Как узнать пароль от postgresql windows

Забыли пароль учетной записи postgres в PostgreSQL? Выполнить сброс не сложно. Для этого необходимо выполнить пару манипуляций.

1. Правим файл pg_hba.conf

Находим файл в папке Data директории установки PostgreSQL. В Windows путь выглядит примерно так c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2.4-1.1C\data\

В этом файле нужно найти такие строчки

# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
host all all md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 md5

Меняем md5 на trust.

2. Удаляем файл pgpass.conf

В Windows этот файл находится в c:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\

Здесь хранится старый пароль от PostgreSQL. Простое изменение хранимого здесь пароля мне не помогло. Поэтому я его просто удалил.

3. Меняем пароль в pgAdmin

Запускаем pgAdmin и нам предлагается ввести пароль. Если отметить галочку сохранить, то пароль будет сохранен в  pgpass.conf и больше программой запрашиваться не будет.

Чтобы обеспечить безопасность использования паролей необходимо вернуть алгоритм шифрования md5. Для этого в файле pg_hba.conf параметр trust обратно меняем на md5.

Для подключения на локальном компьютере к PostgreSQL с помощью psql, pg_dump в локальных адресах  IPv4 и IPv6 ::1/128 значение trust нужно оставить.

  • Andrews32

Начал изучать работу с PostgreSQL через Python, нашёл такой код:


import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import OperationalError
from psycopg2.extensions import ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT

def create_connection(db_name, db_user, db_password, db_host, db_port):
    connection = None
        connection = psycopg2.connect(
        print("Connection to PostgreSQL DB successful")
    except OperationalError as e:
        print(f"The error '{e}' occurred")

connection = create_connection("postgres", "postgres", "postgres", "", "5432")

При запуске выдаёт ошибку:
The error ‘FATAL: password authentication failed for user «postgres»
‘ occurred
Нагуглил, что при установке Postgres выдаётся пароль, но я Postgres не устанавливал, он уже на компе был, может с виндой установился, не знаю. Как этот пароль посмотреть или новый создать? Операционка Windows 10.

И ещё ошибка с from psycopg2 import OperationalError, он просто не находит OperationalError.

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И ещё ошибка с from psycopg2 import OperationalError, он просто не находит OperationalError


>>> from psycopg2 import OperationalError
>>> OperationalError
<class 'psycopg2.OperationalError'>
>>> psycopg2.__version__
'2.8.6 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64)'

версия psycopg2 какая?

The error ‘FATAL: password authentication failed for user «postgres»

Проверяйте свой pg_hba.conf. Там нужна запись для или localhost


Как этот пароль посмотреть или новый создать?

Инсталлятор может задавать какой-то пароль по умолчанию, а может и вообще не задавать (тогда юзер postgres не сможет входить по паролю). Вам нужно либо настроить в pg_hba.conf вход без пароля (метод trust), либо зайти через консоль/pgadmin и задать пароль:
ALTER ROLE postgres WITH PASSWORD '123'; или в psql \password

Зайти через консоль/pgadmin без пароля получится только, если в pg_hba.conf это настроено (обычно инсталлятор это делает, если нет — меняйте файл вручную и не забудьте рестартнуть постгрес).

Пригласить эксперта

Надо создать нового пользователя и базу данных, назначит пользователя владельцем этой базы и прописать в pg_hba.conf разрешение для этого пользователя подключаться к базе на Не надо цепляться с такими реквизитами.

Посмотреть — никак.
Поменять — galaxy ответил.
Останавливаете постгрис, редактируете pg_hba.conf (ессесно сохранив исходный)
local all postgres trust
host all postgres trust
host all all trust

запускаете постгрис,
дальше спокойно на него заходите хоть psql хоть чем, и меняете пароль
ALTER ROLE postgres WITH PASSWORD ‘123’; или в psql \password

Что значит — Постгресс был?? Как он мог установиться сам???
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Спросите пароль у того кто поставил постгресс

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Минуточку внимания

PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system that has gained popularity over the years due to its robustness, scalability, and reliability. It is also one of the best database systems when it comes to handling large volumes of data. Many businesses around the world rely on PostgreSQL to store their data, and it is essential to have the right tools and knowledge to manage the database system effectively. One of the most critical aspects of database management is ensuring that the system is secure by setting strong passwords for users. This blog post explores how to check PostgreSQL username and password to ensure that your database is as secure as possible.

