Какой браузер лучше для windows 11 на ноутбук

Если вы ищете лучший браузер для Windows 11, вы обратились по адресу!

В этой статье будут рассмотрены лучшие браузеры, работающие с Windows 11, и выделены их наиболее важные функции.

Вы можете найти в нашем списке браузер, который соответствует вашим потребностям, независимо от того, что является вашим главным приоритетом: скорость, безопасность, настройка или конфиденциальность.

Сравнительная таблица

Ниже вы сможете увидеть результаты наших эталонных тестов, охватывающих все аспекты возможностей программного обеспечения, но в основном сосредоточенных на использовании памяти в определенных условиях. Прежде чем погрузиться в таблицу с результатами, узнайте, как мы создали эти лучшие браузеры для Windows 11.

Контрольные параметры

Чтобы получить ценные результаты этих тестов, наша команда опытных тестировщиков создала следующие условия тестирования:

  • Каждый браузер был обновлен до последней версии
  • Любое другое программное обеспечение было остановлено на тестовой машине.
  • Каждый браузер был протестирован путем открытия 10 часто используемых вкладок (включая тесты).
  • Тест скорости браузера был выполнен с помощью Эталон спидометра. Чем выше значение этого эталона, тем выше скорость просмотра.
  • Проверка безопасности браузера проводилась с помощью Бенчмарк аудита браузера. Этот бенчмарк содержит в общей сложности 431 отдельный тест, поэтому число перед общим числом — это количество тестов, которые браузер прошел, а разница — количество тестов, которые он не прошел.
Браузер Использование ОЗУ (МБ) Использование процессора (%) Контрольный показатель спидометра (скорость) Бенчмарк Browser Audit (431 тест безопасности)
Храбрый 546MB 6.3% 206 401
Microsoft Edge 670MB 1.4% 201 401
Вивальди 831MB 4.3% 191 400
UR Browser 836MB 1.2% 172 399
Opera 973MB 3.6% 193 399
Mozilla Firefox 980MB 1.1% 147 401
Opera GX 1100MB 1.4% 174 399
Tor 1200MB 18% 76.1 393
Google Chrome 1840MB 2.8% 155 399
Браузер Avast Secure 2000MB 22% 177 403

1. Opera – Лучший браузер для Windows 11 в целом.

Opera это браузер с мощными функциями, которые обещают пользователям эффективную, быструю и безопасную работу в Интернете. В довершение всего Opera также включает бесплатный сервис VPN и встроенный блокировщик рекламы.

Одной из удобных функций браузера является Opera Flow, которая позволяет беспрепятственно синхронизировать любые данные просмотра между устройствами.

Что касается наших тестов, Opera показала хорошие результаты, но заняла 5-е место, поскольку другие браузеры превзошли его. Opera требовала 973 МБ ОЗУ для работы с 10 вкладками и использовала в общей сложности 3.6% мощности ЦП. В нашем тесте скорости Opera набрала 193 балла, а во время аудита безопасности браузера она прошла 399 тестов из 431.

  • Быстрое время загрузки веб-страницы
  • Включает в себя широкий спектр функций настройки
  • Встроенный VPN и блокировщик рекламы
  • Интегрированные приложения для обмена сообщениями
  • Включает режим экономии заряда батареи


  • Серьезные ограничения бесплатного VPN-сервиса
  • Ограниченные возможности расширения
  • Интерфейс может быть подавляющим для новых пользователей

Получить Opera

2. Храбрый – Лучший браузер для Windows 11.

Храбрый — лучший браузер для Windows 11, предлагающий привлекательный баланс между полезностью, эффективностью, скоростью и безопасностью.

Это мощное приложение включает в себя встроенный блокировщик рекламы и блокировщик отслеживания, что значительно ускоряет и упрощает работу в Интернете.

Одной из интересных особенностей Brave является то, что у него есть программа Brave Rewards, которая позволяет пользователям зарабатывать токены, принимая рекламу, уважающую конфиденциальность.

Brave лидирует по результатам тестов, используя всего 546 МБ ОЗУ при 10 открытых вкладках и максимальной загрузке ЦП 6.3%. Бенчмарк спидометра дал нам 206 баллов, что означает, что это количество пакетов было распаковано с помощью браузера во время тестирования.

Во время теста безопасности Brave прошел 401 тест из 431, что делает его также одним из самых безопасных браузеров для Windows 11.

  • Отличные функции безопасности и конфиденциальности
  • Включает веб-трекер и встроенный блокировщик рекламы.
  • Высокая скорость просмотра
  • Световой эффект на системные ресурсы


  • Запускает собственную рекламу из системы вознаграждений, ориентированной на пользователя.

3. Microsoft Edge — Наименее ресурсоемкий вариант

Microsoft Edge устанавливается в вашей ОС Windows 11 и является браузером по умолчанию, но это не значит, что он не мощный или безопасный. Это новая версия старого Internet Explorer, и все в нем было переработано.

Теперь вы получаете удобный интерфейс, который может помочь с любой задачей, которую вы хотите выполнить, и предлагает повышенную скорость и производительность. Браузер Edge показал выдающиеся результаты в наших тестах, используя 670 МБ ОЗУ при работе с 10 активными вкладками и всего 1.4% ЦП. Эти результаты нас тоже удивили, но приятно. Помимо этого, тест скорости дал нам 201 балл, что немного ниже, чем у предыдущего браузера, который мы рассмотрели.

Edge имеет те же результаты, что и Brave, в отношении эталонного теста аудита безопасности: в общей сложности пройден 401 тест из 431.


  • Улучшенный пользовательский интерфейс
  • Высокая скорость просмотра
  • Отличные функции безопасности, такие как Microsoft Defender SmartScreen.
  • Встроен в ОС
  • Полностью интегрирован со службами Microsoft.


  • Не так широко поддерживается, как другие варианты
  • Расширения ограничены, хотя они позволяют использовать приложения Microsoft Store или Chrome Web Store.

4. Вивальди — Лучший широко настраиваемый браузер

Вивальди — это один из наиболее настраиваемых доступных вариантов браузера, который был разработан для опытных пользователей. Вы можете использовать полезную функцию объединения вкладок, чтобы организовать работу в Интернете, а встроенный инструмент для создания заметок помогает в исследованиях по любой теме.

Во время наших эталонных тестов Vivaldi занял 3-е место с точки зрения использования оперативной памяти с требованием 831 МБ для одновременного запуска 10 активных вкладок. Использование ЦП достигло значения 4.3%, что делает его средним по этой теме.

Наши эталонные тесты на скорость и безопасность также доказали, что Vivaldi работает быстро: 191 тест был пройден без проблем. Он также успешно прошел 400 тестов безопасности, что сделало его почти таким же безопасным, как и ранее обсуждавшиеся параметры браузера.

  • Отличные возможности настройки
  • Одна из лучших функций управления вкладками
  • Отличные встроенные инструменты для повышения производительности и безопасности
  • Совместимость с различными устройствами на разных платформах


  • Кривая обучения может быть непосильной для обычных пользователей
  • Использование ЦП резко возрастает после открытия большего количества вкладок
  • Ограниченное количество расширений

5. UR Browser — Безопасный просмотр с настраиваемой конфиденциальностью

UR Browser это программное обеспечение, созданное с учетом конфиденциальности, с удобным пользовательским интерфейсом и другими замечательными функциями для повышения производительности и производительности.

Одной из наиболее важных функций этого браузера является мощный акцент на конфиденциальность. Это приложение включает в себя блокировщик рекламы, функции защиты от отслеживания и даже шифрование HTTPS.

Браузер показал недавние результаты в отношении использования ОЗУ: 836 МБ необходимо для запуска 10 вкладок и загрузка ЦП 1.2%, что делает его одним из лучших вариантов браузера для Windows 11. Это программное обеспечение также показало хорошие результаты в наших тестах производительности: 172 тестов, пройденных за период тестирования скорости, и 399 тестов безопасности из 431.

  • Отличные функции конфиденциальности
  • Хорошие возможности настройки
  • На основе Chromium, поэтому он полностью совместим с любыми сервисами Google.


