Microsoft solitaire collection для windows 10 восстановление

Our solutions will let you to reclaim your all-time favorite game

by Tashreef Shareef

Tashreef Shareef is a software developer turned tech writer. He discovered his interest in technology after reading a tech magazine accidentally. Now he writes about everything tech from… read more

Updated on

  • Solitaire is one of the most played games of all time, and when a Windows Update deletes it, you know lots of people will be mad.
  • Besides rolling back to the previous build, you can opt to run the Store App troubleshooter.
  • Updating the Solitaire app is another approach that will bring your favorite game back.

solitaire deleted solitaire update windows 10

Solitaire remains one of the most played computer games of all time. However, recently some users have reported that after the Windows 10 update, the game is nowhere to be found.

Many users complain that Windows 10 update deleted Solitaire in the Microsoft Community Forums.

W10 updated overnight, lost Spider Solitaire, AGAIN! How to get it back and keep this from happening?

Here are some troubleshooting tips that will help you find your Solitaire game after the Windows update deletes it.

What happened to my Solitaire game on Windows 10?

When you apply a significant update to Windows 10, you can discover that some of your apps have been removed when you reboot. Of course, Windows 10 may delete your apps without asking you beforehand, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to get them back.

How we test, review and rate?

We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.

For more details you can read how we test, review, and rate at WindowsReport.

Windows will not just eliminate apps at random moments on its own. Instead, it will only delete apps when Windows 10 is upgraded to a new major version, often known as a build.

This is because standard Windows updates are handled differently than significant versions. For compatibility purposes, Windows may delete applications if incompatible with the upgrade.

Windows may uninstall an application if it is known to be the source of system crashes, bugs, or other conflicts with Windows. This helps to keep your system stable.

Did Microsoft remove Solitaire?

FreeCell, Klondike, Klondike by Threes, Golf, Pyramid, Simple Simon, Spider Four Suits, Spider Two Suits, and Spider One Suit are some of the challenging solitaire games that are included in the Microsoft Solitaire Collection.

The Microsoft Solitaire Collection is a new app that allows you to enjoy the above games more quickly on your computer. In addition, instead of having them separately installed on your PC, you can have them in one place.

Let’s see what you can do if a Windows update deletes Solitaire from your computer. Follow along!

How do I restore Microsoft Solitaire Collection?

1. Run Windows Store App Troubleshooter

  1. Press Windows + I, then select Update and Security.update-security nmi hardware failure windows 10
  2. Choose the Troubleshooter tab from the left pane.
  3. Scroll down to Find and fix other problems and click on Windows Store Apps.
    Windows Store apps troubleshooter Windows update deleted solitaire
  4. Click on Run the Troubleshooter. 

Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter will scan and detect any problems. If found, it will try to fix the issues automatically. Once done, close the troubleshooter and reboot the system to check if the Solitaire apps are working on your system.

Read more about this topic

  • Fix: Windows Troubleshooter has stopped working
  • Here’s how to fix Windows 11 Store not installing apps
  • FIX: An error occurred while loading the troubleshooter

2. Check for Solitaire App Update

  1. If the app is outdated and incompatible with the latest version of Windows 10, it may not work correctly. One way to resolve this issue is to check for any pending updates for the app.
  2. Open the MicrosoftStore app by typing its name in the search bar after pressing Windows.m-store deleted solitaire update windows 10
  3. Look for Microsoft Solitaire Collection and click the Update button next to it, if there is one.collection deleted solitaire update windows 10
  4. You may need to reinstall Microsoft Solitaire Collection if you see the Get button. Click the Get button to download Microsoft Solitaire Collection.

3. Roll Back to the Previous Build

  1. Click on Start and select Settings.
  2. Go to Update and Security.
    update & security Windows update deleted solitaire
  3. Click the Recovery tab.
    recovery Windows update deleted solitaire
  4. Under Go back to the previous Windows 10, click on the Get Started button.
    Note: This option is only available 10 days after the build is installed.
  5. Now follow the on-screen instructions to roll back to the previous version of Windows 10.

Which version of Solitaire is best?

If you enjoy playing the most excellent games and applications the Microsoft Store offers, you will enjoy playing Solitaire for Windows 10.

This game has progressed to the point where several different third-party developers have produced their versions of the game for all of the many platforms that are currently available.

People are beginning to question why there are so many versions of Solitaire, which is the best Solitaire game for Windows 10, and why there are so many different versions.

To assist, we have compiled a list of the top Solitaire applications available for computer download.

