Microsoft windows 98 second edition

Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222 (OEM)

Product Type: 115 — OEM CD Full [bootable]

FILE: Windows_98SE_Russian_OEM.iso

SIZE: 559 MB (586 952 704 bytes)

CRC32: 4659374B

MD5: 36BA8CC965F2220812314B18150C65E7

SHA-1: 619E6D9525A89ACA33FF34E12603570DDCC2C521

SHA-256: B3F92172F4F829B30F6CB992C8F31C3FC6832F8888CF3F9D85FCD0C1768A7B93

Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222 (Retail)

Product Type: 101 — Retail CD Full [not bootable]

FILE: Windows_98SE_Russian_RTL.iso

SIZE: 557 МБ (584 062 976 байт)

CRC32: 59132B0B

MD5: 3AD2166BAA25BCCAFE35123EA289137E

SHA-1: 733D524793E0756E755EF15908029379E935EC06

SHA-256: 73870DC8930CE1FBFC4E5EDC85B1754D22483E902843694C1A0F2FB8C91EBE91

Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222 (Select)

Product Type: 110 — Select CD Full [not bootable]

FILE: Windows_98SE_Russian_Select.iso

SIZE: 557 МБ (584 065 024 байт)

CRC32: 61984078

MD5: 74966AA069013E03FD7130C88B56DEF4

SHA-1: 5C2D03AD82FF94AD98945DF41AF8CDA4F9E48403

SHA-256: D61CEA4891A2A4BB14241CD9ED88AE5C63BE6DE3A4A08FE7F03823C5B009A639

Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222 (Boot Disk)

Floppy Disk — bootable

FILE: Windows_98SE_Russian_FD_Boot.img

SIZE: 1,40 MB (1 474 560 bytes)

CRC32: 4A430B1D

MD5: EA132748EE9A40FD14442A3367B3370C

SHA-1: 39489C58DC681C34B153D7A872E930DB8D8254F3

SHA-256: 43256B652E6FC50BE37BC06363E934BDFF4619213DDDB093D2911F0FDF4644DA

Windows 98 is a continuation of the Windows 95 product. The major change is an insanely heavy focus on web integration. The help system, many applications, and even the desktop are redesigned to make use of Internet Explorer. Windows 98 runs on top of the same «MS-DOS 7.1» with FAT32 support as Windows 95 OSR2, and it includes support for USB. Windows 98 had two major releases — a First Edition and a Second Edition. It was followed up by Windows ME.

If the listed serials below do not work for a specific release, please see the Serials thread


Release notes

Windows 98 Second Edition is an update to the original Windows 98 that includes improved modem and sound/audio card support through the Windows Driver Model, improved USB support, Wake on LAN support, FireWire DV camcorder support, and SBP-2 Mass Storage device support. Internet Explorer 4.0 was also upgraded to 5.0 and Internet Connection Sharing made its debut. DirectX 6.1 was also included with DirectSound improvements. Windows Media Player 6.2 was also shipped replacing the old classic Windows 3.x/95 «Media Player» that originated with the Windows 3.0 MMC Extensions.

Windows 98 Second Edition can be updated with the Microsoft .NET framework version 1.0, 1,1 and 2.0. The Visual C++ 2005 runtime is the last to carry Windows 98 support. The last version of Internet Explorer that can be installed on 98 SE is 6.0. Other available upgradeable components include DirectX 9.0c, Windows Installer 2.0, GDI+ redistributable, Remote Desktop Connection (XP 5.1), and Text Services Framework. The last version of Microsoft Office capable of running on Windows 98 is Office XP.

Installation instructions

Hardware requirements can be bypassed in the setup with the undocumented /nm setup switch. This will allow systems as old as the 80386 with 8MB of RAM to run Windows 98 (although this will be far from optimal)

Important: Only the OEM Full version is bootable. All others require an appropriate Windows 98 Boot Floppy.

Note: VMWare and VirtualBox can be problematic with Windows 9x. You may need to disable various acceleration features first, or consider emulators like x86Box or PCem.

To speed up installation, and to avoid numerous problems, copy the win98 folder to a folder on the hard drive (such as c:\win98) and then run setup from there.

Wanted: Floppy version

Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition OEM (eng) - оригинальный образ Скачать торрент

  • Размер: 626 MB
  • Категория: виндовс / Windows 2000
  • Загрузок: 13 693
  • Комментарии: 0
  • Дата обновления:12.10.2011

полный обзор Microsoft Windows 98

Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition OEM (eng) - оригинальный образ Скачать торрент

Год выпуска: 1999
Разработчик: Microsoft
Платформа: IBM PC
Совместимость с Vista: нет
Системные требования: Процессор 486DX/66 MHz или лучше, 16 Мб ОЗУ и по крайней мере 195 Мб свободного дискового пространства при стандартной установке.
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует

Описание: Windows 98 Second Edition (Windows 98 SE) была выпущена 5 мая 1999 года. Обновлённая версия включает множество исправлений, Internet Explorer 4 заменён на значительно более быстрый и лёгкий Internet Explorer 5, появилась функция Internet Connection Sharing. Также добавлен Netmeeting 3 и поддержка проигрывания DVD.

Системные требования к ОЗУ для Windows 98 SE увеличились до 24 Мб.

Майкрософт планировала прекратить поддержку Windows 98 16 июля 2004 года. Однако, по причине популярности этой операционной системы, поддержка была продлена до 30 июля 2006 года.
Доп. информация: Полная копия оригинального OEM диска с английской версией ОС. Ключ в комплекте.

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File:Windows Log...

[ Expand/Collapse ]









CE 1.0
CE 2.0
CE 3.0(Pocket PC 2000, 2002)
CE 4.x(Mobile 2003, 2003 SE)
CE 5.x(Mobile 2005, 6, 6.1, 6.5)
CE 6.0(Phone 7)
Embedded Compact 7(7.0)
Embedded Compact 2013(8.0)

NT version




Prior to 4.0

NT 3.1
NT 3.5
NT 3.51
NT 4.0

NT 4.0 Embedded



Server 2003
Server 2003 R2
Home Server

Embedded(XP, Standard, POSReady)



Server 2008
Server 2008 R2
Home Server 2011
Server 2012
Server 2012 R2

Embedded(7, Standard, POSReady)
Phone(8, 8.1)

(2015 — Present)

WCOS(10X, Andromeda OS, Polaris OS, Factory OS)

Server 2016 ( Semi-Annual Channel )
Hyper-V Server
Server 2019
Server 2022
Server 2025(vNext)

10 Mobile
10 IoT
11 IoT



(A) Laptop and Tablet are also included. (B) There is a theory of maintaining the NT version .

