Minecraft windows 10 edition код активации бесплатно

Привет мой юный любитель кубиков и халявы. Сегодня мы подготовили Ключи для Minecraft бесплатно 2020 – 2022 специально для тебя.  В нашей подборке вы найдете ключи для бесплатной активации Minecraft и ключи генерации в майнкрафте (что это такое и как использовать, расскажу не много ниже)

Minecraft – это очень популярная, прям до безумия популярная игра, яб даже сказал, очень – очень популярная игра. В которую играет очень большое количество людей со всего мира и по данной игре снимается очень много видео от обычных школьников ноунеймов до самых популярных контентмейкеров. Но что это за сама игра такая, что все ее так любят и обожают? А игра то эта – просто симулятор выживания в котором весь мир разрушаем и все состоит из кубиков.  Хотя, что-то мне подсказывает это и так уже знает любой человек на планете. Но все же. Ну и как любой материал публикующийся на нашем сайте keys-online.ru – Minecraft является платной игрой и активируется путем ввода ключа на различные платформы, такие как : Microsoft магазин, XBOX stere, PS plus и собственно на самом сайте маджонк.

Собственно вот несколько ключей для Minecraft :

Ключи для Minecraft бесплатно 2020 – 2022

  • 7QEE9-9ZG0K-QIG26-2B2M8-4WMEL
  • 0QSJY-3UGX2-Q235E-TV711-HU36O
  • E7ZBT-6CG4E-4FW84-JNQ6M-9DWV9
  • NREFX-10V0B-WFUA4-63C5O-O4XH2

Ключи для генерации мира в Minecraft

Собственно бесплатные ключи для активации игры майнкрафт закончились, теперь переходим к ключам для генерации мира  Minecraft.

В этой замечательной игре есть так называемая случайная генерация миров, при старте игры. Но в настройках старта игры есть одна очень удобная и актуальная вещь, такая как – ввод для генерации мира. Данная функция позволяет в интернете посмотреть различные интересно созданные миры и создать их у себя, что бы играть с удовольствием, при этом не качать никаких карт и модификаций, что очень упрощает их использование.

Ниже будут самые популярные ключи для генерации мира, которые будут взяты с различных популярных сайтов из интернета.

Начнем с версии 1.14 и 1.14.4, а так же более новые версии Minecraft.

Различные миры с интересными деревнями и разбившимися кораблями

112908528 – большая деревня в горах

1782416884 – Разбившийся корабль об большую деревню

902075386 – большая деревня в в зимнем ландшафте в горах

-613756530319979507 – Деревня-Остров с разбившимся кораблем (большая)

1028438881 Зомби деревня

-1881547168 – Очень интересный спавн, где вы рядом найдете 2 деревни, 1 пирамиду и outpost разбойников.

-815047738 – Песочная местность в которой рядом будет разбитый корабль и outpost разбойников.

345532883 – Снова спавн с разбойниками и двумя деревнями по соседству.

1740898261 – снова разбойники и деревеньки

-2052920443 – Остров разбойников

Собственно на этом Ключи для Minecraft бесплатно 2020 – 2022 у нас на сегодня закончились, поэтому мы исткренне надеемся, что вы смогли для себя подобрать нужный и удачно его активировать!

Перейти к содержимому

Бесплатные ключи Minecraft и коды активации 2022-2023

Приветствует вас фанаты игры Minecraft! Сегодня вы получите коды активации и бесплатные ключи minecraft для windows 10 edition, а также windows 7 и 8. Активация ключом minecraft проходит быстро. Получить ключ для minecraft бесплатно можно ниже под данным текстом. На данный момент лицензионные ключи полностью рабочие и искать генератор ключей не нужно. Переходите в низ статьи и там сможете скачать бесплатный ключ для Minecraft.

Если ключи перестанут работать напишите об этом в комментариях, или же помогите другим и выложите minecraft ключ бесплатно в комменты.

Отметим, что купить ключ minecraft недорого можно на сайте steamplay. Там очень дешевые ключи от 5-7 рублей. Поэтому рекомендуем купить дешевый ключ minecraft именно здесь, а получить бесплатный ключ minecraft для windows 10 можно у нас на сайте vgolove.net.

Берите ключики и пробуйте активировать одну из самых популярных игр Minecraft. Спасибо за внимание!