We hope this article helped you get back to using Solitaire on your Windows 10 PC. For further inquiries or notes, comment in the section below. Thanks for reading!

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На чтение 5 мин. Просмотров 11.3k. Опубликовано

Игра в пасьянс – это весело и расслабляюще, независимо от того, делаете ли вы это на работе, на коротком тормозе или перед тем, как все закрыть и отправиться спать. Таким образом, довольно обидно заметить, что коллекция Microsoft Solitaire Collection больше не работает.

В любом случае, не паникуйте, так как это только системная проблема, которую можно легко исправить. Поэтому, если у вас возникли проблемы при попытке открыть игру «Пасьянс», выполните действия по устранению неполадок, перечисленные ниже.


  1. Что я могу сделать, если Microsoft Solitaire Collection не запускается в Windows 10?
  2. 1. Сбросить коллекцию пасьянсов Microsoft
  3. 2. Переустановите Microsoft Solitaire Collection.
  4. 3. Запустите средство устранения неполадок приложения Windows 10
  5. 4. Сброс кеша Магазина Windows
  6. 5. Обновите систему Windows 10
  7. 6. Обновите приложения Microsoft Store
  8. 7. Переключитесь в приложение пасьянс

Что я могу сделать, если Microsoft Solitaire Collection не запускается в Windows 10?

  • Сбросить коллекцию пасьянсов Microsoft
  • Переустановите игру
  • Запустите средство устранения неполадок приложения Windows 10
  • Сброс кеша Магазина Windows
  • Обновите систему Windows
  • Обновление приложений Microsoft Store
  • Переключиться на пасьянс

1. Сбросить коллекцию пасьянсов Microsoft

  1. Нажмите Win + I на клавиатуре.
  2. В Системных настройках выберите Система.
  3. Затем на левой панели этого окна нажмите Приложения и функции .
  4. Прокрутите и найдите запись с именем Коллекция пасьянсов Microsoft .
  5. Нажмите на эту запись и выберите Дополнительно .
  6. Теперь нажмите на кнопку сброса. В появившемся окне снова нажмите «Сброс».

Если у вас возникли проблемы с открытием приложения Настройка, обратитесь к этой статье, чтобы решить эту проблему.

2. Переустановите Microsoft Solitaire Collection.

  1. Откройте окно поиска на вашем устройстве – нажмите на значок Cortana.
  2. В поле поиска введите power shell и щелкните правой кнопкой мыши результат с тем же именем; выберите «Запуск от имени администратора».
  3. В командной строке Power Shell введите: Get-AppxPackage * solitairecollection * | Remove-AppxPackage .
  4. Нажмите Enter, и когда это будет сделано, закройте окно и перезапустите систему Windows 10.
  5. Теперь откройте Магазин Windows и снова установите коллекцию пасьянсов Microsoft.

Ваше окно поиска Windows отсутствует? Получите это прямо сейчас с помощью этого удобного руководства!

PowerShell перестал работать? Не позволяй этому испортить твой день. Исправьте это в несколько простых шагов из этого руководства.

3. Запустите средство устранения неполадок приложения Windows 10

Вы можете позволить Windows попытаться автоматически исправить любые ошибки, связанные с недавно установленными или обновленными приложениями – проблемы, с которыми вы можете столкнуться, могут быть вызваны недавним обновлением или повреждением файла.

Итак, перейдите на эту страницу и запустите специальный механизм устранения неполадок Microsoft. Это средство устранения неполадок специально создано для сканирования и исправления приложений, установленных на вашем компьютере, включая коллекцию Microsoft Solitaire.

Если средство устранения неполадок останавливается до завершения процесса, исправьте его с помощью этого полного руководства.

4. Сброс кеша Магазина Windows

Вы можете сбросить кэш Магазина Windows, так как это может решить проблему, когда Microsoft Solitaire Collection не запускает проблему в Windows 10. Вот что вам нужно сделать:

  1. Нажмите специальные клавиши Win + R на клавиатуре.
  2. Поле Run должно отображаться на вашем компьютере.
  3. Там введите wsreset.exe .
  4. Нажмите Enter .
  5. Перезагрузите компьютер с Windows 10 в конце.

5. Обновите систему Windows 10

Вы должны убедиться, что все доступные обновления установлены. Так:

  1. Нажмите горячие клавиши Win + I и выберите Обновление и безопасность .
  2. Нажмите Центр обновления Windows на левой панели главного окна.
  3. Просто примените все обновления, которые ждут вашего одобрения.

