Microsoft windows security spp 16384

So had a backup fail on a 2019 VM running on Hyper-V, due to a reboot of the VM.

New MSP, customer and we use Kaseya for remote management and I wanted make sure who did it and I confirmed it was Kaseya.

But during my investigation I found this, why is it scheduling a restart of service 100 years from now?


Windows 10: Event 16384 Windows is Scheduling a restart of the Software Protection service multiple…

Discus and support Event 16384 Windows is Scheduling a restart of the Software Protection service multiple… in Windows 10 Ask Insider to solve the problem; Event 16384, Security-SSP Successfully scheduled Software Protection service for re-start at 2121-02-23. Reason: RulesEngine.

Notice that the date is…
Discussion in ‘Windows 10 Ask Insider’ started by /u/rigain, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. Event 16384 Windows is Scheduling a restart of the Software Protection service multiple…

    Event 16384, Security-SSP Successfully scheduled Software Protection service for re-start at 2121-02-23. Reason: RulesEngine.

    Notice that the date is 100 years in the future

    It is often accompanied by event 16394: Offline downlevel migration succeeded.

    This happens a few times every hour, and seems to coincide with full screen games being minimized. (Fallout 4 in full screen) gets minimized by this, and I have to alt-tab back into it.

    In the Task Scheduler it says that it’s only meant to restart once daily.
    Maybe because it’s set to restart in 100 years, it never does and therefore keeps re-attempting?

    submitted by /u/rigain
    [link] [comments]


  2. Error: «Failed to schedule Software Protection service», Error Code: 0x80070005 on Windows 10


    As you are facing issues with the Windows Service errors, do not worry we will help you with this issue.

    The issue may occur if one or more of the following conditions are true:

    • The Task Scheduler service is disabled.
    • The Software Protection Platform service is not running under the NETWORK SERVICE account.
    • Read permissions for the NETWORK SERVICE account are missing on the following folder:

    Let us try the below troubleshooting steps and check if it helps.

    Method 1: I suggest you to verify that the Task Scheduler service is running. .

    • Press Windows + R keys, type services.msc and press enter.
    • Locate the Task Scheduler service.
    • Open the Task Scheduler service and click on “Start” button.
    • Set the Startup type to “Automatic”.
    • Click OK.

    Method 2: After verifying the service try the below.

    • Open the Computer Management tool, and then navigate to
      -> Task Scheduler -> Task Scheduler Library ->
      Microsoft -> Windows -> SoftwareProtectionPlatform.
    • On the General tab of SoftwareProtectionPlatform, select the security options, and then verify that the Software Protection Platform service is set to use the NETWORK SERVICE account.
    • In Windows Explorer, browse to the C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform folder, and then verify that the NETWORK SERVICE account has Read permissions for that folder.
    • Restart the Software Protection service if it is running.

    Hope it helps. Get back to us with an updates status of the error messages for further assistance.

    Thank you.

  3. Windows 10 Event ID 16385 Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start Error Code: 0x80041318.Event ID 16385 Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start Error Code: 0x80041318 was fix last month in one of updates.

  4. Event 16384 Windows is Scheduling a restart of the Software Protection service multiple…

    Error: «Failed to schedule Software Protection service», Error Code: 0x80070005 on Windows 10

    Since the June 14 Windows 10 update I have a «Security-SPP» error in my Event Viewer log every 30 seconds without stop. This is the msg: «Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start at 2116-06-30T14:18:33Z. Error Code: 0x80070005.» the
    alleged scheduled re-start time 100 years from now is slightly different each time, but the rest of the message is the same.

    Possibly related to this is the fact that the Task Scheduler desktop app always opens with the message «Task scheduler service is not available. Task scheduler will attempt to reconnect to it.» clicking the OK button on this window produces another version
    of the same thing. However, using the services app it is clear that the Task scheduler service is running; so is the Software Protection service. The Task Scheduler app must be killed with Task Manager; there is no other way to get it to respond.

    I have tried most of the suggestions I have found online (e.g., scannow) except for reinstalling Windows. Nothing really makes a difference.

    Other than the June 14 Windows 10 update I did not install any new software at that time.

    any suggestions?

    Original title: Constant Security-SPP errors following June 14 Windows 10 update


Event 16384 Windows is Scheduling a restart of the Software Protection service multiple…

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  2. microsoft-windows-security-spp 16384

Windows 10 Forums

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  • Question

  • Dear all,

    I am facing the issue is in the Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard . When i copy files (about > 20 GB) to other server then
    Window Server Auto Shutdown and Restart. I had check the event log and i figured out
    «Successfully scheduled Software Protection service for re-start at 2116-06-27T15:34:03Z. Reason: RulesEngine.» with Event ID 16384

    Please help me how to Fix this problem that i can copy Files to other server.