Получить ключи Minecraft

b2h2 — m6m2 — h5u9

b5m5 — u6j7 — i6b4

x6k1 — e4b8 — s8f7

u2q7 — i5l5 — g3k5

y3w7 — s3x6 — a7s0

i8f8 — e6n6 — u7m6

q7o7 — v9m6 — s9o0

y9j5 — s1u4 — x3c6

g1n3 — r5o3 — p2p9

u7m9 — a0d2 — m2c1

s5e9 — j5p0 — w1w1

t7x3 — k9u6 — c7i8

h8y1 — n2i2 — d8f1

Ключ для генератора мира





Ключи для других игр

251+ Free Minecraft Account and Password 2023– Minecraft is one of the most popular Open World games today with the default Open World genre.

Even though it has graphics that are quite lacking as a very famous game, it doesn’t deny that this game has very loyal fans because the gameplay concept is very interesting.

Minecraft game is very capable of attracting interest among gamers without any age restrictions. What makes this game interesting is where we can build or create a building like an architect.

This game is very capable of practicing our ability to compose something and it is very good for brain development (especially for children).

Minecraft we can play online or offline. To be able to play this game online, you must use an account that is already premium and of course full access.

To be able to have a premium account on the Minecraft game, you are required to spend real money in order to buy it. For the price offered on this account, it is quite expensive.

However, you don’t need to worry or worry about this problem, because techjustify will share a free Minecraft account that you can use to play Minecraft in online mode.

Table of Contents

Review Game Minecraft (MC)

Untitled design 10 1 1

Free Minecraft Accounts & Passwords 2023

You can also play Minecraft offline or online. So that you can play this game in the online version, then you have to use an account that has been premium and of course you have to have full access .

To be able to have an account in this Minecraft Mod Apk, then you are required to spend some money to be able to buy it.

For the estimated price submitted on this account, it is quite expensive, you know.

List of Latest Free Minecraft (MC) Accounts 2023

How do you guys get Minecraft Premium for free? Anyone who has played Minecraft for a long time will always remember, Minecraft Premium which is the old version that people who have bought this Minecraft game in full version have been given.

In order to be able to distinguish which of them did not run the payment process, they could only play this game in the demo version of the game.

However, for now that difference has been removed in buying a Minecraft account, you can also download the game demo that you need to create an account on the official site.

Free Microsoft Minecraft Account

Email : [email protected]
Password : Ocean123

Email : [email protected]
Password : Facebook69

Email : [email protected]
Password : derkiller1

Email : [email protected]
Password : Uebellacker05

Email : [email protected]
Password : Windows8.1

Email : [email protected]
Password : remote12

Email : [email protected]
Password : stenli123

Email : [email protected]
Password : piqnicata

Email : [email protected]
Password : kingorder

Email : [email protected]
Password : shrair2921

Free Minecraft Java Edition Account

Email : [email protected]
Password : piqnicata

Email : [email protected]
Password : kingorder

Email : [email protected]
Password : shrair2921

Email : [email protected]
Password : Ocean123

Email : [email protected]
Password : Windows8.1

Email : [email protected]
Password : remote12

Email : [email protected]
Password : Facebook69

Email : [email protected]
Password : derkiller1

Email : [email protected]
Password : Uebellacker05

Email : [email protected]
Password : stenli123

Free Minecraft Full Access Premium Account 2023

Email: [email protected]
Password: confidenceican60

Email: [email protected]
Password: bitrughtiona

Email: [email protected]
Password: saisipolc

Email: [email protected]
Password: wendal1002

Email: [email protected]
Password: stewart71

Email:[email protected]
Password: camy959

Email: [email protected]
Password: trideousa1

Email: [email protected]
Password: sicarieri99

Email: [email protected]
Password: adrews1990

Email:[email protected]
Password: 92anacaroline

Free Minecraft Google Account

Email: [email protected]
Password: cepologri1123

Email: [email protected]
Password: kristywilson109

Email: [email protected]
Password: fachry.gofar19

Email: [email protected]
Password: sholeh12345

Email: [email protected]
Password: eckayoseb

Email: [email protected]
Password: parskentagic114

Email: [email protected]
Password: oleovamene

Email: [email protected]
Password: ficanympla

Email: [email protected]
Password: oftevizanex9901

Email: [email protected]
Password: awwarmuhz91

Free Minecraft Account 2023

The accounts we got came from players who had retired from playing Minecraft.

