Lenovo t420 драйвера windows 10

В этой теме 9 сообщений

Подскажите где скачать пакет драйверов и фирменных утилит? Сущетсвуют ли они в принципе для десятки.

10-ка выклядит неплохо и работает шустро + автономность по сравнению с 7-кой получше, но не все комбинации кнопок работают. А также отключение микрофона, беспроводных сетей. Еще настророжил пару раз неестественный свист винчестера. Пришлось вернуться на 7-ку)

Или лучше 8.1 ?

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2 минуты назад, Жерар сказал:

где скачать пакет драйверов и фирменных утилит?


4 минуты назад, Жерар сказал:

Сущетсвуют ли они в принципе для десятки.


4 минуты назад, Жерар сказал:

Или лучше 8.1 ?

тут уж Вам решать

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27 минут назад, Жерар сказал:

Подскажите где скачать пакет драйверов и фирменных утилит? Сущетсвуют ли они в принципе для десятки.

10-ка выклядит неплохо и работает шустро + автономность по сравнению с 7-кой получше, но не все комбинации кнопок работают. А также отключение микрофона, беспроводных сетей. Еще настророжил пару раз неестественный свист винчестера. Пришлось вернуться на 7-ку)

Драйверов под Win 10 для этого ноута нет и не будет.

Ноут отсуствует в списке аппаратов Lenovo, которые проверялись на совместимость с Windows 10.


Для того что бы заработали Fn надо установить драйвера и утилиты от других ноутбуков Lenovo

Power Manager Driver


Hotkey Features


Насчёт шустрости Win 10 вы наверное сравнивали свежеустановленный Win 10 и Win 7, который проработал несколько лет и накопил «хвосты»

Насчёт Win 8.1, дело хозяйcкое, лично до сих остаюсь на Win 7

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Только что, murzik сказал:

Драйверов под Win 10 для этого ноута нет и не будет.

Ноут отсуствует в списке аппаратов Lenovo, которые проверялись на совместимость с Windows 10.

Для того что бы заработали Fn надо установить драйвера и утилиты от других ноутбуков Lenovo

Power Manager Driver


Hotkey Features


Насчёт шустрости Win 10 вы наверное сравнивали свежеустановленный Win 10 и Win 7, который проработал несколько лет и накопил «хвосты»

Насчёт Win 8.1, дело хозяйcкое, лично до сих остаюсь на Win 7

спасибо Вам и Давиду Марковичу)

Была свежеустановленная 7-ка, потом установил 10-ку.

Из впечатлений — увеличилось время работы от батареи, 10-ка загружается быстрее. Визуально она тоже лаконичней. Но, 7-ка уже изучена вдоль и поперек, без лишних постоянных обновлений + работают все Hot Keys. Больше всего напряг звук работы винчестера (редко, но все же). Поэтому вернул 7)

Думал, может просто не нашел корректные драйвера) Жаль, т.к. ноут на общем фоне бюджетных довольно надежный, не смотря на возраст. Возможно попробую по вашей рекомендации установить драйвера от других моделей, а если нет, то придется, проапгрейдить ноут установкой SSD)

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на форумах много жалоб, что после очередного обновления Win 10, перестаёт работать то одно, то другое.

Пока Win 10 система очень сырая.

Добавлено 11 минут спустя:

Даже установив драйвера вы не сможете включать/выключать сети WI-FI.

Я знаю, как это сделать, но «это совсем другая история»

Если надо, то могу написать позже — сейчас пора спать :omg:

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1 час назад, murzik сказал:

на форумах много жалоб, что после очередного обновления Win 10, перестаёт работать то одно, то другое.

Пока Win 10 система очень сырая.

Добавлено 11 минут спустя:

Даже установив драйвера вы не сможете включать/выключать сети WI-FI.

Я знаю, как это сделать, но «это совсем другая история»

Если надо, то могу написать позже — сейчас пора спать :omg:

Буду признателен — возможно пригодится)

А с 8.1 ситуация как и с 10-кой? Или более корректно работает на Т420 ?

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6 часов назад, Жерар сказал:

А с 8.1 ситуация как и с 10-кой?