    Many Thanks.


  • Does this happen every time you try to copy files?  From your description, it almost appears that it was a random occurrence — you happened to be copying files when a restart was scheduled.  They look like two completely independent, unrelated

    . : | : . : | : . tim

    • Proposed as answer by

      Monday, August 8, 2016 6:58 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Leo Han
      Wednesday, September 7, 2016 7:11 AM

Good afternoon folks,

Okay I had a PC reboot for no seemingly apparent reason over the weekend and another one within an hour of being docked this morning. So I go digging in the event logs and find in the application log of each computer:
— System
  — Provider
  [ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP
  [ Guid] {E23B33B0-C8C9-472C-A5F9-F2BDFEA0F156}
  [ EventSourceName] Software Protection Platform Service

  — EventID 16384
  [ Qualifiers] 16384
  Version 0
  Level 4
  Task 0
  Opcode 0
  Keywords 0x80000000000000

(Time and computer ID deleted)

— EventData


Doing some digging around it almost looks like this is something tied to group policy yet I see nothing in our group policy related to this. (Hence the post here).
Searching MS knowledgebase and technet didn’t come up with anything useful, yes there’s a little there about it but doesn’t appear related.

The one that rebooted about 45 to 50 minutes after being docked did not give the user any warning or opportunity to save work before it commenced the reboot cycle. The one in the office that rebooted was on standby as a remote desktop so I could perform some network maintenance tasks while the office was empty. Due to another unrelated issue it didn’t finish boot process, grrr…
So has anyone else run into this?

Thanks a bunch,

What server roles are running on this server? If possible, as per the errors/events you are facing, it might be easier to do a restore or reinstallation to get things back.

Anyway, check Event ID 301, it should state a log file location, the log should contain the damaged files. It usually occurs due to the WINS database is damaged or is missing from the %SystemRoot%\system32\wins folder. Check this article for more information:

No action needed for Event 102. For event 105, please check this article for more details and resolution:

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact

All replies

Thank you for visiting our forum.

The forum that you posted is the English only forum. To avoid any misunderstanding that may be caused by the translation tool and better help you, better to share the complete English event, if possible. Alternatively, you could post this issue in other forums with the right language.

I’ve tried to translate it with Bing Translator, it seems to be «Successfully scheduled Software Protection service for re-start at xxxx. Reason: Rulesengine«.

Could you please share more context about the issue you are facing?

Based on my research, this event is associated with SPPSVC service, which is designed to shut down when nobody is using it. Along with event ID 16384, you probably will also have events associated with SPPSVC service startup (event id 900) and shutdown (event id 903), right?

Сбой активации приложения в Windows 10

Судя по датам, проблема появилась давно, но не с момента приобретения (бывшим владельцем) ноутбука. Попробую просмотреть дату установления какого-либо обновления в это время.
Прикрепляю (доступные мне и моему уму) логи.

Код события: 5973; 1001
Переодчески всплывает код ошибки 1000 backgroundTaskHost.exe

(проблема появилась 11 августа, через 2 часа после неё появилась проблема с SystemSettingsBroker.exe

24 Сентября 22:21:33, кажется, начались проблемы

Сигнатура проблемы:
P1: Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.4.8.176_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2t xyewy
P2: praid:CortanaUI
P3: 10.0.10240.16431
P4: 55c9bba1
P5: 460d
P6: 2097152

Вложенные файлы:
C:\Users\111\AppData\Local\Temp\WER765C.tmp.WERInternalMetad ata.xml
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\AppHang_Mic rosoft.Window_18ec1a721c44a0f16d3ea28bd7a87ec98a01161_180e67 ff_cab_1c9e767a\memory.hdmp
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\AppHang_Mic rosoft.Window_18ec1a721c44a0f16d3ea28bd7a87ec98a01161_180e67 ff_cab_1c9e767a\triagedump.dmp

Эти файлы можно найти здесь:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\AppHang_Mic rosoft.Window_18ec1a721c44a0f16d3ea28bd7a87ec98a01161_180e67 ff_cab_1c9e767a

Символ анализа:
Повторный поиск решения: 0
Идентификатор отчета: 74aee2e4-62f1-11e5-beac-543530b1f1da
Состояние отчета: 2
Хэшированный контейнер:

Изучив журнал около часа, я пришёл к выводу, что как-то связано с приложением Microsoft.Windows.Cortana, которая активизировалась 21 сентября 2015 года.

Что мне делать? Посерфив интернет, решение подобной проблемы (как и существование самой проблемый) — я не нашёл.

Простой компьютерный блог для души)

Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP — что это за ошибка и как исправить?

Приветствую. Мы пользуемся многими программами, часть из которых — платные. Однако не все хотят платить и предпочитают использовать уже активированные версии, которые могут содержать не только вирусы, но и вызвать ошибки в журнале Windows.

Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP — что это такое?

Ошибка, которая возникает при проблемах лицензирования ПО.

У некоторых пользователей при этом еще подвисает система.

Может появляться из-за использования взломанного софта. Например часто устанавливают взломанный Офис, при этом могут блокироваться некоторые защитные механизмы Windows, из-за чего собственно и может быть ошибка. Однако ошибка сама некритичная.

Взломанный софт при установке может останавливать службу SPPSVC, полное название которой — Служба платформы защиты программного обеспечения Майкрософт. Разумеется из-за этого могут быть ошибки как в журнале Windows, так и в ее работе.

Есть разные коды ошибки, например 8198. При этом в описании может упоминаться название slui.exe, а это процесс имеет отношение к активации Windows (возможно также и к софту Microsoft). Здесь также — ошибка может быть из-за использования хакерского софта для взлома Windows. Особенно учитывая, что файл slui.exe запускается из папки, в названии которой упоминается SPP:

Вообще существует еще служба Служба уведомления SPP, которая необходима для активации ПО, а также для уведомлений (как понимаю связанных с активацией). Данная служба может спокойно иметь отношение к сообщениям Security-SPP.

Пример ошибки, где в описании сразу указана примерная причина:

slui.exe — часто это именно из-за использования взломанной версии Windows. Но иногда ошибка бывает если изменилась конфигурация компьютера, тогда лицензия слетает (имею ввиду ситуацию когда лицензия привязана к железу).

Решение ошибки

Способ #1.

Нужно предоставить полные права на папку:

При этом полные права нужно дать именно учетке Network Service.

Также можете посмотреть тему на офф форуме Microsoft, возможно будет полезно.

Способ #2.

Возможно вы недавно ставили взломанный софт, репак какой-то. Попробуйте удалить, возможно ошибка прекратит появляться. Чтобы удалить — используйте штатные возможности Windows:

На форуме Microsoft читал что сообщения Security-SPP могут быть также из-за использования всяких чистилок, оптимизаторов системы, удаляторов типа Revo Uninstaller. Поэтому если у вас есть что-то подобное — то возможно стоит удалить и проверить.

Способ #3.

Не уверен что поможет, но не повредит точно. По крайней мере это рекомендуют сделать на форуме Microsoft — проверить систему командой sfc /scannow, которая восстанавливает поврежденные и отсутствующие системные файлы. Запустите командную строку от администратора (выше писал как), далее вставляете команду:

Если у вас SSD, то проверка будет намного быстрее, чем на жестком диске.

Если будут обнаружены какие-то поврежденные файлы, то они будут заменены на оригинальные, которые хранятся здесь:

Код события 16384 windows 10



What server roles are running on this server? If possible, as per the errors/events you are facing, it might be easier to do a restore or reinstallation to get things back.

Anyway, check Event ID 301, it should state a log file location, the log should contain the damaged files. It usually occurs due to the WINS database is damaged or is missing from the %SystemRoot%\system32\wins folder. Check this article for more information:

No action needed for Event 102. For event 105, please check this article for more details and resolution:

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact

Все ответы

Thank you for visiting our forum.

The forum that you posted is the English only forum. To avoid any misunderstanding that may be caused by the translation tool and better help you, better to share the complete English event, if possible. Alternatively, you could post this issue in other forums with the right language.

I’ve tried to translate it with Bing Translator, it seems to be «Successfully scheduled Software Protection service for re-start at xxxx. Reason: Rulesengine«.

Could you please share more context about the issue you are facing?

Based on my research, this event is associated with SPPSVC service, which is designed to shut down when nobody is using it. Along with event ID 16384, you probably will also have events associated with SPPSVC service startup (event id 900) and shutdown (event id 903), right?

System reboot with Event ID 16384

Good afternoon folks,

Okay I had a PC reboot for no seemingly apparent reason over the weekend and another one within an hour of being docked this morning. So I go digging in the event logs and find in the application log of each computer:
— System
— Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP
[ Guid]
[ EventSourceName] Software Protection Platform Service

— EventID 16384
[ Qualifiers] 16384
Version 0
Level 4
Task 0
Opcode 0
Keywords 0x80000000000000

(Time and computer ID deleted)

Doing some digging around it almost looks like this is something tied to group policy yet I see nothing in our group policy related to this. (Hence the post here).
Searching MS knowledgebase and technet didn’t come up with anything useful, yes there’s a little there about it but doesn’t appear related.

The one that rebooted about 45 to 50 minutes after being docked did not give the user any warning or opportunity to save work before it commenced the reboot cycle. The one in the office that rebooted was on standby as a remote desktop so I could perform some network maintenance tasks while the office was empty. Due to another unrelated issue it didn’t finish boot process, grrr.
So has anyone else run into this?

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