Video Tutorial:

What’s Needed

To check PostgreSQL username and password, several tools and applications are required. Firstly, you should have access to the PostgreSQL command-line interface (CLI), which is used to manage the database system. Secondly, you will need to install pgAdmin, which is a popular open-source administration and management tool for PostgreSQL. Lastly, you will need to have a basic understanding of how PostgreSQL works and how to interact with it through the command line.

What requires your attention is…?

When checking the PostgreSQL username and password, you need to ensure that the passwords set for each user are strong and not easily guessable. This is essential to prevent unauthorized access to the database system, which could lead to data breaches and other security incidents. Additionally, you should ensure that there are no duplicate usernames or passwords in the system, as this could lead to confusion and make it difficult to manage the database effectively.

Method 1: Using the PostgreSQL CLI

To check the PostgreSQL username and password using the command line interface, follow these steps:

1. Open a terminal window or command prompt.
2. Type the following command to log in to PostgreSQL as a superuser: psql -U postgres
3. Enter the superuser password when prompted.
4. Once logged in, type the following command to list all the users in the system: \du
5. You should see a list of all the users in the system, along with their roles and privileges.
6. To view the password for a particular user, type the following command: \password username
7. Replace «username» with the actual username for which you want to check the password.
8. You will then be prompted to enter the current password for the user.
9. If the password is correct, you will be able to reset the password by entering the new password twice when prompted.

– This method is straightforward and does not require any additional tools or applications.
– It provides detailed information about the users in the system.

– It can be challenging to remember all the commands needed to check the password.
– There is a risk of accidentally running a command that could alter the database system.

Method 2: Using pgAdmin

To check the PostgreSQL username and password using pgAdmin, follow these steps:

1. Open the pgAdmin application on your computer.
2. Connect to the PostgreSQL database by entering the necessary information, such as the server name and credentials.
3. Once connected, navigate to the «Object Browser» and select the «Roles» folder.
4. You should see a list of all the users in the system.
5. To view the password for a particular user, right-click on the user and select «Properties.«
6. In the «Properties» window, select the «Definition» tab to view the user’s password.
7. You can then change the user’s password by entering a new password in the «Password» field.

– This method is user-friendly and provides a graphical interface for checking the password.
– It allows you to view all the users in the system at once.

– It requires the installation of an additional application.
– It can be slower to navigate through multiple users than using the CLI.

Method 3: Using a SQL Query

To check the PostgreSQL username and password using a SQL query, follow these steps:

1. Open the pgAdmin application on your computer.
2. Connect to the PostgreSQL database by entering the necessary information, such as the server name and credentials.
3. Once connected, open a new query tool by selecting «File» -> «New» -> «Query Tool.«
4. In the query tool, type the following SQL statement: SELECT * FROM pg_shadow;
5. This will list all the users in the system, along with their password hashes.
6. To view the password hash for a particular user, find the row for that user and look at the «passwd» field.
7. You can then compare the password hash to the expected hash for the user to check if it is correct.
8. If the password is incorrect, you can change it using a SQL statement such as: ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD ‘newpassword’;

– This method allows you to check the password hashes for all the users in the system.
– It can be used to automate the process of checking passwords across multiple systems.

– It requires knowledge of SQL and the PostgreSQL database schema.
– There is a risk of accidentally running a query that could alter the database system.

There are several reasons why you may not be able to check the PostgreSQL username and password:

1. You do not have permissions: To check the username and password for a particular user, you must have the necessary permissions to access the database system. If you do not have the necessary privileges, you will not be able to check the password.
2. You are using an incorrect command or query: If you are using the wrong command or query to check the password, you may not get the expected result. Ensure that you are using the correct syntax and commands to check the password.
3. The user does not exist: If the user you are trying to check does not exist in the system, you will not be able to check the password. Check that the user exists and that you are using the correct username.
4. The password is incorrect: If the password you are entering is incorrect, you will not be able to log in to the system and check the username and password. Ensure that you are using the correct password for the user.

Implications and Recommendations

Checking the PostgreSQL username and password is an essential aspect of database management that can have significant implications for the security and integrity of the system. Failure to check the password could result in unauthorized access to the system, leading to data breaches and other security incidents. Therefore, it is recommended that you regularly check the username and password for all users in the system to ensure that they are secure and not easily guessable. Additionally, it is recommended that you use strong and unique passwords for each user and avoid using easy-to-guess passwords such as «password» or «123456.«


Q: Can I check the PostgreSQL username and password for multiple users at once?

