Mkdir в командной строке windows

Программистам часто приходится работать в консоли — например, чтобы запустить тестирование проекта, закоммитить новый код на Github или отредактировать документ в vim. Всё это происходит так часто, что все основные действия с файлами становится быстрее и привычнее выполнять в консоли. Рассказываем и показываем основные команды, которые помогут ускорить работу в терминале под OS Windows.

Для начала нужно установить терминал или запустить командную строку, встроенную в Windows — для этого нажмите Win+R и введите cmd. Терминал часто встречается и прямо в редакторах кода, например, в Visual Studio Code.

Чтобы ввести команду в консоль, нужно напечатать её и нажать клавишу Enter.

Содержимое текущей папки — dir

Выводит список файлов и папок в текущей папке.

 Том в устройстве C имеет метку SYSTEM
 Серийный номер тома: 2C89-ED9D

 Содержимое папки C:\content-server

06.10.2020  00:41    <DIR>          .
06.10.2020  00:37    <DIR>          .circleci
16.07.2020  16:04               268 .editorconfig
16.07.2020  16:04                10 .eslintignore
16.07.2020  16:04               482 .eslintrc
06.10.2020  00:37    <DIR>          .github
16.07.2020  16:04                77 .gitignore
06.10.2020  00:41    <DIR>          assets
06.10.2020  00:41    <DIR>          gulp
16.07.2020  16:10               379 gulpfile.js
16.07.2020  16:10           296 320 package-lock.json
16.07.2020  16:10               751 package.json
16.07.2020  16:04               509

Открыть файл

Чтобы открыть файл в текущей папке, введите его полное имя с расширением. Например, blog.txt или setup.exe.

Перейти в другую папку — cd

Команда cd без аргументов выводит название текущей папки.

Перейти в папку внутри текущего каталога:

C:\content-server>cd assets

Перейти на одну папку вверх:

C:\content-server\assets>cd ..

Перейти в папку на другом диске:

c:\content-server>cd /d d:/

Чтобы просто изменить диск, введите c: или d:.

Создать папку — mkdir или md

Создаём пустую папку code внутри папки html:

d:\html>mkdir coded:\html>dir

 Содержимое папки d:\html

03.11.2020  19:23    <DIR>           .
03.11.2020  19:23    <DIR>           ..
03.11.2020  19:25    <DIR>           code
               0 файлов              0 байт
               3 папок  253 389 438 976 байт свободно

Создаём несколько пустых вложенных папок — для этого записываем их через косую черту:

d:\html>mkdir css\js
 Том в устройстве D имеет метку DATA
 Серийный номер тома: 0000-0000

 Содержимое папки d:\html

03.11.2020  19:23    <DIR>           .
03.11.2020  19:23    <DIR>           ..
03.11.2020  19:25    <DIR>           code
03.11.2020  19:29    <DIR>           css

Создаётся папка css, внутри которой находится папка js. Чтобы проверить это, используем команду tree. Она показывает дерево папок.

Удалить папку — rmdir или rd

Чтобы удалить конкретную папку в текущей, введите команду rmdir:

d:\html\css>rmdir js

При этом удалить можно только пустую папку. Если попытаться удалить папку, в которой что-то есть, увидим ошибку:

d:\html\css>d:\html>rmdir css
Папка не пуста.

Чтобы удалить дерево папок, используйте ключ /s. Тогда командная строка запросит подтверждение перед тем, как удалить всё.

d:\html>rmdir css /s
css, вы уверены [Y(да)/N(нет)]? y

Показать дерево папок — tree

В любом момент мы можем увидеть структуру папок. Для этого используется команда tree.

Структура папок тома DATA
Серийный номер тома: 0000-0000

Если вы хотите посмотреть содержимое всего диска, введите tree в корне нужного диска. Получится красивая анимация, а если файлов много, то ещё и немного медитативная.

Удаление файла — del или erase

Команда для удаления одного или нескольких файлов.

d:\html>del blog.txt

Переименование файла — ren или rename

Последовательно вводим ren, старое и новое имя файла.

 Содержимое папки d:\html

03.11.2020  19:23    <DIR>            .
03.11.2020  19:23    <DIR>            ..
03.11.2020  19:59                 0 blag.txt

d:\html>ren blag.txt blog.txt

 Содержимое папки d:\html

03.11.2020  19:23    <DIR>            .
03.11.2020  19:23    <DIR>            ..
03.11.2020  19:59                 0 blog.txt

Команды одной строкой

Очистить консоль — cls.

Информация о системе — systeminfo.


Имя узла:                         DESKTOP-6MHURG5
Название ОС:                      Майкрософт Windows 10 Pro
Версия ОС:                        10.0.20246 Н/Д построение 20246
Изготовитель ОС:                  Microsoft Corporation
Параметры ОС:                     Изолированная рабочая станция
Сборка ОС:                        Multiprocessor Free

Информация о сетевых настройках — ipconfig.

Настройка протокола IP для Windows
Адаптер Ethernet Ethernet 2:

   Состояние среды. . . . . . . . : Среда передачи недоступна.
   DNS-суффикс подключения . . . . . :

Список запущенных процессов — tasklist.


Имя образа                     PID Имя сессии          № сеанса       Память
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
System Idle Process              0 Services                   0         8 КБ
System                           4 Services                   0     2 688 КБ
Secure System                   72 Services                   0    23 332 КБ

Справка по командам — help

Команда help без аргументов выводит список всех возможных команд. help вместе с именем команды выведет справку по этой команде.

d:\html>help tree
Графическое представление структуры папок или пути.

TREE [диск:][путь] [/F] [/A]

   /F   Вывод имён файлов в каждой папке.
   /A   Использовать символы ASCII вместо символов национальных алфавитов.

В этой статье приведены не все команды и не все их возможности, но вы всегда можете воспользоваться командой help и узнать о том, что ещё может командная строка.

👉🏻 Больше статей о фронтенде и работе в айти в телеграм-канале.


Материалы по теме

  • 10 горячих клавиш VS Code, которые ускорят вашу работу
  • Полезные команды для работы с Git
  • Полезные команды для работы с Node. js

«Доктайп» — журнал о фронтенде. Читайте, слушайте и учитесь с нами.

