Как зарегистрировать ocx в windows 10 64 bit

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Файлы OCX являются расширением программных файлов и позволяют пользователям операционной системы Windows выполнять обычные задачи, вроде изменения размера окон и перемещения полосы прокрутки. Их также называют формами ActiveX Controls или OLE (технология связывания и внедрения объектов в другие документы и объекты) Control Extensions. OCX также используют в наборе программирования. С их помощью разработчики могут внедрить в программу дополнительные функции, вроде отображения в программе миллиона цветов или улучшения подключения к интернету. Устанавливая программу, содержащую файлы OCX, регистр операционной системы автоматически установит и зарегистрирует их. Если вы получите сообщение об ошибке, связанной с файлами OCX, или просто хотите убедиться, что файлы OCX правильно зарегистрированы, сделайте это собственноручно. Читайте далее и вы узнаете, как зарегистрировать файлы OCX на компьютере с ОС Windows.

  1. Изображение с названием Register OCX Files Step 1


    Найдите файл OCX, который хотите зарегистрировать. Откройте папку с файлом, если знаете, где он хранится, или запустите поиск.

    • Чтобы найти файл в Windows XP, сначала откройте меню «Пуск», а затем нажмите на «Поиск». Когда появится диалоговое окно помощника по поиску, нажмите на «Файлы и папки». Введите критерий поиска и нажмите «Найти».
    • Чтобы найти файл в Windows 7, откройте меню «Пуск» (логотип Windows) в нижнем левом углу окна. Когда появится всплывающее окно, введите критерий поиска в поле в самом низу, а затем нажмите на иконку лупы справа, чтобы запустить поиск файла.
  2. Изображение с названием Register OCX Files Step 2


    Выберите файл OCX, который хотите зарегистрировать. Зажмите на клавиатуре клавишу Shift и нажмите на файл OCX правой кнопкой мыши. Когда появится всплывающее меню, нажмите «Открыть с помощью…».

  3. Изображение с названием Register OCX Files Step 3


    Нажмите в появившемся окне на «Выбрать программу из списка», а затем нажмите «ОК». В следующем диалоговом окне нажмите «Обзор».

  4. Изображение с названием Register OCX Files Step 4


    Найдите файл RegSvr32.exe. Найдите и откройте папку Windows, а затем откройте папку «System32». Нажмите на файл RegSvr32.exe, а затем нажмите «ОК». Затем вы увидите окно подтверждения, в котором будет написано, что файл OCX был успешно зарегистрирован.

  5. Изображение с названием Register OCX Files Step 5


    Если после регистрации файла на экране появится сообщение об ошибке, перезагрузите компьютер и повторите снова.



  • Если несколько попыток регистрации файла OCX оказались безуспешными, возможно, файл поврежден. Скачайте более новую версию файла с надежного источника, например, с сайта Microsoft.



  • Проводя чистку файлов на компьютере, не удаляйте файлы OCX, поскольку они связаны с программами, которые без них работать не будут. Удаление файлов OCX также может привести к проблемам при включении компьютера. Если вы считаете, что файл OCX поврежден или содержит вирус, запустите антивирусную программу, чтобы проверить наличие или отсутствие вируса, и лишь потом удаляйте файл.


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When you install software that contains OCX files, the Windows registry will automatically install and register those files. However, if you receive error messages about an OCX file or you just want to make sure your OCX files are registered correctly, we can help you register them yourself!

  1. Image titled Register OCX Files Step 1


    Locate the OCX file you want to register. Go directly to your file if you know where it’s stored on your computer, or use the Windows search feature.

    • Search in Windows XP by clicking on the Start menu, then clicking on «Search.» When the Search Companion dialog box appears, click on «All Files and Folders.» Type in your search criteria and click on «Search.»
    • Search in Windows 7 by clicking on the Start menu (Windows logo) in the bottom left. When the pop-up window appears, type your search criteria in the field on the very bottom and click on the magnifying glass on its right to begin your search.
  2. Image titled Register OCX Files Step 2


    Select the OCX file you want to register. Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and right-click directly on the OCX file. When the pop-up menu window appears, click on «Open With.»


  3. Image titled Register OCX Files Step 3


    Click on «Select the Program from a list» in the new pop-up window that appears, then click «OK.» In the next dialog box that appears, click on «Browse.»

  4. Image titled Register OCX Files Step 4


    Locate the RegSvr32.exe file. Navigate to and open the Windows folder, then open the System32 folder. Select the file named RegSvr32.exe by clicking on it, then click on «OK.» You will then see a confirmation pop-up window saying that the OCX file was successfully registered.

