Microsoft visual c что это за программа и нужна ли она windows 10

Привет пипл Сегодня будем узнавать что такое Microsoft Visual C++ и для чего это нужно, а также можно ли удалить. Я думаю что у вас на компе установлено как минимум десять программ, а то и больше, некоторые из них для вас очень важны, другие не очень, а третьи вы вообще не устанавливали, и такое бывает

Не все программы готовы к работе, ну, это я в каком смысле — в том что после установке в Windows также должны быть дополнительные компоненты, которые используются несколькими программами. Именно по этой причине они как бы не должны идти вместе с каждой программой, но так как часто этих компонентов нет на компе, то они как раз и идут в программе как отдельный компонент

А впрочем покажу на примере. Вот есть такая программа как фаервол Outpost, при его установке устанавливается не только сам Outpost но и еще компоненты Microsoft Visual C++, которые нужны ему для работы. То есть понятно, да, что если удалить эти компоненты потом, то некоторые ваши программы могут перестать работать, так что возьмите это себе на заметку

Вот например у меня они тоже стоят, несколько, у вас может быть больше или меньше:

Ну что, вы сделали вывод что такое Microsoft Visual C++? Если вы это видите в списке установленного софта, то удалять не стоит! Если они там есть значит они нужны какой-то программе или нескольким, соответственно если удалите — будут неприятности Кстати, вот игры когда вы ставите, то также устанавливаются и эти Microsoft Visual C++, помимо DirectX.

Но есть и второй вариант ответа на вопрос что такое Microsoft Visual C++ — это студия. IDE или студия для разработки программ на языке программирования C++, то есть это редактор такой себе, там программисты пишут код и потом проверяют как что работает. В общем пишут программы, функции, библиотеки.

Ну, вполне логично, что студия стоит у программистов. Так что если вы великий программист, то сносить эту студию просто нет смысла, ну это и так понятно думаю

Примерно так выглядит студия разработки (IDE), примерно потому что есть разные версии и они внешне немного все же отличаются:

Но я думаю, что у вас скорее всего стоит не студя разработки, а именно дополнительные компоненты для нормальной работы программ.

Еще могу сказать, что в некоторых случаях бывает и обратная сторона — вы ставите программу, а она говорит, мол так и сяк, у вас нет Microsoft Visual C++, поэтому установите, иначе я не установлюсь (в таком случае придется искать их на сайте Microsoft). Но, такое бывает редко, как уже писал, программы обычно уже в себе имеют компоненты Microsoft Visual C++ и ставят их при инсталляции.

Надеюсь все доступно обьяснил, удачи вам

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неизвестные программы

Что такое Microsoft Visual C++ и для чего он нужен

Обязателен ли на компьютере Microsoft Visual C++ и можно ли его удалить?

Различные версии данного приложения можно встретить среди списка установленных на компьютере программ. Также особо внимательные наверняка заметили, что Microsoft Visual C++ почти всегда присутствует в установочном пакете большинства игр и программ.

В данной статье мы расскажем о его назначении и вы поймете почему он так важен.

Дополнение, используемое другими программами

Современные игры и приложения представляют из себя огромный комплекс более мелких программ, объединенных в единое целое. На их создание уходит огромное количество времени и человеческих ресурсов.

Для упрощения и ускорения данного процесса программистами создаются общедоступные пакеты, где описаны распространенные функции и алгоритмы, которые можно использовать в собственных разработках.

Так вот Microsoft Visual C++ является одним из таких пакетов. С течением времени выходят все новые его версии. Это связано с появлением новых технологий создания программ и новых функций, которые будут задействованы в новых проектах.

Что такое Microsoft Visual C++ и для чего он нужен?

Установленные версии Visual C++ на компьютере в программах и компонентах

Именно поэтому важно иметь актуальную версию Microsoft Visual C++, чтобы обеспечить нормальную работу программ и игр, написанных с его использованием. По этой же причине при установке любой современной игры вам предлагают установить актуальную версию Microsoft Visual C++. И пренебрегать этим не стоит.

что такое microsoft visual c и для чего он нужен

Начало установки пакета Visual C++

Следующие ошибки, появляющиеся при запуске программ или игр, свидетельствуют о проблемах с Microsoft Visual C++ и устраняются переустановкой данного пакета:

  • Не найден файл api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll;
  • Отсутствует msvcp100.dll;
  • Отсутствует vcruntime140.dll.


Microsoft Visual C++ является важной сборкой различных функций, процедур и алгоритмов, которые используются практически всеми программами и играми, написанными под операционную систему Windows.

Удалять какую – либо из установленных на компьютере версий Microsoft Visual C++ категорически не рекомендуется, так как это приведет к ошибкам при запуске других программ и игр.

