Как зайти в роутер canyon

Настройка роутера Canyon может показаться сложной задачей для начинающих пользователей. Однако, соответствующий подход и понимание процесса могут существенно облегчить эту задачу. В данной инструкции будет рассказано, как настроить роутер Canyon шаг за шагом, чтобы вы могли наслаждаться стабильным и безопасным подключением к интернету.

Прежде всего, перед началом процесса следует убедиться, что вы имеете все необходимые материалы и информацию. Вам потребуется устройство самого роутера Canyon, модель и название сети, а также пароль для доступа к настройкам роутера. Обычно информация о модели и названии сети указаны на самом роутере или в его документации.

Шаг первый — подключите роутер. Для этого вставьте один конец кабеля Ethernet в порт WAN на задней панели роутера, а другой конец подключите к модему или проводному сетевому соединению. Затем включите роутер, нажав кнопку питания. Ожидайте, пока роутер не завершит инициализацию и подключение к интернету.


  1. Шаг 1. Подготовка к настройке роутера Canyon
  2. Шаг 2. Подключение роутера к сети
  3. Шаг 3. Вход в настройки роутера
  4. Шаг 4. Изменение имени и пароля
  5. Шаг 5. Настройка типа подключения к Интернету

Шаг 1. Подготовка к настройке роутера Canyon

Прежде чем приступить к настройке роутера Canyon, вам потребуется

собрать необходимую информацию и подготовить все необходимые материалы.

1. Соберите нужную информацию:

Прежде всего, вам понадобятся данные от вашего интернет-провайдера,

такие как имя пользователя и пароль для подключения к сети.

2. Подготовьте устройства и кабели:

Убедитесь, что у вас есть следующие устройства:

  • Роутер Canyon и его блок питания.
  • Кабель Ethernet для подключения роутера к вашему компьютеру или модему.

Примечание: Если у вас нет кабеля Ethernet, вы можете приобрести его

в местном магазине электроники или у вашего интернет-провайдера.

3. Сделайте необходимые физические подключения:

Подключите роутер Canyon к электрической розетке с помощью блока питания.

Используя кабель Ethernet, подключите один конец к порту WAN (обычно он отмечен

«WAN» или «Internet») на задней панели роутера, а другой конец – к вашему

компьютеру или модему.

После выполнения этих шагов вы будете готовы приступить к настройке роутера

Canyon и научитесь полноценно использовать его возможности.

Шаг 2. Подключение роутера к сети

После того, как вы распаковали роутер Canyon и прочитали инструкцию, настало время подключить его к вашей сети. Следуйте этим шагам:

  1. Возьмите сетевой кабель, который поставляется в комплекте с роутером, и подключите один из его концов к разъему сетевого порта роутера.
  2. Вставьте другой конец сетевого кабеля в свободный порт вашего модема или уже существующего роутера.
  3. Убедитесь, что все подключения надежны и хорошо зафиксированы.
  4. Возьмите сетевой адаптер роутера и подключите его к розетке.

После выполнения всех этих шагов роутер Canyon будет успешно подключен к вашей сети. Для проверки корректного подключения можете включить роутер и убедиться, что индикаторы на нем начинают мигать.

Шаг 3. Вход в настройки роутера

После успешного подключения к Wi-Fi сети, вы можете приступить к настройке роутера Canyon. Для этого необходимо войти в его настройки.

1. Откройте любой веб-браузер (например, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Internet Explorer).

2. В адресной строке введите IP-адрес роутера. Обычно адрес указан на его задней панели или в документации.

3. Нажмите клавишу Enter.

4. В появившемся окне введите логин и пароль для доступа к настройкам роутера. Если вы не знаете логин и пароль, посмотрите документацию или обратитесь к поставщику интернет-услуг.

5. Нажмите кнопку Войти или OK.

6. Теперь вы находитесь в настройках роутера и можете приступить к его настройке по своему усмотрению.

Обратите внимание, что точный процесс входа в настройки роутера может отличаться в зависимости от модели Canyon и используемого вами устройства.

Шаг 4. Изменение имени и пароля

После успешной авторизации в панели управления роутера Canyon, вам необходимо изменить имя пользователя и пароль, чтобы обеспечить безопасность вашей сети.

Чтобы изменить имя пользователя, найдите раздел «Настройки» или «Администрирование» в меню на панели управления. В этом разделе вы сможете найти поле, где можно изменить текущее имя пользователя на новое. Убедитесь, что новое имя пользователя легко запоминается, но сложно угадать для посторонних.

Для изменения пароля найдите раздел «Безопасность» или «Пароль» в меню на панели управления. В этом разделе вы сможете найти поле, где можно изменить текущий пароль на новый. Рекомендуется использовать пароль, состоящий из комбинации символов верхнего и нижнего регистра, цифр и специальных символов. Помните, что безопасность вашей сети зависит от сложности вашего пароля.