  5. Image titled Register OCX Files Step 5


    Restart your computer and retry the registration process if you see an error message appear after registering the OCX file.

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  • If you are unsuccessful at registering an OCX file after multiple attempts, it’s possible that the file is corrupted. You may want to download a fresh version of the OCX file from a trusted source such as Microsoft.

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  • Avoid deleting any OCX files from your computer when performing maintenance on your file folders because they are linked to applications that will no longer work upon deleting the OCX files. Deleting OCX files may also result in problems when you try to boot your computer. If you suspect an OCX file is corrupted or contains a virus, run your computer’s virus or malware scanner to verify any malicious activity before deleting the OCX file.


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Mscomm32.ocx is a file that is used by certain applications to communicate with external devices through a serial port. However, occasionally users may encounter an issue where the Mscomm32.ocx file is missing or not properly registered on their Windows 10 64-bit system. When this happens, the affected application may fail to work as intended, resulting in frustration and inconvenience.

In this blog post, we will explore different methods to register the Mscomm32.ocx file on a Windows 10 64-bit system. We will explain each method in detail and provide step-by-step instructions to help you through the process. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced computer user, this guide will assist you in resolving the issue and getting your application back on track.

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What’s Needed

Before we dive into the methods of registering Mscomm32.ocx on Windows 10 64-bit, there are a few essential things you will need:

1. Administrative access: To register the Mscomm32.ocx file, you will need administrative privileges on your Windows 10 64-bit system. If you are using a standard user account, make sure you have the necessary permissions or switch to an administrator account.

2. Mscomm32.ocx file: Ensure that you have a copy of the Mscomm32.ocx file readily available. If you don’t have the file, you can download it from trusted sources, such as official Microsoft websites or reputable software repositories.

3. Command Prompt: You will need to use the Command Prompt utility, which is a built-in tool in Windows, to run the necessary commands to register the Mscomm32.ocx file successfully.

4. Basic computer knowledge: While this guide provides detailed instructions, having basic computer knowledge will be helpful in understanding the steps and troubleshooting any potential issues that may arise during the process.

What Requires Your Focus?

To effectively register the Mscomm32.ocx file on Windows 10 64-bit, there are a few areas that require your attention and focus. These include:

1. Correct file path: Ensure that you have the correct file path for the Mscomm32.ocx file. It is essential to know the exact location of the file to register it successfully.

2. Administrative privileges: As mentioned earlier, it is vital to have administrative privileges when working with system files and performing tasks that require elevated permissions.

3. Command Prompt usage: Familiarize yourself with using the Command Prompt utility. Understanding the basic commands and how to navigate through directories will make the process smoother.

4. Error messages: Pay attention to any error messages that might appear during the registration process. These messages can provide valuable insights into the problem and help troubleshoot any potential issues.

Now that we understand the background and requirements, let’s explore the different methods to register the Mscomm32.ocx file on a Windows 10 64-bit system.

Method 1. Using Regsvr32 Command

The Regsvr32 command is a built-in Windows utility that allows users to register and unregister DLL and OCX files. Here’s how to use it to register the Mscomm32.ocx on Windows 10 64-bit:

1. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator. To do this, right-click the Start menu, select «Command Prompt (Admin)«.

2. Navigate to the directory where the Mscomm32.ocx file is located. For example, if the file is on your desktop, you would use the following command:
cd C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop

3. Once you are in the correct directory, enter the following command to register the Mscomm32.ocx file:
regsvr32 Mscomm32.ocx

4. Press Enter to execute the command. You should see a success message indicating that the registration was successful.

5. Close the Command Prompt and restart your computer to ensure the changes take effect.


Pros 1. Straightforward method using a built-in Windows utility. 2. Fast and efficient way to register the Mscomm32.ocx file. 3. Suitable for users with basic computer knowledge.


Cons 1. May encounter error messages if the command is not executed with administrative privileges. 2. Requires knowing the correct file path for the Mscomm32.ocx file. 3. Relies on the Regsvr32 utility, which may not always resolve the issue.

Method 2. Via Component Services

Another method to register the Mscomm32.ocx file is through the Component Services utility. Here’s how to do it:

1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box. Type «dcomcnfg» and press Enter to open Component Services.

