Как узнать версию hdmi на ноутбуке windows 11

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) является стандартным интерфейсом для передачи аудио-видео сигнала между устройствами, такими как ноутбуки, мониторы и телевизоры. Однако, не всегда легко узнать версию HDMI на ноутбуке без наличия документации или коробки. В данной статье будут представлены 5 простых способов для определения версии HDMI на вашем ноутбуке.

1. Проверить разъем HDMI на физическом порту

Первым и самым простым способом является проверка разъема HDMI на физическом порту вашего ноутбука. Около разъема HDMI может быть указана версия интерфейса. Например, надписи «HDMI 1.4» или «HDMI 2.0» указывают на соответствующую версию.

2. Использовать графическую панель управления драйверами

Второй способ заключается в использовании графической панели управления драйверами видеоадаптера. Найти ее можно нажав правую кнопку мыши на рабочем столе и выбрав «Панель управления NVIDIA» (если у вас установлена графическая карта NVIDIA) или аналогичный пункт меню для видеодрайвера вашей системы. В графической панели управления обычно есть информация о подключенных мониторах и их поддерживаемых разрешениях и версиях HDMI.

3. Запустить команду «dxdiag» в командной строке

Третий способ требует запуска команды «dxdiag» в командной строке вашей операционной системы. Нажмите Win + R, чтобы открыть окно «Выполнить» и введите «dxdiag», затем нажмите «ОК». После открытия программы «dxdiag» выберите вкладку «Отображение», где вы сможете найти информацию о вашем видеоадаптере, включая поддерживаемые разрешения и версию HDMI.

4. Проверить спецификации ноутбука на официальном сайте производителя

Четвертый способ состоит в проверке спецификаций ноутбука на официальном сайте производителя. Введите точную модель вашего ноутбука на официальном сайте производителя и найдите раздел, который описывает входы-выходы и разъемы. Обычно здесь указывается версия HDMI и другая информация о ноутбуке.

5. Обратиться к технической поддержке производителя

Наконец, если вы не смогли найти информацию о версии HDMI, вы можете обратиться к технической поддержке производителя ноутбука. Они смогут предоставить вам точную информацию о версии HDMI и ответить на все ваши вопросы.

Теперь, когда у вас есть 5 простых способов узнать версию HDMI на ноутбуке без документации и коробки, вы сможете легко определить, какую версию HDMI поддерживает ваш ноутбук и соответствующие возможности передачи аудио-видео сигнала.

The ports use to connect high-definition devices to computers, TVs, and other devices. However, your device’s port may malfunction from interval to time, and we must check to see if the port is working correctly. 

Do you know How to Check HDMI Version on Laptop? Or, more specifically, what kind of port does my laptop have?

Check the manufacturer’s website, the instruction manual, your PC’s CPU, or the features your device supports to determine the type of HDMI connection you have.

Please note that there is no physical difference between versions before we begin. There is no material difference between 1.4 and 2.0/2.1, for example. There are, however, physical differences between HDMI types, such as Type A, B, and so on.

Allow me to explain.

How To Recognize HDMI Cables:

How to Check HDMI Version on Laptop

Please Visit the Manufacturer’s Website.

Checking the manufacturer’s website is the quickest approach to figure out what kind of port you have. Check the specifications for your specific product, which will usually identify the port version.

What Features Can You Get With Your Device?

The feature that the device supports, not any physical attribute, determines the different types of HDMI.

If your laptop or television claims to offer 4K resolution, it is most likely HDMI 2.0/2.1.

The following are some of the common characteristics of the multiple HDMI standards:

HDMI 1.4:

This is an older version of HDMI that does not enable HDR video. However, it can only support 4K at 30 frames per second, which isn’t ideal.

HDMI 2.0: 

It is a more advanced version of HDMI that supports 4K at 60Hz. Its future upgrades provide HDR video capabilities.

HDMI 2.1:

It enables an 8K resolution at 60Hz in this version. It also supports 4K at 120 frames per second.

Examine the laptop’s processor/graphics processing unit (GPU).

If it’s a laptop, look at the processor to see which port uses. Because the integrated CPU contains the GPU, which decides the type of HDMI connection utilized, you can do this.

