Клиент для postgresql для windows

Перевод публикуется с сокращениями, автор оригинальной
Ilon Adams.

PostgreSQL – это
передовая открытая система управления объектно-реляционными базами данных.
В основном она используется на предприятиях и поддерживает запросы SQL и JSON.

По данным Stack Overflow, PostgreSQL является второй наиболее используемой СУБД после MySQL в 2021 году. Более 40% из 70 000+ опрошенных предпочитают Postgres базам данных SQLite, MongoDB, Redis и другим.

У пользователя, есть два
способа администрирования СУБД:

  • писать запросы через CLI (не всем это нравится);
  • использовать графический пользовательский интерфейс (GUI) Postgres.

Второй вариант намного удобнее, т. к. он позволяет повысить производительность. Давайте рассмотрим
наиболее используемые инструменты

Графический интерфейс
PostgreSQL – это инструмент управления базами данных PostgreSQL. Он позволяет любому пользователю запрашивать и визуализировать данные, а также манипулировать данными и анализировать их. Вы можете получать доступ к серверам баз данных и
перемещаться по ним с помощью графического интерфейса.

Основные причины, по
которым пользователи предпочитают графический интерфейс:

  • длинная кривая обучения работе с CLI и сложная адаптация;
  • не очень приятный в использовании интерфейс командной строки;
  • недостаток информации, которую консоль предоставляет за один раз;
  • трудности при просмотре и мониторинге базы данных с помощью консоли.

Использование GUI дает следующие преимущества:

  • ярлыки, которые можно использовать для быстрого доступа к данным;
  • широкие возможности визуализации данных;
  • удаленный доступ к серверу;
  • легкий доступ к операционной системе.

Лучшее программное обеспечение с графическим интерфейсом

Вероятно для кого-то будет неожиданностью, что ориентированное на Postgres приложение pgAdmin не является единственным доступным инструментом.

Прежде всего есть низкоуровневый
конструктор внутренних инструментов UI Bakery. Изначально он не был создан
для управления Postgres, однако с его помощью вы можете подключить
несколько источников данных (базы данных, сторонние приложения, REST API) в одном
UI. Bakery обладает
широкими возможностями визуализации данных для отображения PostgreSQL, MongoDB,
MySQL, Microsoft SQL, Redis и т.д.

Поскольку UI Bakery ориентирован на веб, не нужно тратить время на его установку и настройку. Вы можете создать графический интерфейс для своей базы, используя ряд готовых компонентов: таблицы, диаграммы, графики, карты, кнопки, выпадающие списки и т.д. Этот процесс занимает минуты или часы вместо недель ручного кодинга.

Подход с низкоуровневым
кодом к управлению базами данных гораздо более экономичен и гибок, чем использование
традиционных графических инструментов. Тем не менее, давайте
рассмотрим и другие продукты.

1. pgAdmin

🐘 8 лучших GUI клиентов PostgreSQL в 2021 году

pgAdmin – кроссплатформенный графический инструмент с открытым исходным кодом.


  • совместим с Linux, Windows, macOS;
  • позволяет работать с несколькими серверами одновременно;
  • экспорт в CSV;
  • планирование запросов;
  • возможность отслеживать ваши сеансы, блокировки БД с помощью панели мониторинга;
  • ярлыки в редакторе SQL для более удобной работы;
  • встроенный отладчик процедурного языка;
  • тщательная документация и активное сообщество.


  • медленный и не всегда интуитивно понятный пользовательский интерфейс по сравнению с платными конкурентами;
  • тяжелый;
  • высокий порог вхождения;
  • для работы с несколькими базами данных одновременно потребуются продвинутые навыки.

2. DBeaver

🐘 8 лучших GUI клиентов PostgreSQL в 2021 году

DBeaver – инструмент управления PostgreSQL с открытым
исходным кодом, поддерживающий коннект к нескольким базам данных.


  • кроссплатформенность;
  • поддержка более 80 баз данных;
  • визуальный конструктор, позволяющий добавлять запросы без навыков работы с SQL;
  • несколько представлений данных;
  • импорт/экспорт данных в CSV, HTML, XML, JSON, XLS, XLSX;
  • повышенная безопасность данных;
  • полнотекстовый поиск данных и возможность отображения результатов в виде таблиц/представлений;
  • доступен бесплатный тарифный план.


  • низкая производительность по сравнению с конкурентами;
  • слишком частые обновления, что раздражает;
  • после некоторого времени бездействия DBeaver отключается от базы данных.

3. Navicat

🐘 8 лучших GUI клиентов PostgreSQL в 2021 году

Интуитивно понятный (с
недавнего времени проприетарный)
GUI для Postgres.


  • простая и быстрая установка;
  • поддержка Windows, Linux, iOS;
  • удобный визуальный конструктор SQL;
  • автодополнение кода;
  • инструмент моделирования данных: управление объектами базы данных, схемами проектирования;
  • планировщик заданий: запускайте задания, получайте уведомления о завершении задания;
  • синхронизация источников данных;
  • импорт/экспорт данных в Excel, Access, CSV и другие форматы;
  • защита данных с помощью SSH и SSL;
  • использование облачных сервисов Amazon, Google и др.


  • низкая производительность GUI;
  • высокая цена по сравнению с конкурентами;
  • одна лицензия ограничена одной платформой (вам понадобятся 2 отдельные лицензии для PostgreSQL и MySQL);
  • множество дополнительных возможностей, требующих времени для изучения.


4. DataGrip

🐘 8 лучших GUI клиентов PostgreSQL в 2021 году

Продвинутая IDE для работы с несколькими базами данных, созданная в JetBrains.


  • кроссплатформенность (поддержка Windows, macOS, Linux);
  • простая навигация по схеме;
  • настраиваемый UI с консолью для обеспечения безопасности выполняемой работы;
  • быстрое обнаружение ошибок;
  • встроенная система контроля версий;
  • поддержка MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, Cassandra и других;
  • отчеты с возможностью их интеграции с диаграммами и графиками;
  • автодополнение кода.


  • высокая цена;
  • высокое потребление оперативной памяти;
  • сложный процесс отладки ошибок;
  • длинная кривая обучения;
  • не предназначен для использования в качестве облачного веб-приложения;
  • не подходит для одновременного управления несколькими базами данных.


5. HeidiSQL

🐘 8 лучших GUI клиентов PostgreSQL в 2021 году

Инструмент с GUI и открытым исходным кодом для Postgres (и не только). Пока поддерживается только Windows.


  • простая установка, легковесная по сравнению с конкурентами;
  • поддержка PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB;
  • возможность подключения и управления несколькими серверами баз данных в одном окне;
  • прямой экспорт SQL из одной базы данных в другую;
  • массовый просмотр и редактирование таблиц;
  • автодополнение кода и подсветка синтаксиса;
  • сообщество с активной поддержкой и регулярные обновы;
  • экспорт таблиц и данных в Excel, HTML, JSON, PHP;
  • зашифрованное соединение.


  • не кроссплатформенное приложение;
  • частые проблемы со стабильностью;
  • нет отладчика процедурного языка.


6. TablePlus

🐘 8 лучших GUI клиентов PostgreSQL в 2021 году

Программное обеспечение с графическим интерфейсом для управления базами данных SQL и NoSQL. С закрытым исходным кодом.


  • высокая производительность;
  • настраиваемый UI;
  • подсветка синтаксиса;
  • высокий уровень безопасности данных обеспечивается за счет сквозного шифрования в соединении.


  • часто возникают проблемы с UX при работе с другими базами данных, кроме PostgreSQL;
  • недешево, а пробная версия предлагает ограниченную функциональность;
  • поддержка клиентов оставляет желать лучшего.


7. OmniDB

🐘 8 лучших GUI клиентов PostgreSQL в 2021 году

Простой открытый инструмент с GUI для PostgreSQL.


  • кроссплатформенность (поддержка Windows, Linux, macOS);
  • поддержка PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB;
  • очень отзывчивый и легкий по сравнению с некоторыми альтернативами;
  • автозаполнение SQL;
  • подсветка синтаксиса;
  • возможность создания настраиваемых диаграммы для отображения релевантных метрик БД;
  • встроенная отладка.


  • не самый лучший вариант, если вы работаете с несколькими базами одновременно;
  • отсутствие поддержки и документации.


Заключение: UI Bakery – неочевидный, но мощный вариант

Когда вы выбираете программное обеспечение с GUI, основывайте окончательное решение на нескольких

  • размер команды;
  • используемые ОС;
  • тип СУБД;
  • количество баз данных, с которыми вы планируете работать.

DBeaver, DataGrip и HeidiSQL больше подходят для одного человека,
работающего с одной базой. Navicat – выбор для команды благодаря возможности совместной работы. Почти все упомянутые инструменты
являются кроссплатформенными за исключением HeidiSQL, который поддерживает
только Windows.

Низкоуровневая UI Bakery отлично подходит, если вам нужно объединить несколько различных источников данных – будь то базы данных, сторонние инструменты или API.

Похоже, что pgAdmin и
другое классическое ПО теряет популярность. Низкоуровневый подход к управлению базами данных позволяет получать гораздо лучшие результаты за меньшее время.

