Кто получит windows 10 mobile

Официальный релиз операционной системы Windows 10 Mobile можно считать состоявшимся — в продажу поступили Lumia 950 и Lumia 950 XL под управлением этой платформы, а также инсайдерам стали доступны финальные сборки мобильной «десятки». А что насчет смартфонов предыдущего поколения под управлением Windows Phone 8 / 8.1? Мы решили собрать всю имеющуюся у нас информацию о грядущих обновлениях до Windows 10 Mobile. 

Кто обновится

17 марта 2016 года компания Microsoft объявила о старте распространения обновлений с Windows 10 Mobile для смартфонов Lumia старого поколения. Первыми апдейты получат: 

  • Lumia 435;
  • Lumia 535;
  • Lumia 635 (1 ГБ ОЗУ);
  • Lumia 640 / 640 XL;
  • Lumia 735; 
  • Lumia 830;
  • Lumia 930.

Для получения обновления необходимо установить приложение UpdateAdvisor, которое проверит смартфон на готовность к апгрейду и подскажет, что нужно сделать, если какие-то вещи мешают установке новой версии системы. Скачать приложение UpdateAdvisor для Windows Phone 8 можно в каталоге Windows Store.

Upgrade Advisor

Windows Phone 8

Обновление с Windows 10 Mobile не будет доступно для смартфонов Lumia с 512 МБ оперативной памяти, которые даже участвуют в программе тестирования Windows Insider Preview. Для установки Windows 10 Mobile необходимо обновление Lumia Denim.

Какие смартфоны получат обновление до Windows 10 Mobile

Полный список смартфонов, которые в итоге получат Windows 10 Mobile: 

  • Lumia 1520;
  • Lumia 930;
  • Lumia 640 / 640XL;
  • Lumia 730 / 735;
  • Lumia 830;
  • Lumia 532 / 535;
  • Lumia 540;
  • Lumia 635 / 636 / 638 1GB;
  • Lumia 430 / 435;
  • BLU Win HD w510u;
  • BLU Win HD LTE x150q;
  • MCJ Madosma Q501.

Видео-инструкция от Microsoft по обновлению до Windows 10 Mobile:

Устройства других производителей

К сожалению, практически ни одно устройство с Windows Phone 8 от сторонних производителей, кроме BLU и MCJ, не обновится до Windows 10 Mobile. В официальном списке от Microsoft нет ни аппаратов от HTC, ни флагмана от Samsung. При этом HTC выпустила флагман на Windows Phone 8 не так давно, и он имеет мощные характеристики. Видимо, поддержка устройства заброшена.

Эта статья будет оперативно обновляться по мере появления свежей информации из официальных или хотя бы неофициальных источников. Если вам есть что добавить, пишите в комментариях. 

  • Как Nokia проиграла в Android: рождение и мгновенная смерть Х-смартфонов
  • Теперь не боюсь за Windows: точки восстановления создаются каждый день. Вот как это настроить
  • Эта бесплатная утилита от Microsoft в разы ускоряет работу. Она существует ещё с Windows 95
  • Эта утилита показывает, где используется выбранный файл в Windows и что мешает удалить его
  • Мод Windows 10 для игр: тестирую Atlas OS, из которого вырезали лишнее ради производительности

Windows 10 Mobile Панель мониторинга учетной записи Майкрософт Еще…Меньше

Windows 10 Mobile: общие сведения

С 10 декабря 2019 г. пользователи Windows 10 Mobile больше не могут бесплатно получать от корпорации Майкрософт обновления системы безопасности, не связанные с безопасностью исправления, техническую поддержку и обновления технических сведений в Интернете. Поддержка может предоставляться сторонними компаниями или в рамках платных программ, но следует помнить, что служба поддержки Microsoft не будет предоставлять общедоступных обновлений или исправлений для Windows 10 Mobile.

Только модели устройств, для которых доступна операционная система Windows 10 Mobile версии 1709, поддерживаются до указанной даты. Для моделей телефонов Lumia 640 и 640 XL версия 1703 Window 10 Mobile была последней поддерживаемой версией ОС, ее поддержка прекращается 11 июня 2019 г. Дополнительные сведения см.в разделе Доступность Windows 10 Mobile для различных моделей устройств.

Окончание поддержки означает, что пользователи больше не будут получать обновления продукта или системы безопасности для операционной системы Windows 10 Mobile. Это соответствует нашей политике жизненного цикла поддержки. 

После окончания поддержки в течение трех месяцев будут создаваться автоматические или ручные резервные копии устройства с параметрами и некоторыми приложениями до 10 марта 2020 г.  Некоторые службы, включая отправку фотографий и восстановление устройства из существующей резервной копии устройства, могут продолжать работать в течение еще 12 месяцев после окончания поддержки.

Окончание поддержки означает, что возможности, связанные с функциями Xbox, будут ограничены или прекратятся. Кроме того, с 16 мая 2022 г. будут отключено получение достижений через устройства Windows Phone. Некоторые игры могут оставаться доступными локально на телефоне, но достижения не будут записываться в ваш профиль Xbox.

Нет, окончание поддержки Windows 10 Mobile применяется ко всем устройствам с Windows 10 Mobile.

Корпорация Майкрософт больше не продает и не производит устройства с Windows 10 Mobile. Свяжитесь с продавцом напрямую, чтобы обсудить возврат и возмещение средств.

После окончания поддержки Windows 10 Mobile мы рекомендуем клиентам перейти на поддерживаемое устройство с Android или iOS. Миссия корпорации Майкрософт состоит в том, чтобы каждый человек и каждая организация на планете могли достигнуть большего, и поэтому мы стремимся поддерживать наши мобильные приложения на этих платформах и устройствах.

Клиентам, которые хотят продолжать использовать устройство с Windows 10 Mobile после 10 декабря 2019 г., рекомендуется вручную создать резервную копию, перейдя в раздел Параметры -> Обновление и безопасность -> Служба архивации -> Дополнительные параметры и выбрав элемент Создать резервную копию до этой даты.

У нас нет планов удаления предыдущих обновлений Windows 10 Mobile из Центра обновления Windows.

Да. Ваше устройство с Windows 10 Mobile продолжит работать после 10 декабря 2019 г., но не будет получать обновления после этой даты (в том числе обновления для системы безопасности). Кроме того, функция резервного копирования устройства и другие внутренние службы станут недоступными, как описано выше.