File:Windows 98 ...[1]

File:windows 98 ...

boot screen[2]


1999 April 23

release date

File:american fl... 1999 May 5
File:South Korea... 1999 July 21st

application period

2002 June 30 (General Support)
2006 July 11 (extended support)[3]
End of official support now

RAM capacity

Support up to 1 GB[4] item in C:WINDOWSSYSTEM.INI to limit the RAM recognition capacity to 1GB. Source: Microsoft Knowledge Base Q304943 (archive) FYI, MS-DOS applications will not run under Windows with this setting. It doesn’t matter when I shut down Windows and restart in MS-DOS mode, but the problem occurs when running MS-DOS applications directly. I need to cut it down a bit to get it to run normally.][5]


First Windows to officially support DVD-ROM[6]
The Last DOS Based Windows[7]

1. outline2. Development3. Changes4. Relationship with Windows 985. Release6. after release7. installation8. digression

1. outline

File:Desk Win98S...

main screen

Windows 98 Second Edition (Windows 98 SE) is a major upgrade of Windows 98 , with kernel version and build number 4.10.2222 (4.10.2222A with security patches).

2. Development

Development began in the summer of 1998 and was completed in April 1999, two weeks before the official release.

Whether the development name is Memphis like the existing 98 or the well-known Chicago is not accurate and there is no official data. However, since only the build number was updated according to the OSR (OEM Service Release) format, there seems to be no official code name.

3. Changes

Stability is clearly improved over the original 98. Enhanced support for USB and IEEE1394 and expanded support for various drivers, Internet Explorer 5 (so there is no channel view unlike the 98 original), Outlook Express 5[8] , Internet support has been improved by installing NetMeeting 3, and home networking is supported at home by supporting ‘Internet Connection Sharing’ function. This ‘Internet Connection Sharing’ function allows the rest of the members to access the Internet freely if only one member is connected to the Internet . A computer connected to the Internet acts as a kind of router . Even if you can’t quite remember whether it was Windows 98 or 98 Second Edition, if you’ve ever used Internet Connection Sharing, it’s probably 98 Second Edition.

In addition, multimedia functions have been improved as Windows Media Player 6.1 is built-in and DVD -ROM is supported. The DirectX version was supported up to 6.1 by default , but like the original Windows 98 , it was upgradeable up to DirectX 9.0c. Unlike the original 98, which supported the patch version and Windows Media Player 7.1 in July 2004, extended support with Windows Media Player 9 series ended. Five months later, in December 2006, a patch version was also supported. .NET Framework , which is not supported in the 98 original, is also supported up to 2.0.

4. Relationship with Windows 98

Windows 98 users were given an upgrade for $20. As of May 1999, it is approximately KRW 23,940.[9]

The relationship between Windows 98 and 98 Second Edition is Windows 95 original — OSR version, Windows NT 3.1 ~ Windows 7 RTM — service pack, Windows 8.1 RTM — update, and the latest Windows 10 initial build number — corresponding to the latest build number version can be seen as a relationship.

Windows 8 — 8.1 looks like a similar relationship, but this is the same relationship as Windows Vista — 7 , where not only the build version (9200→9600) but also the kernel version (6.2→6.3) were upgraded, so only the build version went up while maintaining the kernel version. It is different from Windows 98 — 98 Second Edition.

5. Release

It was released on May 5, 1999 in the United States .

in Korea in 1999 It was released on July 21st , ADSL- based high-speed Internet from March 31st, night/discount time flat rate from April 1st, 1997, and cable Internet in 1998 were already in service, and three months later, on October 20th, It is also the version that many users who have purchased national PCs have encountered because national PCs have been spread since .

6. after release

The huge errors in the original version have been carried over, but blue screens are just as common as Windows 98. Like Windows 98, there was no rollup, let alone a large-scale update, and only a small hotfix update was released, and eventually, on July 11, 2006, support was discontinued like Windows 98 and Windows Me.

From 1999 to 2006 , computer operating systems were divided into Windows 98 Second Edition for home use and Windows 2000 for business use. Me , it was an operating system that had a bad reputation from the beginning, and Windows XP was criticized a lot by computer fans for its poor compatibility and slow speed until Service Pack 1 was released in 2002, and was treated as nothing to many general users who did not know much about it . For this reason, there were few cases where existing computers were upgraded to Me or XP, and computers that were pre-installed or upgraded with Me or XP were often rolled back to Windows 98 Second Edition. Was the early days of XP at that time the same as the early days of Windows Vista ? Windows 98 Second Edition can be considered to be the same as the later Windows XP Service Pack 2.

It wasn’t until 2002, when Service Pack 1 was released, that Windows XP began to be known in earnest, but low-spec PC users treat it as a heavy operating system or[10] There were still a lot of people who treated it as a listener. However, as both Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition were discontinued in July 2006 , most of the users who had not yet switched to Windows XP in 2006. However, in the case of business use, it was used even after that because of dedicated programs. Around the end of extended support for Windows XP in April 2014, most of the people who still stuck with Windows XP switched to Windows 7 only then. In fact, the heaviness of Windows 7, a chronic problem that has been around since Vista, played a part in holding it back.

7. installation

Windows 98 SE has greatly improved the installation process compared to before. Since the Windows 98 SE startup disk supports both large-capacity disks and fdisk, all you have to do is plug the factory-initialized HDD into the main body from the beginning, boot with the startup disk, run fdisk, reboot, and format . And if you install a program called Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX), MS-DOS booting that can read CDs becomes possible. Please note that the startup disk can be removed after startup. This is because the startup files have already been copied to RAM .

Since some installation CDs support the startup disk function, if you insert the CD and set the boot order to CD first, fdisk and the formatting process are performed semi-automatically. All you have to do is change the boot order to HDD first when you reboot after copying the files on the installation screen.

8. digression

According to the enthusiast common sense (archive) provided by Microsoft, it is said to be the last MS‑DOS-based version . Microsoft certainly tried to ditch MS-DOS from Me. Even though it was such a poison.


From this version, Out-Of-Box-Experience (OOBE) was added. However, it does not appear in the general user version and is displayed only at the first boot of the OEM version that is installed and provided on the computer. Like Windows Me «C:\Windows\System\oobe\msoobe.exe /fYou can run it manually by entering the command «.

CD booting only supports the OEM version. For other versions, you must first boot from the floppy disk included in the package, format the hard disk to install, access the CD drive, and run the installation program (Setup.exe).