Дополнительные материалы:

  • 5 лучших материалов по PostgreSQL
  • Работа с PostgreSQL: от полного нуля до полного просветления
  • О языке SQL на примере SQLite, MySQL и PostgreSQL
  • Как оптимизировать производительность запросов в PostgreSQL
  • NoSQL базы данных: хранилища и доступность данных

Время на прочтение
6 мин

Количество просмотров 177K

Конференция PG Day Russia растет и масштабируется: этим летом мы готовим для вас доклады и тренинги по всем наиболее популярным базам данных, а также по администрированию и хранению данных. в рамках подготовки мы запустили корпоративный блог, где планируем делиться ценной информацией о происходящем в мире баз данных. Первый пост посвящен инструментам разработки для PostgreSQL, его автор varanio будет рад ответить на ваши вопросы и комментарии!

Я поспрашивал различных людей, имеющих отношение к PostgreSQL, что они используют в реальной жизни для разработки приложений, использующих PG.

Это, конечно, не строго математическая выборка, но тем не менее получился некоторый список инструментов на слуху, которые достойны того, чтобы их «пощупать», что я и собираюсь сделать в этой статье.

Если вашего инструмента нет в списке, или у вас просто есть что сказать, добро пожаловать в комментарии.

Итак, вот неформальный топ и субъективное описание.


На первом месте psql, и это неудивительно. Надежный как автомат калашникова, бесплатный, стоит из коробки, что еще надо для счастья? Для редактирования запросов используется редактор, указанный в переменной окружения EDITOR, обычно ставят vim, nano или что-то в этом духе. Ну и вообще, psql — это unix-way, т.е. можно его запускать со своим редактором, своим пейджером для отображения результатов, ему можно на вход подавать sql-запрос через пайп, и вывод направлять куда надо.

Из минусов можно отметить слабенький автокомплит, а также то, что приходится заучивать неинтуитивные команды из серии \d \dt+ \sf и т.д. (впрочем, все описания команд доступны через команду \?)

Ну, и работа в консоли и в виме — это не всех устраивает почему-то :)

На самом деле, иногда хочется иметь где-нибудь слева полный список таблиц/вьюх и иметь возможность щелкнуть мышкой по нужной, чтобы посмотреть, что там вообще. Т.е. хоть какой-то GUI. Работа в psql хоть и эффективна, но напоминает работу в темной комнате с маленьким фонариком, освещающим лишь только один объект за раз.


IDE для баз. Несмотря на то, что продукт относительно свежий, он уже используется повсеместно. В основном за счет того, что сразу встроен в мегапопулярные продукты от компании JetBrains: IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, PhpStorm и т.д.

Собственно, эта его встроенность одновременно является и главной киллер-фичей продукта: вы редактируете, например, php-код, в котором есть строка с sql-запросом, и внезапно понимаете, что IDE вам подсказывает (прямо в вашем коде) синтаксис SQL, названия таблиц и их полей, подчеркивает красненьким, если что-то написано не так, форматирует SQL и многое-многое другое. Конечно, в этом же IDE можно делать и то, что умеют другие GUI для баз: просматривать списки таблиц и других сущностей, отдельно делать запросы, экспорт таблиц в разные форматы и многое другое.

Из особенностей я бы отметил следующие вещи:

  • можно выделить несколько insert’ов и нажать «Edit as table» (см. картинку). После чего отредактировать это в удобном табличном виде вместо sql-синтаксиса, причем там же можно добавлять строки, колонки, экспортировать в csv и т.д.
  • Можно сравнивать результаты двух запросов. Это полезно, когда пытаешься упростить сложный запрос, и при этом ничего не сломать.
  • встроенность в код проработана не до конца. К примеру, при переименовывании в каком-либо интерфейсе колонки таблицы, IDE не находит нужные строки с SQL в коде (при этом автокомплит в этих строках работал), и наоборот, находит какую-то чушь.
  • Визуальной разработки не очень много. Т.е. вы можете сделать таблицу, но view уже не можете. Если таблица содержит какие-то id с foreign key (допустим, ссылка на некий словарь), хотелось бы при в вводе данных в таблицу выбирать значения из словаря, а не вбивать айдишки.
  • Если посмотреть таблицу в какой-нибудь из схем, то Datagrip посылает запрос set search_path = имясхемы, что приводит к плохим последствиям, если используется pgbouncer (а он используется почти всегда в случае с php или когда много серверов), так что для dev-разработки лучше использовать разные подключения: для работы кода — через pgbouncer, для ide — напрямую к базе.

Datagrip активно развивается, в частности, исправлены некоторые раздражающие баги с подсветкой синтаксиса.

В целом хороший современный инструмент, рекомендую.


Им многие пользуются, но, скорее по привычке. Или потому что это бесплатно. pgAdmin4 — продукт странноватый, при этом в описании сказано, что это самый лучший опенсорс продукт для разработки и администрирования.

Как его использовать для администрирования — не очень понятно. pgAdmin’ом нельзя «заинитить» новый сервер, нельзя подправить pg_hba.conf или postgresql.conf. Видимо, имеются в виду скудные графики запросов в секунду, вывод подробностей конфигурации сервера и статистика в таблицах. Не уверен, в общем. Как вы испольуете pgAdmin для администрирования?

Как его использовать с точки зрения разработки — еще менее понятно. Субъективно, интерфейс в целом не удобен для разработки. Несмотря на то, что четвертую версию переписали на python + JS с jQuery, по сути, осталось всё то же самое.

Чтобы немного пояснить ситуацию, в голове разработчика такая картина: есть база на каком-то серваке, в ней — схемы, в схемах — таблицы и вьюхи. Т.е. таблица — максимум, 3-й уровень. А если база одна, то вообще второй уровень. Ткнул по таблице — увидел несколько первых строк.

В голове разработчика pgAdmin как-то так: «Смерть Кощеева на конце иглы, та игла в яйце, то яйцо в утке, та утка в зайце, тот заяц в сундуке, а сундук стоит на высоком дубу, и то дерево Кощей как свой глаз бережёт», а именно (см. картинку):

Есть группа серверов, в ней есть сервер, на сервере существуют базы, роли и т.д., из баз можно выбрать конкретную базу, в ней видно схемы, языки, еще бог знает что. В схемах можно выбрать нужную схему, в схеме 100500 всего, и где-то в конце списка «таблицы». В таблицах можно выбрать нужную таблицу, по ней надо кликнуть правой кнопкой мыши, там в большом списке выбираешь «view data», в этой «view data» есть «view first 100 rows» и уже там наконец-то смерть кощеева несколько строк для ознакомления.

Киллер-фичей pgAdmin является возможность дебажить хранимые процедуры pl/pgsql. Других бесплатных программ с этой возможностью я не встречал.

EMS Studio

EMS Studio, похоже, работает только под Windows. Это его главный недостаток, потому что, как известно PostgreSQL очень редко используют под виндой.

Я этот софт посмотрел только один раз под Wine, поэтому могу ошибаться, но вообще мне жутко не понравилось. Бешенное нагромождение непонятных иконок, невнятный интерфейс. Кстати, у меня под Wine заглючили всплывающие подсказки, и я играл в «угадай функциональность по картинке». Очень тяжело.

До кучи там зачем-то сделан визуальный конструктор запросов. Где вместо того, чтобы текстом написать where id = 5, надо нажать мышкой несколько кнопок и понавыбирать из выпадающего списка. Тем, кто знает SQL — это не нужно, тем кто не знает — это не поможет.

Фичи, которые называют как удобные: auto-complete с алиасами, экспорт результата выполнения запроса в SQL формате (insert), удобный GUI для экпорта базы, возможность выполнять только выделенную часть SQL.

Умеет дебаг pl/pgsql. В общем, много чего умеет, но какой-то выдающейся особенности, что отличало бы от других, я не могу назвать.


Navicat — это, наверное, самая богатая фичами программа. Она умеет всё, что умеют другие GUI для БД: дизайнер объектов, просмотрщик таблиц, автокомплит, инструменты проектирования базы, отладка pl/pgsql, импорт/экспорт и так далее.

Поистине всеобъемлющий софт, который работает практически на любой ОС. Навскидку, намного удобнее EMS Studio.

Киллер-фичей, на мой взгляд, является сравнение баз. Т.е. можно взять две базы, узнать, чем они отличаются по структуре и сформировать запросы для синхронизации.

Ценник, правда, что называется, «конский» — в два раза дороже, чем EMS. Но тут, похоже, это полностью оправдано.


Те, кто пробует работать с psql, сразу начинают мечтать о более богатом функционале, например, автодополнении. Для реализации этих хотелок существует pgcli.

pgcli умеет автодополнять ключевые слова, функции, таблицы, колонки, колонки в алисах. Умеет подсвечивать синтаксис, редактировать SQL в многострочном режиме без отдельного редактора и т.д.

Короче, pgcli — это, по сути, psql на стероидах.


