Как войти в роутер с80

Для настройки роутера необходимо подключить Ваш роутер к компьютеру. Это можно сделать через Wi-Fi либо кабелем. После того, как подключение выполнено необходимо открыть браузер и в адресной строке (на новых версиях прошивки адрес В случае если интерфейс роутера не открывается в адресной строке введите tplinkwifi.net

При входе по IP адресу роутера потребуется авторизация. В окне Логин (User) вводим admin, в окне Пароль (Password)admin

В случае, если заходим по ссылке авторизация не потребуется.

После авторизации откроется интерфейс роутера. Для начала настройки Вам необходимо выбрать режим работы вашего устройства

Для этого переходим в категорию “Дополнительные настройки”. В пункте “Рабочий режим” нужно выбрать режим “Режим роутера (CТекущий). Этот режим означает, что ваше устройство будет работать в режиме роутера.

В категории “Интернет” в графе “Тип подключения к Интернет” выбираем “РРРоЕ/РРРоЕ Россия”. “Имя пользователя” и “Пароль” указаны в Вашем договоре в графе “Аутентификационные данные”. Обязательно подтвердите пароль и нажмите на кнопку “Сохранить”. Если все ввели правильно – подключение будет выполнено.

Для дальнейшей настройки Wi-Fi Вам необходимо перейти в категорию “Беспроводной режим”. В настройках сетевого режима вы можете изменить название вашей Wi-Fi сети в строке “Имя сети (SSID)”.

Защитить ваше Wi-Fi соединение можно задав пароль для подключения. Для этого перейдите в строке “Пароль”, укажите подходящий Вам пароль.

1. Upgrade the Firmware

TP-Link aims at providing better network experience for users.

We will inform you through the web management page if there’s any update firmware available for your router. Also, the latest firmware will be released at the TP-Link official website www.tp-link.com, and you can download it from the Support page for free.


Backup your router configuration before firmware upgrade.

Do NOT turn off the router during the firmware upgrade.

1.1. Online Upgrade

1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router.

2.When the latest firmware is available for your router, the upgrade icon will display in the top-right corner of the page. Click the icon to go to the Firmware Upgrade page.

Alternatively, you can go to Advanced > System > Firmware Upgrade, and click CHECK FOR UPGRADES to see whether the latest firmware is released. If there is new firmware click UPGRADE.

3.Wait a few minutes for the upgrade and reboot to complete.

Tips: If there’s a new and important firmware update for your router, you will see the prompt notification on your computer as long as a web browser is opened. Click UPGRADE, and log in to the web management page with the username and password you set for the router. You will see the Firmware Upgrade page.

1.2. Local Upgrade

1.Download the latest firmware file for the router from www.tp-link.com.

2.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router.

3.Go to Advanced > System > Firmware Upgrade.

4.Focus on the Local Upgrade section. Click BROWSE to locate the downloaded new firmware file, and click UPGRADE.

5.Wait a few minutes for the upgrade and reboot to complete.

Note: If you fail to upgrade the firmware for the router, please contact our Technical Support.

2. Backup and Restore Configuration Settings

The configuration settings are stored as a configuration file in the router. You can backup the configuration file to your computer for future use and restore the router to a previous settings from the backup file when needed. Moreover, if necessary you can erase the current settings and reset the router to the default factory settings.

1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router.

2.Go to Advanced > System Tools > Backup & Restore.

To backup configuration settings:

Click BACK UP to save a copy of the current settings to your local computer. A ‘.bin’ file of the current settings will be stored to your computer.

To restore configuration settings:

1.Click BROWSE to locate the backup configuration file stored on your computer, and click RESTORE.

2.Wait a few minutes for the restoring and rebooting.

Note: During the restoring process, do not turn off or reset the router.

To reset the router except your login password and TP-Link ID:

1.In the Factory Default Restore section, click RESTORE.

2.Wait a few minutes for the resetting and rebooting.


During the resetting process, do not turn off the router.

After reset, you can still use the current login password or the TP-Link ID to log in to the web management page.

To reset the router to factory default settings:

1.Click FACTORY RESTORE to reset the router.

2.Wait a few minutes for the resetting and rebooting.


During the resetting process, do not turn off or reset the router.

We strongly recommend you backup the current configuration settings before resetting the router.

3. Change the Login Password

The account management feature allows you to change your login password of the web management page.

Note: If you are using a TP-Link ID to log in to the web management page, the account management feature will be disabled. To manage the TP-Link ID, go to Advanced > TP-Link ID.

1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with the password you set for the router.

2.Go to Advanced > System > Administration and focus on the Change Password section.