Free Minecraft Account and  Password 2022

Free Minecraft Account and Password 2023

In this post, we will share Minecraft accounts publicly and openly. The point is, anyone can take it and use it. Remember, who’s the first to get it, hehe.

1. Free Minecraft Account

Email: [email protected] Password: egitabutie5757
Email: [email protected] Password: qusut21
Email: [email protected] Password: larsedismari
Email: [email protected] Password:  jamdisc001
Email: [email protected] Password: kristine2u
Email: [email protected] Password: slimerules13
Email: [email protected] Password: 345magic
Email:[email protected] Password: fian7676x
Email: [email protected] Password: euverogent
Email: [email protected] Password: zedsendfin01
Email: [email protected] Password: 12erionergr
Email: [email protected] Password: rownisera8
Email: [email protected] Password: diana995
Email: [email protected] (January 5, 2023)Password: confidenceican60
Email: [email protected] (January 11, 2023)Password: bitrughtiona
Email: [email protected] (January 18, 2023)Password: saisipolc
Email: [email protected] Password: wendal1002
Email: [email protected] Password: stewart71
Email:[email protected] Password: camy959
Email: [email protected] Password: trideousa1
Email: [email protected] Password: sicarieri99
Email: [email protected] Password: adrews1990
Email:[email protected] Password: 92anacaroline
Email: [email protected] Password: pauladywer9990
Email: [email protected] Password: 1234kingster
Email: [email protected] Password: jovanferdian22
Email: [email protected] Password: vanvechten009
Email: [email protected] Password: oneil882yx
Email: [email protected] Password: larchembu002
Email: [email protected]
Password: xanitonte
Email: [email protected]
Password: wisnu006z
Email: [email protected]
Password: ciletzscent1990

2. Collection of Free MC Accounts Today

Free Minecraft Account and  Password 2022

Free Minecraft Account and Password 2023

3. Newest Free MineCraft Account [Update 2023]

  1. Email: [email protected]
    Password: mariaerin123
  2. Email: [email protected]
    Password: andreasstev_1
  3. Email: [email protected]
    Password: 11linaadelia
  4. Email: [email protected]
    Password: rebecca9909
  5. Email: [email protected]
    Password: logrableripl0x01
  6. Email: [email protected]
    Password: alenoethator
  7. Email: [email protected]
    Password: lockateri123
  8. Email: [email protected]
    Password: sievatherfo_000
  9. Email: [email protected]
    Password: cashalevera56
  10. Email: [email protected]
    Password: stancerosel
  11. Email: [email protected]
    Password: sayamaz9x11
  12. Email: [email protected]
    Password: locyaquer1d
  13. Email: [email protected]
    Password: lawrencez112290
  14. Email: [email protected]
    Password: ricalouliag46
  15. Email: [email protected]
    Password: catswrinex28

3. Newest Free MineCraft Account (2023)

  1. Email: [email protected]
    Password: kristywilson109
  2. Email: [email protected]
    Password: fachry.gofar19
  3. Email: [email protected]
    Password: parskentagic114
  4. Email: [email protected]
    Password: oleovamene
  5. Email: [email protected]
    Password: ficanympla
  6. Email: [email protected]
    Password: oftevizanex9901
  7. Email: [email protected]
    Password: sholeh12345
  8. Email: [email protected]
    Password: petruktampan767
  9. Email: [email protected]
    Password: todronetina
  10. Email: [email protected]
    Password: bud1saputr4
  11. Email: [email protected]
    Password: eckayoseb
  12. Email: [email protected]
    Password: awwarmuhz91
  13. Email: [email protected]
    Password: fajarkurnia123456
  14. Email: [email protected]
    Password: 446ejeconsue446
  15. Email: [email protected]
    Password: cepologri1123

Free Minecraft Account Collection

Many of you will want to know in advance whether this account is safe to use or whether this account is not to be used.

This is what you should be asking. Because if you use an unsecured account, the city you build will be in vain or even be deleted. Therefore, you must first make sure whether it is safe or not regarding this account.

Free Minecraft Account and  Password 2023

Free Minecraft Account and Password 2023

If you use a secure account then you certainly don’t need to worry and you can also freely build as many cities as you want.

We got this account from a pro player who no longer plays the Minecraft game. In this post, we will share it openly to the public, so that everyone can freely take it by implementing a first-come-first-served system.

So you can immediately take the account below so that it doesn’t get taken by someone else.

