Microsoft windows plug and play device install reboot required

How to Troubleshoot Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required Issues

If you are experiencing issues with Plug and Play devices in Windows 10, such as a device requiring a reboot after installation, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue.

First, check the device manufacturer’s website for updated drivers. If the device is not listed on the manufacturer’s website, contact the manufacturer directly for assistance.

Next, check the Windows Device Manager for any errors. To do this, open the Device Manager by pressing the Windows key + X and selecting Device Manager. Look for any devices with a yellow exclamation mark next to them. If you find any, right-click on the device and select Update Driver.

If the device is still not working, try uninstalling the device and then reinstalling it. To do this, open the Device Manager and right-click on the device. Select Uninstall Device and then follow the on-screen instructions. Once the device is uninstalled, restart your computer and then reinstall the device.

If the issue persists, try running the Windows Troubleshooter. To do this, open the Settings app and select Update & Security. Select Troubleshoot and then select the appropriate troubleshooter for your device.

Finally, if none of the above steps have worked, you may need to reset your Windows 10 installation. To do this, open the Settings app and select Update & Security. Select Recovery and then select Reset this PC. Follow the on-screen instructions to reset your PC.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot any Plug and Play device install reboot required issues in Windows 10.

Exploring the Benefits of Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required

Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required is a feature that allows users to install new hardware devices without having to manually configure the device or reboot the computer. This feature is especially useful for users who are unfamiliar with the process of installing hardware devices.

The main benefit of Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required is that it simplifies the process of installing new hardware devices. This feature eliminates the need for users to manually configure the device or reboot the computer. Instead, the device is automatically configured and the computer is rebooted as part of the installation process. This makes the process of installing new hardware devices much easier and less time consuming.

Another benefit of Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required is that it helps to ensure that the device is properly installed and configured. By automatically configuring the device and rebooting the computer, the user can be sure that the device is properly installed and configured. This helps to reduce the risk of errors or incompatibilities that can occur when manually configuring a device.

Finally, Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required helps to ensure that the device is compatible with the computer. By automatically configuring the device and rebooting the computer, the user can be sure that the device is compatible with the computer. This helps to reduce the risk of incompatibilities that can occur when manually configuring a device.

Overall, Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required is a useful feature that simplifies the process of installing new hardware devices. It eliminates the need for users to manually configure the device or reboot the computer, helps to ensure that the device is properly installed and configured, and helps to ensure that the device is compatible with the computer. This makes the process of installing new hardware devices much easier and less time consuming.

Understanding the Security Implications of Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required

Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required is a feature that allows users to install new hardware devices without having to manually configure the device. This feature is beneficial for users who are unfamiliar with the process of manually configuring a device, as it simplifies the installation process. However, it is important to understand the security implications of this feature.

When a user installs a new device using the Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required feature, the device is automatically configured and installed without any user input. This means that the user does not have the opportunity to review the device’s settings or to ensure that the device is secure. As a result, the device may be vulnerable to malicious software or other security threats.

In addition, the Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required feature may also be used to install malicious software or other malicious code. This malicious code can be used to gain access to the user’s system and to steal sensitive information. It is therefore important to ensure that the device being installed is from a trusted source and that the user is aware of the security implications of the installation.

Finally, it is important to note that the Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required feature may also be used to install software that is not compatible with the user’s system. This can lead to system instability and can potentially cause data loss or system damage. It is therefore important to ensure that the device being installed is compatible with the user’s system before proceeding with the installation.

In conclusion, it is important to understand the security implications of the Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required feature. It is important to ensure that the device being installed is from a trusted source and that the user is aware of the security implications of the installation. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the device is compatible with the user’s system before proceeding with the installation.

Tips for Optimizing Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required Performance

1. Ensure that your system is up to date: Keeping your system up to date is essential for ensuring optimal performance. Make sure that you have the latest Windows 10 updates installed, as well as the latest drivers for your hardware.

2. Disable unnecessary startup programs: Many programs are set to launch automatically when Windows starts. This can slow down the system and cause performance issues. To improve performance, disable any unnecessary startup programs.

3. Disable unnecessary services: Windows services can also cause performance issues. To improve performance, disable any unnecessary services.

4. Clean up your hard drive: Over time, your hard drive can become cluttered with unnecessary files. To improve performance, delete any unnecessary files and folders.

