Lenovo g500 20236 драйвера windows 10

Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop USB Device Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G500 laptop USB Device Driver in supported laptop models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop USB Device Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. […]

Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop Storage Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G500 Storage Driver in supported laptop models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop Storage Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. 2.When the Download window […]

Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop Power Management Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G500 Power Management Driver in supported laptop models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop Power Management Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. 2.When […]

Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop Wireless LAN Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G500 laptop Wireless LAN Driver in supported laptop models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop Wireless LAN Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. […]

Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop LAN Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G500 laptop LAN Driver in supported laptop models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop LAN Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. 2.When the Download […]

Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop Touchpad Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G500 Touchpad Driver in supported models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G500 Laptop Touchpad Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. 2.When the Download window opens, […]


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Migration Assistant


Released:21 Dec 2018

System:Windows 10Windows 10 64-bitWindows 7Windows 7 64-bit


Description:Migration Assistant driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)
This package updates the Lenovo Migration Assistant to fix
problems, add new functions, or expand functions.


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)



Released:12 Nov 2018

System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bitWindows 8 64-bitWindows 7 64-bitWindows Server 2008Windows Server 2003


Description:Diagnostics driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)



Released:12 Nov 2018

System:Windows 10Windows 8.1Windows 8Windows 7Windows XPWindows Server 2003


Description:Diagnostics for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Solution Center


Released:15 Oct 2018

System:Windows 10Windows 8.1Windows 8Windows 7


Description:Solution Center driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)
Note : Lenovo Solution center will be not be supported from
2018/11/30, if you would like to do diagnostic on the PC, please
download Lenovo Diagnostic Windows version or you can use Lenovo
Vantage if it is pre-loaded into you PC


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Linux Diagnostics — Bootable CD


Released:24 Jul 2018

System:Linux (Red Hat / SUSE)


Description:Linux Diagnostics — Bootable CD driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)
is a diagnostic tool that can be booted itself and tests the memory
and hard drives in Lenovo ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkStation and
ThinkServer on All Operating Systems.


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Linux Diagnostics — Bootable USB


Released:11 Oct 2016

System:Linux (Red Hat / SUSE)


Description:Linux Diagnostics — Bootable USB driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)
Diagnostics — Bootable USB is a diagnostic tool that can be booted
itself and tests the memory and hard drives in Lenovo ThinkPad,
ThinkCentre, ThinkStation and ThinkServer.


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:BIOS Update


Released:31 Aug 2016

System:Windows 8.1Windows 8.1 64-bit


Description:BIOS Update for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI) Driver


Released:20 Jul 2016

System:Windows 10Windows 10 64-bit


Description:Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI) Driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Keyboard Test


Released:12 Apr 2016

System:Windows 10Windows 8.1Windows 8Windows 7Windows XPWindows Server 2003


Description:Keyboard Test for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Display Interface Test


Released:12 Apr 2016

System:Windows 10Windows 8.1Windows 8Windows 7Windows XPWindows Server 2003


Description:Display Interface Test for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Display Interface Test for Window 64 bit


Released:12 Apr 2016

System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bitWindows 8 64-bitWindows 7 64-bitWindows Server 2003


Description:Display Interface Test for Window 64 bit for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)
Display Interface Test for Window 10 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), 7 (64-bit), 2003 Advanced Server (64-bit) and 2008 Advanced Server (64-bit) — Desktops, Notebooks, Workstations


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Keyboard Test


Released:12 Apr 2016

System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bitWindows 8 64-bitWindows 7 64-bitWindows Server 2008Windows Server 2003


Description:Keyboard Test for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Bootable Generator


Released:03 Mar 2016

System:Windows 8Windows 8 64-bitWindows 7Windows 7 64-bitWindows VistaWindows Vista 64-bitWindows XPWindows Server 2008


Description:Bootable Generator for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)
is a tool runs on Windows platform to create Lenovo UEFI Diagnostics — Bootable USB and Lenovo Linux Diagnostics — Bootable USB. Lenovo UEFI Diagnostics — Bootable USB is a diagnostic tool that can be booted itself and tests hardware devices in Lenovo ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkStation, ThinkServer and IdeaPad Lenovo Linux Diagnostics — Bootable USB is a diagnostic tool that can be booted itself and tests hardware devices in Lenovo ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkStation, ThinkServer and IdeaPad.End user has to create the USB diagnostic… more