  • Устанавливает некоторые вредоносные программы
  • Ограниченная поддержка расширений
  • Меньшая пользовательская база (предназначена для опытных пользователей)

6. Mozilla Firefox — Самые низкие требования к процессору

Firefox — отличный браузер с уникальными функциями конфиденциальности пользователей и широкими возможностями настройки. Вы можете использовать расширенную защиту браузера от отслеживания и настройки контроля файлов cookie.

Чтобы еще больше дополнить свои возможности, Firefox имеет магазин расширений, который почти конкурирует с магазином Chrome, позволяя вам настраивать и расширять возможности программного обеспечения в соответствии с вашими потребностями.

Во время наших тестов Firefox использовал 980 МБ ОЗУ для запуска 10 вкладок и около 1.1% мощности ЦП, что делает его одним из лучших браузеров с точки зрения требований к ресурсам компьютера.

В нашем тесте скорости этот браузер набрал всего 147 баллов, что значительно ниже, чем у других вариантов. Наш тест безопасности и конфиденциальности показал многообещающие результаты: 401 тест был пройден из 431.

  • Хорошие функции конфиденциальности и безопасности
  • Улучшенная защита от отслеживания
  • Полноценная возможность настройки с различными расширениями
  • С открытым исходным кодом
  • Совместимость с различными платформами


  • Более низкая скорость просмотра, чем другие варианты
  • Ограниченная поддержка видеокодеков
  • Периодические проблемы совместимости с надстройками

7. Opera GX – Отличный браузер для геймеров с конфиденциальностью

Opera GX был разработан с нуля с учетом потребностей геймеров, но он по-прежнему основан на мощном браузере Opera, что делает его очень быстрым и безопасным выбором.

Поскольку он был разработан как программное обеспечение, ориентированное на игры, в браузере есть инструменты, которые могут помочь в браузерных играх, такие как ограничители ОЗУ и ЦП, интеграция с Twitch и футуристический дизайн.

В наших тестах Opera GX показала хорошие результаты, хотя использование ОЗУ для 10 открытых вкладок было зафиксировано на уровне 1100 МБ ОЗУ, что делает его одним из самых тяжелых системных ресурсов до этого момента в списке. ЦП используется только на 1.4% от своих возможностей, в результате чего значение использования ЦП Opera GX приближается к уровню Edge.

Во время нашего теста скорости Opera GX набрал 174 балла, что делает его медленнее, чем его двоюродный брат Opera. Результаты тестов безопасности и конфиденциальности также были хорошими для этого браузера: 399 тестов были пройдены из 431.

  • Встроенный блокировщик рекламы, VPN, ограничитель ЦП и ОЗУ
  • Интеграция с Twitch и Discord
  • Достойная скорость просмотра
  • Совместимость между платформами


  • Игровой фокус может ограничить общее использование
  • Интерфейс может быть подавляющим
  • Ограниченный выбор расширений

8. Tor Browser — Мощное шифрование трафика

Tor был разработан, чтобы позволить пользователям перемещаться по сети с полной анонимностью и конфиденциальностью. Этот мощный браузер направляет ваш интернет-трафик через сеть, созданную добровольцами со всего мира, многократно шифруя трафик.

Во время нашего теста оперативной памяти Tor оказал одно из самых тяжелых воздействий: записанные 1200 МБ использовались для поддержания 10 активных вкладок. Для этого браузер использовал колоссальные 18% возможностей ЦП, что делает его вариантом браузера с наибольшими системными требованиями. Это неудивительно, поскольку Tor был создан для обеспечения безопасности и анонимности в сети.

Наш тест скорости также не удивил нас, так как Tor набрал 76.1 балла, что делает его медленнее, чем все другие браузеры в списке. Tor прошел 393 теста из 431 во время нашего аудита безопасности браузера, что делает его хорошим вариантом браузера в этом отделе.

  • Отличные функции конфиденциальности и анонимности
  • Шифрование трафика через добровольные серверы
  • Поддержка Onion-сервисов
  • Повышенная безопасность


  • Высокое влияние на системные ресурсы
  • Интерфейс мог бы быть более привлекательным

9. Google Chrome – Универсальность, но ресурсоемкость

Google Chrome — один из самых популярных браузеров на рынке, и на то есть веские причины. Этот браузер предлагает пользователям удобный интерфейс с быстро доступными параметрами, невероятную скорость загрузки и широкий спектр расширений для расширения и настройки его возможностей.

В том виде, в котором его создал Google, Chrome предлагает бесшовную интеграцию со всеми сервисами этой компании, и всем можно управлять из одной учетной записи.

Во время нашего теста системных требований Chrome использовал 1840 МБ ОЗУ для запуска 10 вкладок и использовал 2.8% общей мощности ЦП. В нашем тесте скорости программное обеспечение набрало 155 баллов, что делает его просто вариантом среднего уровня. Этот браузер показал хорошие результаты в нашем аудите безопасности, пройдя 399 тестов из 431.

  • Широкий выбор расширений
  • Хорошие функции конфиденциальности
  • Менеджер паролей
  • Высокая скорость просмотра


  • Это может быть ресурсоемким, особенно если открыто несколько вкладок.

10 Браузер Avast Secure – Самый безопасный браузер для Windows 11

Браузер Avast Secure создан известной антивирусной компанией Avast. Они создали мощный браузер, ориентированный на конфиденциальность, который ориентирован на безопасность пользователей в Интернете.

Встроенная защита от отслеживания, защита от отпечатков пальцев и мощный менеджер паролей делают этот браузер достойным противником другого перечисленного программного обеспечения.

Во время наших тестов Avast Secure Browser использовал 2000 МБ для одновременного запуска 10 вкладок, используя 22% мощности ЦП. Это делает браузер от Avast самым ресурсоемким браузером в списке. Что касается эталона скорости, то браузер Avast набрал 177 баллов, приблизившись в этом отношении к Opera. Наш контрольный тест безопасности и конфиденциальности показал, что Avast Secure Browser является безопасным, набрав 400 баллов из 431. Это делает этот вариант самым безопасным браузером для использования в Windows 11.

  • Удивительная конфиденциальность и безопасность
  • Включает блокировщик рекламы, защиту от отслеживания и шифрование HTTPS.
  • Доступ к банковскому режиму, который защищает ваши онлайн-транзакции
  • Легко интегрируется с другим программным обеспечением Avast для обеспечения безопасности.


  • Ограниченные возможности расширения
  • Низкая скорость просмотра
  • Высокое влияние на системные ресурсы

Какой самый быстрый браузер для Windows 11?

Brave — самый быстрый браузер для Windows 11, очень хорошо зарекомендовавший себя в нашем тесте скорости. Поскольку он основан на движке Chromium, он обеспечивает прочную основу для скорости и совместимости между устройствами, что делает его одним из лучших браузеров для Windows 11.

Что лучше: Chrome или Edge для Windows 11?

Во время наших всесторонних тестов производительности Chome использовал 1840 МБ ОЗУ и 2.8% ЦП для обслуживания 10 вкладок. Edge использовал 670 МБ ОЗУ и 1.4% ЦП.

Тот же принцип применяется даже при рассмотрении тестов скорости просмотра, где Chrome набрал 155 баллов, а Edge — 201, что делает его быстрее. Во время аудита безопасности браузера Chrome прошел 399 тестов, а Edge — 401.

Основываясь на этих данных, Edge гораздо лучше подходит для использования в Windows 11 по сравнению с Chrome.

Обязательно ли использовать Microsoft Edge с Windows 11?

Нет, вы не обязаны использовать какой-либо конкретный браузер. Несмотря на то, что Microsoft Edge является браузером по умолчанию в Windows 11, вы можете легко изменить его, изменив настройки устройства. Edge — один из самых быстрых и безопасных браузеров для Windows 11, поэтому мы рекомендуем попробовать его. Ознакомьтесь с результатами тестов производительности выше для получения дополнительной информации по этой теме.

В сегодняшней статье мы рассмотрели много вопросов, так как мы не только включили список из 10 лучших вариантов браузера для Windows 11, но и протестировали их с помощью специализированных инструментов, чтобы получить результаты. Обязательно изучите всю информацию, если вы хотите принять обоснованное решение о том, какой браузер использовать в Windows 11 с невероятной скоростью и функциями безопасности.