3.Enter the old password, then a new password twice (both case-sensitive). Click SAVE.

4.Use the new password for future logins.

4. Local Management

This feature allows you to limit the number of client devices on your LAN from accessing the router by using the MAC address-based authentication.

1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router.

2.Go to Advanced > System > Administration and complete the settings In Local Management section as needed.

Allow all LAN connected devices to manage the router:

Select All Devices for Local Managers.

Allow specific devices to manage the router:

1.Select All Devices for Local Managers and click SAVE.

2.Click Add Device.

3.Click VIEW CONNECTED DEVICES and select the device to manage the router from the Connected Devices list, or enter the MAC address of the device manually.

4.Specify a Description for this entry.

5.Click SAVE.

5. Remote Management

This feature allows you to control remote devices’ authority to manage the router.

1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router.

2.Go to Advanced > System > Administration and complete the settings in Remote Management section as needed.

Forbid all devices to manage the router remotely:

Do not tick the Enable checkbox of Remote Management.

Allow all devices to manage the router remotely:

1.Tick the Enable checkbox of Remote Management.

2.Keep the HTTPS and HTTP port as default settings (recommended) or enter a value between 1024 and 65535.

3.Select All Devices for Remote Managers.

4.Click SAVE.

Devices on the internet can log in to http://Router’s WAN IP address:port number (such as to manage the router.


You can find the WAN IP address of the router on Network Map > Internet.

The router’s WAN IP is usually a dynamic IP. Please refer to Set Up a Dynamic DNS Service Account if you want to log in to the router through a domain name.

Allow a specific device to manage the router remotely:

1.Tick the Enable checkbox of Remote Management.

2.Keep the HTTPS and HTTP port as default settings (recommended) or enter a value between 1024 and 65535.

3.Select Specified Device for Remote Managers.

4.In the Only this IP Address field, enter the IP address of the remote device to manage the router.

5.Click SAVE.

Devices using this WAN IP can manage the router by logging in to http://Router’s WAN IP:port number (such as

Tips: The router’s WAN IP is usually a dynamic IP. Please refer to Set Up a Dynamic DNS Service Account if you want to log in to the router through a domain name.

6. View System Log

When the router does not work normally, you can save the system log and send it to the technical support for troubleshooting.

1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router.

2.Go to Advanced > System > System Log.

3.In the Save Log section, click SAVE TO LOCAL to save the system logs to a local disk.

7. Test the Network Connectivity

Diagnostics is used to test the connectivity between the router and the host or other network devices.

1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router.

2.Go to Advanced > System > Diagnostics.

3.Enter the information:

1 )Choose Ping or Tracert as the diagnostic tool to test the connectivity;

Ping is used to test the connectivity between the router and the tested host, and measure the round-trip time.

Tracert is used to display the route (path) your router has passed to reach the tested host, and measure transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol network.

2 )Enter the IP Address or Domain Name of the tested host.

3 )Modify the Ping Packet Number and the Ping Packet Size. It’s recommended to keep the default value.

4 )If you have chosen Tracert, you can modify the Traceroute Max TTL. It’s recommended to keep the default value.

4.Click START to begin the diagnostics.

The figure below indicates the proper connection between the router and the Yahoo server (www.Yahoo.com) tested through Ping.

The figure below indicates the proper connection between the router and the Yahoo server (www.Yahoo.com) tested through Tracert.

8. Set Up System Time & Language

The the router’s default system language is English. When changed, the router’s settings on web management will appear in another language.

System time is the time displayed while the router is running. The system time you configure here will be used for other time-based functions like Parental Controls. You can choose the way to obtain the system time as needed.

1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router.

2.Go to Advanced > System > Time & Language.

To change system language:

1.Select the language from the drop-down list.

2.Click SAVE.

To get time from the internet:

1.Enable 24-Hour Time if you want the time to display in a 24-hour way.

2.In the Set Time field, select Get from Internet.

3.Select your local Time Zone from the drop-down list.

4.In the NTP Server I field, enter the IP address or domain name of your desired NTP Server.

5.(Optional) In the NTP Server II field, enter the IP address or domain name of the second NTP Server.

6.Click SAVE.

To get time from your computer:

1.In the Set Time field, select Get from Managing Device.

2.The time of your computer will then be displayed and click SAVE.

To manually set the date and time:

1.In the Set Time field, select Manually.

2.Set the current Date (In MM/DD/YYYY format).

3.Set the current Time (In HH/MM/SS format).

4.Click SAVE.

To set up Daylight Saving Time:

1.Tick the Enable box of Daylight Saving Time.

