Как запустить civilization 3 на windows 10

  1. 10.03.2018, 16:28


    Windows 10 и цива 3- это совместимо?

    Комп новый появился с 10 виндой. Хочу установить 3ку вместе с конём и ПТВ. Не пробовал. Может кто устанавливал? Как это сделать? Не хочется с виртуальной ОС или поверх операционку ставить.

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  2. 14.03.2018, 14:22


    Цитата Сообщение от Хитрец
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    Комп новый появился с 10 виндой. Хочу установить 3ку вместе с конём и ПТВ. Не пробовал. Может кто устанавливал? Как это сделать? Не хочется с виртуальной ОС или поверх операционку ставить.

    Нормально устанавливается.
    После установки в контекстном меню проверить на совместимость.
    Поставить — Windows Никакой. И сохранить.
    Единственно, что с современными некоторыми сложными напичканными сценариями может проблема возникнуть. Вернее с одним только у меня было.

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  3. 14.03.2018, 15:15


    Цитата Сообщение от Fabrizio
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Нормально устанавливается.
    После установки в контекстном меню проверить на совместимость.
    Поставить — Windows Никакой. И сохранить.
    Единственно, что с современными некоторыми сложными напичканными сценариями может проблема возникнуть. Вернее с одним только у меня было.

    Спасибо, попробую

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  • #1

I’m about to purchase a new computer and was wondering if anyone is running Civ 3 on Windows 10 and if so, how easy was the install and are there any special tweaks that need to be done?

  • #3

I know everyone will have a different experience. I have run from the original disks since the disks were released.

Ran them on Windows 98, Vista, 8.1 and now 10.

Have never run the game in compatibility mode, never had a problem.

I upgraded from 8.1 to 10 yesterday and the only problem I had was having to change the resolution from 1280×768 to 1360×768.

Maybe store your whole current installed CIV3 on a USB key big enough to hold everything, and load it on to the new computer from the USB key. Forgo the loading from disks if you are uncertain.

  • #4

I’ve got Civ 3 from Steam, and it runs just fine for me. (In case if you were getting it from Steam instead of a CD copy)

Obviously, I installed the game via the Steam Client. No tweaks were needed.

  • #5

:salute::clap:Just wanted to thank everyone for the ideas & suggestions. I used a bit from all of the suggestions and everything is working fine from a Disk Install Civ Complete. I installed under Windows 7 first and after confirming that it worked fine, let Microsoft handle the rest and everything turned out just fine. Thanks again to all

:clap: :salute:

  • #6

I can’t get CivIII (Vanilla), running from disk, to work in Win10. The workaround for Win8.1 worked (though CivAssistII had to constantly be updated). Any ideas, or should I just break down and get the Steam version? (Or go back to Win8.1?)

Laurana Kanan

  • #7

WeirdoJoker — I’m running all 3 Civ versions fine under Win10 using the No-CD patches. However, as you wrote, CivAssist won’t auto-update when using them for Vanilla & PTW — it runs fine for C3C/Complete though.

*Edit* I remembered you posting in my other thread about Windows Update. Did you ever try using the No-CD patch or did you just always manually enable the secdrv.sys? I also don’t think you ever mentioned where you had the game installed either.

  • #8

WeirdoJoker — I’m running all 3 Civ versions fine under Win10 using the No-CD patches. However, as you wrote, CivAssist won’t auto-update when using them for Vanilla & PTW — it runs fine for C3C/Complete though.

*Edit* I remembered you posting in my other thread about Windows Update. Did you ever try using the No-CD patch or did you just always manually enable the secdrv.sys? I also don’t think you ever mentioned where you had the game installed either.

On Win8.1, I deleted that one security update to run the CD version. Is there a no-CD patch I can run that would enable the disk version? Or would it just be a matter of buying a no-CD version (I think Steam has it for US$4.99).

Laurana Kanan

  • #9

On Win8.1, I deleted that one security update to run the CD version.

Although that was an option, as I said in that thread, I wouldn’t ever recommend deleting a Security Update. In any event, unlike past versions of Windows, Win10 will not allow a home user to delete any Security Update permanently — so this option won’t work anymore. I seem to recall, though, that there was a way to work around this using a third-party utility, but I never looked further into it.

Is there a no-CD patch I can run that would enable the disk version? Or would it just be a matter of buying a no-CD version (I think Steam has it for US$4.99).

Relevant portion from the same thread highlighted…

Still don’t know where you have the game installed…:rolleyes:

  • #10

Oops … I did miss the part about the patch. Sorry.

I have the folder on my desktop. Would it make a difference to put it somewhere else?

Laurana Kanan

  • #11

I have the folder on my desktop. Would it make a difference to put it somewhere else?