2. In the Component Services window, expand the «Computers» folder, then the «My Computer» folder.

3. Right-click on «DCOM Config» and select «Properties«.

4. In the Properties window, go to the «Security» tab.

5. Under «Launch and Activation Permissions«, click on «Edit«.

6. In the Launch Permissions window, click on «Add«.

7. Enter «Everyone» in the object name field and click «Check Names«. Once the name is verified, click «OK«.

8. Back in the Properties window, click on «Edit» under «Access Permissions«.

9. Follow the same steps as you did for «Launch Permissions» to add «Everyone«.

10. Click «OK» to save the changes and close the Properties window.

11. Close the Component Services window.

12. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator.

13. Navigate to the directory where the Mscomm32.ocx file is located.

14. Register the Mscomm32.ocx file using the following command:
regsvr32 Mscomm32.ocx

15. Restart your computer to apply the changes.


Pros 1. Alternative method to register Mscomm32.ocx through Component Services. 2. Provides additional security settings that may help resolve any registration issues. 3. Suitable for users who prefer a graphical interface.


Cons 1. Requires multiple steps and accessing the Component Services utility. 2. May encounter errors if the necessary permissions are not set correctly. 3. Relies on the Regsvr32 command for registration.

Method 3. Using Windows Registry Editor

The Windows Registry Editor is another tool that can be utilized to register the Mscomm32.ocx file. Follow the steps below:

1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box. Type «regedit» and press Enter to open the Registry Editor.

2. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following location:

3. Right-click on the «SharedDlls» folder and select «New» > «String Value«.

4. Name the new string value «Mscomm32.ocx» and press Enter.

5. Double-click on the newly created string value and enter the file path of the Mscomm32.ocx file in the «Value Data» field.

6. Click «OK» to save the changes.

7. Close the Registry Editor.

8. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator.

9. Navigate to the directory where the Mscomm32.ocx file is located.

10. Register the Mscomm32.ocx file using the following command:
regsvr32 Mscomm32.ocx

11. Restart your computer to apply the changes.


Pros 1. Utilizes the Windows Registry Editor for registration. 2. Offers an alternative method that may resolve any issues with previous methods. 3. Suitable for users who are comfortable navigating and making changes in the registry.


Cons 1. Requires modifying the Windows Registry, which can be risky if not done carefully. 2. Relies on the Regsvr32 command for registration. 3. Any mistakes in the registry can lead to system instability.

Method 4. Via Command Prompt with Elevated Privileges

If the previous methods did not work, you can try registering the Mscomm32.ocx file using the Command Prompt with elevated privileges. Here’s how:

1. Press the Windows key and type «Command Prompt» in the search bar. Right-click on «Command Prompt» and select «Run as administrator«.

2. In the Command Prompt window, navigate to the directory where the Mscomm32.ocx file is located.

3. Register the Mscomm32.ocx file using the following command:
regsvr32 /u Mscomm32.ocx

4. Press Enter to execute the command. You should see a success message indicating that the unregistration was successful.

5. Register the Mscomm32.ocx file again using the following command:
regsvr32 Mscomm32.ocx

6. Press Enter to execute the command. You should see a success message indicating that the registration was successful.

7. Close the Command Prompt and restart your computer.


Pros 1. Alternative method to register Mscomm32.ocx using the Command Prompt. 2. Unregistering and registering the file may resolve any issues with previous registrations. 3. Suitable for users who prefer using the Command Prompt for system-related tasks.


Cons 1. Requires navigating to the correct file directory using the Command Prompt. 2. May encounter error messages if the commands are not executed with administrative privileges. 3. Relies on the Regsvr32 command for registration.

Why Can’t I Register Mscomm32.ocx?

There can be several reasons why you may encounter difficulties in registering the Mscomm32.ocx file on your Windows 10 64-bit system. Here are some common reasons and their fixes:

1. Compatibility issues: The Mscomm32.ocx file may not be compatible with your version of Windows. Ensure that you have the correct version of the file for your operating system.

2. File corruption: The Mscomm32.ocx file may be corrupted or damaged. Try obtaining a fresh copy of the file and attempt registration again.

3. Permission issues: If you do not have administrative privileges or the necessary permissions, you may encounter errors when trying to register the file. Make sure you are logged in as an administrator and have the required permissions.

4. Incorrect file path: If you are providing an incorrect file path during the registration process, the command will fail. Double-check the file path and ensure it is accurate.

By addressing these common issues, you should be able to resolve any difficulties encountered while registering the Mscomm32.ocx file on Windows 10 64-bit.

Implications and Recommendations

After successfully registering the Mscomm32.ocx file, there are a few implications and recommendations to keep in mind:

1. Keep the file in a safe location: Once the Mscomm32.ocx file is registered, it is not necessary to move or delete it. Leaving it in its registered location will ensure that the associated application functions correctly.