2.Select the correct Start date and time when daylight saving time starts at your local time zone.

3.Select the correct End date and time when daylight saving time ends at your local time zone.

4.Click SAVE.

9. Set the Router to Reboot Regularly

The Scheduled Reboot feature cleans the cache to enhance the running performance of the router.

1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router.

2.Go to Advanced > System > Reboot.

3.Tick the Enable box of Reboot Schedule.

4.Specify the Reboot Time when the router reboots and Repeat to decide how often it reboots.

5.Click SAVE.

10. Control the LED

The LED of the router indicates its activities and status. You can enable the Night Mode feature to specify a time period during which the LED is off.

1.Visit http://tplinkwifi.net, and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router.

2.Go to Advanced > System > LED Control.

3.Enable Night Mode.

4.Specify the LED off time, and the LED will be off during this period every day.

5.Click SAVE.

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  • TP-Link Archer C80

Имя беспроводной сети (SSID) по умолчанию

Диапазон 2.4 ГГц; TP-LINK_XXXXXX (где X — последовательность символов)

Диапазон 5 ГГц; TP-LINK_XXXXXX_5G (где X — последовательность символов)

Пароль для беспроводной сети (Wi-Fi) по умолчанию

Указан на дне роутера

Адрес роутера

Доступ на web-интерфейс

логин admin
пароль admin

Официальный сайт

Подключите кабель, который вам провели в квартиру наши монтажники в порт WAN, а компьютер подключите в любой из LAN портов. Вы так же можете соединить ваш ПК с роутером по беспроводной сети, но на первичном этапе настройки лучше использовать кабель.

Попробуйте открыть любую страницу в браузере или введите в адресную строку login.beeline.ru или — откроется страница авторизации, на которой нужно ввести данные:

В поле «Логин» — имя пользователя по договору (089/085).

В поле «Пароль» — пароль от домашнего интернета.

После чего нажмите кнопку «Войти».

Отобразится информация, что авторизация успешно пройдена и для установки соединения нужно подождать 10 минут.

Используйте аппаратный сброс настроек, если требуется настроить устройство заново (удалить все пользовательские настройки), нет доступа к веб-странице интерфейса настроек роутера, после настройки роутера интернет-соединение не установилось или пароль доступа к нему был утерян.

Внимание! При выполнении аппаратного сброса настроек все пользовательские установки будут сброшены на заводские параметры!

На корпусе устройства имеется углубленная кнопка СБРОС (RESET, RESTORE), позволяющая сбросить настройки на заводские установки. Кнопку СБРОС (RESET, RESTORE) вы сможете найти на той же стороне корпуса роутера, где располагаются остальные разъемы и кнопки. В редких случаях кнопка может располагаться на дне роутера.

Для того, чтобы сбросить настройки роутера на заводские установки выполните следующие действия:
Включите питание роутера и дождитесь полной загрузки устройства. Нажмите кнопку СБРОС (RESET, RESTORE), используя заостренный тонкий предмет (например, скрепку) и удерживайте 30 секунд, затем отпустите кнопку.
После этого роутер перезагрузится с установками по умолчанию (заводскими настройками) и потребуется повторная его настройка.

После настройки роутера проверьте работу Интернета, открыв любую Web-страницу

Тарифы на Домашний интернет в Москве

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не входит в тариф

В тариф не входит Wi-Fi-роутер. Вы можете взять Wi-Fi-роутер в аренду за 100,00 ₽/мес!

Для дома 500 Хит ›




не входит в тариф

В тариф не входит Wi-Fi-роутер. Вы можете взять Wi-Fi-роутер в аренду за 100,00 ₽/мес!

Игровой Премиум ›




не входит в тариф

В тариф не входит Wi-Fi-роутер. Вы можете взять Wi-Fi-роутер в аренду за 50,00 ₽/мес!

Домашний интернет с ТВ и мобильной связью ещё выгоднее

Подключите роутер Archer C80 к электросети. Кабель Севcтар, приходящий в квартиру, подключите в порт синего цвета (WAN), а кабель от ПК подключите в любой желтый порт (LAN(1-4)). Если роутер новый, то позвоните  в колл-центр +7 978 899 00 00  и сообщите о новом оборудовании. Оператор привяжет роутер к Вашей учётной записи.

Если Ваш номер телефона привязан к Вашей учетной записи, то при звонке система автоматически определит, что Вы подключили новое оборудование и предложит нажать цифру 2 для регистрации Вашего роутера. Нажмите цифру 2 и начните настройку.

Стандартный логин и пароль от беспроводной сети находится на оборотной стороне роутера.