Make sure to choose a browser with great customization options

by Vladimir Popescu

Being an artist his entire life while also playing handball at a professional level, Vladimir has also developed a passion for all things computer-related. With an innate fascination… read more

Updated on

  • Choosing the best browser for Windows 11 will depend on various factors, including speed, privacy, and security.
  • Our team of expert testers has taken a variety of browsers through in-depth analysis and will present you with the results.
  • A good browser for Windows 11 will allow customization, offer incredible browsing speeds, and ensure online security for its users.

Windows 11 has taken the OS market by storm, bringing many changes to its performance, an overhauled UI, a new Microsoft Store, and many other changes that make the OS much easier to use.

Let’s take browsers, for example. Some will benefit from all these changes, and some might not. Choosing the right browser for Windows 11 can be tricky, depending on your exact focus and usage type.

Here are some top choices for you to pick from instantly:

  • Opera One – improved UX & AI integrations
  • UR browser – 3 customizable security levels
  • Opera GX – quick access to RAM and CPU limiter
  • Microsoft Edge – fast browsing speeds
  • Google Chrome – wide range of add-ons and extensions

Users are even more inclined to find a replacement for Internet Explorer, as the Windows 11 OS will not include this app by default.

As we already covered the best browser for Windows 10, in today’s guide, we will cover the same topic but for Windows 11, so read through our analysis and make your own decision.

Which one is the best browser for Windows 11?

Based on our speed, security, privacy tests, and benchmark results, Opera One is the best browser to use on Windows 11.

It offers an extensive range of customizable features and a plethora of excellent built-in tools like a VPN adblocker and fast social media access.

That being said, if you plan on using your Windows 11 device for gaming, Opera GX will ensure that you can customize your RAM and CPU output, among other advantageous features.

Every browser is different. Although it may seem like all browsers are the same, they usually specialize in different things.

For example, some focus on privacy and security, while others try to be as flashy as possible. If you’re not really interested in specifics, we got your back.

So, what is the best browser for Windows 11 in 2022? Here you go.

Browser Top Features Compatibility
✔️ Opera One Modular AI technology
Enhnced UI animations
Windows 11-7, Mac, Linux, Chromebook, Android, iOS
✔️ UR Browser Download speed X 4 Mac & Windows (including Windows 11)
✔️ Opera GX RAM, CPU, and bandwidth limiters Windows (including Windows 11), Mac, Android, iOS
✔️ Edge Outlook in sidebar Windows 11, but also Mac and mobile platforms
✔️ Chrome Rich extensions’ library Windows 11-7, Mac, Linux, Chromebook, Android, iOS
✔️ Firefox DNS-driven, enhanced-tracking protection Windows 11-7, Android, iOS
✔️ Brave Works seamlessly with Tor All versions of Windows, Android, iOS
✔️ Vivaldi Excellent bookmark management All versions of Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
✔️ Slim Browser  Built-in download manager All versions of Windows
✔️ WaterFox Limited data collection (no telemetry) All versions of Windows, Linux, Mac

Is Chrome or Edge better for Windows 11?

To answer the question about choosing Chrome or Edge for Windows 11, our team of testers has used the Basemark Web 3.0 benchmark.

This great online tool allows you to test browsing speed, possible data bottlenecks, and other web-performance markers.

To test the CPU and RAM usage for both these browsers, we reset them first, and then five identical tabs were opened in each browser to check what CPU and RAM consumption data were recorded.

Regarding the browser’s security and privacy capabilities, our team of testers has used the BrowserAudit test to ensure an in-depth analysis of this topic, as it is a crucial one.

This online tool checks if the browser uses a wide variety of security standards and features and if it’s doing so correctly.

Here are the results:

Browser Basemark Web 3.0 Score Engine RAM Usage CPU Privacy & Security score — BrowserAudit
Google Chrome 1051.94 Chromium 1250MB 1.2 — 1.8% — 364 tests passed
— 19 warnings
— 1 critical
— 20 skipped
Microsoft Edge 1079.04 Chromium 638MB 1.0 — 1.4 % — 365 tests passed
— 18 warnings
— 1 critical
— 20 skipped

As you can see from the results table, choosing between Edge and Chrome will come down to personal preference, as both are built on a Chromium architecture and thus have very similar results across the board.

No matter which option you choose, you can rest assured that you will have a great overall experience.

In this article

  • Which one is the best browser for Windows 11?
  • Is Chrome or Edge better for Windows 11?
  • What is the best browser for Windows 11?
  • Opera One — Modular navigation for Windows 11
  • UR browser — 3 customizable security levels
  • Opera GX — Quick access to RAM and CPU limiter
  • Microsoft Edge — fast browsing speeds
  • Google Chrome — wide range of add-ons & extensions
  • Mozilla Firefox — great customization options
  • Brave Browser — lightweight and compact
  • Vivaldi — highly customizable
  • SlimBrowser — very low impact on resources
  • WaterFox — Lower system requirements than Firefox

What is the best browser for Windows 11?

Opera One – Modular navigation for Windows 11

Opera One is the fastest and most optimized web browser available on the market. Using the browser for Windows 11 ensures a quick performance without utilizing too much of the system’s memory.

This new-age browser qualifies as the best browser for battery life on Windows 11, offering lightweight usage and integrated AI instruments in the sidebar. Also, meet the new liquid UI that allows improved web navigation due to its dynamic buttons and advanced transitions.

Although it is not as popular as Google Chrome, it has better RAM usage, is more customizable than the former, and comes with a VPN built into the browser.

Another practical feature of Opera One is the built-in messenger apps you can use to share with friends and acquaintances. Plus, you can synchronize the browsers on your devices, including bookmarks, extensions, and all customization you made.

If that didn’t convince you, you’d also be pleased to hear that you have improved productivity tools like tab islands. More exactly, this brand-new feature helps the user to streamline web navigation and organize work effectively.

Additional features:

  • Modular design with AI improvements
  • Free VPN usage
  • Data browsing importing
  • Sidebar tools with ChatGPT and social media

Opera One

Benefit from optimized, fast, highly customizable modular navigation for multiple devices.

UR browser – 3 customizable security levels

UR browser is one of the most secure choices found on the list, with Opera One being a worthy rival. This browser protects your privacy, identity, and data while maintaining stable performance.

Being a Chromium-Based browser, it comes with customization options and ways to personalize the Homescreen.

Regarding security, the UR browser automatically scans all your downloads for viruses and stops the download upon detecting suspicious activity.

When you access a suspicious site, the browser will redirect you to an encrypted version (if there is one available), showing you a green shield icon to the left of the address bar when it’s secure.

How we test, review and rate?

We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.

For more details you can read how we test, review, and rate at WindowsReport.

Additionally, the UR browser automatically blocks third-party cookies and invisible trackers. Nobody can track your data for advertising purposes.

The browser makes everything work and loads faster because it removes cookies, ads, and other trackers that can slow down the page.

Additional features:

  • Customizable
  • Download manager
  • 4x faster download speed
  • News filter
  • Easier access to your favorite sites

UR browser

Give a try to a web browser dedicated to keeping you safe and your data private.

Opera GX – Quick access to RAM and CPU limiter

We have covered the Opera One browser in this list, but while the Opera GX is a variation, it has some unique features that make it the best gaming browser for Windows 11.

Let’s start by saying this is a dedicated gaming browser and the first and most prominent name in this niche. Like its sister browser, it is loaded with features that are magnified by the robustness of the Windows 11 OS.

We love it because of the easy integration it offers for platforms like Twitch and Discord. You will not have to leave a tab to send quick chats or view a video stream.

Like the Opera One browser, it offers synchronization for all your devices, making it easy to carry on wherever you left off on another device.

Lastly, if you like cool sound effects, then Opera GX is for you. There are nice effects for launching the browser and keystrokes. But, again, it immerses you in a gaming universe.

Additional features:

  • RAM limiter
  • Workspaces
  • Ad blocker and VPN

Opera GX

This amazing app will take your Windows 11 browsing and gaming experience to the next level!