In 2020, a person who reassembled used parts and put together a Windows 98 Second Edition computer appeared.[11] Looking at the state of assembly parts, it seems that it can be installed on fairly recent parts, such as Core 2 Duo with 4 GB of RAM (a RAM recognition limit was systematically set for multi-booting with Windows 10). However, it seems difficult to run smoothly considering that there were numerous errors and formatting during the installation process, and that errors continue to occur during use. In fact , ScanDisk patches for partitions larger than 32 GB and fdisk partitioning error patches for HDDs larger than 32 GB originally exist.[12] It seems that you were installing from a Windows 98 Second Edition image that did not have these 243450 and 263044 update patches applied. In the case of graphics cards , there is a universal driver that is very compatible , and in the case of RAM, as described above, it runs even with 1 GB or more by modifying the system file, and it runs very well with specifications such as Core 2 Duo, G31 chipset, and Intel built-in graphics. Confirmed. In the case of a sound card, you can use a 9x sound card that is inserted into a PCI slot sold on eBay .

As with Windows 98 , the latest VMware does not automatically detect sound drivers. So you have to manually install the driver yourself to hear the sound. In VirtualBox you have to set it to SoundBlaster 16 or find and install the driver.[13]

[1] It uses the same logo as Windows 98 First Edition. In other words, there is no logo unique to Second Edition.[2] It uses the same boot screen as the original Windows 98 .[3] Like Windows 95 , even extended support was tried to end in June 2003, one year after the end of general support, but due to opposition, it was postponed for the first time to December 2004. link[4] To install on a computer with more than that capacity, you must add MaxPhysPage=3B000 to the [386enh[5] In fact, there was no reason to consider a computer with more than 1GB of RAM at the time, as most RAM capacities were not large.[6] Support began in 1999 when the 3.5-inch floppy was still around. For reference, from this version, Windows installation via floppy disk has been discontinued.[7] You might think that Windows Me is the last one, but in any case , Microsoft sees it this way. Instead, Windows Me is said to be the last 9x kernel-based operating system . Of course, Windows Me separated DOS as much as possible, but since Windows 9x itself runs on top of DOS, Me is also based on DOS. See Windows Me for details .[8] Outlook Express is automatically updated when Internet Explorer is updated.[9] # exchange rate information[10] In the Pentium 2 environment, it stuttered to some extent.[11] #[12] Storage available at this point[13] A large number of ISA cards and some PCI cards released at the time are in the driver list.

Windows 98 is a consumer-oriented operating system developed by Microsoft as part of its Windows 9x family of Microsoft Windows operating systems. The second operating system in the 9x line, it is the successor to Windows 95, and was released to manufacturing on May 15, 1998, and generally to retail on June 25, 1998. Like its predecessor, it is a hybrid 16-bit and 32-bit[3] monolithic product with the boot stage based on MS-DOS.[4]

Windows 98

Version of the Windows 9x operating system

Screenshot of Windows 98, displaying its desktop, taskbar and channel bar

Developer Microsoft
Source model Closed source
Released to
May 15, 1998; 25 years ago
June 25, 1998; 25 years ago
Final release Second Edition (4.10.2222 A) / May 5, 1999; 24 years ago[1]
Platforms IA-32
Kernel type Monolithic kernel (DOS)
License Commercial software
Preceded by Windows 95 (1995)
Succeeded by Windows Me (2000)
Official website Windows 98 at the Wayback Machine (archived October 12, 1999)
Support status
Mainstream support ended on June 30, 2002[2]
Extended support ended on July 11, 2006[2]

Windows 98 is a web-integrated operating system that bears numerous similarities to its predecessor. Most of its improvements were cosmetic or designed to improve the user experience, but there were also a handful of features introduced to enhance system functionality and capabilities, including improved USB support and accessibility, as well as support for hardware advancements such as DVD players. Windows 98 was the first edition of Windows to adopt the Windows Driver Model, and introduced features that would become standard in future generations of Windows, such as Disk Cleanup, Windows Update, multi-monitor support, and Internet Connection Sharing.

Microsoft had marketed Windows 98 as a «tune-up» to Windows 95, rather than an entirely improved next generation of Windows. Upon release, it received a positive reception for its web-integrated interface and ease of use, as well as its addressing of issues present in Windows 95, although some pointed out that it was not significantly more stable than its predecessor. Windows 98 sold an estimated 58 million licenses and saw one major update, known as Windows 98 Second Edition (SE), released on May 5, 1999. After the release of its successor, Windows Me in 2000, mainstream support for Windows 98 and 98 SE ended on June 30, 2002, followed by extended support on July 11, 2006.



Following the success of Windows 95, the development of Windows 98 began, initially under the development codename «Memphis.» The first test version, Windows Memphis Developer Release, was released in January 1997.[5]

Memphis first entered beta as Windows Memphis Beta 1, released on June 30, 1997.[6] It was followed by Windows 98 Beta 2, which dropped the Memphis name and was released in July.[7] Microsoft had planned a full release of Windows 98 for the first quarter of 1998, along with a Windows 98 upgrade pack for Windows 95, but it also had a similar upgrade for Windows 3.x operating systems planned for the second quarter. Stacey Breyfogle, a product manager for Microsoft, explained that the later release of the upgrade for Windows 3 was because the upgrade required more testing than that for Windows 95 due to the presence of more compatibility issues, and without user objections, Microsoft merged the two upgrade packs into one and set all of their release dates to the second quarter.[8]

On December 15, Microsoft released Windows 98 Beta 3. It was the first build to be able to upgrade from Windows 3.1x, and introduced new startup and shutdown sounds.[9]

Near its completion, Windows 98 was released as Windows 98 Release Candidate on April 3, 1998,[10] which expired on December 31. This coincided with a notable press demonstration at COMDEX that month. Microsoft CEO Bill Gates was highlighting the operating system’s ease of use and enhanced support for Plug and Play (PnP). However, when presentation assistant Chris Capossela plugged a USB scanner in, the operating system crashed, displaying a Blue Screen of Death. Bill Gates remarked after derisive applause and cheering from the audience, «That must be why we’re not shipping Windows 98 yet.» Video footage of this event became a popular Internet phenomenon.[11]

Microsoft had quietly marketed the operating system as a «tune-up» to Windows 95.[12] It was compiled as Windows 98 on May 11, 1998,[13] before being fully released to manufacturing on May 15.[14] The company was facing pending legal action for allowing free downloads of, and planning to ship Windows licenses with, Internet Explorer 4.0 in an alleged effort to expand its software monopoly. Microsoft’s critics believed the lawsuit would further delay Windows 98’s public release;[12] it did not, and the operating system was released on June 25, 1998.[14]

A second major version of the operating system called Windows 98 Second Edition was later unveiled in March 1999.[15][16] Microsoft compiled the final build on April 23, 1999, before publicly releasing it on May 5, 1999.[13][17] Windows 98 was to be the final product in the Windows 9x line until Microsoft briefly revived the line to release Windows Me in 2000 as the final Windows 9x product before the introduction of Windows XP in 2001, which was based on the Windows NT architecture and kernel used in Windows 2000.[18]