После внесения изменений в настройки имени пользователя и пароля, сохраните изменения и перезагрузите роутер. Теперь вам необходимо использовать новое имя пользователя и пароль для доступа к панели управления роутером Canyon.

Обязательно запишите новые имя пользователя и пароль в надежное место, чтобы не забыть их. Эти данные понадобятся вам в случае необходимости выполнить дополнительные настройки роутера Canyon.

Шаг 5. Настройка типа подключения к Интернету

После успешной авторизации в настройках роутера Canyon перейдите в раздел «Настройки Интернета» или «WAN». Здесь вам необходимо выбрать тип подключения к Интернету, который вам предоставляет ваш провайдер.

Наиболее распространенные типы подключения включают:

  • PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) — этот тип подключения наиболее часто используется для подключения к домашней или корпоративной сети через Ethernet.
  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) — этот тип подключения позволяет вашему роутеру автоматически получать IP-адрес и другие сетевые настройки от провайдера.
  • Статический IP-адрес — если у вас есть статический IP-адрес, ваш провайдер предоставит вам эту информацию, которую вам необходимо будет ввести в настройках роутера.

Выберите соответствующий тип подключения и введите необходимые данные, предоставленные провайдером. Обычно вам потребуется ввести учетные данные (логин и пароль) для PPPoE-подключения или получить IP-адрес DHCP-сервера.

После внесения необходимых изменений сохраните настройки и перезагрузите роутер, чтобы применить настройки. Теперь ваш роутер Canyon будет подключен к Интернету с выбранным типом подключения.

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Canyon CN-WF514 router setup & security

  1. To login to Canyon CN-WF514 Router, Open your web browser and type the default IP Address in the address bar
  2. You should now see the router login page with 2 text fields where you can type a username and a password
  3. The default username for your Canyon CN-WF514 router is admin and the default password is 1234
  4. In the login page of the router’s web user interface, type-in the username & password, hit «Login» and now you should see the Canyon CN-WF514 router control panel

Canyon CN-WF514 router default login

(Remember, you must be at home and connected to home WiFi to do this)

And no need to get your breathing rates high in case you have changed the username / password of Canyon CN-WF514 and forgot them, as you can just reset the Canyon CN-WF514 router by press-and-hold the reset button with a clip for about 15 seconds.

Canyon CN-WF514 Quick links:

Default username for Canyon CN-WF514: admin COPY
Default password for Canyon CN-WF514: 1234 COPY

2.Change Canyon CN-WF514 Default Login and Password

Since, security of a network is vital, the first and foremost task is to change the Canyon CN-WF514 router Default Login and Password to something more personal and secure.

Canyon CN-WF514 Router Password Tips:

Choose a complex and hard-to-guess password for your Canyon which only you can remember

It should be something personal, like &ilostmyvirginity@30, so that you’ll never forget it. Ever

Protect it

The amount of protection directly depends on the password complexity, and the effort taken to protect that password on your Canyon CN-WF514 router.

Usability first

Give Password for your Canyon CN-WF514 router that you can remember (usability first). Of course, you can build a strong hash password with special characters, numbers, Greek, and Latin. But ultimately you’ll end up writing it on a sticky and putting it on the router, which defeats the purpose. Here is an example $lasttriptovegas0916

You did good so far. Now consider ⭐ Bookmarking this page. It always helps.

3.Change Canyon CN-WF514 Default WiFi name (SSID) and WiFi Password and enable Network Encryption

Another small suggestion (as it has no impact on security), is to change the Canyon CN-WF514 Default WiFi name (SSID) as it will make it more obvious for others to know which network they are connecting to.

Look for Network Name (SSID), this is the WiFi name of your Canyon CN-WF514 Router. Do not use your name, home address, or other personal information (since this isn’t a Facebook status!) in the SSID name. (No Mr.Paul&Princy) A few funny WiFi name suggestions: I’m cheating on my WiFi!, FBI Surveillance Van #594 (scares away stupid criminals), Lord of the Pings …

Once you enter the name for your network, you have to enable WPA2-PSK encryption on your Canyon CN-WF514 router. That’s the strongest encryption standard available for home networks.

Enter a new WPA Pre-Shared Key / WiFi Password – this is the password that you will use to connect to your home WiFi. Keep it to 16-20 characters (please!) don’t use the same password that you used for Canyon CN-WF514 router login!