Не можете обновить Windows? Ознакомьтесь с этим руководством, которое поможет вам быстро их решить.

6. Обновите приложения Microsoft Store

  1. Откройте приложение Microsoft Store.
  2. В правом верхнем углу главного окна нажмите на свой аккаунт.
  3. Выберите «Загрузки», а затем «Проверить наличие обновлений».
  4. Следуйте любым другим подсказкам на экране и обновляйте свои приложения.
  5. Перезагрузите систему Windows 10 в конце.

Не можете обновить Магазин Microsoft? Не волнуйтесь, у нас есть правильное решение для вас.

7. Переключитесь в приложение пасьянс

Это скорее предложение, чем решение, и оно может быть действительно полезным. Мы предлагаем вам попробовать другие коллекции пасьянсов, которые могут стать реальной заменой пасьянсу Microsoft.Вот несколько примеров, которые вы можете установить на свой компьютер с Windows 10 и играть в них:

  • Пасьянс HD
  • Пасьянс Паук
  • Простой пасьянс

Эти игры имеют другой дизайн, но все же по тем же правилам. Однако, если вы очень принципиальный человек, вы можете подождать, пока Microsoft не выпустит официальное решение этой проблемы.

Таким образом, эти методы должны исправить коллекцию пасьянсов Microsoft, которая не запускает проблему в Windows 10.

Если у вас по-прежнему возникают проблемы при попытке играть в Solitaire, обязательно проверьте настройки подключения к Интернету, брандмауэра и антивируса – параметры безопасности могут блокировать определенные приложения.

Вы хотите проверить, не блокирует ли ваш брандмауэр определенные приложения? Следуйте простым шагам из этого руководства, чтобы узнать.

Кроме того, в настройках дисплея убедитесь, что для параметра по умолчанию установлено значение 125%, а не 150%, поскольку диалоговое окно, связанное с коллекцией пасьянсов Microsoft, может быть слишком большим, чтобы поместиться на экране, и это может привести к фактическим сбоям.

Кроме того, не забудьте поделиться своим опытом с нами и с другими пользователями, которые могут столкнуться с той же проблемой. Для получения дополнительных вопросов, обратитесь к разделу комментариев ниже.


  • Seven Seas Solitaire – это крутая пасьянс с захватывающей историей
  • Исправлено: невозможно запустить пасьянс в Windows 10
  • Исправлено: Hearthstone не загружается
  • Как скачать Microsoft Cruel Solitaire

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Home » Windows 10 » Reset Microsoft Solitaire Collection In Windows 10

Microsoft Solitaire Collection is introduced as a replacement for the classic games that were part of Windows 7 and previous versions. The Microsoft Solitaire Collection app allows you to play five card games. Classic Solitaire, Spider, FreeCell, Pyramid, and TriPeaks card games are part of the Microsoft Solitaire Collection app in Windows 10.

reset Microsoft solitaire collection Windows 10

Microsoft has released several updates to the Solitaire Collection app to iron out various types of issues, but at times, you might encounter problems while using the Microsoft Solitaire Collection app. If the app is not opening or hanging, you can reset the app to fix the issue.

When you reset the Microsoft Solitaire Collection app, it will reset all data saved by Microsoft Solitaire Collection on your device. So, if you don’t want to reset the data, you should try fixing the issue without resetting the app.

Complete the given below directions to reset the Microsoft Solitaire Collection app in Windows 10.

Important: The ability to reset Windows 10 apps feature was introduced with the Anniversary update build 14372. So make sure that you’re running 14372 or later build of Windows 10 by typing Winver.exe in the Start menu search and then pressing the Enter key.

Step 1: Open the Settings app, click Apps and then click Apps & features.

Step 2: Look for the entry named Microsoft Solitaire Collection and then click on it.

Step 3: When you click on the app entry, you will see the Advanced options link. Click the Advanced options link.

reset Microsoft solitaire collection in Windows 10 pic1

Step 4: Click the Reset button and then click the Reset button again when you see the confirmation dialog. Once the reset job is done, you will see a check sign next to the Reset button.

reset Microsoft solitaire collection in Windows 10 pic2

Step 5: Try opening the Microsoft Solitaire Collection app now. It should open now and work without any issues.

If resetting the app didn’t help, you can reinstall the Microsoft Solitaire Collection app to fix the issue.