New and updated features


Web integration and shell enhancements


The first release of Windows 98 included Internet Explorer 4.01. This was updated to 5.0 in the Second Edition. Besides Internet Explorer, many other Internet companion applications are included such as Outlook Express,[19] Windows Address Book, FrontPage Express,[20] Microsoft Chat, Personal Web Server and a Web Publishing Wizard, and NetShow.[21] NetMeeting allows multiple users to hold conference calls and work with each other on a document.[22]

The Windows 98 shell is web-integrated;[23] it contains deskbands, Active Desktop, Channels,[24] ability to minimize foreground windows by clicking their button on the taskbar,[25] single-click launching, Back and Forward navigation buttons,[26] favorites, and address bar in Windows Explorer, image thumbnails,[27] folder infotips and Web view in folders, and folder customization through HTML-based templates. The taskbar supports customizable toolbars designed to speed up access to the Web or the user’s desktop; these toolbars include an Address Bar and Quick Launch. With the Address Bar, the user accesses the Web by typing in a URL, and Quick Launch contains shortcuts or buttons that perform system functions such as switching between windows and the desktop with the Show Desktop button.[28] Another feature of this new shell is that dialog boxes[clarification needed] show up in the Alt-Tab sequence.

Windows 98 also integrates shell enhancements, themes and other features from Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 such as DriveSpace 3, Compression Agent, Dial-Up Networking Server, Dial-Up Scripting Tool and Task Scheduler. 3D Pinball Space Cadet is included on the CD-ROM, but not installed by default. Windows 98 had its own separately purchasable Plus! pack, called Plus! 98.[29]

Title bars of windows and dialog boxes support two-color gradients, a feature ported from and refined from Microsoft Office 95.[26] Windows menus and tooltips support slide animation. Windows Explorer in Windows 98, as in Windows 95, converts all-uppercase filenames to sentence case for readability purposes;[30] however, it also provides an option Allow all uppercase names to display them in their original case. Windows Explorer includes support for compressed CAB files.[31] The Quick Res and Telephony Location Manager Windows 95 PowerToys are integrated into the core operating system.

Improvements to hardware support


Windows Driver Model



The Windows 98 architecture is set up as a tier of layers in which the higher layers depend on any component of the layers below them. The difference between the architectures of this and Windows 95 is that the Windows Driver Model can now be used to access the Windows 98 core and the registry.[32][33]

Windows 98 was the first operating system to use the Windows Driver Model (WDM). This fact was not well publicized when Windows 98 was released, and most hardware producers continued to develop drivers for the older VxD driver standard, which Windows 98 supported for compatibility’s sake. The WDM standard only achieved widespread adoption years later, mostly through Windows 2000 and Windows XP, as they were not compatible with the older VxD standard.[34] With the Windows Driver Model, developers could write drivers that were compatible with other versions of Windows.[35] Device driver access in WDM is implemented through a VxD device driver, NTKERN.VXD, which implements several Windows NT-specific kernel support functions.[36]

Support for WDM audio enables digital mixing, routing and processing of simultaneous audio streams and kernel streaming with high quality sample rate conversion on Windows 98. WDM Audio allows for software emulation of legacy hardware to support MS-DOS games, DirectSound support and MIDI wavetable synthesis. The Windows 95 11-device limitation for MIDI devices is eliminated.[37] A Microsoft GS Wavetable Synthesizer licensed from Roland shipped with Windows 98 for WDM audio drivers. Windows 98 supports digital playback of audio CDs, and the Second Edition improves WDM audio support by adding DirectSound hardware mixing and DirectSound 3D hardware abstraction, DirectMusic kernel support, KMixer sample-rate conversion for capture streams and multichannel audio support. All audio is sampled by the Kernel Mixer to a fixed sampling rate which may result in some audio getting upsampled or downsampled and having a high latency, except when using Kernel Streaming or third-party audio paths like ASIO which allow unmixed audio streams and lower latency. Windows 98 also includes a WDM streaming class driver (Stream.sys) to address real time multimedia data stream processing requirements and a WDM kernel-mode video transport for enhanced video playback and capture.

Windows Driver Model also includes Broadcast Driver Architecture, the backbone for TV technologies support in Windows. WebTV for Windows utilized BDA to allow viewing television on the computer if a compatible TV tuner card is installed. TV listings could be updated from the Internet and WaveTop Data Broadcasting allowed extra data about broadcasts to be received via regular television signals using an antenna or cable, by embedding data streams into the vertical blanking interval portion of existing broadcast television signals.

Other device support improvements


Windows 98 had more robust USB support than Windows 95, which only had support in OEM versions OSR2.1 and later.[38] Windows 98 supports USB hubs, USB scanners and imaging class devices. Windows 98 also introduced built-in support for some USB Human Interface Device class (USB HID) and PID class devices such as USB mice, keyboards, force feedback joysticks etc. including additional keyboard functions through a certain number of Consumer Page HID controls.[39]

Windows 98 introduced ACPI 1.0 support which enabled Standby and Hibernate states. However, hibernation support was extremely limited and vendor-specific. Hibernation was only available if compatible (PnP) hardware and BIOS are present, and the hardware manufacturer or OEM supplied compatible WDM drivers, non-VxD drivers. However, there are hibernation issues with the FAT32 file system,[40] making hibernation problematic and unreliable.

Windows 98, in general, provides improved — and a broader range of — support for IDE and SCSI drives and drive controllers, floppy drive controllers and all other classes of hardware as compared to Windows 95.[40] There is integrated Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) support (although the USB Supplement to Windows 95 OSR2 and later releases of Windows 95 did have AGP support). Windows 98 has built-in DVD support and UDF 1.02 read support. The Still imaging architecture (STI) with TWAIN support was introduced for scanners and cameras and Image Color Management 2.0 for devices to perform color space transformations.[41] Multiple monitor support allows using up to nine multiple monitors on a single PC, with the feature requiring one PCI graphics adapter per monitor.[42] Windows 98 shipped with DirectX 5.2,[43] which notably included DirectShow. Windows 98 Second Edition would later ship with DirectX 6.1.[44]

Networking enhancements


Windows 98 networking enhancements to TCP/IP include built-in support for Winsock 2, SMB signing,[45] a new IP Helper API, Automatic Private IP Addressing (also known as link-local addressing), IP multicasting, and performance enhancements for high-speed high bandwidth networks. Multihoming support with TCP/IP is improved and includes RIP listener support.