5. Defragment your hard drive: Fragmentation can cause performance issues. To improve performance, defragment your hard drive regularly.

6. Disable visual effects: Visual effects can cause performance issues. To improve performance, disable any unnecessary visual effects.

7. Disable unnecessary hardware devices: Unnecessary hardware devices can cause performance issues. To improve performance, disable any unnecessary hardware devices.

8. Disable unnecessary network connections: Unnecessary network connections can cause performance issues. To improve performance, disable any unnecessary network connections.

9. Disable unnecessary background processes: Background processes can cause performance issues. To improve performance, disable any unnecessary background processes.

10. Use a reliable antivirus program: Malware and viruses can cause performance issues. To improve performance, use a reliable antivirus program to protect your system.

Comparing Windows 10 Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required to Other Operating Systems

Windows 10’s Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required feature is a unique and powerful tool that allows users to quickly and easily install new hardware devices without having to manually reboot their system. This feature is not available in other operating systems, such as macOS or Linux.

The Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required feature in Windows 10 allows users to install new hardware devices without having to manually reboot their system. This is done by automatically detecting the new hardware and then automatically rebooting the system to complete the installation. This feature is especially useful for users who are installing multiple hardware devices at once, as it eliminates the need to manually reboot the system after each device is installed.

In comparison, other operating systems such as macOS and Linux do not have this feature. Instead, users must manually reboot their system after each device is installed. This can be a time-consuming process, especially when installing multiple devices. Additionally, if the user forgets to reboot the system, the new hardware may not be properly installed.

Overall, Windows 10’s Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required feature is a powerful and convenient tool that allows users to quickly and easily install new hardware devices without having to manually reboot their system. This feature is not available in other operating systems, making it a unique and valuable tool for Windows 10 users.


Q1: What is Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required?

A1: Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required is a feature in Windows 10 that allows users to install new hardware devices without having to manually reboot their computer. This feature is especially useful for users who are installing multiple devices at once, as it eliminates the need to manually reboot the computer after each device is installed.

Q2: How do I enable Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required?

A2: To enable Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required, open the Control Panel and select “System and Security”. Then, select “Device Installation Settings” and select “Yes” to enable the feature.

Q3: What types of devices can be installed using Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required?

A3: Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required can be used to install any type of hardware device, including printers, scanners, external hard drives, and more.

Q4: Does Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required work with all versions of Windows 10?

A4: Yes, Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required is available in all versions of Windows 10.

Q5: Is there any way to disable Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required?

A5: Yes, you can disable Plug and Play Device Install Reboot Required by opening the Control Panel and selecting “System and Security”. Then, select “Device Installation Settings” and select “No” to disable the feature.


What is the scheduled task «\Microsoft\Windows\Plug and Play\Device Install Reboot Required» on my Windows 8 computer?


«\Microsoft\Windows\Plug and Play\Device Install Reboot Required» is a scheduled task on Windows 8 system
added as part of Windows installation.

You will see «\Microsoft\Windows\Plug and Play\Device Install Reboot Required» listed on Task Scheduler with the following information:

Name: Device Install Reboot Required
Location: \Microsoft\Windows\Plug and Play
Description: Displays a dialog box that asks the user to restart 
   Windows if it is required to complete installation of a device
Actions: Custom handler

«Device Install Reboot Required» is scheduled to run on specific events.

It is recommented to keep «\Microsoft\Windows\Plug and Play\Device Install Reboot Required» enabled
as a scheduled task.


⇒System Scheduled Tasks on Windows 8

⇒⇒Windows 8 Scheduled Tasks

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  • При отправке в перезагрузку (или выключение) Windows 10 1709 (10.0.16299.125) выдает запрос на закрытие задачи перед выключением и требует закрыть окно. Такое на нескольких системах, не имеющих ничего общего между собой, проблема
    явно в Windows. Что скажете? Кто столкнулся?


  • единственное на обоих системах установлен Kaspersky Internet Security, но с поддержкой связываться не хочется. То, что вы написали я выключил, проверю как поведет себя система. Обновлений и патчей не ставилось.

    Исправление (patch) е вышел после 14 декабря, если проблема возникла после 14 декабря, то скорее всего виновником является антивирусное ПО.