Чтобы посмотреть, какая версия операционной системы Windows Phone установлена на телефоне, выполните следующие действия.

  • Перейдите в раздел Параметры -> Система -> Об устройстве.

  • Выберите элемент Дополнительные сведения.

    • В разделе Программное обеспечение появится Windows 10 Mobile.

    • В разделе Сборка ОС отображается 10.0.15254.<xxxx>, где <xxxx>обозначает определенную сборку исправления. Содержимое каждой сборки исправления описано на странице Журнал обновлений Windows 10.

Коммерческие компании

Корпорация Майкрософт работает со многими коммерческими компаниями, чтобы помочь им в успешной миграции на поддерживаемую платформу до даты окончания поддержки.

Технологии развивались вместе с требованиями и ожиданиями клиентов и партнеров, которые уже внедрили современные платформы и устройства Android или iOS. Миссия корпорации Майкрософт состоит в том, чтобы каждый человек и каждая организация на планете могли достигнуть большего, и поэтому мы стремимся поддерживать наши мобильные приложения на платформах и устройствах Android или iOS.

Поддержка Windows 10 Mobile для потребителей и компаний прекращается в один и тот же день. Корпорация Майкрософт рекомендует всем клиентам перейти на поддерживаемое устройство с Android или iOS. Корпоративным клиентам необходимо обратиться к группе работы с заказчиками, если у них есть дополнительные вопросы.

Дата окончания поддержки применяется ко всем продуктам Windows 10 Mobile, в том числе Windows 10 Mobile и Windows 10 Mobile Корпоративная. Чтобы посмотреть, какая версия операционной системы Windows Mobile установлена на устройстве, выполните следующие действия.

  • Перейдите в раздел Параметры -> Система -> Об устройстве.

  • Выберите элемент Дополнительные сведения.

  • В разделе Программное обеспечение отображается ОС.

Нужна дополнительная помощь?

Нужны дополнительные параметры?

Изучите преимущества подписки, просмотрите учебные курсы, узнайте, как защитить свое устройство и т. д.

В сообществах можно задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, отправлять отзывы и консультироваться с экспертами разных профилей.

Новость о начале рассылки Windows 10 для смартфонов мгновенно разошлась по Интернету и различным сообществам любителей Microsoft и Windows Phone. Чтобы внести максимальную ясность и избежать конфузов пользователей, вашему вниманию список поддерживаемых смартфонов, способных установить Windows 10 Technical Preview, а также список поддерживаемых языков.

В данный момент поддерживаются следующие смартфоны:

Nokia: Lumia 630, Lumia 635, Lumia 636, Lumia 638, Lumia 730, Lumia 830

В данный момент не поддерживаются следующие смартфоны:

Nokia: Lumia 520, Lumia 525, Lumia 620, Lumia 625, Lumia 720, Lumia 735, Lumia 820 (и операторские версии), Lumia 920, Lumia 925, Lumia 930, Lumia 1020, Lumia 1320, Lumia 1520.
Microsoft: Lumia 435, Lumia 532, Lumia 535.
Samsung: ATIV S, ATIV Odyssey, ATIV SE.
HTC: 8S, 8X, One M8 for Windows
Huawei: Ascend W1, Ascend W2

И все остальные смартфоны на Windows Phone 8.X.

Windows 10 Technical Preview доступно на следующих языках: русский, арабский, испанский, чешский, датский, английский, финский, французский, немецкий, хинди, итальянский, японский, корейский, польский, португальский, шведский, тайский, турецкий и вьетнамский.

Если ваш телефон подходит под требования, самое время скачать Windows 10 для смартфонов. Если желаете, конечно. Мы будем обновлять эту страницу, добавляя новые устройства по мере того, как Microsoft будет рассылать апдейты для большего количества устройств. Следите за нашим сайтом и не пропустите обновлений. Вы также можете следить за списком поддерживаемых устройств на официальном сайте Microsoft.

For the similarly-named Windows CE-based operating system, see Windows Mobile.

Windows 10 Mobile

Screenshot of Windows 10 Mobile home screen

Developer Microsoft Corporation
OS family Windows 10
Working state No longer supported
Released to
November 20, 2015; 7 years ago[1]
March 17, 2016; 7 years ago
Final release 10.0.15254.603 (KB4535289)[2] / January 14, 2020; 3 years ago
Update method Windows Update[3]
Package manager XAP, APPX
Platforms ARM 32-bit,[4] ARM 64-bit
Kernel type Hybrid (Windows NT)
Preceded by Windows Phone 8.1 (2014)
Windows RT (2012)
Succeeded by Microsoft Launcher via Android in Surface Duo (2020)
Support status
Version 1511 November Update: Unsupported as of January 9, 2018[5]

Version 1607 Anniversary Update: Unsupported as of October 9, 2018[6]

Version 1703 Creators Update: Unsupported as of June 11, 2019[7]

Version 1709 Fall Creators Update:
Mainstream support ended on December 10, 2019

Extended support ended on January 14, 2020[8][9]

Windows 10 Mobile is a discontinued mobile operating system developed by Microsoft. First released in 2015, it is a successor to Windows Phone 8.1, but was marketed by Microsoft as being an edition of its PC operating system Windows 10.[10][11]

Windows 10 Mobile aimed to provide greater consistency with its counterpart for PCs, including more extensive synchronization of content, Universal Windows Platform apps, as well as the capability, on supported hardware, to connect devices to an external display and use a desktop interface with mouse and keyboard input support (reminiscent of Windows on PCs). Microsoft built tools for developers to port iOS Objective-C apps with minimal modifications. Windows Phone 8.1 smartphones are eligible for upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile, pursuant to manufacturer and carrier support.[12] Some features vary depending on hardware compatibility.[13]

Windows 10 Mobile was designed for use on smartphones and phablets running on 32-bit ARM processor architectures.[4] Microsoft also intended for the platform to be used on ARM tablets with screens 9 inches or smaller in size, but such devices were rarely commercially released. Windows 10 Mobile entered public beta for selected Lumia smartphones on February 12, 2015.[14] The first Lumia smartphones powered by Windows 10 Mobile were released on November 20, 2015, while eligible Windows Phone devices began receiving updates to Windows 10 Mobile on March 17, 2016, pursuant to manufacturer and carrier support.