  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : Windows8.1
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : remote12
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : Ocean123
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : Facebook69
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : piqnicata
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : kingorder
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : shrair2921
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : derkiller1
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : Uebellacker05
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Password : stenli123

After you log in and try one by one, you can immediately secure this account by changing the email and password data for  Minecraft full access.

This is done solely to prevent mutual hackbacks between Premium Account Hunter users.

Newest Free Minecraft Account Full City

If any of you want to have an account with a beautiful city or country theme, you can try with the account below.

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: sholeh12345
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: fachry.gofar19
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: eckayoseb
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: fajarkurnia123456
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: 446ejeconsue446
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: petruktampan767
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: todronetina
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: bud1saputr4
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: cepologri1123
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: oleovamene
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: ficanympla
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: oftevizanex9901
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: awwarmuhz91
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: kristywilson109
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: parskentagic114
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: fajarkurnia123456
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: 446ejeconsue446
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: petruktampan767
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: todronetina
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: bud1saputr4
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: cepologri1123
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: kristywilson109
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: fachry.gofar19
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: sholeh12345
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: eckayoseb
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: parskentagic114
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: oleovamene
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: ficanympla
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: oftevizanex9901
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: awwarmuhz91

Free Minecraft Premium PC Account

If anyone is playing the Minecraft game through your PC, you can use the Latest Free Minecraft PC Account that we have provided below.

We have provided a free Minecraft PC account that you can later use as a tester as a beginner who wants to try this cool game. If you want to play this game again but are lazy to create a new account. have an account use it for free.

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: 99lastanardema
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: riocalenden9x
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: 1stierxedin
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: aflianneo1993
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: erimoncrus17
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: irtionflet11x1
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: actocelievet
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: irtionflet11x1
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: actocelievet
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: medabledirle23
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: gertolveld3
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: caroline29
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: 99lastanardema
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: riocalenden9x
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: 1stierxedin
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: aflianneo1993
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: shinigami135
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: x1itachiclan
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: andistingerh331
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: medabledirle23
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: gertolveld3
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: caroline29
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: shinigami135
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: x1itachiclan
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: andistingerh331
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: erimoncrus17
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: irtionflet11x1
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: actocelievet
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: shinigami135
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: x1itachiclan
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: andistingerh331
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: erimoncrus17
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: irtionflet11x1
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: actocelievet
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: medabledirle23
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: gertolveld3
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: caroline29
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: 99lastanardema
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: riocalenden9x
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: 1stierxedin
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: aflianneo1993
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: shinigami135
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: x1itachiclan
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: andistingerh331
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: medabledirle23
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: gertolveld3
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: caroline29
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: 99lastanardema
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: riocalenden9x
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: 1stierxedin
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: aflianneo1993
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Password: erimoncrus17

Free MC Account Safe When Used?

The Play Store is a fertile ground for hijackers of an application to ride a popularity and the most reliable place in deceiving many gamers. There have been enough games like fake Angry Birds, fake Infinity Blade, fake Plants vs Zombies, and others.

Until now there has been no preventive action from Google in tackling this. Generally through reports from gamers, then Google officially revokes the game.

In fact, it is quite easy to identify this game as a fake game, starting from the absence of a main image at the top. Then it comes to a much different developer code (the official Mojang developer).

Well next time, you have to make sure before you download and install this game from Google Play. We have tried and been affected by some of the malware contained in it such as the cellphone screen suddenly turning on by itself and an ad that appears in full screen form.

How To Get A Minecraft Account For Free

Before we explain how to do this, please note that for the Minecraft demo it will have a time limit of around 1 hour and 40 minutes, while in this game you will need up to 5 days.

How to Download Java Edition Version

To download and install a demo of this Minecraft Java Edition IOS version, press the button you can see in the upper right corner on the official website, then click the Try sign and then download in the menu on the right and click the Download button, to be able to download installation data.

To be able to install the game through the Windows OS, starting from the downloaded data (by double-clicking it), click the next button twice in a row, then click Install on pc – (for the latter you will be prompted to Windows User Account Control) and, to finish, please click End.

How to Create a Minecraft Account

As previously mentioned, when downloading and installing the demo version of Minecraft Java Edition, you must first create an account.

If you haven’t already, please login to the official website of the game and then click on the Login button, which is located at the top.

For the next screen, you can touch the sign and you register one here, which is located at the bottom, then you complete the registration form data by writing an email address, and specifying a password like writing a date of birth.

After that put a check mark on the column, you will receive a usage data and click to get an original account.