ТелеграмПодкастБесплатные учебники

В командной строке Windows для создания папок (каталогов) используется команда md или ее аналог mkdir (сокращение от английского make directory). С помощью данной команды можно создать одну или несколько новых папок в указанном каталоге. Также данная команда позволяет за один раз создавать целое дерево каталогов.

mkdir — Эта команда аналогична команде md.



Параметр Описание
<drive>: казывает диск, на котором требуется создать новый каталог.
<path> Указывает имя и расположение нового каталога. Максимальная длина любого отдельного пути определяется файловой системой. Это обязательный параметр.
/? Отображение справки в командной строке.

Как создать каталог в командной строке

Чтобы создать каталог с именем MyDirectory в текущем каталоге, введите:

Как создать каталог в командной строке

Как создать каталог в командной строке

Также вы можете указать полный путь к создаваемой папке. Например, для того чтобы создать новую папку в корне системного диска нужно выполнить:

mkdir c:\MyDirectory

Команда mkdir

Команда mkdir

Как создать несколько папок в командной строке

Если нужно создать сразу несколько каталогов, то их можно перечислить после команды mkdir (md) через пробел. Так если ввести команду:

mkdir NewDirectory1 NewDirectory2 NewDirectory3

Как создать несколько папок в командной строке

Как создать несколько папок в командной строке

Как создать дерево каталогов в командной строке

Также команда mkdir (md) позволяет за один раз создать целое дерево каталогов. Для этого просто вводим команду mkdir и через пробел указываем дерево каталогов, которое нужно создать. Например, если ввести команду:

mkdir NewDirectory1\NewDirectory2\NewDirectory3

Как создать дерево каталогов

Как создать дерево каталогов

То будет создана папка NewDirectory1, внутри нее NewDirectory2 и потом NewDirectory3.
Для проверки создания дерева каталогов можно использовать команду tree , которая выводит структуру папок в виде дерева.

In Windows, we can create directories from command line using the command mkdir(or md). Syntax of this command is explained below.

Create a folder from command line:

mkdir foldername

For example, to create a folder named ‘newfolder‘ the command is:

mkdir newfolder

Create directory hierarchy

We can create multiple directories hierarchy(creating folder and sub folders with a single command) using mkdir command.
For example, the below command would create a new folder called ‘folder1’ and a sub folder ‘folder2’ and a sub sub folder ‘folder3’.

mkdir folder1\folder2\folder3.

The above command is same as running the below sequence of commands.

mkdir folder1
mkdir folder1\folder2
mkdir folder1\folder2\folder3

Permissions issue

Yoou need to have permissions to create folder for the command to work. Not having permissions to create folder would throw up ‘access denied’ error.

C:\Users>mkdir c:\Windows\System32\test
Access is denied.

If there exists a file or folder with the same name, the command throws up error.

C:\>md test
A subdirectory or file test already exists.

If you don’t see a file or folder with that name, make sure to check if it’s not hidden.

Handling whitespaces

If the name needs to have space within, you should enclose it in double quotes.
For example, to create a folder with the name ‘My data’, the command would be

c:\>mkdir "my data"

Creating multiple folders

mkdir command can handle creating multiple folders in one go. So you can specify all the folders you wanted to create like below

C:\>mkdir folder1 folder2  subfolder1/folder3 subfolder2/subfolder21/folder4

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

If you get this error, make sure you are using the directory paths in Windows format and not in Linux format. On Linux, the directory paths are separated with ‘/’, but in Windows it’s ‘\’.

c:\>mkdir  folder1/folder2
The syntax of the command is incorrect.

The right command is

c:\>mkdir  folder1\folder2


The Windows operating system features over 280 commands for CMD (Command Prompt). Some commands are specific to Windows servers, while others are available for desktop versions. In both cases, CMD commands communicate directly with the OS and allow to perform various IT automation tasks.

This guide showcases important Windows CMD commands and provides hands-on examples.

Windows CMD Commands: Mastering the Command Prompt


  • Access to the command prompt (CMD).
  • Administrator privileges (for some commands).

Commands are built-in programs that run through the Command Prompt program. The main use for commands is to automate various tasks, such as user provisioning and other routine actions.

Below is an overview of some common Windows CMD (Command Prompt) commands. Every command has a brief explanation and an example use case.

Note: All commands were tested on a Windows 10 machine in Command Prompt.

1. arp Command

The arp (address resolution protocol) command shows and modifies entries in the ARP cache. The cache contains one or multiple tables that map IP addresses to resolved physical addresses.

The syntax for the command is:

arp <options> <address>

Without any parameters, the arp command shows the help window.

To show the ARP cache table, run the following command:

arp -a
arp -a interface tables CMD output

The output lists all the current ARP entries grouped by the interface.

2. assoc Command

The assoc (association) command lists and modifies file extension associations on the system. The syntax for the command is:

assoc .<extension>=<filetype>

Without any parameters, the command prints the current file extension associations.

assoc CMD output list

Use the assoc command to view, change, or remove file associations. For example, to view the .log file associations, run:

assoc .log
assoc .log CMD output

Change the file association with:

assoc .log=txtfile

Alternatively, remove all file associations for files with the .log extension by running:

assoc .log= 

The command requires adding a space after the equals sign to remove the association.

3. attrib Command

The attrib (attribute) command shows or changes file attributes. The possible attributes are:

  • R — Read-only.
  • H — Hidden.
  • S — System file.

The syntax for the attrib command is:

attrib <+ or -> <attribute>

The plus sign (+) sets an attribute, while the minus sign (-) removes an attribute from a file. Without any options, the command shows the file attributes in the current directory.

attrib CMD list output

To set a file to have the read-only (R) and hidden (H) attributes, use the following command:

attrib +R +H sample_file.txt
atrib +R +H change CMD output

To make a file visible, remove the hidden (H) attribute:

attrib -H sample_file.txt
attrib -H change CMD output

The minus removes the attribute from the file and returns the file to the default visible state.