🤓 Geek out your guests. Print a Free WiFi QR Code Sticker for your fridge now

4.Update router firmware in Canyon CN-WF514 and turn on Automatic Updates

Router software often contains critical bugs and security vulnerabilities; Check if your router has known vulnerabilities

Check — Canyon CN-WF514

Its important that you turn on Automatic Firmware updates and always keep your Canyon CN-WF514 router up-to-date. To turn on Automatic updates, Login to your Canyon CN-WF514 router and look for the section which contains Automatic updates and turn it «ON»

And even if the router has auto-update, check every now and then to make sure it is actually working, and the router firmware is up-to-date. If your router manufacturer hasn’t released any updates to the firmware in the past 3-5 years, consider upgrading to a «newer» router

5.Security is a continuous process

Just keep in mind to change the passwords often or at least once in every 6 months! on your Canyon CN-WF514 You don’t want the safety you have worked so hard for to fail just because of ignorance, negligence, or casual laziness! Time for a bulletin on the fridge, folks! We can remind you though? Enter your email below! Nope, we are not spammers!

Canyon CN-WF514 Router Reset instructions

How to Reset the Canyon CN-WF514 Router To Factory Default

To reset Canyon CN-WF514 router,

  1. Turn on the Canyon CN-WF514 router
  2. Look for the reset button. Few routers have a tiny hole and few others have a reset button.
  3. Press the Factory reset button with a straightened paperclip pin or something that gets through the tiny hole, and hold it for about 15 seconds! (till you see all the lights flashing)
  4. The Canyon CN-WF514 router will reboot automatically. the unit has been reset and is ready to use. You can start from Step 1 in this guide to set it up.

Canyon CN-WF514 Password Does not Work

Passwords find a way to not work! Or, in most cases, users find a way to forget them! In either case, look up the How to Reset the Canyon CN-WF514 Router To Default Settings section

Forgot Password for Canyon CN-WF514 Router

Incase if you have changed the default username and password of Canyon CN-WF514 and forgot it, please see How to Reset the Canyon CN-WF514 Router To Default Settings section

How to boost Canyon CN-WF514 WiFi and overcome connectivity issues

1.Place the Canyon CN-WF514 in a perfect spot

The perfect spot does it all; be it romance or your router! To avail the best signal and network connectivity, make sure you keep your Canyon CN-WF514 router visible and not facing the wall or behind the curtains

2.Find a Good Wireless Channel Instead of Auto on your Canyon CN-WF514 router

Auto-channels might fail you once in a while; believe that you’re smarter than the Canyon router! Find a seamless wireless channel instead of what the router finds automatically. This would ensure that your signal doesn’t interfere with that of your neighbors.

If you’re running a Windows-based PC, you can see what channels neighboring Wi-Fi networks are using.

  • Press Start > type “cmd”. Open Command prompt
  • In command prompt type netsh wlan show all

You will see a list of all wireless networks and the channels being used in your vicinity. instead of using “Auto” for the control channel, Pick the channel that has the lowest interference

3.Check the frequency of Canyon CN-WF514

Check if Canyon CN-WF514 has dual-band, the most commonly used band would be 2.4GHz; however, switching to 5GHz would bring out better results! It depends on your device though; if you’re running an old lad, you might have to switch back to the conventional

4.Hardwire gaming consoles / media streamers into your Canyon CN-WF514 instead of WiFi

Gaming consoles/media streamers work better when connected through Ethernet cable of Canyon CN-WF514; in fact, as you might not be moving your TV all over the house, why connect it to the Wi-Fi at all? The Gaming consoles / video streaming devices flood the network with data. This means that if possible, you should consider hardwire (using Ethernet cable) the devices that tend to consume a lot of bandwidth. Although this can sort of defeat the purpose of having wireless networks, it can actually help your overall network speed of Canyon CN-WF514 if you can hardwire the bandwidth hogs.

5. Reboot Canyon CN-WF514 on schedule

Here’s something important to note! On schedule, folks, reboot your Canyon CN-WF514 router! Though routers are built to constantly be running at all times, simple tweaks like regular power cycling (a fancy way of saying, unplugging the power cord and shoving it back up) helps with most issues. Rebooting your Canyon CN-WF514 can fix Internet connection problems, improve slow moving connections, and resolve wireless issues altogether. Try unplugging your Canyon modem on a quarterly basis to stay proactive (Never reset; always reboot router)

Popular Router Brands

Popular IP Addresses

Popular IP mispellings

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If you want to log in to the Canyon router admin page, then you are in the right place. When you are logged into the Canyon router’s administrator settings panel, then you will be able to change the username/password of your WiFi network and other settings such as WAN Settings, SSID, LAN, create a guest network, set up a firewall, port forwarding, and various advance settings, etc.

How to login to Canyon Router?

First of all, make sure your Canyon router is connected either by an Ethernet cable or WiFi network to your computer, then follow the steps below:

  1. Open your web browser and type the IP address of the router into the URL bar and hit the Enter key. The default IP is or

    Tips: If these IP not working, then you can check out common default IP address of router.