Microsoft Edge – fast browsing speeds

Microsoft Edge is the bigger brother of Internet Explorer, with an overhauled interface, new functions, and more excellent performance than its predecessor.

This is, hands down, the best browser you can use on Windows 11 since Microsoft makes it, and they are constantly trying to push users into using it.

Besides, it comes integrated into the system. During the Windows 11 reveal, the company stated that the browser is going to receive some special love,

Microsoft Edge has a new interface on the latest Windows and runs on the Chromium Engine. Unfortunately, Bing is still the default search engine.

Learn more about the new additions to the browser by visiting our helpful article about Microsoft Edge’s upcoming overhaul.

Many of Edge’s extensions have been spotted on the latest Microsoft Store on Windows 11, making customization more straightforward and accessible.

This is part of the company’s effort to add value to the Microsoft Store. In the store, you can also find other popular apps such as WinZip, Canva, and Grammarly.

You don’t need to download the browser since it is already part of Windows. It’s just a matter of choosing to make it the default browser or not.

Additional features:

  • Vertical tabs to work efficiently
  • Smart copy feature to save time
  • Tracking prevention for privacy
  • Password monitor to keep track of credentials
  • Enhanced InPrivate mode

⇒ Get Edge

Google Chrome – wide range of add-ons & extensions

Google Chrome is the father of all Chromium-based web browsers and one of the most popular ones among users, and rightfully so.

Being developed by the tech giant Google, the browser has lots in store for its users, emphasizing customization and personalizing it in your way.

You will find a vast library of extensions for it, and even if it doesn’t natively come with a built-in VPN or Adblock, those are just two clicks away from being installed.

However, one other thing that Google Chrome is known for—is consuming vast amounts of RAM. Seriously! This Chrome uses much of your memory, especially when opening multiple tabs.

Therefore, it’s not the best choice if you’re an avid gamer and care about performance. But for the others who don’t mind this minor inconvenience, it’s worth it.

You’re not exposed to online threats while you’re using the browser. As we mentioned, you can customize many options, including privacy and security features.

⇒ Get Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox – great customization options

Mozilla Firefox has been the go-to browser option for power users for many years. However, it received a massive overhaul last year, making it better.

It is still as customizable as ever, both in appearance and in the massive amount of plugins and extensions available.

Firefox boasts new protection measures, such as the DNS instead of HTTPS, that will keep internet providers from tracking and using your browsing data.

This leads to faster load times, less consumed data, and a more enjoyable experience without being nagged by ads constantly.

The browser works for multiple platforms and devices, including Linux, iOS, macOS, Windows, and more. Also, it’s available in over 90 languages!

The newly added picture-in-picture feature allows you to pop windows out of the browser window so you can multitask easier.

⇒ Get Mozilla Firefox

Brave Browser – lightweight and compact

Brave browser is a free, open-source browser available for mobile, PC, and Mac. Bravo Software developed it, and it’s based on the Chromium engine, making it one of the best lightweight browsers for Windows 11.

This is another privacy-oriented browser that blocks online ads and other tracking methods automatically by default.

What’s unique about Brave is that it allows users to access Tor, the most secure and private browser engine, all inside its tabs.

If you are not familiar with Tor, you should know that the engine not only hides your browsing history but also masks your location by re-routing it to several servers reaching you.

The Brave Browser is also more memory efficient, consuming up to 33% fewer resources than Google Chrome.

Fewer resources and less energy are required to run them as well. As a result, laptop and mobile users will also notice an increase in battery life of over 33%!

⇒ Get Brave Browser

Vivaldi – highly customizable

Nothing beats deploying a very customizable browser on a highly customizable OS. In this regard, the Vivaldi browser and Windows 11 are two peas in a pod.

While it has many excellent features, we love it because almost everything is customizable, making it a browser you can truly own.

It is built on the Chromium engine, meaning that you will be able to extend its function using add-ons from the Chrome web store.

You can have multiple users on a single Vivaldi account, which means you can customize profiles with specific themes to fit the work you need.

And finally, despite the many readily available features, the devs have managed to keep the design neat and user-friendly.

Additional features:

  • Bookmark management
  • Tab management and browser window
  • User-friendly mobile version

⇒ Get Vivaldi

SlimBrowser – very low impact on resources

The SlimBrowser is not the most feature-rich on this list, but if you are looking for a lightning-fast Windows 11 browser, it may be one to try.

With this browser, you can create separate profiles or groups for specific websites and launch them all at once.

You will enjoy a distraction-free surfing session by enabling its ad blogger. Additionally, creatives will love to use its spell check, which means you can send emails without shocking recipients with grammatical howlers.

The downside is that you may find the interface cluttered at first glance.

Additional features:

  • Efficient Download Manager
  • Single-click Facebook integration
  • Text and webpage translation

⇒ Get SlimBrowser

WaterFox – Lower system requirements than Firefox

If the name rings a bell, it’s because it should. The browser is a fork of Mozilla Firefox and, in this regard, has a few similar features.

If you ever used Chrome and thought it was a resource hog, the WaterFox browser will be a breath of fresh air; it is very light on the operating system.

It comes preinstalled with uBlock Origin, which is famous for being a very configurable tracker blocker; it is the privacy gold standard.

We love it because even though it carries a lot of features from its mother browser, it is stripped of Mozilla’s telemetry.

Also, since it is a privacy-focused browser, it boasts of not gathering its user’s data.

Additional features:

  • Disabled encrypted media extensions
  • Zero Startup profiling
  • Support for 64-bit NPAPI plugins

⇒ Get WaterFox

⚡Which browser is the fastest for Windows 11?

To create an easy-to-understand table with conclusive information about the speed of your favorite browser, we have used the Speedometer 2.0 tool from BrowserBench on a Windows 11 PC.

This helpful tool allows us to take all the browsers presented in this guide and put them to the test to get a good set of results, which can help you make an informed decision.

Here are the results:

Browsers Speedometer 2.0 Benchmark score
Microsoft Edge 165 runs/minute
Brave Browser 161 runs/minute
UR Browser 145 runs/minute
Opera GX 141 runs/minute
Google Chrome 133 runs/minute
Mozilla Firefox 119 runs/minute
Vivaldi 115.8 runs/minute
Opera One 110 runs/minute
SlimBrowser 88.98 runs/minute
WaterFox 85.2 runs/minute

As you can see from the results presented above, the fastest browser on the market for Windows 11 is Microsoft Edge, with a score of 165 runs per minute, followed by Brave Browser with 161 runs per minute.

On the 3rd position in this top, we have UR Browser with a 145 runs per minute score.

As we previously discussed, speed is not the only element to consider when choosing a browser, but knowing that you have the fastest on the market will surely be helpful.

🛡️ Which is the safest browser for Windows 11?

Online security and privacy became even more critical a few years ago, so choosing the best private browser for Windows 11 can be tricky.

To compare all the browsers from this guide, we used the BrowserAudit website benchmark.

This tool analyses the respective browser capabilities with more than 400 tests, each measuring if the browser can protect your privacy and online identity.

Here are the results:

Browser Privacy & Security — Browser
Mozilla Firefox — 375 tests passed
— 9 warnings
— 0 critical
— 20 skipped
SlimBrowser — 375 tests passed
— 9 warnings
— 0 critical
— 20 skipped
WaterFox — 374 tests passed
— 9 warnings
— 0 critical
— 20 skipped
Google Chrome — 368 tests passed
— 15 warnings
— 1 critical
— 20 skipped
Opera One — 367 tests passed
— 16 warnings
— 1 critical
— 20 skipped
Opera GX — 367 tests passed
— 16 warnings
— 1 critical
— 20 skipped
UR Browser — 367 tests passed
— 16 warnings
— 1 critical
— 20 skipped
Vivaldi — 367 tests passed
— 16 warnings
— 1 critical
— 20 skipped
Microsoft Edge — 365 tests passed
— 18 warnings
— 1 critical
— 20 skipped
Brave Browser — 364 tests passed
— 18 warnings
— 1 critical
— 21 skipped

As you can see from the table presented above, Mozilla Firefox seems to have the most significant number of passed tests and is matched by SlimBrowser exactly.