The platform never achieved any significant degree of popularity or market share in comparison to Android or iOS. By 2017, Microsoft had already begun to downplay Windows 10 Mobile, having discontinued active development (beyond maintenance releases) due to a lack of user and developer interest in the platform, and focused on serving incumbent mobile operating systems as part of its software and services strategy. Support for Windows 10 Mobile ended on January 14, 2020. As of November 2021, Windows 10 Mobile had approximately a 0.01% share of the mobile operating system market.[15]


Microsoft had already begun the process of unifying the Windows platform across device classes in 2012; Windows Phone 8 dropped the Windows CE-based architecture of its predecessor, Windows Phone 7,[16] for a platform built upon the NT kernel that shared much of the same architecture with its PC counterpart Windows 8 including file system (NTFS), networking stack, security elements, graphics engine (DirectX), device driver framework and hardware abstraction layer.[17][18] At Build 2014, Microsoft also unveiled the concept of Universal Windows Apps. With the addition of Windows Runtime support to these platforms, apps created for Windows 8.1 could now be ported to Windows Phone 8.1 and Xbox One while sharing a common codebase with their PC counterparts. User data and licenses for an app could also be shared between multiple platforms.[19]

In July 2014, Microsoft’s then-new CEO Satya Nadella explained that the company was planning to «streamline the next version of Windows from three operating systems into one single converged operating system for screens of all sizes», unifying Windows, Windows Phone, and Windows Embedded around a common architecture and a unified application ecosystem. However, Nadella stated that these internal changes would not have any effect on how the operating systems are marketed and sold.[20][21]

On September 30, 2014, Microsoft unveiled Windows 10; Terry Myerson explained that Windows 10 would be Microsoft’s «most comprehensive platform ever», promoting plans to provide a «unified» platform for desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and all-in-one devices.[22][23] Windows 10 on phones was publicly unveiled during the Windows 10: The Next Chapter press event on January 21, 2015; unlike previous Windows Phone versions, it would also expand the platform’s focus to small, ARM-based tablets. Microsoft’s previous attempt at an operating system for ARM-based tablets, Windows RT (which was based upon the PC version of Windows 8), was commercially unsuccessful.[24]

During the 2015 Build keynote, Microsoft announced the middleware toolkit «Islandwood», later known as Windows Bridge for iOS, which provides a toolchain that can assist developers in porting Objective-C software (primarily iOS projects) to build as Universal Windows Apps.[25][26] An early build of Windows Bridge for iOS was released as open source software under the MIT License on August 6, 2015.[26][27] Visual Studio 2015 can also convert Xcode projects into Visual Studio projects.[26][28][29] Microsoft also announced plans for a toolkit codenamed «Centennial»,[30] which would allow desktop Windows software using Win32 APIs to be ported to Windows 10 Mobile.[31]

Project Astoria[edit]

At Build, Microsoft had also announced an Android runtime environment for Windows 10 Mobile known as «Astoria», which would allow Android apps to run in an emulated environment with minimal changes, and have access to Microsoft platform APIs such as Bing Maps and Xbox Live as nearly drop-in replacements for equivalent Google Mobile Services. Google Mobile Services and certain core APIs would not be available, and apps with «deep integration into background tasks» were said to poorly support the environment.[32][33]

On February 25, 2016, after already having delayed it in November 2015,[31][34] Microsoft announced that «Astoria» would be shelved, arguing that it was redundant to the native Windows Bridge toolkit since iOS is already a primary target for mobile app development. The company also encouraged use of products from Xamarin (which they had acquired the previous day) for multi-platform app development using C# programming language instead.[30][35] Portions of Astoria were used as a basis for the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) platform on the PC version of Windows 10.[36]


To promote it as being unified with its desktop equivalent, Microsoft promoted the operating system as being an edition of Windows 10. Microsoft had begun to phase out specific references to the Windows Phone brand in its advertising in mid-2014, but critics have still considered the operating system to be an iteration and continuation of Windows Phone due to its lineage and similar overall functionality. Microsoft referred to the OS as «Windows 10 for phones and small tablets» during its unveiling,[37] and leaked screenshots from a Technical Preview build identified the operating system as «Windows 10 Mobile».[38][39][40][41] The technical preview was officially called the «Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones»,[42] while the user agent of Microsoft Edge contained a reference to «Windows Phone 10».[43]

On May 13, 2015, Microsoft officially confirmed the platform would be known as Windows 10 Mobile.[10][44]


A major aspect of Windows 10 Mobile is a focus on harmonizing user experiences and functionality between different classes of devices—specifically, devices running the PC-oriented version of Windows 10. Under the Universal Windows Platform concept, Windows Runtime apps for Windows 10 on PC can be ported to other platforms in the Windows 10 family with nearly the same codebase, but with adaptations for specific device classes. Windows 10 Mobile also shares user interface elements with its PC counterpart, such as the updated Action Center and settings menu.[19][24][37][38][45] During its initial unveiling, Microsoft presented several examples of Windows apps that would have similar functionality and user interfaces between Windows 10 on desktops and mobile devices, including updated Photos and Maps apps, and new Microsoft Office apps.[46][47][48] Although marketed as a converged platform, and as with Windows Phone 8, using a Windows NT-based kernel, Windows 10 Mobile still cannot run Win32 desktop applications, but is compatible with software designed for Windows Phone 8.[49]

Notifications can be synced between devices; dismissing a notification on, for example, a laptop, will also dismiss it from a phone. Certain types of notifications now allow inline replies. The start screen now has the option to display wallpapers as a background of the screen behind translucent tiles, rather than within the tiles.[50] The messaging app adds support for internet-based Skype messaging alongside SMS, similarly to Apple’s iMessage, and can synchronize these conversations with other devices.[39][51] The camera app has been updated to match the «Lumia Camera» app previously exclusive to Lumia products,[51] and a new Photos app aggregates content from local storage and OneDrive, and can perform automatic enhancements to photos.[51] The on-screen keyboard now contains a virtual pointing stick for manipulating the text editing cursor, a dedicated voice input button, and can be shifted towards the left or right of the screen to improve one-handed usability on larger devices.[38][51][52]

Windows 10 Mobile supports «Continuum», a feature that allows supported devices to connect to an external display, and scale its user interface and apps into a «PC-like» desktop interface with support for mouse and keyboard input over USB or Bluetooth.[53][54] Devices can connect directly to external displays wirelessly using Miracast,[55] via USB-C, or via docking station accessories with USB ports, as well as HDMI and DisplayPort outputs.[56]