    Best Regards, Andrei …


    • Предложено в качестве ответа

      4 января 2018 г. 7:49

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Anton Sashev Ivanov
      9 января 2018 г. 10:19

Как отключить Task Host Window при выключении Windows 10


Иногда случается так, что выходит ошибка Task Host Window при выключении Windows 10. В конце этой ошибки написано Device Install Reboot Required Windows 10 то есть требуется перезагрузка системы, но для этого необходимо остановить фоновые задачи.

Task Host Windows 10 тормозит выключение компьютера

Task Host Windows тормозит выключение Windows 10

Эта ошибка означает, что у вас в фоновом режиме идёт обновление или настройка устройств. Чтобы отключить Task Host Windows 10 и выключить нормально компьютер необходимо сначала нажать на кнопку Отмена в окне с ошибкой.

Task Host Windows 10 выключение компьютера

Как отключить Task Host Window 10

Затем открываете Параметры — Учётные записи — Параметры входа. В правой части находите абзац под названием Конфиденциальность и ставите ползунок в положение Откл у второго пункта (Использовать мои данные для входа для автоматического завершения настройки устройства после перезапуска или обновления).

Как правило, такие WINDOWS ошибки возникают из-за повреждённых или отсутствующих файлов Device Install Reboot Required, а иногда — в результате заражения вредоносным ПО в настоящем или прошлом, что оказало влияние на Microsoft Windows. Возникновение подобных проблем является раздражающим фактором, однако их легко устранить, заменив файл WINDOWS, из-за которого возникает проблема. Если ошибка Device Install Reboot Required возникла в результате его удаления по причине заражения вредоносным ПО, мы рекомендуем запустить сканирование реестра, чтобы очистить все недействительные ссылки на пути к файлам, созданные вредоносной программой.

В таблице ниже представлен список доступных для загрузки файлов Device Install Reboot Required, подходящих для большинства версий Windows (включая %%os%%). Если в настоящее время необходимая вам версия Device Install Reboot Required недоступна для загрузки, вы можете запросить её копию, нажав на кнопку Request (Запрос) ниже. В крайнем случае, если ниже отсутствует необходимая вам версия файла, вы всегда можете связаться с Microsoft Corporation.

Правильное расположение файла Device Install Reboot Required является решающим фактором в успешном устранении ошибок подобного рода. Однако, не будет лишним выполнить быструю проверку. Вы можете проверить результат, запустив приложение Microsoft Windows и проверить, появляется ли проблема.

Device Install Reboot Required Описание файла
Расширение: WINDOWS
App: Microsoft Windows
Вер: 6.3.9600.16384
Автор: Microsoft Corporation
Имя файла: Device Install Reboot Required  
KB: 3200
SHA-1: f3a38dd0b74087318ab6961ee9b68b0e585f3f8b
MD5: 37842d221e44e2c7bf1e298fc5b57c3a

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Device Install Reboot Required

Идентификатор статьи:   1359120

Device Install Reboot Required

File Идентификатор файла (контрольная сумма MD5) KB Загрузить
+ Device Install Reboot Required 37842d221e44e2c7bf1e298fc5b57c3a 3.12 KB
Program Microsoft Windows 6.3.9600.16384
Разработчик программного обеспечения Microsoft Corporation
Вер Windows 8.1
Архитектура 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер файла 3200
MD5 37842d221e44e2c7bf1e298fc5b57c3a
Контрольная сумма SHA1 f3a38dd0b74087318ab6961ee9b68b0e585f3f8b
Контрольная сумма SHA256: 0a0a262b45cd1b7931044db50db57e29c362cd6f3d8d8b462af70d19c24bd6b6
каталог C:WindowsSystem32TasksMicrosoftWindowsPl …

Распространенные проблемы, связанные с Microsoft Windowss, возникающие с Device Install Reboot Required:

  • «Ошибка в файле Device Install Reboot Required.»
  • «Device Install Reboot Required перемещен или отсутствует. «
  • «Отсутствует файл Device Install Reboot Required.»
  • «Не удалось загрузить Device Install Reboot Required.»
  • «Ошибка регистрации Device Install Reboot Required. «
  • «Ошибка выполнения: Device Install Reboot Required.»
  • «Ошибка загрузки: Device Install Reboot Required. «

Эти сообщения об ошибках WINDOWS могут появляться во время установки программы, в то время как программа, связанная с Device Install Reboot Required (например, Microsoft Windows) работает, во время запуска или завершения работы Windows, или даже во время установки операционной системы Windows. Документирование случаев ошибок Device Install Reboot Required является ключевым для определения причины проблемы и сообщения о них Microsoft Corporation для исправлений.