I don’t quite follow. Just follow the instructions in the «Instructions for installing» link (If you want to use the Vanilla .exe place it in the same folder as the original .exe — just make sure to rename it so you don’t overwrite the original). Then you can create shortcuts to the .exe’s and place the shortcuts anywhere you want — Desktop, Task Bar, a special folder, etc. I have a folder on my desktop with shortcuts to all the different Civ .exe’s and utilities installed on my system.

  • #12

I don’t quite follow. Just follow the instructions in the «Instructions for installing» link (If you want to use the Vanilla .exe place it in the same folder as the original .exe — just make sure to rename it so you don’t overwrite the original). Then you can create shortcuts to the .exe’s and place the shortcuts anywhere you want — Desktop, Task Bar, a special folder, etc. I have a folder on my desktop with shortcuts to all the different Civ .exe’s and utilities installed on my system.

The file path for the original .exe is C:\Users\Ian\Desktop\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III.

I tried the patch, but I get a «This site can’t be reached» error message, and adding it as a «trusted site» didn’t help.

Laurana Kanan

  • #13

I tried the patch, but I get a «This site can’t be reached» error message, and adding it as a «trusted site» didn’t help.

I’m assuming you meant that you tried to d/l the patch from the pcgames site and not run the .exe on your computer, yes? I d/l’ed it just fine this morning so I’m not sure what the issue could be on your end.

  • #14

I don’t know what the problem was, either. I downloaded it today just fine. Still can’t get the program to work with the CD version. Ended up uninstalling all of it (again) to start over later.

Laurana Kanan

  • #15

Still can’t get the program to work with the CD version. Ended up uninstalling all of it (again) to start over later.

You shouldn’t have had to uninstall the game, but since you already did, it might be beneficial to re-install Civ on a secondary drive (if you have one) and get it completely off your main C: drive.

I don’t think I’ve ever read about the No-CD patches not working for someone, so that’s kind of strange. In any event, if you still need help it would be beneficial to know exactly what you’re doing, where you’re placing things, and any errors/crashes that are occurring. Otherwise, it’s difficult to pinpoint the problem.

  • #16

In the end, I decided not to do the free upgrade to Win10, so my box is still running Win8.1, but the following might be relevant nonetheless.

I was playing my Vanilla mod-in-progress the other night, using the PCGames NoCD patch that LK helped me install last year :hatsoff:, and Civ3 suddenly stopped working for no apprent reason — CTD. When I tried to restart, I got the usual ‘Do you want to allow this program to make changes?’ UAC-popup, but after I clicked yes, there was no further response. It was rather reminiscent of what happened with the DRM’d Civilization3.exe when the KB3086255 update came out last year.

Is it possible that M$ have recently pushed out yet another


update, which has now also disabled the NoCD-patch…?

Laurana Kanan

  • #17

tjs282 — I’ve been running Win10 for a couple months now with no problems from the No-CD patches. Any updates from MS usually filter down from the most current OS to the oldest, so I can’t imagine there being an update only on Win8.1 that’s causing the problem. However, it’d be easy to check. Pull up all updates that occurred between the last time the patches worked and when they stopped working and you could look-up what each changed and uninstall ones you think might be causing a problem. Otherwise, these kinds of CTD errors are usually issues I’ve had while messing something up while modding. You mentioned you are modding a Vanilla game, so it’s possible something got messed up there.

  • #18

tjs282 — I’ve been running Win10 for a couple months now with no problems from the No-CD patches. Any updates from MS usually filter down from the most current OS to the oldest, so I can’t imagine there being an update only on Win8.1 that’s causing the problem. However, it’d be easy to check. Pull up all updates that occurred between the last time the patches worked and when they stopped working and you could look-up what each changed and uninstall ones you think might be causing a problem. Otherwise, these kinds of CTD errors are usually issues I’ve had while messing something up while modding. You mentioned you are modding a Vanilla game, so it’s possible something got messed up there.

It’s the NoCD patch itself that wouldn’t/won’t start any more — I now don’t even get as far as the 2K-splash animation, never mind the start-screen. And it literally went from ‘working’ to ‘not working’ within the space of about an hour — my game-time. Nor was there any error-message from Civ3 when the modded game crashed — only a system-message «Civ3 has stopped working — Windows is searching for a solution».

The mod itself is not extensive — my intent was (for practice) to make some simple changes to the Vanilla .bic (saved under a new filename, naturally!) so that it plays a little more like Conquests, with zero-range defensive-bombardments, shorter chop-times, stronger Armies, etc. I haven’t added any new unit-art per se, just duplicated+renamed existing folders to improvise e.g. ‘Curraghs’, ‘Trebs’ and ‘MDI’-units (using the ‘Galley’, ‘Catapult’ and ‘Legionary’ art-folders, respectively). Although I did mess that up initially (the mod crashed the first time I tried to build a Curragh, giving me the standard ‘can’t find file… game will exit’), I already fixed that problem.