Close behind, we have WaterFox with 374 passed tests, followed by Chrome, Opera One, and Opera GX.

That being said, if we consider all aspects of these options, the number of features, customization options, etc., Opera One still comes on top.

🎯 Does Windows 11 force you to use Edge?

Even though back in August of 2021, Microsoft was making it harder for users to change the default browser settings on Windows 11, the backlash from users has made the Redmont giant reconsider its position on this topic.

The Windows 11 build 22509 was the first version of this OS that allowed users to switch to a different default browser other than Edge with just a click of the mouse.

As it is, the aforementioned single click only applies if you have already opened the Settings app.

Another alternative to solve this situation is to tick the Change default browser box, which appears whenever you install a new browser on your device.

Is Microsoft Edge the same as Internet Explorer 11?

Even though most people were not fans of the Internet Explorer browser, it does have some nostalgic value for some people.

While Microsoft recommends that nobody uses Internet Explorer anymore, there are a few ways to continue using IE on Windows 11.

Now, Edge has an IE mode closed environment for people who still need to use it or for those who encounter issues when making the transition.

But it’s much faster than Internet Explorer, offers better security and privacy, and provides a redesigned UI.

Time to say goodbye to Internet Explorer! Our old buddy is officially retiring from Windows 10 on the 15th of June, 2022. Windows 11 will not even include it.

Nostalgia aside, we all know that Internet Explorer has never been a good browser, so we won’t miss the app. What is the best browser to replace Internet Explorer 11?

If you would like to get the speed of Internet Explorer 11 and combine it with an immersive UI, great customization options, and a built-in VPN and adblocker, then Opera One is the best choice for you.

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Since Microsoft rolled out Windows 11 to users in late 2021, many people have migrated from the previous Windows 10 in search of the fast and versatile features present in the new OS.

Over recent years, browsers haven’t changed much, but the little optimizations and improvements made are what programmers and computer users need.

We checked industry sentiment and features to find the fastest and lightest web browsers compatible with Windows 11 for a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience. At the end of this article, you would find out which is the best web browser for windows 11.

The Best Web Browsers for Windows 11

The most important features we look for when selecting a browser include speed, weight, lightness, general performance, privacy and security, ease of navigation, and extension support. Based on the above features, we came up with the following best browsers for Windows 11:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Opera
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Brave
  • Vivaldi Browser

Here’s what you need to know about this list of the best browsers for Windows 11:

1. Microsoft Edge for Windows 11

Microsoft Edge Windows 11 Browser

Edge was spawned from the much-ridiculed Internet Explorer, owned by Microsoft. It is, without a doubt, one of the best browsers for Windows 11 as it is made by the same company that makes the OS and is therefore optimized to run on that particular platform.

It is a fast browser that can allow connectivity even when the internet signal is not stable.

Edge is also an evergreen web browser. Learn more about what is an evergreen browser.

It doesn’t consume much RAM compared to other popular browsers and enables the opening of multiple tabs in a collection for easy management. It offers a top-notch privacy and security policy alongside tons of customization options.

Edge comes as the default web browser in Windows 11, and developers recommend keeping it that way. However, you can always change the default browser on Windows 11 with just a few clicks. The often-cited downside to Edge is that it has limited extensions.

2. Opera

Opera Windows 11 Web Browser

Opera is next on the list of lightweight and fast web browsers. Google’s Chrome could have been in this spot, but it’s not the most lightweight browser. Opera doesn’t take much space on your PC. Its updates over the years have seen it improve its speed and performance.

It now has a built-in ad blocker and a VPN that securely helps you browse the web.

Its advantage over Edge is that it features extensions. It can use Chrome add-ins since it is Chromium-based and offers the option to minimize data usage when users have limited data.

3. UR Browser

UR Browser For Windows 11

If you’re keen on performance and security, then the UR Browser is one of the best options out there. Without neglecting the speed and other performance factors, it provides superb protection for your data and identity.

Whenever you enter a suspicious site that might contain any kind of virus, it redirects you to an encrypted version to protect you from these malicious elements.

What about downloads? Well, it automatically scans every single file you download. And you know what’s even better? It automatically stops the download once it detects anything suspicious.

4. Google Chrome

Google Chrome Browser for Windows 11

Google’s Chrome could have been at the top of the list if only it were a lightweight browser. Unfortunately, Chrome consumes a lot of RAM and may not be suitable for low-end PCs. Looking on the bright side, Chrome has tons of features that make it the most versatile and, arguably, the best web browser.

First off, it leverages a hardware acceleration mechanism to maximize its performance. It is a high-speed web browser that allows the opening of multiple tabs with ease.

Related article: Use Smooth Scrolling in Chrome

Chrome has built-in security controls and features that allow the user to: browse in secure mode while maintaining privacy, save passwords and retrieve them easily during log-ins, browse only the safe websites with (HTTPS), autofill addresses, change themes, customize UI, and sync across all platforms.

5. Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox Windows 11 Web Browser

Firefox is considered by many as the perfect alternative to Google Chrome. It offers everything that Chrome has, including:

  • Privacy
  • Security
  • Customization
  • Bold user interface
  • Extensions and support.

It is fast and has a high-performance output. Unlike Chrome, it is lightweight and doesn’t require many resources to run. It also boasts cross-platform sync and a new task manager for all your browsing needs.

Do you know you can collaborate while browsing the web? Check out all about shared browsing and co-browsing

6. Brave

Brave Browser for Windows 11

The Brave browser is deemed one of the most lightweight and fastest browsing apps. It is well known for limiting tracking when surfing the internet. Trackers and cookies are properly blocked when using this browser. If you are more concerned with safety and privacy, Brave is the browser to choose. It supports:

  • Incognito browsing
  • Built-in ad-tracker and ad-blocker
  • Multiple-tabs management

In essence, using Brave is like using Chrome (it is even based on Chromium) but with more safety features and a well-controlled browsing experience that puts the user first, instead of advertisers and companies that collect data on you.

7. Vivaldi Browser

Vivaldi For Windows 11

Last but not least, especially in terms of performance, is the Vivaldi Browser. It is fast and lightweight. Users who have tried it say good things about it and find it to be a good match for when you want a superior browsing experience. It provides tools for customization and has a bold user interface.

It is also Chromium-based, allowing users to use almost all Chrome’s extensions. There are privacy and security settings that can be tweaked to your satisfaction. Custom shortcuts are a plus.

Which Browser is Fastest for Windows 11?

Google Chrome is the best web browser when it comes to speed. It might not be lightweight, but it is the best when it comes to cutting down the response time. It has a V8 JavaScript Engine that leverages the browser’s processing power to process requests at incredible speeds. Other browsers with fast speeds include Brave, Edge, and Opera.

What is the Lightest Browser for Windows 11?

The lightest web browser for Windows 11 is Opera. It consumes very little data space as compared to other browsing applications. It uses minimal resources, allowing more of your computer’s RAM to be free. Being lightweight is also associated with speed because the browser does not hog your CPU or RAM. Therefore, Opera is a suitable, lightweight, and fast web browser.

Is Chrome or Edge Better for Windows 11?

Microsoft’s Edge is the recommended web browser for Windows 11 simply because it’s lightweight and speedy. The fact that Microsoft seems intent on pushing everyone on Windows to use it, going so far as to make it the default on Windows, also places it among the most used browsers in Windows 11. As long as your tabs are kept under one hundred, you won’t encounter any browsing problems.

Despite this information, statistics show that most Windows 11 users use either Chrome or Edge or both web browsers when surfing the internet.

What is the Best Browser for Windows 11?

Having seen the specifications of each web browser, we can comfortably say that Microsoft Edge is the best browser for Windows 11 if you want a lightweight and fast web browser. We also chose Google’s Chrome as one of the best web browsers for Windows 11 as it has tons of extensions that users can utilize for easy navigation.

Depending on what you are looking for, Brave could be your best choice if you don’t want trackers to bother you while browsing. Opera and Vivaldi Browser stand out as supreme choices when looking for a fast, lightweight browser with an interactive user interface and a bunch of add-ons.