2. Regularly update the file: If the Mscomm32.ocx file is part of an application that receives updates, make sure to keep it up to date. Newer versions of the file may provide bug fixes or compatibility improvements.

3. Follow proper security practices: As with any system file, it is important to practice good security habits. Only download the Mscomm32.ocx file from trusted sources and keep your system protected with up-to-date antivirus software.

Following these suggestions will help ensure a smooth experience with the registered Mscomm32.ocx file and its associated applications.

5 FAQs about Registering Mscomm32.ocx

Q1: Can I register Mscomm32.ocx on a 32-bit version of Windows 10?

A1: Yes, the registration process for Mscomm32.ocx is the same for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10.

Q2: Are there any alternative methods to register Mscomm32.ocx?

A2: Yes, there are alternative methods like using third-party software or PowerShell commands. However, the methods described in this blog post are the most commonly used and reliable methods.

Q3: What should I do if I encounter an error message during registration?

A3: If you encounter an error message during the registration process, make sure you have administrative privileges, the correct file path, and a valid copy of the Mscomm32.ocx file. If the issue persists, consider seeking assistance from technical support or online forums specific to your application or Windows version.

Q4: Is it necessary to restart my computer after registering Mscomm32.ocx?

A4: Yes, restarting your computer after registering Mscomm32.ocx will ensure that the changes take effect and that the associated application can access the file correctly.

Q5: Can I unregister Mscomm32.ocx if I no longer need it?

A5: Yes, if you no longer need Mscomm32.ocx, you can unregister it using the same Command Prompt commands mentioned in the methods above, but replacing «regsvr32» with «regsvr32 /u«. However, it is important to be cautious when making changes to system files, as unregistering files incorrectly may cause issues with other applications or system stability.

How to Register a 64-Bit OCX

Press the Windows orb to open the «Start» menu.
Type the command «Regsvr32 ,» where is the full path and filename of the OCX file you want to register.
Wait for a confirmation that the OCX was registered if you didn’t choose to run Regsvr32 in silent mode.

How do I Register an OCX File in Windows 10?

Click Start > All Programs > Accessories and rightclick on » Command Prompt » and select «Run as Administrator» OR in the Search box, type CMD and when cmd.exe appears in your results, rightclick on cmd.exe and select «Run as administrator» At the command prompt, enter: REGSVR32 » PATH TO THE DLL FILE»

How do I Register 32-bit OCX on 64-bit?

please note that you need to put the 32bit version of ActiveX control in the SysWow64 folder and run the regsvr32 from that folder to register that version. Put the 64bit version of in the system32 folder, and run that folders regsvr32 to register.

How do I Register a DLL File on Windows 10 64-bit?

Step 1: First click on Start, then Run.
Step 2: Now all you have to do to register a DLL file is to type in the regsvr32 command, followed by the path of the DLL file.
Step 3: Now click OK and you should get a confirmation message that the DLL has been registered successfully.

How do I Register Crystl32 OCX on Windows 10 64-bit?

Go to system32.
Set details view for this folder.
Right click on column header Any will work
Click More.
Find something on this list that could show you connection between your ocx and other required files*
Copy all those files to system32.
Try register original one.

Register ActiveX Controls, ActiveX Servers, and Type Libraries

Search for Command Prompt in the Start Menu and right click >> Run as Administrator.
Enter the following in the command box: regsvr32 ”<. ocx file path>”, including quotations.
A dialog will pop up to confirm it succeeded.

How do I Fix ActiveX Control is not Registered?

You must make sure the client computers have the same operating system as the server.
While creating the distribution kit, make sure you check both the Install Active X Container Support and Register files as ActiveX servers.
Make sure the client computer has the necessary DLL file.

How do I Register ActiveX DLL?

Using a text editor , create a . bat file in the same directory as the 32bit DLL.
Insert this line in the .bat file: regsvr32 «%CD%»\myActiveX.dll.
Run the . bat “as Administrator”.

Register or Unregister ActiveX Dll or OCX File

Select Start > All Programs > Accessories.
Right-click on «Command Prompt» in the Accessories.
Click «Run as Administrator»

Do OCX Files Need to be Registered?

ocx file must be registered correctly for it to work correctly. The Visual FoxPro Setup Wizard or InstallShield Express in Visual FoxPro 7.0 or a later version of Visual FoxPro will register an . ocx file correctly, provided that you select the OLE check box in Step 6 for the . ocx file must be registered manually.