After you have successfully logged in from one of the accounts, you can immediately secure your account by changing the E-mail data and password for Minecraft Premium full access.

This aims to prevent hack backs between Premium Account Hunter users

Hopefully, you are like Free Minecraft Account and Password 2023 and we are always open to your problems, questions, and suggestions, so feel free to Comment on us by filling this. 

This is a free service that we offer, We read every message we receive. Tell those we helped by sharing our posts with friends

Minecraft Java Edition is a version of the game that was originally designed for mobile devices. It features updated graphics and gameplay, as well as several additional features that are not available in other versions of Minecraft.
Java Edition also has its own launcher and marketplace, which allows you to buy custom items and skins directly from within the game. Additionally, it supports cross-platform play between PC/Mac players and mobile players.

Minecraft Java Edition is a version of Minecraft that was designed for devices with touch screens, such as phones and tablets. It offers different features than the console versions of Minecraft, such as simplified controls and a more immersive experience. Additionally, it supports multiplayer gaming so you can play with your friends even when you’re not on the same computer.

Minecraft Java Edition also allows users to create their own maps using the MCEdit map editor which is freely available from within the game. This makes it easy to customize your environment in order to make playing through the game more enjoyable.

Additionally, players can earn money by selling custom maps or mods created using MCEdit onto external marketplaces like Mojang, Google Play, and Apple’s App Store. So if you’re looking for an exciting mobile version of Minecraft that doesn’t require installation or lengthy updates, then check out Minecraft Java Edition.

Minecraft Java Edition Gift Code Free

Minecraft Redeem Codes:

Minecraft Redeem Codes are digital codes that can be used to purchase premium versions of the game or in-game items. These codes can be redeemed on different platforms such as Apple Store, Google Play Store. Once you have a code, input it into the corresponding platform to redeem your product. Minecraft Redeem Codes offer convenience for those who want to quickly and easily purchase desired content or gear without having to spend hours scouring through various stores online or offline.

List of Free redeem Codes

  • 6CER-7637-MVUD
  • 2AGT-N89Q-9T9F
  • 6JZW-DQHJ-E9J7
  • 2E63-ECRX-Y9XB
  • 6CER-7637-MVUD
  • 2AGT-N89Q-9T9F
  • 6JZW-DQHJ-E9J7


    • 3X4T2R8VHLARRETA574EW5368

Minecraft Java Edition: Key Features

  • Available on various platforms: Windows, Linux, and Mac
  • Access to snapshots, enabling early access to new features
  • Supports player-created mods and skins
  • Comes with frequent updates via the game publisher
  • Compatible with Realms for Minecraft Java Edition
  • Free Minecraft Java Edition codes are available

Why I Play the JAVA Edition of Minecraft?

Minecraft Java Edition 2023: System Requirements

Minecraft Java Edition 2023Minimum Requirements Minecraft Java Edition 2023 Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz/ AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or equivalent Intel Core i5-4690 3.5GHz / AMD A10-7800 APU 3.5 GHz or equivalent
GPU (Integrated) Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Ivy Bridge) or AMD Radeon R5 series (Kaveri line) w/ OpenGL 4.4
GPU (Discrete) Nvidia GeForce 400 Series or AMD Radeon HD 7000 series w/ OpenGL 4.4 GeForce 700 Series or AMD Radeon Rx 200 Series (excluding integrated chipsets) w/ OpenGL 4.5
HDD At least 1GB for game core, maps and other files 4GB (SSD is recommended)

Please note that an Internet connection is compulsory to download Minecraft java edition free code, afterwards you can play the game offline.

Moreover, you might face up issues playing Minecraft Java Edition when using some versions of Java 7, when using a mismatched version of Java for your operating system, or when multiple Java versions are installed.

Starting from the 1.12 version, Java 8 is required to run the game.

2. What are Minecraft Java Edition redeem codes free 2023?

Redeem code Minecraft Java Edition free are free coupons and gift codes that players can use to redeem for exclusive features resources in the game without spending a penny, for example:

  • Free Minecraft account
  • Free Minecraft skins for your premium account
  • Free download of the full version
  • Free Minecraft: Pocket Edition

Keep in mind that the offers are updated weekly, so make sure to check back regularly for the available prizes.