4. bcdboot Command

The bcdboot (boot configuration data boot) command sets up a system partition by copying BCD files into an empty partition.

The syntax for the command is:

bcdboot <path>

For example, to copy the BCD files into C:\Windows, use:

bcdboot C:\Windows
bcdboot CMD output

The output prints a confirmation message about file creation.

5. cd Command

The cd (change directory) command shows or changes the current location. The syntax for the command is:

cd <directory>

The directory parameter is optional, and without it, the command prints the current working directory.

For example, to change the location to a directory named Public, add the directory name after the command:

cd Public
cd Public CMD output

The prompt reflects the change and shows the new location.

To change the location to a different disk, add the /d option before the path. For example, to change to disk S:\ use:

cd /d S:
cd disk change CMD output

Without the option, the command prints the path without changing to the provided location.

To change to the parent directory, use the following shortcut:

cd ..
cd parent directory CMD output

The current directory changes to one directory above the current location.

6. chkdsk Command

The chkdsk command scans the local file system and metadata for errors. The syntax for checking a disk is:

chkdsk <volume> <options>

Without additional parameters, the chkdsk command shows the current disk state without fixing any errors.

chkdsk CMD output

Additional parameters enable fixing errors on a disk, such as the /f option:

chkdsk <volume> /f
chkdsk /f CMD output

The command attempts to fix errors on the disk. If the disk is in use, run the check on the next system restart. Stopping the command does not affect the system, but ensure to run the scan later to fix any potential data corruption.

7. choice Command

The choice command prompts a user to choose an answer from a list of options. Without any parameters, the command prompts the user to choose between Y and N options.

Additional options control the number of choices and the prompt text. For example, to add a third choice, use the /c parameter and list the three option names:

choice /c ync
choice /c ync CMD output

Insert additional text to explain the available options with the /m parameter. For example:

choice /c ync /m "Yes, No, Continue"
choice /m message CMD output

In all cases, the command returns the choice index and exits.

8. cipher Command

The cipher command shows and modifies the encryption for files or directories. The command syntax is:

cipher <option> <file or directory>

Without any options, the cipher command shows the encryption state for all files and directories in the current location. The U represents «unencrypted,» whereas E is «encrypted.»

cipher CMD output

To encrypt a file in the current directory, use the /e parameter:

cipher /e <file name>

The file’s indicator changes from U to E, which marks the file as encrypted.

Note: The encrypting and unencrypting files and directories feature is available for Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions.

9. clip Command

The clip command copies a command output or file contents to the clipboard. The syntax for copying a command’s output in CMD is:

<command> | clip

For example, to copy the current directory path, pipe the cd command to clip:

cd | clip

Paste the contents anywhere in the window using CTRL+V (or right-click in CMD).

To copy the contents of a file, use redirection:

clip < <filename>

For example, to copy the contents of a sample.txt file to the clipboard, run:

clip < sample.txt

The file’s contents are saved to the clipboard and can you can paste them anywhere.

10. cls Command

The cls command clears the text in a command prompt window and returns a blank surface. Use the command to clear the screen contents.

Note that the previous contents and output do not return to the screen.

11. cmd Command

The cmd command starts a new instance of the command interpreter. Use the following syntax to run the command:

cmd <options> <command>

Without additional parameters, the cmd command shows the current cmd.exe program version.

Use cmd to run commands without affecting the current session. For example, to test a command and return to the current command interpreter session, use the /c parameter:

cmd /c cd ..

The new interpreter changes the directory. However, the /c tag ensures the interpreter returns to the original session, and the directory stays unchanged.

To run a command and stay in the new session, use the /k parameter:

cmd /k cd ..
cmd command examples output

The /k parameter switches to the new session and runs the cd command to switch to the parent directory.

12. color Command

The color command changes the default console background and text colors. The command syntax is:

color <background><font>

The color attributes are hexadecimal numbers from 0 to f. The help window displays all the possible color options:

help color
color codes list CMD output

For example, to change the background to blue (1) and the font to light aqua (b), run:

color 1b
color 1b CMD color change

To return to the default console colors, run the color command without options.

13. comp Command

The comp command compares the contents of two files. The comparator program inspects file bytes and outputs characters where the two files differ.

The syntax for the command is:

comp <file 1> <file 2> <options>

Without any options, the comp command starts an interactive prompt to enter file names and additional options.

To demonstrate how the command works, compare two text files with the following contents:

  • sample_file_1.txt contains «test»
  • sample_file_2.txt contains «text»

Run the comp command and provide the two file names:

comp sample_file_1.txt sample_file_2.txt
comp files CMD output

The output prints the comparison error as characters in hexadecimal format and asks to compare more files (enter N to exit).

To print the comp results in human-readable format, use the /a parameter:

comp /a sample_file_1.txt sample_file_2.txt
comp /a CMD output

The comparison fails at character «s» in the first file and character «x» in the second file.

14. compact Command

The compact command is a built-in feature for compressing files and folders. The syntax for the command is:

compact <options> <file>

Without any options or parameters, the compact command prints the compression state in the current directory.

compact CMD output

For example, to compress a file, use the /c parameter and provide the file name:

compact /c sample_file.txt
compact /C CMD output

To uncompress a file, use the /u parameter:

compact /u sample_file_1.txt
compact /u CMD output

Use the compact command to save disk space and compress large files and directories.

15. copy Command

The copy command copies one or multiple files from one location to another. The command syntax is:

copy <options> <source> <destination>

For example, to copy a file’s contents into a new file in the same location, use:

copy sample_file.txt sample_file_copy.txt

The command creates the new file and copies all the contents from the source file.

16. date Command

The date command shows and modifies the current date on the system. Without any parameters, the command prints the current date and requests to enter a new date:

date command CMD output

Enter the date as mm-dd-yyyy to change the current date on the system or exit with CTRL+C.

Use the /t parameter to avoid modifying the system state and only print the current date:

date /t
date /t CMD output

The command shows the day of the week and the current date.

17. defrag Command

The defrag (defragmentation) command finds and aggregates fragmented files on the system. The command reduces unnecessary empty data blocks and improves system performance.