  2. Then, you will be taken to the Canyon router login page, where you will get a username and password field.

    Canyon login admin page

  3. Now, enter the username and password of your router and press the Login button. (List of default router username and password)
  4. You will now be logged in to the Canyon router’s Admin Control Panel. Now, you will be able to change the settings of the router from here.

Forgot IP Address Username and Password?

Check Manually

If you forgot your router’s login Username and Password for the Canyon, then you can check the Router’s Manual/Box or the back of the router.

Resetting the Router

If you can’t get access the router cause you have forgotten router’s username and password, or there are several reasons you need to do reset the router to factory settings. Now, you want to start over with default settings.

Note: After reset the router, your all customized settings will wipe out.

How to reset your router to restore factory default settings?

To reset the router:

  1. Find the router’s Reset button on the back or the bottom.
  2. Use a paperclip or needle to press and hold the reset button for about 15-30 seconds. Locating the RESET Button
  3. Then, release the button.
  4. Now, wait the router will automatically reboot, and the router power back on.

Troubleshooting Canyon

If you cannot get access the Canyon router login page, it may be due to:

  • A hardware configuration connectivity issue (such as a bad Ethernet cable)
  • The router’s IP address entering incorrectly.
  • Using Incorrect username or password.
  • An IP address issue on the computer.
  • The wireless router an issue with itself.

How to get your router IP address?

Are you trying with this IP Canyon to login to your router’s admin page? It doesn’t work?

Now, here we will discuss with you some of the methods to find your router/modem IP address on your device such as Windows, Android Phone, iOS, etc.

For Windows:

  1. Go to the Windows search box at the bottom left corner of your screen.
  2. Now, type cmd then open Command Prompt app when it shows up.
  3. Now, enter the command ipconfig at the prompt. Then press Enter key.
  4. Finally, you will get your Default Gateway IP address.

    command ipconfig at the prompt

  • If you are a macOS device user, then follow the above method in your terminal app with the command ipconfig.

For Android Phone:

Go to your phone Settings, search About phone or scroll down to select About phone, or System >> About phone, then find the IP address.

For iPhone/iPad

If you are an iOS device user, then follow those steps:

  • Navigate to Settings >> Wi-Fi.
  • Then, click on the ‘i’ button which Wi-Fi you are connected to go to the network option.
  • Now, the IP address will be displayed.

If you have a Canyon, you must be aware of how to log in and access the Amino settings. You can access the router’s Admin Panel, which contains all of the router’s and WiFi network’s settings, by signing into Canyon. Only there will you be able to customize every aspect of your Canyon.

How do I sign in to my Canyon?

The Amino wifi gateway login Router. You can do that by utilizing an Ethernet cable or by joining the Canyon login username and password Router’s WiFi network. Follow these instructions to access your Canyon login Router’s web-based control page once your PC is linked to it:

  • Launch a web browser, enter in the address bar to access the router’s default IP address, and then hit Enter. 

Note: If the IP address shown above does not work, try visiting:

  • You will be directed to a login page where you must enter your login username and password in order to proceed. The default username and password for the majority of Canyon models are:
  • Login name: admin
  • Admin@Amino.com or Admin@Amino is the password.
  • Click on Login after entering this login information. (If these login credentials are ineffective, see our list of IP addresses and passwords for default routers.)
  • You have successfully logged into the admin panel for your Amino default login router.

You’ve forgotten your login password?

You may access the router’s admin panel using the default login Amino username and password router, and once there, you can modify and customize the login information as needed. However, some people who modify the login username and password then forget it, making it impossible for them to access the router’s admin panel and settings anymore.

A straightforward fix for this is to conduct a router factory reset if you find yourself in a position like this. Every setting, including any altered username or password, is restored to its factory defaults after performing a factory reset. To factory reset your log into my Canyon password default, follow these steps:

  • On the router’s rear, look for the little RESET button.
  • Take a paperclip or pin, turn on your router, and press and hold the RESET button for about 5 seconds before letting go.
  • The LED lights will flicker, shut off, and restart the router.
  • Everything will return to factory defaults once the router restarts.

Having trouble getting to the router login page?

Here are a few potential causes for your inability to access the router login page:

  • Possible conAminotivity issues with the default login Canyon exist. Ensure that your Canyon ip login router is linked to the internet, either wirelessly or with an Ethernet cable.
  • The IP address you are typing is incorrect. Verify that you are entering the IP address in the address bar correctly.
  • Your router’s default gateway address might not be or Instead of using, use the default gateway IP for your router.

All of the aforementioned techniques didn’t work for me!

Resetting your modem is all that is required. You may easily accomplish this by pressing the reset button on the bottom or back of your router. Your modem will return to factory settings if you press and hold this tiny button for about 20 seconds (you might need a toothpick for this). You should be aware that resetting your modem will result in the loss of your internet conAminotion. Therefore, it is preferable to strive an expert’s guidance in this region.