  1. Введите в браузере
  2. В выпадающем списке выберите русский язык.
  3. В поле «логин» введите admin. В поле «пароль» введите admin.
  4. Во вкладке «Быстрая настройка» во всплывающем окне измените имя пользователя и пароль при необходимости. Нажмите [Подтвердить].
  5. Быстрая настройка. Шаг 1: «Часовой пояс».
    В выпадающем списке выберите свой часовой пояс и нажмите [Далее].
  6. Быстрая настройка. Шаг 2: «Тип подключения к Интернет».
    Из приведенного списка выберите «Динамический IP-адрес» и нажмите [Далее].
  7. Быстрая настройка. Шаг 3: «MAC-адрес».
    Из приведённого cписка выберите «НЕ клонировать MAC-адрес» и нажмите [Далее].
  8. Быстрая настройка. Шаг 4: «Настройка беспроводного режима».
    Выберите имя и пароль для беспроводных сетей и нажмите [Далее].
  9. Быстрая настройка. Шаг 5: «Обзор Настроек».
    Проверьте Ваши настройки и нажмите [Cохранить].
  10. Переподключите Ваши беспроводные устройства и нажмите [Далее].
  11. Быстрая настройка. Шаг 6: «Тест Интернет-соединения».
    Нажмите кнопку [Завершить]. И в появившемся окне нажмите [ОК].
  12. По окончании настройки Вы увидите экран «Базовой настройки». На иконке глобуса отобразится галочка. Подключение к интернету активно.
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TP-LINK Archer C80 router setup & security

  1. To login to TP-LINK Archer C80 Router, Open your web browser and type the default IP Address in the address bar
  2. You should now see the router login page with 2 text fields where you can type a username and a password
  3. The default username for your TP-LINK Archer C80 router is admin and the default password is admin
  4. In the login page of the router’s web user interface, type-in the username & password, hit «Login» and now you should see the TP-LINK Archer C80 router control panel

TP-LINK Archer C80 router default login

(Remember, you must be at home and connected to home WiFi to do this)

And no need to get your breathing rates high in case you have changed the username / password of TP-LINK Archer C80 and forgot them, as you can just reset the TP-LINK Archer C80 router by press-and-hold the reset button with a clip for about 15 seconds.

TP-LINK Archer C80 Quick links:

Try one of these most Common Passwords

Username Password
admin admin
admin blank
admin password
blank admin
blank blank

2.Change TP-LINK Archer C80 Default Login and Password

Since, security of a network is vital, the first and foremost task is to change the TP-LINK Archer C80 router Default Login and Password to something more personal and secure.

TP-LINK Archer C80 Router Password Tips:

Choose a complex and hard-to-guess password for your TP-LINK which only you can remember

It should be something personal, like &ilostmyvirginity@30, so that you’ll never forget it. Ever

Protect it

The amount of protection directly depends on the password complexity, and the effort taken to protect that password on your TP-LINK Archer C80 router.

Usability first

Give Password for your TP-LINK Archer C80 router that you can remember (usability first). Of course, you can build a strong hash password with special characters, numbers, Greek, and Latin. But ultimately you’ll end up writing it on a sticky and putting it on the router, which defeats the purpose. Here is an example $lasttriptovegas0916

You did good so far. Now consider ⭐ Bookmarking this page. It always helps.

3.Change TP-LINK Archer C80 Default WiFi name (SSID) and WiFi Password and enable Network Encryption

Another small suggestion (as it has no impact on security), is to change the TP-LINK Archer C80 Default WiFi name (SSID) as it will make it more obvious for others to know which network they are connecting to.

Look for Network Name (SSID), this is the WiFi name of your TP-LINK Archer C80 Router. Do not use your name, home address, or other personal information (since this isn’t a Facebook status!) in the SSID name. (No Mr.Paul&Princy) A few funny WiFi name suggestions: I’m cheating on my WiFi!, FBI Surveillance Van #594 (scares away stupid criminals), Lord of the Pings …

Once you enter the name for your network, you have to enable WPA2-PSK encryption on your TP-LINK Archer C80 router. That’s the strongest encryption standard available for home networks.

Enter a new WPA Pre-Shared Key / WiFi Password – this is the password that you will use to connect to your home WiFi. Keep it to 16-20 characters (please!) don’t use the same password that you used for TP-LINK Archer C80 router login!