At the end of it all, it comes down to what you want, because there’s something for everyone.

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The new Windows 11 comes with an integrated internet browser called Microsoft Edge. It includes a lot of advanced and useful features that help a lot in making the browsing experience much smoother. Some people choose Microsoft Edge over other web browsers. At the same time, some people look for a different web browser that can cater to all their needs.

If you’re finding a browser for your Windows 11 PC, then read this guide until the end. Here in this article, we’ve talked about some of the best browsers for Windows 11. We’ve legitimately tried all the available browsers and then mentioned the best ones here for you. So, move ahead and choose the best browser for your Windows 11 PC.

How to Choose the Best Browser For Windows 11?

There are several factors you should consider while choosing the best web browser for your Windows 11 PC. Here in this section, we’ve explained all those factors in detail.

Performance: You should always choose a browser with good performance. It should work fast. Otherwise, it’ll keep lagging and crashing while working. As a result, it’ll impact your workflow and productivity.

User Interface: Another thing you should consider is that the browser must have an easy-to-use user interface. All the options and menus should be easily visible and accessible.

Privacy and Security Controls: The browser should also come with all essential privacy and security features that can keep you safe while surfing. For instance, it should have features like VPN, Ad-Blocker, etc.

Extension Support: Extension support is another important factor you should consider while choosing the browser for your Windows 11 PC. It should either have its own vast database of web extensions or should allow you to download extensions from other web stores, like Chrome Web Store and Mozilla Firefox. 

Customize: At last, it should let you customize your browser’s user interface according to your preferences. For instance, it must have options to change the browser theme, font size, side panel position, etc., with ease. 

These are all the important factors you should consider while choosing the best web browser for your Windows 11 PC.

Here in this section, we’ve talked about some web browsers that work well with Windows 11. You can now read ahead and choose the best web browser for your Windows 11 PC. 

1. Google Chrome

Google Chrome

The first browser on our list is Google Chrome which has an excellent set of features that helps make the browsing experience more seamless and effortless. It also features an intuitive user interface, which takes only a few minutes to get used to. In addition, you also get the ability to customize its interface according to your preferences. You can quickly choose from dozens of preloaded themes and even get more themes from Google Web Store.

If you want to change the browser’s display font and font size, you can also do that with a few easy clicks. We also noticed that it has some productivity features, such as Reading List, which lets you prioritize and organize your reading list with ease. One of the major drawbacks of this browser is that it doesn’t come with an integrated Ad Blocker. But fortunately, it supports web extensions, so you can get a third-party Ad Blocker extension from Chrome Web Store.

While using Google Chrome, we found that it also has some useful accessibility features, such as Live Caption, Caret Browsing, etc. It also features Password Manager. It lets you store all your usernames and passwords in one place to sign in to websites with ease. Overall, it’s a great browser but consumes a lot of RAM while running. Due to this, sometimes the PC crashes or starts lagging.


  • Customizable
  • Supports Web Extension
  • Cross-Platform
  • Enough Privacy Features
  • Easy To Use Interface


  • Uses a Lot of Resources

2. Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge

When we think of a browser with advanced privacy and security features, we don’t think there’s a better option than Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Edge is known for offering a secure browsing experience. It automatically blocks all harmful trackers to help you browse safely without compromising your data.

It also allows you to customize your browser’s overall user appearance according to your preferences. For instance, you can change the browser’s default theme, default zoom level, and much more with one click. You can even add web extensions to it by downloading them from the Microsoft Edge Add-ons store as well as Google Chrome Web Store. This is the most highlighting part of this browser, as most browsers only let you get extensions from one source.

One thing we liked the most about Microsoft Edge is its pre-built Screenshot tool, which lets you capture the screenshot of the entire window as well as a small part of it in seconds. So, if you’re finding a privacy-centric browser for your system, blindly trust Microsoft Edge.


  • Very Fast
  • A Lot of Privacy Functions
  • Supports PWA 
  • In-Built Screenshot Tool
  • Consumer Very Less CPU Resources
  • Useful Features Like Read Aloud, Cast to Device, etc.


  • Doesn’t Work on Older Computers With Less Than 1 GHz of Processing Capability

3. Opera GX

Opera GX

The third browser on our list is Opera GX, which is specially designed for gamers. This browser is mainly known for its Resource Limiting feature, which allows you to set limits on CPU, GPU, and RAM usage. This way, you can let it run in the background while playing games on your Windows 11 PC without worrying about anything. 

One thing we liked about Opera GX is its integrated VPN, which is completely free. You can use it to binge-watch content available outside your region or country. Like Brave, it also allows you to block online ads to reduce distractions while browsing. Additionally, it also has a built-in Snapshot tool that lets you capture screenshots in one click.

Not only this, but it also has a built-in Unit converter tool that lets you convert time zones, currencies, and much more without using any other online tool. In the end, it also comes with a Lucid mode, which automatically improves the online video and image quality. All around, it’s a great browser with excellent features. So, if you’re a gamer, you should definitely try this browser.


  • Ram, CPU, Network Limiter
  • Built-In Snapshot Tool
  • Gaming Themes/Wallpapers
  • Messaging Apps in Sidebar
  • Music Streaming in Sidebar
  • Gaming Calendar
  • Ad-Blocker
  • Freemium VPN
  • Crypto Wallet


  • No Workspaces

4. Brave


Brave is the next web browser that sits in fourth place on our ranking. There are several reasons to put this on the list. But one of the most common reasons is its privacy-centric advanced features. It comes with an integrated VPN and Ad Blocker, which are the perfect tools for safer browsing. Also these features are also present in Opera GX and Avast Secure Browser.

Similar to Google Chrome, it also has a Reading List feature that lets you keep all the articles you want to read in the future in one place. One of the best highlights of Brave is its future-proof design. When you use Brave and see ads, it rewards you with some BAT tokens, which is a digital token, a.k.a cryptocurrency. It’s a great way to earn some bucks while browsing and working.

Like Opera GX, it also has a pre-built Crypto Wallet that lets you store your cryptocurrencies and make transactions with ease. You can also connect other third-party wallets like Uphold and Gemini. It also has several productivity features, one of which is Social media blocking.

It lets you remove Google login buttons on third-party sites. You can also choose whether the browser should display Twitter-embedded tweets or LinkedIn posts while browsing. You should definitely give this browser a try if you want some advanced privacy and security features in a web browser. 


  • Several Useful Security Features
  • Inbuilt VPN & Ad-Blocker
  • Integrated Crypto Wallet
  • Rewards Crypto Currency
  • Supports Web Extensions
  • Easy To Customize


  • Lacks Ecosystem Benefits of Edge and Chrome

5. Mozilla Firefox


Mozilla Firefox has been in the market for decades, and everyone knows about it. It has all the basic and advanced features that a web browser should have. One of the most interesting features of Mozilla Firefox is its built-in PDF Editor. You can use it to edit PDFs without leaving the browser and even the webpage.

In addition, it syncs across all your connected devices in real time. This way, you’ll be able to see your open tabs, browser history, and much more on other devices. According to its developers, it’s completely safe to use, as they only collect a very small amount of data that helps them make the browser more efficient and secure.

Similar to other browsers, it also gives you the ability to customize the browser’s user experience by adding web extensions and themes to it. The best part about this browser is it automatically blocks third-party tracking cookies and trackers to prevent marketers from tracking your data.

Similar to every other web browser, it also has a built-in Password Manager that saves all your login information in one place and lets you sign in to sites in seconds. It also alerts you about whether the website you’re visiting is secure. This feature definitely makes it worth trying.


  • Easy To Use UI
  • Supports Cross-Platform Sync
  • Good Privacy Protection
  • Built-In PDF Editor
  • Integrated Password Manager Tool


  • A Bit Slow Compared to Other Browsers

6. Vivaldi


The next browser on our list is Vivaldi, which carries a similar interface as Opera and Opera GX’s interface. One thing we really liked the most about it is its flexible customization. For instance, it asks you to choose from the available user interfaces. 