Многие из тех, кто перешел с MySQL, инстинктивно ищут аналоги phpmyadmin, и натыкаются на phppgadmin. К сожалению, phppgadmin не развивается уже несколько лет, так что о мертвых или хорошо, или ничего. В общем, промолчим, пожалуй.


Не по всем из этих инструментов у меня есть опыт использования, поэтому прошу высказаться в комментариях. Что используете вы?

Также надо отметить, что на конференцию pgday приедут разработчики популярных инструментов не только для постгреса, но и других бд, можно будет их помучать вопросами и высказать какие-то пожелания по фичам. В любом случае, приглашаем всех посетить это полезнейшее мероприятие, которое пройдет в Санкт-Петербурге 5-7 июля!

PostgreSQL Database GUI

PostgreSQL is among the most popular database management systems in the world, heavily used by developers for all kinds of big or small applications, ranging from enterprise to personal projects. 

PostgreSQL GUI is a management tool for open-source PostgreSQL database users to query, visualize, manipulate, analyze Postgres data. These GUI tools make administering PostgreSQL deployments easy. You can also access and navigate your database servers via a Postgres GUI. 

Why Use a GUI Tool?

PostgreSQL GUI tools replace the traditional command-line interface tools used to work with databases. 

Why choose a Postgres GUI solution over traditional CLIs?  

  1. CLI requires a big and complex learning curve to get the best out of the database 
  2. Consoles display does not always communicate all the information you need it to
  3. Difficulties in browsing and monitoring databases via a console.

GUI tools make PostgreSQL developers lives easier

  1. GUI Shortcuts help in faster and simpler work
  2. Most Postgres GUI provide a much shorter learning curve – much easier to learn for new users 
  3. GUIs offer a rich library of data visualization opportunities for better interpretation
  4. GUIs make it easy to remotely access database and navigate server
  5. Easier access to files, features, and the operating system.

Many still prefer using CLI but the numbers are too small. Take a look at how CLI compares against GUIs advantages of using a PostgreSQL GUI

Top PostgreSQL GUI Tools

After scouring the internet (Developer communities & forums like Reddit, Listing sites) I have identified some of the most popular (read ‘highly recommended’) Postgres GUI clients. 

9 best PostgreSQL GUI tools

Let’s start with the first and most popular ones that I identified after scouring the internet- developer forums, interviews, feedback.

1. DBeaver

DBeaver, one of the most popular Postgres GUI tools according to most comparison guides, is an open-source cross-platform GUI tool. In addition to PostgreSQL, it supports a range of other databases.

This GUI also comes with an enterprise version that provides enhanced plugins for greater developer productivity. DBeaver can run on all OSes – macOS, Windows, Linux. 

It is easy to import and export data from a variety of file formats such as CSV, XML, XLS, HTML, JSON.

DBeaver Postgres GUI Strengths:

  1. Easy to get started with. No CLI knowledge required
  2. This is a cross-platform database GUI solution
  3. Installable desktop version
  4. You can integrate with MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and more
  5. Full-text data search and an ability to display search results as Tables/Views and multiple other data views
  6. A Visual Query Builder allows you to add SQL queries without SQL skills
  7. Has a free version so you can evaluate the capabilities of the GUI

DBeaver Postgres GUI Weaknesses:

  1. The performance depends on your machine’s capabilities. To unlock optimum performance levels, you will need in distributed development situations. You’ll have to turn to its enterprise option.
  2. It is slow when dealing with larger data sets as compared to competitors
  3. You need to re-launch the DBeaver app after some time of inactivity since DBeaver becomes disconnected from your database
  4. Needs frequent updates 

2. pgAdmin

PgAdmin is one of the most popular GUIs available for Postgres users. Similar to DataBeaver, pgAdmin is an open-source database GUI. PgAdmin runs as a web application. Users can configure it to run on any cloud server and access it from anywhere – Windows, Linux, or macOS. It supports CSV file export.

PgAdmin is on its fourth major version, pgAdmin4, and supports all of PostgreSQL’s features.

pgAdmin Postgres GUI strengths:

  1. It runs as a web application Cross-platform solution, compatible with Linux, Windows, macOS
  2. Easy to find database objects on a left-hand menu
  3. Convenient SQL editor with shortcuts for better work efficiency
  4. A procedural language debugger inside aimed to help in code debugging
  5. Can be included on any cloud server when you work with a distributed database
  6. Sports extensive documentation & a large community
  7. The web application makes pgAdmin convenient for database administrators level users.
  8. Quite stable and fast in responding

pgAdmin Postgres GUI weaknesses: 

  1. A major drawback to using pgAdmin is its installation barriers. It can be tricky for SQL developers who are not proficient in command line  
  2. Working with multiple servers and databases requires a more advanced skill set that cannot be expected from newcomers
  3. Slow and not intuitive UI compared to the paid competitors
  4. The pgAdmin4 is crashy and unreliable. Many users prefer the pgAdmin3 over the 4th version.

3. DataGrip

DataGrip by JetBrains is an advanced database client supporting Windows, macOS, Linux operating systems. It is developed by JetBrains, one of the leading brands known for developing IDEs (makers of PhpStorm, WebStorm, IntelliJ, PyCharm, etc. DataGrip runs as a local application.  

DataGrip supports a tremendous list of database management systems, including SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, Azure Database, DB2, H2, MariaDB, Cassandra, HyperSQL, Apache Derby, and many more. It comes with DDL and DML automation tools.

DataGrip PostgreSQL GUI strengths:

  1. Pick from a range of themes and plugins for as many database systems and dialects available to customize the UI
  2. An intuitive query console helps keep track of all your activities so you won’t lose your work
  3. Easily add, remove, edit, and clone data rows with a powerful editor
  4. It can detect bugs in your code and suggest the best options to fix them
  5. One-command dependency installation.
  6. An advanced refactoring process resolves all references automatically if you rename a variable or an object
  7. DataGrip is not just a GUI tool for PostgreSQL, but a full-featured IDE that has features like version control systems.

DataGrip PostgreSQL GUI weaknesses:

  1. It is not an open-source tool. Pricing starts at &199 a year per user.
  2. It is ideal for querying but not suitable for database administrators that may need admin tools deployed over the cloud 
  3. The IDE is not native to PostgreSQL. So it lacks some Postgres-specific features like debugging can be challenging since not all errors can be shown at once
  4. It has a longer learning curve. Can be complicated for beginners
  5. It is ideal for small teams that have only one or a few Postgres DBs.

4. HeidiSQL

HeidiSQL is an all-in-one tool for database management, development, and administration.

Built exclusively for Windows, HeidiSQL is a free and open-source PostgresGUI tool. Just like DBeaver and Navicat, HeidiSQL can also connect to different database drivers, like MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MariaDB. Users can export data as Excel, HTML, JSON, PHP files.

HeidiSQL PostgreSQL GUI strengths:

  1. Open-source and free to use 
  2. It is easy to download and install and connect to a database 
  3. A useful tool for debugging database problems as you get real-time visibility into the backend. The console prints out commands that GUI executes in real-time
  4. Connect and manage several database servers from a single window
  5. Code-completion and syntax-highlighting functionality
  6. Bulk table browsing and editing via a simple-to-use grid
  7. 100% encrypted data connection between the client and the server

HeidiSQL PostgreSQL GUI weaknesses:

  1. It is a lightweight GUI and advanced features like debugger is missing
  2. It does not have cross-platform support which is not an issue for the readers that use Windows
  3. Frequent stability issues
  4. HeidiSQL does have a lot of bugs, but the author is very attentive and active in addressing issues. An active support community is constantly enhancing this GUI tool

5. Navicat

Navicat is a MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MongoDB GUI. It is a highly intuitive GUI tool and it’s what you would expect from software that simplifies your communication with databases.   

It is a paid tool and that allows it to offer more features as compared to an open-source GUI tool. A special feature of the tool is that it enables collaboration with popular cloud databases like Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud and others.

You can import and export data to diverse formats like Excel, Access, CSV, and more.

Navicat PostgreSQL GUI strengths:

  1. Easily installable in a few command lines. Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS support. 
  2. It has an intuitive and fast user interface
  3. Powerful data modelling tool for visualizing database structures, making changes, and designing entire schemas from scratch
  4. Manipulate database objects visually through diagrams
  5. Run scheduled jobs that boost team productivity 
  6. An add-on feature (Navicat Cloud) offers project-based team collaboration
  7. Secure connections through SSH tunnelling and SSL 
  8. Easily create and edit SQL statements with its convenient visual SQL builder
  9. Navicat offers greater aesthetic appeal as compared to competitors. For example, choide of light or dark theme

 Navicat PostgreSQL GUI strengths Weaknesses:  

  1. Costly. The lightest plan starts from $199 per year and a small 14 day period trial
  2. Advanced visualization features like data modelling and charts are available only in enterprise plans
  3. Slow speed and GUI performance. You have to refresh every time a new row is added 
  4. you have to buy licenses to be able to work with PostgreSQL or MySQL

6. TablePlus

TablePlus is a native GUI software for managing both SQL and NoSQL databases – MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB to name a few. 