A: Yes, you can use SQL queries or pgAdmin to check the password for multiple users at once. However, ensure that you have the necessary permissions to do so and that you are not accidentally altering the database system.

Q: What is a strong password?

A: A strong password is a password that is difficult to guess and contains a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Q: How often should I check the PostgreSQL username and password?

A: It is recommended that you check the username and password for all users in the system regularly, preferably every six months to one year.

Q: Can I use the same password for multiple users in PostgreSQL?

A: No, it is not recommended to use the same password for multiple users in PostgreSQL, as this could lead to confusion and make it difficult to manage the database effectively.

Q: What should I do if I suspect that my PostgreSQL database has been compromised?

A: If you suspect that your PostgreSQL database has been compromised, you should stop all access to the system and investigate the incident. Change all passwords for the system and consider hiring a security expert to assess the situation and make recommendations for improving the security of the system.


Checking the PostgreSQL username and password is an important aspect of database management that should not be overlooked. By following the methods outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your database system is secure and not easily guessable. Remember to use strong passwords for each user, avoid using easy-to-guess passwords, and regularly check the username and password for all users in the system.

I either forgot or mistyped (during the installation) the password to the default user of PostgreSQL. I can’t seem to be able to run it, and I get the following error:

psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "hisham"
hisham-agil: hisham$ psql

Is there a way to reset the password or how do I create a new user with superuser privileges?

I am new to PostgreSQL and just installed it for the first time. I am trying to use it with Ruby on Rails and I am running Mac OS X v10.7 (Lion).

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

asked Jun 1, 2012 at 7:14

hilarl's user avatar


  1. Find the file pg_hba.conf. It may be located, for example, in /etc/postgresql-9.1/pg_hba.conf.

    cd /etc/postgresql-9.1/

  2. Back it up

    cp pg_hba.conf pg_hba.conf-backup

  3. Place the following line (as either the first uncommented line, or as the only one):

    For all occurrence of below (local and host) , except replication
    section if you don’t have any it has to be changed as follow ,no MD5
    or Peer authentication should be present.

    local all all trust

  4. Restart your PostgreSQL server (e.g., on Linux:)

    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

    If the service (daemon) doesn’t start reporting in log file:

    local connections are not supported by this build

    you should change

    local all all trust


    host all all trust

  5. You can now connect as any user. Connect as the superuser postgres (note, the superuser name may be different in your installation. In some systems it is called pgsql, for example.)

    psql -U postgres


    psql -h -U postgres

    (note that with the first command you will not always be connected with local host)

  6. Reset the password (‘replace my_user_name with postgres since you are resetting the postgres user)

    ALTER USER my_user_name with password 'my_secure_password';

  7. Restore the old pg_hba.conf file as it is very dangerous to keep around

    cp pg_hba.conf-backup pg_hba.conf

  8. Restart the server, in order to run with the safe pg_hba.conf file

    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

Further reading about that pg_hba file: 19.1. The pg_hba.conf File (official documentation)

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Jun 1, 2012 at 7:42

Arsen7's user avatar


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When connecting to PostgreSQL from the command line, don’t forget to add -h localhost as a command line parameter. If not, PostgreSQL will try to connect using PEER authentication mode.

The below shows a reset of the password, a failed login with PEER authentication and a successful login using a TCP connection.

# sudo -u postgres psql

could not change directory to "/root"
psql (9.1.11)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \password
Enter new password:
Enter it again:
postgres=# \q


# psql -U postgres -W

Password for user postgres:
psql: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"

Working with -h localhost:

# psql -U postgres -W  -h localhost

Password for user postgres:
psql (9.1.11)
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
Type "help" for help.


Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Feb 2, 2014 at 10:21

SaeX's user avatar


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The pg_hba.conf (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\data) file has changed since these answers were given. What worked for me, in Windows, was to open the file and change the METHOD from md5 to trust:

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust

Then, using pgAdmin III, I logged in without using a password and changed user postgres‘s password by going to menu FileChange Password.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Sep 19, 2014 at 22:26

SaiyanGirl's user avatar


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For Windows (what has helped me):

This is the document I am referring to: How can I reset a PostgreSQL password?

  1. Open your cmd and go to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\data.
    This is usually the right path. You might have it stored somewhere else. Note that, if you have a different PostgreSQL version, there will be a different number. That doesn’t matter.

