Lenovo g50 30 drivers windows 7 64

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Общая информация

  • Каталог страниц загрузки драйверов для ноутбуков/ультрабуков/нетбуков
  • Если некоторые слова в данной статье вам непонятны, но очень хочется узнать их значения, рекомендуем ознакомится с темой: Глоссарий терминов по оборудованию ПК (драйвер, чипсет, дискретная видеокарта).
  • Зачастую встречаются несколько модификаций ноутбуков с одинаковым названием модели, и есть вероятность, что в вашем ноутбуке может быть платформа не Intel, а AMD, другой Ethernet-контроллер или Видеокарта. В этом случае найти верные драйверы вам поможет тема: Как найти драйвер на оборудование ПК по идентификаторам VEN(VID) и DEV(PID).

Ссылки на информацию по данной модели

  • Страница загрузки драйверов на сайте производителя для Lenovo G50-30


Устанавливаются в предоставленном порядке

chipset.png Чипсет. Intel Chipset Driver for Windows 8.1 (64-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit) — Lenovo G50-30. 43cs00ww.exe. (1.5MB)

display.png Видеоадаптер.

  • Intel VGA Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit) — Lenovo G50-30 1tlc01af.exe (66.6MB) 
  • Nvidia VGA Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit) — Lenovo G50-30  2tld01af.exe (319.9MB)

card_rider.png Кардридер. Realtek Card Reader Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit) — Notebook 2tlk01af.exe (6.1MB)

console.png Устройства ввода. Touchpad Driver (Elan, Synaptics) for Windows 10 (64-bit) — Notebook 2ul001af.exe (66.0MB)

Сеть, связь.  

audio.png Звук. 

  • Conexant Audio Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit) — Notebook 2tl701af.exe (319.7MB)
  • Audio Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit) — Notebook 2ul301af.exe (290.2MB)

camera.png Камера.

  • Camera Driver (Realtek, Sonix) for Windows 10 (64-bit) — Lenovo G50-30 43g401af.exe (26.3MB) 
  • 0.3M Camera Driver (Bison, AzureWave) for Windows 8.1 (64-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit) — Lenovo G50-30 43ca01ww.exe (46.8MB) 

Полезные программы. 

Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop USB Device Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G50-30 laptop USB Device Driver in supported laptop models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop USB Device Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. […]

Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop Power Management Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Power Management Driver in supported laptop models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop Power Management Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. 2.When […]

Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop Wireless LAN Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Wireless LAN Driver in supported laptop models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop Wireless LAN Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. 2.When […]

Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop LAN Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G50-30 LAN Driver in supported models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop LAN Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. 2.When the Download window opens, […]

Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop Touchpad Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Touchpad Driver in supported models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop Touchpad Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. 2.When the Download window opens, […]

Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop Video Graphics Driver for windows 7 8 8.1 10 This package provides the driver for the Lenovo ideapad G50-30 laptop Video Graphics Driver in supported laptop models that are running a supported operating system. Installation instructions Lenovo ideapad G50-30 Laptop Video Graphics Driver Installation 1.Click on the Download link, to download the file. […]


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Migration Assistant


Released:21 Dec 2018

System:Windows 10Windows 10 64-bitWindows 7Windows 7 64-bit


Description:Migration Assistant driver for Lenovo G50-30
This package updates the Lenovo Migration Assistant to fix
problems, add new functions, or expand functions.


Device:Lenovo G50-30



Released:12 Nov 2018

System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bitWindows 8 64-bitWindows 7 64-bitWindows Server 2008Windows Server 2003


Description:Diagnostics driver for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Solution Center


Released:15 Oct 2018

System:Windows 10Windows 8.1Windows 8Windows 7


Description:Solution Center driver for Lenovo G50-30
Note : Lenovo Solution center will be not be supported from
2018/11/30, if you would like to do diagnostic on the PC, please
download Lenovo Diagnostic Windows version or you can use Lenovo
Vantage if it is pre-loaded into you PC


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Realtek Card Reader Driver


Released:18 Sep 2017

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:Realtek Card Reader Driver for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Customer Engagement Service (CCSDK)


Released:31 Mar 2017

System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bit


Description:Customer Engagement Service (CCSDK) driver for Lenovo G50-30
Customer Engagement Service (CCSDK) — Notebook


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Updates Disable Utility


Released:22 Mar 2017

System:Windows 8.1 64-bit


Description:Updates Disable Utility driver for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Touchpad Driver (Elan, Synaptics)

