Kinectcam ax windows 10 64

Hey friends! I just wanted to share with you a practical tutorial on how to use your old Kinect 360 Cam as a webcam in Windows 10 for Skype and other Video Conferencing programs.  This is actually an older method, but I was shocked to learn it actually worked on Windows 10!  I was previously using a method on Windows 7 by Piotr Sowa right here (, but it stopped working for me with Windows 10.  After much frustration I discovered a method that actually worked with Windows 10 and so I’m sharing and hosting the files with you that I know work on my website before they disappear off the internet.  The other reason I want to share this with you is because we have a huge problem in this world that is called “Planned Obsolescence” (See video and that is Corporations build things to break and to be replaced within a short time frame to boost profits.  And what happens to all that plastic? Well currently they are dumping it in 3rd world countries at alarming rates.  These kind of practices have to stop for all products and we should get updated drivers for everything ever made from Printers to Webcams if we wish to save the Oceans and this planet!

It’s true the problems have a lot to do with the way we see the world.  It’s important for everyone to discover what “Soul Vision” means I believe and that’s why I invite everybody to open up and share their own stories as this is one of the methods towards getting everybody connected.  I have boldly and bravely laid out my own personal stories on this voyage for all to see right here. Why not take a peak at how this process evolved in me.  Here’s a link to my stories:

“James’ Soul Stories”

And here’s the links required for using the Kinect 360 Camera as web cam in Windows 10:

Note right click the links and choose “Save Target As” to somewhere on your computer.


2. KinectSDK v1.0 Beta2 64 bit

3. Note:  Only If you have the problem with the “failed to register” and “missing Dll file dependencies” error message, then download these two files and place them in the same location. (C:)  Then try the same command: regsvr32 (in the Admin Command Prompt).



Note: This method is for Windows 10 64 bit.  If you are running a 32 bit version (denoted with x86) of windows I recommend the other version of the SDK file found here:

Note: If everything works, be sure to give a Facebook and Youtube Thumbs Up!! Thanks!

Hey friends! I just wanted to share with you a practical tutorial on how to use your old Kinect 360 Cam as a webcam in Windows 10 for Skype and other Video Conferencing programs.  This is actually an older method, but I was shocked to learn it actually worked on Windows 10!  I was previously using a method on Windows 7 by Piotr Sowa right here (, but it stopped working for me with Windows 10.  After much frustration I discovered a method that actually worked with Windows 10 and so I’m sharing and hosting the files with you that I know work on my website before they disappear off the internet.  The other reason I want to share this with you is because we have a huge problem in this world that is called “Planned Obsolescence” (See video and that is Corporations build things to break and to be replaced within a short time frame to boost profits.  And what happens to all that plastic? Well currently they are dumping it in 3rd world countries at alarming rates.  These kind of practices have to stop for all products and we should get updated drivers for everything ever made from Printers to Webcams if we wish to save the Oceans and this planet!

It’s true the problems have a lot to do with the way we see the world.  It’s important for everyone to discover what “Soul Vision” means I believe and that’s why I invite everybody to open up and share their own stories as this is one of the methods towards getting everybody connected.  I have boldly and bravely laid out my own personal stories on this voyage for all to see right here. Why not take a peak at how this process evolved in me.  Here’s a link to my stories:

“James’ Soul Stories”

And here’s the links required for using the Kinect 360 Camera as web cam in Windows 10:

Note right click the links and choose “Save Target As” to somewhere on your computer.


2. KinectSDK v1.0 Beta2 64 bit

3. Note:  Only If you have the problem with the “failed to register” and “missing Dll file dependencies” error message, then download these two files and place them in the same location. (C:)  Then try the same command: regsvr32 (in the Admin Command Prompt).



Note: This method is for Windows 10 64 bit.  If you are running a 32 bit version (denoted with x86) of windows I recommend the other version of the SDK file found here:

Note: If everything works, be sure to give a Facebook and Youtube Thumbs Up!! Thanks!

Hello! I came across your post searching on how to make this setup work.

I messed around with this a bit today because I was curious. Firstly, you have to make sure that anything Kinect related has been uninstalled. At first I installed SDK version 1.8. This appears to only work with KinectSDK-v1.0-beta2-x64.exe like you stated.

For some reason, KinectCam shows up as a webcam within Zoom, but doesn’t show up as a webcam for the camera app, or for Skype.

All of this seems very buggy.

The only thing I can think of suggesting, is to make sure that the Kinect is plugged into usb3. I had poor results until I plugged it in there. That, and make sure you reboot your PC after you install the SDK and .AX file.

