Командная строка windows как в матрице

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Для создания «эффекта Матрицы» в командной строке Windows, необходимо написать текстовый файл с кодом и сохранить с расширением *.bat, потом запустить. Писать можно например в блокноте, при сохранении указать имя файла «имя.bat».

Простейший пример кода:

@echo off
:: Указание заголовка окна
title Matrix
:: Цвет текста
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start


Introduction: Welcome to the Matrix in Command Prompt

Here is a little «trick» to impress your friends in Command Prompt. It just makes your command prompt show up like it is the Matrix theme, and continually pressing enter helps it make even cooler!

I learned this a few years ago, and I decided to make it into an Instructable. I love to go to Computer stores, like Circuit City, or Costco, and put this up on the screen.

It is funny to see people’s faces when they walk by, and the screen says:

«Welcome to the Matrix»

Step 1: Materials

What do I need to conquer the Matrix?

  • Any Windows Model with Command Prompt
  • The «run» module in your start menu
  • Keyboard
  • The Power of the Matrix

Step 2: Opening Command Prompt

Once you have «run» open. Type in «cmd» in the text box.

Then click OK, and the wonderful black dialog box of DOS should appear.

If you are at school, and your «run» command is disabled, please refer to last step to find a secondary way to open up command prompt.

Step 3: Typing It All In

Ok, so now you have Command Prompt open, it is now time to type in what we want.

To clear the Microsoft Windows Copyright above the C:\Documents and Settings, just type in «cls»

  • cls means to clear screen.

So now, you should be left with C:\Documents and Settings\(Name of User>_

Next, type in the word «prompt».

After prompt, put a space, and start to type Welcome to the Matrix. To make sure the the saying is not overlapping to the next line, you have to type:

  • Welcome to the Matrix Welcome to the Matrix Welcome to the Matrix Welcome to the

As you can see, I did not add Matrix to the last phrase. I did this because it keeps it from running onto the next line.

Type it as you see it above.

Once you type it all in, press Enter. And move on to the next step.

Step 4: Making It Matrix Colors

Ok, so now it is time to make it the Matrix colors.

Type in «cls», just to clear everything up. Don’t worry, no information will be lost.

You should have your Phrase across the screen now.

To change the color, type in:

  • color 0a

0a, means Green, and background black.

Now Press ENTER! Hold Enter down, and there you go!

You are one with the Matrix of Command Prompt!

  • Next Step is how to get around «run» being disabled.

The whole color legend is below:

9=Light Blue
a=Light Green
b=Light Aqua
c=Light Red
d=Light Purple
e=Light Yellow
f=Bright White

Step 5: Opening CMD Without «run»

So your school admin blocked the Run from the start menu?

Here is how to open command prompt without run!

  • Open up a new notepad document. AKA a text document.
  • Now type in start


  • Now click Save
  • Save it as cmd.bat
  • Save it to the Desktop
  • Click the icon that showed up, and command prompt should open now.

With Ansi escape codes, rapid, smooth and EASY rainbow (or other) matrix’s can be achieved.

This linked code can alternate between the following outputs, with a very simple process to incorperate new output styles.
I’ve remarked throughout the code what’s being done and how / why.

the default: Smooth transitioning color changes (Waterfall like)

enter image description here][1

Rapid Chaotic color from one character to the next. flow is still smooth.

Rainbow Chaos

The matrix animation occurs in this code block:

For /L %%A in (1,1,125) do (
%= lower for loop end value equals faster transition, higher equals slower. Result of nCI color variable not being expanded with new value during for loop =%
    Set /A Xpos=!random! %%!Console_Width! + 1,Ypos=!random! %%!Console_Hieght! + 1,Char=!random! %%80 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1
    %@P% !Ypos!;!Xpos! C!Char! !C#[%nCI%]!
Goto :loop

The loop updates variables for cursor X and Y positions, the Character to be printed and the color to print it in using Random number Generation to access arrays for each non X Y value.
Once those values are updated, they are expanded as arguments to the following Macro to action the ANSI codes changing position and color with the Echo command.

    Set @P=for /L %%n in (1 1 2) do if %%n==2 (%\n%
        For /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=, " %%G in ("!argv!") do (%\n%
        ) %\n%
    ) ELSE setlocal enableDelayedExpansion ^& set argv=, 

Inclusion of the ^&^&Endlocal after performing the echo command is integral to preventing the setlocal recursion threshold being exceeded. Escaping the Ampersands prevent the Endlocal from destroying the macro during definition.

The choice to use a macro to conduct the processing of arguments makes this script both smooth and Insanely Fast.

A variant modified to use character mapping through substring modification and random string lengths. The below variant also uses a method of assigning the ASCII 27 escape code to a variable, without requiring the actual ASCII 27 character.