You’ll be limited to HDMI 1.4a if you have an Intel Core-based laptop up to the 9th generation. If the 10th generation, on the other hand, supports HDMI 2.0b. If your computer is AMD-based, HDMI 2.0b usually supports by Ryzen APUs.

It applies to laptops with dedicated graphics cards because the integrated GPU still handles all output graphics.

Look Over the Instruction Manual:

If you can locate your device’s instruction manual, you should get the same information on the manufacturer’s website.

The Port’s Size:

It only applies if you mean HDMI type, such as HDMI A, B, C, and so on, when you say “kind of HDMI.” Because the different varieties of HDMI are physically distinct, you may determine the HDMI type by measuring the port. More on this in the section below under “What are the 5 Port Types?”

To begin, if by type you mean whether it’s an HDMI input or output, see our page on the distinction between HDMI inputs and outputs.

Here are two critical methods for effectively identifying your port:

Examine Your Devices on a Physical Level:

Physical examination works best for people who are familiar with the many varieties of HDMI connectors. It’s frequently the most effective strategy. Ports come in five different varieties and can be found on the back of TVs, AV receivers, PCs and laptops, Blu-ray players, and other devices.

These ports resemble USB ports. However, they are often taller and more expansive. They’re also not completely rectangular. Each of them, however, has some distinguishing characteristics.

In the next section, we’ll look at the many varieties of ports to learn more about these features.

Look at Your List of Display Adapters:

The method described above can use by anyone who understands how ports work. As a result, unlike the previous way, this second one is only for computer users. You can determine the type of port you have by doing the following tests:

  • Right-click “My Computer” and select “Properties.”
  • Select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.
  • Select ‘Device Manager’ from the drop-down menu.
  • Scroll down to find the sort of port listed under “Display Adapters.”

Hope so your confusion about the How to Check HDMI Version on Laptop will clear now.

Inspection of Port Either It Is Good or Bad:

Follow these instructions to inspect your port running Microsoft Windows Device Manager.

  • Start your laptop by pressing the start button.
  • Right-click on “Computer” and select “Properties.”
  • From the context menu, select the “Properties” option.
  • Select “Device Manager” from the drop-down menu.
  • Take a glance at your port under “Display Adapters” in the list of ports.
  • If your port does not appear in this list, it is likely that it has failed and that you will need to replace it.
  • Check the properties of the port if it appears in the list of optic adapters.
  • You should now see a dialogue window in which you should look for the HDMI status.


If the context menu says “The device is working well,” your port is good and in working order; if it says “Troubleshooting,” it means the port is in good shape, but there is an issue; and if it says “Failed,” it implies the port has to replaced.

What To Do If HDMI Port Is Not Working?

How to Check HDMI Version on Laptop

There are various ways to fix your laptop’s HDMI, some of which are listed here.

Configure your computer’s Display Settings: 

If your laptop’s display settings are incorrect, you may experience issues.

There are various visual settings to choose from; you must decide based on your personal preferences. Select ” PC Screen Only ” if you only want to show content on the first computer display, select “PC Screen Only.”

Choose “Duplicate” if you want to duplicate the display, “Extended” if you’re going to extend the content across two or more screens, and “Second screen only” if you only want to create interactive on the second screen.

Check Hardware: 

Check if the laptop has any hardware failures, as hardware failures might cause issues.

  • Restarting or rebooting your device may also resolve the issue.
  • On your laptop, update or reload the device driver.
  • Remove all newly installed software from the computer.

FAQs – How to Check HDMI Version on Laptops?

  1. What Version of HDMI Is My Laptop?

    There are two approaches to this: Check the product’s specifications on the manufacturer’s website (occasionally, they indicate the HDMI port version). You can also determine the HDMI standard by attaching your laptop to a display device (monitor or television).

  2. How do I know what HDMI port I have?

    Because HDMI connections are just fancy wires, there are no electronics to tell the software what “version” it is. There’s no way to know unless there’s a model number or label to look up to see what version of HDMI it supports. Some v1. 2 cables, for example, have sufficient bandwidth to function as v1.

  3. Is HDMI 1.4 the Same as HDMI?

    In a nutshell, HDMI 2.0 intends to carry more data than HDMI 1.4. Both can offer 4K video, but HDMI 2.0 has a transport rate of up to 18 Gbps, while HDMI 1.4 has a transfer rate of just 10.2 Gbps.