Создатели Device Install Reboot Required Трудности

Заражение вредоносными программами, недопустимые записи реестра Microsoft Windows или отсутствующие или поврежденные файлы Device Install Reboot Required могут создать эти ошибки Device Install Reboot Required.

Более конкретно, данные ошибки Device Install Reboot Required могут быть вызваны следующими причинами:

  • Недопустимый раздел реестра Device Install Reboot Required (или поврежденный).
  • Вирус или вредоносное ПО, которые повредили файл Device Install Reboot Required или связанные с Microsoft Windows программные файлы.
  • Device Install Reboot Required злонамеренно удален (или ошибочно) другим изгоем или действительной программой.
  • Device Install Reboot Required конфликтует с другой программой (общим файлом).
  • Загрузите повреждение или неполную установку программы, связанной с Device Install Reboot Required.
  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • При отправке в перезагрузку (или выключение) Windows 10 1709 (10.0.16299.125) выдает запрос на закрытие задачи перед выключением и требует закрыть окно. Такое на нескольких системах, не имеющих ничего общего между собой, проблема
    явно в Windows. Что скажете? Кто столкнулся?


  • единственное на обоих системах установлен Kaspersky Internet Security, но с поддержкой связываться не хочется. То, что вы написали я выключил, проверю как поведет себя система. Обновлений и патчей не ставилось.

    Исправление (patch) е вышел после 14 декабря, если проблема возникла после 14 декабря, то скорее всего виновником является антивирусное ПО.

    Best Regards, Andrei …


    • Предложено в качестве ответа

      4 января 2018 г. 7:49

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Anton Sashev Ivanov
      9 января 2018 г. 10:19

Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply

ask a new question.

Task Host is stopping background tasks (MicrosoftWindowsPlug and PlayDevice Install Reboot required)

Hello community,

I have a MBP 15 inch 2017 and am having constant problems on the Bootcamp side. While Booting and logging into Windows many times when I hit the Windows key (command key) the whole machine is hung. Everytime I go to reboot it I get the below error. During the same time I lose Bluetooth keyboard connectivity. Looking for help!

Task Host is stopping background tasks (MicrosoftWindowsPlug and PlayDevice Install Reboot required)

MacBook Pro TouchBar and Touch ID,

Windows 10,

Creator Build 1709

Posted on Nov 17, 2017 12:24 PM

Task Host is stopping background tasks (MicrosoftWindowsPlug and PlayDevice Install Reboot required)

Startmenu not working after updating to windows 10 1709 : Device install reboot required

  • Thread starter

    William Gaatjes

  • Start date

    Nov 26, 2017

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #1

Well, i am still in the progress of finding it out, it does not happen often but i noticed something that i thought had nothing to do with it.
And for the good order, the pc does not crash, does not restart out of the blue, is perfectly stable.
No games or programs that hang for no reason. It is just this problem.

Every time my startmenu is not working, i see this critical message in the logs :


— System

— Provider

[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}
EventID 41
Version 6
Level 1
Task 63
Opcode 0
Keywords 0x8000400000000002
— TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2017-11-26T14:01:08.201851100Z
EventRecordID 3894
— Execution

[ ProcessID] 4
[ ThreadID] 8
Channel System
Computer DESKTOP
— Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-18

— EventData

BugcheckCode 0
BugcheckParameter1 0x0
BugcheckParameter2 0x0
BugcheckParameter3 0x0
BugcheckParameter4 0x0
SleepInProgress 6
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
BootAppStatus 3221226513
Checkpoint 0
ConnectedStandbyInProgress false
SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 7
CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0
BugcheckInfoFromEFI true
CheckpointStatus 0

And when i restart windows by making use of the command shell or by using process explorer, i always get the message that windows cannot restart because of taskhost.exe.
I am still trying to figure out which taskhost.exe causes the hang, because it might be a lead to the real problem.