A new iteration of the Office Mobile suite, Office for Windows 10, is also bundled. Based upon the Android and iOS versions of Office Mobile, they introduce a new user interface with a variation of the ribbon toolbar used by the desktop version, and a new mobile version of Outlook. Outlook utilizes the same rendering engine as the Windows desktop version of Microsoft Word.[45][46][57] Microsoft Edge replaces Internet Explorer Mobile as the default web browser.[58]


Windows 10 Mobile’s first-party launch devices—the Lumia 950, Lumia 950 XL, and Lumia 550—were released in November 2015 being the first phones to ship with Windows 10 Mobile.[59][60] Monthly updates to the OS software are being released to address bugs and security issues. These updates are distributed to all Windows 10 Mobile devices and do not require the intervention of a user’s wireless carrier in order to authorize their distribution. Firmware upgrades will still require authorization by the user’s carrier.[61]

The Windows Insider program, adopted to provide a public beta for the PC version of Windows 10,[62] is used to provide a public beta version of Windows 10 Mobile for selected devices.[63] A build released on April 10, 2015, was to support most second and third generation Lumia products, but the Lumia 930, Lumia Icon, and Lumia 640 XL did not receive the update due to scaling bugs, and delivery was suspended as a whole due to backup and restore issues on some models.[64][65] An update to the Windows Phone Recovery Tool resolved these concerns,[66] and delivery of Windows 10 updates was restored to the 520 with build 10052, and to the 640 with build 10080.[67]

Build number 10136 was released on June 16, 2015, with a «migration bug» that required that existing devices on build 10080 be reverted to Windows Phone 8.1 using the Recovery Tool before the installation of 10136 could proceed.[68] This migration bug was fixed a week later with the release of build 10149.[69] Mobile builds of the Redstone branch till 14322 were halted for the device Lumia 635 (1 GB RAM) due to bugs.[3]

Upgrade release[edit]

Some Windows Phone 8.1 smartphones can be upgraded to Windows 10 Mobile, pursuant to hardware compatibility, manufacturer support, and carrier support. Not all phones can receive the update nor support all of its features.[12][63] Microsoft originally stated that stable upgrades for Windows Phone 8.1 devices would be released in December 2015; however, the release was ultimately delayed to March 17, 2016.[70][71] Among first-party devices, only the Lumia 430, 435, 532, 535, 540, 635 (1 GB RAM), 640, 640 XL, 735, 830, 929, 930 and 1520 are supported. The only third-party devices supported are the BLU Products Win HD w510u and Win HD LTE x150q, and the MCJ Madosma Q501. Windows 10 Mobile does not officially support any HTC devices (HTC One M8 for Windows, HTC Windows Phone 8X, HTC Windows Phone 8S), although the HTC One M8 for Windows could be upgraded to the public release version of Windows 10 Mobile through the Windows Insider program. While Microsoft stated that the Nokia Lumia Icon may be upgraded at a later date, the company stated that there will not be a second wave of officially supported devices. Microsoft also removed statements which promoted the BLU Win JR LTE as being compatible with Windows 10.[72][73][74]

Microsoft originally stated that all Lumia smartphones running Windows Phone 8 and 8.1 would receive updates to 10, but Microsoft later reiterated that only devices with the «Lumia Denim» firmware revision and at least 8 GB of internal storage would receive the upgrade.[52][60] In February 2015, Joe Belfiore stated that Microsoft was working on support for devices with 512 MB of RAM, (such as the popular Nokia Lumia 520),[63] but these plans have since been dropped.[75] Upon the official upgrade release, some Lumia models, particularly the Lumia 1020 and 1320, were excluded despite meeting the previously announced criteria. Microsoft cited poor user feedback on the performance of preview builds on these models as reasoning.[76] On October 17, 2017, Nearly 2 years after the Windows 10 release, Microsoft released an Over-The-Cable (OTC) Updater tool to bring all Lumias up to date to the latest supported Windows 10 build, even older 512 MB and 1 GB RAM unlocked devices such as the 520, 620, 720, 925, 920 etc. which were updated using the tool to Build 10586 (November Update).[77]


Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL, Microsoft’s last flagship devices running Windows 10 Mobile.

As with Windows Phone, Windows 10 Mobile supports ARM system-on-chips from Qualcomm’s Snapdragon line. In March 2015, Ars Technica reported that the operating system will also introduce support for IA-32 system-on-chips from Intel and AMD, including Intel’s Atom x3 and Cherry Trail Atom x5 and x7, and AMD’s Carrizo.[78] These plans never materialized.[4][79]

Minimum specifications for Windows 10 Mobile devices are similar to those of Windows Phone 8, with a minimum screen resolution of 800×480 (854×480 if software buttons are in use), 1 GB of RAM and 8 GB of internal storage.[4] Owing to hardware advancements and the operating system’s support for tablets, screen resolutions can now reach as high as QSXGA resolution (2560×2048) and further, as opposed to the 1080p cap of Windows Phone 8. The minimum amount of RAM required is dictated by the screen’s resolution; screens with a resolution 800×480 or 960×540 and higher require 1 GB, 1920×1080 (FHD) or 1440×900 and higher require 2 GB, and 2560×1440 and higher require 3 GB.[4]

Microsoft unveiled flagship Lumia smartphones bundled with Windows 10 during a media event on October 6, 2015, including Lumia 950, Lumia 950 XL, and the low-end Lumia 550.[59]

Version history[edit]

First release (version 1511)[edit]

Microsoft announced Windows 10 Mobile during their January 21, 2015 event «The Next Chapter». The first Windows 10 Mobile build was rolled out on February 12, 2015, as part of the Windows Insider Program to a subset of mobile devices running Windows Phone 8 and 8.1. As with the desktop editions of Windows 10, this initial release was codenamed «Threshold», it was part of both the «Threshold 1» and «Threshold 2» development cycles.[80][81] Windows 10 Mobile launched with the Microsoft Lumia 550, 950 and 950 XL. The rollout for Windows Phone 8.1 devices started March 17, 2016.[82]

Anniversary Update (version 1607)[edit]

On February 19, 2016, Microsoft restarted the rollout of full builds for the first feature update, officially known as the «Anniversary Update» or «Version 1607»,[83] codenamed «Redstone 1«. Like the start of the previous wave, the first builds were not available to all devices that were included in the Windows Insider Program.[84][85]

Creators Update (version 1703) and Fall Creators Update (version 1709)[edit]