TablePlus has the perfect balance between nice and simple UI. It can be used for a lot of storage systems so it’s even more useful if you also work with solutions like Redis and not just Postgres.

You will find an active community of the TablePlus team on GitHub. 

TablePlus PostgreSQL GUI strengths:

  1. Nice and Customizable UI freeing you from the need to use Mojave.
  2. Supports multiple backends – Linux, Mac, Windows
  3. High performance and speed according to users’ feedback
  4. End-to-end encrypted database connection
  5. Built-in SSH and ensures your database credentials are stored securely
  6. Shortcuts help increase efficiency and save the user time
  7. Syntax colour coding /highlighting support 

TablePlus PostgreSQL GUI Weaknesses: 

  1. Frequent errors when working with databases other than Postgres
  2. Licensed by computer $59 for one $99 for two. A free trial offers strictly limited functionality
  3. Creating a consistent UI can be challenging as pointed out by some users 
  4. Customer support leaves much to be desired
  5. TablePlus UI opens up a response sub-tab per query vs. putting all the output on a single page that can be annoying when running complex pgsql statements 

7. Postico – PostgreSQL GUI macOS

Postico offers SQL developers a top-of-the-tier SQL editor and query interface to Mac users who work with PostgreSQL databases. Developed by Egger Apps, Postico provides the easiest and fastest way to run a PostgreSQL GUI on Mac devices. They also offer TableTool, an open-source CSV editor, and jetread, a tool to let you read Access files from the command line.   

Postico offers the ability to interact with data, filter rows, sort rows, edit and even batch edit rows. Create and alter columns, create and drop tables, and create and alter views.

Postico PostgreSQL GUI for Mac strengths:

  1. It works very well on macOS, the UI is fast, responsive and integrates seamlessly with the OS.
  2. SQL editor that does not crash
  3. Postico’s syntax highlighting, multiple result sets, automatic indenting, and auto-suggest for column names makes writing queries easy and smooth
  4. Deep focus on usability and making features meaningful
  5. Nice and clean user interface and key features to make SQL development a joy
  6. Free version to get started
  7. Postico is the successor of PG Commander, an older Mac Postgres GUI tool that is also widely used. They are both maintained by the same person.

Postico PostgreSQL GUI for Mac Weaknesses:

  1. It lacks a lot of features compared with Datagrip or DBeaver, but for simple use cases, it’s really enough.
  2. Only available for macOS
  3. No multiple query tabs in the free trial version
  4. Postico is a commercial app, with a one-time fee of $35. There is a free trial available.
  5. No support for other databases  

8. Beekeeper Studio

Beekeeper Studio is an open-source SQL editor and database management tool. It is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for interacting with relational databases. Beekeeper Studio supports a wide range of database systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, and others.

With Beekeeper Studio, you can connect to a PostgreSQL database, browse the database schema, view and edit table data, execute SQL queries, and perform administrative tasks such as creating and managing database objects (tables, views, indexes, etc.), managing users and permissions, and more.

Beekeeper Studio Postgres GUI strengths:

1. Beekeeper Studio provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the management of PostgreSQL databases.

2. It is a cross-platform tool, supporting Windows, macOS, and Linux, allowing users to work seamlessly across different operating systems.

3. The query management and snippets features make it convenient to organize and reuse SQL queries efficiently.

4. Beekeeper Studio supports multiple databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and SQL Server, offering flexibility for users working with different database systems.

5. Being an open-source project, Beekeeper Studio benefits from a community of contributors, ensuring continuous updates and improvements.

Beekeeper Studio Postgres GUI weaknesses:

1. Advanced features in Beekeeper Studio may be limited compared to more specialized GUI tools, potentially lacking certain functionalities for complex requirements.

2. Performance may be impacted when handling large datasets, causing potential slowdowns during extensive data manipulation or analysis tasks.

3. Beekeeper Studio relies on external libraries, which may introduce dependencies and require additional maintenance and updates for compatibility.

4. Visual query-building capabilities in Beekeeper Studio are relatively limited compared to tools specifically focused on this aspect.

5. As a relatively new project, Beekeeper Studio may not have the same level of maturity and extensive feature set as more established GUI tools for PostgreSQL.

9. Dbvisualizer

DBVisualizer emerges as an exceptional GUI client for PostgreSQL, catering to the specific needs of Postgres users. With its intuitive interface and robust SQL editor, it facilitates seamless query development and debugging. The tool’s graphical representation of database structures simplifies navigation, making it easy for developers and administrators to comprehend and manage PostgreSQL databases. Whether it’s data exploration, visual design, or secure connection management, DBVisualizer excels, providing a comprehensive solution for maximizing efficiency in Postgres database development and administration.

Dbvisualizer Postgres GUI strengths:

1. DBVisualizer’s cross-platform support ensures PostgreSQL users can seamlessly operate on various operating systems.

2. Tailored for PostgreSQL, it provides an intuitive interface and comprehensive tools for SQL editing, data exploration, and visual database design.

3. Its user-friendly interface and graphical representations simplify navigation and enhance the overall PostgreSQL database management experience.

4. DBVisualizer prioritizes security, supporting encrypted connections and SSH tunneling for secure interactions with PostgreSQL databases.

5. The tool’s robust SQL editor with syntax highlighting and auto-completion accelerates efficient query development and debugging in PostgreSQL environments.

Dbvisualizer Postgres GUI weaknesses:

1. New users might experience a learning curve, particularly with some of the more advanced features.

2. The Pro version incurs an initial cost and subsequent yearly fees, which may be a consideration for budget-conscious users.

3. Performance issues may arise when dealing with large datasets in certain scenarios.

10. DronaHQ – competing with traditional PostgreSQL GUI software

DronaHQ is a web-based low-code internal tool builder to create internal tools and custom applications on top of existing data. Thanks to a WYSIWYG UI editor and pre-built UI controls, you can create pixel-perfect front end applications in no time. Using ready data connectors, you can quickly connect to SQL, NoSQL data sources like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, Firebase, Redshift, and many more. It is also easy to connect to any REST of GraphQL API as well. 

Easy to create interactive data visualizations tools and front end applications like database admin panels, guis, dashboards, among others 

DronaHQ Postgres GUI Strengths: 

  1. No need to download and install anything. Cloud-based development platform.
  2. Visual builder is easy to learn. Reusable UI controls like table grids, lists, detailed views, buttons, form fields, and custom UI controls further save time spent in designing the perfect user interface.
  3. A visual query builder to query your SQL/NoSQL databases when you need server-side filtering based on criteria defined at run time.
  4. Built once, you can access your database GUI from any end-user portal. 
  5. Connects to any data source using ready connectors or APIs – You can work with your Postgres DB on the same GUI as you work with your MongoDB collections.
  6. Support unlimited users in all (usage-based) pricing plans.
  7. Interact with data, filter rows, sort rows, and edit rows.
  8. Leveraging AI, users can use the Ask AI feature to write complex SQL queries using natural language prompts.
  9. If you need to share the tool/app with more end-users, you can grant role-based access permissions to control who has view rights, edit rights, delete permissions, and so on.
  10. It allows users to interactively explore the data, like clicking on a cell and adding a filter to show other rows that have the same value or range, etc.

DronaHQ Postgres GUI Weaknesses: 

  1. DronaHQ is not primarily designed for Postgres so it is missing some features like real-time query debugging
  2. Only about 50 ready connectors but more are in the queue

Notable Mentions

As shared by developers and database administrators:

  1. OmniDB
  2. Arctype – making the query experience for devs good
  3. PyCharm – Python IDE with all goodness of DataGrip
  4. SQL Electron
  5. DatabreadFor organizing SQL queries better and programmatically exploring the data
  6. Ipythonsql, Pandas, and JupyterLabPostgre database for non-technical viewers of data
  7. Jailer
  8. Metabase
  9. QueryTree

Which is the best PostgreSQL GUI? 

The Postgres GUI you opt for will be based on your OS, requirements, budgets.  We have covered many open-source and paid tools, windows specific, mac specific, and cross-platform GUI tools. Some are suitable for small teams while some are more sensible for larger enterprises. There are GUI tools supporting PostgreSQL only and cross-platform ones.

So which one is the best for you? It depends. If you are a data analyst looking to create unified database views – give DBeaver, DataGrip, HeidiSQL a spin. However, if you are a larger team, giving Navicat a go would make more sense owing to its collaboration features

Postico and pgAdmin are the only PostgreSQL native GUI on our list. pgAdmin makes a solid choice if you are a DBA who wants a free solution that can scale across multiple servers. If you are a mac user, Postico makes more sense as it is a Postgres native GUI designed exclusively for macOS users. 

DronaHQ stands out when you need a solution to work with multiple data sources. Connecting to multiple data sources in a click speeds up the journey to visualizing your data sets in a single front end. Could combine SQL and NoSQL databases like view/manage data without queries, and create the cleanest UI. You can embed the dashboards/charts it generates into other websites.

A low-code approach to managing your Postgres DB is more time-saving, flexible, and powerful than the use of traditional outdated GUI tools like pgAdmin.

