Lenovo vantage download windows 11

Lenovo Vantage

Lenovo Vantage simplifies the PC experience, making it easy for customers to personalize settings and automate updates. If you have a Lenovo device, open the app below or search for «Vantage» in your installed applications.

Extend battery life

Lenovo Vantage provides battery protection and
antivirus software to keep your device working longer. 

Automate PC updates

Discover the latest updates and get expert customer support to keep all of your Lenovo devices performing efficiently. 

Safeguard your data and device

Lenovo Vantage uses advanced algorithims to preemptively warn you about risky Wi-Fi networks to keep your data and devices safer. 

Your own computer technician in your back pocket

Lenovo Vantage makes it easier to manage your device settings, improve performance, and enhance your PC — no matter how you use it.

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Lenovo Smart Performance

Even the best devices require tune-ups. Lenovo Smart Performance runs periodic scans to assess your PC’s overall health and performance to identify issues that may arise and keep your computer running smoother for longer.

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Lenovo Smart Lock

Comprehensive protection, available at your fingertips. Lenovo Smart Lock, powered by Absolute, is a cloud-based security solution that helps locate, lock, secure and recover your device with ultimate control over your personal information.

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Lenovo Wi-Fi Security 

Don’t expose your computer to threats over public Wi-Fi. Lenovo Vantage uses advanced algorithms and crowd-sourced security data to preemptively warn you about risky Wi-Fi networks, so you can connect safely. 

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Утилита Lenovo Vantage — это удобный программный комплекс для автоматического обновления драйверов, BIOS, а также для управления зарядом батареи на современных ноутбуках Lenovo. Утилита Vantage или отдельные программные компоненты для устройств Lenovo существует в параллельных версиях утилит: Lenovo Vantage, Lenovo Commercial Vantage, Lenovo Companion, Lenovo Settings.

Lenovo Vantage работает только на ноутбуках, произведенных компанией Lenovo. Данная утилита — это расширенная и улучшенная версия программы-предшественника Lenovo Energy Management. Новые версии Lenovo Vantage предназначены для работы в среде OS Windows 10 / 11.

Дополнительная информация по бренду Lenovo! Как скачать драйвера с официального сайта Lenovo будучи в России и Беларуси — Lenovo заблокировала возможность скачивать драйвера напрямую.

К сожалению, компания Lenovo решила сделать свое приложение Lenovo Vantage официально доступным только через Windows Store. Это не проблема, если вы зарегистрированы в магазине. Но иногда необходимо быстро, без потери времени на регистрацию в Windows Store, загрузить и установить данную программу.

Описание Lenovo Vantage
Описание Lenovo Vantage

На этой странице вы найдете простое решение — прямые ссылки на скачивание дистрибутивов Lenovo Vantage минуя цифровой магазин Windows Store. Ссылки загрузки различных версий Lenovo Vantage находятся ниже.

Lenovo Vantage. Описание и возможности программы

Скриншоты утилиты Lenovo Vantage для Windows 10. Внешний вид пользовательского интерфейса.

System Update Lenovo Vantage

Возможности утилиты Lenovo Vantage:

  1. Осуществление контроля энергопотребления и управление зарядом батареи. С помощью данной функции можно увеличить долговечность батареи ноутбука за счёт поддержания частичного заряда (до 50%) при использовании от сети. Это очень крутая функция! Батарея служит дольше, менять аккумулятор придётся реже.
  2. Поиск и обновление драйверов устройств ноутбука в автоматическом режиме.
  3. Обновление BIOS материнской платы из интерфейса программы до последней официальной версии.
  4. Настройка клавиатуры (верхних функциональных клавиш), звука, некоторые функции отображения и другие модули. 
  5. Настройка безопасности Wi-Fi и автоматическая установка бесплатного (под вопросом) VPN — SurfEasy VPN. Лучше использовать бесплатный Cloudflare WARP или лучше платный VPN — так надежнее. Эта функция позволяет безопасно (до определенной степени) работать с заблокированными сетями, сайтами, скрывать посещение указанных ресурсов, обезопасить устройство от контроля интернет-трафика.
  6. Проверка окончания срока гарантии устройства.
  7. Точная идентификация ноутбука Lenovo — модель, серийный номер, версия BIOS.
  8. Другие специальные функции в зависимости от модели ноутбука.

Скачать Lenovo Vantage 10.2101.29.0 для Windows 10 / 11

Скачать утилиту Lenovo Vantage 10.2101.29.0 по прямой ссылке из файлового хранилища Mega.nz. Инсталлятор программы находится в архиве .ZIP и защищен паролем.