The only strange thing is that the critical kernel event of power loss never happened during the last time i shut down the system.
I always shut down windows correctly and it looks like it shutdowns nicely.

And the strange thing is that the critical kernel event with power loss happened during the power on of the pc and windows still booting. I noticed that i turned the pc on at between 15:00 and 15:01 and the log mentions : 15:01:08.
And the additional event data is all «0».

I noticed already that my power management settings were messed up.
I think more has been corrupted during the botched update.

I thought it had nothing to do with it, but all the criticial errors happened at exact the same time during windows starting and when loggin in, the start menu not working. But it works fine again after a restart.
I looked it up :
But this never happened. Because i was looking at the pc and it started just as fast as always and no restarts ever happened in between. Except that the blueish login screen stays a fraction of a second longer before loading my login screen picture.


— System

— Provider

[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}
EventID 41
Version 6
Level 1
Task 63
Opcode 0
Keywords 0x8000400000000002
— TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2017-11-11T23:36:51.059484400Z
EventRecordID 1216
— Execution

[ ProcessID] 4
[ ThreadID] 8
Channel System
Computer DESKTOP
— Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-18

— EventData

BugcheckCode 0
BugcheckParameter1 0x0
BugcheckParameter2 0x0
BugcheckParameter3 0x0
BugcheckParameter4 0x0
SleepInProgress 0
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
BootAppStatus 0
Checkpoint 0
ConnectedStandbyInProgress false
SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 0
CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0
BugcheckInfoFromEFI true
CheckpointStatus 0


— System

— Provider

[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}
EventID 41
Version 6
Level 1
Task 63
Opcode 0
Keywords 0x8000400000000002
— TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2017-11-18T15:20:47.162353500Z
EventRecordID 2477
— Execution

[ ProcessID] 4
[ ThreadID] 8
Channel System
Computer DESKTOP
— Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-18

— EventData

BugcheckCode 0
BugcheckParameter1 0x0
BugcheckParameter2 0x0
BugcheckParameter3 0x0
BugcheckParameter4 0x0
SleepInProgress 0
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
BootAppStatus 0
Checkpoint 0
ConnectedStandbyInProgress false
SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 5
CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0
BugcheckInfoFromEFI true
CheckpointStatus 0


— System

— Provider

[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}
EventID 41
Version 6
Level 1
Task 63
Opcode 0
Keywords 0x8000400000000002
— TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2017-11-19T06:13:23.068670800Z
EventRecordID 3406
— Execution

[ ProcessID] 4
[ ThreadID] 8
Channel System
Computer DESKTOP
— Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-18

— EventData

BugcheckCode 0
BugcheckParameter1 0x0
BugcheckParameter2 0x0
BugcheckParameter3 0x0
BugcheckParameter4 0x0
SleepInProgress 6
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
BootAppStatus 3221226513
Checkpoint 0
ConnectedStandbyInProgress false
SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 1
CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0
BugcheckInfoFromEFI true
CheckpointStatus 0

removed some translation errors.

Another edit (2 dec 2017):
I changed the title to match the problem.

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #2

I checked some of the data :
User id is the local account for the system as explained here :

Finding an explanation for : BootAppStatus or SystemSleepTransitionsToOn, i have not been successful with that.
It seems that my pc really does not shut down properly, the log entry time is not the same as the time the event occurred. As can be seen by [ SystemTime].
I also did not get any messages that windows cannot shut down and is waiting for some program.

And when i start the pc again after getting this error during what it seems a proper shut down, the startmenu does not work until i restart the pc again.

Last edited: Nov 26, 2017

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #3

It took me a while, but i managed to take a picture of what happens when my startmenu, any app(win32 applications work fine) and search fails to work.

I noticed that every time taskhost.exe message pops up with the following text :

Background tasks are stopped through taskhost.
(MicrosoftWIndowsPlug and playDevice install reboot required)

I am not the only one ,

These people have the same issues.

It seems some device driver is not loaded properly sometimes.
Finally, a lead.

Apparently Microsoft added a new option in the Accounts section in 1703 (Settings -> Accounts -> Sign-In Options) called «Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting up my device after an update or restart.». The dutch website says (according the google
translate) the option doesn’t really work and to turn this option off and it should fix the task bar/start menu issue. I am testing this on my desktop at the moment, shutting off/restarting my Desktop, and haven’t ran into the task bar/start menu issue yet.

