Microsoft works converter для windows 10

If you’re struggling with maintaining, migrating, and just simply opening your Microsoft files, you understand how this can affect your personal and business life. Nothing is more frustrating that not being able to work on the documents you need to because of a simple program error or incompatibility. Well, if you suffer from this regularly, there’s a valuable solution for you, and it’s called Microsoft Works 6-9 File Converter for Windows. 

This piece of software allows you to convert Microsoft works files quickly and easily. Microsoft Works 6-9 File Converter can convert multiple files at a time and can convert Microsoft Works files to Excel with just a few simple clicks. This allows you to get your work done with ease without having to face a number of hurdles to just do a few simple tasks. This puts time back on the clock and money back in your pocket. 

The program has built-in compatibility for DOC and XLS formats. This allows the Word processor to easily open Microsoft documents and also the Works spreadsheet to open Excel workbooks as well. The program is straightforward and is targeted for small and home-based business owners as a way to handle WKS spreadsheets, WDB word processor files, and WPS word processor files. It’s an easy way of integrating spreadsheet or database information into word processing documents like mail merge. Imagine being able to manage a multitude of files from one simple program.

The calendar function can also help you store your appointments, manage your contacts and address book, and remind you of upcoming birthdays or anniversaries so you’ll never forget.

Open, edit, and save Works Word Processor Files


  • Native compatibility with Microsoft DOC and XLS File Formats
  • Open and maintain all kinds of Microsoft Word and Excel Documents
  • Easily migrate and input spreadsheet data into a variety of word processing documents
  • Import/Export Office Open XML documents
  • Store appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events
  • Integrates with Windows address book and all of your contacts.

So, if you struggle with maintaining your Microsoft Excel and Word Processing documents, take a look at Microsoft Works 6-9 File Converter for Windows. It’s a straightforward interface, and powerful features can help you get back on track and, more importantly, take control of your documents, so your work gets done faster and easier. And, the best piece of information yet, this File Converter works on all instances of the Windows operating system since XP!

Works on Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7, Vista and XP.


image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


I especially like the Microsoft Works 6-9 File Converter for Windows because I am a big fan of Microsoft Works, I use it all the time. This software makes it possible for me to save documents I have created in Microsoft Word in WPS format, which means I can open and manage the file in Microsoft Works. Heads up, this will only be available on your PC, as this software was created to run on Windows.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Harry Sharland

The Microsoft Works 6–9 File Converter software enables users to open, edit, and save documents created in the Works Word Processor file format (.wps) with the Microsoft Word software. The converter supports other conversion options, including the HTML and RTF formats. It is designed to be used with Works versions 6, 7, 8, and 9.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Adam N.

Microsoft Works 6-9 File Converter software is easy to use and understand. It’s a great tool for converting files from older versions of the program to newer ones. The interface is well designed and the conversion process is fast and efficient. The quality of the converted files is generally good, with only minor formatting issues that are easy to fix. I was able to convert a large number of documents quickly and with minimal effort. The software also provides a preview of the converted files before saving. Overall, the Microsoft Works 6-9 File Converter is a great tool for quickly and easily converting documents.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Alexander K******b

Microsoft Works 6–9 File Converter is a useful tool for converting older versions of Microsoft Works files into more current versions. It’s easy to use and performs the conversions quickly. I found it was particularly useful for converting text-based files. The software also allows you to customize settings for each conversion. It is reliable and has been a great asset to my workflow.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Michael U********u

I found Microsoft Works 6-9 File Converter to be usefull in converting documents, however I found the user interface clunky and hard to naviagte.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner

Joseph Nechvatal

This software allows users to convert files from an older version of a productivity suite to a newer version. It supports various file formats including word processing documents, spreadsheets, and databases. The main features include easy conversion of files, preserving formatting and content, and compatibility with different versions of Microsoft Office. It is a useful tool for those who need to access files created in an older version of a productivity suite.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


The Microsoft Works 6–9 File Converter is a useful tool that allows users to convert old Microsoft Works files into easily accessible files. Its primary function is to convert Work’s WPS file formats into Word’s DOCX format. The software is essential for accessing and editing old documents created in now outdated or unsupported software.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


Allows seamless conversion of older files, though occasional formatting issues may occur.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


Simple, efficient for outdated files conversion.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner


Efficient, straightforward, occasionally slow.

