Leatrix latency fix for windows скачать


Leatrix Latency Fix — это даже не программа, а всего лишь скрипт, вносящий изменения в системный реестр. Но благодаря этим изменениям в два раза уменьшается пинг во многих онлайновых играх (прежде всего в MMORPG).

Как это работает? Чтобы было понятнее, переведем забавный диалог между компьютером и сервером с официального сайта скрипта.

До применения Leatrix Latency Fix:
Сервер: «Так, компьютер, отправил тебе пакет с данными. Получил?»
Компьютер: «…»
Сервер: «Ну, давай отвечай, мне целый день тебя ждать?»
Компьютер: «…»
Сервер: «Ладно, проехали, вот тебе еще один пакет. Получил?»
Компьютер: «Ага, получил, и предыдущий пакет тоже, спасибо».
Сервер: «А чего ж сразу не ответил?»
Компьютер: «Вот так я настроен по умолчанию, извините».

После применения Leatrix Latency Fix:
Сервер: «Так, компьютер, отправил тебе пакет с данными. Получил?»
Компьютер: «Ага, шли следующий!»
Сервер: «Ух, быстро ты! Лови следующий. Получил?»
Компьютер: «Ага, давай еще!»
Сервер: «Ого, какой ты быстрый стал! Не то что раньше. Лови следующий».

Одним словом, если вы играете в онлайновые игры и даже если вам кажется, что вы не лагаете, поставьте Leatrix Latency Fix. Все равно почувствуете разницу.

Checker.vbs — проверяет, установлен ли фикс в системе.
Install.vbs — устанавливает фикс (после установки надо перезагрузить компьютер).
Remove.vbs — удаляет фикс.

P.S у меня на европейских серваках пинг с 150-250 уменьшился до 50-67


Leatrix Latency Fix – программа, которая используется для сокращения пинга в играх по сети. Высокий пинг часто мешает качеству игрового процесса, а порой и вовсе делает его невозможным. Современные программисты разработали массу способов для того, чтобы сократить время ожидания ответа от сервера, однако для реализации большинства из них требуется наличие профессиональных знаний в структуре операционной системы.

Ручная настройка режима обработки полученных пакетов данных может привести к серьезным сбоям в работе ОС, поэтому гораздо проще воспользоваться небольшой утилитой Leatrix Latency Fix и избежать программных неполадок. Основными преимуществами использования Leatrix Latency Fix в играх по сети являются:

  1. Простота. Инсталляция утилиты занимает порядка одной минуты, никаких дополнительных настроек вносить не потребуется.
  2. Экономичность. Программа распространяется на некоммерческой основе, что исключает демо-режим и наличие назойливой рекламы.
  3. Безопасность. Все изменения, внесенные Leatrix Latency Fix в системный реестр, легко откатить в случае, если они не принесли пользы или навредили работе ПК.

Утилита справляется с пакетами данных типа ТСР, поэтому подходит далеко не для всех игр. Следует отметить отсутствие в программе русского языка, однако для геймеров не станет проблемой разобраться в английском названии нескольких кнопок. Системные требования для установки и использования программы минимальные.

Работает на 32/64 битных ОС:

  • Windows 10;
  • Windows 8;
  • Windows 7;

Официальный сайт: www.leatrix.com


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Скачать Leatrix Latency Fix

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Leatrix Latency Fix software was built so that one can stable ping and latency problems from his PC. Ping is an essential matter for any gamer, because if the ping isn’t stable then he can’t perform as he wants. Not only that ping problems can be a major issue for some other official works too. This software is solely designed to fix ping problems and latency problems from any PC.

Leatrix Latency Click Install to use (1)
Leatrix Latency Click Install to use (1)

User Friendly

This software came with a simple interface with just Installing and removing when the apps are in the run. And because of that many feels that it is user-friendly. Because you just have to click on install to run the process. Which is quite easy for this type of software.

Latency Remover

Latency is a major issue for any kind of game or works on pc. If one thinks that latency happens because of hardware, then he is wrong. On our pc, there are a lot of background running apps and many malware which cause latency.

Leatrix Latency Installation
Leatrix Latency Installation

Ping Enhancer

Leatrix Latency Fix came with this wonderful function which is quite useful for any gamer. Stable ping is essential for better performance in any game. But because of some network traffic issue ping became unstable and game performance went down. But this software optimizes network traffic and stable the ping so that users can have stable ping for better gaming performance.

Connection Stabilizer

 Leatrix Latency Fix not only fixes ping and latency problems but also a stable connection for the system. Sometimes background running bugs infect the network connection and the connection became unstable. But this software removes those background bugs which is harmful to stable network connection.