This was turned on for me as well.
I will turn it off and see what happens.

Searching for this, this seems to be a problem a lot of people have when googling for it.

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #4

Solved: Left Click Not Working in Windows 10

I tried
sfc /scannow

Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.
Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.
Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.

So that is not it.

And i tried using the powershell.
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml”}

Now i have to wait and see.

I should note that i also disabled fast startup in power management.
What a nonsense feature when one has an SSD.

Windows 10’s Fast Startup (called Fast Boot in Windows 8) works similarly to the hybrid sleep mode of previous versions of Windows. By saving the operating system state to a hibernation file, it can make your computer boot up even faster, saving valuable seconds every time you turn your machine on.

Fast Startup is enabled by default in a clean Windows installation on most laptops and some desktops, but it doesn’t always work perfectly, and there are some downsides that might convince you to turn it off. Here’s what you need to know.

How Fast Startup Works
Fast Startup combines elements of a cold shutdown and the hibernate feature. When you shut down your computer with Fast Startup enabled, Windows closes all applications and logs off all users, just as in a normal cold shutdown. At this point, Windows is in a state very similar to when it’s freshly booted up: No users have logged in and started programs, but the Windows kernel is loaded and the system session is running. Windows then alerts device drivers that support it to prepare for hibernation, saves the current system state to the hibernation file, and turns off the computer.

When you start the computer again, Windows does not have to reload the kernel, drivers, and system state individually. Instead, it just refreshes your RAM with the loaded image from the hibernation file and delivers you to the login screen. This technique can shave considerable time off your start up.

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008




William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #6

I read about that Windows Shell Experience Host might also be the problem.
And tested it out.
Funny thing is that when i suspend the process, my startmenu, search and all windows 10 apps stop functioning until i resume the process with process explorer from sysinternals. Just as i have seen before starting windows and logging in.
I do have to note that it is yet another week or so since i have encountered the issue but at least i now know at least one way to create the issue.

I experimented some more with suspending this service, and the win10 apps will start but it takes time, sometimes 10 seconds or more.

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #8

Was just coming here to post about same problem. Was hoping there’d be a fix already.

You can try these options :

If your startmenu is not working:
c:windowssystem32control.exe for control panel

(Settings -> Accounts -> Sign-In Options) called «Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting up my device after an update or restart.».
open up your power options by hitting Windows+X or right-clicking your Start menu and selecting Power Options. In the Power Options window, click “Choose what the power buttons do.”
If this is the first time you’ve messed with these settings, you’ll need click “Change settings that are currently unavailable” to make the Fast Startup option available for configuration.
Scroll to the bottom of the window and you should see “Turn on fast startup (recommended),” along with other shutdown settings. Just use the check box to disable Fast Startup. Save your changes and shut down your system to test it out.

Try the powershell option:

c:windowssystem32cmd.exe to get a cmd shell.
Type powershell to activate the powershell in the cmd window.
Do a sfc /scannow to test your system files integrity.

If no error, you can try this:
copy paste this text in the cmd window with powershell active :
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml”}
It has been 7 days at least when i tried all these options since the last time i had the startmenu failure and had to restart.
I suspect that sometimes the Windows Shell Experience Host service is suspended and for some reason is not resuming and responding to key input.
But why ?
I really need an windows IT specialist for that answer. I am just a lowly electronic engineer with writing software as a hobby that is pretty good at solving problems but i have also my limits.

You can try killing the service, it will restart automatically and see if that helps.
Process explorer from sysinternals might be a good program.
Another option is process hacker.


Apr 8, 2001



  • #9

The odd thing that worked for me, for now at least, was reading in one of the linked threads about logging out and allowing taskmanager to be closed. Then log back in and the start button works again. Odd.

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #10

The odd thing that worked for me, for now at least, was reading in one of the linked threads about logging out and allowing taskmanager to be closed. Then log back in and the start button works again. Odd.

It might be that something got currupted.
With fast startup, windows does not initialize verything from a fresh start.
When windows shuts down with faststartup enabled it writes a ram image to a hibernation file.
This ram image are all kinds of system files stored in ram.