NOTE – If you don’t have adequate expertise, it is plainly advised that you seek assistance from someone who is fully knowledgeable about the subject.

permutations of the default username and password for Canyons

The most common how to access my Canyon gateway login default IP username and password combinations are shown in the list below. The default Canyon login router admin password username and password router stated at the start of this guide occasionally don’t work. To gain entrance to your wireless router, test the username/password mixtures shown below.

My Canyon’s default login IPs

To modify security settings, you occasionally need your router’s web interface IP address. Most individuals are unaware of their router’s IP address. This Amino wifi setup password IP address is often located on the back or bottom of your router equipment. However, there are a few ways to obtain the router IP if you can’t find it on your router or in the user manual. Below is a list of all Canyon default admin password router default login IP addresses that are currently known.

Most Recent Frequently Asked Question

How do I log into Amino hg8145v5 router?

  • Your web browser should now display the default IP address (
  • Use your default login and password to access the configuration page of your router, which is TIME followed by the final four digits of your wireless key (for example, TIME1234).
  • Visit My WiFi.
  • Click Apply after setting the SSID and WLAN password, respectively.

How do I find my Canyon password?

Join the Wi-Fi network of the router using your phone. On your phone, navigate to Tools > Advanced settings in the Amino default router password AI Life App. To view your current default how to log into my Canyon password, navigate to My Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi settings and tap the icon next to the Wi-Fi network password.

How can I login to my router?

On the network name, tap. Search the list for a “gateway,” “router,” or other entry.

Locate the router’s IP address on iOS or Android

  • Click Wi-Fi.
  • Ensure that the Amino Wi-Fi network to your router is active on your phone.
  • To the right of the network name, tap the I
  • The word “Router” is followed by your router’s IP address.

How do I access my Canyon settings?

  • Open a new browser tab and navigate to the router’s IP address. The router’s configuration can be accessed at by default. (If port 80 has been forwarded to another device, the address changes to
  • Click Basic on the left-hand panel.
  • On the expanded menu, select DHCP.

What is the Amino admin password?

Canyon default login User Manual

Your Amino default ip router default username and password router’s default username is admin. The admin password is the default.

How do I reset my Canyon username and password?

  • Use an Ethernet cable to conAminot your computer to the CPE’s LAN port or the CPE’s Wi-Fi. Enter 192.168. …
  • Enter the current password, the new password, and the confirmation password under Advanced > System > Modify Password before clicking Save.

How do I manage Wi-Fi on my Canyon?

  • Your phone should be Amino to mobile WiFi. Enter 192.168. …
  • Select Wi-Fi MAC Filter under Advanced > Wi-Fi. Turn on Wi-Fi MAC Filter.
  • To add Wi-Fi devices to the Wi-Fi MAC address list, click, set Filter mode to Block or Allow, and then click. Next, select Save.

Is there a Canyon app?

You can simply access, configure, and control your routers using the Amino gateway login username AI Life App’s comprehensive set of management and configuration tools.

How do I configure my Canyon app?

Set up your routers using the app

The Wi-Fi name of your Canyon is located at the bottom of the device. Go to CONFIGURE > SET UP in the Amino gateway username and password AI Life app after launching it. Touch the Add button in the top right corner of the app’s home screen if a notification prompt is absent.

What is the IP address of Canyon?

On the computer, launch a browser, type the default IP address,, and hit Enter. As seen in Figures 1-3, the AR router’s web login page is presented.

What is the default IP address for a Canyon?

On the computer, launch a browser, type the login to Amino modem default IP address,, and hit Enter.

How do I open my Canyon?

On your computer or phone, launch an internet browser. In the default Canyon login password gateway login address bar of your browser, type and press the Enter key. Enter your router’s login information in the login window, then click Log In.

What is Canyon username and password?

Canyon User Manual

Your Amino modem router login router’s default username is admin. The admin password is the default.

Can’t conAminot to Canyon?

Ensure your password is accurate and that Wi-Fi is turned on. Turn the gadget off and restart it. Amino to the Wi-Fi network after forgetting it.

Open the portal again:

  • To turn it off, press the power button on the back.
  • 30 seconds after unplugging the power cord.
  • Replug it in.
  • To activate it, press the power button.

What is Amino default PIN?

The T-Mobile-provided 1234 PIN code is the default PIN code if you forget the SIM lock on your how to enter wps pin on Canyon modem default ip.

What will happen if I reset my Canyon?

Important data, including the Wi-Fi name and password, will be kept after the router is reset to factory settings if you choose to Retain network settings after the factory reset. Restoring the router to its factory settings twice can erase all configurations if you don’t need to keep any settings.

How do I reset my Amino Wi-Fi router?