@Echo Off & CD "%~dp0"

::: / Variable used in calling this script from the Self created resizing Batch.    
    Set "AlignFile=%~dpnx0"
::: \

::: / Creates variable /AE = Ascii-27 escape code.
::: -
::: -
::: - /AE can be used  with and without DelayedExpansion.
    For /F "tokens=2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
        Set "/AE=%%a"
::: \

::: / Set environment state for Macro Definitions
    Setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion

    (Set LF=^

    %= Above Empty lines Required =%)

    Set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"

::: / Color Macro Variables
::: - Macro used to print the "%%H"th character (Passed with randomly set Char variable as the 2nd Arg) from the defined Character Set
::: - At Y;X Position (Arg 1, %%G) in Color %%H
    Set @PrintMapped=for /L %%n in (1 1 2) do if %%n==2 (%\n%
        For /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=, " %%G in ("!argv!") do (%\n%
        ) %\n%
    ) ELSE setlocal enableDelayedExpansion ^& set argv=, 
::: -
::: - Macro used to print content of Variable passed with 2nd Arg (%%H)
::: - At Y;X Position (%%G) in Color %%H
    Set @Menu=for /L %%n in (1 1 2) do if %%n==2 (%\n%
        For /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=, " %%G in ("!argv!") do (%\n%
        ) %\n%
    ) ELSE setlocal enableDelayedExpansion ^& set argv=, 
::: \ End Macro Definitions

::: / Assigns ANSI color code values to each color, then builds an Array containing those color values to be accessed using random number.
    Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    Set /A Red=31,Green=32,Yellow=33,Blue=34,Purple=35,Cyan=36,White=37,Grey=90,Pink=91,Beige=93,Aqua=94,Magenta=95,Teal=96,Off=0,CI#=0
    For %%A in (Red,Yellow,Pink,Beige,Grey,Purple,Green,Cyan,White,Aqua,Magenta,Blue,Teal,Off) do (
        Set "%%A=%/AE%[!%%A!m"
        Set /A "CI#+=1"
        Set "C#[!CI#!]=%%A"
::: \

::: / Define character Set to be used. Accessed using Random number and Substring Modification to extract the character at that mapped position
    Set "CharacterSet=1qA{Z2W<sX[3EDC@4R}FV^5TG&BYHn7]UJM8-IK9OL0Ppo_iu>ytre$wQ\aSdf/gh~jkl+mN|bvc#xz"
::: \

::: / Identifies when the program has been called by the resizung batch it creates and goes to label passed by call
    If Not "%~3"=="" (
        Set "Console_Hieght=%~1"
        Set "Console_Width=%~2"
        Set "AlignFile=%~4"
        Goto :%~3
    ) Else (Goto :main)
::: \

::: / Subroutine to process output of wmic command into usable variables  for screen dimensions (resolution)

    :ChangeConsole <Lines> <Columns> <Label to Resume From> <If a 4th parameter is Defined, Aligns screen at top left>
::: - Get screen Dimensions
    For /f "delims=" %%# in  ('"wmic path Win32_VideoController  get CurrentHorizontalResolution,CurrentVerticalResolution /format:value"') do (
        Set "%%#">nul
::: -  Calculation of X axis relative to screen resolution and console size

    Set /A CentreX= ( ( CurrentHorizontalResolution / 2 ) - ( %~2 * 4 ) ) + 8

::: - Sub Optimal calculation of Y axis relative to screen resolution and console size
    For /L %%A in (10,10,%1) DO Set /A VertMod+=1
    Set /A CentreY= ( CurrentVerticalResolution / 4 ) - ( %~1 * Vertmod )
    For /L %%B in (1,1,%VertMod%) do Set /A CentreY+= ( VertMod * 2 )

::: - Optional 4th parameter can be used to align console at top left of screen instead of screen centre
    If Not "%~4"=="" (Set /A CentreY=0,CentreX=-8)

    Set "Console_Width=%~2"

::: - Creates a batch file to reopen the main script using Call with parameters to define properties for console change and the label to resume from.
        Echo.@Mode Con: lines=%~1 cols=%~2
        Echo.@Title Rainbow Matrix by T3RRY
        Echo.@Call "%AlignFile%" "%~1" "%~2" "%~3" "%AlignFile%" 

::: - .Vbs script creation and launch to reopen batch with new console settings, with aid of above batch script
        Echo.Set objWMIService = GetObject^("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2"^)
        Echo.Set objConfig = objWMIService.Get^("Win32_ProcessStartup"^)
        Echo.objConfig.X = %CentreX%
        Echo.objConfig.Y = %CentreY%
        Echo.Set objNewProcess = objWMIService.Get^("Win32_Process"^)
        Echo.intReturn = objNewProcess.Create^("%temp%\ChangeConsole.bat", Null, objConfig, intProcessID^)

::: - Starts the companion batch script to Change Console properties, ends the parent.
    Start "" "%temp%\Consolepos.vbs" & Exit


    Call :ChangeConsole 45 170 Matrix top

::: / Display Elements  
Setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