Пароль к архиву: hpc.by

Скачать Lenovo Vantage 10.2101.29.0 по прямой ссылке на Download.lenovo.com.

Установка Lenovo Vantage 10.2101.29.0

  1. Для корректной установки утилиты на ноутбуке должна быть установлена Windows 10 / 11.
  2. Скачайте Lenovo_Vantage_Package_10.2101.29.0_Windows10_x64 .zip и распакуйте его в удобное место на диске ноутбука. Во время распаковки потребуется пароль к архиву — см. выше.
  3. Запустите файл 3ea0603a53f34a26883d007a087d831b.msixbundle из папки с программой.
  4. Следуйте указаниям мастера установки программы.
  5. После установки рекомендуется перезагрузить устройство.

Если Windows 10 не может открыть файл 3ea0603a53f34a26883d007a087d831b.msixbundle, то воспользуйтесь небольшой инструкцией ниже:

Первый способ открыть 3ea0603a53f34a26883d007a087d831b.msixbundle. Для установки *.msixbundle требуется App Installer. В Windows 10, начиная с версии Windows 10 1809, он должен быть предустановлен в систему. Устанавливать отдельно его нет нужды.

Второй способ. В папке, куда вы распаковали *.msixbundle, откройте Powershell, перейдя для этого во вкладку «Файл» в Проводнике Windows 10. Например, распакуйте в папку temp на диске C:\.
Затем выполните:
Add-AppPackage -path "3ea0603a53f34a26883d007a087d831b.msixbundle"

3ea0603a53f34a26883d007a087d831b.msixbundle в Windows Powershell
3ea0603a53f34a26883d007a087d831b.msixbundle в Windows Powershell

Скачать Lenovo Commercial Vantage 10.2110.11.0 для Windows 10 / 11

Скачать Lenovo Commercial Vantage 10.2110.11.0 со страницы Support.lenovo.com.

Скачать Lenovo Lenovo Vantage (устаревшая версия)

Скачать утилиту Lenovo Vantage из файлового хранилища Mega.nz. Программа находится в архиве .ZIP под паролем.

Пароль к архиву: hpc.by

Установка Lenovo Vantage

  1. Скачайте Lenovo_Vantage_v. и распакуйте и распакуйте его. Во время распаковки потребуется пароль — см. выше.
  2. Запустите BAT-файл (setup_vantage.bat) от имени администратора.
  3. После установки программы рекомендуется произвести перезагрузку ноутбука.

Если во время установки Lenovo Vantage возникают трудности — напишите об этом в комментариях под статьей, снабдив понятным описанием проблемы.

Lenovo Vantage — это приложение, при помощи которого на ноутбуке от одноименного производителя мы можем просматривать диагностическую информацию, а также гибко настраивать ПК.

Описание программы

Как только приложение будет установлено и запущено, пользователь получает доступ к полноценной панели управления. Как уже было сказано, здесь поддерживается отображение различных диагностической информации, а также конфигурация компьютера. Также доступна функция прошивки BIOS.

Работа с Lenovo Vantage

Как пользоваться

Переходим к процессу инсталляции. Для этого нам нужно изначально скачать соответствующий архив посредством имеющейся в конце странички кнопки:

  1. Распаковываем установочный дистрибутив и запускаем процесс установки.
  2. На первом этапе устанавливаем флажок принятия лицензионного соглашения.
  3. Нажимаем «Установить» и ждем, пока все файлы будут скопированы по своим местам.

Установка Lenovo Vantage

Следует отметить, что приложение является на 100% бесплатным, а значит, активация не требуется.

Достоинства и недостатки

Переходим к списку положительных, а также отрицательных особенностей программы, о которой говорим в статье.


  • пользовательский интерфейс переведен на русский язык;
  • полная бесплатность;
  • широкий набор полезных инструментов.


  • наличие спамной и рекламной информации.


Новейшая версия софта доступна к скачиванию посредством прямой ссылки.

Лицензия: Бесплатно
Платформа: Windows 7, 10, 11 x32/64 Bit
Язык: Русский

Lenovo Vantage is the ultimate solution for Lenovo PC owners, providing comprehensive functionality to keep their system running smoothly. This powerful software offers an array of features that will enhance your computing experience, including updates for your drivers, firmware, and BIOS, system health checks, and personalized support from the Lenovo team.