  4. Do you need HDMI 2.1 for 4K?

    There are 120 frames per second on the modern systems. This increased frame rate is supported by some modern TVs. A lot of older TVs, even so-called “120Hz” models, can’t do this. In order for the console to run at this high frame rate, the TV will require HDMI 2.1. Your current HDMI cables are unlikely to be able to handle 4K120 resolution without some serious upgrade work.


Do you now understand that How to Check HDMI Version on Laptop? Because various types of ports are available and how to recognize them. So, now that you know about the many types of cables and versions, you’ll be able to buy the cables that best suit the ports you have.


1. Откройте «Панель управления» на вашем ноутбуке.
2. Выберите раздел «Аппаратное и звуковое оборудование».
3. Кликните на «Устройства и принтеры».
4. Найдите свой ноутбук и кликните на нём правой кнопкой мыши.
5. В выпадающем меню выберите «Свойства».
6. Нажмите на вкладку «Аппаратные средства».
7. Выберите «Устройство вывода» и нажмите на кнопку «Свойства».
8. Найдите вкладку «Драйвер» и выберите «Сведения об устройстве».
9. В строке «HDMI-контроллер» вы увидите версию HDMI.

— Если вы используете операционную систему Windows 10, то можно найти версию HDMI непосредственно в настройках «Параметры» > «Система» > «О устройстве».
— Обратите внимание, что для просмотра версии HDMI должен быть подключен к экрану с поддержкой HDMI.
— Если вы не можете найти нужную вкладку или опцию в меню, обратитесь к руководству к вашему ноутбуку или свяжитесь с производителем.

Чтобы посмотреть версию HDMI на ноутбуке, необходимо открыть панель управления и выбрать «Устройства и звук». Далее нужно выбрать «Настроить экран» и открыть свойства графического адаптера. В дополнительных параметрах обычно можно найти информацию о версии HDMI. Если это не помогает, можно также проверить программой, которая может сканировать компьютер и перечислить все имеющиеся порты HDMI и их версии. Также возможно, что версия HDMI указана на упаковке ноутбука или в его инструкции.

Чтобы посмотреть версию HDMI на ноутбуке, необходимо открыть «Панель управления» в операционной системе, затем выбрать раздел «Аппаратное и звуковое оборудование» и перейти в настройки «Дисплея». Как правило, тут можно увидеть информацию о подключенном к компьютеру мониторе или телевизоре, а также о типе интерфейса HDMI — версии 1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/2.0/2.1, которая определяет максимальную скорость передачи данных и качество изображения. Если же найти нужную информацию через «Панель управления» не получается, можно воспользоваться программой для анализа аппаратных характеристик компьютера или заглянуть на спецификацию устройства, указанную на сайте производителя.

The only definitive method to check the HDMI port version on your monitor, TV, PC, or any other multimedia device is to check its spec sheet. The spec sheets give you the best answer regarding the version of the HDMI port you have.

For desktop PCs, you can check the spec sheet of either the motherboard or the graphics card to identify its version. For laptops, that is also relatively straightforward, as a simple search for its technical spec sheet would reveal the version of the HDMI port it uses. The same goes for monitors, TVs, projectors, home theater systems, etc.

However, before you indulge yourself in the spec sheet of your device, you have to understand the technical jargon, particularly regarding what the different HDMI versions entail.

In the following text, I will discuss how to check the HDMI port version and how to identify which version your particular device has.

Different HDMI Versions and Data Rates

There are various HDMI versions. Each newer version increases the overall bandwidth of the HDMI interface. In other words, more recent versions can carry more information.

This, in turn, means that a newer HDMI version would support higher resolution, higher refresh rates, and a higher color bit depth.

This brings us to the next point: the amount of data rate sent over the interface depends upon these three parameters:

  • Resolution
  • Refresh rate
  • Color bit depth

The higher these parameters, the more data your interface would need to carry. However, your interface must have enough capacity to support your desired data rate.

Also Read: Can You Add HDMI Ports to a Computer or Laptop? (Answered)

This is where the newer and improved version of HDMI comes into play. The following table shows the different HDMI versions, the total bandwidth they can carry, and the max resolution and frame rate they can support.