The syntax for the defrag command is:

defrag <volumes> <options>

For example, to defragment the C:\ drive, run:

defrag C:\ /u /v
defrag CMD output

The /u parameter prints the progress, while /v shows a verbose output. These parameters are optional.

18. del and erase Commands

The del and erase commands delete one or more files. The syntax for the commands is:

del <options> <file(s)>
erase <options> <files(s)>

Both commands permanently delete the specified file or files from a disk and are irretrievable.

For example, to delete a file with the name sample.txt, run:

del sample.txt

Or alternatively:

erase sample.txt

To avoid accidental deletion, use the /p parameter:

del /p sample.txt
del /p CMD output

The output shows a prompt with the file name and requires confirmation before deleting the file.

19. dir Command

The dir (directory) command lists directory contents, including files and subdirectories. The syntax for the command is:

dir <drive><path><filename> <options>

The dir command without options shows information for the current directory.

To show the C:\ drive contents, run:

dir C:\
dir C:\ CMD output

The output shows the following information:

  • Volume drive.
  • Volume serial number.
  • Directory contents with modification time.
  • File and directory count.

20. doskey Command

The doskey command starts the Doskey.exe program for the previously entered commands. The command helps recall command history and create macros.

For example, to see the command history from the current command prompt session, run:

doskey /history
doskey /history CMD output

The output shows all the commands from the CMD session from oldest to newest.

21. driverquery Command

The driverquery command is a command for admins to display the installed device drivers and their information. The command works for both local and remote access machines.

The syntax for the command is:

driverquery <options>
driverquery CMD output

Without any options, the driverquery command shows device drivers on the local machine. Additional options control the output format or allow querying remote machine drivers.

22. echo Command

The echo command prints a message to the console and controls the settings for the command. The syntax for the command is:

echo <message>

Without any parameters, the command shows the current settings.

To use the command and show a «Hello, world!» message to the screen, run:

echo "Hello, world!"
echo "Hello, world!" CMD output

The echo command often appears in scripts to print useful information while the script runs.

23. exit Command

The exit command ends the current batch script or the command interpreter session. To exit a batch script, add the /b parameter:

exit /b

Without the /b option, the exit command closes the command interpreter.

24. fc Command

The fc (file compare) command compares two or more files. The output prints the contents to the console if there is a difference between the files.

The syntax for fc is the following:

fc <options> <file 1> <file 2> 

For example, to compare two sample files, sample_file_1.txt and sample_file_2.txt, run:

fc sample_file_1.txt sample_file_2.txt
fc CMD output

The command prints the file contents, indicating there is a difference between the two files.

25. find Command

The find command searches for a string in a file and prints the line of text when there is a result. The command syntax is:

find <string> <file>

For example, to search for the string «text» in a file, use:

find "text" <file>
find text CMD output

The command looks for an exact match and returns the file name along with the line of text that contains the string. If a file does not contain the text, the command returns the file name without the text.

26. findstr Command

The findstr (find string) command performs a similar task to the find command. The command returns the whole line where the text is located without the file name. This feature makes it more convenient for use in scripts.

The command syntax is:

findstr <string> <file>

For example, to find a string «text» in a file, run:

findstr "text" <file>
findstr CMD output

If the command does not return a result, the string is not in the file.

27. ftype Command

The ftype (file type) command shows and changes a file type and extension association. The command syntax is:

ftype <file type>=<open command>

The file type parameter is the file to show or modify (such as txtfile), while the open command option is a string that calls a program to read the file type. The open command string substitutes the file name into the open command to run a file in the provided program.

Without any options, ftype prints all file types and extension associations.

ftype CMD output

To show the current file type and extension association for text files, enter:

ftype txtfile
ftype txtfile CMD output

To remove file type association, append an (=) sign:

ftype txtfile=

The command omits the program for opening files and removes the program association.

28. getmac Command

The getmac command fetches the MAC addresses for all network cards on the computer or in the network. The command also shows the protocols associated with each address.

The syntax is:

getmac <options>

Additional options provide detailed information about a remote computer or control the output display. For example, to show the MAC addresses in the CSV format, use:

getmac /fo csv
getmac /fo csv CMDoutput

Use the command to parse the MAC address to a network monitoring tool or to check the protocols on network adapters.

29. help Command

The help command shows detailed information for a specific command. Without any parameters, the help command lists all available system commands.

The syntax for the command is:

help <command>

For example, to view the help menu for the cd command, run:

help cd
help cd CMD output

Use any key to go through the pages if the help page is larger than the command line. Alternatively, press CTRL+C to exit.

Note: For non-system commands, use the following format to see the help window:

<command> /?

30. hostname Command

The hostname command is a simple command to display a machine’s host name. Run the command to see the name of the computer:

hostname CMD output

The command does not have options, and providing any additional parameters throws an error. The hostname command is available for systems with TCP/IP installed on a network adapter.

31. ipconfig Command

The ipconfig (IP configuration) command is a networking CMD tool that shows all current TCP/IP network configuration information. The command also refreshes DHCP and DNS settings.

The syntax for the command is:

ipconfig <options>

Omitting options shows the basic TCP/IP configuration for all adapters:

ipconfig adapter CMD output

To show the full TCP/IP configuration for all adapters, run:

ipconfig /all

Renew the DHCP IP address for the local area connection with:

ipconfig /renew Local Area Connection

To flush the DNS cache, use:

ipconfig /flushdns

Use the command when troubleshooting DNS issues.

32. label Command

The label command shows, changes, or removes the volume label (name) of a disk. The command requires administrator privileges to perform any changes.

Without any options, the label command shows the label for the C:\ drive and starts a prompt to change the name:

label CMD output

Press Enter to remove the label, or enter a new name to change the current label name. Confirm the change with Y or press N to keep the existing name.

33. makecab Command

The makecab command creates a cabinet (.cab) file. Cabinet files are an archive format specific to Windows systems with support for lossless data compression and archive integrity.

Use the following syntax to create .cab files with the makecab command:

makecab <options> <source> <destination>

For example, to create a file in the current directory and add a sample_file.txt file to the archive, use:

makecab sample_file.txt
makecab CMD output

The output prints the compression progress and exits when done.