Released:21 Sep 2016

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:Touchpad Driver (Elan, Synaptics) for Lenovo G50-30
Touchpad Driver (Elan, Synaptics) Versions: Synaptics_19.0.17.96_WHQL, ELAN_11.4.85.3_WHQL


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Conexant Audio Driver


Released:21 Sep 2016

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:Conexant Audio Driver for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Camera Driver (Realtek, Sonix)

Released:18 Aug 2016

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:Camera Driver (Realtek, Sonix) for Lenovo G50-30
Camera Driver (Realtek, Sonix) Versions: Realtek_6.3.9600.11105, Sonix_6.0.1324.22


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Bluetooth Driver (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom)

Released:18 Aug 2016

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:Bluetooth Driver (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom) for Lenovo G50-30
Bluetooth Driver (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom) Versions:
BCM_12.0.1.650, NFA335_10.0.1.1, NFA344_345_10.0.0.102,


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:WLAN Driver (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom)

Released:18 Aug 2016

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:WLAN Driver (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom) for Lenovo G50-30
WLAN Driver (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom) Versions: BCM_7.35.267.0,
NFA335_10.0.0.321, NFA344_345_12.0.0.102, RTL_2023.10.415.2015


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI) Driver


Released:20 Jul 2016

System:Windows 10Windows 10 64-bit


Description:Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI) Driver for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30



Released:21 Oct 2015

System:Windows 8.1 64-bitWindows 8 64-bit


Description:VeriFace driver for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:BIOS Update


Released:21 Sep 2015

System:Windows 8.1 64-bitWindows 7Windows 7 64-bit


Description:BIOS Update for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:0.3M Camera Driver (Bison, AzureWave)

Released:24 Jul 2015

System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bit


Description:0.3M Camera Driver (Bison, AzureWave) for Lenovo G50-30
0.3M Camera Driver (Bison, AzureWave) Versions: Bison:, 6.2.9200.10260, Bison:, 6.2.9200.10291, Bison:,, AzureWave:, 6.2.9200.10291


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Bluetooth Driver (Intel)


Released:23 Jul 2015

System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bit


Description:Bluetooth Driver (Intel) for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:WLAN Driver (Intel)


Released:23 Jul 2015

System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bit


Description:WLAN Driver (Intel) for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Intel VGA Driver


Released:17 Jul 2015

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:Intel VGA Driver for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Nvidia VGA Driver


Released:17 Jul 2015

System:Windows 10 64-bit


Description:Nvidia VGA Driver for Lenovo G50-30


Device:Lenovo G50-30

Name:Intel Sideband Fabric Device Driver


Released:17 Jul 2015

System:Windows 10 64-bitWindows 8.1 64-bit


Description:Intel Sideband Fabric Device Driver for Lenovo G50-30

  • Found — 40 drivers at 2 pages
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Описание и инструкции

Драйвер для ноутбука Lenovo G50-30.

Необходимо отметить, что ноутбуки данной серии могут иметь различные аппаратные характеристики (комплектации).

После выбора операционной системы, рекомендуется придерживаться порядка установки драйверов указанного в таблице — сверху вниз.

Предложенный список программного обеспечения содержит только обязательные компоненты. Из него намеренно убраны сервисные программы диагностики и обслуживания, так как предполагается, что аппаратная составляющая ноутбука, для которой скачиваются драйвера, работает корректно. Поэтому устанавливать какие-либо дополнительные компоненты, которые расходуют ресурсы системы, без явной на то причины не нужно.

Официальный сайт фирмы-производителя ноутбука не содержит драйверов для Windows XP и любых других 32-х битных систем семейства Windows (кроме Win 10). Решением может быть установка совместимого ПО для Windows 7 или ручной поиск по ИД оборудования.