это одна и та же система. Интерфейс пользователя разный (вернее разный для смартфонов и компов у 10ки). Плюс в десятке поотрубали простые возможности пользователя по администрированию (бояться что идиоты нажимают кнопки как попало, блокируют). Но если Вы в состоянии понимать что и как Вам надо, то ни та ни другая система для Вас не будет ограничением и разницы особо не увидите.

Для того что бы утрамбовать 10ку на Ваш ноут нужно попотеть. Вопрос: оно Вам надо?

Насчет винчестера. Думаю про звук Вы ошиблись. Не может звук меняться от системы к системе. Не перепутали с вентилятором??? Вот он мог крутиться сильнее.

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8 часов назад, Жерар сказал:

А с 8.1 ситуация как и с 10-кой? Или более корректно работает на Т420 ?

Практически такая же ситуация — нельзя например управлять уровнем заряда аккумулятора(Lenovo Power Manager работает только в Win 7)

для включения/выключения WI-FI скачайте https://yadi.sk/d/HFum5DnJ3BmXPo

разархивируйте и запустите TpFnF5.exe

Предварительно д.б. установлены Power Manager Driver и Hotkey Features

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Всем спасибо за советы. Получается, что 10-ка станет нормально как на обычный компьютер, все будет работать за исключением комбинаций Fn и фирменных утилит (насколько они нужны?). Но в силу корявости системы она может начинать сбоить (как и на любом другом компьютере).

Значит, самый надежный вариант оставить 7-ку и поставить SSD)

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The laptop runs more efficiently with updated Lenovo Thinkpad T420 drivers. Read on to discover how to download and install them in the quickest and most efficient manner possible.

Lenovo T420 is among the best choices for businesses, students, and home use alike. However, occasionally, it might also cause you to run into unforeseen issues, like the Blue Screen of Death. These problems generally happen if you forget to download the latest Lenovo T420 driver.

The link between your computer and various peripherals is formed by updated and compatible drivers. They help the computer comprehend your commands so that it can correctly carry them out.

Thus, we share the ways to download and install the latest Lenovo T420 driver in order to shield you from all frustrating computer problems.

Following are ways through which you can download the updated Lenovo Thinkpad T420 drivers for Windows 10.

Method 1: Download the Thinkpad T420 drivers from Device Manager

Device Manager is one place from which you can download reliable driver updates for all peripheral devices. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use Device Manager to download the updated Lenovo Thinkpad T420 drivers for Windows 10.

Also know: How To Perform Lenovo Drivers Download & Update

Method 2: Get the updated Lenovo T420 drivers downloaded via the official website.

Though the Lenovo T420 is quite an old product from Lenovo, you can still find the drivers for it on the official website.

However, you must know your computer’s operating system to download the compatible and updated drivers for the Lenovo Thinkpad T420 on Windows. Follow the path Settings>System>About to find it. After knowing your computer’s OS, follow these steps to get the needed driver.

Method 3: Get your OS updated to download drivers for the Lenovo T420

Updating the operating system is also among the most popular methods to fix computer problems and download needed drivers.

However, the success of this method is doubtful, as it depends hugely on the driver’s release time. If the driver update is very recent, Windows may not find and download it.

Still, you can implement the below steps to try downloading the Lenovo T420 driver update for Windows 10 this way.

Also know: How to Fix Lenovo Keyboard Backlight Not Working on Windows

Method 4: Get the updated Lenovo T420 drivers downloaded automatically

The manual methods discussed above are best suited for people with a lot of time, patience, and technical knowledge.

If you want an easy way to download and install the updated drivers, we recommend using professional software like Bit Driver Updater.

Bit Driver Updater performs all the required updates with just one click. Moreover, it also comes with many stunning features, like driver backup and restores, speeding up the download process, etc.

We have used Bit Driver Updater personally, and analyzed its features, pros, and cons (there are no serious cons to this software). You can read the whole Bit Driver Updater review to know it all.

Below is the process for updating the Lenovo T420 drivers using this software.

If you wish to update only a specific driver, you can pick the “Update Now” option that is visible next to it.

Successfully Downloaded and Updated Lenovo T420 driver

The ways to download, install, and update the Lenovo T420 drivers were discussed above. You can use the method you find most comfortable to execute. However, Bit Driver Updater is always the best option for updating drivers because it is much more practical, secure, and dependable than alternative approaches.