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable – это один из тех пакетов, без которых на вашем компьютере не запустится большинство игр. Он содержит библиотеки, которые позволяют запуститься программам, в разработке которых была использована среда Microsoft Visual C++, известная так же как MSVC. К таким приложениям относится большинство игр на Windows, потому наличие данного пакета необходимо.

Игры, как правило, загружают необходимые файлы по завершении установки, однако в работе пакета Microsoft Visual C++ могут случаться сбои, вызванные установкой пиратского ПО или активностью вредоносных программ. В таком случае необходимо скачать Microcoft Visual C++ Redistributable с официального сайта, следуя инструкциям из этой статьи.

Нужны ли старые версии Visual C++?

В интернете часто задают вопрос, нужны ли на компьютере все версии библиотек Microsoft Visual C++, или почему они не обновляются до последней, удаляя все предыдущие. Ответим, что удалять их не стоит, особенно если вы не хотите сталкиваться с проблемой невозможности запуска одной из ранее установленных игр после удаления старой версии Visual C++.

Если вы видите подобную картину в списке установленных программ, то лучшим решением будет просто пролистать этот список и не трогать его.


Не спешите удалять и 32-разрядные версии пакетов (с пометкой х86), даже если пользуетесь 64-разрядной Windows (x64). Их могут использовать установленные программы и игры!

Как скачать Microsoft Visual C++

Как и другие компоненты, разрабатываемые Microsoft, клиентскую часть продукта (то есть, Redistributable Package или Распространяемые пакеты), можно бесплатно скачать на официальном сайте. Использовать для их загрузки сторонние сайты не рекомендуется.

Чтобы установить Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package, необходимо определиться с версией и скачать дистрибутивы. На данный момент самыми распространенными считаются версии 2010 и 2012 года, кроме того, для более новых приложений может потребоваться версия 2015.  Поскольку эти библиотеки занимают не слишком много места, рекомендуется иметь  Microsoft Visual C++ версий 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 и 2015, независимо от того, установлены ли требующие их наличия программы.

Стоит учесть, что ранние версии Windows 7 и Windows XP не поддерживают Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2012  и выше.

Файлы установки Microsoft Visual C++ для Windows вы можете скачать по следующим ссылкам:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 х86 (для 32-разрядных систем)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 х64 (для 64-разрядных систем)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 х86 (для 32-разрядных систем)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2012
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2013
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015

Версия 2015 года еще не является окончательной, но уже используется для ряда новейших игр и программ.

Дистрибутивы, предназначенные для Windows x64, несовместимы с 32-разрядными системами.


Переустановка библиотек Visual C++

Переустановка может потребоваться в случае возникновения проблем (например, отсутствие msvcr100.dll) с целостностью и правильной работой библиотек. В случае неполадок в работе необходимой версии пакета Microsoft Visual C++ игра или программа не запустится, выдавая сообщение об ошибке.

Если на компьютере установлены все необходимые пакеты, а игра все равно не запускается, необходимо:

  1. Удалить версию, с которой возникли неполадки. Можно использовать как вкладку «Установка и удаление программ» в Панели инструментов, так и стороннее ПО.
  2. Перезагрузить компьютер.
  3. Скачать дистрибутив Visual C++ по одной из перечисленных выше ссылок.
  4. Установить пакет, следуя инструкциям программы установки.
  5. Перезагрузить компьютер.

Перезагрузка Windows необходима для корректной установки компонента.

Наличие большинства версий Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable и их своевременное обновление необходимо для корректной работы игр и приложений. Если установлены все необходимые версии, а игра все равно не запускается – проблема может заключаться в необходимости обновления .NET Framework, DirectX или PhysX.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Visual C++

Developer(s) Microsoft
Initial release February 1993; 30 years ago[1]
Stable release


Written in C++[2]
Operating system Windows
Platform IA-32, x86-64 and ARM
Available in English, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Turkish
Type Compiler
License Trialware and freeware

Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) is a compiler for the C, C++, C++/CLI and C++/CX programming languages by Microsoft. MSVC is proprietary software; it was originally a standalone product but later became a part of Visual Studio and made available in both trialware and freeware forms. It features tools for developing and debugging C++ code, especially code written for the Windows API, DirectX and .NET.

Many applications require redistributable Visual C++ runtime library packages to function correctly. These packages are frequently installed separately from the applications they support, enabling multiple applications to use the package with only a single installation. These Visual C++ redistributable and runtime packages are mostly installed for standard libraries that many applications use.[3]


The predecessor to Visual C++ was called Microsoft C/C++. There was also a Microsoft QuickC 2.5 and a Microsoft QuickC for Windows 1.0. The Visual C++ compiler is still known as Microsoft C/C++ and as of the release of Visual C++ 2015 Update 2, is on version 14.0.23918.0.[citation needed]

16-bit versions[edit]