With Lenovo Vantage, you’ll always have the latest updates and support you need to keep your computer running at its best. Whether you’re a casual user or a power user, this software is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to optimize their Lenovo PC.

One of the best features of Lenovo Vantage is its simple and intuitive interface. You’ll be able to easily navigate the software and access all of the features you need with just a few clicks. You can check your system health, view your system status, and even customize your settings to suit your needs.

Lenovo Vantage also offers several helpful tools for managing your system security. You can use the software to update your passwords, manage your firewall settings, and even track your device if it is ever lost or stolen.

Overall, Lenovo Vantage is an essential piece of software for Lenovo PC owners. It offers a wide range of features that will help you keep your computer running at its best and offers personalized support from the Lenovo team. If you want to enhance your computing experience, Lenovo Vantage is the software to download.

Lenovo Vantage eliminates the need for an entire suite of annoying bloatware that slows down and clutters your computer. With this program, you can manage all essential functions from one centralized application. You’ll never have to go searching through different folders to find what you need to have all of your device’s functions brought up to date. Trust Lenovo Vantage to have everything you require for keeping your computer on the right track.


  • Safety comes first with Lenovo Vantage — Always have the latest and greatest in virus and malware detection capabilities.
  • Systems diagnostics, driver updates and support functions — These essential functions just got a whole lot easier to run.
  • Personalization features and tailored recommendations — You’re guaranteed a unique experience catered to fit your needs.
  • Transfer/back up files — Import files from the previous device upon installation. No need for Bluetooth or removable drives.

Lenovo Vantage has been specifically designed for Windows 10 to give you the kind of personalized experience you deserve. You’ll receive customized tips and alerts for when your action is required and you can rest assured that online browsing, networks, and passwords will remain secure. You can have as much or as little control as you want. One simple interface is your gateway to maintaining constant fast and secure use of your device. Updating drivers, maintaining recent virus and malware fighting databases and accessing support has never been this simple and intuitive. Let us make your PC easier.

This program functions as an all-in-one application to ensure your computer is always running smoothly.

— Supported Operating System: Windows 10 version 10240.0 or higher, Windows 10 version 10586.0 or higher

— Processors: Arm, x86

— Free installation included on all Lenovo personal computers

Provides hardware diagnostics and personalized settings options.

Offers energy management to extend battery life.

Allows regular software updates and support.

Occasional glitches and crashes disrupt overall usability.

Can slow down system performance.

Limited customization options for users.


image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


The Lenovo Vantage application for Windows provides solutions for home and business. At home, it makes it easier to update drivers, run diagnostics and provides robust support. For play at home, it allows optimization of settings and personalizing your gaming experience as you see fit.
Similarly, its solution for small and medium-sized businesses provides solutions for optimizations, diagnostics and security.
Overall, Lenovo advantage improves your pc experience.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


I love the general overview of your PC that this software gives you. You can think of it as a basic command center. It allows you to search for any system updates, allows you to manage the cooling fan settings, and also lets you manage the health of your battery. Not entirely sure how much space the software takes up, but it has allowed me to keep my Lenovo running efficienctly. No complaints!

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


This app is great for keeping drivers updated and running system scans as well as security features on windows ten. You can even request help from the app provider if something goes wrong. This app is also good for configuring gaming settings and for small businesses. They even have a version for commercial use. I recommend this app for any user.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Came with my laptop (Lenovo L13) and has kept it up to date since the day I got it. Makes downloading any BIOS/firmware updates a subconscious thing — haven’t had to worry about them at all! With all the data leaks and security issues you hear about, keeping your device up to date is a necessity. Recommended

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Lenovo Vantage has changed my life. It’s great for using when I’m gaming on my desktop PC. It helps me update drivers for my graphics card when I’m upgrading parts for my PC. It also lets me run a diagnostic report when it’s running slowly or I’m having any issues. It also has the option to allow me to add personalized settings to my gaming set up which I love.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Lenovo has always been known for its quality notebooks and Lenovo Vantage is one of the Lenovo software that was launched in 2017. Lenovo Vantage is compatible with Lenovo notebooks, desktops and tablets running on Windows 8.1 or 10 operating systems.