34. md and mkdir Commands

The md and mkdir (make directory) commands create a new directory or subdirectory. The command syntax is:

md <path>
mkdir <path>

For example, to make a new subdirectory called Subdir in the current location, run:

mkdir Subdir

The command extensions enable md and mkdir to create a directory tree:

md Subdir\Subsubdir
md tree CMD output

The command immediately creates all intermediate subdirectories.

35. mklink Command

The mklink (make link) command creates a hard or symbolic link to a file or directory. The command requires administrator privileges to run and uses the following syntax:

mklink <options> <link> <target>

Without any additional options, the mlink command creates a symbolic link to a file. For example:

mklink my_link sample_file.txt
mklink CMD output

To create a hard link instead of a symbolic link, use the /h parameter:

mklink /h my_link sample_file.txt

Create a directory link with the /d parameter:

mklink /d \Docs \Users\milicad\Documents

The dir command shows the links in the directory listing. To enter the directory, use the cd command and treat the link as a regular directory (cd Docs).

36. more Command

The more command is a Windows CMD utility for displaying long documents or outputs one screen at a time. To use more with a command, use the pipe character:

<command> | more <options>

Alternatively, use the command to display long files page by page:

more <path>

For example, run the help cd command and pipe the more command to truncate the output:

help cd | more
help cd | more CMD output

Press Enter to go to the following line and Space to go to the next page. To exit, press q.

37. mountvol Command

The mountvol command creates, removes, or shows a volume mount point. Mounting a volume makes data on a storage device available for local users through the file system.

The command syntax is:

mountvol <path> <volume name>

The command does not require a drive letter to link a volume. Without any parameters, the mountvol command shows the help menu, mount points, and possible volume names.

For example, to list the volume name and current mount point for the C:\ drive, run:

mountvol C:\ /l
mountvol C:\ /l CMD output

The output shows the GUID for the volume, which is a unique unchanging identifier.

38. move Command

The move command is a CMD shell command for moving files from one location to another. The syntax for the command is:

move <options> <source> <destination>

The source and destination are either a folder or a file. The move command renames a file if the source and destination locations are the same but have different file names.

For example, the following command renames a file named sample_file.txt to file.txt:

move sample_file.txt file.txt
move file rename CMD output

Provide the full path to move a file to another location:

move C:\Users\Public\Downloads\my_file.txt C:\Users\Public\Desktop\my_file.txt 

If overwriting an existing file, the command prompts to confirm, unless the command runs as part of a batch script.

39. msiexec Command

The msiexec program runs the Windows Installer program for installing, managing, and removing .msi software packages. The command syntax is:

msiexec <options> <path to package>

The program features various install, display, update, and repair options. Without any options, the msiexec command opens a window to show the command information.

msiexec CMD output help window

For example, to perform a normal installation of a .msi package, run:

msiexec /i "C:\example.msi"

The /i option indicates a normal installation of the .msi package located at the provided path.

40. msinfo32 Command

The msinfo32 command opens the System Information window, which has details about the system.

msinfo32 CMD output System Information window

The command syntax is:

msinfo32 <options>

Additional options filter the information or export the data into specific file formats. For example, to export all system information into an.nfo file, use:

msinfo /nfo sysinfo.nfo

The command automatically appends the .nfo extension if omitted.

41. mstsc Command

The mstsc command starts the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) program to connect to a remote machine. Use the command for remote connection or to alter an existing .rdp file.

The command syntax is:

mstsc <options> <file>

For example, to start an RDC session in full-screen mode, use this command:

mstsc /f
mstcs /f CMD Remote Desktop Connection window

To edit an existing connection, use the /edit parameter and provide the file name:

mstsc /edit example.rdp

User-created .rdp files are in the Documents folder by default.

42. net Commands

net commands are a set of commands for managing various network aspects, such as users and network services.

The command syntax is:

net <subcommand> <options>

Without additional parameters, the net command shows all available subcommands with a short description.

Use the net start command to list all running Windows services:

net start
net start CMD output

To stop a service, use the following command:

net stop <service>

View the login and password requirements for a user with the following:

net accounts
net accounts CMD output

Display additional help for a subcommand using the following syntax:

net help <command>

The output shows a detailed help window for any provided command.

43. netstat Command

The netstat (network statistics) command is a crucial command for network administrators. The command lets you view various network statistics.

The basic syntax for the command is:

netstat <options>

The command displays active TCP connections when used without options. The output shows the protocol, local and foreign addresses, and the TCP connection state.

Add the -a option to display all active TCP connections and listening TCP and UDP ports:

netstat -a
netstat -a active all CMD output

Use the command to scan for open ports or to check the port protocol type.

44. nslookup Command

The nslookup command is a DNS infrastructure diagnostics tool for web servers. The command features a non-interactive mode for looking up a single piece of information and an interactive mode for looking up additional data.

The syntax for nslookup is:

nslookup <host> <command> <options>

Without any options, nslookup enters interactive mode. To find DNS records for a specific domain name, use:

nslookup <domain>
nslookup phoenixnap CMD output

The output prints the A records for the provided domain.

45. path Command

The path command helps add directories to the PATH environment variable. The variable contains a set of directories that point to executable files.

The command syntax looks like the following:

path <location>

Without any parameters, path shows the current state of the PATH variable.

path CMD output

To add multiple locations to PATH, separate each location with a semicolon (;) as in the following example:

path <location 1>; <location 2>

Both locations append to the variable.

46. ping Command

The ping command is another essential network troubleshooting tool. The command checks the connectivity with another machine by sending ICMP request messages.

The syntax for the command is:

ping <options> <host>

For example, to check connectivity to the phoenixNAP website, use:

ping CMD output

The output prints corresponding reply messages and round-trip times. Use the command to check for connectivity and name resolution issues.

47. powercfg Command

The powercfg (power configure) command runs the powercfg.exe program for controlling the system’s power plans. The monitoring tool also helps troubleshoot battery life and energy efficiency problems on a device.

