Modulenotfounderror no module named pip windows

I have installed pip and ez setup. I also checked the system path and I can see the module in the folder structure. Still when I try to run the pip command, I get an Import error saying no module named pip. I am running 32-bit Python on a Windows 7 machine.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

asked Sep 17, 2015 at 20:07

Deval Pandya's user avatar


Just be sure that you have included the Python executable in the Windows Environment Variables, System PATH variable, and then run:
python -m ensurepip.

or if you have permission issue, run:
python -m ensurepip --user

blackraven's user avatar


5,2947 gold badges19 silver badges45 bronze badges

answered Mar 1, 2017 at 12:13

Gorodeckij Dimitrij's user avatar


After running with Python embed, you have to modify your pythonXX._pth file. Add Lib\site-packages, to get something like this:
# Uncomment to run site.main() automatically
#import site

If you don’t, you will get this error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pip’


python-3.8.2-embed-amd64\python.exe: No module named pip

λ pip
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
  File "", line 86, in _run_code
  File "python-3.8.2-embed-amd64\Scripts\pip.exe\", line 4, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'

λ python -m pip
python-3.8.2-embed-amd64\python.exe: No module named pip

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Mar 24, 2020 at 10:48

user2226755's user avatar


12.5k5 gold badges50 silver badges73 bronze badges


This issue occurs with me while I was trying to upgrade pip version.
It was resolved with the following commands:

python -m ensurepip

The above command restores the pip and below mentioned upgrades it.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip 

answered Dec 9, 2020 at 20:06

raven404's user avatar


1,0499 silver badges14 bronze badges


What solved the issue on my case was go to:

cd C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts

And run below command:

easy_install.exe pip

answered Apr 10, 2019 at 12:51

Lucas Mota Alves's user avatar


Try to type pip3 instead of pip.

Also for upgrading pip, don’t use pip3 in the command

python -m pip install -U pip

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Dec 17, 2016 at 19:43

Setmax's user avatar


9667 silver badges11 bronze badges

It turned out I had two versions of the Python executable on my laptop.

Both commands worked for me

python -m ensurepip
py -m ensurepip

Both with another installation path

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\shared\python36_64\lib\site-packages

Only the first path was in my %PATH% variable.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Nov 27, 2018 at 8:55

Sloomy's user avatar


1511 silver badge6 bronze badges


First make sure that python is added in environment variable.

Try checking the version of pip or pip3. Use these commands to check.

For pip:

pip --version

For pip3:

pip3 --version 

If you can see any version of pip and still not able to use it, then run the following command.

python -m ensurepip 

This ensures the pip in your system.

answered Apr 3, 2022 at 18:18

Rajan Gautam's user avatar

I found this post while looking for a solution for the same problem. I was using an embedded Python distribution. In this case, the solution is to uncomment import site in the file python<version>._pth.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Jul 29, 2021 at 12:52

canbooo's user avatar


711 silver badge3 bronze badges


Running these 2 commands helped me:

curl -o


answered Sep 25, 2020 at 21:02

Deviljee's user avatar


711 silver badge5 bronze badges

If you wrote

pip install --upgrade pip

and you got

Installing collected packages: pip
  Attempting uninstall: pip
    Found existing installation: pip 20.2.1
    Uninstalling pip-20.2.1:
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError...

Then you have uninstalled pip instead install pip. This could be the reason of your problem.

The Gorodeckij Dimitrij’s answer works for me.

python -m ensurepip

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Oct 13, 2020 at 14:49

negas's user avatar


86112 silver badges10 bronze badges

The ensurepip module was added in version 3.4 and then backported to 2.7.9.

So make sure your Python version is at least 2.7.9 if using Python 2, and at least 3.4 if using Python 3.

answered Feb 12, 2018 at 20:38

twasbrillig's user avatar


17.2k9 gold badges43 silver badges67 bronze badges

I’v solved this error by setting the correct path variables


answered Jul 23, 2019 at 7:40

PratikPal's user avatar


511 silver badge3 bronze badges

I was facing the same issue and resolved it using the following steps.