The Creators Update (named after the equivalent update to Windows 10 for PC), also known as Redstone 2, was first previewed on the Insider branch on August 17, 2016.[86] and began deployment on April 25, 2017. It features mainly minor feature additions, including an e-book reader within Edge, the ability to turn off the phone screen when using Continuum mode on an external display, SMS support in Skype, SD card encryption, and other changes. Despite the platform’s synergy with Windows 10 for PCs, some of its features (such as Night Light and Paint 3D) were excluded.[87][88] Around the time that the Creators Update was finalized, Windows Insider users began to be issued updates on a branch known as feature2. Microsoft stated that there were no plans to move Windows 10 Mobile to be in sync with the other Windows 10-platforms just yet; media outlets considered this decision to be a sign that Microsoft was beginning to wind down active development of Windows 10 Mobile beyond maintenance releases, as development was no longer directly in sync with the PC version.[89][90]

The Creators Update was only offered to eleven existing Windows 10 Mobile devices, of which nine would later receive the Fall Creators Update:[91][92]

  • Alcatel Idol 4S and 4S Pro
  • Alcatel OneTouch Fierce XL
  • HP Elite x3
  • Lenovo Softbank 503LV
  • MCJ Madosma Q601 †
  • Microsoft Lumia 550
  • Microsoft Lumia 640 and 640 XL †
  • Microsoft Lumia 650
  • Microsoft Lumia 950 and 950 XL
  • Trinity NuAns Neo
  • VAIO Phone Biz (VPB051)

† indicates a phone that is incompatible with the Fall Creators Update.

In early June 2017, a private build, briefly deployed by accident by Microsoft, revealed work on an updated interface for Windows 10 Mobile known as «CShell» («composable shell»), an implementation of the Windows shell across device classes using a modular system. The build featured a Start screen, Action Center, and Continuum desktop interface that were nearly identical in functionality and appearance to their equivalents on Windows 10 for PC. However, this iteration of the operating system was no longer backwards compatible with Windows Phone Silverlight apps.[93][94][95]


Year Marketshare
2016 0.34%[96]
2017 0.1%[96]
2018 0.04%[96]
2019 0.02%[96]

Reception of Windows 10 Mobile was mixed. In its review of the Lumia 950 XL, The Verge felt that the platform was «buggy and unfinished», and that its user interface was inconsistent in operation and felt more like Android mixed with few of the distinct design elements that were hallmarks of Windows Phone. It was noted that the OS still retained much of the performance of Windows Phone 8, and that Microsoft had made efforts to create synergies with the PC version of Windows 10 via its universal apps concept. Continuum was regarded as potentially being a signature feature over time, but that it was merely a «parlor trick» in its launch state due to a lack of support for desktop-oriented interfaces among third-party software.[97] TechRadar felt that the lack of apps was the «biggest let-down on Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile alike.»[98] After many user complaints, Microsoft started allowing users to downgrade from Windows 10 Mobile to Windows Phone 8.1.[99]

Financial results[edit]

According to the Form 10-K For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2016[100] revenue from Phone business was $3,358 million comparing to $7,702 million in 2015 and $3,073 million in 2014.

Phone product and service offerings

2016 2015 2014
Revenue from external customers (in millions) 3,358 7,702 3,073

The year before, Microsoft Corporation disclosed[101] information on sales of Phone Hardware:

Phone hardware

2015 2014
Revenue (in millions) 7,524 1,982
Operating income (in millions) 701 54

In addition, in the Form 10-K For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015[101] corporation disclosed that management decided to spend «$2.5 billion of integration and restructuring expenses, primarily costs associated with restructuring plans» which includes the cost of mass dismissal of staff.[102]


On October 8, 2017, Microsoft executive Joe Belfiore revealed that the company would no longer actively develop new features or hardware for Windows phones, citing its low market share, and the resultant lack of third-party software for the platform. Microsoft had largely abandoned its mobile business, having laid off the majority of Microsoft Mobile employees in 2016,[103] sold a number of intellectual property and manufacturing assets (including, in particular, the Nokia feature phone business) to HMD Global and Foxconn (which began producing Android-based smartphones under the Nokia brand)[104] focused software efforts on providing apps and services compatible with the incumbent Android and iOS instead, and having since released dual-touchscreen Android smartphones under the Surface Duo brand.[105] Development of Windows 10 Mobile would be limited to maintenance releases and patches.[106][107][108] By December 2018, Statcounter had reported Windows 10 Mobile’s market share to be 0.33%.[109]

In January 2019, Microsoft announced that Windows 10 Mobile would reach end of life on December 10, 2019, after which no further security updates will be released, and online services tied to the OS (such as device backup) have begun to be phased out.[110][111] However, Microsoft quietly moved the EOL date to January 14, 2020 (aligned with the EOL date for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008/R2 and Internet Explorer 10) with one additional security update released.[112][113]


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  2. ^ «January 14, 2020—KB4535289 Update for Windows 10 Mobile (OS Build 15254.603)». Microsoft. Retrieved January 14, 2020.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Windows 10 Mobile is a discontinued mobile operating system developed by Microsoft. It was released to manufacturing on November 20, 2015, and was made generally available on March 17, 2016. In October 2017, Microsoft announced that it would pause the active development of Windows 10 Mobile, and future development will be limited to maintenance releases and security patches. The last feature update is the Fall Creators Update. The last version of Windows 10 Mobile reached the end of life on January 14, 2020. Development for Windows 10 Mobile has completely ceased since then.

Version history[edit]

Version 1511 (November Update)[edit]

Windows 10 Mobile November Update, also known as version 1511 and codenamed «Threshold 2», is the first major update to Windows 10 Mobile and the only one in a series of updates under the «Threshold» codenames. It carries the build number 10.0.10586. It was released to the public on November 12, 2015.