The command syntax is:

powercfg <options> <arguments>

To list the current power plan setup on a device, use:

powercfg /list
powercfg /list CMD output

The output lists all power schemes on the system. The active power scheme has an asterisk (*).

48. prompt Command

The prompt command allows changing the CMD prompt display to the specified string. By default, the prompt shows the current location and the greater-than sign (>).

The command syntax is:

prompt <string and variables>

The prompt command offers various variables to add special characters or additional features to the prompt. For example, to change the prompt to an arrow, use:

prompt --$g
promt CMD output

The $g variable represents the greater-than sign (>) and the prompt stays during the command-line session.

49. rd and rmdir Commands

The rd and rmdir commands remove an empty directory from the system. The syntax for the commands is:

rd <path>
rmdir <path>

Attempting to delete a directory with files results in an error message. Add the /s parameter to delete a directory with subdirectories and files to avoid the error message:

rd /s <path>

The command deletes the complete subdirectory tree and all files.

50. ren and rename Commands

The ren and rename commands rename files or directories. The syntax for the two commands is:

ren <path><old name> <new name>
rename <path><old name> <new name>

The commands do not allow moving the files to a different location. Wildcard characters work for multiple files. For example, to change all .txt files to .c files, use:

ren *.txt *.c
ren CMD output

The asterisk (*) character helps discover all file names in the current directory with the .txt extension and renames the files to have the .c extension.

51. robocopy Command

The robocopy command is a robust command for copying files and directories. The syntax for the command is:

robocopy <source> <destination> <file> <options>

The main benefit when using robocopy is the /mt parameter for higher-performance multithreading. Additionally, the /z parameter lets you restart a transfer in case of interruptions.

An example transfer looks like the following:

robocopy C:\Users\user\Downloads C:\Users\user\Documents database.db /mt /z
robocopy CMD output

Use the command for large file transfers that are sensitive to interruptions.

52. route Command

The route command shows and alters entries in the local routing table. The command syntax is:

route <options> <command> <value>

The different available commands are:

  • add — Adds a route entry to the table.
  • change — Modifies an entry in the table.
  • delete — Removes a route from the table.
  • print — Displays a route or routes.

For example, to print all routes from the table, use:

route print 
route print CMD output

The output prints the interface list, and IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables.

53. schtasks Commands

The schtasks command helps schedule commands or programs to run on the system. The tasks run at specified times or periodically. The syntax for the commands is:

schtasks /<subcommand>

The following subcommands are available:

  • change — Modifies existing properties of a task.
  • create — Creates a new task.
  • delete — Removes a task.
  • end — Stops a program started by a task.
  • query — Prints scheduled tasks on the machine.
  • run — Starts a scheduled task.

For example, to show currently scheduled tasks on the system, use:

schtasks /query
schtasks /query CMD output

The output displays task names, next run times, and task statuses.

54. set Command

The set command shows, sets, and removes environment variables in the CMD. The syntax for the command is:

set <variable>=<value>

Without additional parameters, the set command shows all environment variables.

set CMD output

The variables are available to use with any command. For example, to create a new CMD variable called message, use:

set message="Hello, world!"

Reference the variable using the following syntax:

echo %message%
set env variable message CMD output

Encasing the variable in the percent signs (%) reads the value and outputs it to the screen.

Note: The variables do not persist and are only valid for the current command-prompt session.

55. sfc Command

The sfc (system file checker) is an administrator command for checking protected file version integrity. The command also replaces incorrect overwritten protected files with the correct file version.

The syntax for the command is:

sfc <options> <files or directories>

For example, to scan the system and repair all files, use the following command:

sfc /scannow
sfc /scannow CMD output

The command scans all protected system files and repairs problematic files when possible.

56. shutdown Command

The shutdown command restarts or shuts down a local or remote computer. The command syntax is:

shutdown <options>

Without any arguments, the shutdown command opens the help menu.

For example, to shut down and restart the computer, use the /r option:

shutdown /r
shutdown /r CMD output

To shut down without restarting, use the /s argument:

shutdown /s

In both cases, the shutdown is not immediate. To cancel the action, use the /a option:

shutdown /a

The option ensures that a previously executed shutdown command aborts.

57. sort Command

The sort command allows sorting provided data from a file or user input. Additional options control the sorting mechanism and from which point to start sorting.

To use the command interactively, do the following:

1. Run sort without any options.

2. Enter a new word in each line.

3. Press CTRL+Z and Enter at the end of the list to sort the input values alphabetically.

sort CMD output

Alternatively, use the sort command on files:

sort sample_file.txt
sort file CMD output

The command sorts the file contents and prints the result to the console.

58. start Command

The start command opens a new command-prompt window according to the specified options. The command syntax is:

start <title> <options>

For example, to load start a new command-prompt session with the title «Hello, world!» and set the path to C:\. enter the following command:

start "Hello, world!" /d C:\
start command CMD prompt output

A new CMD window opens with the starting path on the C:\ drive and a custom title.

59. systeminfo Command

The systeminfo command displays detailed system information about the OS and computer, including hardware properties. The command works on both local and remote machines.

Use the command without options to show the local system information:

systeminfo CMD output

Additional options allow checking system information for remote computers or controlling the output format. For example, show the output in CSV format with:

systeminfo /fo csv

Different formats enable parsing the information through scripts effectively.

60. takeown Command

The takeown (take ownership) command allows an administrator account to take ownership of a file. The command provides access to a file for an administrator and makes the administrator the owner.

Add the /f option and specify the file name:

takeown /f <file>
takeown CMD output

The administrator now has full permissions over the file.

61. taskkill Command

The taskkill command ends a running process or task on the Windows system through the command line. Use the command to forcefully end processes and tasks which did not end correctly.

The syntax for the command is:

taskkill <options> <task or process>

A common way to end a task is to find the process ID (PID) with the tasklist command and end the process with:

taskkill /pid <Process ID>
taskkill PID CMD output

The command finds the process by ID and kills it.

62. tasklist Command

The tasklist command shows all running processes on a local or remote computer and their memory usage. The command helps locate and reference specific processes.