  1. Go to your Python package and rename «python37._pth» to

  2. curl -o

  3. then run python

  4. pip install django

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Sep 15, 2019 at 5:13

vaquar khan's user avatar

vaquar khanvaquar khan

10.9k5 gold badges73 silver badges96 bronze badges


I’ve solved this error downloading the executable file for python 3.7.
I’ve had downloaded the embeddeable version and got that error.
Now it works! :D

answered Oct 16, 2018 at 2:07

Gonzalo Blotta's user avatar

Instead of Python zip install python by python installer. It fixed the issue for me.

answered Aug 2, 2022 at 11:04

Abhiroop Nandi Ray's user avatar

The method I’m going to tell might not be the correct way to do it. But this method solved my issue. I tried every solution on YouTube and Stack Overflow methods.

  1. If you have two Python versions installed. Delete one. I have the Python 3.8.1 and 3.9.0 versions installed. I deleted version 3.9.0 from the C directory.

  2. Now go to the control panel → System and securitySystemAdvanced system settings.

    Enter image description here

    Click on ‘Environment Variables’.

    Enter image description here

    Select the path and click on ‘Edit…’

    Now, add the path of the Python executable and also the path of pip module. In my case it was C:\python38 and C:\python38\scripts.

This method solved my issue.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Feb 14, 2021 at 12:43

Tahil Bansal's user avatar

Here i need to do this things:

1 — Redownload python 3.9 (

2 — Reinstall

3 — Edit the file python3.9._pth


# Uncomment to run site.main() automatically
#import site

4 — run the command «python -m pip install requests»

answered Jun 11 at 21:51

user251929Fdantas's user avatar

Usally upgrading the pipline will solve the problem, when upgrading check that you have the permission (in case you are working from Command Line)

python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip

answered Jul 30 at 11:34

Abdulrazzak Alsssouki's user avatar

I have installed pip and ez setup. I also checked the system path and I can see the module in the folder structure. Still when I try to run the pip command, I get an Import error saying no module named pip. I am running 32-bit Python on a Windows 7 machine.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

asked Sep 17, 2015 at 20:07

Deval Pandya's user avatar


Just be sure that you have included the Python executable in the Windows Environment Variables, System PATH variable, and then run:
python -m ensurepip.

or if you have permission issue, run:
python -m ensurepip --user

blackraven's user avatar


5,2947 gold badges19 silver badges45 bronze badges

answered Mar 1, 2017 at 12:13

Gorodeckij Dimitrij's user avatar


After running with Python embed, you have to modify your pythonXX._pth file. Add Lib\site-packages, to get something like this:
# Uncomment to run site.main() automatically
#import site

If you don’t, you will get this error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pip’


python-3.8.2-embed-amd64\python.exe: No module named pip

λ pip
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
  File "", line 86, in _run_code
  File "python-3.8.2-embed-amd64\Scripts\pip.exe\", line 4, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'

λ python -m pip
python-3.8.2-embed-amd64\python.exe: No module named pip

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Mar 24, 2020 at 10:48

user2226755's user avatar


12.5k5 gold badges50 silver badges73 bronze badges


This issue occurs with me while I was trying to upgrade pip version.
It was resolved with the following commands:

python -m ensurepip

The above command restores the pip and below mentioned upgrades it.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip 

answered Dec 9, 2020 at 20:06

raven404's user avatar


1,0499 silver badges14 bronze badges


What solved the issue on my case was go to:

cd C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts

And run below command:

easy_install.exe pip

answered Apr 10, 2019 at 12:51

Lucas Mota Alves's user avatar


Try to type pip3 instead of pip.

Also for upgrading pip, don’t use pip3 in the command

python -m pip install -U pip

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Dec 17, 2016 at 19:43

Setmax's user avatar


9667 silver badges11 bronze badges

It turned out I had two versions of the Python executable on my laptop.

Both commands worked for me

python -m ensurepip
py -m ensurepip

Both with another installation path

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\shared\python36_64\lib\site-packages

Only the first path was in my %PATH% variable.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Nov 27, 2018 at 8:55

Sloomy's user avatar


1511 silver badge6 bronze badges


First make sure that python is added in environment variable.