  • Microsoft C 1.0, based on Lattice C, was Microsoft’s first C product in 1983. It was not K&R C compliant.
  • C 2.0 added large model support, allowing up to 1MiB for both the Code Segment and Data Segment.[4]
  • C 3.0 was the first version developed inside Microsoft.[5] This version intended compatibility with K&R and the later ANSI standard. It was being used inside Microsoft (for Windows and Xenix development) in early 1984. It shipped as a product in 1985.
  • C 4.0 added optimizations and CodeView, a source-level debugger.
  • C 5.0 added loop optimizations and ‘huge memory model’ (arrays bigger than 64 KB) support. Microsoft Fortran and the first 32-bit compiler for 80386 were also part of this project.
  • C 5.1 released in 1988 allowed compiling programs for OS/2 1.x. The fourteen 5.25″ disk (two of which were 1.2 MB, the others 360k) version included QuickC. The eleven 720k 3.5″ disk version included with the OS/2 Software Development Kit included MASM 5.1 (a single executable that worked under both MSDOS and OS/2 1.x).
  • C 6.0 released in 1989. It added the Programmer’s Workbench IDE, global flow analysis, a source browser, and a new debugger, and included an optional C++ front end.[6]
  • C/C++ 7.0 was released in 1992. Dropped OS/2 support. Requires a 386 processor and uses the provided 386-Max dos extender (dosx32). Added built-in support for C++ and MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class Library) 1.0.[7]
  • Visual C++ 1.0, which included MFC 2.0, was the first version of ‘Visual’ C++, released in February 1993. It was Cfront 2.1 compliant[8] and available in two editions:[1]
    • Standard: replaced QuickC for Windows.
    • Professional: replaced C/C++ 7.0. Included the ability to build both DOS and Windows applications, an optimizing compiler, a source profiler, and the Windows 3.1 SDK.[8] The Phar Lap 286 DOS Extender Lite was also included.[9]
  • Visual C++ 1.5 was released in December 1993, included MFC 2.5, and added OLE 2.0 and ODBC support to MFC.[10] It was the first version of Visual C++ that came only on CD-ROM.
    • Visual C++ 1.51 and 1.52 were available as part of a subscription service.
    • Visual C++ 1.52b is similar to 1.52, but does not include the Control Development Kit.
    • Visual C++ 1.52c was a patched version of 1.5. It is the last, and arguably most popular, development platform for Microsoft Windows 3.x. It is available through Microsoft Developer Network.

Strictly 32-bit versions[edit]

  • Visual C++ 1.0 (original name: Visual C++ 32-bit Edition) released in 1993 was the first version for 32-bit development for the Intel 386 architecture.[11] Although released when 16-bit version 1.5 was available, it did not include support for OLE2 and ODBC. It was also available in a bundle called Visual C++ 16/32-bit Suite, which included Visual C++ 1.5.[12]
  • Visual C++ 2.0, which included MFC 3.0, was the first version to be 32-bit only. In many ways, this version was ahead of its time, since Windows 95, then codenamed «Chicago», was not yet released, and Windows NT had only a small market share. Microsoft included and updated Visual C++ 1.5 as part of the 2.x releases up to 2.1, which included Visual C++ 1.52, and both 16-bit and 32-bit version of the Control Development Kit (CDK) were included. Visual C++ 2.x also supported Win32s development. It is available through Microsoft Developer Network. There was a Visual C++ 2.0 RISC Edition for MIPS and Alpha processors, as well as a cross-platform edition for the Macintosh (68000 instruction set).[13]
    • Visual C++ 2.1 and 2.2 were updates for 2.0 available through subscription.
  • Visual C++ 4.0, released on 1995-12-11,[14] introduced the Developer Studio IDE. Its then-novel tiled layout of non-overlapping panels—navigation panel, combination editor/source level debugger panel, and console output panel[15]—continues through the Visual Studio product line (as of 2013). Visual C++ 4.0 included MFC 4.0, was designed for Windows 95 and Windows NT. To allow support of legacy (Windows 3.x/DOS) projects, 4.0 came bundled with the Visual C++ 1.52 installation CD. Updates available through subscription included Visual C++ 4.1, which came with the Microsoft Game SDK (later released separately as the DirectX SDK), and Visual C++ 4.2. Version number 3.0 was skipped to achieve version number parity between Visual C++ 4.0 and MFC 4.0.[16]
  • Visual C++ 4.2 did not support Windows 3.x (Win32s) development.[17] This was the final version with a cross-platform edition for the Mac available and it differed from the 2.x version in that it also allowed compilation for the PowerPC instruction set.
  • Visual C++ 5.0 (bundled with Visual Studio 97) which included MFC 4.21 and was released 1997-04-28,[14] was a major upgrade from 4.2.[18] Available in four editions: Learning,[19] Professional,[20] Enterprise,[21] and RISC.[22]
  • Visual C++ 6.0 (commonly known as VC6, and available standalone in Standard, Professional and Enterprise editions, as well as bundled with Visual Studio 6.0), which included MFC 6.0, was released in 1998.[23][24] The release was somewhat controversial since it did not include an expected update to MFC. Visual C++ 6.0 is still quite popular and often used to maintain legacy projects. There are, however, issues with this version under Windows XP, especially under the debugging mode (for example, the values of static variables do not display). The debugging issues can be solved with a patch called the «Visual C++ 6.0 Processor Pack».[25] Version number: 12.00.8804
  • Visual C++ .NET 2002 (also known as Visual C++ 7.0), which included MFC 7.0, was released in 2002 with support for link time code generation and debugging runtime checks, .NET 1.0, and Visual C# and Managed C++. The new user interface used many of the hot keys and conventions of Visual Basic, which accounted for some of its unpopularity among C++ developers.[citation needed] Version number: 13.00.9466
  • Visual C++ .NET 2003 (also known as Visual C++ 7.1), which included MFC 7.1, was released in 2003 along with .NET 1.1 and was a major upgrade to Visual C++ .NET 2002. It was considered a patch to Visual C++ .NET 2002. Accordingly, the English language upgrade version of Visual Studio .NET 2003 shipped for minimal cost to owners of the English-language version of Visual Studio .NET 2002. Windows 98 is the lowest officially supported version. Although simple programs will work on Windows 95 and NT 4.0, more complex programs may cause things like ws2_32.dll to be referenced, or functions missing in kernel32.dll. In later versions (Visual C++ 2005) of the compiler even simple programs won’t work (unless you replace the C library) because they have a reference to function IsDebuggerPresent in kernel32.dll which only exists in Windows 98 and later.[citation needed] Version number: 13.10.3077
  • eMbedded Visual C++[26] in various versions was used to develop for some versions of the Windows CE operating system. Initially it replaced a development environment consisting of tools added onto Visual C++ 6.0. eMbedded Visual C++ was replaced as a separate development environment by Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