The syntax for tasklist is:

tasklist <options>

Without additional options, the command shows all currently running processes.

tasklist CMD output

The image name and PID are unique identifiers for a process. The final column shows the memory usage for a process. This is a good indicator for identifying processes that slow down the system.

63. telnet Command

The telnet command is a Windows tool for bidirectional CLI communication. The tool uses the Telnet protocol to send messages and enable an interactive communication channel.

The syntax for the command is:

telnet <command> <options>

See our detailed guide for using Telnet on Windows.

64. time Command

The time command manages and displays the current system time. Without any options, the command prints the current time and prompts to enter a new time:

time CMD output

Enter a new time to change the system time or exit the prompt using CTRL+C. Use the /t option to avoid making modifications:

time /t
time t cmd output

The command prints the current time and returns to the command line.

65. timeout Command

The timeout command pauses the command line for a specified number of seconds. The syntax for the command is:

timeout /t <seconds>

For example, to pause the interpreter for ten seconds, run:

timeout /t 10
timeout /t 10 cmd output

The output counts down and returns to the command line. Press any key to interrupt the timeout earlier. Use the command in scripts to wait for execution between two commands.

66. title Command

The title command is a simple utility for changing the command prompt’s title. The syntax is:

title <string>

For example, to set the title to "Hello, world!", use:

title "Hello, world!"
title command prompt change CMD

The CMD window title changes to the provided string. Use the command when running multiple batch scripts to differentiate between different command prompts.

67. tracert Command

The tracert (traceroute) command is a networking tool for determining the path from a local computer to a destination. The command sends ICMP messages with increasing TTL values to map routers along the path.

The syntax for tracert is:

tracert <options> <destination>

For example, to trace the path to, use:


Alternatively, use the IP address of the destination.

Output of tracert on Windows

The output shows the hops between the source and destination, providing an IP address and name resolution where applicable. Use the command to discover connectivity issues to a host.

68. tree Command

The tree command displays the contents inside a drive or directory in a tree-like structure. The syntax is:

tree <options> <path>
tree CMD output

Without any options, the tree command displays the directory structure of the C:\ drive.

69. type Command

The type command is a built-in command for showing file contents. The command allows viewing a file directly in CMD without modifying the text.

The syntax for the type command is:

type <file path>

For example, to show the contents of the file called sample_file.txt, run:

type sample_file.txt
type file CMD output

The output prints the file’s contents to the command line. Use this command to preview files directly in the command prompt.

70. tzutil Command

The tzutil (time zone utility) command helps modify and display the currently set time zone on the system. Without any options, the command shows the help window.

Display the current time zone with:

tzutil /g
tzutil /g CMD output

The output shows the time zone ID. List all available time zone IDs with:

tzutil /l | more

The more command helps truncate long outputs. Use the /s parameter and provide the time zone ID to change the system time zone.

71. ver Command

The ver command is a simple utility to show the operating system version. Use the command to find the exact version of the operating system:

ver CMD output

The version prints to the output and returns to the command line.

72. vol Command

The vol command prints the disk volume and label. The syntax for the command is:

vol <drive>:
vol C: CMD output

Without a specified drive, the vol command shows information for the currently selected drive.

73. where Command

The where command searches for the location of a file using a search pattern and prints the location to the command line. The syntax for the command is:

where <options> <location to search> <file name>

Omitting the location searches for the file in the current directory without going through subdirectories. To perform a recursive search, add the /r parameter. For example:

where /r C:\ sample_file.txt
where CMD output

The command searches the C:\ drive and all subdirectories. If the file is found, the command returns the location path.

74. whoami Command

The whoami command shows the current user’s domain and username. The syntax for the command is:

whoami <options>

Without options, the command shows the domain and user name.

whoami CMD output

Add the /all parameter to show detailed information for the current user:

whoami /all
whoami /all CMD output

The user’s name, security ID, groups, and privileges print to the console.

75. xcopy Command

The xcopy command copies files, directories, and subdirectories from one location to another. The syntax for the command is:

xcopy <source> <destination> <options>

For example, use the following command to copy contents from one location to another, including subdirectories (even if empty):

xcopy <source> <destination> /s /e
xcopy CMD output

The /s parameter enables subdirectory copy, while /e includes empty directories. If any files with the same name exist in the destination, the command prompts before overwriting.

Windows CMD Commands Cheat Sheet

All the listed commands are available in a single-page cheat sheet in PDF format. Save the cheat sheet for future use and reference by clicking the Download Windows CMD Commands Cheat Sheet button below.

Windows CMD Commands Cheat Sheet PDF preview


After reading and trying out the commands from this guide, you’ve familiarized yourself with the Windows Command Prompt (CMD) tool. Windows allows performing a variety of tasks through the command prompt using just commands.

Continue practicing and researching commands further to master the Command Prompt in Windows.

Download Article

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Learning how to do simple file management at the Command Prompt (cmd) comes in handy when you’re learning to code. When you create files and folders at the command line, you can access, use, and manipulate those folders and files in Windows apps. We’ll show you how to create folders (directories) and text files at the Windows Command Prompt, and teach you commands for deleting unneeded files and folders.

  1. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 10


    Open the Command Prompt. The easiest way to do this is to press Win + S to activate the search bar, type cmd, and then click Command Prompt in the search results.

  2. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 11


    Go to the directory in which you want to create the file. The prompt will open to C:\Users\YourName by default. If the directory is somewhere else, type cd path_to_directory and press Enter. Replace path_to_directory with the actual directory location.[1]

    • For example, if you want to create a file on the Desktop, type cd desktop and press Enter.
    • If the directory you’re looking for isn’t in your user directory (e.g., C:\Users\YourName), you’ll have to type in the whole path (e.g., C:\Users\SomeoneElse\Desktop\Files).