  2. Find a pg_hba.conf file and copy it to somewhere else (that way you will have an unmodified version of this file, so you will be able to look at it after we make some changes)

  3. Open the pg_hba.conf file (not the backup, but the original)

  4. Find the multiple lines that start with host near the bottom of the file:

    host    all             all               md5
    host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
    host    replication     all               md5
    host    replication     all             ::1/128                 md5
  5. Replace md5 with trust:

    host    all             all               trust
    host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust
    host    replication     all               trust
    host    replication     all             ::1/128                 trust
  6. Close this file

  7. Go to your search bar on windows and open Services app. Find postgres and restart it.

    Picture of services app

  8. Write cd.. in cmd and then cd bin. Your path should be C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin

  9. Enter: psql -U postgres -h localhost

  10. Enter: ALTER USER postgres with password '<your new password>';Make sure that you include ; at the end
    “ALTER ROLE” should be displayed as an indication that the previous line was executed successfully

  11. Open original pg_hba.conf file and change back from trust to md5

  12. Restart the server with Services app as before

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Nov 15, 2020 at 22:14

Vito Farina's user avatar

Vito FarinaVito Farina

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I was just having this problem on Windows 10 and the issue in my case was that I was just running psql and it was defaulting to trying to log in with my Windows username («Nathan»), but there was no PostgreSQL user with that name, and it wasn’t telling me that.

So the solution was to run psql -U postgres rather than just psql, and then the password I entered at installation worked.

answered Jun 26, 2019 at 21:29

Nathan Wailes's user avatar

Nathan WailesNathan Wailes

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  1. Edit the file /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/pg_hba.conf and find the following line:

    local  all  postgres  md5
  2. Edit the line and change md5 at the end to trust and save the file

  3. Reload the postgresql service

    sudo service postgresql reload
  4. This will load the configuration files. Now you can modify the postgres user by logging into the psql shell

    psql -U postgres
  5. Update the postgres user’s password

    alter user postgres with password 'secure-passwd-here';
  6. Edit the file /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/pg_hba.conf and change trust back to md5 and save the file

  7. Reload the postgresql service

    sudo service postgresql reload
  8. Verify that the password change is working

    psql -U postgres -W

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Aug 17, 2017 at 2:55

Ray Hunter's user avatar

Ray HunterRay Hunter

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Just a note: On Linux, you can simply run sudo su - postgres to become the postgres user and from there change what is required using psql.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Mar 12, 2018 at 12:58

Daniel's user avatar


1991 silver badge4 bronze badges


For a Windows user for the latest PostgreSQL version (greater than 10):

Go to your PostgreSQL installation location, and search for pg_hba.conf, you will find it in ..\postgres\data\pg_hba.conf.

Open that file with Notepad, and find this line:

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

Change the method from *md5* to *trust*:

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust
# ...

Now go to your SQL shell (PSQL) and leave everything blank,

Server [localhost]:
Database [postgres]:
Port [8000]:
Username [postgres]:

It will not ask for a password this time, and you will be logged in,

Now run this line:


Now you can leave the shell with \q.

Again, go to the file pg_hba.conf and change METHOD from trust to md5 again, and save it.

Now log in with your new user and password, and you can check \du for its attributes.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Feb 3, 2019 at 13:40

Bidhan Majhi's user avatar

Bidhan MajhiBidhan Majhi

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If you are running PostgreSQL on macOS, try these:

1. Edit the pg_hba.conf file

sudo vi /Library/PostgreSQL/9.2/data/pg_hba.conf
and Change the «md5» method for all users to «trust» near the bottom of the file

2. Find the name of the postgres service

ls /Library/LaunchDaemons
Look for postgresql

3. Restart the postgresql service

sudo launchctl stop com.edb.launchd.postgresql-9.2

sudo launchctl start com.edb.launchd.postgresql-9.2 (com.edb.launchd.postgresql-9.2 should be name postgresql service from step 3)

4. Start a psql session as postgres
psql -U postgres
(shouldn’t ask for password because of ‘trust’ setting)

5. Reset password in the psql session by typing:

    ALTER USER postgres with password 'secure-new-password';

6. Edit the pg_hba.conf file
Switch it back to ‘md5’

8. Restart services again

Sostene MUNEZERO BAGIRA's user avatar

answered Mar 16, 2020 at 15:22

David's user avatar


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For a Windows installation, a Windows user is created. And «psql» uses this user for connection to the port. If you change the PostgreSQL user’s password, it won’t change the Windows one.
The command line just below works only if you have access to the command line.