How do I Register a File in Windows 10?

To register a . dll file in a Windows 10 64 bit, you may check with the steps listed below and see if it works: Go to the Search window and type cmd, right click on Command Prompt and choose Run as an administrator option. Type the following command in the command window and hit Enter regsvr32

How do I Open an OCX File?

Rightclick the OCX file you want to open and select «Open With…»
Click «Choose Default Program .»
Doubleclick «Microsoft Visual Studio 2010» from the list of programs available to view the OCX file.

How do I Run an OCX File as Administrator?

Click Start > All Programs > Accessories and rightclick on «Command Prompt» and select «Run as Administrator» OR in the Search box , type CMD and when cmd.exe appears in your results, rightclick on cmd.exe and select «Run as administrator» At the command prompt, enter: REGSVR32 «PATH TO THE DLL FILE»

How to Register Dll or Ocx File

OCX files

  1. Start your server in VGA mode.
  2. You will need to use the Regsvr.exe, Regsvr16.exe (16-bit), or Regsvr32.exe (32-bit) command to register the OCX file as system global. These commands are included in the development kit when Visual Basic or Visual FoxPro is installed.

How do I register crystl32 OCX on Windows 10 64-bit?

How do I register crystl32 OCX on Windows 10 64-bit?

  1. Go to system32.
  2. Set details view for this folder.
  3. Right click on column header (Any will work)
  4. Click More.
  5. Find something on this list that could show you connection between your ocx and other required files*
  6. Copy all those files to system32.
  7. Try register original one.

How do I activate ActiveX on Windows 10 64-bit?

ActiveX Control Registration

  1. Search for Command Prompt in the Start Menu and right click >> Run as Administrator.
  2. Enter the following in the command box: regsvr32 ”<. ocx file path>”, including quotations.
  3. A dialog will pop up to confirm it succeeded.

How do I register a 64-bit DLL file on Windows 10?

How do I register . DLL files in a Windows 10 64-bit?

  1. Go to the Search window and type cmd, right click on Command Prompt and choose Run as an administrator option.
  2. Type the following command in the command window and hit Enter – regsvr32

How do I know if OCX is registered?

– Go to Start > Run > Regedit. – Go to Edit > Find… and paste in the value. – Click Find Next to search the registry. Expand the entry and select the InprocServer32 key to reveal the full path to the OCX file.

How do I activate Mscomctl OCX on Windows 10 64 bit?


  1. If you are using 64 bit Windows copy the MSCOMCTL.OCX to C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64. (If you are using 32 bit Windows copy MSCOMCTL.OCX to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32) .
  2. Open a CMD or PowerShell prompt (as an administrator) and change into C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64. .
  3. Type. regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx.
  4. Press ENTER.
  5. Enjoy.

How do I register 32-bit OCX on 64-bit?

please note that you need to put the 32-bit version of ActiveX control in the SysWow64 folder and run the regsvr32 (from that folder) to register that version. Put the 64-bit version of in the system32 folder, and run that folders regsvr32 to register.

How do I enable ActiveX in Windows 10 registry?

Start a registry editor (e.g., regedit.exe). Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings registry subkey. Double-click the ActiveXCache value, change the path in the value data to a new location, then click OK.

Do OCX files need to be registered?

ocx file must be registered correctly for it to work correctly.

How do I run an OCX file as administrator?

Click Start > All Programs > Accessories and right-click on “Command Prompt” and select “Run as Administrator” OR in the Search box, type CMD and when cmd.exe appears in your results, right-click on cmd.exe and select “Run as administrator” At the command prompt, enter: REGSVR32 “PATH TO THE DLL FILE”

Register 32 or 64-bit DLLs in Windows

  1. Step 1: First click on Start, then Run.
  2. Step 2: Now all you have to do to register a DLL file is to type in the regsvr32 command, followed by the path of the DLL file.
  3. Step 3: Now click OK and you should get a confirmation message that the DLL has been registered successfully.

How do I check if a DLL is registered Windows 10?

3 Answers

  1. Open regedit and search for your DLL filename.
  2. If it is registered, you will find filename under a key that is under the TypeLib. The key will look like: {9F3DBFEE-FD77-4774-868B-65F75E7DB7C2}

Where is the OCX files located?

The OCX file may be put in any location on the disk. The OCX file must then be registered by Windows before it can be used. Registration of OCX and DLL files is done by the program Regsvr32.exe, which can be found in the windows\system or windows\system32 directory.