DronaHQ gives you a complete tool kit to build powerful database GUIs. Pre-built UI controls, frontend event handler, ready database connectors – you can put together fully functional applications in just minutes and share them with unlimited users. Take it for a spin for FREE > 

Use the comparison tool below to compare the top PostgreSQL GUI Clients on the market. You can filter results by user reviews, pricing, features, platform, region, support options, integrations, and more.

  • 1

    DbVisualizer Reviews

    Top Pick

    DbVisualizer is one of the world’s most popular database clients.

    Developers, analysts, and DBAs use it to advance their SQL experience with modern tools to visualize and manage their databases, schemas, objects, and table data and to auto-generate, write and optimize queries.

    It has extended support for 30+ of the major databases and has basic-level support for all databases that can be accessed with a JDBC driver. DbVisualizer runs on all major OSes.

    Free and Pro versions are available.

  • 2

    DataGrip Reviews

    DataGrip is our new database IDE, designed to meet the needs of professional SQL developers. You can execute queries in multiple modes. It also provides a local history which keeps track of your activity and protects your work from being lost. You can jump to any table or view by the name of the action or directly from the SQL code. This tool gives you a detailed insight into the behavior of your queries and the database engine behavior so that you can optimize your queries. DataGrip allows you to write SQL code more quickly by providing context-sensitive code completion. Completion can detect the table structure, foreign keys and even database objects that were created in the code you are editing. DataGrip will detect potential bugs in your code and suggest the best ways to fix them. It will instantly notify you of unresolved objects using keywords as identifiers. It also offers solutions.

  • 3

    DBeaver Reviews

    Multi-platform database tool that is free for database administrators, analysts, developers, and anyone who needs to work with databases. All popular databases supported: MySQL, PostgreSQL SQLite, Oracle and SQLite. The format configuration editor was also added. Extra configuration for filter dialog (performance). For small fetch sizes, sort by column as fixed. Support for case-insensitive filters was added. Plaintext view now supports top/bottom dividers. Data editor was updated to fix conflicts between column names and alias names. Multiple rows were fixed by the Duplicate Row(s) command. The context menu was restored to the Edit sub-menu. Columns were auto-sized. Dictionary viewer was updated (for read-only connections). Configurable support for current/selected row highlighting was added

  • 4

    Navicat Premium Reviews

    Navicat Premium is a database tool that allows you connect to MySQL, MariaDB and MongoDB as well as SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases simultaneously from one application. Compatible with cloud databases such as Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora and Amazon Redshift, Microsoft Azure. Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud, MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB Atlas, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud, and Oracle Cloud. Your databases can be quickly and easily built, managed, and maintained. Data Transfer, Structure Synchronization, and Data Synchronization make it easier to migrate your data faster and with less overhead. Deliver detailed, step-by-step guidelines for transferring data across various DBMS. Data and Structure Synchronization allows you to compare and synchronize different databases. You can set up and deploy the comparisons within seconds. The detailed script will allow you to specify the changes that you want to make.

  • 5

    SQLGate Reviews

    SQLGate is an IDE that allows you to create multiple SQL databases. It’s simple and powerful. It simplifies the creation and operation of databases by providing integrated database management and development solutions. It can be customized for seven databases, which make up 83.2% in the DBMS market. These databases include Oracle, SQL Server MySQL, MariaDB and Tibero as well as PostgreSQL. SQLGate makes it easy and faster to manage large databases with large amounts of data.

    Multiple Languages available: Korean, English, Spanish, French, Japanese, etc..

  • 6

    Retool Reviews

    You can build internal tools quickly. Stop wasting time coding UI libraries and figuring out access control. Start shipping apps that will help your business grow. All internal tools are composed of the building blocks: Lists, Tables, Charts and Forms. Wizards, Maps, Wizards and more. Retool comes with a complete set powerful building blocks. Instead of searching for the best React table library, spend your time building UI and communicating it to stakeholders. Drag and drop our pre-built components to build your app in just 30 seconds. Connect to any database or any other object that has a REST or GraphQL API. Retool allows you to seamlessly work with all your data sources in one app. You have access to all of your data. Retool’s backend proxy the query to your backend when it runs. We don’t keep any data. We don’t store any ETL data!

  • 7

    DbSchema Reviews

    DbSchema allows you to visual design the schema in a group, deploy it and then document it. DbSchema also includes integrated features such as data explorer, visual query editor and data generator. This makes it an all-purpose tool for anyone who works with databases. DbSchema is compatible with all No-SQL and relational databases, including MySQL and PostgreSQL. It also supports SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server and MongoDB. MariaDB, Redshift. Snowflake. Google, and many others. DbSchema reverse-engineers the database schema and visualizes it as diagrams. Diagrams and visual tools will be used to interact with the database. DbSchema model uses its own copy of the schema structure, independent of the database. This allows you to deploy the schema on multiple databases. You can save the design model to file and store it in GIT. Then, design the schema with a team.

  • 8

    TablePlus Reviews

    Modern native client with intuitive GUI tools to access, query, and edit multiple databases: MySQL. PostgreSQL. SQLite. Microsoft SQL Server. Amazon Redshift. MariaDB. CockroachDB. Vertica. Snowflake. Oracle. Redis.

  • 9

    Forest Admin Reviews

    Forest Admin is a tool that allows developers to quickly equip their teams with internal tools, such as fully-featured dashboards, admin panels, and database manipulation tools, that are tailored for their operations and ready to be scaled.

    In a matter of seconds, you can connect a data source to automatically generate a fully-featured admin dashboard. You can then easily customize it using low-code components that meet your specific needs.

    Forest Admin is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your forest.
    — Use the CRUD, Search, and Filtering functionality to manage your data.
    — Create Dev, Production and Staging environments to control each step of your development.
    — Assign roles and manage permissions at the granular level. Create different Layouts to suit each of your Teams.
    — Enforce the two-factor authentication for users
    — Customize Forest Admin’s look to match your brand.
    Trigger custom actions


  • 10

    Aqua Data Studio Reviews

    Aqua Data Studio is a tool for database administrators and database developers. It also helps data and business analysts manage data platforms and analyze data visually. It offers a unique combination, unlike its competitors, of a full-featured database editor and visual analytics. It also supports flexible import and export, advanced SQL queries optimization, extensive comparisons of databases and data, as well as powerful team collaboration.

  • 11

    HeidiSQL Reviews

    HeidiSQL is a free program that aims to make it easy to use. «Heidi» allows you to view and edit data and structures on computers that run one of the following database systems: MariaDB, MySQL or Microsoft SQL. Ansgar invented HeidiSQL in 2002. It is one of the most popular tools for MariaDB or MySQL. OpenSource, free for everyone Multiple servers can be connected in one window. MariaDB, MySQL and MS SQL are supported. You can connect to servers via commandline. You can connect via SSH tunnel or SSL settings. Edit tables, views, stored procedures, triggers, and scheduled events. You can create beautiful SQL-exports and then compress them or copy them to the clipboard. Export directly from one server/database to another server/database. You can manage user privileges, import text-files, and export table rows in CSV, HTML HTML, XML, SQL, LaTeX Wiki Markup, and PHP Array. A grid allows you to browse and edit table-data.

  • 12

    DBHawk Reviews




    DBHawk enabled our customers to comply with GDPR and HIPAA, SOX and GLBA regulations. Self-Service BI & Adhoc Reporting Tool that allows you to set Data Access Policy, connect to multiple data sources, create powerful SQL charts, and dashboards. DBHawk SQL editor allows users to create, edit, and run SQL queries via a web-based interface. DBHawk Query Maker is compatible with all major databases, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL. A web-based central tool allows you to automate SQL tasks and batch jobs. Our all-in-one data platform provides secure access to SQL, NoSQL, and Cloud databases. Our customers trust us to protect their data and allow them to access it. Centralized Security, Auditing, and insights into your user’s activities.

  • 13

    dbForge Studio Reviews

    dbForge Studio integrates SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle and PostgreSQL management, administration, data report and analysis. SQL Manager allows you to easily create, edit, copy and attach, detach, backup, and restore databases from any server. These tools allow developers to manage databases, speedup routine tasks, and make complex database modifications.

  • 14

    JackDB Reviews



    $49 per user per month

    A fully interactive SQL editor allows you to create and execute queries. JackDB offers everything you need in a database client: syntax highlighting and code formatting as well as intelligent autocompletion. Snippets let you save and share your most important SQL queries. Simply create and save any query in JackDB and then share the snippet with your team. Everyone has access to the latest version of a snippet if anyone updates it. JackDB is committed to security. Roles are a convenient and secure way of limiting database access to authorized users, and granting new users access to data sources. You can view everything in your database, not just views and tables. View your schemas, indexes, and other system details like tablespaces or user sessions.

  • 15

    EMS SQL Management Studio Reviews

    EMS SQL Management Studio PostgreSQL provides a complete solution to PostgreSQL database development and administration. This single workbench includes all the tools you need to manage PostgreSQL objects and databases. You can access all databases and their objects through a single console. You can modify and create all database and server objects, as well as set required properties. Advanced visual editors allow you to view detailed information. Compare databases tool allows you to transfer structure changes from the development database to the production database automatically. To quickly deploy newly developed databases, create ER diagrams. SQL Studio can run your database maintenance tasks using advanced options.