Most Lenovo laptops come preloaded with Lenovo Vantage which includes useful apps such as Lenovo Companion, Lenovo Settings etc . Lenovo companion app helps to identify your machine battery health, network and storage device status, connected devices etc. Lenovo settings app gives you access to Wireless settings, language setting , Update & security settings where you can find important updates easily. Definitely would recommend this software.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Lenovo Vantage software for windows is specifically launched by LENOVO for windows 7,8 and also for Windows 10 and improves better performance for PC’S. I have been using this software for nearly 2 years and helps to save my battery life for long time.It has lots of custom settings and it works better for PERSONAL COMPUTER.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


I’m a big fan of Lenovo Vantage because it’s compatible as a device management program for my Lenovo laptop and PC. It helps to make sure that all of my devices are running at peak performance and that all are optimized with the latest updates and have the newest apps installed. It even keeps me posted about which deals Lenovo is coming out with.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


This app has made maintaining my computers performance a cake walk. Software not updating or drivers going bad is such a pain to trouble shoot and diagnose. Now I use Vantage to automatically keep all of my drivers up to date. This automates all the boring computer up keep. My gaming computer has lasted years longer than I expected because it has been maintained in a way that optimizes function, speed, security, diagnostics, and even settings.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


I absolutely love the diagnostic tools that come with Lenovo Vantage point. They’ve been so beneficial for me to see how «healthy» my computer is doing. It also helps me to know if everything is up to date or not, which is very important when you want your computer to run as efficiently as possible. My biggest annoyance is the toolbar that is installed with it, but I am able to turn it off in my settings, so it’s only a minor problem.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Lenovo Vantage is a free app that makes it easy to personalize your Lenovo device and get the most out of it. With Vantage, you can customize your settings, manage your account, and stay up-to-date on the latest news and updates. You can also find helpful tips and troubleshooting information. Vantage is available for Windows 10 PCs and tablets, as well as Android devices. And with new features being added all the time, Vantage is your one-stop-shop for all things Lenovo. So why wait? Download Vantage today and start enjoying your Lenovo device to the fullest.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


This update was forced on users without informing them. It includes a bunch of advertisements, one for a password manager, a VPN subscription, and even McAfee. They even try to scare you into signing up for these services by providing you a pointless ‘security score’ which brightly proclaims that your PC is ‘NOT PROTECTED’. I don’t want this terrible update, please give us the option to remove this version and revert back to the old version.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


I tried the Lenovo Vantage software to check the software update in my system. The diagnostic tools that check the health of my system and update the system. It will identify the cause as well.
Best thing is that is automatically disable the charger to limit the maximum charge level to keep the battery health. Most of the useful features is hardware scanning feature and system update for the latest security patches from Microsoft.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


This software helps to run your device fast and effective
with this software we can know our Lenovo laptop better, can monitor the software updates and hardware and can fix it if find any errors
we can also check battery status and wifi settings

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Alfie C******o

Lenovo Vantage is a free software program designed to help users get the most out of their Lenovo products. It provides personalized support, system health checks, automated updates, and access to exclusive offers and discounts. It also offers troubleshooting and performance optimization tools, as well as customization options for audio, power management, and more.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Ethan F********i

Lenovo Vantage is a great all-in-one software package that offers users a range of features and services. The software is easy to use, with an intuitive user interface. It helps with system maintenance, security, and performance optimization. The software also offers a range of gaming features to help gamers get the most out of their gaming experience. It provides real-time updates and notifications to keep users informed. The software also offers access to exclusive Lenovo deals and rewards. It is available for free so users can get the most out of their Lenovo products. The software is regularly updated with new features, so users can always stay up-to-date with the latest features.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Alexander R.

Lenovo Vantage is a handy tool that allows users to customize their laptop settings and maintain their system health. It’s easy to navigate and includes lots of useful features, such as setting up system updates, checking battery life, and adjusting audio. I particularly like the personalized support page, which offers helpful tutorials and solutions to common tech issues. The interface is intuitive and I find it easy to locate the different options.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Jack S.

Lenovo Vantage software is great for keeping your laptop up to date and optimizng the performance, but the user experience can be a bit buggi at times.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Nathan O********d

Lenovo Vantage software provides a user-friendly interface for managing and optimizing various system settings and updates.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Robbie Onasch

Lenovo Vantage software provides a range of useful features and tools for managing and optimizing Lenovo devices.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Lenovo Vantage is a consolidated tool streamlining system health, network management, and software update functionalities. Its standout feature is delivering robust cybersecurity with state-of-the-art data protection. It also provides personalized recommendations for device optimization to ensure a smooth user experience.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Allows for customizable settings and updates, proving quite useful.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Useful for updates, customization, and diagnostics.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


User-friendly with useful features.

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