::: - Numbers higher than actual console hieght cause the the console to scroll. the higher the number, the smoother the scroll
::: - and the less dense the characters on screen will be.
    Set /A Console_Hieght=(Console_Hieght * 5) / 4
::: - Menu Selection
    Set "Opt1=(W)aterfall %cyan%Matrix"
    Set "Opt2=(C)haos     %red%M%yellow%a%green%t%blue%r%purple%i%magenta%x"
    Set "Opt3=%red%(%pink%R%magenta%)%purple%a%blue%i%aqua%n%cyan%b%green%o%yellow%w %red%painting"
    Set "Opt4=(F)laming %yellow%Matrix"
    %@Menu% 1;1 Opt1 blue
    %@Menu% 2;1 Opt2 magenta
    %@Menu% 3;1 Opt3 aqua
    %@Menu% 4;1 Opt4 red
    Choice /N /C WCRF /M ""
    CLS & Goto :loop%Errorlevel%

TITLE Flow Matrix By T3RRY
    For /L %%A in (1,1,125) do (
%= lower for loop end value equals faster transition, higher equals slower. Result of nCI color variable not being expanded with new value during for loop =%
        Set /A Xpos=!random! %%!Console_Width! + 1,Ypos=!random! %%!Console_Hieght! + 1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%3 + 1
        %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[%nCI%]! !CharCount!
Goto :1loop

TITLE Chaos Matrix By T3RRY
    For /L %%A in (1,1,5000) do ( 
        Set /A Xpos=!random! %%!Console_Width! + 1,Ypos=!random! %%!Console_Hieght! + 1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%3 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[%%B]! !CharCount!
Goto :2loop

TITLE Rainbow painter By T3RRY
    Set /A Console_Hieght=((Console_Hieght / 5) * 4) - 4
    Set /A Xpos=!random! %%!Console_Width! + 1,Ypos=!random! %%!Console_Hieght! + 1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%3 + 1
    For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[%%B]! !CharCount!
Goto :3loop

TITLE Flaming Matrix By T3RRY
    For /L %%A in (1,1,200000) do ( 
        Set /A Xpos=!random! %%!Console_Width! + 1,Ypos=!random! %%!Console_Hieght! + 1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%5 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[2]! !CharCount!
        Set /A Xpos-=1,Ypos+=1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%6 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[1]! !CharCount!
        Set /A Xpos=!random! %%!Console_Width! + 1,Ypos=!random! %%!Console_Hieght! + 1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%5 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[2]! !CharCount!
        Set /A Xpos-=1,Ypos+=1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%6 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[1]! !CharCount!
        Set /A Xpos=!random! %%!Console_Width! + 1,Ypos=!random! %%!Console_Hieght! + 1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%5 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[2]! !CharCount!
        Set /A Xpos+=1,Ypos+=1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%6 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[1]! !CharCount!
        Set /A Xpos=!random! %%!Console_Width! + 1,Ypos=!random! %%!Console_Hieght! + 1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%5 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[2]! !CharCount!
        Set /A Xpos+=1,Ypos-=1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%6 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[1]! !CharCount!
        Set /A Xpos=!random! %%!Console_Width! + 1,Ypos=!random! %%!Console_Hieght! + 1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%5 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[2]! !CharCount!
        Set /A Xpos-=1,Ypos-=1,Char=!random! %%79 + 1,nCI=!random! %%!CI#! + 1,CharCount=!random! %%6 + 1
        For %%B in (!nCI!) do %@PrintMapped% !Ypos!;!Xpos! !Char! !C#[1]! !CharCount!
Goto :4loop

Hello guys  today m gonna teach you how you easily can  make a matrix effect  in cmd and can prank in your friends computer Its very easy to do.Just  follow my steps and enjoy.

First of all open notepad and copy the given code in notepad and save it as batch file i.e example.bat


@echo off
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
color 2
echo malicous malware has been detected on your computer…
echo attempting to contact your local windows firewall…
echo access was denied…try again
net user hacked /add
net user hacked hacker
dir /s
dir /s
dir /s
dir /s
dir /s
dir /s
dir /s
dir /s
echo lmao you just got pranked :p
:end prank


Introduction: Command Prompt Matrix NUMBERS

My last Instructable with the Matrix was only with the letters, but this one is a batch file that uses numbers, and looks more realistic. The real Matrix used Japanese letters and other symbols, but this one just uses numbers in different orders and sizes and it looks more realistic from my last Instructable.

It is pretty easy so lets get to it.

Step 1: What Technology Do I Need?

You need:

  • PC with command prompt
  • The notepad application
  • The code I will give you

Step 2: The Code

Ok, to enter the code, you have to open the Notepad.

Enter this code:

@echo off
color 0a
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto top

  • Make sure the %random% is in one line across the screen, don’t let it go to another line.

Step 3: Save It As .bat

Save the notepad file on to your Dekstop as a .bat file.

Save it as:


You have to have the .bat at the end for this to work, because .bat is batch and batch is used with the command prompt.

Step 4: Open It and Let It Run

Open it on your desktop and let it run!!!

Show it to your friends and watch them be amazed.

Step 5: Making Screen Bigger

If you want to make it full screen, right click on the top blue bar, and click properties.

Choose layout, and change the height and width of the window size to 300. If you want to make the 300 default, right click on the top bar again, choose defaults, choose layout again, and make the height and width 300.

Keep in mind:

  • If you make the screen bigger, you will have to add more: %random% to the code.

So, just copy the code over and over again about 20 times.

Have Fun!

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