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Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2015
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2015
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Сообщение «Эта версия утилиты устарела» в окне Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 201515 марта 2023
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The new version of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool was released on May 17, 2018.
Full version number is
What is Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool is a free tool for scanning infected computers under Microsoft Windows for viruses and eliminating the detected threats.
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool is not intended for long-term use as it does not protect your computer in the real-time mode. After the computer is disinfected, remove the tool and install the full-scale antivirus solution.
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool does not have a database update option. Download the version of the tool with the latest databases from the Kaspersky website each time you need to use it.
How to download Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool
Download the installer from the Kaspersky website.
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool does not have a database update feature. To get the application with the latest databases, download the application once again from the Kaspersky website.
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool features
- The tool does not require installation or removal.
- The tool is removed once its main window is closed. All files generated by the tool are removed from the system.
- The tool can be run from a removable media or a network drive.
What’s new in Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool
- Detection of adware and riskware.
- Notifications on outdated databases.
- Files are backed up before disinfection or removal.
- Protection against system files deletion has been added.
- Prevention of false detections has been added.
- Improved collection of statistics for Kaspersky Security Network.
- Launch through the command line.
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool – полезная программа, созданная для проверки компьютеров и ноутбуков на наличие зараженных файлов. Надежно защищает ПК от различных вирусов, троянов и другого. Обеспечивает полное удаление вредоносных программ за одно сканирование. Скачать и установить программу можно совершенно бесплатно.
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool относится к категории бесплатных, который за короткий период времени обнаружит и обезвредит все угрозы. Для этого, нужно скачать установочный файл, а после принять условия соглашения и запустить первое сканирование. Вместе с этим юзер получает все необходимое для удаления вирусов, шпионских программ, рекламного ПО, руткитов и другого. По окончанию проверки, приложения выдаст список зараженных объектов. К тому же, проверять можно не только жесткие диски ПК, но и другие накопители, в том числе и съемные. Проводить сканирование можно как в ручном, так и автоматическом режиме. Имеется полезная функция, после сканирования на вирусы, результат проверки можно отправлять на E-mail пользователя.
Имеется интегрированный планировщик задач, что позволяет создать образ полноценного антивируса. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool наделен понятным интерфейсом, который будет понятен каждому пользователю. Из негативного, отсутствует возможность обновления вирусных баз. Поэтому пользователи будет вынуждены самостоятельно обновлять программу на официальном сайте.
- Очищает оперативную память;
- Имеется служба поддержки;
- Проверка может осуществляться в ручном и автоматическом режиме;
- Простая и удобная командная строка;
- Подозрительные файлы перемещаются в карантин;
- Проверяет системные файлы и жесткий диск;
- Находит и удаляет шпионские программы и вирусы;
- Последние версии антивируса совместимы с Windows 8 и 10;
- Лечит ПК в режиме онлайн;
- Может сканировать съемные накопители.
- Низкие системные требования;
- Запускается из съемного или сетевого диска;
- Обновление программы в ручном режиме;
- Обнаружение зараженных файлов;
- Имеется функция резервного копирования данных;
- Имеется форум Касперского, где можно делиться информацией и задавать вопросы.
- Программа не обновляется автоматически;
- Иногда могут возникать проблемы при совместной работе с другими подобными приложениями;
- Рекомендуется запускать от имени администратора.
- In order to improve security awareness about new threats and their sources and in order to improve Your security protection level and to improve the information protection level You agree to automatically transfer the information below:
- Information about your computer hardware and software, including operating system and service packs installed, kernel objects, drivers, services, Internet Explorer extensions, printing extensions, Windows Explorer extensions, downloaded program files, active setup elements, control panel applets, host and registry records, browser types and e-mail clients that are generally not personally identifiable.
- The unique ID assigned to the Kaspersky Lab product installed on the User’s computer, the type and version number.
- Data about files to be scanned, including the name, size and checksums (MD5 and SHA256) of the file, the path template code, the file type code, a flag indicating whether the file is executable when a threat is detected, its name according to the Rightholder’s classification, a debugging detection flag, the ID of the vulnerability detected and its hazard class, the version, date and time of the last update of the anti-virus databases, the ID, version and type of record in the anti-virus database on which basis the detection occurred, the memory buffer with data on the use of the record, the ID of the software task that performed the scan, a flag for checking the reputation or signature of the file, the reason for its inclusion in the analyzed context and the serial number of the file in the context, a flag indicating that the file has a trusted signature, a flag indicating the file is trusted by Kaspersky Security Network, a flag indicating the critical importance of the file to the performance of the operating system.
- Information about the checksums (MD5 and SHA256) of the programs in the autorun list.
- Information about links in the autorun list pointing to web pages, including the normalized URL address of the web page, the type of protocol and port.
- Also files for which the risks of use by an intruder with the goal of harming the Computer, may be sent to Kaspersky Lab in full or in parts for additional checks. The obtained information is protected by the Rightholder in accordance with statutory requirements.
- To improve the quality of the product, the User agrees to provide Kaspersky Lab with the following information:
- Information about the version of the operating system (OS) installed on the computer and installed updates, Information about the Right Holder’s software installed on the computer, the name and version of the software including the installation date and the interface’s locale, versions of installed updates, the unique software installation identifier, and a unique computer identifier.
- Information about computer security check, including signs of auto start and successful completion of the test, sign test, the type of the progress and result of the test, the name and status of the installed anti-virus software and firewall.
- In order to obtain data on the prevalence and performance of the Software You agree to provide to the Rightholder with information about the usage of the Software, including the downloading of its additional components, scan statuses (started, paused and completed), error codes while downloading the Software, the duration of the Software operation, the number of identified threats, the installation of other software owned by the Rightholder, active disinfections attempts.
- The Software does not process any personally identifiable data and does not combine the processed data with any personal information. The information obtained is protected by the Rightholder in accordance with statutory requirements.
- The above data is processed and stored in a limited and protected partition on the user’s computer until sending. These data cannot be recovered after sending or uninstall the software.
- In order to obtain data on the prevalence and performance of the Software You agree to provide to the Google Analytics service with information about the usage of the Software, including the downloading of its additional components, scan statuses (started, paused and completed), error codes while downloading the Software, the duration of the Software operation, the number of identified threats, the installation of other software owned by the Rightholder, active disinfections attempts. Data transfer to the Google Analytics service is secured.
Kaspersky Lab protects the information received in accordance with applicable governing law and Kaspersky Lab’s rules.
Kaspersky Lab uses the information received only in an anonymized form as part of aggregated statistics. These aggregated statistics are generated automatically from the original information received and do not contain personal information or any other confidential information. Initial information received is destroyed upon accumulation (once a year). General statistics are kept indefinitely.
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