32-bit and 64-bit versions[edit]

  • Visual C++ 2005 (also known as Visual C++ 8.0), which included MFC 8.0, was released in November 2005. This version supports .NET 2.0 and includes a new version of C++ targeted to the .NET framework (C++/CLI) with the purpose of replacing the previous version (Managed C++). Managed C++ for CLI is still available via compiler options, though. It also introduced OpenMP. With Visual C++ 2005, Microsoft also introduced Team Foundation Server. Visual C++ 8.0 has problems compiling MFC AppWizard projects that were created using Visual Studio 6.0, so maintenance of legacy projects can be continued with the original IDE if rewriting is not feasible. Visual C++ 2005 is the last version able to target Windows 98 and Windows Me.[27][28] SP1 version (14.00.50727.762) is also available in Microsoft Windows SDK Update for Windows Vista.
  • Visual C++ 2008 (also known as Visual C++ 9.0) was released in November 2007. This version supports .NET 3.5. Managed C++ for CLI is still available via compiler options. By default, all applications compiled against the Visual C++ 2008 Runtimes (static and dynamic linking) will only work on Windows 2000, Windows XP SP2 and later.[29][30] A feature pack released for VC9, later included in SP1, added support for C++ TR1 library extensions. SP1 version (15.00.30729.01) is also available in Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7.
  • Some versions of Visual C++ supported Itanium 2.
  • Visual C++ 2010 (also known as Visual C++ 10.0) was released on April 12, 2010. It uses a SQL Server Compact database to store information about the source code, including IntelliSense information, for better IntelliSense and code-completion support.[31] However, Visual C++ 2010 does not support Intellisense for C++/CLI.[32] This version adds a C++ parallel computing library called the Parallel Patterns Library, partial support for C++11, significantly improved IntelliSense based on the Edison Design Group front end,[33] and performance improvements to both the compiler and generated code.[34] This version is built on .NET 4.0, but supports compiling to machine code. The partial C++11 support mainly consists of six compiler features:[35] lambdas, rvalue references, auto, decltype, static_assert, and nullptr. C++11 also supports library features (e.g., moving the TR1 components from std::tr1 namespace directly to std namespace). Variadic templates were also considered, but delayed until some future version due to having a lower priority, which stemmed from the fact that, unlike other costly-to-implement features (lambda, rvalue references), variadic templates would benefit only a minority of library writers rather than the majority of compiler end users.[36] By default, all applications compiled against Visual C++ 2010 Runtimes only work on Windows XP SP2 and later. The RTM version (16.00.30319) is also available in Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 (WinSDK v7.1).[37] SP1 version (16.00.40219) is available as part of Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 or through the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Compiler Update for the Windows SDK 7.1.[38]
  • Visual C++ 2012 (also known as Visual C++ 11.0) was released on August 15, 2012. It features improved C++11 support, and support for Windows Runtime development.[39]
  • Visual C++ 2013 (also known as Visual C++ 12.0) was released on October 17, 2013. It features further C++11 and C99 support, and introduces a REST SDK.[40]
  • Visual C++ 2015 (also known as Visual C++ 14.0) was released on July 20, 2015.[41] It features improved C++11/14/17 support.[42] Without any announcement from Microsoft, Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 started generating telemetry calls in compiled binaries. After some users contacted Microsoft about this problem, Microsoft said they would remove these telemetry calls when compiling with the future Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.[43][44] The function in question was removed from the Visual C++ CRT static libraries in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.[citation needed]
  • Visual C++ 2017 (also known as Visual C++ 14.1) was released on March 7, 2017.[45]
  • Visual C++ 2019 (also known as Visual C++ 14.20) was released on April 2, 2019.[46]
  • Visual C++ 2022 (also known as Visual C++ 14.30) was released on November 8, 2021.[47]