It also lets you import your existing browser’s data, like extensions, bookmarks, reading lists, etc., while setting up the browser. Another thing we liked about Vivaldi is that it has Mail and Calendar shortcuts in the browser that lets you check and create important events and mail, respectively, without minimizing the app.

During the setup, it also allows you to customize your tabs’ positions according to your preferences, which everyone wishes to do with their browser, but very few provide the option to do so.

Besides this, it also has enough customization options that let you personalize your browser’s interface according to your vibe and persona. Overall, it’s a great browser with all the essential features and an intuitive interface. If you only need a browser just for browsing purposes, then consider Vivaldi.


  • Integrated Ad-Blocker
  • Supports Chrome Extensions
  • Highly Customizable Interface
  • Supports RSS Feeds


  • No Good for Procrastinators

7. Slim Browser

Slim Browser

You might have heard about Slim Browser for the first time. But it indeed has excellent features. It features an intuitive UI. Like every other browser, it’s also developed to browse the internet seamlessly with any issues. Also, we tried downloading files using Slim Browser, and we’ve to say that the files downloaded at lightning speed without any interruptions. 

Slim Browser automatically blocks third-party cookies and annoying ads with its pre-installed Ad Blocker. You can even visit websites that aren’t available in your preferred language, as it automatically translates them into your preferred language. Most importantly, it lets you add extensions to personalize your browsing experience. But sadly, it doesn’t support Chrome extensions.

Notably, it also has a Youtube video to MP4 and MP3 converter tool, which might be useful if you like to download songs. Overall, it has decent features, which are great for users whose work starts with browsing and ends with browsing.


  • Simple Interface
  • Built-In YouTube Video to MP4 and MP3 Converter Tool


  • Doesn’t Support Chrome Web Extensions

8. UR Browser

UR Browser

UR Browser is an excellent browser for Windows 11 that has all the essential features. Once you open the browser, you see top news headlines on the homepage. It would be useful for you if you like reading the news while working.

Like other web browsers, it also offers many customization options to personalize your browsing experience according to your choices. Surprisingly, its download speed is much faster than Google Chrome. You can also use it to download multiple files concurrently at the same speed, as it supports advanced parallel downloading.

Like Google Chrome, it also has a pre-built Virus scanner that automatically scans the files you download from the internet and alerts you if they contain any malware or virus. Additionally, it blocks third-party cookies and trackers from accessing your information while browsing. To sum up, it’s a great web browser with all the essential features.


  • Looks Like Other Chromium Browsers
  • Integrated Virus Scanner
  • Built-In VPN
  • Supports Advanced Parallel Downloading


  • Very Difficult To Use

9. Tor Browser

TOR Browser

Tor Browser is one of the most advanced web browsers in this best browser for Windows 11 list, and its advanced security features shout it out loud. It’s pretty different from other browsers mentioned in this article. This is because it’s mainly used to access the dark web.

It comes with all the essential security features that are required to access the dark web. For instance, you can’t access it without hiding your real geographical location. This is the reason it hides your real location by routing your traffic over the Tor Network.

You can also install and add web extensions to the Tor Browser from Mozilla Add-ons. What we liked most about this browser is that it automatically clears all of your browser’s cookies and search history after the session ends.

So, if you’re searching for a web browser with extreme security protection features, then you should try Tor Browser. Otherwise, you can consider other privacy-centric web browsers, like Microsoft Edge, Brave, Google Chrome, Avast Secure Browser, etc. 


  • Private and Secure Browsing
  • Encrypted Traffic
  • Automatically Blocks Ads & Trackers
  • Resist Fingerprinting


  • Can Be Difficult To Understand For Beginners
  • Slow Loading Speeds

10. WaterFox


Though WaterFox doesn’t come with many advanced features. But the existing features are enough to make the browsing experience much more seamless. It has an intuitive user interface, which makes it even better than other browsers.

Also, its user interface is somewhat similar to Mozilla Firefox’s user interface. So, if you’re switching from Mozilla Firefox to WaterFox, then it would be very easy for you to get used to this browser. 

Like Microsoft Edge, it also has an integrated Screenshot tool that lets you take a screenshot of the entire page while browsing using your mouse or shortcut keys. It also has an Enhanced Tracking Protection functionality that stops hidden trackers from collecting your data and slowing down your browsing. Notably, some functions of the WaterFox browser are somewhat similar to Mozilla Firefox’s functions. 

One thing we liked the most about this browser is that it doesn’t track what web pages you visit using the browser. According to the makers, they only collect a small amount of data that helps them keep the browser secure and up-to-date. It means your information is safe online while using WaterFox, which is a great thing.

They also said that soon the browser would be able to work without the internet. In addition, users will be able to translate web pages and selected text using Machine Learning.


  • Intuitive Interface
  • Doesn’t Track Your Data
  • ML Powered Translations


  • Only Available For Windows

11. Avast Secure Browser

Avast Secure Browser

We all know Avast for its free antivirus program. But surprisingly, it also has a fast and secure web browser called Avast Secure Browser. It has all kinds of basic to advanced features that help a lot to provide a good and secure browsing experience.

Notably, this is a Chromium-Based privacy browser by Avast, like Google Chrome. Due to this, the interface of Avast Secure Browser and Google Chrome overlaps a bit, which is a great thing. In addition, it also comes with a lot of useful privacy and security features, such as Privacy Guard, which automatically blocks ads and malicious trackers while browsing.

Moving further, it also has a Web Shield feature that alerts you when websites try to steal your data. Not only this, but it also has a built-in Password Manager that safely stores your login credentials and lets you use them while signing in to sites. 

One thing we liked the most about Avast Secure Browser is its integrated VPN. You can use its pre-built VPN to access content that’s not available in your region. Similar to other browsers, Avast Secure Browser also supports Chrome web extensions. Additionally, it supports cross-device syncing, which lets you access the same tabs, history, etc., on all devices.


  • Supports Chrome WEB Extensions
  • Many Privacy and Security Features, like Privacy Guard, Web Shield, etc. 
  • Works Faster Compared to Other Web Browsers
  • Supports Cross-Device Syncing


  • Limited Productivity Tools
  • Very Few Personalization Options
  • Not All Security Features Are Available for Free
  • Consumes a Lot of System Storage


Which One Is the Best Browser for Windows 11?

Google Chrome is one of the best browsers for Windows 11. It features an easy-to-use interface and many advanced browsing features. One of the best features of Google Chrome is that it has a pre-built Password Manager that saves all your login credentials in one place to use them to sign in to the websites.

Is Chrome or Edge Better for Windows 11?

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge both come with excellent features. Google Chrome is mainly known for its high-end performance, which offers a seamless browsing experience. But Microsoft Edge is popular for its advanced privacy and security features which Google Chrome lacks.

What Is the Fastest Internet Browser Windows 11?

According to us, Google Chrome is one of the fastest web browsers of all. No doubt, it works faster but consumes a lot of system resources. You can also try the Brave Private browser and several other fast browsers that work well with Windows 11, like Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Opera GX, etc.

What Are the Disadvantages of Microsoft Edge?

Here are some disadvantages of Microsoft Edge:

  • Microsoft Edge is fairly slow compared to its alternatives, like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, etc. 
  • It doesn’t allow you to set Google.com and other search engines as the default engine for the web browser. 
  • According to our experience, it keeps getting new bugs and glitches every day, which ruins the entire browsing experience. 

Is Brave Better Than Chrome?

Brave and Google Chrome both come with an amazing set of functionalities. If you’re looking for a web browser with top-notch privacy and security features, like VPN, Ad-blocker, etc., then Brave is the best choice for you. On the other hand, if you want a web browser with top-class performance, in that case, Google Chrome is the best option to choose. 

Which Is Your Favorite Web Browser?

Browsers have become an essential part of our lives. Whenever we want to know about something, we quickly open the browser on our PC and search for it. As it plays a crucial role in our daily lives, it becomes essential to choose the best browser with all basic to advanced features.

Many browsers are available out there, and all have distinctive features. Due to this, it becomes tough to pick the best browser. If you were also facing issues finding the best browser for your Windows 11 PC, then we hope this article helped you pick one. Before saying a sweet goodbye, make sure to share which web browser you picked for yourself. 