I wish I had more to offer, but it seems that this is fickle at best. It’s too bad Microsoft doesn’t release updated drivers for older hardware.

However, I did find one possible workaround. It’s not perfect, but you could try it. Search for «OpenNi Virtual Webcam». At one point, I had this functioning with the Kinect sensor and was able to select it as a source in Zoom.

I wish I was more help. From what I read, the V2 Kinect works as a webcam more easily.

I’ve written a DirectShow filter that makes the Kinect Camera show up as a capture device and it is working fine in Skype. Please download it from here:

Updated version for Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2 (NOTE: It doesn’t work with the new non beta version!):


After downloading place it somewhere like under My Documents and then register it by running a Command Prompt (make sure you right click and Run as Administrator) then type:

cd «<directory where you placed the file>»


Now run Skype and go to Tools -> Options -> Video Settings.

You should now be able to select a webcam called Kinect Cam. The webcam outputs white noise if it fails to initialise Kinect so if you see this check your Kinect has power and is connected via USB.

Go to Skype’s audio settings and select Microphone Array (Kinect USB Audio).

Feedback is appreciated. I’ve not had a chance to test it much but it does seem to be working fine.



Louise Ward

Дата создания:

8 Февраль 2021

Дата обновления:

12 Март 2023

9 нестандартных сценариев использования Kinect

Видео: 9 нестандартных сценариев использования Kinect


  • Шаг 1
  • Шаг 2
  • Шаг 3
  • Шаг 4
  • Шаг 5
  • Шаг 6
  • Шаг 7

С выпуском «Kinect для Windows SDK» Microsoft открыла пользователям возможность начать использовать устройство Kinect на компьютерах. Поскольку это камера, одно из ее потенциальных применений связано с онлайн-видеоконференциями. Если вы установите «Kinect для Windows SDK» и бесплатную программу «KinectCam», использование Kinect в качестве веб-камеры может стать реальностью на вашем компьютере с Windows.

Шаг 1

Откройте свой веб-браузер и перейдите на «». Введите «Kinect SDK» в строку поиска и нажмите кнопку «Поиск». Выберите ссылку «Kinect Windows SDK от Microsoft Research» и нажмите кнопку «Загрузить». Выберите версию Windows, которую вы хотите загрузить.

Шаг 2

Дважды щелкните файл установщика Kinect SDK и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы установить его.

Шаг 3

Откройте веб-браузер и перейдите на «». Наведите курсор мыши на меню «Продукты» и выберите параметр «KinectCam». Щелкните ссылку «Загрузить», чтобы загрузить ZIP-файл на свой компьютер. Дважды щелкните по нему, чтобы распаковать его содержимое.

Шаг 4

Нажмите кнопку «Пуск» и выберите вариант «Компьютер». Дважды щелкните значок диска «C: », чтобы открыть его. Откройте папку «KinectCam» и перетащите файл «» на диск «C: ».

Шаг 5

Нажмите кнопку «Пуск» и введите «командная строка» в поле поиска. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши параметр «Командная строка» в результатах поиска и выберите параметр «Запуск от имени администратора», чтобы запустить это приложение.

Шаг 6

Введите ’cd» C: «’ в окне командной строки и нажмите клавишу «Enter». Введите «c: windows system32 regsvr32.exe» в окне командной строки и нажмите клавишу «Enter».

Подключите сенсор Kinect к компьютеру с помощью соединительного кабеля USB устройства.Теперь, когда вы запускаете программу, которая должна использовать веб-камеру, сенсор Kinect будет отображаться как совместимое устройство.

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  5. Kinect For Windows Camera
  • Kinect For Windows Camera

    (27 авг 2012)

    Файл *.inf:

    Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10

В каталоге нет драйверов для Kinect For Windows Camera под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.

Драйверы для Kinect For Windows Camera собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе Kinect For Windows Camera (другие устройства).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на Kinect For Windows Camera для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.

Версия: для Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11

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Последнее обновление Ноя 12, 2021

Применимо ко всем версиям Windows 10

Если вы ищете веб-камеру для своего ПК, вы можете использовать Xbox Kinect в качестве веб-камеры в Windows 10. После того, как вы сделаете Kinect веб-камерой в Windows 10, вы сможете использовать ее для видеозвонков в Microsoft Teams, Skype., Zoom и многое другое. Использовать Kinect для входа в Windows Hello намного проще, чем полагаться на PIN-код или пароль, а Kinect может распознать вас намного быстрее. В настоящее время вы больше не можете использовать Kinect, поскольку Microsoft прекратила выпуск Kinect в 2017 году, включая игры на основе Kinect, доступные через обратную совместимость на Xbox Series X | S. Если у вас еще нет сенсора Kinect для Xbox One, вам необходимо купить сенсор Kinect и адаптер Kinect для ПК с Windows 10.

