, are published
under the Server Side Public License (SSPL) v1.
See individual files for details.



Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10


MongoDB предоставляет пользователям систему NoSQL-базы данных документов, преимущества которой включают масштабируемость (способность обрабатывать большие наборы данных) и динамическое структурирование схем, что позволяет изменять содержимое базы данных без задержек.


В отличие от реляционных баз данных, эта основана не на таблицах, а опирается на модель документа, работающую с JSON, имеющим динамическую структуру, в формате BSON. Ее динамическая архитектура обеспечивает быстрое и удобное изменение схемы данных, а также позволяет выполнять все основные задачи, такие как управление записями, выполнение запросов, манипулирование и индексация данных.

Благодаря богатому набору функций MongoDB может быть легко развернута в любой производственной среде, независимо от ее сложности, без ущерба для производительности, надежности и гибкости.

Такой подход делает данное ПО подходящим для бизнес-среды, позволяя пользователям разрабатывать всевозможные приложения, которые работают с большими объемами данных, такие как облачные сервисы или веб-приложения, системы управления контентом, концентраторы данных, пользовательские программы управления данными и многие другие.


MongoDB.Server, Release version: 6.0.6

Command Line

Download Links For Version 6.0.6

Download Links For Version 6.3.0

Download Links For Version 6.0.5

Download Links For Version 6.0.1

Download Links For Version 6.0.0

Download Links For Version 5.3.2

Download Links For Version 5.3.1

Download Links For Version 5.2.1

Download Links For Version 5.2.0

Download Links For Version 5.1.0

Download Links For Version 5.0.4

Download Links For Version 5.0.2

Download Links For Version 5.0.1

Download Links For Version 5.0.0

Download Links For Version 4.4.6

Download Links For Version 4.4.5

Download Links For Version 4.4.4

Download Links For Version 4.4.3

Download Links For Version 4.2.8


  • last updated 6/19/2023 6:01:54 AM

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