The DHCP client has been enhanced to include address assignment conflict detection and longer timeout intervals. NetBT configuration in the WINS client has been improved to continue persistently querying multiple WINS servers if it failed to establish the initial session until all of the WINS servers specified have been queried or a connection is established.

Network Driver Interface Specification 5 support means Windows 98 can support a wide range of network media, including Ethernet, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), Token Ring, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), ISDN, wide area networks, X.25, and Frame Relay. Additional features include NDIS power management, support for quality of service, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and support for a single INF file format across all Windows versions.[46]

Windows 98 Dial-Up Networking supports PPTP tunneling,[47] support for ISDN adapters, multilink support, and connection-time scripting to automate non-standard login connections. Multilink channel aggregation enables users to combine all available dial-up lines to achieve higher transfer speeds. PPP connection logs can show actual packets being passed and Windows 98 allows PPP logging per connection. The Dial-Up Networking improvements are also available in Windows 95 OSR2 and are downloadable for earlier Windows 95 releases.

For networked computers that have user profiles enabled, Windows 98 introduces Microsoft Family Logon which lists all users that have been configured for that computer, enabling users to simply select their names from a list rather than having to type them in.[48]

Windows 98 supports IrDA 3.0 which specifies both Serial Infrared Devices and Fast Infrared devices, which are capable of sending and receiving data at 4 Mbit/s. Infrared Recipient, a new application for transferring files through an infrared connection is included. The IrDA stack in Windows 98 supports networking profiles over the IrCOMM kernel-mode driver. Windows 98 also has built-in support for browsing Distributed File System trees on Server Message Block shares such as Windows NT servers.[49][50]

UPnP and NAT traversal APIs can be installed on Windows 98 by installing the Windows XP Network Setup Wizard.[51] An L2TP/IPsec VPN client can also be downloaded. By installing Active Directory Client Extensions, Windows 98 can take advantage of several Windows 2000 Active Directory features.

Improvements to the system and built-in utilities


Performance improvements


Windows 95 introduced the 32-bit, protected-mode cache driver VCACHE (replacing SMARTDrv) to cache the most recently accessed information from the hard drive in memory, divided into chunks. However, the cache parameters needed manual tuning as it degraded performance by consuming too much memory and not releasing it quickly enough, forcing paging to occur far too early. The Windows 98 VCACHE cache size management for disk and network access, CD-ROM access and paging is more dynamic compared to Windows 95, resulting in no tuning being required for cache parameters.[52] On the FAT32 file system, Windows 98 has a performance feature called MapCache that can run applications from the disk cache itself if the code pages of executable files are aligned/mapped on 4K boundaries, instead of copying them to virtual memory. This results in more memory being available to run applications, and lesser usage of the swap file.

Windows 98 registry handling is more robust than Windows 95 to avoid corruption and there are several enhancements to eliminate limitations and improve registry performance.[53] The Windows 95 registry key size limitation of 64 KB is gone. The registry uses less memory and has better caching.[54]

Disk Defragmenter has been improved to rearrange program files that are frequently used to a hard disk region optimized for program start.[55] However, as with Windows 95, the message «Drive contents changed….restarting.» still exists in this version (i.e. if the contents of the hard drive changed, then the entire drive is then rescanned and then progress resumed where it had left off). If it gets stuck on the same area too many times, it will ask the user if it should keep trying or give up. The version of Disk Defragmenter from Windows Me does not have this problem and will function on Windows 98 or Windows 95 if the user simply copies it over.[56]

Windows 98 also supports a Fast Shutdown feature that initiates shutdown without uninitializing device drivers. However, this can cause Windows 98 to hang instead of shutting down the computer if a buggy driver is active, so Microsoft supplied instructions for disabling the feature.[57] Windows 98 supports write-behind caching for removable disk drives. A utility for converting FAT16 partitions to FAT32 without formatting the partition is also included.[58]

Other system tools


A number of improvements are made to various other system tools and accessories in Windows 98. Microsoft Backup supports differential backup and SCSI tape devices in Windows 98. Disk Cleanup, a new tool, enables users to clear their disks of unnecessary files. Cleanup locations are extensible through Disk Cleanup handlers. Disk Cleanup can be automated for regular silent cleanups.[59]

Scanreg (DOS) and ScanRegW are Registry Checker tools used to back up, restore or optimize the Windows registry. ScanRegW tests the registry’s integrity and saves a backup copy each time Windows successfully boots. The maximum number of copies could be customized by the user through «scanreg.ini» file. The restoration of a registry that causes Windows to fail to boot can only be done from DOS mode using ScanReg.[33]

System Configuration Utility is a new system utility used to disable programs and services that are not required to run the computer.[60] A Maintenance Wizard is included that schedules and automates ScanDisk, Disk Defragmenter and Disk Cleanup.[61] Windows Script Host, with VBScript and JScript engines is built-in and upgradeable to version 5.6. System File Checker checks installed versions of system files to ensure they were the same version as the one installed with Windows 98 or newer. Corrupt or older versions are replaced by the correct versions.[62] This tool was introduced to resolve the DLL hell issue and was replaced in Windows Me by System File Protection.

Windows 98 Setup simplifies installation, reducing the bulk of user input required.[63] The Windows 98 Startup Disk contains generic, real-mode ATAPI and SCSI CD-ROM drivers that can be used instead in the event that the specific driver for a CD-ROM is unavailable.[64]

The system could be updated using Windows Update.[62] A utility to automatically notify the user of critical updates was later released.[65]

Windows 98 includes an improved version of the Dr. Watson utility that collects and lists comprehensive information such as running tasks, startup programs with their command line switches, system patches, kernel driver, user drivers, DOS drivers and 16-bit modules. With Dr. Watson loaded in the system tray, whenever a software fault occurs (general protection fault, hang, etc.), Dr. Watson will intercept it and indicate what software crashed and its cause.[62]

Windows Report Tool takes a snapshot of system configuration and lets users submit a manual problem report along with system information to technicians. It has e-mail confirmation for submitted reports.[60]



Windows 98 includes Microsoft Magnifier,[66] Accessibility Wizard and Microsoft Active Accessibility 1.1 API (upgradeable to MSAA 2.0.) A new HTML Help system with 15 Troubleshooting Wizards was introduced to replace WinHelp.