На чтение 3 мин. Просмотров 742 Опубликовано

Вы когда-нибудь пробовали использовать MS Works на Windows 10? Это может быть сложнее, чем вы думаете. Несмотря на то, что Works была прекращена Microsoft, некоторые пользователи по-прежнему предпочитают использовать это программное обеспечение вместо MS Office из-за его простоты и уровня настройки.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим несколько методов, которые позволят вам либо запустить MS Works (если у вас уже есть установочный компакт-диск или программное обеспечение установлено на вашем компьютере), либо преобразовать файлы из формата WPS-файла Works в более совместимый формат, который можно открыть в Open Office, Libre Office или Microsoft Office. Читайте дальше, чтобы узнать, как это сделать.

Как запустить Microsoft Works в Windows 10? Хотя Microsoft Works больше не выпускается, ее можно запустить в Windows 10, настроив файл MSWorks.exe для работы в режиме совместимости. Кроме того, вы можете конвертировать файлы .WPS с помощью специального конвертера файлов Microsoft Works.


  1. Как я могу использовать Microsoft Works в Windows 10?
  2. 1. Запустите исполняемый файл MS Works в режиме совместимости.
  3. 2. Конвертировать файлы MS Works (WPS)

Как я могу использовать Microsoft Works в Windows 10?

  1. Запустите исполняемый файл MS Works в режиме совместимости
  2. Конвертировать файлы MS Works (WPS)

1. Запустите исполняемый файл MS Works в режиме совместимости.

Примечание. Этот метод применяется только в том случае, если у вас уже есть установочный компакт-диск Microsoft Works или если это программное обеспечение уже установлено на вашем компьютере

  1. Перейдите в папку , в которой находится исполняемый файл для Microsoft Works (C:> Program Files (x86)> Microsoft Works) .
  2. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши файл MSWorks.exe и выберите Устранение неполадок совместимости.
  3. Средство устранения неполадок автоматически определит лучший режим совместимости.
  4. После завершения этого процесса выберите Попробуйте рекомендуемые настройки.
  5. Нажмите Протестировать программу .
  6. Это запустит приложение MS Works .

2. Конвертировать файлы MS Works (WPS)

MS Office

Этот конвертер дает вам возможность открывать, редактировать и сохранять файлы в формате текстового редактора Works.

  1. Загрузите конвертер файлов Microsoft Works 6–9.
  2. Установите конвертер Microsoft Works на свой компьютер.

Примечание. Убедитесь, что на вашем компьютере уже установлен Microsoft Office, чтобы это исправление работало.

Открытый офис

Вы можете легко преобразовать файлы MS Works в формат Open Office, используя онлайн-конвертер Zamzar.

  1. Открыв веб-сайт, нажмите Выберите и перейдите к местоположению файла, который вы хотите конвертировать, выберите его и нажмите Открыть .
  2. Далее выберите формат выходного файла по вашему выбору.
  3. Введите свой адрес электронной почты в текстовом поле.
  4. Нажмите Конвертировать и ОК в окне подтверждения, чтобы загрузить файл в Zamzar.
  5. Вы получите электронное письмо от Zamzar с кликабельной ссылкой на страницу загрузки вашего преобразованного файла.
  6. Нажмите Загрузить и выберите место загрузки только что преобразованного файла.

После завершения этого процесса вы сможете открыть вновь созданный файл в Open Office.

Libre Office

Если на вашем компьютере уже установлен Libre Office, вы можете выполнить следующие действия:

  1. Откройте Libre Office, нажмите Файл и выберите Сохранить как .
  2. Перейдите к пути, в котором вы хотите сохранить файл.
  3. Нажмите на раскрывающееся меню Тип файла и выберите формат, необходимый для использования файла в формате RTF, DOC или ODT.
  4. Нажмите Сохранить , чтобы преобразовать файл.
  5. После завершения этого процесса вы можете открыть преобразованные файлы в обычном режиме.

В этой статье мы рассмотрели быстрый способ запуска MS Works на ПК с Windows 10, а также способ преобразования файлов WPS в любое используемое вами программное обеспечение Office.

Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь сообщить нам в разделе комментариев ниже, если эта статья была полезна для вас.

In this page, or post, you are going to download Microsoft works 6 9 file converter that makes your life easy, and helps. According to developer, he has already disclosed why are you really sure to use it and in which reason you need?