But I will have a look at the recent Win 8.1 updates when I get home — I’ll edit this post accordingly if there’s anything further to report.

Laurana Kanan

  • #19

It’s the NoCD patch itself that wouldn’t/won’t start any more — I now don’t even get as far as the 2K-splash animation, never mind the start-screen. And it literally went from ‘working’ to ‘not working’ within the space of about an hour — my game-time. Nor was there any error-message from Civ3 when the modded game crashed — only a system-message «Civ3 has stopped working — Windows is searching for a solution».

It could still be something you modded that’s causing this. For example, a couple weeks back I changed some file and folder names in the base game to test some things, but it caused the game to CTD, before the game had even loaded — just like your experience, same message and everything. I never did investigate what exactly caused the crash, but once I changed everything back, the game loaded fine :crazyeye:. So, if you modded something during that hour or so, you may try undoing those changes.

Also, does PTW & C3C crash as well when starting from those .exe’s?

P.S. I’m sure you already know, but you can change the Vanilla .ini to skip that annoying start up animation like most people do for C3C.

  • #20

It could still be something you modded that’s causing this
So, if you modded something during that hour or so, you may try undoing those changes.

All good thoughts (and I do appreciate that such problems are most frequently the result of wetware-errors!), but I have 2 counter-points:

  1. All the originally installed folders and files are still in place and (mostly) unaltered — apart from the usual .ini-file tweaks, and a couple of graphics-packs that have worked without issue for years. The only folders that I’ve renamed, within the ‘Vanilla’ branch of my Civ3-installation’s directory-tree, are the copy/pasted unit-art folders that I used to ‘create’ my fake-Curraghs/ Trebs/ Maces/ etc.
  2. I wasn’t modding during this particular session, I was continuing to play(test) a game-in-progress (based on my modded .bic). That game had CTD’d on a previous occasion (when I tried to build a Curragh), because I hadn’t properly updated the civiliopedia.txt to describe my ‘new’ units. After fixing the civilopedia file, I successfully reloaded the game-in-progress (I hadn’t got a manual savegame from just before the CTD, so I had to use the last autosave — but as soon as it opened successfully, I manual-saved it as well). During the subsequent ~1 hour’s play (which included a successful Curragh-build), everything ran smoothly — right up until the crash. I did not make (and have not since made) any additional changes to the .bic or the .txt, before trying and failing to restart Vanilla Civ3 — so there are no ‘new’ changes to reverse

Also, does PTW & C3C crash as well when starting from those .exe’s?

No. But the Conquests.exe (from GamersGate) has never given me any problems, and my PtW .exe is also not bound to a CD (don’t ask me where I got it ;) ). It’s only the Vanilla NoCD patch that’s started hiccuping — and FWIW, the DRM’d civilization3.exe (still) doesn’t work either.

FTR, I checked my installed updates list, and AFAICT, the only updates made since the end of July (6 to date, latest one today) have been definition-updates for WindowsDefender (all numbered KB2267602), and it’s difficult to see how that might bollix up Civ, so now I’m not sure what’s going on…

I’m sure you already know, but you can change the Vanilla .ini to skip that annoying start up animation like most people do for C3C.

Not that this is really important/relevant to the above, but no, unfortunately you I can’t. I’d already long since inserted PlayIntro=0 into my Vanilla .ini, in the hope that it would skip the splash, but it doesn’t work — I guess that switch was only introduced with PtW…?

Running Civilization III on Windows 10

Go to the game folder and right click on the setup file.
Click on Properties and go to the Compatibility tab.
Under the Compatibility mode, check Run this program in compatibility mode for: and select the operating system where the game is compatible.
Let the drivers install and launch the game again.

Can you Run Civ 3 on Windows 10?

Civilization 3 does not work with windows 10.

Can my Computer Run Civilization 3?

PC gamers with low end rigs can probably run Galactic Civilizations 3 since it only needs an Intel HD Graphics 4000 or AMD/Nvidia equivalent Radeon HD 5490/GeForce GT 520. Youre going to need at least an Intel Core i5 or AMD equivalent alongside a 1 GB DX 10.0 GPU GeForce GT 630/Radeon HD 6570.

Does Civ V Work on Windows 10?

This game runs on Windows 10 without a compat mode setting. I have heard of an issue where DirectX fails to install through steam.

How do I Change the Resolution in Civilization 3?

By default, the game runs in a 1024×768 resolution. To get it to run in a higher resolution , navigate to your Civilization 3 folder default: C:/Program Files/Infogrames Interactive/Civilization 3/ if you have PTW or C3C, go to that folder inside your Civ3 one, and open your . ini file named Civilization3.