Users can configure the font in Notepad. Microsoft Paint supports GIF transparency. HyperTerminal supports a TCP/IP connection method, which allows it to be used as a Telnet client. Imaging for Windows is updated. System Monitor—used to track the performance of hardware and software—supports output to a log file.[67]

Miscellaneous improvements


  • Telephony API (TAPI) 2.1
  • DCOM version 1.2
  • Ability to list fonts by similarity determined using PANOSE information.
  • Tools to automate setup, such as Batch 98 and INFInst.exe, support error-checking, gathering information automatically to create an INF file directly from a machine’s registry, customizing IE4, shell and desktop settings and adding custom drivers.
  • Several other Resource Kit tools are included on the Windows 98 CD.[68]
  • Windows 98 has new system event sounds for Low Battery Alarm and Critical Battery Alarm.
  • Windows 98 also introduced new and updated system sounds. The new startup sound for Windows 98 was composed by Microsoft sound engineer Ken Kato, who considered it to be a «tough act to follow».[69]
  • Windows 98 shipped with Flash Player and Shockwave Player preinstalled.[70]

Windows 98 Second Edition


Windows 98 Second Edition (often shortened to Windows 98 SE and sometimes to Win98 SE or 98 SE)[71] is an updated version of Windows 98 released on May 5, 1999, nine months before the release of Windows 2000.[72] It includes many bug fixes,[73] improved WDM audio and modem support, improved USB support,[71] the replacement of Internet Explorer 4.0 with Internet Explorer 5.0,[73] Web Folders (WebDAV namespace extension for Windows Explorer),[74] and related shell updates. Also included is basic OHCI-compliant FireWire DV camcorder support (MSDV class driver) and SBP-2 support for mass storage class devices.[75] Wake-On-LAN reenables suspended networked computers due to network activity, and Internet Connection Sharing allows multiple networked client computers to share an Internet connection via a single host computer.[73]

Other features in the update include DirectX 6.1 which introduced major improvements to DirectSound and the introduction of DirectMusic,[73] improvements to Asynchronous Transfer Mode support (IP/ATM, PPP/ATM and WinSock 2/ATM support), Windows Media Player 6.1 replacing the older Media Player,[71] Microsoft NetMeeting 3.0,[76] MDAC 2.1 and WMI. A memory overflow issue was resolved in which earlier versions of Windows 98 would crash most systems if left running for 49.7 days (equal to 232 milliseconds).[77] Windows 98 SE could be obtained as retail upgrade and full version packages, as well as OEM and a Second Edition Updates Disc for existing Windows 98 users. USB audio device class support is present from Windows 98 SE onwards. Windows 98 Second Edition improved WDM support in general for all devices, and it introduced support for WDM for modems (and therefore USB modems and virtual COM ports). However, Microsoft driver support for both USB printers and USB mass-storage device class is not available for Windows 98.

Removed features


The Active Channels Channel Bar from the original release of Windows 98 was removed in Windows 98 Second Edition, and is not installed upon first boot.

Windows 98 Second Edition did not ship with the WinG API or RealPlayer 4.0, unlike the original release of Windows 98, due to both of these having been superseded by DirectX and Windows Media Player, respectively.



Several components of both Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition can be updated to newer versions. These include:

  • Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Outlook Express 6 SP1
  • Windows Media Format Runtime and Windows Media Player 9 Series on Windows 98 Second Edition (Windows Media Player 7.1 on Windows 98 original release)
  • Windows Media Encoder 7.1 and Windows Media 8 Encoding Utility
  • DirectX 9.0c (the latest compatible runtime is from October 2007.)[78]
  • MSN Messenger 7.0
  • Significant features from newer Microsoft operating systems can be installed on Windows 98. Chief among them are .NET Framework versions 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0, the Visual C++ 2005 runtime, Windows Installer 2.0, the GDI+ redistributable library, Remote Desktop Connection client 5.2 and the Text Services Framework.
  • Several other components such as MSXML 3.0 SP7, Microsoft Agent 2.0, NetMeeting 3.01, MSAA 2.0, ActiveSync 3.8, WSH 5.6, Microsoft Data Access Components 2.81 SP1, WMI 1.5 and Speech API 4.0.
  • Office XP is the last version of Microsoft Office that is compatible with Windows 98.[79]
  • Although Windows 98 does not fully support Unicode, certain Unicode applications can run if the Microsoft Layer for Unicode is installed.

System requirements


The two major versions of Windows 98 have minimum requirements needed to be run.

Minimum system requirements

Field System Comments
Windows 98[80] Second Edition[81]
Processor Intel 80486 66 MHz or higher Pentium processor recommended[82]
RAM 16 MB 24 MB 24 MB recommended; it is possible to run on 8 MB machines with /nm option used during the installation process
  • Upgrading from Windows 3.1 or 95: 120–295 MB (typically 195 MB).
  • New installation (FAT16): 165–355 MB (typically 225 MB).
  • New installation (FAT32): 140–255 MB (typically 175 MB).
The amount of space required depends on the installation method and the components selected, but virtual memory and system utilities as well as drivers should be taken into consideration.
Display VGA or higher resolution monitor (640×480)
Media drive CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive Floppy install is possible but slow
Input Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

Users can bypass processor requirement checks with the undocumented /NM setup switch. This allows installation on computers with processors as old as the Intel 80386.[83]



The original release of Windows 98 may fail to boot on computers with a processor faster than 2.1 GHz. Windows 98 is only designed to handle up to 512 MB of RAM without changes.[84] The maximum amount of RAM the operating system is designed to use is up to 1 GB of RAM. Systems with more than 1.5 GB of RAM may continuously reboot during startup.[85] Both Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition have problems running on hard drives of capacities larger than 32 GB in systems with certain Phoenix BIOS configurations. A software update fixed this shortcoming.[86]

Support lifecycle


Computers running Windows 98 can be directly upgraded to Windows XP, providing they meet the requirements for Windows XP. Support for Windows 98 under Microsoft’s consumer product life cycle policy was originally planned to end on June 30, 2003,[87] however, in December 2002,[88] Microsoft extended the support window to January 16, 2004.[89] This date would then be extended again to June 30, 2006 on January 13, 2004[90] up to a final end of support date of July 11, 2006,[91] citing support volumes in emerging markets as the reason for the extension.[88]

Retail availability for Windows 98 ended on June 30, 2002,[89] and later became completely unavailable from Microsoft in any form (through MSDN or otherwise) due to the terms of Java-related settlements Microsoft made with Sun Microsystems.[92]

The Windows Update website continued to be available after Windows 98’s end of support date, however, in 2011, Microsoft retired the Windows Update v4 website and removed the updates for Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE from its servers.[93][94]



Windows 98 was released to positive reviews, with praise directed to its improved graphical user interface and customizability, ease of use,[95]: 30–31 [96] and the degree to which it addressed complaints that users and critics had with Windows 95.[96] Michael Sweet of Smart Computing characterized it as heavily integrating features of the Internet browser, and found file and folder navigation easier.[95]: 30–31  Ed Bott of PC Computing lauded the bug fixes, easier troubleshooting, and support for hardware advances such as DVD players and USB. However, he also found that the operating system crashed only slightly less frequently, and criticized the high upgrade price and system requirements. He rated it four stars out of five.[96]