  • 16

    Arctype Reviews

    Quickly create queries, format and autocomplete SQL. In just 2 clicks, you can visualize anything and create beautiful charts. Combine multiple charts into a dashboard. Share and manage access. Get your team involved with the action by sharing links to charts or queries. To find anything in your workspace, you can use cmd + K to access your dashboards and queries. Edit tables like a spreadsheet and select any cell you wish to edit. View JSON and delete rows. You will likely need to add or modify data if you’re working with a PostgreSQL Database as part of your project. To do this, we recommend using an SQL client. This guide will show you how to connect to your Postgres Database using an SQL Client. Create the smallest EC2 account. It is important to note the Virtual Private Cloud network (VPC) it is created in. Arctype is a beautiful, fast database GUI for developers and teams. SQL autocomplete, spreadsheet-style editing and one-click visualizations allow for collaboration.

  • 17

    Postbird Reviews

    Postbird is a cross platform PostgreSQL GUI client written in JavaScript and run with Electron. Views, material views and foreign tables are supported. Constraints and schemas can be connected to Heroku’s Postgres. Manage extensions, procedures, users and filter tables. Edit values. Import & export tables or database tables. Comfortable query editing, including saving the last query, syntax highlight, keyboard shortcuts, query history, query history, viewing large numbers, explaining formatting, and saving results in CSV.

  • 18

    Navicat for PostgreSQL Reviews

    Navicat for PostgreSQL, a graphical tool that allows you to develop PostgreSQL databases, is easy-to-use. Navicat for PostgreSQL can be used to create simple SQL queries or to develop complex databases. It is easy to use and will accommodate all levels of users, including beginners and seasoned developers. You can connect to local and remote PostgreSQL servers. It is compatible with cloud databases such as Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and all PostgreSQL objects. Our Navicat Cloud service is available to Navicat users. You can sync your connection settings and queries to cloud so that you can access real-time queries and connections from anywhere. Navicat Cloud allows you to make the most of every minute of your day and maximize your productivity. Navicat Cloud allows you to establish secure SSH connections through SSH Tunneling. This ensures strong authentication and secure encryption among two hosts. You can choose to use a password, or a public/private pair of keys for authentication.

  • 19

    Beekeeper Studio Reviews

    Tunnel through SSH or SSL to encrypt your connection Beekeeper Studio will save your connection password and encrypt it. Our editor has syntax highlighting and auto-complete suggestions to help you work quickly. You can open dozens of tabs to work quickly and without switching windows. You can also create tabs for data views and table DDL. You can save and organize frequently used queries easily so that you can reuse them across all your connections. Beekeeper’s SQL table generator allows you to create, edit, or delete table columns in just few clicks. With just a few clicks, you can export a table to CSV or JSON, JSONL or SQL. You can also apply filters to only export the data you need.

  • 20

    Kangaroo Reviews

    SQL client and admin tool to manage popular databases. Simple and intuitive GUI allows you to focus on data and complete your work quickly. It will make editing easy and focus on the experience. GTK and Adwaita are native applications based on Vala. Focus on performance, not responsibility. MySQL/PostgreSQL connections are more complicated as it supports multi-authentication methods. You should prepare material before you make a connection. You could connect via the private network over SSH (and over proxy), and the built-in SSH Client could help you do this. Drag and drop a SQLite file from the file manager to the connection home page. The connection is instantly created. To create a connection, create an empty file with the SQLite extension. Drag and drop it onto the connection home page. GTK4 supports HiDPI on all platforms. All GTK4 apps will scale automatically with the system scale setting.

  • 21

    PostgreSQL Maestro Reviews

    PostgreSQL database management, administration, and development tool. You can browse, create, edit and duplicate schema objects such as views, functions, triggers, functions, and functions in the most straightforward way. Data modeling can be simplified. In a few clicks, you can create tables and relations. You can print diagrams or export them in a variety of graphical file formats. You can browse, edit, print and sort your data with a variety of tools, including master-detail views. You can create OLAP cubes and graphical diagrams. A feature-rich SQL Editor allows you to code completion, code folding, and SQL formatted. You can also build your queries visually. You can export your data to up to 20 popular file formats, or import data from Excel CSV, XML, and other files. PostgreSQL Maestro provides powerful tools to make your server secure and safe. With just a few mouse clicks, you can split denormalized tables, create DML procedures, or updatable view views, and check nullable column.

  • 22

    Sqlectron Reviews

    A lightweight and simple SQL client terminal/desktop with cross-database support and platform support. A simple desktop application. Sign and notarize macOS builds. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL. Sqlectron also offers a GUI interface, sqlectrongui. Sqlectron will handle the configuration for you most of the time. The results rendering does not include the paging, but SQL query does. Supports PostgreSQL and Redshift as well as MySQL, MariaDB and Microsoft SQL Server.

  • 23

    Valentina Studio Reviews

    Free to create, manage, query, and explore Valentina DB and SQLite databases. You can create business reports in Valentina Studio Pro, Valentina Server, or in an application using an Application Developer Kit. Standard backward engineering with forwarding engineering in Valentina Studio Pro Create diagrams from existing databases and reverse engineering. Add new objects to diagrams. SQL queries can be written with color syntax and auto-completion. Define, manage, save favorite queries; access recent queries. Each function has a function browser dictionary. Consoles for errors and warnings. Search, Export result records to CSV, JSON or Excel. Edit multiple properties at once. You can drill down to fields and tables; it is a fast way to search. Create diagrams from existing databases by reverse engineering. Diagrams can be updated with new objects. Manage privileges and users by adding and dropping users and groups.

  • 24

    Adminer Reviews

    Adminer replaces phpMyAdmin. You will have a cleaner user interface, better support of MySQL features, more performance, and greater security. Adminer’s security is a top priority. Adminer prohibits you from connecting to databases without a password. It also rates-limits connections to protect against brute force attacks. Adminer can still be made inaccessible to the public by whitelisting IP addresses that are allowed to connect to it, password protecting your web server, enabling security plug-ins (e.g. You can also customize the login method or require an OTP. If you don’t need Adminer anymore, you can delete it. It is only one file that can be uploaded in the future. Adminer has had security issues in the past. If Adminer informs you that a new version is available, update immediately. Ask your administrator if you are unable to update yourself. Connect to a database server using username and password. /Select an existing or create a new database.

  • 25

    Nucleon Database Master Reviews

    Nucleon Database Master is an intuitive, modern, powerful and simple to use database administration, management, and query software. It has a consistent and modern interface. Database Master makes it easy to manage, monitor, query, edit, visualize, design relational and NoSQL DBMSMS. Database Master lets you execute extended SQL, JQL, and C# (Linq), query scripts. It also provides all database objects, such as tables, views and procedures, columns, indexes and relationships (constraints), collection, triggers, and other objects.

Overview of PostgreSQL GUI Clients

PostgreSQL GUI clients are specialized software tools that allow users to interact with PostgreSQL databases in a graphical user interface (GUI) environment. A PostgreSQL GUI client provides a convenient way for users to manage and query the database, as well as visually inspect or modify data stored within it.

The most popular PostgreSQL GUI client is pgAdmin, an open-source tool designed to provide a comprehensive set of management, development and administration capabilities for PostgreSQL databases. It can be used on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Unix operating systems. The interface is intuitive and easy to use for both beginner and experienced users alike. With pgAdmin you can create new databases and tables; edit existing objects; add various types of data such as text, images, binary data etc.; run SQL queries; view query plans; manage user access/privileges; export/import data from other sources like CSV files; generate detailed reports etc. All this can be done without ever having to write any complex SQL queries yourself.

There are also many commercial PostgreSQL GUI clients available on the market today such as EMS SQL Manager for PostgreSQL, Navicat Premium and Toad Data Modeler. These tools offer additional features over their open-source counterparts including support for advanced security settings, built-in task schedulers, visual query builders, and more. Some of these applications even provide integrated debugging capabilities so you can easily trace errors in your SQL statements before they become major problems down the line.

In summary, PostgreSQL GUI clients provide an efficient way for users to interact with their database without having to manually enter complex SQL queries every time. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting out with relational databases — having access to these powerful tools will undoubtedly save you tons of time in the long run.

Reasons To Use PostgreSQL GUI Clients

  1. Intuitive and Comprehensive Interface: GUI clients provide an intuitive and comprehensive interface, which makes PostgreSQL more accessible to less technical users. They come with a range of graphical elements that make it easier to visualize the databases and help users navigate through their data quickly.
  2. Automated Data Manipulation: Most PostgreSQL GUI clients can automate data manipulation tasks such as creating tables, editing fields, importing or exporting records, or running queries without having to write SQL code manually. This simplifies the process for non-programmers who don’t want to learn advanced query languages like SQL.
  3. Improved Security: Many of the PostgreSQL GUI clients available offer additional features such as authentication tools or permission management systems, which can improve security by allowing administrators to restrict access only to certain users based on individual credentials or roles within the system.
  4. Better Performance Monitoring: Some GUI clients also provide performance monitoring tools that allow administrators to view real-time metrics related to query response times, slow queries, connection activity, memory usage, etc., helping them identify any bottlenecks in their system before they become major problems down the line.