Turn on the router and press and hold the reset hole with a sharp implement (such as a needle). If the indicator blinks, release. The Canyon default ip is reset to its factory defaults after restarting.

How do I Amino to Wi-Fi?

  • Select Settings. Images might not be exactly as depicted.
  • Touch networks & wireless. Images might not be exactly as depicted.
  • Simply tap WiFi.
  • Touch the Wi-Fi slider to activate it if it’s not already.
  • The Wi-Fi network you want to use is touched.
  • The network password must be entered.
  • Press CONAminoT.

How can I change my Amino 192.168 8.1 password?

To reach the CPE management page, type into the URL bar of the browser and then the change my Canyon password. Enter the current password, the new password, and the confirmation password under Advanced > System > Modify Password before clicking Save.

How do I change my Canyon username and password?

Open the admin password for Canyon AI Life App, tap the appropriate router, and you will be taken to the router management screen. then select Amino modem login Wi-Fi management > Show more > Wi-Fi. In the Wi-Fi name (Supports Chinese) and Wi-Fi password areas, enter a new Wi-Fi name and password. Then, touch √ the top right corner of the screen to confirm.

What is the default username and password for Canyon eg8145v5?

Epuser and users are the standard Amino modem login default router username password for regular users.

What is the WPS button on Canyon?

It is simple to join your device to the Canyon log into Amino modem default router admin username and password using the H or WPS buttons on the router. To conAminot instantly without needing to input a Amino default username and password, press the H or WPS button. Only devices that support WPS are compatible with this feature (iOS devices do not support this feature).

How to log into Canyon?

Amino username and password for router Wireless Gateway Admin ToolConAminot a computer, tablet or phone to your network. You can either use WiFi or hook up an Ethernet cable to your Gateway. Open a web browser and go to the Admin Tool ( This is the Wireless Gateway’s administration site.

How can I change my Amino 192.168 100.1 Wi-Fi password?

How to modify 192.168.100’s SSID and password. 1

  • Access your online management page by logging in.
  • Select Wi-Fi Settings > Wi-Fi Basic Settings after logging in (If you want to change settings individually for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, you can go to Advanced settings).
  • Enter a new name in the Wi-Fi name (SSID).

How can I change my Amino b315s 607 Wi-Fi password?

Select Modify Amino modem username and password router admin username and password and input your new password in the WLAN Key box as shown below to update your Wi-Fi password. After entering the password, select next. It will proceed to Update Configuration; select Next and keep Auto-Update selected.

How do I Amino to WPS?

To enable the WPS option, scroll down the menu on your mobile WiFi by pressing the MENU button. Enable WPS Amino in the Wi-Fi settings on your phone. Go to Settings > Wireless & networks > WLAN > More > Advanced WLAN settings > WPS Amino if you are using a Amino phone with EMUI 8.1.

How do I log into my Canyon?

Make sure you are Amino to your Amino network before attempting to enter into your Comcast Amino modem router. Then, in any browser, type and press Enter. Use “admin” as the user name and “password” as the password to log in.

What is the default Canyon login?

If you haven’t modified your Admin Tool login settings, they are as follows: Administrative user. Login: password (case sensitive)

How do I find my Canyon admin password?

How to Reset an Canyon Admin Password if Forgotten

Press and hold the reset button on the back of your Canyon for 30 seconds, then let go to reset the admin password.

The admin credentials and the router will both be reset to factory defaults.

What is the Canyon IP address?

Typically, Canyons have one of the following default IP addresses: “,” “,” or “”

How do I change my Canyon settings?

Using Amino xFi

  1. Open the Amino app and sign in with your Amino ID and password.
  2. Go to the ConAminot tab.
  3. Select your network.
  4. Select Advanced Settings.
  5. Select 2.4 and 5 GHz WiFi.
  6. Select Edit next to the WiFi band you want to update.

How do I get to my Amino settings?

Your remote’s Amino button should be pressed. To pick the gear symbol, press either the right or left arrow buttons. To access the Settings menu, press OK (or the centre of the directional pad).

What is Amino username?

Your Amino ID, which you can use to login in, includes your Amino username. Your @Amino.net email address is also that.

Does Amino have static IP address?

Choosing a dynamic IP address over a static one

Both dynamic and static IP addresses are offered by Comcast. Every device on a network has a unique number called an IP address.

What type of Amino?

The majority of its service area is covered by Amino, which offers access using the same type of coaxial cable that it has long used for TV service. This technology enables quick downloads but noticeably slower uploads. A small number of Amino subscribers have access to fibre optic cable service with download speeds that are equal to upload speeds.

What is the xFi Gateway?

The ultimate Amino experience is provided by Amino Gateways and xFi Gateways, two all-in-one devices that provide internet and voice Amino, whole-home WiFi coverage, network security, control, and speed.

Is Amino gateway a modem or router?