My theory is that because of fast startup, windows is not initializing the system correctly for some reason because it does not do a cold boot but rather copies the image back.

There should not be a problem with using a hibernation file itself in general.
The principle is good. make a copy from ram and store it on the hdd.
When starting, copy the image back from the hdd.
Especially mechanical hard drives are good at reading in sequential data and reading in an image is a large block of sequential data.
I think that is also the reason why a separate partition is maintained for a hybernation file.
Because then there is a contiguous block of data to be read by the hdd and no fragmenting on the hdd which would tank read and write performance on an hdd.
Because the mechanical arm with heads does not have to move around and seek the data but it can just stay in one position, constantly following the track.
For an ssd with enough free flash blocks, that is not an issue. And a ssd gets trimmed on a regular interval to have contiguous blocks of free flash memory.
I think that with an ssd , fast startup is useless.
The os maintains the hibernation partition , so no problem erasing everything for a new hibernation file. No user data stored there.

Perhaps when updating or getting security fixes, the system need to properly start from scratch and load up every system file so that everything is initialized properly.
But if some variable is not intialized properly and windows after an update or patch expects a different variable or different functionality weird things can happen.
Especially when loading that system image from mass storage like hdd or ssd to ram.
I mean, if windows was bug free, we would need patches and updates.

I think you should really try to disable fast start up to see if that helps to sto pwaiting for the task manager.


Apr 8, 2001



  • #12

After I logged out killing taskmanager, on logging back in checked for updates and had one showing as available from November. Let it install, rebooted, and no issues since.

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #13

After I logged out killing taskmanager, on logging back in checked for updates and had one showing as available from November. Let it install, rebooted, and no issues since.

Well ,that is good.
Seems to solve itself (albeit with some help).

I also had several updates, it may very well be that one of the microsoft updates fixed the startmenu issue i had. Because to be honest, the issue i had did not arise with every restart or cold boot up.
It is either that or one of the things i did.
It is difficult to find out what is exactly the problem when it happens not every time.

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #14

3 weeks and counting. No issues anymore with the startmenu or search.


Apr 19, 2005



  • #16

Just installed 1709 and had the same problem and signing out didn’t fix the problem. I just uninstalled and reinstalled classic shell and it fixed the problem.

  • #17

Hi, i fillow the steps (disable power saving save me from random freeze, but not starmenu stops)

But the command in Cmd give me that

Add-AppxPackage : Distribuzione non riuscita con HRESULT: 0x80073CF6, Impossibile registrare il pacchetto.
Errore 0x803E0208: errore dell’estensione elementi visivi durante l’elaborazione dell’elemento notifica.
NOTA: per ulteriori informazioni, cercare [ActivityId] 5d7d9be1-8c3e-0000-adda-7e5d3e8cd301 nel registro eventi o
utilizzare Get-AppxLog -ActivityID 5d7d9be1-8c3e-0000-adda-7e5d3e8cd301 dalla riga di comando
In riga:1 car:38
+ … | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.I …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (C:Program File…ppXManifest.xml:String) [Add-AppxPackage], IOException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand

how i can resolve?

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #18

Hi, i fillow the steps (disable power saving save me from random freeze, but not starmenu stops)

But the command in Cmd give me that

Add-AppxPackage : Distribuzione non riuscita con HRESULT: 0x80073CF6, Impossibile registrare il pacchetto.
Errore 0x803E0208: errore dell’estensione elementi visivi durante l’elaborazione dell’elemento notifica.
NOTA: per ulteriori informazioni, cercare [ActivityId] 5d7d9be1-8c3e-0000-adda-7e5d3e8cd301 nel registro eventi o
utilizzare Get-AppxLog -ActivityID 5d7d9be1-8c3e-0000-adda-7e5d3e8cd301 dalla riga di comando
In riga:1 car:38
+ … | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.I …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (C:Program File…ppXManifest.xml:String) [Add-AppxPackage], IOException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand

how i can resolve?

It seems you have a serious issue.
I have no idea to be honest.
You can try this in de command prompt with admin privileges.

Try first :
sfc /scannow
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

  • #19

SFC /Scannow give me nothing, all ok.

Other command what he do? Restore format and cancel all the file in the partition? Just asking! (thx for help me )

William Gaatjes

May 11, 2008



  • #20

SFC /Scannow give me nothing, all ok.