  • 1 About Microsoft works 6 9 file converter for Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, and Mac
    • 1.1 Is Microsoft works 6 9 file converter Worth?
    • 1.2 How to disable Microsoft works 6 9 file converter
    • 1.3 Detail Microsoft works 6 9 file converter for windows XP, 7, 8, 10, and Mac
    • 1.4 How to Uninstall or Remove Microsoft works 6 9 file converter properly?
    • 1.5 How do I contact Microsoft works 6 9 file converter by phone?
    • 1.6 How to Get Rid of Microsoft works 6 9 file converter Email Signature

Actually, the software you want to install or reinstall there are having some unethical issues which you may need to know.

It Allowed for multiple purpose to use and the language supports Windows XP,Windows 98,Windows 2003,Windows Vista,Windows 10,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 2000 recently, the developer has announced that it is the latest version.

Is Microsoft works 6 9 file converter Worth?

Basically, we cannot suppose but depends on the rating of it, that’s why it is critical and tough to disclose in no time. Are you wondering to know what the worth would be of it? In which reason to know? It is not too much necessary so, leave it.

How to disable Microsoft works 6 9 file converter

To disable do considering on the following:

  • Do open your computer, laptop whatever you have, now follow to taskbar of windows, do search out Microsoft works 6 9 file converter then do right-click on that icon.
  • There will be showing few options, such as disable for 4-6 minutes,OR 1-2 hours and more. It is up to you.
  • Then do confirm there by clicking on ‘Yes’.
  • To know that is it really confirmed or disabled properly?
  • See the screen is there a read color pop-up message? Then it is 100 secure.

Detail Microsoft works 6 9 file converter for windows XP, 7, 8, 10, and Mac

Created Date: Free
Language: Windows XP,Windows 98,Windows 2003,Windows Vista,Windows 10,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 2000
License: English,German,Spanish,French,Italian,Japanese,Polish,Chinese
Software Name: Microsoft works 6 9 file converter
Version: Recently Updated
Download: Download
SHA-1 Code: None

How to Uninstall or Remove Microsoft works 6 9 file converter properly?

It is not too much hard to uninstall or remove out. Do considering on the following:

  • Go to Control Panel
  • Click on Uinstall the programs
  • Do click on the icon of Microsoft works 6 9 file converter.
  • Follow up to the uninstall option. Completed!

How do I contact Microsoft works 6 9 file converter by phone?

Not to worry to contact to the company or the team of it. Here you go:

  • Do click on the footer area
  • There is available phone number to contact or make a call to the team
  • That’s not at all.
  • Most of the software doesn’t allow


How to Get Rid of Microsoft works 6 9 file converter Email Signature

By this way, you should have a premium key of it but it is illegal and not a good sign to do.

  • You should have to purchase the license.
  • Make a list where you can restore
  • There are also illegal ways to do but I do avoid.
  • That’s it. is a blog which aims to provide quality guidance to Bloggers, Webmasters, and Web Developers.

Ensure the software is installed on your PC before proceeding

by Milan Stanojevic

Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more

Updated on

  • Microsoft Works has been discontinued by Microsoft, therefore there haven’t been any updates for it in ages.
  • Users have been looking for ways to use MS Works on their devices despite the lack of support for it.
  • We made a guide on how to run Microsoft Works on your Windows 10 device.

How to run Microsoft Works on Windows 10

Have you ever tried using MS Works on Windows 10? It might be harder than you think.

Even though Works has been discontinued by Microsoft, some users still prefer to use this software instead of MS Office because of its simplicity and customization level.

In this article, we will explore a few methods that will allow you to either run MS Works (if you already have an installation CD or the software is installed on your PC) or convert the files from the .WPS file format of Works, to a more compatible format that can be opened in Open Office, Libre Office, or Microsoft Office.

Although Microsoft Works is discontinued, you can still run it on Windows 10 by setting the MSWorks.exe file to run in Compatibility Mode. Alternatively, you can convert .WPS files with dedicated Microsoft Works file converter.

How can I use Microsoft Works on Windows 10?

  1. Run MS Works executable file in compatibility mode
  2. Convert MS Works files (WPS)

1. Run MS Works executable file in compatibility mode

1. Ensure that you have the MS Works app installed on your PC. If not, go ahead and do it.

2. Navigate to the folder that contains the executable file for Microsoft Works (C: > Program Files (x86) > Microsoft Works)

3. Right-click on the MSWorks.exe file, and select Troubleshoot compatibility.

How we test, review and rate?