Windows 98 sold 530,000 licenses in its first four days of availability, overtaking Windows 95’s 510,000.[97] It later sold a total of 580,000 and 350,000 licenses in the first and second months of availability, respectively.[98]

In the first year of its release, Windows 98 sold a total of 15 million licenses – 2 million more than its predecessor. However, International Data Corporation estimated that of the roughly 89 million shipped computers in the desktop market, the operating system had a market share of 17.2 percent, compared to Windows 95’s 57.4 percent. Meanwhile, the two operating systems continued to observe a trend whereby Windows 98 improved in sales performance, whereas Windows 95 dwindled.[99] After a legal dispute and subsequent settlement with Sun Microsystems over the former’s Java Virtual Machine, Microsoft ceased distributing the operating system on December 15, 2003,[100] and IDC estimated that a total of 58 million copies were installed worldwide by then.[101]



  1. ^ «Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition Released to Manufacturing». Microsoft. May 5, 1999. Archived from the original on August 11, 2015. Retrieved June 18, 2018.
  2. ^ a b Microsoft. «Microsoft Support Lifecycle». Support. Archived from the original on January 6, 2016. Retrieved May 25, 2015.
  3. ^ Microsoft (November 15, 2006). «How 16-Bit and 32-Bit Programs Multitask in Windows 95». Support. Retrieved May 25, 2015.
  4. ^ Microsoft. «Windows 95 Architecture Components». TechNet. Archived from the original on October 17, 2014. Retrieved May 25, 2015.
  5. ^ Thurrott, Paul (January 5, 1997). «Windows 97 in Beta». IT Pro Today. Archived from the original on June 22, 2018. Retrieved October 22, 2019.
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  7. ^ Lash, Alex (July 23, 1997). «Memphis is Windows 98». CNET. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on September 29, 2021. Retrieved May 25, 2015.
  8. ^ Jacobs, April (September 22, 1997). «Users unfazed by Windows 98 delay». Computerworld. Vol. 31, no. 38. p. 3.
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  10. ^ Thurrott, Paul (June 25, 1998). «Windows 98 Review». Paul Thurrott’s SuperSite for Windows. Archived from the original on July 12, 2017. Retrieved May 20, 2013.
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  12. ^ a b Mossberg, Walter S. (May 14, 1998). «Windows 98 Offers Users Useful, Not Vital, Features». Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on October 14, 2019. Retrieved October 14, 2019.
  13. ^ a b «General information about Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition hotfixes». Support. Microsoft.
  14. ^ a b Paul Thurrott (March 11, 1998). «Windows 98 release date set: June 25». WinInfo. Archived from the original on January 31, 2010. Retrieved February 18, 2017.
  15. ^ John G. Spooner; Mary Jo Foley (March 16, 1999). «Windows 98 second edition?». ZDNet. Archived from the original on June 29, 2017. Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  16. ^ Stephanie Miles (March 18, 1999). «Windows 98 to be relaunched with new IE». CNET. Archived from the original on August 23, 2000. Retrieved October 13, 2019.
  17. ^ «Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition Released to Manufacturing – Stories». May 5, 1999. Archived from the original on August 11, 2015. Retrieved May 24, 2015.
  18. ^ Thurrott, Paul (October 6, 2010). «Windows Millennium Edition («Windows Me») FAQ». IT Pro. Archived from the original on October 23, 2019. Retrieved October 23, 2019.
  19. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 21
  20. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 13
  21. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 17
  22. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 20
  23. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 12
  24. ^ Smart Computing, June 2000, p. 133
  25. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 9
  26. ^ a b PC Magazine, August 1998, p. 116
  27. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 55
  28. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 14
  29. ^ PC Magazine, August 1998, p. 427
  30. ^ «Windows ‘Prettified’ Filenames». Microsoft. Archived from the original on August 27, 2016. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  31. ^ Resource Kit 1998, p. 24
  32. ^ «Chapter 28 – Windows 98 Architecture». Microsoft. February 19, 2014. Archived from the original on March 2, 2019. Retrieved October 20, 2019.
  33. ^ a b PC Magazine, August 1998, p. 325
  34. ^ «How to troubleshoot unknown devices that are listed in Device Manager in Windows 2000». Microsoft Support. Microsoft. May 7, 2007. Archived from the original on July 17, 2007.
  35. ^ PC Magazine, August 1998, p. 328
  36. ^ Resource Kit 1998, p. 1322
  37. ^ «PC Solutions For MIDI Musicians». Archived from the original on January 10, 2012. Retrieved March 12, 2012.
  38. ^ «Availability of Universal Serial Bus Support in Windows 95». Microsoft Support. Microsoft. November 15, 2006. Archived from the original on March 4, 2007.
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  40. ^ a b «Chapter 10 – Disks and File Systems». Microsoft Docs. Microsoft. Archived from the original on March 24, 2019. Retrieved April 17, 2019.
  41. ^ Resource Kit 1998, p. 509
  42. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 75
  43. ^ «SLI Odd Couples». Maximum PC. 4 (1): 75. January 1999. ISSN 1522-4279. Archived from the original on September 29, 2021. Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  44. ^ J. D. Biersdorfer (August 12, 1999). «Q & A: Windows 98, 2d Edition». The New York Times. Archived from the original on October 10, 2019. Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  45. ^ «Overview of Server Message Block signing». Microsoft. Archived from the original on November 20, 2010. Retrieved June 22, 2010.
  46. ^ Resource Kit 1998, p. 572
  47. ^ PC Magazine, August 1998, p. 135
  48. ^ Resource Kit 1998, p. 798
  49. ^ Resource Kit 1998, p. 688
  50. ^ Resource Kit 1998, p. 690
  51. ^ «Network Setup Wizard Down Level Setup». Microsoft Developer Network. Microsoft. April 14, 2010. Archived from the original on October 22, 2012. Retrieved April 16, 2019.
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  53. ^ «Chapter 31 – Windows 98 Registry». Microsoft. Archived from the original on August 26, 2017. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  54. ^ Resource Kit 1998, pp. 1437–1438
  55. ^ Introducing Windows 98, Second edition.
  56. ^ «PC Hell: Defrag Does Not Complete — Solutions». Archived from the original on July 2, 2020. Retrieved July 19, 2020.
  57. ^ «How to Disable Fast Shutdown in Windows 98». Microsoft Support. Microsoft. Archived from the original on May 5, 2009.
  58. ^ PC Magazine, August 1998, p. 123