Internal version numbering[edit]

There are several different version numbers to consider when working with Visual C or C++. The oldest and most original of these is the compiler version number, which has been monotonically increased since the early Microsoft C compiler days. This is the version returned by running the command cl.exe on its own without any options. By taking two digits after the decimal and dropping the decimal point, this also becomes the value of the C pre-processor macro: _MSC_VER, and the CMake variable: MSVC_VERSION. A longer version of the C macro is _MSC_FULL_VER to make more finely-grained distinctions between builds of the compiler. An example of _MSC_VER is ‘1933’ to represent version 19.33 of the Microsoft C/C++ compiler, and of _MSC_FULL_VER is ‘193331630’. You should use the >= operator to test the value of _MSC_VER or _MSC_FULL_VER instead of equality.

The Visual product version, such as ‘17.3.4’, designates the version of Visual Studio with which version 19.33 of the compiler was packaged. Then there is the Microsoft Visual C/C++ Runtime Library version, e.g. ‘14.3’. From this, one can deduce also the toolset version, which can be obtained by taking the first three digits of the runtime library version and dropping the decimal, e.g. ‘143’. It includes the Visual C/C++ runtime library, as well as compilers, linkers, assemblers, other build tools, and matching libraries and header files. The following is a (scrapeable) table of the known correlated version numbers.

Visual Studio Versions[48][49]