Why Are PostgreSQL GUI Clients Important?

PostgreSQL GUI clients are an important tool for database administrators because they provide convenience and ease-of-use when managing complex PostgreSQL databases. By leveraging a graphical user interface (GUI), the user is able to view and work with the data in a visual manner, rather than relying solely on the command line. Additionally, GUI clients offer features such as query building tools and easy data manipulation, which allow users to quickly manipulate their data without having to write or understand complicated SQL commands. This can significantly reduce time spent on mundane data management tasks, freeing up time for more advanced analytical activities.

Furthermore, GUI clients make it easier for developers to debug complex queries. Visual representation of a query can help identify syntax errors more quickly when compared to attempting to spot any errors through code review alone. In addition, many graphical clients come equipped with additional debugging capabilities such as detailed logging of executed commands and step-by-step execution of commands for tracing problems back to their source. All these features combined greatly reduce the complexity of development tasks such as writing stored procedures or inspecting performance bottlenecks associated with complex queries.

In conclusion, PostgreSQL GUI clients are essential tools that help database administrators and developers manage their databases efficiently while reducing overall development time by streamlining simple tasks like manipulating data or debugging queries through a visual interface optimized for those activities.

PostgreSQL GUI Clients Features

  1. Database Management: PostgreSQL GUI clients provide users with an intuitive interface for managing their databases. This module allows users to perform basic operations such as creating and dropping databases, tables, functions, views, indexes and sequences. Additionally, it provides a visual representation of the database structure so that users can easily visualize how the various elements interact with each other.
  2. Data Manipulation: With PostgreSQL GUI clients, users have access to powerful tools for manipulating data in their databases in real time. These tools allow them to query the database using SQL statements and filters; view the table data in tabular format; modify existing records with ease; add new records quickly; delete selected rows or entire tables instantly; export data into CSV or other file formats; and more.
  3. Administration Tools: The administration module of PostgreSQL GUI client gives users control over server related operations such as monitoring connections, running queries on multiple databases at once, setting up user permissions and roles on different objects within a database, analyzing execution plans for better performance optimization etc. It also provides a graphical resource monitor which can be used to track server resources like memory usage and CPU load in real time.
  4. Security: With its authentication mechanisms such as MD5 encryption for passwords stored in the database as well as password policy settings such as minimum password length and special characters required per requirement rules setup by system administrators make sure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive information stored in your databases securely at all times.
  5. Developer Support Tools: The developer support module of PostgreSQL GUI clients includes features like code snippets that come handy when writing complex queries while debugging is made easier through colored hints available when an error is encountered during query executions or schema changes being made on particular tables or functions etc.. Users also benefit from syntax highlighting which makes it easy to differentiate between keywords used as part of SQL statements allowing quick identification of syntax errors before executing them against the production environment thereby reducing downtime due to unintended issues caused unintentionally by developers coding mistakes.

Who Can Benefit From PostgreSQL GUI Clients?

  • Database Administrators: PostgreSQL GUI clients provide a convenient and intuitive interface for configuring and managing database structures, monitoring performance, querying data, and more.
  • Developers: With a PostgreSQL GUI client, developers can create databases as well as interact with tables, triggers, functions and stored procedures quickly and efficiently. They can also easily build complex queries by drag-and-dropping tables in graphical query builder tools.
  • Data Scientists/Analysts: By using PostgreSQL GUI clients they can execute multiple complicated SQL queries simultaneously to explore the data visually or graphically. It also provides them with tools allowing them to aggregate statistics on their datasets without having to write code.
  • Business Users: Using a rich suite of graphical user interfaces (GUIs), business users are able to understand their data better without having any deep technical knowledge of coding languages or databases. This makes it easier for them to drill down into the details of their reports so they can make more informed decisions faster.
  • Security Analysts/Auditors: A PostgreSQL GUI client gives them an easy way to keep track of users’ access rights and spot any impacts from privilege escalation attempts or malicious operations in the database system that may otherwise go unnoticed if manually checked line by line through code or log files.

How Much Do PostgreSQL GUI Clients Cost?

The cost of PostgreSQL GUI clients can vary significantly depending on the features and capabilities that you need. Many open source tools are available for free, or at a discounted rate based on usage or user sponsorship. One popular option is pgAdmin 4, which is completely free to use and includes an intuitive interface and comprehensive database management capabilities. Commercial options like Aqua Data Studio and DataGrip offer specialized tools such as database modeling, agent jobs, comparative analysis, query optimization and much more. These types of professional database applications typically require financial investment ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Some providers also offer subscription-based pricing models with a monthly fee model in order to access their services. Ultimately the best option depends on your specific needs and budget constraints.

Risks To Consider With PostgreSQL GUI Clients

  • Security Risks: By using a PostgreSQL GUI client, users can be exposed to potential security threats as some of the tools may not be authenticated or properly encrypted. This could lead to unauthorized access and exploitation of sensitive data.
  • Data Integrity Risk: If a GUI client is used incorrectly, it could change the structure or content of data in the database, leading to major inconsistencies in the system. This could cause significant disruptions and create long-term effects on an organization’s operations if not corrected quickly.
  • Resource Consumption Risks: Since a lot of resources are needed for a PostgreSQL GUI client to work effectively, it might lead to slow down other processes running on the same server as well as consume excessive disk space that could affect overall system performance.
  • Compatibility Issues: As different versions of PostgreSQL use different syntaxes and features, it is important that you use a compatible version of your selected PostgreSQL GUI client so it can work properly without creating any issues.

What Software Can Integrate with PostgreSQL GUI Clients?

PostgreSQL GUI clients can integrate with multiple types of software, including database visualization and reporting tools, data migration systems, and various administrative applications. Database visualization and reporting tools allow users to view the data stored in PostgreSQL databases in detailed graphical formats. Data migration systems enable organizations to move large amounts of data quickly and securely between different databases. Lastly, administrative applications provide interfaces that facilitate administration tasks such as monitoring performance, optimizing the system configuration, setting up security protocols, or managing user access controls.

Questions To Ask When Considering PostgreSQL GUI Clients

  1. Does the PostgreSQL GUI client offer a comprehensive range of features?
  2. Is the user interface easy to navigate and understand?
  3. How well does the GUI client integrate with PostgreSQL?
  4. Are there any security features that guard user data and protect system integrity?
  5. Is it possible to customize certain aspects of the GUI for easier usability and access?
  6. Are there multiple options for running queries, such as batch scripts or visual query builders?
  7. What range of export formats are available from within the application (e.g., CSV, HTML)?
  8. Does the GUI client provide advanced functionality such as database backup & recovery or replication tools?
  9. Is technical support offered in case users experience problems with installation or compatibility issues?
  10. Does the PostgreSQL GUI Client run on all major operating systems (e.g., Windows, Mac OSX, Linux)?

What are Free PostgreSQL GUI Clients?

PostgreSQL GUI clients are tools used to easily manage and manipulate databases from a graphical user interface. They provide an intuitive interface that allows users to create and edit elements like tables, views, functions and more. Popular PostgreSQL GUI clients include pgAdmin, DBeaver, TablePlus and Navicat Premium. These clients support a variety of database operations through graphical tools or embedded SQL text editors for full control over query execution.
Compare the best Free PostgreSQL GUI Clients currently available using the table below.

  • 1


    DbVisualizer is one of the world’s most popular database editors.
    Developers, analysts, and DBAs use it to elevate their SQL experience with modern tools to visualize and manage their databases, schemas, objects, and table data, and to auto-generate, write and optimize queries. And so much more.
    It connects to all popular databases (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Cassandra, Snowflake, SQLite, BigQuery, and 20+ more) and runs on all popular OSes (Windows, macOS, and Linux).
    With almost 6 million downloads and Pro-users in 145 countries around the world, it won’t let you down. Free and Pro versions are available.

    Leader badge

    Starting Price:
    $197/perpetual license

  • 2


    HeidiSQL is free software, and has the aim to be easy to learn. «Heidi» lets you see and edit data and structures from computers running one of the database systems MariaDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. Invented in 2002 by Ansgar, HeidiSQL belongs to the most popular tools for MariaDB and MySQL worldwide. Free for everyone, OpenSource. Connect to multiple servers in one window. Supported database systems: MariaDB, MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. Connect to servers via commandline. Connect via SSH tunnel, or pass SSL settings. Create and edit tables, views, stored routines, triggers and scheduled events. Generate nice SQL-exports, compress these afterwards, or put them on the clipboard. Export from one server/database directly to another server/database. Manage user-privileges, import text-files, export table rows as CSV, HTML, XML, SQL, LaTeX, Wiki Markup and PHP Array. Browse and edit table-data using a comfortable grid.