We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.

For more details you can read how we test, review, and rate at WindowsReport.

run microsoft works for windows 10 in compatibility mode

4. The troubleshooter will automatically detect the best compatibility mode.

5. After this process is completed, select Try recommended settings.

recommended settings troubleshooting

6. Click on Test the program.

test program microsoft works for windows 10

7. This will launch the MS Works application.

ms works window

Although MS Works is an old software, you can still use it on your Windows 10 device. What you need to do is run it in compatibility mode. This will ensure proper functioning of the software.

Note: This method only applies if you already have a Microsoft Works installation CD, or if you already have this software installed on your PC

Read more about this topic

  • How to Open Works Files on Windows 10 PCs
  • How do I open a WPS file in Windows 10/11 [Best Tools]
  • Microsoft Office for Students: Download & Install It for Free

2. Convert MS Works files (WPS)

MS Office

This converter gives you the power to open, edit and save files in Works Word Processor format.

  1. Download Microsoft Works 6–9 File Converter.converter download Microsoft Works on Windows 10
  2. Install the Microsoft Works Converter to your PC.

Note: Make sure you already have Microsoft Office installed on your PC for this fix to work.

Open Office

openoffice Microsoft Works on Windows 10

You can easily transform your MS Works files to Open Office format, by using the online converter called Zamzar.

  1. Once the website is opened, click Choose and navigate to the location of the file you want to convert, select it, and then click Open.
  2. Next, select the output file format of your choosing.
  3. Enter your email address in the text field.
  4. Click Convert and OK in the confirmation window in order to upload the file to Zamzar.
  5. You will receive an email from Zamzar with a clickable link to the download page of your converted file.
  6. Click on Download, and choose the download location of the newly converted file.

After this process is complete, you will be able to open up the newly created file inside Open Office.

Libre Office

libre office Microsoft Works on Windows 10

If you already have Libre Office installed on your PC, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open up Libre Office, click File, and select Save as.
  2. Navigate to the path you wish to save your file in.
  3. Click on the File type drop-down menu and select the format you need to use the file in RTF, DOC, or ODT.
  4. Click Save to convert the file.
  5. After this process is complete, you can open up the converted files normally.

In this article we explored a quick way to run MS Works on your Windows 10 PC, and also a method to convert WPS files to any Office software you use.

Please feel free to let us know in the comment section below if this article was helpful to you.

newsletter icon

Even though Works has been discontinued by Microsoft, some users still prefer to use this software instead of MS Office because of its simplicity and customization level.
In this article, we will explore a few methods that will allow you to either run MS Works (if you already have an installation CD or the software is installed on your PC) or convert the files from the .WPS file format of Works, to a more compatible format that can be opened in Open Office, Libre Office, or Microsoft Office.
Although Microsoft Works is discontinued, you can still run it on Windows 10 by setting the MSWorks.exe file to run in Compatibility Mode. Alternatively, you can convert .WPS files with dedicated Microsoft Works file converter.

How can I use Microsoft Works on Windows 10?

1. Run MS Works executable file in compatibility mode

  1. Ensure that you have the MS Works app installed on your PC. If not, go ahead and do it.

  2. Navigate to the folder that contains the executable file for Microsoft Works (C: > Program Files (x86) > Microsoft Works)

  3. Right-click on the MSWorks.exe file, and select Troubleshoot compatibility.

  4. The troubleshooter will automatically detect the best compatibility mode.

  5. After this process is completed, select Try recommended settings.

  6. Click on Test the program.

  7. This will launch the MS Works application.

Although MS Works is an old software, you can still use it on your Windows 10 device. What you need to do is run it in compatibility mode. This will ensure proper functioning of the software.

Note: This method only applies if you already have a Microsoft Works installation CD, or if you already have this software installed on your PC

2. Convert MS Works files (WPS)

MS Office
This converter gives you the power to open, edit and save files in Works Word Processor format.
Note: Make sure you already have Microsoft Office installed on your PC for this fix to work.
Open Office
You can easily transform your MS Works files to Open Office format, by using the online converter called Zamzar.
After this process is complete, you will be able to open up the newly created file inside Open Office.
Libre Office
If you already have Libre Office installed on your PC, you can follow these steps:
In this article we explored a quick way to run MS Works on your Windows 10 PC, and also a method to convert WPS files to any Office software you use.
Please feel free to let us know in the comment section below if this article was helpful to you.

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