  • Free to Download
  • Use to useable
  • Simple Interface
  • Simply method for run
  • Small in size
  • Stable both ping and latency


  • Traditional Interface
  • Error occurs
  • No sign of development
  • Pc restart is needed for running this app

System Requirements for Leatrix Latency Fix

  • Operating System: Windows XP,7,8,10
  • Processor: 1GHz or more
  • RAM: 2 Gb
  • HDD: 10 MB at most for installation purposes

FAQs on Leatrix Latency Fix

Does Leatrix Latency Fix work?

Apparently not, though it was said to be the best and quite the most useful and reliable app. But in reality, it doesn’t work many times for many users. So, the result is not as expected as it was told.

Is Leatrix Latency Fix free?

Yes, this is free to download. If anyone wants to use this app he just has to go through many websites where he can download and use it for.

What is a Ping Enhancer?

Ping enhancer is a utility that came in handy when it’s about playing games mostly. By using software one can enhance his ping and, in the process, the software optimizes and modify the network traffic so that the user can have a stable ping.

How do I lower my ping in Windows 10?

By using Beatrix latency fix. This software was designed to reduce the ping problems on PC.

How do I ping a Valorant server?

To ping a valiant server you have to do as follows. First, Go to the play interface. Then, click three tiny bars in the player card And choose the best ping stable server available for you

Our Uses

Leatrix Latency Fix is a wonderful fixer software for any PC. While having latency, ping, and connection problems this software let me fix those for me. When I was having latency and connection problems in my system because of some background running and bugs, Leatrix Latency Fix remove those and fixed latency and connection problems in my pc. Not only that I was having a ping issue while playing games because of a network traffic issue, this software also fixed and enhanced ping for gaming. But there was some issue while running the software like a restart needed for the run, no dynamic interface, and further development was missing which was needed.

Leatrix Latency Fix – программа, с помощью которой можно избавиться от нежелательных фризов в игровом процессе, вызванных высоким пингом. Даже нечастые и небольшие зависания, на первый взгляд ничего страшного, но в онлайн игре это критическая ошибка. Фризы, связанные с высоким показателем пинга, полностью ограничивают действия игрока и не дают сполна насладится любимой игрой, показать достойные результаты, одержать победу. В момент такого зависания, на компьютере игрока все останавливается, а у других игроков ваш персонаж или танк виден и беззащитен. Очень неприятно будет попасть под раздачу во время такого скачка пинга, теряется удовольствие от времяпровождения в любимой игре. Если в однопользовательской игре, можно сохраниться и переиграть, в онлайн игре это невозможно. Поэтому с этой проблемой необходимо бороться немедленно.


В первую очередь следует разобраться что такое пинг. Простыми словами, это показатель скорости ответа сервера и компьютера пользователя в процессе обмены пакетами данных. Чем ниже этот показатель, тем более стабильная игра. Когда использовано больше количество приёмов и советов, а показатель пинга никак не изменяется и продолжает теребить нервы игроку, стоит воспользоваться Leatrix Latency Fix. Некоторые пользователи данной утилиты смогли достичь невероятного улучшения этого показателя. При правильных настройках, можно в несколько раз уменьшить показатели пинга в играх. В частности, большой популярностью эта программа пользуется у игроков Dota 2 и World of tanks. Без этой программы, игроку придётся перерыть большое количество настроек в реестре, калибровать некоторые показания и редактировать файлы. Все эти процедуры возможно придётся повторять по несколько раз.  Но благодаря Leatrix Latency Fix, которая в автоматическом режиме подбирает оптимальную конфигурацию сети, можно без лишних действий наслаждаться приятной игрой. 

Как это работает?

Принцип работы данной программы заключается в уникальном скрипте. Он способен снять ограничение на обработку пакетов данных у пользователей с ОС Windows. В связи с этим, компьютер пользователя будет быстрее отсылать пакеты к серверу, тем самым снижается пинг и устраняются лаги в онлайн играх.

Главные особенности

Нет надобности изучать большое количество информации по настройке файлов реестра, все происходит в автоматическом режиме. Удобная установка, необходимо лишь запустить файл установщика, и дождаться завершения инсталляции программы на персональный компьютер. Пользователи данной программы испытывают большой прирост в скорости передачи пакетов данных, пинг уменьшается на 50%. Отсутствие русского языка и поддержка всех онлайн игр. 

Leatrix Latency Fix screenshot 1

Leatrix Latency Fix is one of the best solutions available for those who game online. Latency is a major thorn in the side of gamers around the world. In fact, it is the number one complaint that games have when it comes to their player experiences which says a lot. Leatrix Latency Fix alleviates that problem by increasing the frequency of TCP your game and your computer allow.