Solitaire Collection is one of the famous games played on Windows. It is a card video game that is available for Windows 8, 8.1, and 10. Not just this but this game is available for mobile devices too. While the new update brings many fancy features to the game it has also come with a Microsoft Solitaire Collection not working Windows 10 error. This results in the game crashing and simply not opening. While this issue can be annoying for the game players, it is fixable with a few easy methods. If you are someone looking for some tips about the same, we bring you a helpful guide that will teach you how to fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection not working.

Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working on Windows 10

Table of Contents

If you are facing the issue of Microsoft Solitaire Collection not working on Windows 10, it might be due to issues with Windows on your system. Let us look into some of the reasons that are behind it.

  • An older version of Windows on your system can lead to the game not working properly or crashing midway. To solve the issue, try updating the current version of Windows.
  • Windows Defender can also be a reason that can cause Microsoft Collection to stop. Defender services block the game due to false flag restrictions, hence, a roadblock to playing the game.
  • Corrupt cache data stored on your system can also cause the issue of the game not working.

Every problem has a solution and so does Microsoft Solitaire Collection not responding on Windows 10. This issue can be due to conflicts with software, system, or the game itself. Let us explore some of the best methods that can help you with it.

Method 1: Update Windows

One of the first methods to resolve the issue is to check if you are running a new and updated version of Windows on your system. Sometimes, an older version of Windows can cause conflicts and block the game from running on the system. Hence, it is important to make sure that available updates are installed on your device. Read our guide on how to download and install Windows 10 latest update.

Update Windows

Method 2: Update Apps

Updating Windows alone might not be sufficient in some cases, there might be third-party applications on your system causing Microsoft Solitaire not working Windows 10. Hence, to make sure that the error is not due to any pending update, make sure all the apps on your system are up to date. Here are some steps that can help you to initiate the updating process.

1. Hit the Windows key, type Microsoft Store and click on Open.

open Microsoft Store. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

2. Then, click on Library.

Click on get updates. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

3. Next, click on Get updates.

Click on get updates. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

4. Now, click on the play button to install the update.

Click on the play button

Also Read: How to Redeem a Gift Card on Microsoft Account

Method 3: Run Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter

If Microsoft Solitaire Collection not working issue on your system is because of Windows or Microsoft Store then Windows provides an option of troubleshooter which is designed specifically to detect faults or errors with the system. You can also run Windows troubleshooter on your system by following the steps given below.

1. Hit the Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.

2. Click on Update & Security.

click on Update and Security

3. Go to the Troubleshoot menu from the left pane.

4. Now, scroll down and select Windows Store Apps and click on Run the troubleshooter button.

windows store apps click on run the troubleshooter. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

5. Wait for troubleshooter for Detecting problems and apply the fix by following the on-screen instructions.

detecting problems in Windows store troubleshooter window

Method 4: Restart Graphics Driver

Restarting the graphics driver can help a lot when Microsoft Solitaire Collection is not opening on your system. To do so, you can press Windows + Ctrl + Shift + B keys simultaneously to restart your graphics driver. The screen on your system will flicker, pointing to graphic driver restart.

Method 5: Disable Antivirus Temporarily (If Applicable)

If you have an antivirus application on your system running in the background, it may be blocking the game due to false flag restrictions. Hence, disabling it while playing the game is important. Read our guide on how to Disable Antivirus temporarily on Windows 10.

Disable Antivirus Temporarily. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

Method 6: Disable Windows Firewall (Not Recommended)

Sometimes, the Windows Firewall in your computer might prevent internet access, for some security reasons. Read our guide on how to disable Windows 10 Firewall.

turn off Windows Defender Firewall not recommended

Also Read: Fix Windows 10 0xc004f075 Error

Method 7: Disable Taskbar Auto-hide Feature

If the auto-hide feature on the taskbar is enabled, it can cause the game to stop working on the system. Therefore, it is important to tweak some taskbar settings. Follow the steps mentioned below to achieve disable auto-hide.

1. Navigate to the Desktop and right-click on the Task View icon.

Open task view

2. Click on Taskbar settings.

Click on taskbar settings. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

3. Toggle off Automatically and hide the taskbar in tablet mode.

switch On the toggle for automatically hide the Taskbar in desktop mode

4. Go back to desktop view and check if the taskbar is visible.

Method 8: Display Scaling and Layout Settings

Default layout settings can result in the Microsoft Solitaire Collection not fitting inside the display. This display scaling value needs to be tweaked to get rid of the MSC not opening on your system.