Try checking the version of pip or pip3. Use these commands to check.

For pip:

pip --version

For pip3:

pip3 --version 

If you can see any version of pip and still not able to use it, then run the following command.

python -m ensurepip 

This ensures the pip in your system.

answered Apr 3, 2022 at 18:18

Rajan Gautam's user avatar

I found this post while looking for a solution for the same problem. I was using an embedded Python distribution. In this case, the solution is to uncomment import site in the file python<version>._pth.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Jul 29, 2021 at 12:52

canbooo's user avatar


711 silver badge3 bronze badges


Running these 2 commands helped me:

curl -o


answered Sep 25, 2020 at 21:02

Deviljee's user avatar


711 silver badge5 bronze badges

If you wrote

pip install --upgrade pip

and you got

Installing collected packages: pip
  Attempting uninstall: pip
    Found existing installation: pip 20.2.1
    Uninstalling pip-20.2.1:
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError...

Then you have uninstalled pip instead install pip. This could be the reason of your problem.

The Gorodeckij Dimitrij’s answer works for me.

python -m ensurepip

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Oct 13, 2020 at 14:49

negas's user avatar


86112 silver badges10 bronze badges

The ensurepip module was added in version 3.4 and then backported to 2.7.9.

So make sure your Python version is at least 2.7.9 if using Python 2, and at least 3.4 if using Python 3.

answered Feb 12, 2018 at 20:38

twasbrillig's user avatar


17.2k9 gold badges43 silver badges67 bronze badges

I’v solved this error by setting the correct path variables


answered Jul 23, 2019 at 7:40

PratikPal's user avatar


511 silver badge3 bronze badges

I was facing the same issue and resolved it using the following steps.

  1. Go to your Python package and rename «python37._pth» to

  2. curl -o

  3. then run python

  4. pip install django

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Sep 15, 2019 at 5:13

vaquar khan's user avatar

vaquar khanvaquar khan

10.9k5 gold badges73 silver badges96 bronze badges


I’ve solved this error downloading the executable file for python 3.7.
I’ve had downloaded the embeddeable version and got that error.
Now it works! :D

answered Oct 16, 2018 at 2:07

Gonzalo Blotta's user avatar

Instead of Python zip install python by python installer. It fixed the issue for me.

answered Aug 2, 2022 at 11:04

Abhiroop Nandi Ray's user avatar

The method I’m going to tell might not be the correct way to do it. But this method solved my issue. I tried every solution on YouTube and Stack Overflow methods.

  1. If you have two Python versions installed. Delete one. I have the Python 3.8.1 and 3.9.0 versions installed. I deleted version 3.9.0 from the C directory.

  2. Now go to the control panel → System and securitySystemAdvanced system settings.

    Enter image description here

    Click on ‘Environment Variables’.

    Enter image description here

    Select the path and click on ‘Edit…’

    Now, add the path of the Python executable and also the path of pip module. In my case it was C:\python38 and C:\python38\scripts.

This method solved my issue.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Feb 14, 2021 at 12:43

Tahil Bansal's user avatar

Here i need to do this things:

1 — Redownload python 3.9 (

2 — Reinstall

3 — Edit the file python3.9._pth


# Uncomment to run site.main() automatically
#import site

4 — run the command «python -m pip install requests»

answered Jun 11 at 21:51

user251929Fdantas's user avatar

Usally upgrading the pipline will solve the problem, when upgrading check that you have the permission (in case you are working from Command Line)

python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip

answered Jul 30 at 11:34

Abdulrazzak Alsssouki's user avatar


  • pip version: 9.0.3
  • Python version: 3.6
  • OS: Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

My system admin installed Python 3.6 for me in my AWS workspace and i requested him to update the pip version to 18 but while he was trying to upgrade the version, he ran into error. All below-mentioned commands were executed from a Powershell window in Administrative mode:


PS D:\python\3.6\scripts> pip install --upgrade pip
Collecting pip
/pip-18.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.3MB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 1.3MB 720kB/s
Installing collected packages: pip
  Found existing installation: pip 9.0.3
    Uninstalling pip-9.0.3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 544, in move
    os.rename(src, real_dst)
OSError: [WinError 17] The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive: 'd:\\python\\3.6\\scripts\\pip.exe' ->

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\site-packages\pip\", line 215, in main
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\site-packages\pip\commands\", line 342, in run
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\site-packages\pip\req\", line 778, in install
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\site-packages\pip\req\", line 754, in uninstall
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\site-packages\pip\req\", line 115, in remove
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\site-packages\pip\utils\", line 267, in renames
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 559, in move
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'd:\\python\\3.6\\scripts\\pip.exe'

PS D:\python\3.6\scripts> pip list
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "D:\Python\3.6\Scripts\pip.exe\", line 5, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'

PS D:\python\3.6\scripts> pip3 install --upgrade pip
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "D:\Python\3.6\Scripts\pip3.exe\", line 5, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'

PS D:\python\3.6\scripts> pip3 install --upgrade pip3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "D:\Python\3.6\Scripts\pip3.exe\", line 5, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'

PS D:\python\3.6\scripts> pip install --upgrade pip
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "D:\Python\3.6\Scripts\pip.exe\", line 5, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'

PS D:\python\3.6\scripts> pip.exe install --upgrade pip
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "d:\python\3.6\lib\", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "D:\Python\3.6\Scripts\pip.exe\", line 5, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'

Are we doing something wrong here? I also checked few links that suggested using easy_install. I tried that as well but ran into issues.

PS D:\python\3.6\scripts> .\easy_install.exe pip
Searching for pip
d:\python\3.6\lib\site-packages\setuptools\ RuntimeWarning: Config variable 'Py_DEBUG' is unset, Python
 ABI tag may be incorrect
  warn=(impl == 'cp')):
d:\python\3.6\lib\site-packages\setuptools\ RuntimeWarning: Config variable 'WITH_PYMALLOC' is unset, P
ython ABI tag may be incorrect
  warn=(impl == 'cp')):
error: Download error for
703d2ddaf940/pip-18.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl#sha256=070e4bf493c7c2c9f6a08dd797dd3c066d64074c38e9e8a0fb4e6541f266d96c: [SSL
: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:833)

One error that you might encounter while using Python is:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'

This error occurs when the pip module is not available in your Python environment.

This tutorial shows an example that causes this error and how to fix it.

How to reproduce the error

Suppose you want to import the pip module in your source code as follows:

import pip


But you get the following error when running the code:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    import pip
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'

This error occurs when the pip module is not available in your Python environment.

The pip module is usually bundled with Python, so it should be available when you installed the Python program.

But if you see this error, then Python might have skipped building the pip module when you install it.

How to fix this error

To resolve this error, you need to install the pip module using the ensurepip module.

Try to run one of the commands below:

python -m ensurepip

# For Python 3:
python3 -m ensurepip

# Windows:
py -m ensurepip

# For Linux, you can also use:
sudo apt install python3-pip

Once the module is installed, run one of the following commands to see if pip is available:

pip -V
pip3 -V

# If pip not available in PATH, try:
python -m pip -V
python3 -m pip -V

If the command works, then you should be able to import pip in your source code without receiving the error.

Alternative ways to install pip

If the command above doesn’t work, you can try using the script to install the module.

First, download the script from into your computer. You need to open the context menu with right-click and select the ‘Save As..’ option.

Next, run the script using Python from your terminal as follows:


# For Python 3:

# Windows:

You should have a similar output as follows:

You should be able to run pip or pip3 from the terminal now.

If you still can’t access pip, then try to install the module using commands specific to your Operating System:

# For Debian / Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-venv python3-pip

# For Fedora
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install python3-pip python3-wheel

# For CentOS / RHEL
sudo yum update
sudo yum install python3 python3-pip

If you’re using Windows or macOS, you need to reinstall Python using the official installer, which should also take care of adding pip to the system PATH.

Adding pip to PATH

If you can’t run pip -V but able to run python -m pip -V, that means the path to pip is not added to your PATH system.

In Windows, you can do this using the set PATH command.