Audio Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Conexant Audio Driver Windows 8.1 64-bit 2014-04-08 DOWNLOAD Audio Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Audio Driver Windows 7 64-bit 2014-05-15 DOWNLOAD Audio Conexant Audio Driver for Notebook Windows 10 64-bit 2016-09-21 DOWNLOAD BIOS/UEFI Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 BIOS Update Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 7 64-bit
Windows 7 32-bit 2015-09-21 DOWNLOAD
DOWNLOAD Bluetooth and Modem Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Bluetooth Driver (Intel) Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit 2015-07-23 DOWNLOAD Bluetooth and Modem Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Bluetooth Driver (Atheros, Broadcom, Realtek, Intel) Windows 7 64-bit 2014-08-28 DOWNLOAD Bluetooth and Modem Bluetooth Driver (Intel, Atheros, Realtek) for Notebook Windows 10 64-bit 2016-08-18 DOWNLOAD Camera and Card Reader Realtek Card Reader Driver for Notebook Windows 10 64-bit 2015-07-27 DOWNLOAD Camera and Card Reader Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Camera Driver (Bison, Liteon) Windows 7 64-bit 2014-05-13 DOWNLOAD Camera and Card Reader Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 CardReader Driver Windows 7 64-bit 2014-05-15 DOWNLOAD Camera and Card Reader Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Realtek Card Reader Driver Windows 8.1 64-bit 2014-04-08 DOWNLOAD Camera and Card Reader Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 0.3M Camera Driver (Bison, AzureWave) Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit 2015-07-24 DOWNLOAD Camera and Card Reader Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 0.3M Camera Driver (Liteon) Windows 8.1 64-bit 2015-07-25 DOWNLOAD Camera and Card Reader Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Camera Driver (Realtek, Sonix) Windows 10 64-bit 2016-08-18 DOWNLOAD Chipset Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Intel Trusted Execution Engine Interface (TXE) Driver Windows 7 64-bit 2014-05-13 DOWNLOAD Chipset Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Intel Sideband Fabric Device Driver Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit 2015-07-17 DOWNLOAD Chipset Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Intel Chipset Driver Windows 7 64-bit 2014-05-13 DOWNLOAD Chipset Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Intel Chipset Driver Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit 2015-07-17 DOWNLOAD Chipset Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Intel Trusted Execution Engine Interface (TXE) Driver Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit 2015-07-17 DOWNLOAD Display and Video Graphics Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Intel Graphics Driver Windows 8.1 64-bit 2014-04-08 DOWNLOAD Display and Video Graphics Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Nvidia VGA Driver Windows 10 64-bit 2015-07-17 DOWNLOAD Display and Video Graphics Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Intel VGA Driver Windows 7 64-bit 2014-05-13 DOWNLOAD Display and Video Graphics Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Intel VGA Driver Windows 10 64-bit 2015-07-17 DOWNLOAD Display and Video Graphics Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Nvidia VGA Driver Windows 7 64-bit 2014-05-13 DOWNLOAD Display and Video Graphics Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Nvidia Graphics Driver Windows 8.1 64-bit 2015-01-04 DOWNLOAD Mouse and Keyboard Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 TouchPad Driver (Elan, Synaptics) Windows 7 64-bit 2014-05-13 DOWNLOAD Mouse and Keyboard Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 TouchPad Driver (Synaptics, Elan) Windows 8.1 64-bit 2015-01-04 DOWNLOAD Mouse and Keyboard Touchpad Driver (Elan, Synaptics) for Notebook Windows 10 64-bit 2016-09-21 DOWNLOAD Networking: LAN (Ethernet) Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 LAN driver Windows 7 64-bit 2014-05-15 DOWNLOAD Networking: LAN (Ethernet) Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Realtek Lan Driver Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit 2015-07-09 DOWNLOAD Networking: Wireless LAN Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 WLAN Driver (Intel) Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit 2015-07-23 DOWNLOAD Networking: Wireless LAN Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 WLAN Driver (Atheros, Broadcom, Realtek, Intel) Windows 7 64-bit 2014-08-28 DOWNLOAD Networking: Wireless LAN WLAN Driver (Intel, Atheros, Realtek) for Notebook Windows 10 64-bit 2016-08-18 DOWNLOAD Power Management Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI) Driver for Notebook Windows 10 32-bit
Windows 10 64-bit 2016-07-20 DOWNLOAD Software and Utilities Veriface Tools for Notebooks Windows 7 32-bit
Windows 7 64-bit 2015-10-23 DOWNLOAD Software and Utilities Lenovo Updates Disable Utility for Notebook Windows 8.1 64-bit 2017-03-22 DOWNLOAD Software and Utilities Lenovo VeriFace for Notebook Windows 8 64-bit
Windows 8.1 64-bit 2015-10-21 DOWNLOAD Software and Utilities Customer Engagement Service (CCSDK) — Notebook Windows 10 64-bit
Windows 8.1 64-bit 2017-03-31 DOWNLOAD USB Device, FireWire, IEEE 1394 Lenovo G40-30, G50-30 Intel USB3.0 Driver Windows 7 64-bit 2014-08-28 DOWNLOAD

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