The update reached end of service on January 9, 2018.[1]

Preview versions of Windows 10, version 1511
Version Release date(s) Highlights
9941.12498[2][3] Fast and slow ring:
February 12, 2015

This is the first public Windows 10 mobile pre-release build. It includes various changes from the operating system’s predecessor, Windows Phone 8.1. The changes include an updated Start Screen where the wallpaper is displayed behind translucent tiles rather than within them and Live Tiles that can has a new tall size option for apps that support it. This feature would be removed in subsequent builds.[4] Further changes to the Start screen includes app list redesigned with wallpaper as background, recent installed apps being shown at top, and the ability to search for apps though a prominent search box rather than a search button.[5][6]

Other changes include changes to the general user experience, including the ability to expand notifications, actionable notifications,[7] Action Center with additional settings toggles and same design across Windows 10 devices. The keyboard has been updated to contains virtual pointing stick for text selection and a voice input button.[5] With this build, notifications can be synchronized between other Windows 10 devices. Furthermore, pressing and holding on any toggle in Action Center takes the user to respective settings of that option[8] When shutting down the device the OS displays a reminder of coming calendar events on screen[4][6][9]

Security features for this build include device encryption option.

New apps included in this build include a new file explorer app,[10] an Alarms app, adding world clock, timer, and stopwatch modes,[11] and a calculator app with a built in unit converter,[12] The web browser rendering engine of Microsoft Edge is hosted in Internet Explorer, with the intention of Internet Explorer being replaced by Microsoft Edge in later builds.[13] The system’s default camera app is now an updated version of the Lumia Camera app. Other apps include the photos app with OneDrive synchronization, collections and automatic photo enhancements, and the universal Sound recording app. The operating system also introduces the universal Settings app ported from the PC version.[4][6]

10.0.10052[14][15][16] Fast ring:
April 21, 2015
10.0.10136[17][18] Fast ring:
June 16, 2015

Microsoft introduces the Reachability feature for 5″ devices and above, allowing users to press and hold the Windows button for entire screen to slide down fore easier reach topmost UI elements. Battery Saver now displays detailed information on an application’s battery usage concerning lighting up the screen, running the processor or transferring data[19]

The settings app offers Split-view when in landscape mode on higher-res displays, offering a UI almost identical to that on the PC[20]

«Project Spartan» web browser adds the following features: InPrivate mode, secure sites – marked with a badge, full-screen videos, a «Save as» option for web images to convert files into .png or .jpg images [21] (in later betas, and released Windows 10, this app is branded as Microsoft Edge)

Other changes include 3G only setting for highest connection speed, more improvements to Cortana, the ability enable and disable OneDrive backups for individual applications, Digital video stabilization, and VPN Point to Point Tunnelling Protocol (PPTP) and Secure Socket Tunnelling Protocol (SSTP).

This build also has several minor UI changes, including the All Apps letter ‘jump’ buttons are ALL CAPS instead of lower case, search box replacing the search button at the top of the all apps list

Internet Explorer Mobile is removed from this build.

Fast ring:
June 25, 2015
Slow ring:
July 8, 2015

«Project Spartan» is now branded as Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Edge gained option to view a website as «desktop» or «mobile». The browser’s address bar moved to bottom of the screen

This build brings updated icons and visuals (including visual controls). Flashlight toggle is added as a quick action in the Action Center.[24] Quiet hours now has to be enabled from Cortana’s notebook. Option for hiding notification panes on the lockscreen has been added. Finally, download limit on 3G networks removed.

The Photos app now shows albums (Camera roll, screenshots, saved photos);it also gained support for opening .gif files. Automatic camera roll back up is now enabled from the OneDrive application. The built-in camera application now supports Face detection[25]

This build also adds support for HTTP Live Streaming.



Fast ring:
July 10, 2015

Slow ring:
July 22, 2015

This build finally removes the legacy Windows Phone 8.1 app store leaving only the Windows 10 version of the store app. Consequently, the Windows 10 store app loses the beta label.

Version Release date(s) Highlights
Public versions of Windows 10, version 1511
Version Release date(s) Highlights
Version 1511
Fast ring:
November 5, 2015

Slow ring:
November 9, 2015

Public release:
November 12, 2015

This is the first Released to Manufacturing (RTM) build of Windows 10. It was released to device manufacturers to be preloaded on their devices.

In this build BitLocker adds support for XTS-AES encryption algorithm.[31] Other security related features include Enhanced Credential Guard.[32] In the Settings app, under Privacy, Call History and Email are now included.[33] Starting with this build, Windows Spotlight is available on the Windows 10 Pro edition.



Fast, slow ring and public release:
November 18, 2015


Fast, slow ring and public release:
December 8, 2015


Fast, slow ring and public release:
December 17, 2015


Slow ring and public release:
January 12, 2016


Slow ring and public release:
January 27, 2016
10.0.10586.107 Fast, slow ring and public release:
November 24, 2015[46][47][48]


Slow ring, release preview and public release:
March 2, 2016


Slow ring, release preview and public release:
March 8, 2016


Release preview and public release:
April 12, 2016


Release preview:
April 27, 2016

This cumulative update brings improved UI for tracking data under Networking and Wireless > Data Usage in the Settings app.



Release preview and public release:
May 10, 2016

This update enables UWP games and apps to unlock framerate. This will allow UWP games to disable V-Sync and enable the use of third party features such as G-Sync and Freesync.[62][63]



Release preview:
May 31, 2016


Release preview and public release:
June 14, 2016


Release preview:
June 29, 2016


Release preview and public release:
July 12, 2016


Release preview and public release:
August 9, 2016


Release preview and public release:
November 14, 2016
Version Release date(s) Highlights

Version 1607 (Anniversary Update)[edit]

Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update, also known as version 1607 and codenamed «Redstone 1»,[70][71][72][73] is the second major update to Windows 10 Mobile and the first in a series of updates under the «Redstone» codenames.[72][74][75] It carries the build number 10.0.14393. The first preview was released on February 19, 2016. It was released to the public on August 16, 2016.[76][77]

The update reached end of service after the release of build 14393.2551 on October 9, 2018.[78]

Preview versions of Windows 10, version 1607
Version Release date(s) Highlights
Fast ring:
February 19, 2016
  • New music search icon in Cortana
  • Improvements to Microsoft Edge and Messaging + Skype
  • Reliability improvements for keyboards with large dictionaries
Fast ring:
February 24, 2016
  • New Visual Voicemail feature for dual-SIM devices
  • Re-enabled history feature in People app
Fast ring:
March 10, 2016
  • Improvements to the Phone, Outlook Mail and Calendar apps
Fast ring:
March 17, 2016
  • Improvements to Microsoft Edge
  • New Japanese one-handed kana touch keyboard
  • New Feedback Hub app
  • Improvements to Word Flow recognition of longer words
Fast ring:
March 25, 2016