Other command what he do? Restore format and cancel all the file in the partition? Just asking! (thx for help me )

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth (open cmd with admin privileges)
It checks your windows image, but all i know is not much more than what is written here :

I have typed it at the command line on my pc.

If you get this, your pc is ok.

[==========================100.0%==========================] The restore operation completed successfully.
The operation completed successfully.

Last edited: Jan 13, 2018

  • #21

The only workaround I could find that worked for me is creating a second user account, then booting up, then signing out and into the second account, once it is loaded sing out and back in to my main account and everything works, at least until I boot up again.

  • #22

I found this fix and it has been working for me, no menu starting issues since.

Open Regedit and go to;

add a DWORD (32bit) «DelayedAutostart» and set it to 1
add a DWORD (32bit) «AutoStartDelay» and set it 10 (this gives it a 10 second delay you could go higher or lower but 10 seems to work just fine for me.)

Then reboot.


May 19, 2011



  • #23

I encountered a similar situation recently with a fresh install of Win10-64 1607 updated to 1709, and the Start menu stopped working properly after I installed an Alps touchpad driver which evidently wasn’t compatible with Win10. Every time I went to restart or shut down Windows, it would complain that it was waiting on taskhost.exe and wording extremely similar to ‘device install reboot required’.

Uninstalling the driver got rid of the problem.


Mar 9, 2005



  • #24

Have you guys tried running a registry fixer like auslogistics? I too had to disable fast boot and fast startup because I had issues when they were enabled. Even with them turned off my boot times didn’t really change but the strange behavior my system was showing stopped with loading a fresh copy of windows each boot.

  • #25

I found this fix and it has been working for me, no menu starting issues since.

Open Regedit and go to;

add a DWORD (32bit) «DelayedAutostart» and set it to 1
add a DWORD (32bit) «AutoStartDelay» and set it 10 (this gives it a 10 second delay you could go higher or lower but 10 seems to work just fine for me.)

Then reboot.

Thank you very much — had the same problem, this one solved it for me!

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Windows 10: microsoft windows plug and play device reboot install fix

Discus and support microsoft windows plug and play device reboot install fix in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging to solve the problem; microsoft windows plug and play device reboot install fix

How do I fix and get rid of this. My system will not go back and forth to my tile screen…
Discussion in ‘Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging’ started by pattasha, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. microsoft windows plug and play device reboot install fix

    microsoft windows plug and play device reboot install fix

    How do I fix and get rid of this. My system will not go back and forth to my tile screen anymore and will not bring up log off


  2. «Task Host id stopping background tasks (Microsoft Windows Plug and Play Device Install Reboot required)»

    “Task Host id stopping background tasks (Microsoft Windows Plug and Play Device Install Reboot required)”

  3. My plug and play is still on running after 2.5 Hours

    Hi Declan,

    Thank you for posting your question in the Microsoft Community.

    I would suggest you to stop the plug and play service and again start the service and check the status of this issue. Follow the steps below to stop the Plug and Play service.

    • Press Windows Key + R key
    • Type “Services.msc” and press Enter
    • Right click on Plug and Play and click on stop
    • Again start the service.

    Hope the information helps. Please let us know if the issue persist and we will be happy to assist you further.

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Как отключить Task Host Window при выключении Windows 10


Иногда случается так, что выходит ошибка Task Host Window при выключении Windows 10. В конце этой ошибки написано Device Install Reboot Required Windows 10 то есть требуется перезагрузка системы, но для этого необходимо остановить фоновые задачи.

Task Host Windows 10 тормозит выключение компьютера

Task Host Windows тормозит выключение Windows 10

Эта ошибка означает, что у вас в фоновом режиме идёт обновление или настройка устройств. Чтобы отключить Task Host Windows 10 и выключить нормально компьютер необходимо сначала нажать на кнопку Отмена в окне с ошибкой.

Task Host Windows 10 выключение компьютера

Как отключить Task Host Window 10

Затем открываете Параметры — Учётные записи — Параметры входа. В правой части находите абзац под названием Конфиденциальность и ставите ползунок в положение Откл у второго пункта (Использовать мои данные для входа для автоматического завершения настройки устройства после перезапуска или обновления).

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