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Updated April 3 2021##

This is list of Windows 10 (64bit) T420 drivers that might be useful to someone else and to make sure I have the latest version of «all the things,» and whether I missed anything. All tested on my personal T420-4180CM6 (except SmartCard and Fingerprint Reader, which I don’t have). It should make most of the FN keys work, among other things.

Not all drivers are absolutely necessary, a lot of things work okay with the genericAF Windows drivers, I just made this list to be thorough. Some of the Windows 7 drivers are actually newer than the generic Windows ones…


I’m currently working on updating this list, Lenovo in their infinite wisdom keeps mucking with Vantage, which wreaks havoc with the house of cards that is the combination of Lenovo PM, Lenovo Power Management, and the Lenovo Interface Foundation.

A lot of this just installing the new driver doesn’t work, you have to manually update via Device Manager, a number of system devices will find updates from M$ if done manually — I added a list of the devices this works for below.

Mini-rant about «Driver Updater» Software

I’ve tried a lot of them, they’ll try to get you to pay money to install drivers from dubious sources that won’t work for your system anyways. For example, the 12.x.x.x version of Bluetooth drivers are for BT4.0 and make 3.0 devices not work.

If they told you the truth about your system being up to date and didn’t find anything, they wouldn’t be able to scam you into buying a copy.

Windows 10 1903

I did have to «force» the update using the Windows Update Tool as it was giving me the «Your Device Isn’t Ready.» So far, everything seems to work just fine with a few exceptions:

  1. The Camera App didn’t work even with the default drivers. I forced the Realtek drivers AGAIN and it works. (see below for more information)

2) A «MAP SMS/MMS» in Device Manager with a question mark when a cellphone is Bluetooth linked. Under «Devices and Printers» in Control Panel find your mobile device -> right-click -> properties -> services tab. Uncheck MAP SMS/MMS.

Windows 10 1909

No notable issues thus far. At least not driver-related ones.


DO NOT install any Conexant drivers, just use the windows default.


I had to do a clean install of windows 1909 with no drivers installed and let it update from that. The various epic things I tried to do to get rid of the conexant drivers didn’t work, and 20H2 went into a bluescreen loop.

Security Update

T420 Bios 1.52


DVD drive DLL fix!

After installing the PM Drivers and Power Management Drivers (I wish these were named more distinctively, but Lenovo) copy PWMTR32V.dll from





M$ default AHCI drivers are buggy

Intel RST VERSION (latest I could find for Series 6 Chipset)


Full FN Key Functionality, Touchpad, TrackPoint, Fingerprint Reader

(04/21) Lenovo System Interface Foundation AFAIK should be installed by Vantage

Hotkeys didn’t work properly for me until I installed both versions in order

Hotkey Integration Features PART 1 (W7) 8.86.25


Hotkey Integration Features PART 2 (w10)     https://support.lenovo.com/sg/en/downloads/ds031814

(11/19)ThinkPad Power Management Driver (PM Device) needed by Vantage


(04/21) Lenovo Power Manager needed by Vantage


Lenovo Vantage Set battery threshold, add toolbar, some FN keys open this so they won’t work w/out it


Synaptics UltraNav (Touchpad + Trackpoint)


Synaptics Fingerprint Reader (WBF)(0017) 4.5.513.0 Untested, I don’t this on my model



It took some wrestling with Windows to make it keep these and not auto-install ones that didn’t work — namely trying to install Ricoh drivers when it’s not a Ricoh device. If your camera isn’t working after installation, check to make sure the driver version matches the correct manufacturer (ie, not Ricoh) in Device Manager.

It didn’t seem to matter which device I picked when manually installing the driver, as long as I picked one of the Realtek ones.

Under Device Manager -> Details -> Hardware ID’s VID_04F2 is Chicony, which uses a Realtek Chip.

Integrated Camera Driver 10.0.18362.20112


Brief instructions for «Forcing» the driver:

    Update Driver

    Browse my computer for driver software

    Let me pick from a list of available drivers

    Have Disk

    Copy manufacturer’s files from C:\DRIVERS\CAMERA\N29CA04W (default location)

    Realtek -> Integrated Camera (may have to experiment with which Realtek to pick)

    Update driver warning [Yes]

Additional note — the W10 Camera App is . . . quirky (to put it nicely) about detecting the camera. The camera may still work in other apps. I personally found an OEM version of Cyberlink’s YouCam 6 that (A) works more consistently and (B) offers more functionality than the W10 App.