Как использовать Kinect в качестве веб-камеры в Windows 10

Адаптер Kinect для ПК с Windows 10

К сожалению, Microsoft прекратила производство сенсора Kinect и адаптера Kinect в 2017 году, поэтому, помимо использования Kinect в качестве веб-камеры, нет ничего другого, для чего вы можете использовать сенсор Kinect, если только вы не разработаете собственное приложение UWP в Microsoft Store.

Вот что вам нужно сделать, чтобы использовать Kinect в качестве веб-камеры в Windows 10:

1 Установите Kinect для Windows Runtime 2.0
2 Установите Kinect для Windows SDK 2.0
3 Перезагрузите компьютер

Выполнив эти шаги, вы можете открыть приложение камеры в Windows 10, чтобы убедиться, что Kinect работает как веб-камера. У Microsoft есть веб-страница, посвященная Kinect, но имейте в виду, что не все перечисленные ссылки будут работать. Нет никаких ограничений на то, что вы можете делать, используя Kinect в качестве веб-камеры в Windows 10.

Существует плагин Kinect для Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), который может использовать Kinect для потоковой передачи на Twitch. Более подробная информация о плагине OBS доступна на GitHub. На GitHub уже есть множество проектов, недавно обновленных и доступных для Kinect.

Как бы вы использовали Kinect в качестве веб-камеры в Windows 10? Дайте нам знать об этом в комментариях.

Источник записи:

This is solution for Original Kinect for Windows. If you are looking for solution for Kinect V2 you need to go to my recent post about that at KinectCamV2.

To install get

New.KinectCam ver. 1.4 Source Code and Binaries (11599 downloads) and enjoy! or New.KinectCam ver. 1.2 (50945 downloads) or New.KinectCam ver. 1.2 HD (48485 downloads), unpack, run install.bat as Administrator. Version 1.2 has the freeze bug fixed, and the new version supports HD mode in 1280×960 resolution.

New.KinectCam ver. 1.1 (36871 downloads), unpack, run install.bat as Administrator. Version 1.1 has an Angle option in settings, so you can change the Angle of the Kinect camera, which is automatically saved. To change the Angle setting, open Skype Tools->Options->Video Camera and go to Webcam Settings for Kinect Camera. On the Settings window, change the position of Angle control, which will be automatically saved for the next usage of the Kinect Camera. It also works with Skype for Business 2015. UPDATE: Please edit both install.bat and uninstall.bat and change from .NET 2.0 directory into .NET 4.0 directory because Skype was updated to .NET 4.0 some time ago. Enjoy!

New.KinectCam (47367 downloads), unpack, run install.bat as Administrator. You need Kinect for PC device and Kinect Runtime 1.6 or Kinect SDK 1.6. or you can use Kinect Runtime 1.7 or Kinect SDK 1.7 or Kinect SDK 1.8 as well :). It is pure C#/.NET 2.0 implementation!



P ;).

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Has anyone had any recent success with this? I have an old Kinect for an XBOX 360. I have the power and USB adapter. I have installed KinectSDK-v1.0-beta2-x64.exe file and have run regsvr32 to associate the file with a successful DLL installation notice. However, when I start a camera app service no camera is found. The Kinect is showing up as functioning devices in my Device Manager as a Camera. I am running Win 10 x64Bit v1909. Any help would be appreciated.

So I wanted to use my old XBox 360 Kinect as a WebCam for conference calls using either Skype or Microsoft Teams. Lots online about how this is possible but most posts didn’t work as so old. Here is how I managed to get it working.

This forum had all the details (1st Post):


However I noticed you cannot use the latest SDK v2 to register the You needed V1:


Once you install this version (uninstall all other versions first) you can then register the and the camera is now accessible in Skype. 

However Microsoft Teams would still not see the camera. So for this I installed ManyCam and which used the Kinect Cam and was now usable in MS Teams and all other apps.

You can also adjust the angle of the camera using the file located at (hidden folder) config.ini:

C:\Users\[your username]\appdata\Local\KinectCam

Just change the [CameraElevationAngle]

e.g. I have it at CameraElevationAngle=9

The Xbox 360 Kinect was a project created by Microsoft over ten years ago. Microsoft launched Kinect as a virtual reality system for the Xbox 360, but its success as a mechanism was short-lived. The now-discontinued Kinect is largely unusable, save for being used as a webcam. So how do you use the Kinect as a webcam for Windows PC?