Here are the Best Browsers for Windows 11 PC to access the Web on the Latest Windows PC Version Smoothly and Fast with this Customized Browser.

Windows 11 is already available for users as a free upgrade. As everything has moved online, it is very important to choose a browser that is best both in performance and security. Apart from the traditional ones, there are multiple other web browsers for Windows 11 that are less resource-hogging, provide a host of security tools to protect the user’s identity, and also have a ton of features to make the browsing experience satisfactory.

Since people are also now becoming more and more aware of all features regarding security, ease-of-use, etc., they want, Web Browsers are trying their best to meet up their expectations. In this post, we will show you some of the best browsers that you can try out for Windows. Having said that, let us jump straight into the post.

Criteria We Stressed Upon

You might ask, what are the criteria, or on what grounds the listed browsers in this post are the best ones available for Windows 10? To make it clear, we have listed down the criteria that we followed in deciding if these are the best browsers for Windows 11:

  • Performance
  • Navigation
  • User interface
  • Privacy and Security controls
  • Customization
  • Extension Support

Now that you have understood the criteria behind selecting the best web browsers for Windows 11, let us check them out one by one.

Microsoft Edge


Yes, Microsoft’s own Edge, which has really changed itself from being called Windows Explorer to Microsoft Edge, is also on our list. All thanks to the revamp, Microsoft did on Edge, it is now a good competitor to other browsers. Additionally, the crystal clear privacy and security policy, easily understandable user interface and lots of customization options make Microsoft Edge a smart choice.

It gives you access to finer controls on how you browse websites, loads webpages faster, don’t require many resources for functioning, and all this makes Microsoft Edge a worthy browser to be on this list. The downside of the Edge browser is you won’t find that many extensions for it. So, productivity might get hampered due to it.


Google Chrome

Google Chrome Browser Windows

How can we not list the Google Chrome browser?! It is one of the most popular, and most used web browsers on Windows. The reason behind its popularity is the user-friendly interface, integrated security, and privacy features, integration with other Google products, and a wide range of add-ons and extensions. The word “Google” and “Privacy” is not something one would use in a single sentence.

But if you know your way around it, then there is no competition for Google Chrome. There are some caveats, though. It is considered to be the most resource-hogging and memory-mining web browser. However, there are ways to resolve them, and it will take a quick Google search. Necessary features such as saving and managing passwords, address autofill, and changing themes and bookmarks, make it a user favorite.




We all have one common concern while using a web browser: whether the browser is tracking you or not. If you have such concerns and you also don’t even want to share your ISP while surfing the internet, then the Brave browser is one of the best browsers out there. It is a new player in the game but has built a reputation of being one of the safest, easy-to-use, and user-friendly web browsers for Windows.

The browser features an intuitive user interface, meaning you will get the hang of this browser in a matter of minutes. The Brave browser supports features such as incognito browsing, multiple tabs management, a built-in ad tracker, a built-in ad blocker, and more. It even features a very one-of-a-kind “Paid for surfing feature.” You can get all the info here. Overall, the Brave browser, although new, is one of the best browsers that you can use on Windows.


Vivaldi Browser


If you know and trust Opera, then you will definitely like and find Vivaldi browser a good match. Vivaldi browser is the brainchild of the developers at Opera. Vivaldi browser provides a good set of tools for customization, and there are multiple options, even granular ones, that help you make the browser your own.

Vivaldi browser is based on Chromium, and this, it means that you can use almost all the Chrome add-ons or extensions with the Vivaldi browser. It allows features such as pinning websites on the side, adjusting or tweaking web pages’ font/color schemes, customizing the navigation bar, and more. The browser performance is incredibly fast, has an easy-to-use interface, you can enjoy custom shortcuts, and provides a bunch of privacy and security settings.




If you do not care much about customization and want to browse the internet safely and securely, then the Tor browser should be your choice. It has multiple features that help you create a defense against tracking, censorship, and surveillance. You can also access blocked websites, as it provides complete anonymity by hiding your original IP address.

Tor browser has multi-layer encryption, which means the traffic is “relayed and encrypted” three times over the Tor network. The user interface is beginner-friendly, so most of you coming from highly customizable browsers will find the UI a bit outdated. The performance of the Tor browser s fast, and it has several options related to privacy and security. Besides, you can nudge for the quicker connection path for a website by clicking the 3-line menu icon and selecting the “New Tor Circuit for this Site” option.


Mozilla Firefox

Firefox for Windows 11

Mozilla Firefox has grown in terms of features over the years and is now coined as a perfect alternative to the Google Chrome browser. Be it security, privacy, customization, extension support, etc. Mozilla Firefox is a decent all-rounder. Some consider Mozilla’s incognito mode one of the most secure ones compared to other browsers’ incognito modes.

The browsing speed and performance are brilliant, they have enhanced tab management, a new task manager, blocks in-browser crypto mining, and more. Further, it is a lightweight browser, meaning it is less resource-hogging and will perform well on your Windows 10 PC. Mozilla Firefox features cross-platform sync and has a nice and user-friendly interface.




Opera is an old name in the browser’s category. Over time, it has gone through many changes and has been updated with new features, making it a good choice if you are looking for a better browsing experience. It features a built-in ad blocker, built-in VPN, and crypto waller for, you know, the currency of the young mind, the “Cryptocurrency,” and more. It also has a dark mode that reduces strain during night browsing.

It is also based on Chromium, making using Chrome add-ons or extensions in Opera easier. There is the Opera Turbo option, which, when enabled, compresses the images on the web page to reduce internet data usage if you are browsing on a limited data package. Built-in security features also warn you about malicious content & other infections on a website before entering.


Yandex Browser

Yandex Browser

Yandex browser is a Chrome-based web browser that runs on Blink Engine. It is a freeware web tool developed by the Russian web search corporation. The browser checks webpage security with the Yandex security system and checks downloaded files with Kaspersky anti-virus.

The browser also uses Opera Software’s Turbo technology to speed web browsing on slow connections. The software comes with powerful security protocols, including DNScrypt, data protection while saving payment, and passwords with DNS Spoofing. You also get protection over weak Wi-Fi and encrypt the data over HTTP sites.

Download Yandex Browser



Maxthon is another cloud-based App that reduces the load on the App by implementing server-side compression. The App also won the ‘Best Browser’ award. The App helps in curbing data consumption by optimizing the image sizes on the web pages. The tool renders pages very fast by removing the render-blocking JavaScript. The Maxthon has a memo book to write notes, an inbuilt Adblocker, a Password Manager, multi-linguistic support, night mode viewing, and more. Max is a very reliable browser to go for.

Download Maxthon

Avast Secure Browser

Avast Secure

Avast Secure Browser is a Chromium-Based Privacy Browser Developed by Avast. You get a built-in Ad-Blocker which helps improve site loading by blocking all Ads Scripts. You will also get Banking Mode to protect yourself from a potentially hijacked host or network. Bank Mode automatically activates when it detects that the user has reached a banking website or a payment page.

The Browser also has a Password Manager, Anti-Phishing, and other privacy Features to Protect your data from an online breach. It also forces the websites to use TSL on supported websites for encryption to secure their data. Avast Secure Browser also blocks the user from accessing known malicious web pages and extensions

Download Avast Secure

Opera GX

Opera GX

Opera GX is a special version of the Opera browser built specifically for gamers. The browser includes unique features like CPU, RAM, and Network limiters to help you get the most out of both gaming and browsing. Completely customize your color scheme with Opera GX to match your gaming setup.

Choose from specially designed themes, and easily select GX desktop wallpapers as a gaming background. You can force dark mode on all the pages, use PiP Mode, and control your privacy and security with the free integrated VPN and built-in adblocker.

Download Opera GX

Otter Browser

Otter Browser

Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of Opera 12 and revive its spirit. The features of the browser power the browser while keeping the browser fast and lightweight. The browser works on Apple’s Safari WebKit Engine. So, you can expect some smooth and fast browsing on your Windows PC.

Download Otter Browser

If you’ve any thoughts on 10 Best Windows 11 Web Browsers: Fast and Customized, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

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