product name product Version marketing year _MSC_VER _MSC_FULL_VER runtime library version
Microsoft C 6.0 600
Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 700
Visual C++ 1.0 1.0 800 1
Visual C++ 2.0 2.0 900 2
Visual C++ 4.0 4.0 1000 4
Visual C++ 4.1 4.1 1010 4.1
Visual C++ 4.2 4.2 1020 4.2
Visual Studio 97 [5.0] 5.0 97 1100 5
Visual Studio 6.0 SP5 6.0 1200 12008804 6
Visual Studio 6.0 SP6 6.0 1200 12008804 6
Visual Studio .NET 2002 [7.0] 7.0 2002 1300 13009466 7
Visual Studio .NET 2003 Beta [7.1] 7.1 2003 1310 13102292 7.1
Visual Studio Toolkit 2003 [7.1] 7.1 2003 1310 13103052 7.1
Visual Studio .NET 2003 [7.1] 7.1 2003 1310 13103077 7.1
Visual Studio .NET 2003 SP1 [7.1] 7.1 2003 1310 13106030 7.1
Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 [8.0] 8.0 2005 1400 140040607 8
Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 [8.0] 8.0 2005 1400 140050215 8
Visual Studio 2005 [8.0] 8.0 2005 1400 140050320 8
Visual Studio 2005 SP1 [8.0] 8.0 2005 1400 140050727 8
Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 [9.0] 8.0 2008 1500 150020706 9
Visual Studio 2008 [9.0] 9.0 2010 1500 150021022 9
Visual Studio 2008 SP1 [9.0] 9.0 2010 1500 150030729 9
Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 [10.0] 10.0 2010 1600 160020506 10
Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 [10.0] 10.0 2010 1600 160021003 10
Visual Studio 2010 [10.0] 10.0 2010 1600 160030319 10
Visual Studio 2010 SP1 [10.0] 10.0 2010 1600 160040219 10
Visual Studio 2012 [11.0] 11.0 2012 1700 170050727 11
Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 [11.0] 11.0 2012 1700 170051106 11
Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 [11.0] 11.0 2012 1700 170060315 11
Visual Studio 2012 Update 3 [11.0] 11.0 2012 1700 170060610 11
Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 [11.0] 11.0 2012 1700 170061030 11
Visual Studio 2012 November CTP [11.0] 11.0 2012 1700 170051025 11
Visual Studio 2013 Preview [12.0] 12.0 2013 1800 180020617 12
Visual Studio 2013 RC [12.0] 12.0 2013 1800 180020827 12
Visual Studio 2013 [12.0] 12.0 2013 1800 180021005 12
Visual Studio 2013 Update 1 [12.0] 12.0 2013 1800 180021005 12
Visual Studio 2013 Update2 RC [12.0] 12.0 2013 1800 180030324 12
Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 [12.0] 12.0 2013 1800 180030501 12
Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 [12.0] 12.0 2013 1800 180030723 12
Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 [12.0] 12.0 2013 1800 180031101 12
Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 [12.0] 12.0 2013 1800 180040629 12
Visual Studio 2013 November CTP [12.0] 12.0 2013 1800 180021114 12
Visual Studio 2015 [14.0] 14.0 2015 1900 190023026 14
Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 [14.0] 14.0 2015 1900 190023506 14
Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 [14.0] 14.0 2015 1900 190023918 14
Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 [14.0] 14.0 2015 1900 190024210 14
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.0 15.0 2017 1910 191025017 14.1
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.1 15.1 2017 1910 191025017 14.1
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.2 15.2 2017 1910 191025017 14.1
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3.3 15.3.3 2017 1911 191125507 14.11
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.4.4 15.4.4 2017 1911 191125542 14.11
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.4.5 15.4.5 2017 1911 191125547 14.11
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5.2 15.5.2 2017 1912 191225831 14.12
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5.3 15.5.3 2017 1912 191225834 14.12
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5.4 15.5.4 2017 1912 191225834 14.12
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5.6 15.5.6 2017 1912 191225835 14.12
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5.7 15.5.7 2017 1912 191225835 14.12
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.0 15.6.0 2017 1913 191326128 14.13
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.1 15.6.1 2017 1913 191326128 14.13
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.2 15.6.2 2017 1913 191326128 14.13
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.3 15.6.3 2017 1913 191326129 14.13
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.4 15.6.4 2017 1913 191326129 14.13
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.6 15.6.6 2017 1913 191326131 14.13
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.7 15.6.7 2017 1913 191326132 14.13
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7.1 15.7.1 2017 1914 191426428 14.14
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7.2 15.7.2 2017 1914 191426429 14.14
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7.3 15.7.3 2017 1914 191426430 14.14
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7.5 15.7.5 2017 1914 191426433 14.14
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.1 15.9.1 2017 1916 191627023 14.16
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.4 15.9.4 2017 1916 191627025 14.16
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.5 15.9.5 2017 1916 191627026 14.16
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.7 15.9.7 2017 1916 191627027 14.16
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.11 15.9.11 2017 1916 191627030 14.16
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.0.0 16.0.0 2019 1920 192027508 14.20
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1.2 16.1.2 2019 1921 192127702 14.21
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2.3 16.2.3 2019 1922 192227905 14.21
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.2 16.3.2 2019 1923 192328105 14.21
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4.0 16.4.0 2019 1924 192428314 14.24
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5.1 16.5.1 2019 1925 192528611 14.25
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6.2 16.6.2 2019 1926 192628806 14.26
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7 16.7 2019 1927 192729112 14.27
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.1 16.8.1 2019 1928 192829333 14.28
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.2 16.8.2 2019 1928 192829334 14.28
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.9.2 16.9.2 2019 1928 192829913 14.28
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.2 16.11.2 2019 1929 192930133 14.29
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.24 16.11.24 2019 1929 192930148 14.29
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.27 16.11.27 2019 1929 192930151 14.29
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0.1 17.0.1 2022 1930 193030705 14.30
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0.2 17.0.2 2022 1930 193030706 14.31
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2.2 17.2.2 2022 1932 193231329 14.32
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.3.4 17.3.4 2022 1933 193331630 14.33
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.4.0 17.4.0 2022 1934 193431933 14.34
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5.0 17.5.0 2022 1935 ? 14.35
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.0 17.6.0 2022 1936 ? 14.36
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.2 17.6.2 2022 1936 193632532 14.36.32532
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.4 17.6.4 2022 1936 193632535 14.36.32532



The Visual C++ compiler ABI have historically changed between major compiler releases.[50] This is especially the case for STL containers, where container sizes have varied a lot between compiler releases.[51] Microsoft therefore recommends against using C++ interfaces at module boundaries when one wants to enable client code compiled using a different compiler version. Instead of C++, Microsoft recommends using C[52] or COM[53] interfaces, which are designed to have a stable ABI between compiler releases.

All 14.x MSVC releases have a stable ABI,[54] and binaries built with these versions can be mixed in a forwards-compatible manner, noting the following restrictions:

  • The toolset version used must be equal to or higher than the highest toolset version used to build any linked binaries.
  • The MSVC Redistributable version must be equal to or higher than the toolset version used by any application component.
  • Static libraries or object files compiled with /GL (Whole program optimisation) are not binary compatible between versions and must use the exact same toolset.