1. Press Windows + I key to open Settings on your system.

2. Click on System setting.

click on System

3. Open Display, under Scale and layout select 125%.

Select 125 under scale and layout. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

Also Read: Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

Method 9: Add New Microsoft Account

Microsoft Solitaire Collection is a Microsoft Store game that can stop working due to issues with your account. Therefore, adding a new Microsoft account to your system can be of help in overcoming the error. You can do so by following the steps that are mentioned down below.

1. Open Settings on your system by pressing Windows + I keys together.

2. Click on Accounts setting.

click on Accounts

3. Click on Family & other users on the left pane.

Click Family and other users in the left pane. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

4. Then, click on Add someone else to this PC.

go to Family and other users menu and click on add someone else to this PC option

5. Enter an Email or phone and sign in with a new account.

Enter email or phone. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

6. If you don’t have another Microsoft account then click, I don’t have this person’s sign-in information.

Click on I don't have this person sign in information

7. Select Add a user without a Microsoft account.

Click on add a user without a Microsoft account. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

8. Type your User name and password and click Next.

Enter details and click Next

Method 10: Re-enable Game

There is a possibility of a glitch with the software of your system which is causing it to not differentiate between the enabled and disabled programs. This can result in Windows, not opening games in which Microsoft Solitaire Collection is the one. Thus, to resolve the issue you must re-enable the game on Windows to refresh the system.

1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys together.

Open Run box. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

2. Type appwiz.cpl and hit the Enter key to open Programs and Features window.

Type appwiz.cpl and press enter

3. Click on Turn Windows features on or off.

Click on Turn Windows features on or off. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

4. Locate the games folder, deactivate the checkbox next to it and click on OK.

5. Then, reboot your PC after the Windows makes the necessary changes.

6. Repeat steps 1 to 3 and locate the games folder again and enable the checkbox next to the games folder.

Also Read: How to Reset Microsoft Account Password

Method 11: Re-register Game

If the registry entries of the game have not been done on your system systematically it can also be a cause of the game not working on Windows. Hence, to solve this, re-registering the game is important. You can follow the steps that are given below to perform the steps on your system.

1. Launch the Run dialog box.

2. Type powershell and press Enter key to open Windows PowerShell.

Type powershell and enter

3. In the Windows PowerShell window, type the given command and hit the Enter key.

Get-AppxPackage -allusers *MicrosoftSolitaireCollection* | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}

command to reregister game. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

4. Wait for the command to process and run the game.

Method 12: Rollback Display Driver Updates

The possibility of a display adapter in your system not configured properly by Windows features can be a reason why Microsoft Solitaire Collection is not working properly. So, rolling back the adapter can be of help in bringing back the older version of the driver. Follow our guide to rollback drivers on Windows 10 to rollback display driver updates.

Open driver tab and click roll back driver. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

Also Read: How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10

Method 13: Reset Windows Store Cache

Windows Store contains cache which can be a reason for the problem why Microsoft Solitaire Collection is not working on Windows 10. Due to damage or corrupt cache system of the Windows Store, games or other apps on the system can crash, so, to resolve this issue, you must reset the cache system.

1. Press Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.

Open Run box

2. Enter wsreset.exe into the box and press enter.

Enter wsreset.exe

3. Wait for the system to reset Windows Store, it will automatically open.

Windows Store will open. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

Method 14: Reset Game

If the issue is with the game which is causing Microsoft Solitaire Collection not working on Windows 8 or Windows 10, then resetting the game is an option that you can opt for. To do so, you need to follow the steps that are mentioned below.

1. Press the Windows + I keys together to open Settings.

2. Click on Apps setting.

Click on Apps

3. Open Apps & features from the side menu.

click on apps and fearures. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

4. Locate Solitaire Collection and click on it.

Click on Solitaire Collection

5. Click on Advanced options.

Click on advanced options. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

6. Then, click on Reset.

Click on reset

7. Again, click on Reset to confirm.

Confirm reset

8. Once done, restart the PC.

Also Read: Where Does Microsoft Store Install Games?

Method 15: Reinstall Game

If resetting the game was not of any help, then reinstalling it can help with the issue of the game not working. This can be done by accessing Windows PowerShell on your system. For more detailed instructions, you can follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Press the Windows key, type Windows PowerShell and click on Run as administrator.

open Windows PowerShell

2. Type the following command and press the Enter key.

Get-AppxPackage *solitairecollection* | Remove-AppxPackage

remove appxpackage. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

3. Wait for the game to be uninstalled then close the Windows PowerShell elevated instance and restart the PC.

4. Install the Microsoft Solitaire Collection again from Microsoft Store.

Install Microsoft Solitaire Collection again

Also Read: Fix Windows Store Error 0x80072ee7

Method 16: Perform System Restore

If your system has some restore points, they can be used to restore your computer or laptop. Restoring helps the system to get back to its original state without causing any problems with existing files and data. Your data remains intact whereas you get a restored system. Read our guide on how to use System Restore on Windows 10.

confirm the restore point by clicking on the Finish button. Fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection Not Working

Your system will be restored automatically, once it is done, start Microsoft Solitaire Collection to check if the error is resolved.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Why isn’t Solitaire working on my computer?