You can use the Kinect as a webcam for your PC by downloading the Kinect for Windows SDK and installing it. Then download KinectCam from the Microsoft Store, and start the program. Finally, use a USB cable to connect to your computer, and start using the Kinect as a webcam. 

To learn about this process, keep reading through our article. We will provide you with information on each step to get the most out of your Kinect. So keep going through this article to gain insight into the Kinect and what it can do.

Connecting the Kinect to Your PC

When connecting the Kinect as a webcam, the steps you need to follow are broken down into smaller steps to make them easier to follow.

Install the SDK

First things first, you will have to download the SDK for Kinect. To do this, you have to follow these steps: 

  1. Open up a web browser of your choice and the following link:
  2. On the top-right, click on the ‘Search’ button. 
  3. Type in ‘Kinect SDK’ and click to search.
  4. Click the ‘Kinect for Windows SDK from Microsoft Research’ result.
  5. If you can’t find the link, click on this link.
  6. Select the option ‘Download’ to get started. 
  7. Install the SDK file to your computer, following the steps you are prompted to complete.
Photo: Screenshot of the download page from Microsoft

Download KinectCam

Next up, you need to download the KinectCam software. Here’s how:

  1. In your web browser, search for ‘KinectCam’ download.
  2. Find the most reliable link to download the software.
  3. Once downloaded, unzip the contents to have all of the files. 
  4. Open up your C: drive and your KinectCam folder.
  5. Drag the file into your C: drive. 

Create A Command

In this step, you will need to create a command. This is how you do it:

  1. Press the Start button on the left-most side of your taskbar.
  2. Type in ‘Command Prompt.’ When the result shows up, right-click it and select ‘Run As Administrator.’
  3. In the command prompt, enter the following: cd “C:”
  4. Press down on Enter. 
  5. Next type, c:\windows\system32\regsvr32.exe and click Enter. 

Connect the USB

Finally, you will need to connect the Kinect to your Windows PC. For this, you need a USB cableCreating this connection completes the process. Because of this, you can now use the Kinect as a webcam, which will be an option when you use a webcam-supported program. 

How Effective Is Kinect As A Webcam?

Microsoft did not build the Kinect to be a webcam, but it sure can deliver when it comes to video and audio quality. The device has a resolution of 1080p and offers an HD video service. It also has an excellent microphone that is well suited to a webcam. You can use the webcam for many things, including meetings, conferences, and even for streaming purposes. 

What Was The Kinect Used For?

Kinect, by Microsoft, was an add-on to the Xbox gaming experience. The primary function carried out by the Kinect was to be a motion sensor. Its powerful software allowed users to interact with the device using natural means, such as speaking or moving, rather than the traditional controller. Many tech enthusiasts argue that the software was far ahead of its time. 

Some of the significant aspects of a Kinect was that it was able to recognize faces and voices. This feature allowed the software to identify players through facial recognition systems. Its camera could understand the information in three dimensions and thus be able to track the player in a three-dimensional way as well. Additionally, the software could track movements made by the players within the game. 

Interestingly, the world of technology did not restrict the Kinect’s impact to just playing games. Technology derived from this gaming tool has been applied in various ways to the world around us. For example, in the area of health technology, Kinect’s software was helpful in developing telehealth services, digital signage, and much more. 

Has Kinect been discontinued?

As of 2017, Kinect is no longer being sold or supported by Microsoft. Although the product is no longer available, you could still theoretically use it with some Kinect-enabled games. However, some tech enthusiasts have been able to use their Kinect for other functions. 

These uses include a webcam (as mentioned above) or switching it into a voice command device. However, its use in voice command is limited to simplistic tasks and not complicated questions you can ask Siri, Cortana, or the Amazon Echo devices.  

What Caused Kinect To Be Discontinued?

The nail in the coffin for the Kinect came when Microsoft launched the Kinect V2. The company made a decision to create a bundle with the Xbox One and the Kinect V2. The immediate ripple effect of this was that the price of the bundle increased. 

This decision affected sales of the Xbox One, and Microsoft could only reverse the harm by removing the Kinect. Fewer people were interested in Kinect as a result of this, which meant they were less likely to use the product. Eventually, Microsoft conceded and discontinued the service altogether.


Although the Kinect has been discontinued by Microsoft, its applications and impact remain. For fans of the device, it is still a powerful device that can be applied in various ways. Its use as a webcam can be quite beneficial, especially if you have one sitting around at home, not being used at all. Or, if you’re inventive enough, you can convert it to a voice command system for your Windows PC.

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