Download and Install Civilization III in 2020

Yes, you can play Civilization on Windows 10. However, it may be difficult to get started because some of the features may not work as expected.

Yes, your computer can run Civilization 3.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to fix a civil disorder in Civilization 3 will vary depending on the situation. However, some tips on how to fix a civil disorder in Civilization 3 include increasing trade and investment, strengthening the military, and building up infrastructure.

There is no one definitive answer to this question. However, some tips on how to run Civ 3 in windowed mode may include using a graphics card that supports windowed mode, setting the game to run in full-screen mode when started, and disabling Aero effects.

No, you cannot force a game to run in a windowed mode.

To run a game in windowed mode on Windows 10, you will need to use the Game window. To open the Game window, click on the Start button and type “game”.

Civ3 is 1.5 years old.

Civ3 is a game developed by the Russian game developers Dima Rusakov and Igor Krushchev. It was released in 2009.

There is no such thing as a “cheating” Civ game; every player has their own set of strategies and tactics that work best for them. However, some players may find it helpful to use cheat codes or other methods to speed up the game or make it more difficult for others.

Yes, Crusader Kings 3 can run on most PCs. However, you may need to install the game’s proprietary drivers in order to run optimally.

Civ 3 is about 2.5GB.

Yes, Civ can run on a laptop. However, it is recommended to use an emulator for best results.

Civilization is not an AAA game.

There is no Civ 7.

Yes, you can play Civilization without Steam. However, some features may not work as intended because of Steam’s DRM.

Лучший ответ:

  1. Есть несколько способов заставить Civilization 3 работать в Windows 10.
  2. Один из способов — установить программу запуска игры, а затем запустить ее из меню «Пуск».
  3. Другой способ — использовать приложение Steam для игры.

См. раздел Как подключить Xbox 360 к ПК с Windows 8?

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Можно ли играть в Civilization на Windows 10?

Да, вы можете играть в Civilization на Windows 10. Однако начать может быть сложно, поскольку некоторые параметры могут работать не так, как ожидалось.

Может ли мой компьютер запустить Civilization 3?

Да, на вашем компьютере можно запустить Civilization 3.

Как исправить гражданскую неисправность в Civilization 3?

Как заставить Котор работать на Windows 10?

Не существует единой меры – на этот вопрос отвечают все, поскольку один из лучших способов исправить гражданскую ошибку в Civilization 3 будет варьироваться в зависимости от ситуации. Однако некоторые рекомендации о том, как правильно исправить гражданскую дисфункцию в Civilization 3, включают увеличение торговли и финансов, усиление армии и развитие инфраструктуры.

Как запустить Civ 3 в оконном режиме?

На этот вопрос нет однозначного ответа. Однако некоторые советы о том, как запустить Civ 3 в оконном режиме, могут включать использование видеокарты, поддерживающей оконный режим, настройку запуска игры в полноэкранном режиме при запуске и отключение эффектов Aero.

Могу ли я включить спорт для бега в окне?

Нет, вы не можете запустить игру в оконном режиме.

Как запустить игру в оконном режиме Windows 10?

Windows Movie Maker Как вырезать?

Чтобы запустить игру в оконном режиме в Windows 10, вам нужно будет использовать окно игры. Чтобы открыть окно игры, нажмите кнопку «Пуск» и введите «игра».

Насколько устарела civ3?

Цив3 исполнилось 1,5 года.

Как убрать коррупцию в Civilization 3?

Civ3 — вид спорта, разработанный российскими спортивными строителями Димой Русаковым и Игорем Хрущевым. Он был выпущен в 2009 году.

Можно ли обмануть в Civ?

Не существует такого понятия, как «читерский» гражданский вид спорта; У каждого участника есть свой набор методов и способов, которые лучше всего подходят для него. Однако некоторым игрокам может быть полезно использовать чит-коды или другие стратегии, чтобы ускорить игру или усложнить ее для других.

Как играть в Simtower на Windows 10?Можно ли запустить Crusader Kings 3 на моем компьютере?

Да, Crusader Kings 3 можно запустить на большинстве компьютеров. Однако для оптимальной работы вам, вероятно, потребуется установить проприетарные драйверы Sport.

Сколько ГБ стоит в Civ 3?

Цивилизация 3 занимает около 2,5 ГБ.

Может ли мой ноутбук работать с Civ?

Да, Civ может работать на ноутбуке. Однако для достижения наилучших результатов рекомендуется использовать эмулятор.

Цивилизация — это спорт ААА-класса?

Цивилизация не будет спортом класса ААА.

Будет ли Цивилизация 7?

Цивилизации 7 нет.

Можно ли играть в Цивилизацию без Steam?

Да, вы можете играть в Civilization без Steam. Однако некоторые опции могут работать не так, как предполагалось, из-за Steam DRM.

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