  3. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 12


    Create an empty file. If you don’t want to create an empty file, skip to the next step.[2]
    To create an empty file:

    • Type type nul > filename.txt.
    • Replace filename.txt with whatever you want to call your new file. The «.txt» part indicates that this is a plain text file. Other common file extensions include «.docx» (Word document), «.png» (empty photo),and «.rtf» (rich text document). All of these file types can be read on any Windows computer without installing additional software.
    • Press Enter.
  4. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 13


    Create a file containing certain text. If you don’t want to create a file with certain text inside, skip to the next step.[3]
    Use these steps to create a plain text file that you can type into:

    • Type copy con testfile.txt, but replace testfile with the desired file name.[4]
    • Press Enter.
    • Type some text. This is a rudimentary text editor, but it’s good for quick notes or code. You can use the Enter key to go to the next line.
    • Press Control + Z when you’re finished editing the file.
    • Press the Enter key. You’ll see «1 file(s) copied,» which means your file is now saved with the name you created.
    • Another way to do this is to run this command: echo enter your text here > filename.txt.
  5. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 14


    Create a file that’s a certain size. If you don’t want to create a file that’s a specific size, skip this step.[5]
    To create a blank text file based on byte size, use this command:

    • fsutil file createnew filename.txt 1000.
    • Replace filename with the desired file name, and 1000 with the actual number of bytes you’d like the file to be.
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  1. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 15


    Open the Command Prompt. The easiest way to do this is to press Win + S to activate the search bar, type cmd, and then click Command Prompt in the search results.

  2. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 16


    Go to the directory containing the file you want to delete. The prompt will open to C:\Users\YourName by default. If the file is somewhere else, type cd path_to_directory and press Enter. Replace path_to_directory with the actual directory location.

    • For example, if you want to delete a file from the Desktop, type cd desktop and press Enter.
    • If the directory you want to view isn’t in your user directory (e.g., C:\Users\YourName), you’ll have to type in the whole path (e.g., C:\Users\SomeoneElse\Desktop\Files).
  3. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 17


    Type dir and press Enter. This displays a list of all files in the current directory. You should see the file you want to delete in this list.

    • Using Command Prompt to delete files results in the files being deleted permanently rather than being moved to the Recycle Bin. Exercise caution when deleting files via Command Prompt.
  4. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 18


    Type del filename and press Enter. Replace filename with the full name and extension of the file you want to delete.[6]
    File names include file extensions (e.g., *.txt, *.jpg). This deletes the file from your computer.

    • For example, to delete a text file entitled «hello», you would type del hello.txt into Command Prompt.
    • If the file’s name has a space in it (e.g., «hi there»), you will place the file’s name in quotations (e.g., del "hi there").
    • If you get an error that says the file cannot be deleted, try using del /f filename instead, as this force-deletes read-only files.
  5. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 1


    Open the Command Prompt. The easiest way to do this is to press Win + S to activate the search bar, type cmd, and then click Command Prompt in the search results.[7]

  2. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 2


    Go to the directory in which you want to create the new directory. The prompt will open to C:\Users\YourName by default. If you don’t want to create a new directory here, type cd path_to_directory and press Enter. Replace path_to_directory with the actual directory location.[8]

    • For example, if you want to create a directory on your Desktop, you would type in cd desktop and press Enter.
    • If the directory you’re looking for isn’t in your user directory (e.g., C:\Users\YourName), you’ll have to type in the whole path (e.g., C:\Users\SomeoneElse\Desktop\Files).
  3. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 3


    Type mkdir NameOfDirectory at the prompt. Replace NameOfDirectory with the name of the directory you wish to create.[9]

    • For example, to make a directory named «Homework», you would type mkdir Homework.
  4. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 4


    Press Enter. This runs the command to create a folder with the desired name.

  5. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 5


    Open the Command Prompt. The easiest way to do this is to press Win + S to activate the search bar, type cmd, and then click Command Prompt in the search results.[10]

  2. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 6


    Go to the folder containing the directory you want to delete. The prompt will open to C:\Users\YourName by default. If the directory you want to delete is somewhere else, type cd path_to_directory and press Enter.[11]
    Replace path_to_directory with the actual directory location.

    • For example, if you want to delete a directory from your Desktop, type cd desktop.
    • If the directory isn’t in your user directory (e.g., C:\Users\YourName), you’ll have to type in the whole path (e.g., C:\Users\SomeoneElse\Desktop\Files).
  3. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 7


    Type rmdir /s DirectoryName. Replace DirectoryName with the name of the directory you want to delete.[12]

    • For example, if you’re trying to delete your «Homework» folder, you’d type in rmdir /s Homework here.
    • If the directory’s name has a space in it (e.g., «Homework assignments»), place the name in quotations (e.g., rmdir /s "Homework assignments").
  4. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 8


    Press Enter to run the command.[13]

    • If you try to delete a directory that contains hidden files or directories, you’ll see an error that says «The directory is not empty.» In this case, you’ll have to remove the «hidden» and «system» attributes from the files inside the directory. To do this:[14]

      • Use cd to change into the directory you want to delete.
      • Run dir /a to view a list of all files in the directory and their attributes.
      • If you’re still okay with deleting all of the files in the directory, run attrib -hs *. This removes special permissions from the undeletable files.
      • Type cd .. and press Enter to go back one directory.
      • Run the rmdir /s command again to delete the folder.
  5. Image titled Create and Delete Files and Directories from Windows Command Prompt Step 9


    Press y and then Enter to confirm. This will permanently remove the directory.[15]

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    How can I create directories?

    Subhodeep Roy

    Subhodeep Roy

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    If you are creating a directory in C drive, the command will be»C:\MD {the name of the directory/folder}» then press Enter.

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    How do I create a folder using CMD?

    Community Answer

    Navigate to where you want the subfolder created and type «mkdir «.

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    How do I create a test file under the sub folder?

    Community Answer

    Change directory into the new sub folder and then on the next line, create your new test file. For example: cd mysubfolder $ type nul > newtextfile.txt

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  • Using Command Prompt to delete files results in the files being deleted permanently rather than being moved to the Recycle Bin. Exercise caution when deleting files via Command Prompt.


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Article SummaryX

1. Use the mkdir command to create a folder.
2. Use rmdir /s to delete a folder.
3. Use the copy con or echo command to create a file.
4. Use del to delete a file.
For tips on how to create a file inside a folder, read on!

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