For some users, the Rico SD card thing causes 100% cpu usage, either disable/enable in Device Manager as needed or just get an external card reader.

Ricoh Media Card Reader Driver     https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/downloads/DS038445


Lenovo Active Protection System


ThinkPad Monitor INF File (Manual Install)


    Once the monitor is properly identified, check for driver updates in W10

Better ICC Profile


Intel Chipset Support


Intel 6205 (wifi) (Manually switch from Microsoft to Intel)


Intel 82579ML


Intel 3000HD Graphics


    Windows 10 default should be the newest.

Broadcom BCM2045B (Bluetooth Dongle, Install manually)


    *DON’T use the 12.x.x.x drivers, those seem to be for BT4.0 and made mine not work.

Conexant 20672 (Sound)

DO NOT USE CONEXANT DRIVERS — use the default HD Audio Device drivers. They cause serious issues with Windows 20H2

Conexant 11270 (Modem)


(11/19) nVidia 4200m (perpetually updates, check site), can use Geforce for GT520M if you like.


Smart Card Reader Untested, it’s not on my model


Thermal Controls

In my experience the T420 runs hot, TPFC is needed to make the fan run full speed (~6000rpm)

I use Throttlestop set up to still allow throttling for safety, but only down to 2GHz instead of 800MHz

ThinkPadFanControl USE v063 for T420


ThrottleStop 8.70.6


My TPFanControl.ini temperature section (T420 w/ 4200M)


My ThrottleStop settings *Updated, using ‘set multiplier’ instead of ‘clock modulation’ kept it from downclocking @ idle.


MSI Afterburner (underclock to reduce heat or overclock to get that extra 2FPS)

    I’ve been stable @ 900/1800/950 for a while, albeit with an epic laptop pad YMMV


I had problems with the 7.2.3 version of RTSS giving me ‘unable to hook’ errors, I use 7.2.2 instead, older versions are here:


Available via Manual Update

The chipset drivers above seem to work fine, if you like you can manually update the following. (Go to Device Manager and use the ‘Search Automatically’ option. For some reason Intel now dates their chipset drivers to 1968 so they won’t over-ride existing drivers — this is the work-around.

At the time of writing, the version for these is

    2nd generation Intel(R) Core(TM) processor family DRAM Controller — 0104

    Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller — 1C26

    Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller — 1C2D

    Intel(R) QM67 Express Chipset Family LPC Interface Controller — 1C4F

    2nd generation Intel(R) Core(TM) processor family PCI Express Controller — 0101

    Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1 — 1C10

    Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 2 — 1C12

    Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 4 — 1C16

    Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 5 — 1C18

    Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family SMBus Controller — 1C22

Manuals & Utilities

T420/T421 User Guide


T420/T420i Hardware Maintenance Manual


The elusive Hardware Maintenance Diskette v1.9 (this one works from W10)


Lenovo Battery Firmware Update 1.16


Lenovo Keyboard Test


OEM Info (.reg file) and various oemlogo.bmp versions



Rename the files when downloading to something besides the garbled Lenovo names.

Low volume: Control Panel -> Smart Audio -> Click headphone picture -> Disable «safety»

Lenovo Power Manager no longer supported, use Lenovo Vantage to set charge threshold.

IME Security Risk: Disable or leave as «unknown device»:

    Ports (Com & LPT) -> Intel(R) Active Management Techology — SOL (Com5)

I didn’t bother listing the cellular adapter, it took up the valuable mSATA slot.

Files mirrored to Dropbox for posterity, but with more coherent names than Lenovo’s random-letter garbage. I tend to keep the Dropbox ones more up to date, because those are what I’m actually using, this post only gets updated on a when-I-get-around-to-it basis :)


MY T420

4180CM6, upgrades:

    Seagate Barracuda 500G yeah, I know Seagate makes people cringe

    Kingston uv500 120G mSATA there are better ssds, but the port limits to SATA300 anyways

    135W T520 p/s overkill, but it was cheap on eBay

    16G 1600 DDR3 G.Skill Hacked bios allows 1600

    9C battery (0A36303)

    17-2760QM Definitely want ThrottleStop for this…

    GDC Beast with nVidia 1050ti


    Grouped FN key items

    Added Throttlestop setup

    Added Modem

    Link to Hardware Maintenance Diskette

    Mirrored to Dropbox because sometimes stuff vanishes off Lenovo’s site.