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)



Released:21 Oct 2015

System:Windows 8.1 64-bitWindows 8 64-bit


Description:VeriFace driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:OneKey Recovery


Released:02 Jul 2015

System:Windows 8.1 64-bit


Description:OneKey Recovery for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Energy Management Driver


Released:03 Jun 2015

System:Windows 8Windows 8 64-bit


Description:Energy Management Driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)
driver name: Lenovo Energy Management Driverfile name: e80femww.exe os: Windows 8 (64-bit)version: manufacturer: Lenovo


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Intel WLAN Driver


Released:29 May 2015

System:Windows 8 64-bit


Description:Intel WLAN Driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:AMD Video Driver


Released:29 May 2015

System:Windows 8.1Windows 8.1 64-bit


Description:AMD Video Driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Atheros LAN Driver


Released:29 May 2015

System:Windows 8 64-bit


Description:Atheros LAN Driver for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)


Device:Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)

Name:Bluetooth Driver (Atheros, Broadcom)

Released:29 May 2015

System:Windows 8.1Windows 8.1 64-bit


Description:Bluetooth Driver (Atheros, Broadcom) for Lenovo G500 (Type 20236)
Bluetooth Driver (Atheros, Broadcom) Versions: Atheros,, Broadcom,

  • Found — 69 drivers at 4 pages
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Недорогой ноутбук для повседневных задач G500 линейки IdeaPad от известного производителя компьютерной техники Lenovo. В зависимости от комплектации в ноутбук устанавливаются процессоры Intel Core i3, i5, i7 или Pentium 2030M, 2020M и Celeron 1005M. 6-ти сегментный аккумулятор и система управления питанием Lenovo Energy Management позволяют ноутбуку работать в автономном режиме до 5-ти часов. Дисплей 15,6 дюймов, со стандартным для таких ноутбуков разрешением 1366 x 768. Также стандартная конфигурация видеокарт — Intel HD Graphics для обычной работы и DirectX 11-совместимые видеокарты AMD Radeon HD8570 (с 1 Гб видеопамяти) или AMD Radeon HD8750 (с 2 Гб памяти)  для высокопроизводительных 3D игр и программ.  В разные комплектации могут быть установлены жесткие диски от 320 Гигабайт до 1 Терабайта и от 2 до 8 Гигабайт оперативной памяти с возможностью расширения до 16 Гигабайт. В ноутбуке есть встроенный адаптер Wi-Fi стандарта 802.11b/g/n для быстрой беспроводной связи, Bluetooth для подключения устройств и гарнитур, а также встроенная сетевая карта 10/100 Mbps LAN для подключения к проводным сетям на скорости до 100 Мегабит.

Так же в стандартную комплектацию ноутбука входит веб-камера, два порта USB 3.0, один порт USB 2.0, картридер для карт SD/MMC, разъем для микрофона с наушниками и порт HDMI для подключения монитора или телевизора.

В этом наборе собраны для скачивания все необходимые драйверы для разных операционных систем Windows, необходимые для корректной работы всех устройств в ноутбуке Lenovo IdeaPad G500.


Общая информация

  • Каталог страниц загрузки драйверов для ноутбуков/ультрабуков/нетбуков
  • Если некоторые слова в данной статье вам непонятны, но очень хочется узнать их значения, рекомендуем ознакомится с темой: Глоссарий терминов по оборудованию ПК (драйвер, чипсет, дискретная видеокарта).
  • Зачастую встречаются несколько модификаций ноутбуков с одинаковым названием модели, и есть вероятность, что в вашем ноутбуке может быть платформа не Intel, а AMD, другой Ethernet-контроллер или Видеокарта. В этом случае найти верные драйверы вам поможет тема: Как найти драйвер на оборудование ПК по идентификаторам VEN(VID) и DEV(PID).