  • 3


    SQLGate is a simple but powerful IDE for multiple SQL databases. As an integrated database management and development solution, it simplifies the construction and operation of databases. It is customized for seven different databases that make up 83.2% of the DBMS market. These include Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, Tibero, and PostgreSQL. SQLGate makes it easier and quicker to deal with databases holding large amounts of data.
    Multiple Languages available: Korean, English, Spanish, French, Japanese, etc..

  • 4


    Build internal tools, remarkably fast. Stop wrestling with UI libraries, hacking together data sources, and figuring out access controls. Start shipping apps that move your business forward. All internal tools are made up of the building blocks: Tables, Lists, Charts, Forms, Wizards, Maps and so on. Retool provides a complete set of powerful building blocks out of the box. Spend your time getting UI in front of stakeholders, not hunting down the best React table library. Assemble your app in 30 seconds by dragging and dropping from our pre-built components. Connect to most databases or anything with a REST, GraphQL or gRPC API. Retool empowers you to work with all of your data sources seamlessly in one app. Your data is always stored by you. When a query is run, the Retool backend proxies the request to your backend. We don’t store any of the data. No more ETL-ing data around!

    Starting Price:
    $10 per user per month

  • 5


    DbSchema is for visual designing the schema in a team, deploy and document the schema. Other integrated features like data explorer, visual query editor, data generator, etc., makes DbSchema an every-day tool for everybody who interacts with databases. DbSchema supports all relational and No-SQL databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, MariaDB, Redshift, Snowflake, Google and more. DbSchema is reverse-engineering the database schema from the database and visualize it as diagrams. You will interact with the database using diagrams and visual tools. DbSchema model is using its copy of schema structure, independent from the database. This allows the schema deployment on multiple databases, save the design model to file, store it in GIT and design the schema in a team, design the schema without database connectivity, compare different versions of the schema and generate SQL migration scripts.

    Starting Price:
    $63 one time payment

  • 6


    Modern, native client with intuitive GUI tools to create, access, query & edit multiple databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, MariaDB, CockroachDB, Vertica, Cassandra, Snowflake, Oracle, Redis.

  • 7

    Forest Admin

    Forest Admin is a low-code internal tool solution that helps developers rapidly equip their business teams with internal tools such as fully-featured admin panels, dashboards, and database manipulation tools that are tailored to their operations and ready to scale.
    All you need is to connect a data source and a fully-featured admin panel is auto-generated from your data in a few moments. Then easily customize it with low-code components to meet your unique needs.
    Here is what you can do with Forest Admin:
    — Leverage out-of-the-box CRUD, Search and Filtering functionalities to manage your data.
    — Set up Dev, Staging and Production environments to control every step of your development process.
    — Assign different Roles and manage granular permissions. Create different Layouts for each of your Teams.
    — Enforce two-factor authentication for all users
    — Change the look of Forest Admin to match your company’s branding.
    — Trigger custom actions.
    And more!

    Starting Price:

  • 8


    Write queries fast, generate, format, and autocomplete SQL. Visualize anything, and build beautiful charts in 2 clicks. Combine multiple charts in a dashboard. Share and control access. Bring your team in on the action with links to charts and queries. With your queries and dashboards at your fingertips, use cmd + k to find anything in your workspace. Edit tables like a spreadsheet, and select any cell to edit. Delete rows and view JSON. If you are working with a PostgreSQL database as part of your project, you’ll probably need to add or edit data. We recommend using an SQL client to do so. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to connect to your Postgres database using an SQL client. Create the smallest EC2 instance available. Take note of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network it is created in. Arctype is a fast, beautiful database GUI for developers and teams. With SQL autocomplete, spreadsheet-style editing, one-click visualizations, and collaboration.

  • 9


    Postbird is a cross-platform PostgreSQL GUI client, written in JavaScript, and runs with Electron. Supports views, material views, foreign tables, constraints, and schemas, and connects to Heroku’s Postgres. Can manage extensions, procedures, users, filter tables, edit values, and import & export tables or databases. Have comfortable query editing with saving the last query, syntax highlighting, keyboard shortcuts, search, snippets, query history, viewing large results, explaining formatting, and saving results as CSV.

  • 10

    Navicat for PostgreSQL

    Navicat for PostgreSQL is an easy-to-use graphical tool for PostgreSQL database development. From writing simple SQL queries to developing complex databases, Navicat for PostgreSQL is designed to accommodate a wide range of users, from PostgreSQL beginners to seasoned developers. Connect to local/remote PostgreSQL servers and compatible with cloud databases like Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora, Amazon RDS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, and all PostgreSQL database objects. Navicat provides users with our Navicat Cloud service. Sync your connection settings and queries to the cloud so you can get real-time queries and connections anytime and anywhere. With Navicat Cloud, you can leverage every minute of your day to maximize your productivity. Navicat allows you to establish secure SSH sessions through SSH Tunneling, ensuring strong authentication and secure encryption between two hosts. The authentication method can use a password or a public/private key pair.

    Starting Price:
    $17.99 per month

  • 11


    SQL client and admin tool for popular databases. A simple and Intuitive GUI helps you focus on data and finish your work quickly. Focus on the experience of editing, and make you feel smooth when working with it. GTK and Adwaita with Vala-based native application, focus on performance, focus on responsible. MySQL/PostgreSQL connection is more complicated because it supports multi-authentication methods, so you should prepare material before making a connection. Your connection could be through the private network over SSH(and over proxy), the built-in SSH client could help you do it. Drag and drop an SQLite database file from the file manager into the connection home page, the connection is created quickly. Create an empty file with SQLite file extension, then drag and drop it on the connection home page to create a connection. GTK4 has HiDPI support on all platforms, all GTK4 apps will scale with the system scale setting automatically.

  • 12


    A simple and lightweight SQL client desktop/terminal with cross-database and platform support. A desktop application with a simple interface. Sign and notarize builds for macOS. Supports PostgreSQL and MySQL. Sqlectronhas also has a GUI interface called sqlectron-gui. Most of the time you should not worry about files, because Sqlectron will manage the configuration for you. The paging is not done in SQL query, instead, it is done during the results rendering. Supports PostgreSQL, Redshift, MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, Cassandra, and SQLite.Although it is possible to change files manually, it is usually better to just use the UI since it allows you to change any of the settings from there.

  • 13

    Valentina Studio

    Create, administer, query and explore Valentina DB, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases for FREE. Design business reports running in Valentina Studio Pro, on Valentina Server or in an application with an Application Developer Kit. Backward Engineering in Standard with forwarding Engineering in Valentina Studio Pro. Reverse engineering and create diagrams for existing databases. Add new objects to diagrams. Write SQL queries with auto-completion, color syntax. Define, manage, save favorite queries; access recent queries. Function browser dictionary of each function. Consoles for errors, warnings, and performance. Search, Export result records into CSV, JSON, Excel. Edit properties of multiple objects at the same time. Drill down to tables and fields; incredible fast searching. Reverse engineering and create diagrams for existing databases. Add new objects to diagrams. Add/drop users, and groups, and manage privileges.

  • 14


    Replace phpMyAdmin with Adminer and you will get a tidier user interface, better support for MySQL features, higher performance and more security. Security is #1 priority in development of Adminer. Adminer does not allow connecting to databases without a password and it rate-limits the connection attempts to protect against brute-force attacks. Still, consider making Adminer inaccessible to public by whitelisting IP addresses allowed to connect to it, password-protecting the access in your web server, enabling security plugins (e.g. to require an OTP) or by customizing the login method. You can also delete Adminer if not needed anymore, it is just one file which is easy to upload in the future. Adminer had some security bugs in the past so update whenever Adminer tells you there is a new version available (ask your administrator if you could not update yourself). Connect to a database server with username and password. /Select an existing database or create a new one.

  • 15


    PostgreSQL GUI tool for macOS. PSequel provides a clean and simple interface for you to perform common PostgreSQL tasks quickly. pgAdmin is great for its feature-richness. However, its UI is clumsy and complicated. There is a list of PostgreSQL GUI Tools. However, they are either web-based, Java-based or don’t support the features some want. In the good old MySQL world, the best client is Sequel Pro, but its support for PostgreSQL doesn’t seem to be happening. So, we decided to make one. PSequel is written from scratch in Swift 2, although PSequel’s UI is highly inspired by Sequel Pro. PSequel is being developed in our spare time. By supporting macOS 10.10+ only, the codebase can be kept simpler and save time by not testing it in older versions of macOS. And, less code, less bugs. PSequel is still in its early stage.

  • 16

    SQL Workbench

    SQL Workbench/J is a free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL query tool. It is written in Java and should run on any operating system that provides a Java Runtime Environment. Its main focus is on running SQL scripts (either interactively or as a batch) and export/import features. Graphical query building or more advanced DBA tasks are not the focus and are not planned. Powerful export command to write text files (aka «CSV»), XML, HTML or SQL (including BLOB data). All user tables can be exported into a directory with a single command. Export files can be compressed «on-the-fly». Powerful text, XML and spreadsheet import. A set of files (including compressed files) can be imported from a directory with a single command. Foreign key constraints are detected to insert the data in the correct order. Compare two database schemas for differences. The XML output can be transformed into the approriate SQL ALTER statements using XSLT.

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