Как установить net snmp windows

Yeah, I really don’t know why Net-SNMP doesn’t distribute prebuilt binaries with their code. It’s bizarre.

Anyways, I recently built 5.7.3 for Windows 64-bit (with full support for SSL, IPv6, and SNMP extension DLLs). You can download the binaries here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/5b6xs5u3lajl3s2/net-snmp-windows-x64-

Because I compiled this with Visual Studio 2015, you will also have to install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145

Unzip the archive to C:\Program Files\Net-SNMP. You should be able to run the bin\snmpd.exe file to launch the agent. Edit etc\snmp\snmpd.conf (or run bin\snmpconf) to configure the agent. You can run:

snmpd.exe -register <add arguments to snmp.exe here>

to install the agent as a Windows service. Remember to add an exception to your Windows firewall for the snmpd.exe executable. And that’s how you install Net-SNMP for Windows x64.

I’ll also provide you with the exact steps I used to compile the binaries, so at least this can be documented concisely somewhere on the Internet. The official documentation for how to do this is incredibly lengthy, erroneous, and outdated.

Prerequisites: Active Perl x64, Visual Studio Community Edition (I used 2015). Note that the version of Visual Studio you use will effect the paths used below in the compilation instructions, so modify the path below accordingly if you’re using something other than the 2015 edition.

First, compile OpenSSL for Windows x64. Unzip the source code, and in the same directory:

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
perl Configure VC-WIN64A --prefix=C:\OpenSSL-Win64
nmake -f ms\nt.mak
nmake -f ms\nt.mak install
move C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib\libeay32.lib C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib\libeay32MD.lib

That last step renames the OpenSSL static library to something that Net-SNMP expects.

Now, compile Net-SNMP. Unzip the source code, and in the win32 directory:

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
set Platform=x64
set TARGET_CPU=x64
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;C:\OpenSSL-Win64\include
set LIB=%LIB%;C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib
perl Configure --with-sdk --with-winextdll --with-ssl --with-ipv6 --config=release --linktype=static --prefix="c:/Program Files/Net-SNMP"
manual step: edit net-snmp\net-snmp-config.h, comment out #define snprintf (this is fixed in their git repository)
nmake clean
nmake install

One you’ve installed Net-SNMP, you can uninstall and delete everything else just fine (Active Perl, Visual Studio, OpenSSL, etc.) and Net-SNMP will still work. Obviously make sure you keep the VC++ redistributable installed.

I hope this helps somebody out there.

Yeah, I really don’t know why Net-SNMP doesn’t distribute prebuilt binaries with their code. It’s bizarre.

Anyways, I recently built 5.7.3 for Windows 64-bit (with full support for SSL, IPv6, and SNMP extension DLLs). You can download the binaries here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/5b6xs5u3lajl3s2/net-snmp-windows-x64-

Because I compiled this with Visual Studio 2015, you will also have to install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145

Unzip the archive to C:\Program Files\Net-SNMP. You should be able to run the bin\snmpd.exe file to launch the agent. Edit etc\snmp\snmpd.conf (or run bin\snmpconf) to configure the agent. You can run:

snmpd.exe -register <add arguments to snmp.exe here>

to install the agent as a Windows service. Remember to add an exception to your Windows firewall for the snmpd.exe executable. And that’s how you install Net-SNMP for Windows x64.

I’ll also provide you with the exact steps I used to compile the binaries, so at least this can be documented concisely somewhere on the Internet. The official documentation for how to do this is incredibly lengthy, erroneous, and outdated.

Prerequisites: Active Perl x64, Visual Studio Community Edition (I used 2015). Note that the version of Visual Studio you use will effect the paths used below in the compilation instructions, so modify the path below accordingly if you’re using something other than the 2015 edition.

First, compile OpenSSL for Windows x64. Unzip the source code, and in the same directory:

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
perl Configure VC-WIN64A --prefix=C:\OpenSSL-Win64
nmake -f ms\nt.mak
nmake -f ms\nt.mak install
move C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib\libeay32.lib C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib\libeay32MD.lib

That last step renames the OpenSSL static library to something that Net-SNMP expects.

Now, compile Net-SNMP. Unzip the source code, and in the win32 directory:

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
set Platform=x64
set TARGET_CPU=x64
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;C:\OpenSSL-Win64\include
set LIB=%LIB%;C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib
perl Configure --with-sdk --with-winextdll --with-ssl --with-ipv6 --config=release --linktype=static --prefix="c:/Program Files/Net-SNMP"
manual step: edit net-snmp\net-snmp-config.h, comment out #define snprintf (this is fixed in their git repository)
nmake clean
nmake install

One you’ve installed Net-SNMP, you can uninstall and delete everything else just fine (Active Perl, Visual Studio, OpenSSL, etc.) and Net-SNMP will still work. Obviously make sure you keep the VC++ redistributable installed.