Where are OCX files registered?

In a 64-bit version of Windows, both a 32-bit and 64-bit version of Regsvr32.exe are included with the system. To register a 64-bit OCX file, you will need to use the 64-bit version located in the “System32” folder, not the 32-bit version located in the “SysWoW64” folder.

How do I open an OCX file?

How do I open an OCX file?

  1. Select Start > Run (or in Windows 8, 7 or Vista press the Windows logo key + R key )
  2. Type cd \Windows\SysWOW64 Regsvr32 /u {Filename.ocx} [There is one space both before and after /u.
  3. Click the OK button.
  4. Then re-register the file by running cd \Windows\SysWOW64 Regsvr32 {Filename.ocx or .dll} (as described above.

Where is Mscomctl ocx located?

The ocx control should be in your Syswow64(if 64 bit pc) folder and not in the app folder and it need to be registered manually (common vb6 problem in Win7, 8 ,10). It seems you can see the file but it might not be registered. Run cmd in administrator mode, type “regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL.

Where is Mscomctl ocx windows 10?

Apparently Microsoft has created a new version of MSCOMCTL. OCX that is now distributed with some office products (such as MS Access). When installed it can be found in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\SystemX86 and is version 7.0.

Why is Mscomctl ocx missing?

OCX is an ActiveX control file that’s a part of the antiquated Visual Basic 6.0. However, older software might still need this file in order to work. If you get this error message, it means that the required file for the software isn’t registered or is missing, and the desired application won’t be able to run.

Can I run a 32-bit DLL on a 64 bit machine?

On 64-bit Windows, a 64-bit process cannot load a 32-bit dynamic-link library (DLL). Additionally, a 32-bit process cannot load a 64-bit DLL. However, 64-bit Windows supports remote procedure calls (RPC) between 64-bit and 32-bit processes (both on the same computer and across computers).

How do I fix OCX files?

What Causes the ‘comdlg32. ocx’ Missing Error on Windows?

  1. Solution 1: Re-register the File. If the ‘comdlg32.
  2. Solution 2: Run the Program in Compatibility Mode with Administrator Permissions.
  3. Solution 3: Change Ownership and Provide Full Permissions for the ‘comdlg32.
  4. Solution 4: Disable UAC.

How do I register vsflex7 OCX in Windows 10?

1 Answer

  1. C:\Windows\SysWOW64> regsvr32 Vsppg7.dll /u.
  2. C:\Windows\SysWOW64> regsvr32 Vsppg7.dll.
  3. C:\Windows\SysWOW64> regsvr32 vsStr7.ocx /u.
  4. C:\Windows\SysWOW64> regsvr32 vsStr7.ocx.

What is ActiveX plugin for VLC?

The Windows build of VLC includes an (optionaly installed) ActiveX control. The ActiveX control enables VLC to be embedded in web browsers and third-party applications.

What replaced ActiveX?

In 2015, Microsoft released Microsoft Edge, the replacement for Internet Explorer with no support for ActiveX, this event marked the end of ActiveX technology in Microsoft’s web browser development.

How do I install ActiveX?

Step-by-Step Process

  1. From the Tools menu in your IE web browser, click Internet Options.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. Click Custom level
  4. Scroll down to the ActiveX controls and plug-ins section.
  5. Click either Enable or Prompt for each of the following three settings:
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click OK to close the Internet Options.

What is the difference between DLL and OCX?

An OCX is based upon the COM (Component Object Model) technology and is often referred to as ActiveX control. A DLL can be based upon any number of technologies, including COM, . NET, standard Windows libraries, etc.

What is a OCX file?

An OCX file contains a reusable software module, called an ActiveX control, which can be used within Windows software programs. ActiveX controls can be created for various purposes, such as user interface forms, webpage widgets, online games, and multimedia viewers.

How do I install a DLL file?

Your . dll file should now be part of Windows. This story, “Add a missing.dll files to your Windows operating system.

  1. Locate your missing . dll file at the DLL Dump site.
  2. Download the file and copy it to: “C:\Windows\System32”
  3. Click Start then Run and type in “regsvr32 name_of_dll.

How do I register a DLL file in Powershell?

regsrv32 is a tool used to register DLL’s to the operating system.

  1. Syntax. Syntax of regsrv32 is like below.
  2. Open MS-DOS or Powershell with Administrator Privileges.
  3. Locate and Run Regsrv32 Executable.
  4. Register DLL.
  5. Unregister DLL.
  6. Do Not Display Dialogue Boxes.

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