Slow ring:
March 30, 2016

Fast ring:
April 14, 2016
  • Improvements to the Action Center, Notifications, Cortana, Microsoft Edge and Lock screen experience
  • Updated the Settings app
    • New icons for individual settings pages
    • New Navigation bar settings page and vibration setting
    • Updated Battery Settings and Battery Saving Experience
    • Glance screen settings have moved
    • Updated Windows Update Settings
  • New emoji
  • Added USB Ethernet Support with Continuum
  • New comment feature in the Feedback Hub
Fast ring:
April 20, 2016
  • New Messaging Everywhere feature
  • Enabled Cortana for more languages
Fast ring:
April 22, 2016
  • Improvements to Start experience
Fast ring:
April 26, 2016
  • Improvements to the share UI for Cortana Reminders
  • Reliability improvements to the Chinese IME
Fast ring:
May 16, 2016

Slow ring:
May 31, 2016

  • New swipe navigation feature in Microsoft Edge
  • New Apps for websites feature
  • Improvements to Feedback Hub
  • Increased font size and improved spacing of the data migration page
  • Polished media controls interface on the Lock screen
  • Improved performance when retrieving updated GPS coordinates while driving
Fast ring:
June 1, 2016
  • Improvements to Cortana and Glance screen
  • Updated the UI for rearranging Quick Actions in the Settings app
  • Updated thumbnail generation logic
  • Updated the Mobile Hotspot settings page
  • Reliability improvement to Cortana
Fast ring:
June 8, 2016
  • Improvements to Settings
  • Polished the notification dismissal model
  • Reliability improvement to Cortana
  • Introduced one-handed keyboard for 5-inch devices
Fast ring:
June 14, 2016
  • Minor visual enhancements to the Settings app
Fast ring:
June 16, 2016

Slow ring:
June 21, 2016

Fast ring:
June 21, 2016
  • New Microsoft Wallet app
Fast ring:
June 23, 2016

Slow ring:
June 28, 2016

Fast ring:
June 28, 2016
  • Updated the Gadgets app
  • Messaging Everywhere has been removed from the Messaging app
Fast ring:
June 30, 2016
Fast ring:
July 7, 2016
  • Improved battery performance for turning the screen on and off to look at the lock screen
Fast ring:
July 9, 2016
  • Improved battery performance on older devices
Fast ring:
July 12, 2016

Slow ring:
July 15, 2016

Fast ring:
July 15, 2016
Version Release date(s) Highlights
Public versions of Windows 10, version 1607
Version Release date(s) Highlights
Fast ring:
July 18, 2016

Slow ring:
July 20, 2016
Release preview:
July 28, 2016

Fast and slow ring:
July 22, 2016
Fast ring:
July 25, 2016

Slow ring and release preview:
July 28, 2016

Version 1607
Fast, slow ring and release preview:
August 9, 2016

Public release:
August 16, 2016

Release preview:
August 23, 2016
Slow ring and release preview:
August 25, 2016
Slow ring and Release preview:
September 7, 2016
Slow ring and release preview:
September 14, 2016
Public release:
September 15, 2016
Slow ring and release preview:
September 26, 2016
Slow ring, release preview and public release:
October 11, 2016
Slow ring and release preview:
October 20, 2016
Slow ring, release preview and public release:
November 9, 2016
Release preview:
November 29, 2016
Release preview and public release:
December 13, 2016
Release preview:
January 4, 2017
Release preview:
January 24, 2017
Release preview and public release:
March 14, 2017
Release preview and public release:
April 11, 2017
Public release:
May 9, 2017
Public release:
June 13, 2017
Public release:
June 27, 2017
Public release:
July 11, 2017
Public release:
August 8, 2017
Public release:
September 12, 2017
Public release:
October 10, 2017
Public release:
November 14, 2017
Public release:
December 12, 2017
Public release:
January 3, 2018
Public release:
February 13, 2018
Public release:
March 20, 2018
Public release:
April 10, 2018
Public release:
May 8, 2018
Public release:
June 12, 2018
Public release:
July 10, 2018
Public release:
August 14, 2018
Public release:
October 9, 2018
Version Release date(s) Highlights

Version 1703 (Creators Update)[edit]

Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update[145] also known as version 1703 and codenamed «Redstone 2»,[146] is the third major update to Windows 10 Mobile and the second in a series of updates under the «Redstone» codenames.[147] It carries the build number 10.0.15063. The first preview was released to Insiders on August 17, 2016. It was released to the public on April 25, 2017.

The update reached end of service after the release of build 15063.1868 on June 11, 2019.[148]

Preview versions of Windows 10, version 1703
Version Release date(s) Highlights
Fast ring:
August 17, 2016

With this build, narrator has been improved in regards to using common keyboard navigation in tables. Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O for focusing on the address bar is also added to Microsoft Edge. New system sounds and ringtones are added.

Fast ring:
August 31, 2016

Manually dragging MP3 or WMA files to the device’s «Ringtones» folder either from a PC or downloaded from within the device will allow the media to be available for use as ringtone or alarm.

Fast ring:
September 14, 2016

The same snooze feature from PC is available on mobile, along with the performance improvements in text-entry heavy sites. The Wi-Fi settings page from the PC makes its way to Mobile, set to replace the legacy Windows Phone 8.1 based Wi-Fi settings page. However, as of now, the legacy Wi-Fi settings page also remains as a temporary fallback.

Fast ring:
September 21, 2016

Slow ring:
October 5, 2016

The Windows Feedback Hub app has been updated to include a dark mode that can be set by the user or automatically based on system theme, a settings page, and author’s name in the details section of feedbacks. Other app updates include Windows Maps, which introduces the ability to check traffic for the commute route between home and work. The user can also see recently viewed traffic cameras for a particular rout. Finally, the app also includes a dark mode, which can be set by the user or automatically based on the system theme. The UWP Skype app also received an update to allow users to send SMS from their PC and relay it through their Windows Mobile device. Messages sent on Windows 10 Mobile will be visible on the PC and vice versa. This build also includes support for USB Audio 2.0 out of the box.[153]

Fast ring:
September 28, 2016
Fast ring:
October 7, 2016
  • Added address bar in Registry Editor
  • Few minor improvements towards system stability
Fast ring:
October 13, 2016
  • New separate screen time-out settings when using Continuum
  • Updates to Wi-Fi Settings page
  • New options to prevent autocorrection and remove a word from user dictionary
Fast ring:
October 19, 2016
  • Simplified camera interface
Fast ring:
October 25, 2016
  • Updates to Outlook Mail and Calendar apps