  59. ^ Smart Computing, June 2000, p. 44
  60. ^ a b PC Magazine, August 1998, p. 342
  61. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 79
  62. ^ a b c PC Magazine, August 1998, p. 131
  63. ^ Resource Kit 1998, p. 22
  64. ^ Resource Kit 1998, p. 75
  65. ^ Nott, Tim (May 1999). «The Update update». Personal Computer World. p. 234. Retrieved October 27, 2019.
  66. ^ Smart Computing, June 2000, p. 31
  67. ^ Resource Kit 1998, p. 1221
  68. ^ «Tools Included with the Microsoft Windows 98 Resource Kit». Microsoft Support. Microsoft. Archived from the original on September 15, 2017. Retrieved April 17, 2019.
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  70. ^ «Macromedia Shockwave(TM) and Flash(TM) Players Incorporated Into Windows 98». Free Online Library. Archived from the original on May 20, 2017. Retrieved September 19, 2019.
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  72. ^ Microsoft (May 5, 1999). «Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition Released to Manufacturing». News Center. Archived from the original on August 11, 2015. Retrieved May 25, 2015.
  73. ^ a b c d Mendelson, Edward (May 25, 1999). «Windows 98 Second Edition». PC Magazine. Vol. 18, no. 10. p. 35. Archived from the original on September 29, 2021. Retrieved October 8, 2019.
  74. ^ «Overview of Web Folders in Internet Explorer 5». Microsoft. Archived from the original on January 5, 2012. Retrieved February 11, 2012.
  75. ^ «The IEEE 1394 Driver Stack». Microsoft. Archived from the original on November 8, 2011. Retrieved August 19, 2011.
  76. ^ Smart Computing, June 2000, p. 38
  77. ^ Miles, Stephanie. «Windows may crash after 49.7 days – CNET News». Archived from the original on June 15, 2011. Retrieved March 11, 2009.
  78. ^ «DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtime». Microsoft Download Center. October 17, 2007. Archived from the original on June 17, 2018. Retrieved May 11, 2019.
  79. ^ «System Requirements». Office Support. Microsoft. May 30, 2001. Archived from the original on December 1, 2002. Retrieved February 25, 2017.
  80. ^ Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98 1998, p. 26
  81. ^ Smart Computing, June 2000, p. 30
  82. ^ «Err Msg: Windows 98 Requires a Computer with a Math Coprocessor». Microsoft Support. January 23, 2007. Archived from the original on October 26, 2012. Retrieved April 23, 2019.
  83. ^ Livingston, Brian (September 13, 1999). «Exploring the latest secrets and tips for using Windows 98». InfoWorld. Vol. 21, no. 37. p. 45. Retrieved October 26, 2019.
  84. ^ ««Out of Memory» Error Messages with Large Amounts of RAM Installed». Support (2.1 ed.). Microsoft. January 27, 2007. 253912. Archived from the original on September 22, 2013. Retrieved September 3, 2013. If a computer running Windows contains more than 512 megabytes (for example, 768 megabytes) of physical memory (RAM), you may experience one or more of the following symptoms: You may be unable to open an MS-DOS session (or command prompt) while Windows is running. Attempts to do so may generate the following error message: «There is not enough memory available to run this program. The computer may stop responding (hang) while Windows is starting, or halt and display the following error message: «Insufficient memory to initialize Windows. «
  85. ^ «Computer May Reboot Continuously with More Than 1.5 GB of RAM». Microsoft Support. Microsoft. Archived from the original on June 2, 2015. Retrieved April 17, 2019. Windows Me and Windows 98 are not designed to handle more than 1 GB of RAM. More than 1 GB can lead to potential system instability.
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  87. ^ «Windows Desktop Product Life Cycle Support and Availability Policies for Consumers». Archived from the original on December 11, 2002. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
  88. ^ a b «Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Millennium Support Extended @». Archived from the original on March 6, 2016. Retrieved August 24, 2020.
  89. ^ a b «Windows Desktop Product Life Cycle Support and Availability Policies for Consumers». Archived from the original on February 24, 2003. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
  90. ^ «Microsoft extends Win 98 and ME support to 2006». Archived from the original on April 25, 2021. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
  91. ^ «Windows End of support for Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows XP Service Pack 1». Microsoft. Archived from the original on November 21, 2006. Retrieved August 24, 2020.
  92. ^ «What products are included with MSDN subscriptions?». Microsoft Developer Network. Microsoft. Archived from the original on August 29, 2017. Retrieved August 24, 2020.
  93. ^ «I can’t access Windows Update v4 — Windows 9x/ME — MSFN». Archived from the original on April 25, 2021. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
  94. ^ «Where is Windows Update for Win98? — BetaArchive». Archived from the original on April 25, 2021. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
  95. ^ a b «Smart Computing». Vol. 9, no. 8. Sandhills Publishing. August 1998.
  96. ^ a b c Bott, Ed (July 1998). «Windows 98: Worth the Wait?». PC Computing. pp. 80–81.
  97. ^ Lohr, Steve (July 1, 1998). «Microsoft’s Windows 98 Sells Much Better Than Expected». The New York Times. Archived from the original on May 27, 2015. Retrieved October 7, 2019.
  98. ^ «Windows XP sales lag». CNET. January 31, 2002. Archived from the original on October 7, 2019. Retrieved October 7, 2019.
  99. ^ «Windows 95 remains most popular operating system». CNET. July 20, 1999. Archived from the original on July 23, 2015. Retrieved October 7, 2019.
  100. ^ Evers, Joris (December 8, 2003). «Microsoft Yanks Older Products». PCWorld. Archived from the original on August 3, 2020. Retrieved October 27, 2019.
  101. ^ Evers, Joris (January 12, 2004). «Microsoft Extends Win 98 Support». PCWorld. Archived from the original on May 6, 2019. Retrieved October 27, 2019.
  • Getting Started: Microsoft Windows 98. Microsoft. 1998. Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  • Windows 98 Resource Kit. Redmond, Washington, USA: Microsoft Press. 1998. ISBN 1-57231-644-6.
  • «PC Magazine». Vol. 17, no. 14. August 1998. Archived from the original on August 6, 2020. Retrieved October 9, 2019.
  • «Smart Computing». Vol. 6, no. 6. June 2000. Retrieved October 10, 2019.

Further reading


  • Davis, Fred; Crosby, Kip (1998). The Windows 98 Bible. Berkeley, California: Peachpit Press. ISBN 0-201-69690-8.

External links


  • «Windows 98.» – Microsoft (Archive)
  • GUIdebook: Windows 98 Gallery Archived September 27, 2010, at the Wayback Machine – A website dedicated to preserving and showcasing Graphical User Interfaces

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