    Found a camera driver that works.

    Link to Windows driver database for HD 3000

    Link to manuals

    Synaptics Fingerprint Reader & UltraNav

    Oem Info & Logo

    Instructions for ‘forcing’ camera drivers, I had problems with even the MS ones in W10 1903

    New version of Synaptics driver (14 Aug 2019)

    Note about Lenovo Power Manager Version

    DVD drive missing DLL fix

    Switched broken Intel links to M$ update catalog ones

    Section about manually updatable system devices.

    Dire warnings about Conexant drivers and 20H2, checked other driver versions.


With a good combination of Intel graphic processor and Intel CPU, Lenovo T420 is best for multimedia users. The laptop comes with a high-resolution anti-glare screen and high-quality stereo speakers. Overall it is a good laptop with great features. However, if you face connectivity or display issues, consider updating drivers. Below we explain different methods to update outdated drivers on your Windows PC.

Also read:- How to Download & Update Lenovo IdeaPad 100 Drivers on Windows 11,10

If you are short on time and want to update drivers quickly without collecting technical information, we suggest using Advanced Driver Updater. The tool, in no time, will show driver updates offered by manufacturers.

To get this amazing tool, click the download button below:



Must Read- How To Download & Update Lenovo IdeaPad 330/320 Drivers for Windows 11, 10

Why Use Advanced Driver Updater?

Manually updating drivers is time-consuming; therefore, if you are looking for an easy way to update drivers, we suggest using Advanced Driver Updater.

Developed by Systweak Software, Advanced Driver Updater is an excellent utility that helps update the drivers. Using this professional driver updater, you can update any outdated drivers. Nonetheless, the driver updater keeps a backup of the driver; you can restore it if you face any problems. Also, it offers a 60- day money-back guarantee.

To get this powerful driver updater, click the button below.


Best Ways to Update Lenovo T420 Driver Windows 11, 10 & Other Versions of Operating Systems

Use any following methods to update Lenovo T420 laptop drivers on any Windows operating system.

Method 1 –  Updating drivers for Lenovo T420 From the Manufacturer’s Website

1. Visit Lenovo’s official website.
2. Click Service & Support > Driver Download & Software Update.

3. Search for the drivers for T420.

lenovo t420

4. Click Downloads > Manual Update > select the category to update drivers.

lenovo t420 driver

5. Under the See Files option, use the Download icon to get the driver update setup file.

lenovo t420 driver software
6. Double click the setup file and follow on-screen instructions to install the Lenovo T420 drivers.

7. Restart the PC to apply changes and update the T420 drivers.

Must See- How Do I Update My Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga Drivers?

Method 2 – Download, Install and Update Lenovo T420 Drivers Using Advanced Driver Updater (Recommended)

Looking for the safest way to update drivers? Use Advanced Driver Updater and update all outdated drivers. Using the tool in just a few clicks, you can update all outdated drivers on Lenovo T420.

The FREE version allows updating each driver individually. However, you can update all outdated drivers using the registered version at once.

Instructions to use Advanced Driver Updater:

1. Download and install Advanced Driver Updater


2. Run the Advanced Driver Updater and click Start Scan to detect outdated drivers.

Advanced Driver Updater
3. Wait for the tool to finish scanning the PC for outdated drivers.

Advanced Driver Updater Scan
4. Review scan results and update outdated drivers. Click Update Driver if you are using the trial version. However, if you are a registered user, use Update All.

update all outdated driver
5. Once the drivers are updated, restart the PC.
6. This will get Lenovo T420 laptop drivers updated.

Final Words –

Manually updating drivers can be a daunting task, and it requires technical knowledge. Suppose you are short on time and you want to update drivers without any risk using Advanced Driver Updater is recommended. Moreover, you can schedule driver scanning using the tool and keep Lenovo T420 drivers updated. This helps enhance system speed and avoid facing issues caused due to outdated drivers.

Check This- How To Download And Update Intel Bluetooth Driver For Windows 10

We hope you like the information we have shared. Please share your feedback, suggestions, or questions, if any, in the comments section. For any product-related queries, you can send an email to support@systweak.com.

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