Instead, you could use the Windows GUI application «c:\Windows\system32\lusrmgr.exe». This application manages users created by Windows. So you can now modify the password.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Mar 21, 2017 at 15:31

cpunky's user avatar


I did this to resolve the same problem:

Open the pg_hba.conf file with the gedit editor from the terminal:

sudo gedit /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf

It will ask for a password. Enter your admin login password.
This will open gedit with the file. Paste the following line:

host  all   all  trust
just below -

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket

Save and close it.

Close the terminal, open it again and run this command:

psql -U postgres

You will now enter the psql console.

Now change the password by entering this:

ALTER USER [your preferred user name] with password '[desired password]';

If it says the user does not exist then instead of ALTER, use CREATE.

Lastly, remove that certain line you pasted in pg_hba and save it.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Nov 14, 2017 at 12:08

Taufiq Rahman's user avatar

Taufiq RahmanTaufiq Rahman

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sudo -u postgres psql

ALTER USER user_name WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';

desertnaut's user avatar


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answered May 21 at 11:20

sina adibfar's user avatar


If you are on Windows you can just run

net user postgres postgres

And log in in PostgreSQL with postgres/postgres as the user/password.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Jun 7, 2016 at 16:36

ivofernandes's user avatar


Follow step 1 on the best answer.

Here is my addition if you use the Windows operating system. Follow only step 1, and then open pgAdmin or postgres on web and click on file on the top nav. Click on reset layout, and finally reload the application. Whatever password you put should work. I used 1234.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Jun 27, 2022 at 11:12

Francis C.j Francis's user avatar

I didn’t manage to find the file pg_hba.conf in the folder C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\data, because there is not a folder data at all.

I solved the problem by creating a new user using pgAdmin and gave it super system administrator rights.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Nov 23, 2022 at 15:31

Barabas's user avatar


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Add the below line to your pg_hba.conf file. Which will be present in the installation directory of PostgreSQL

hostnossl    all          all    trust

It will start working.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Feb 26, 2021 at 10:47

Suresh S Y's user avatar

(Note: Not much of this is relevant to readers using PostgreSQL 9.2 or above from the EDB installers, which now have a greatly simplified default install using the NETWORK SERVICE, though you can still configure other accounts).

I have used net user postgres postgres
to reset the password for my database but instead of a success message I am getting "System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied."

You’ve reset (or tried to reset) the service account password. PostgreSQL won’t run as Administrator for security reasons and the installer generally sets it up with a «postgres» user account in PostgreSQL 9.1 and older1. On Windows you can’t start a service as a user without saving the password of the user in the registry, so that’s what the installer does.

If you change the password for the Windows user account postgres, the PostgreSQL service can no longer start. So don’t do that, you’ll have to fix the service configuration to store the updated password.

Thankfully I think another mistake prevented you from doing that. It looks like you’re probably running your command prompt without using «Run as Administrator» on an unprivileged Windows user account or a machine with UAC, so it isn’t running with the access permissions required to change the password for the postgres user.

Before you try to change that password, make sure it’s really what you want to do. What’s the problem you’re trying to solve here? Are you attempting to install a database update or something else that’s asking for the password for the postgres Windows user?

Most likely you’re just trying to log in to the database. For that, you use the (unfortunately completely unrelated) password stored in the database its self. Since you’ve lost/forgotten it you’ll have to reset it:

  • Find your pg_hba.conf, usually in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.1\data\pg_hba.conf
  • If necessary, set the permissions on it so that you can modify it; your user account might not be able to do so until you use the security tab in the properties dialog to give yourself that right by using an admin override. Alternately, find notepad / notepad++ in your start menu, right click, choose «Run as administrator», then use File->Open to open pg_hba.conf that way.
  • Edit it to set the «host» line for user «postgres» on host «» to «trust». You can add the line if it isn’t there; just insert:

    host all postgres trust
    host all postgres ::1/128      trust # if IPv6 is in use

    before any other lines. (You can ignore comments, lines beginning with #).

  • Restart the PostgreSQL service from the Services control panel (start->run->services.msc)

  • connect using psql or PgAdmin-III or whatever you prefer
  • ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres'
  • remove the line you added to pg_hba.conf or change it back
  • restart PostgreSQL again.

See: How do I reset the postgres password for PostgreSQL on Windows?

1. 9.2 now uses the NETWORKSERVICE account, which doesn’t require a password, so this problem goes away.

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