C runtime libraries[edit]

Visual C++ ships with different versions of C runtime libraries.[55] This means users can compile their code with any of the available libraries. However, this can cause some problems when using different components (DLLs, EXEs) in the same program. A typical example is a program using different libraries. The user should use the same C Run-Time for all the program’s components unless the implications are understood. Microsoft recommends using the multithreaded, dynamic link library (/MD or /MDd compiler option) to avoid possible problems.[55]


Although Microsoft’s CRT implements a large subset of POSIX interfaces, the Visual C++ compiler will emit a warning on every use of such functions by default. The rationale is that C and C++ standards require an underscore prefix before implementation-defined interfaces, so the use of these functions are non-standard.[56] However, systems that are actually POSIX-compliant would not accept these underscored names, and it is more portable to just turn off the warning instead.


Although the product originated as an IDE for the C programming language, for many years the compiler’s support for that language conformed only to the original edition of the C standard, dating from 1989, but not the C99 revision of the standard. There had been no plans to support C99 even in 2011, more than a decade after its publication.[57]

Visual C++ 2013 finally added support for various C99 features in its C mode (including designated initializers, compound literals, and the _Bool type),[58] though it was still not complete.[59] Visual C++ 2015 further improved the C99 support, with full support of the C99 Standard Library, except for features that require C99 language features not yet supported by the compiler.[60]

Most of the changes from the C11 revision of the standard are still not supported by Visual C++ 2017.[61] For example, generic selections via the _Generic keyword are not supported by the compiler and result in a syntax error.[62]

The preprocessor was overhauled in 2018, with C11 in sight:[63]

Full C11 conformance is on our roadmap, and updating the preprocessor is just the first step in that process. The C11 _Generic feature is not actually part of the preprocessor, so it has not yet been implemented. When implemented I expect the feature to work independently of if the traditional or updated preprocessor logic is used.

_Generic support has been committed to MSVC as of February 2020, not clear on when it will ship.[64]

In September 2020, Microsoft announced C11 and C17 standards support in MSVC.[65]


With default settings MSVC does not do two-phase name lookup which prevents it from flagging a wide range of invalid code. Most checks are deferred to template instantiation. More recent versions remedy this behavior, but it needs to be enabled by the command-line option /permissive-.[66]