3. How to get Minecraft Java Edition redeem code free 2023?

Obtaining Free Minecraft java codes is push-button easy, just follow our guide here:

  • Step 1: Visit https://minecraft.net/
  • Step 2: Choose the available code that you like most.
  • Step 3: Enter your Minecraft username and tap “Get Code
  • Step 4: You would be requested to answer a survey or complete an offer from the sponsors before receiving the code.


Use the code on the back of your card or the gift code you received to download Minecraft: Java Edition.

An active Microsoft account is needed to redeem this gift. Learn more about redeeming a Minecraft pre-paid card with the instructions for Minecraft: Java Edition.

Prepaid Minecraft Cards

Minecraft prepaid cards can be used on a Microsoft account (that is not already associated with a copy of the game) and entitle the cardholder to one Minecraft license (in other words, one copy of Minecraft).

If you have purchased a Minecraft: Java Edition prepaid card at a retail store, you can redeem your code by visiting minecraft.net and clicking REDEEM JAVA EDITION. You will be prompted to log in or create a Microsoft account. Once this is complete you can redeem your code and finish setting up your Minecraft profile.

Where is my gift code?

When you purchase a gift code, you can either have it sent to your email address or to a friend’s email address. After it’s been purchased, you can view the code on your profile by logging in to the Mojang account  where the code was purchased.

Once the code has been redeemed, the username of the person who redeemed it will appear under the header Redeemed By.

You should receive your gift code very shortly after purchasing it as well as a purchase confirmation email. If this didn’t happen, see if any of the following scenarios applies.
Cannot Find Gift Code Email

If you cannot locate your gift code in your email inbox or account profile, check your junk or spam email folders.

Bank Transfers and Other Payment Types

Some slower payment types, such as bank transfers, can take 3-5 business days to complete. If you paid this way, make sure that the payment went through by checking your email for the confirmation email.
Failed Transaction

There is occasionally an issue where a failed transaction sends a customer to the payment confirmation screen. If after a few hours you have only received a 32 character order number, and not a transaction ID, it is unlikely that the transaction was successful. Please double check your bank account to confirm that you were charged.

Request to Authorize Your Payment

If you’ve received a call from your credit card company, asking if you would like to authorize an international transaction (Mojang Studios is in Sweden), they may have derailed the payment process, even if they eventually approve transaction. Confirm that your credit card was charged. If it was not, you can wait for a charge to process, or try your purchase again. If you were charged, you must obtain the transaction ID and contact us, as it is possible that the hold interrupted the payment process and we were not electronically notified of the purchase.

Note: If you cannot locate your gift code in your email inbox or account profile, check your junk or spam email folders. If you don’t find it, contact Minecraft Support. Note that we must have the transaction ID to view your purchase.

I accidentally purchased a Minecraft: Java Edition gift code.

If you have accidentally purchased a Minecraft gift code instead of purchasing Minecraft, you can still get the game without having to be refunded. Simply go to our Redeem Minecraft: Java Edition site and redeem your code.

Please be sure that you are redeeming a code that you purchased from an authorized retailer. Codes from other sites may not work or may cease to work after a time due to being refunded.


Minecraft — это игра в жанре песочницы, которая позволяет игрокам строить и исследовать виртуальный мир. Minecraft доступен на множестве платформ, включая Windows 10. Но чтобы играть в Minecraft на Windows 10, вам нужен ключ активации.

Как получить ключ бесплатно

Если вы уже купили Minecraft Windows 10 Edition в прошлом, то вам не нужно покупать ключ заново. Вы можете перейти на страницу своего аккаунта в магазине Microsoft и найти свой ключ там.

Если вы еще не покупали Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, у вас есть шанс получить ключ бесплатно. Для этого вам нужно подписаться на Xbox Game Pass, который сейчас предлагает первый месяц подписки за 1 доллар. Среди преимуществ подписки находится бесплатный ключ Minecraft Windows 10 Edition.

Зачем нужен ключ

Ключ активации — это способ подтвердить, что вы законно приобрели игру. Без ключа вы не сможете загрузить и играть в Minecraft. Ключ также используется для восстановления учетной записи игрока, если она была потеряна или взломана.


Minecraft Windows 10 Edition — интересная и увлекательная игра, которая доступна на множестве устройств. Если вы хотите играть в нее на Windows 10, то вам нужен ключ активации. Вы можете купить его в магазине Microsoft или получить бесплатно при подписке на Xbox Game Pass. Не забудьте сохранить ключ в безопасном месте, чтобы не потерять доступ к своей учетной записи игрока.

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