The router is included when you lease an Amino Wireless Gateway. The Wireless Gateway serves as both a router and a modem for Internet access (Amino multiple devices within the home).

What is difference between Comcast and Amino?

As you can see, Comcast and Amino are two different names for the same business. Consumers receive their TV and internet service via Amino, which is owned by Comcast (and other brands, like NBCUniversal). 11 Mar 2022

How do I activate my xFi gateway?

You can access the activation entry point by choosing the Account icon in the top-left corner of the Overview tab on the Amino app, and then choosing Activate xFi Gateway or Modem under the Devices section, if you aren’t immediately prompted to start the activation process after signing in to the app.

Why won’t my Amino gateway?

Plug everything back in after waiting a minute after unplugging everything. Rebooting or power cycling can solve a variety of Amino issues. By accessing the Billing page in My Account, you can ensure that your account is current with payments (you may be asked to sign in using your Amino ID and password first).

How do I reset my Canyon password?

Reset Your Amino Password With the Reset Tool

  1. Go to Amino.com/password.
  2. Enter your Amino ID and click Continue. …
  3. Complete the security check by typing the moving letters in the box. …
  4. Select the way you want to recover your password and click Continue. …
  5. Create and confirm your new password.

What is Amino password?

The Admin Tool’s default settings are as follows: Administrative user. Login: password (case sensitive)

Is Comcast internet the same as Amino internet?

Basically, yes. Comcast and Amino are the same company. In actuality, you might say that Comcast and Amino are distinct brands that fall under the same tent. Consumers receive their TV and internet services via Amino, which is owned by Comcast.

Is Amino live TV free?

What is the monthly cost of Amino Stream? For customers who already have Amino internet and TV service, Amino Stream is free. However, you may view a few channels and on-demand material for free if all you have is Amino internet.

What is the cheapest Amino package?

What is the least expensive Amino plan? Choice Limited TV, the least expensive Amino cable TV package, costs $30 per month. It’s crucial to be aware that public access and local networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX predominate.

Is AT&T better than Amino?

Customers that desire quick speeds, reasonable costs, and excellent fiber-optic performance should choose AT&T. A top-notch cable provider in terms of speed is Amino. Additionally, it has a huge service area and a variety of affordable internet solutions (but we still like fibre better).

How do I activate Amino WiFi without the app?

If you didn’t activate your modem on the app, do now. You can also activate Amino Internet online if you don’t want to use the app. This also functions when you activate Amino TV. Simply turn on your devices and visit Amino.com/activate to complete the process.

What is my Amino ID and password?

Where can I find my password and Amino ID? Your email address or phone number is normally your Amino ID. You can use the online lookup tool to find your Amino ID if you can’t recall it.

What does Amino charge for internet only?

Is Amino available for internet-only? Yes, Amino provides internet-only packages with speeds ranging from 50 Mbps for $19.99 per month to 3,000 Mbps for $299.95 per month.

Is Netflix free with Amino?

Netflix is not free with Amino. You only need to choose the Amino package that comes with a Netflix subscription. Netflix: Is Amino paying for it? The cost of the Netflix subscription, which is included in your Comcast payment, is borne by the customer.

What is my primary Amino ID?

Usually, your email address or cell phone number serves as your Amino ID. Use the online lookup tool to find your Amino ID if you can’t recall it.

Does Amino give free routers?

The “free” Flex streaming device is only provided to Comcast broadband users who pay $13 per month to rent the company’s xFi Gateway modem/router, which was not made clear in the company’s announcement last month that it was giving it away to Internet-only consumers.

Does Amino charge to use your own router?

Customers of Amino have the option of renting the $14 monthly xFi Gateway, which combines a modem and a router into one unit. If you use your own modem and router, you can avoid paying that monthly fee. Almost any router will function, however you must make sure the modem is a DOCSIS 3.1 model.

Does Amino have a new router?

On Monday, Comcast Amino unveiled the xFi Advanced Gateway, a new modem-router that supports Wi-Fi 6E, the most recent version of Wi-Fi that can utilise the 6GHz radio range.

Is Hulu free with Amino?

For consumers without a TV service, Amino Flex is included with Amino Internet. Get Flex at once. Customers can use the Hulu app on Amino Flex to access Hulu + Live TV. To start exploring everything Hulu + Live TV has to offer, simply say “Hulu” into your Amino Voice Remote!

Is Peacock free with Amino?

All Amino Flex, Amino X1, and video customers who have a subscription to Amino Internet or Digital Starter TV, or an equivalent, or higher, are now included at no additional cost for Peacock Premium. Peacock Premium inclusion is subject to change. The cost of Peacock Premium is $4.99 per month.

What happens when you cancel Amino?