Ans. If Solitaire is not working on your system, then the reason behind it is probably an older version of the game or Windows on your system. Try to install the new versions and check if the issue is resolved.

Q2. Will resetting the game delete all the data?

Ans. Resetting the game will delete the application data and make it new again.

Q3. Why are all of my Microsoft games not working?

Ans. If you are facing issues with all of your Microsoft Store games then the problem is with Windows. Check the available updates for Windows and restart your PC.

Q4. How can I unfreeze the Microsoft Solitaire Collection?

Ans. To unfreeze Microsoft Solitaire Collection your PC, you would need to reset the game, which means all the data of the game will be lost.

Q5. Does Microsoft Solitaire Collection freeze on all Windows versions?

Ans. Microsoft Solitaire Collection has been seen freezing on Windows 8, 8.1, and 10.


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If you are also dealing with the same issue, we hope that this guide helped you in knowing how to fix Microsoft Solitaire Collection not working on Windows 10. If you have any further queries or suggestions about this game error, then feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

by Ivan Jenic

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and… read more

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5 quick solutions to fix Solitaire issues on PC

  1. Update your computer
  2. Restart app updates
  3. Rename the Cache folder
  4. Reset Solitaire
  5. Run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter

Solitaire is one of the most popular games on Windows, and many people like to play Solitaire in their spare time on Windows 10. But sometimes there could be some issues. Users report that they are experiencing problems with Solitaire on Windows 10, and today we’ll try to fix some of these problems.

What to do if you can’t run Solitaire

Solution 1 – Update your computer

Users report that quite often Solitaire is crashing on Windows 10, but before we try any solutions, we advise you that you update Windows 10 using the Windows Update. Quite often these issues are fixed through Windows update, so it wouldn’t hurt for you to download all available Windows 10 updates before trying the following fixes.

Solution 2 – Restart app updates

This isn’t the best solution but some users claim that it works, so it’s worth checking out. Go to the Windows Store and click on the download icon on the top right next to the search box. If there’s a list of stalled app updates close them all by clicking the X button. Now the updates should start downloading again.

It seems that sometimes some app updates can cause problems with Solitaire, so if make sure that you restart any app updates that you have running.

How we test, review and rate?

We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.

For more details you can read how we test, review, and rate at WindowsReport.

  • RELATED: Microsoft Solitaire Collection won’t start on Windows 10 [FIX]

Solution 3 – Rename the Cache folder

This usually works for most Universal apps, so if you’re having problems with Solitaire you might want to try this.

  1. Go to the  Users{Username}AppDataLocalPackagesWinStore_cw5n1h2txyewyLocalState folder.
  2. Find Cache folder inside it, right click it and choose Rename from the menu.
  3. Rename the Cache folder to Cache.old.
  4. Now right click the empty space and choose New > Folder from the menu.
  5. Rename the folder you’ve just created to Cache.
  6. Restart Windows 10.
  7. Try if your Universal apps are working, if everything is working fine, you can go back and delete the Cache.old folder.

Solution 4 – Reset Solitaire

Another method to fix this issue is to reset Microsoft Solitaire. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to Settings > System.
  2. Select App & features > enter ‘Microsoft Solitaire Collection‘ in the search boxreset microsoft solitaire collection
  3. Go to Advanced options > hit the Reset button.
  • RELATED: Full Fix: Solitaire stops working in Windows 10

Solution 5 – Run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter

Microsoft integrated a dedicated troubleshooter for Windows Store apps. With the help of this tool, you can quickly scan your Windows 10 apps and automatically fix general issues affecting them.

Go to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > locate and run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter.

windows store apps troubleshooter

That’s about it, we hope these solutions helped you to solve the problem with Solitaire on your Windows 10 computer.

If you have any comments, or questions, just reach for the comment section, below.


  • How to download Microsoft Cruel Solitaire
  • Microsoft Solitaire is stuck on loading: Here’s how to fix it
  • Best Solitaire apps for Windows 10, 8.1 or 7 users

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