Get the location of Python using the where python command as follows:


where python

Next, add the location to python.exe to your PATH as follows:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\nsebhastian\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310

That should allow the command prompt to find the pip module for the current session. If you want to add the location permanently to the PATH, use the setx command instead of set.

For Linux and macOS, run the export PATH command followed by the $PATH variable:

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/python"

You need to add the absolute path to the Python location as well.


The ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip' occurs in Python when the pip module is not available in the current Python environment.

To resolve this error, run the ensurepip or script that will install pip to your system.

I hope this tutorial is helpful. See you in other tutorials! 👍

This error occurs when you try to use pip, but it is not installed in your Python environment. This can happen if you skip installing pip when installing Python or when creating a virtual environment, or after explicitly uninstalling pip.

You can solve this error by downloading pip using the following curl command

curl -o

Then install pip by running:


If this does not work, you can use ensurepip to bootstrap the pip installer into an existing Pip installation or virtual environment. For example,

# Linux
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade

# MacOS
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade

# Windows
py -m ensurepip --upgrade

This tutorial will go through the ways to ensure pip is installed in your environment.

Table of contents

  • Install pip by Downloading
  • Bootstrap pip using ensurepip
  • Install pip using Operating System Specific command
    • Installing pip for Linux
    • Installing pip for Mac Operating System
  • Upgrading pip
  • Check pip and Python version
  • Recreate Virtual Environment
  • Summary

Install pip by Downloading

Download pip by running the following curl command:

curl -o

The curl command allows you to specify a direct download link. Using the -o option sets the name of the downloaded file.

Install pip by running:


Bootstrap pip using ensurepip

You can use ensurepip to bootstrap the pip installer into an existing Pip installation or virtual environment. For example,

# Linux
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade

# MacOS
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade

# Windows
py -m ensurepip --upgrade

Install pip using Operating System Specific command

If the above solutions do not work, you can try to install pip using the command specific to your operating system.

Installing pip for Linux

All major Linux distributions have Python installed by default. However, you will need to install pip. You can install pip from the terminal, but the installation instructions depend on the Linux distribution you are using. You will need root privileges to install pip. Open a terminal and use the commands relevant to your Linux distribution to install pip.

Installing pip for Ubuntu, Debian, and Linux Mint

sudo apt install python-pip3

Installing pip for CentOS 8 (and newer), Fedora, and Red Hat

sudo dnf install python-pip3

Installing pip for CentOS 6 and 7, and older versions of Red Hat

sudo yum install epel-release

sudo yum install python-pip3

Installing pip for Arch Linux and Manjaro

sudo pacman -S python-pip

Installing pip for OpenSUSE

sudo zypper python3-pip

Installing pip for Mac Operating System

You can install Python3 and pip3 using brew with the following command:

brew install python

Upgrading pip

You may also need to upgrade pip, which you can do with the following commands:

# Linux
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

# MacOS
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

# Windows
py -m pip install --upgrade pip

Check pip and Python version

Ensure that the Python version in use matches the pip version. You can check versions from the command line using the --version flag. For example,

python --version
Python 3.8.8
pip --version
pip 21.2.4 from /Users/Research/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip (python 3.8)

Note that the –version returns the version of Python is 3.8.8, and the pip installer in use is for 3.8.

Recreate Virtual Environment

If you are using a virtual environment and the error persists despite trying the above solutions, you can recreate the environment. For example,

# deactivate environment


# remove the virtual environment folder

rm -rf venv

# Initial a new virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv

# Activate on Linux/MacOS

source venv/bin/activate

# Activate on Windows (cmd.exe)


# Activate on Windows (PowerShell)



Congratulations on reading to the end of this tutorial.

Go to the online courses page on Python to learn more about Python for data science and machine learning.

For further reading on missing modules in Python, go to the article:

  • How to Solve ModuleNotFoundError: no module named ‘plotly’.
  • How to Solve Python ModuleNotFoundError: no module named ‘pymongo’
  • How to Solve Python ModuleNotFoundError: no module named ‘xgboost’

Have fun and happy researching!

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