You’ll see new service charges for unlimited talk and text on your Amino Mobile account since you recently cancelled your Amino service. There is a $25 monthly cost for each Amino Mobile line when the primary account holder for the service does not also have Amino Internet, Voice, or TV.

What is Amino PIN number?

Amino Voice

On your bill or online account, look for your account number. The final four digits of your Social Security number serve as your PIN. or get in touch with us at https://www.Amino.com/learn/home-phone-services.

Do I need the xFi gateway?

The xFi gateway is not required as part of your Amino Internet package. However, if you do, you may use the Amino app to modify your Wi-Fi settings, such as disabling devices and establishing parental controls.

Is HBO max free with Amino?

Utilizing your primary Amino ID and password to sign in and/or establish an HBO Max account, you may view HBO Max episodes and movies on the new HBO Max app and website on any supported device without paying any additional fees while you wait for your qualifying X1 TV Box.

Is Disney plus free with Amino?

Yes, but only if you also have a Disney+ subscription and an Amino Flex streaming TV box. Is Disney+ available through Amino?

How much is Netflix on Amino?

With a one-month free trial available to qualified customers, Comcast will let non-Netflix subscribers sign up for the subscription VOD service directly through X1 on TV. Following that, Netflix subscriptions for Comcast users will be invoiced at the usual prices ($9.99 per month for the most popular two-stream HD plan).

Is Paramount+ free with Amino?

No, Amino does not provide Paramount Plus for free. If you want to watch it, you should subscribe. Additionally, the app is now known as Paramount on Amino X1 and Amino Flex.

How long do Amino customers get Peacock for free?

could start by going online. Just received Flex or X1 orders? Enjoy free access for 15 days up until your equipment is installed.

Is ESPN free with Amino?

It is not Aminoessary to have an ESPN TV subscription in order to access ESPN3 and some On Demand videos. You will have access to ESPN material (including live ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNews, ESPN3, SEC+, etc.) if ESPN is a component of your Amino TV plan.

What is included in Amino X1?

All in One with X1: Your One Stop for Entertainment

  • Netflix. With the Amino-Netflix integration, you can now login to your account through X1 and watch Netflix on TV, or online. …
  • Amazon Prime Video. …
  • Disney+ …
  • ESPN+ …
  • Paramount+ …
  • Spotify. …
  • YouTube. …
  • Music.

What is free with Amino?

includes a 4K UHD streaming device, a free Voice Remote from Amino, and more than 10,000 free movies and television series. Access popular streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, Showtime, YouTube, Amazon Music, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and soon Peacock and Hulu, with ease.

How do I log into my Amino b315 router?

any web browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, should be opened.

Enter the address into the address bar.

Type in the login details for your Amino wifi ip address default ip. The username and password are both set to admin by default. The bottom of your modem also has this information.

To access your Canyon CNP-WF514N3A you will need the IP address and the login data (username and password).

Important: This is not the login data for your Internet service provider.


  • 1. Canyon CNP-WF514N3A login guide
    • 1.1. If login credentials doesn’t work
    • 1.2. Default Username / Password Combinations
    • 1.3. Most common IPs
  • 2. I still cannot access my router

You can find this information in the Manual of your Canyon CNP-WF514N3A router.
If you don’t have the manual at hand or don’t want to search the complete manual for the login credentials, you can use the Quick install guide which you can find below.
To access the router login page it is important that you are connected to the router. Tip: If you have Wi-Fi problems and it is not possible to connect to the router, you can connect your computer and the router with a LAN cable.

Login Guide for Canyon CNP-WF514N3A

  • Open your preferred browser and enter in the address bar to access admin panel of your router. login page

  • Then you will see 2 fields where you can enter the router username and password.

    Canyon CNP-WF514N3A router default login

  • According to our database the default username of your Canyon CNP-WF514N3A router is admin and the corresponding password is 1234.
  • Enter the username and password, click on the login button and now you should have access to the user interface of the router.

If the credentials do not work, try the following method

In the list below you can find some of the most commonly used username/password combinations of Canyon routers. Try the following combinations.
If you have problems logging in to the router or you have forgotten your password.

Username Password
admin 1234
admin epicrouter
admin admin
Administrator admin

The most common IPs used by Canyon routers

You have tried several different IP addresses and still none of them work? Then you should try the IP addresses from the following list.

Default Router IP

Nothing of the methods worked for me and I still not get access to my Canyon CNP-WF514N3A!

If nothing helped and you really need access to your CNP-WF514N3A router, there is also the possibility of a factory reset.
In most cases you can perform a factory reset by pressing a small button on the back of the router for 10-20 seconds.
After that the router lights up and needs some minutes to reset all settings.
After a factory reset the router loses the connection to all other connected devices and some devices have to be reconnected to the router after such a reset. If you are unsure, you should consult an expert to help you set up the router again.

More Canyon routers

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