Ссылки на информацию по данной модели

  • Страница загрузки драйверов на сайте производителя для Lenovo G500
  • Обсуждение ноутбука Lenovo G500


Устанавливаются в предоставленном порядке

chipset.png Чипсет. Intel Chipset Driver для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo  G500. chips110w7.exe. (1.47 MB)

display.png Видеоадаптер.

Видеодрайвер Intel для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo  G500

  • ivga110w764.exe (64-bit 87.6MB) 
  • ivga110w732.exe (32-bit 69MB) 

AMD Video Driver для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 —  G500  avga110w7.exe (173MB)

hdd.png Накопители. Технология хранения Intel Rapid для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo  G500  irst110w7.exe (13.9 MB)

card_rider.png Кардридер.Драйвер для карт-ридера Realtek для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo G500 cdr110w7.exe (6.14MB)

console.png Устройства ввода. Драйвер для сенсорной панели (Synaptics, Elan) для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo  G500 tp110w7.exe (125MB)

Сеть, связь.  

audio.png Звук. Аудиодрайвер Conexant для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo  G500 ado110w7.exe (82.3 MB)

camera.png Камера. Драйвер для камеры (AVC, Bison, Chicony, Lite-On) для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo  G500 cam110w7.exe (25.3MB) 

 usb.pngUSB. Intel USB 3.0 Driver для 32- и 64-разрядной версии Windows 7 — Lenovo G500 usb110w7.exe (4.77 MB)

Полезные программы. 

All equipment facilities installed on Lenovo 20236 are listed below. In order to facilitate the search for the necessary driver, choose one of the Search methods: either by Device Name (by clicking on a particular item, i.e. Synaptics SMBus Driver) or by Device ID (i.e. PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E22).

Lenovo 20236 laptop features 94 devices.

Device Name:

Lenovo 20236 Drivers Installer

Device Name:

Synaptics SMBus Driver

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family Management Engine Interface — 1E3A

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller — 1E31

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

AMD Radeon HD 8500M Series

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

AMD Radeon HD 8600/8700M

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Qualcomm Atheros AR8172/8176/8178 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) HD Graphics

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Qualcomm Atheros AR8162/8166/8168 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) HD Graphics

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 135

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller — 1E20

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6200 ABG

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework PCH Participant Driver

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 USB

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth USB Adapter

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Realtek USB2.0 PC Camera

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Hercules HD Twist

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R) 3.0 + High Speed Adapter

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

SAMSUNG Android USB Composite Device

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

USB2.0 HD UVC Camera

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Lenovo EasyCamera

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Windows Phone USB

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Sony sa0103 ADB Interface Driver

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Lenovo EasyCamera

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Lenovo Composite ADB Interface

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

CSR Bluetooth USB Adapter

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Grabster AV 300

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Android ADB Interface ADB Interface

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

SAMSUNG Mobile USB At Command Port

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Realtek RTL8187 Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps USB 2.0 Network Adapter

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

300Mbps Wireless High Power USB Adapter

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Conexant SmartAudio HD

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Intel(R) Display Audio

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Lenovo ACPI-Compliant Virtual Power Controller

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

ELAN PS/2 Port Smart-Pad

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Integrated PS/2 Keyboard

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth RFHID

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth RFBUS

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth LWFLT Device

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Virtual Bluetooth Support

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth Audio Device

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth Generic Attribute Profile

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth Generic Access Profile

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Not Supported Bluetooth Function

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Not Supported Bluetooth Function

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Not Supported Bluetooth Function

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Not Supported Bluetooth Function

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth SyncML

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

BroadComm Bluetooth Stack

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

BroadComm Bluetooth Stack

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

BroadComm Bluetooth Stack

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth Hard Copy Cable Replacement Server

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth Remote Control

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Not Supported Bluetooth Function

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth Message Access

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Lenovo pointing device

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth Imaging Responder

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth Remote Control

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Not Supported Bluetooth Function

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Not Supported Bluetooth Function

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth SyncML Client

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Not Supported Bluetooth Function

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:

Bluetooth Imaging Responder

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

Device Name:


Compatible with:

Lenovo 20236

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