  • Quick installation
  • Reduce latency in any game
  • Improve online gaming experience
  • Free to use

If that sounds technical, it is. Look at the process this way. When you log on to your favorite game, you are placed in a virtual line with thousands of other players. Each action you take online is totally dependant on your place in that line. If you are at the end of that line you will experience latency, if you are at the head of that line you don’t. Leatrix Latency Fix basically makes sure you are at the front of the line every time without affecting anyone else. As a guy that plays League of Legends, let me tell you just how important a program like this really is. Games like League of Legends require split-second choices and actions. One single second of hesitation will ensure you lose the game. Which will effectively ruin your gaming experience? This program works very well with any online game. In addition to that, it works very well with those who stream movies and videos through programs like Hulu or Netflix. No one likes a buffering video and Leatrix Latency Fix will help stop that from happening during your viewings.

The program set up it pretty straight forward and easy. I will warn you though, you will have to access the program as an administrator since it will change setting on your computer. After installation, you will have to reboot your computer so these changes will take effect. After that, you are pretty much set. You can log into whatever game you want to play and give it a good test to see how much of a change it did.

Improve your internet lag at the push of a button with this amazing program.

Windows Operating System
Administrator rights for installation
Internet Connection

Reduces game latency for smoother, more responsive play.

Easy to install and uninstall without technical knowledge.

Compatible with many different game types and systems.

May cause instability in some systems.

Only supports TCP based games.

May lead to temporary IP block due to suspicious activities.


image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner



image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


If you’re a gamer you need this cause it has worked wonders for me. It helps so much between my system and the gaming server and makes for a much more enjoyable experience. I have downloaded similar products in the past but this has worked the best which is why I felt the need to write this review.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


latrix latency is to reduce online gaming by increasing the frequency of tcp knowledge .this is useful to use that. that have an effective solution.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


As a hardcore raider who is constantly logging runs and streaming to multiple viewers, I need to have good latency in a game. There are not a ton of hardware fixes for a problem like this, and thus software such as Leatrix Latency Fix is a godsend when milliseconds count. Something that is as easy as downloading and using right out of the box that can reduce my latency in-game is something I would pay good money for.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Leatrix Latency Fix is exceptionally good for someone who has latency issues when gaming on multiplayer games due to my latency issues previously causing many issues when gaming. Essentially, this software reduces the delay when sending and receiving data from the game server. The software itself is free and considering the usefulness, it’s well worth a try. Overall, a great free piece of software.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Leatrix is the best software to use for gamers like myself. It helps you connect to better gateways and run a smoother connection for a better gaming experience. It removes lag and disconnects errors easily and efficiently without the hassle. IIt makes it easier to ping a better connection and has been the most effective software available to users like me.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


I love using Leatrix Latency Fix for Windows because it’s a program that has completely transformed by gaming experience. Not only has it plugged up problems with my connectivity but it has also totally resolved time leakage with respect to my device’s gateways. It’s been great in terms of getting me a smooth and flawless gaming experience from start to finish.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Leatrix Latency Fix for Windows is the best software available for online gamers. The Leatrix Latency Fix for Windows fix the problem by increasing the frequency of TCP on your game and allows your computer. The main features of this software is quick installation, it is used to reduce latency in games .Its free to use .Improve gaming experience.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Muhammad V.

Leatrix Latency Fix is a program designed to reduce latency and improve online gameplay in games such as World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Aion, Rift and other online games. It optimizes the network connection between the user’s computer and the game server. It also reduces game stutter and lag, improves game loading times and reduces ping spikes.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Jay Stuva

Leatrix Latency Fix software is great for anyone looking to improve their gaming performance. It’s easy to install and use, and it does a great job reducing lag and latency. I’ve noticed a dramatic improvement in my online gaming experience since I installed it. It also seems to improve game loading times. My overall internet connection speed is faster as well. It’s a great program that I would highly recommend to any gamer looking to improve their online performance.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Benjamin Mackenna

Leatrix Latency Fix is a software created to improve online gaming experience. It is easy to install and configure. I have found it helpful in reducing lag during online gaming sessions. The results are quite impressive, reducing latency by up to 40%. However, I have experienced some crashes and instability with some games.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Cameron G.

Leatrix Latency Fix helps reduce lag and improve network performance.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

James F.

Leatrix Latency Fix software is a lightweight and easy-to-use program that can potentially reduce network latency and improve online gaming performance.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Finn J.

Leatrix Latency Fix is a software designed to reduce latency in online gaming by optimizing network settings on Windows machines.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Leatrix Latency Fix is a software tool specifically designed to reduce your online gaming latency. It achieves this by increasing the frequency of TCP acknowledgements sent to the game server. The principal feature of this software is its ability to enhance the responsiveness of online games, providing a smoother, lag-free gaming experience.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Significantly improved my gaming experience by reducing lag.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Significantly improved my gaming connection.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Reduced gaming lag significantly, easy installation.

Significant improvement for online gaming.

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