🤓 Geek out your guests. Print a Free WiFi QR Code Sticker for your fridge now

4.Update router firmware in TP-LINK Archer C80 and turn on Automatic Updates

Router software often contains critical bugs and security vulnerabilities; Check if your router has known vulnerabilities

Check — TP-LINK Archer C80

Its important that you turn on Automatic Firmware updates and always keep your TP-LINK Archer C80 router up-to-date. To turn on Automatic updates, Login to your TP-LINK Archer C80 router and look for the section which contains Automatic updates and turn it «ON»

And even if the router has auto-update, check every now and then to make sure it is actually working, and the router firmware is up-to-date. If your router manufacturer hasn’t released any updates to the firmware in the past 3-5 years, consider upgrading to a «newer» router

5.Security is a continuous process

Just keep in mind to change the passwords often or at least once in every 6 months! on your TP-LINK Archer C80 You don’t want the safety you have worked so hard for to fail just because of ignorance, negligence, or casual laziness! Time for a bulletin on the fridge, folks! We can remind you though? Enter your email below! Nope, we are not spammers!

TP-LINK Archer C80 Router Reset instructions

How to Reset the TP-LINK Archer C80 Router To Factory Default

To reset TP-LINK Archer C80 router,

  1. Turn on the TP-LINK Archer C80 router
  2. Look for the reset button. Few routers have a tiny hole and few others have a reset button.
  3. Press the Factory reset button with a straightened paperclip pin or something that gets through the tiny hole, and hold it for about 15 seconds! (till you see all the lights flashing)
  4. The TP-LINK Archer C80 router will reboot automatically. the unit has been reset and is ready to use. You can start from Step 1 in this guide to set it up.

TP-LINK Archer C80 Password Does not Work

Passwords find a way to not work! Or, in most cases, users find a way to forget them! In either case, look up the How to Reset the TP-LINK Archer C80 Router To Default Settings section

Forgot Password for TP-LINK Archer C80 Router

Incase if you have changed the default username and password of TP-LINK Archer C80 and forgot it, please see How to Reset the TP-LINK Archer C80 Router To Default Settings section

How to boost TP-LINK Archer C80 WiFi and overcome connectivity issues

1.Place the TP-LINK Archer C80 in a perfect spot

The perfect spot does it all; be it romance or your router! To avail the best signal and network connectivity, make sure you keep your TP-LINK Archer C80 router visible and not facing the wall or behind the curtains

2.Find a Good Wireless Channel Instead of Auto on your TP-LINK Archer C80 router

Auto-channels might fail you once in a while; believe that you’re smarter than the TP-LINK router! Find a seamless wireless channel instead of what the router finds automatically. This would ensure that your signal doesn’t interfere with that of your neighbors.

If you’re running a Windows-based PC, you can see what channels neighboring Wi-Fi networks are using.

  • Press Start > type “cmd”. Open Command prompt
  • In command prompt type netsh wlan show all

You will see a list of all wireless networks and the channels being used in your vicinity. instead of using “Auto” for the control channel, Pick the channel that has the lowest interference

3.Check the frequency of TP-LINK Archer C80

Check if TP-LINK Archer C80 has dual-band, the most commonly used band would be 2.4GHz; however, switching to 5GHz would bring out better results! It depends on your device though; if you’re running an old lad, you might have to switch back to the conventional

4.Hardwire gaming consoles / media streamers into your TP-LINK Archer C80 instead of WiFi

Gaming consoles/media streamers work better when connected through Ethernet cable of TP-LINK Archer C80; in fact, as you might not be moving your TV all over the house, why connect it to the Wi-Fi at all? The Gaming consoles / video streaming devices flood the network with data. This means that if possible, you should consider hardwire (using Ethernet cable) the devices that tend to consume a lot of bandwidth. Although this can sort of defeat the purpose of having wireless networks, it can actually help your overall network speed of TP-LINK Archer C80 if you can hardwire the bandwidth hogs.

5. Reboot TP-LINK Archer C80 on schedule

Here’s something important to note! On schedule, folks, reboot your TP-LINK Archer C80 router! Though routers are built to constantly be running at all times, simple tweaks like regular power cycling (a fancy way of saying, unplugging the power cord and shoving it back up) helps with most issues. Rebooting your TP-LINK Archer C80 can fix Internet connection problems, improve slow moving connections, and resolve wireless issues altogether. Try unplugging your TP-LINK modem on a quarterly basis to stay proactive (Never reset; always reboot router)

Popular Router Brands

Popular IP Addresses

Popular IP mispellings

  • Как войти в роутер когда забыл пароль
  • Как войти в роутер не зная ip адреса
  • Как войти в роутер с планшета через вай фай
  • Как войти в роутер кинетик ультра
  • Как войти в роутер на смартфоне