Fast ring:
November 3, 2016


Fast ring:
November 9, 2016

Slow ring:
November 17, 2016

Fast ring:
December 1, 2016
  • Enable to read EPUB books in Microsoft Edge
Fast ring:
January 12, 2017
  • Removed Apps Corner
  • Zoom enabled for all webpages in Microsoft Edge
  • UWP app scrollbar improvements
  • Apps can now be reset
  • Cortana can now control music playback and volume
  • Added recurrence options for Cortana reminders
  • Settings app improvements
Fast ring:
January 19, 2017
  • Merged Wi-Fi settings under Wi-Fi Services section in Settings app
  • Improved display speed of HTTP images on live tiles
  • Stylized notification buttons are aligned to the right
Fast ring:
February 2, 2017
  • Microsoft Edge can now read aloud e-books
  • Updated emoji for Microsoft Edge
  • Added Collections to Feedback Hub
  • Support for mono audio
Fast ring:
February 9, 2017
  • New Share icon
  • Rainbow flag added to emoji keyboard
  • The emoji keyboard will now remain open after inserting an emoji by default
Fast ring:
February 24, 2017

Slow ring:
March 2, 2017

  • Improved Continuum video playback for Miracast
Fast ring:
March 3, 2017
Fast ring:
March 8, 2017

Slow ring:
March 10, 2017

Fast ring:
March 10, 2017
Version Release date(s) Highlights
Public versions of Windows 10, version 1703
Version Release date(s) Highlights
Fast ring:
March 20, 2017
Fast ring:
March 28, 2017

Slow ring:
March 29, 2017

Fast and slow ring:
April 11, 2017
Version 1703
Slow ring, release preview and public release:
April 25, 2017
Slow ring:
May 9, 2017

Release preview and public release:
May 9, 2017

Slow ring:
June 13, 2017

Release preview and public release:
June 13, 2017

Slow ring:
June 27, 2017

Release preview and public release:
June 27, 2017

Slow ring:
July 11, 2017

Release preview and public release:
July 11, 2017

Slow ring:
July 31, 2017

Release preview:
July 31, 2017

Slow ring:
August 8, 2017

Release preview and public release:
August 8, 2017

Release preview and public release:
September 12, 2017
Release preview and public release:
October 10, 2017
Public release:
November 14, 2017
Public release:
December 12, 2017
Public release:
January 3, 2018
Public release:
February 13, 2018
Public release:
March 19, 2018
Public release:
April 10, 2018
Public release:
May 8, 2018
Public release:
June 12, 2018
Public release:
July 10, 2018
Public release:
August 14, 2018
Public release:
September 11, 2018
Public release:
October 9, 2018
Public release:
November 13, 2018
Public release:
December 11, 2018
Public release:
January 8, 2019
Public release:
February 12, 2019
Public release:
March 12, 2019
Public release:
April 9, 2019
Public release:
May 14, 2019
Public release:
June 11, 2019
Version Release date(s) Highlights

Version 1709 (Fall Creators Update)[edit]

Windows 10 Mobile Fall Creators Update,[202] also known as version 1709 and codenamed «Redstone 3», is the third major update to Windows 10 Mobile and the third in a series of updates under the «Redstone» codenames. It carries the build number 10.0.15254. Despite sharing the same codename and version number with the PC version of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update («Redstone 3»), the update is still in build part of the «Redstone 2» branch. The first preview was released to Insiders on April 14, 2017. It was released to the public on October 24, 2017.

The update reached end of service after the release of build 15254.603 on January 14, 2020.[203][204]

Preview versions of Windows 10, version 1709
Version Release date(s) Highlights
Fast ring:
April 14, 2017
  • New privacy page to the Windows 10 Mobile OOBE experience
Fast ring:
April 19, 2017
Fast ring:
April 24, 2017
Fast ring:
April 28, 2017
Fast ring:
May 4, 2017
Fast ring:
May 11, 2017
Fast ring:
May 17, 2017


All rings:
June 1, 2017
Accidental Release
Fast ring:
June 8, 2017
Fast ring:
June 13, 2017
Fast ring:
June 28, 2017
Fast ring:
July 13, 2017
Fast ring:
July 26, 2017
  • Portrait mode support for Continuum
Fast ring:
August 2, 2017
Fast ring:
August 9, 2017

Slow ring:
August 24, 2017

  • Emoji 5.0 support
  • Chinese Lunar calendar support in Calendar app
Fast ring:
August 25, 2017
Fast ring:
September 12, 2017
Fast ring:
September 15, 2017

Slow ring:
September 22, 2017

Version Release date(s) Highlights
Public versions of Windows 10, version 1709
Version Knowledge base Release date(s) Highlights
Version 1709
Fast and slow ring:
October 11, 2017

Release preview:
October 19, 2017

Public release:
October 24, 2017

KB4052314 Public release:
November 14, 2017
Fast and slow ring:
December 12, 2017
KB4056342 Release preview and public release:
December 12, 2017
KB4073117 Fast, slow ring, release preview and public release:
January 5, 2018
KB4077675 Public release:
February 14, 2018
KB4090912 Public release:
March 15, 2018
KB4099572 Public release:
April 10, 2018
KB4134196 Public release:
May 8, 2018
KB4316692 Public release:
June 12, 2018
KB4341235 Public release:
July 10, 2018
KB4346644 Public release:
August 14, 2018
KB4459082 Public release:
September 11, 2018
KB4464853 Public release:
October 9, 2018
KB4469220 Public release:
November 13, 2018
KB4478936 Public release:
December 11, 2018
KB4483203 Public release:
January 8, 2019
KB4487695 Public release:
February 12, 2019
KB4491736 Public release:
March 12, 2019
KB4495357 Public release:
April 9, 2019
KB4500154 Public release:
May 14, 2019
KB4505390 Public release:
June 11, 2019
KB4509104 Public release:
July 9, 2019
KB4513172 Public release:
August 13, 2019
KB4518514 Public release:
September 10, 2019
KB4522809 Public release:
October 8, 2019
KB4525241 Public release:
November 12, 2019
KB4522812 Public release:
December 10, 2019
KB4535289 Public release:
January 14, 2020
Version Knowledge base Release date(s) Highlights

See also[edit]

  • Windows 10 PC version history
  • Windows Phone version history


  1. ^ «Microsoft Lifecycle policy for 1511».
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