So, in other words, if you wish to run a 4K display, you must have at least an HDMI 1.4 interface. However, if you want to run a 4K display at 60Hz, you will need an HDMI 2.0.

Similarly, if you wish to play at Full HD @ 144Hz, the HDMI 1.4 interface would suffice. However, to play Full HD @ 240Hz, you will need HDMI 2.0.

A perfect equation to take note of to calculate the data rate for your desired settings is as follows:

(H + Hblank) × (V + Vblank) × (C x 3) × F


  • H is the horizontal pixel count
  • V is the vertical pixel count
  • C is the color depth
  • F is the refresh rate
  • Hblank is the Horizontal blanking interval
  • Vblack is the Vertical blanking Interval

Hblank = 80 pixels for FHD @ 60 Hz, Vblank = 30 Pixels for FHD @ 60 Hz. These changes depend on the desired resolution.

With that said, the only definitive way to check the HDMI port version is through the spec sheet of your device.

Various devices feature an HDMI port. Some feature them as output, whereas others feature them as input ports. The devices include, but are not limited to:

  • Desktop Motherboard – Output HDMI Ports
  • Desktop Graphics Card – Output HDMI Ports
  • Laptop – Output HDMI Ports
  • PC Monitors – Input HDMI Ports
  • Televisions – Input HDMI Ports

Other devices include gaming consoles, projectors, home theater systems, etc.

Checking HDMI Port Version on Motherboard – Output HDMI Ports

You can check the version of the HDMI port on your motherboard through its spec sheet by heading over to the section labeled “graphics,” “onboard graphics,” or something along those lines.

how to check HDMI port version

The image above shows the spec sheet for the Gigabyte X570S Aorus Elite AX motherboard.

Here you can see that the HDMI port on this motherboard supports 4096×2160 resolution @ 60 Hz refresh rate. This corresponds to HDMI 2.0. However, the caveat underneath shows that it can also support monitors with HDMI 2.1, but its max resolution and frame rate will conform to those of HDMI 2.0.

Checking HDMI Port on Graphics Card – Output HDMI Ports

The dedicated graphics card on desktop PCs also has HDMI ports. Since dedicated graphics cards are more robust and powerful than onboard motherboard graphics cards, they tend to feature newer and faster port versions more readily.

You can also check the HDMI port version on a graphics card through its spec sheet.

ASUS Tuf Gaming GeForce RTX 3080 OC

The image above shows all the video interfaces on the dedicated ASUS TUF Geforce RTX 3080 OC edition.

You can see here that this graphics card features 2 x HDMI 2.1 ports.

ASUS TUF Gaming RTX 3080 Output Ports

Image: ASUS TUF Gaming RTX 3080 Output Ports

Also Read: Do Monitors Have HDMI Ports?

Checking HDMI Port Version On Laptop – Output HDMI Ports

You can also use the same principle to check the HDMI version of your laptop’s port.

The following image shows the HDMI version of the MSI GL66 Pulse gaming laptop.

MSI GL66 Pulse

It is worth noting here that instead of mentioning the HDMI version, here you can see the specs of the HDMI in terms of max resolution and refresh rate supported by the port, i.e., 4K @ 60Hz.

From the specs of the port alone, we can deduce that this refers to HDMI 2.0. As mentioned in the table above.

Also Read: How to Check HDMI Port on Laptop?

Checking HDMI Version on PC Monitors – Input HDMI Ports

PC monitors have input HDMI ports, unlike the previous three devices, which feature output HDMI ports.

To run the interface at a specific version, both the output AND the input devices must have the same version.

In other words, if you want to run your monitor at 4K @ 60Hz, you will need both your PC and your monitor to have HDMI 2.0 interface. The same goes for TVs.

Monitors can have multiple HDMI input ports. These can connect numerous devices, such as a PC in one HDMI port and a gaming console in the other.

You can also check the version of the HDMI port on a monitor through the spec sheets.

ASUS Tuf Gaming VG28UQL1A monitor

Image: ASUS Tuf Gaming VG28UQL1A monitor with 4 HDMI ports.

The following image shows the spec sheet for ASUS Tuf Gaming VG28UQL1A – a premium 4k gaming monitor.

ASUS Tuf Gaming VG28UqL1A

Image: ASUS Tuf Gaming VG28UqL1A Specs

You can see that this monitor features a total of 4 x HDMI ports. 2 of them correspond to HDMI 2.0 while the other two conform to HDMI 2.1 version.