  1. ^ a b «Visual C++ adds Windows support». InfoWorld. February 22, 1993. p. 17.
  2. ^
  3. ^ «Do I need these Microsoft Visual C++ redistributables?». Ask Leo!. Retrieved 2012-11-18.
  4. ^ Computer Language — Issue 06 (1985-02)(CL Publications)(US). February 1985.
  5. ^ Leibson, Steve (1985-02-01). «Software Reviews: Expert team analyzes 21 C compilers». Computer Language. Retrieved 2020-06-05.
  6. ^ Ladd, Scott Robert (August 1, 1990). «Optimizing With Microsoft C 6.0».
  7. ^ Retrieved from
  8. ^ a b «Visual C++ is a strong development tool». InfoWorld. June 21, 1993. p. 94.
  9. ^ «Rival DOS Extenders debut at show». InfoWorld. March 1, 1993. p. 18.
  10. ^ «Visual C++ 1.5 integrates OLE, ODBC». InfoWorld. November 8, 1993. p. 5.
  11. ^ «Microsoft set to prerelease 32-bit Visual C++». InfoWorld. July 19, 1993. p. 12.
  12. ^ «C++ IDEs evolve». InfoWorld. April 4, 1994. p. 79.
  13. ^ «Microsoft Visual C++ Strategy».
  14. ^ a b «Obsolete Products». Archived from the original on 2005-08-14.
  15. ^ Toth, Viktor (1996). «1». Visual C++ 4.0 unleashed. Indianapolis: SAMS Publishing. ISBN 9780672308741. Retrieved 26 July 2013.
  16. ^ «History of Visual Studio (Part 3)».
  17. ^ «Major Changes from Visual C++ 4.0 to 4.2». Archived from the original on 2010-02-28. Retrieved 2018-04-18.
  18. ^ «Major Changes from Visual C++ 4.2 to 5.0».
  19. ^ «Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 Learning Edition». Archived from the original on April 27, 1999.
  20. ^ «Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 Professional Edition». Archived from the original on April 27, 1999.
  21. ^ «Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 Enterprise Edition». Archived from the original on April 17, 1999.
  22. ^ «Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 RISC Edition». Archived from the original on April 29, 1999.
  23. ^ Shields, Nathan P. (June 8, 2018). «Criminal Complaint». United States Department of Justice. p. 128. This alone is not a dispositive link, as Visual C++ 6.0, released in 1998, still has proponents mostly because it does not require the installation of Microsoft’s .NET framework in order to run, as later versions of Visual C++ do.
  24. ^ «Major Changes from Visual C++ 5.0 to 6.0». Archived from the original on September 14, 2008.
  25. ^ This page stresses that Users must also be running Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000. Retrieved from
  26. ^ Douglas Boling :Programming Microsoft Windows CE .NET, Third Edition Microsoft Press; 3rd edition (June 25, 2003) Paperback: 1264 pages ISBN 978-0735618848 — Companion CD with Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 Service Pack 2 Archived 2013-02-11 at
  27. ^ How to: Modify WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT
  28. ^ Breaking Changes
  29. ^ Windows Platforms (CRT)
  30. ^ «Visual C++ 2008 Breaking Changes».
  31. ^ Visual C++ Team Blog. «IntelliSense, part 2: The Future». Retrieved March 12, 2008.
  32. ^ «Why IntelliSense is not supported for C++/CLI in Visual Studio 2010». Retrieved March 13, 2011.
  33. ^ Visual C++ Team Blog (27 May 2009). «Rebuilding Intellisense».
  34. ^ Visual C++ Team Blog. «Visual C++ Code Generation in Visual Studio 2010».
  35. ^ «C++0x Core Language Features In VC10: The Table».
  36. ^ «Stephan T. Lavavej: Everything you ever wanted to know about nullptr».
  37. ^ Microsoft Windows SDK Blog. «Released: Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4».
  38. ^ FIX: Visual C++ compilers are removed when you upgrade Visual Studio 2010 Professional or Visual Studio 2010 Express to Visual Studio 2010 SP1 if Windows SDK v7.1 is installed
  39. ^ «What’s New for Visual C++ in Visual Studio 2012». Microsoft Developer Network. Microsoft. Retrieved September 20, 2015.
  40. ^ «What’s New for Visual C++ in Visual Studio 2013». Microsoft Developer Network. Microsoft. Retrieved September 20, 2015.
  41. ^ Eric Battalio (July 20, 2015). «Visual Studio 2015 RTM Now Available». Visual C++ Team Blog. Microsoft.
  42. ^ Stephan T. Lavavej (June 19, 2015). «C++11/14/17 Features In VS 2015 RTM». Visual C++ Team Blog. Microsoft.
  43. ^ Reviewing Microsoft’s Automatic Insertion of Telemetry into C++ Binaries
  44. ^ «Visual Studio adding telemetry function calls to binary? • /r/cpp». reddit. 7 May 2016. Retrieved 2016-08-17.
  45. ^ Julia Liuson (March 7, 2017). «Announcing Visual Studio 2017 General Availability… and more». Visual Studio Team Blog. Microsoft.
  46. ^ Amanda Silver (February 14, 2019). «Join us April 2nd for the Launch of Visual Studio 2019!». Visual Studio Team Blog. Microsoft.
  47. ^ Amanda Silver (November 8, 2021). «Visual Studio 2022 now available». Visual Studio Team Blog. Microsoft.
  48. ^ «Pre-defined Compiler Macros / Wiki / Compilers». Retrieved 2023-02-20.
  49. ^ «Predefined Macros / Microsoft Learn». Retrieved 2023-05-26.
  50. ^ Microsoft MSDN: Breaking Changes in Visual C++
  51. ^ Microsoft MSDN: Containers (Modern C++)
  52. ^ Microsoft MSDN: Portability At ABI Boundaries (Modern C++)
  53. ^ Microsoft forum: Binary compatibility across Visual C++ versions Archived 2013-02-16 at
  54. ^ C++ binary compatibility between Visual Studio 2015, 2017, and 2019
  55. ^ a b C Run-Time Libraries
  56. ^ «Compatibility». Microsoft: CRT library features.
  57. ^ «C99 support». Microsoft Connect. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2015-09-21.
  58. ^ «What’s New for Visual C++ in Visual Studio 2013». Microsoft Developer Network. Microsoft.
  59. ^ Pat Brenner (July 19, 2013). «C99 library support in Visual Studio 2013». Visual C++ Team Blog. Microsoft.
  60. ^ «What’s New for Visual C++ in Visual Studio 2015». Microsoft Developer Network. Microsoft.
  61. ^ «Walkthrough: Compile a C program on the command line». Visual C++ Documentation. Microsoft.
  62. ^ «MSVC 2017 does not support _Generic (type generic macros) in C».
  63. ^ Luvsanbat, Bat-Ulzii (July 6, 2018). «MSVC Preprocessor Progress towards Conformance». Microsoft Developer Network. Archived from the original on 8 Jan 2019.
  64. ^ «C++20 Features and Fixes». reddit. July 3, 2020.
  65. ^ «C11 and C17 Standard Support Arriving in MSVC». September 14, 2020.
  66. ^ «Two-phase name lookup support comes to MSVC». 2017-09-11.

Further reading[edit]

  • Johnson, Brian (8 August 2004). «Building Win32 Applications Using Visual C++ 2005 Express». Brian Johnson’s Startup Developer Blog. Microsoft – via Microsoft Docs Archive.
  • Springfield, Jim (25 September 2015). «Rejuvenating the Microsoft C/C++ Compiler». C++ Team Blog. Microsoft.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • C++ Tools and Features in Visual Studio Editions
  • Microsoft C++ Build Tools
  • C9::GoingNative on Microsoft Channel 9

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