Also Read: What is the Best HDMI Port for Gaming?

Checking HDMI Port Version on Televisions – Input HDMI Ports

TVs also feature multiple HDMI input ports. The simplest way to check the version of HDMI ports on a TV is also through its spec sheet.

The spec sheet often tells you exactly what version the HDMI ports conform to. The following image shows the spec sheet for Sony Bravia A90J, and we can see that this TV has HDMI 2.1 ports, which makes sense because it can do 4K @ 120Hz.

sony bravia A90J specs

Image: Sony Bravia A90J specs

However, sometimes, TVs do not specify the version of HDMI. In that case, you can tell what HDMI version they conform to using the TV’s highest resolution and refresh rate.

For instance, if a TV has a resolution of 4K and a refresh rate of 60Hz, then it would offer HDMI 2.0 interface. If the refresh rate or the resolution is higher than this, then it would have HDMI 2.1 ports.

If a TV is full HD but has an actual refresh rate of 240Hz, it would again have HDMI 2.0 ports. If a TV is Full HD and has a refresh rate of merely 120Hz, it could have HDMI ports conforming to only HDMI 1.4. I would again like you to refer to the equation mentioned earlier, which you can use to calculate the data rate for your desired resolution and refresh rate.

Also Read: Does HDMI Support 240Hz?

Final Words

Here I talked comprehensively about how to check HDMI port versions on various input and output devices such as monitors, TVs, and PCs.

Again, if a particular device does not precisely specify the version, you can often deduce it by looking at the maximum refresh rate and the resolution supported by the device.


1. Can I use an older HDMI cable with a newer HDMI port, or do I need to upgrade the cable as well?

Yes, it is generally possible to use an older HDMI cable with a newer HDMI port.

However, it’s essential to note that older cables may not support the newer HDMI features, such as higher resolutions or refresh rates. To take full advantage of the newer HDMI features, it may be necessary to upgrade to a newer HDMI cable.

2. Can I upgrade the HDMI port on my device, or do I need to replace the entire device?

In most cases, it is not possible to upgrade the HDMI port on a device, as it is typically integrated into the device’s hardware. If the HDMI port is damaged or not functioning correctly, it may be necessary to replace the entire device or have the port repaired by a professional.

3. Are there any compatibility issues with using a different HDMI version than the one specified for my device?

Using a different HDMI version than the one specified for your device can potentially lead to compatibility issues, especially if the device or cable is older.

For example, using an older HDMI cable with a newer HDMI port may not support the newer HDMI features, such as higher resolutions or refresh rates.

It’s always best to check the device’s documentation or consult with the manufacturer to ensure compatibility before using a different HDMI version.

Also Read: How to Check HDMI Cable Version?

I am not aware of any method to ask the OS about what version the graphics card ports are.

If there is a way to find out, it is somewhere in the graphics driver (but the closest thing I’ve ever personally come to seeing is the PCIE version…) I’m not on windows nor do I have a radeon graphics card so I can’t test this. Additionally, you are in a peculiar situation where you have an integrated and dedicated graphics card.

Usually the method I use to figure out if my graphic card ports are capable of meeting certain standards is to read up on the graphics card on a desktop; but for a laptop I’m afraid there are too many factors that come into play so the only way to know is to read the specs of your specific laptop models.

In your case, your integrated graphics card is capable of 4k@60hz, but only via display port, not hdmi. Whether or not your dedicated GPU supports this is unknown, I cannot find any data on it either (but this strongly implies that it actually can’t, because AMD would probably mention it if it could), and whether or not it can actually do it still also ends up being determined by your laptop, because the laptop manufacturer decides whether they put a 1.4 hdmi port or 2.0 hdmi port on the motherboard and HP does not say which it is.

I’m afraid the most likely conclusion, since no data on hdmi 2 support can be found for your laptop beyond that your integrated graphics do not support it; is that your laptop does not support it either.

If it’s any consolation; using a 4K display with such low end hardware is a terrible idea; the 60hz wouldn’t do you much good. You’re not gonna be doing 4K gaming with such specs, you wouldn’t even be able to run minecraft at 4k/60fps with your hardware.

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