I hope this helps somebody out there.

This article shows you how to turn your Windows box into an SNMP-enabled host, using Net-SNMP.

Step 1: Installation

Go to Net-SNMP site. Follow the list of snapshots below to download and install the latest stable version of Net-SNMP.

Step 2: Configuration

Add Net-SNMP to the path. Go to “Control Panel”->”Performance and Maintenance”->”System”. Click “Advanced” Tab. Then click “Environment Variables”. From System Variables list, select Path, then click “Edit” button. Append “C:net-snmpbin” to Path variable value. Then click “OK”->”OK”->”OK” to save.

Select “Start”->”Run” to open a DOS prompt. Then at the prompt, type “snmpconf –i”. Then select C:/net-snmp/etc/snmp/snmp.conf to read the default setting in.

Select snmpd.conf, which is configuration file for the Net-SNMP SNMP agent. It’s documented on this SNMPD.CONF page. The snmp.conf file the configuration file for the Net-SNMP applications and it’s documented on this SNMP.CONF page.

The most basic configuration is to set up read and write communities and community strings. To do so, select 1 for “Access Control Setup”.

Select “3: a SNMPv1/SNMPv2c read-only access community name“. Hit Return key.

Enter “public” as the community string; you can enter any string you like. The community string works a bit like password. Then enter nothing for both “the hostname or network address to accept…” and for “The OID that this community ….”. By entering nothing, we specify that we will accept SNMP queries from all hostnames and all network addresses and that this community can view all MIBs installed on this SNMP agent.

Select “4: a SNMPv1/SNMPv2c read-write access community name“. Hit Return key.

Enter “public” as the community string. Then enter nothing for both “the hostname or network address to accept…” and for “The OID that this community ….”. By entering nothing, we specify that we will accept SNMP read-write queries for this community from all hostnames and all network addresses and that this community can view all MIBs installed on this SNMP agent.

To exit and save snmpd.conf, enter “finished” -> “finished” -> “quit”.

To verify the Net-SNMP has been configured correctly, go to C:net-snmpbin and double click “snmpd.exe” to run the SNMP agent.

You may see this warning message because SNMPD would try to bind to several TCP ports (161 for general SNMP messages and 162 for trap messages), just click “Unblock”. If you are not the admin of your machine, you might want to ask your admin whether you can run a SNMP agent on your machine.

You should see a terminal that looks like this. This is the log windows of snmpd.exe. Only close it if you want to kill snmpd.exe.

Now you are ready to poll network info from your SNMP-enabled box! At the prompt, type “snmpwalk –v 2c –c public localhost”. The “snmpwalk” command retrieves a subtree of management values using SNMP GETNEXT requests. It’s syntax is as followed:


If no argument is given, snmpwalk will search the subtree rooted at SNMPv2-SMI::mib-2. The “-v 2c” option tells snmpwalk to use SNMP version 2c, whereas the “-c public” option specifies the public community string. Lastly, “localhost” option tells snmpwalk to query from localhost.

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Windows — Установка Snmpwalk

Windows — Установка Snmpwalk

Хотите узнать, как установить Snmpwalk на Windows? Из этого туториала Вы узнаете, как установить команду Snmpwalk на компьютер под управлением Windows.

• Windows 2012 R2
• Windows 2016
• Windows 2019
• Windows 2022
• Windows 10
• Окна 11

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Учебное пособие по Windows — Установка Snmpwalk

Администратор запустит консоль Powershell.

Windows 10 - powershell elevated

Запустите установку NET-SNMP.

Выберите основные параметры установки NET-SNMP.

Net-SNMP installation on Windows

После завершения установки запустите новую командную строку.

Windows - Command-line prompt

Протестируйте команду SNMPWALK.

Используйте команду SNMPWALK в Windows.

Используйте SNMPWALK и SNMP версии 2.

Используйте SNMPWALK и SNMP версии 3.

Поздравляю! Вы можете установить Snmpwalk на Windows.

VirtualCoin CISSP, PMP, CCNP, MCSE, LPIC22022-02-12T12:28:10-03:00

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(because I can never find them…)

I’m not sure exactly why, but the net-snmp folks don’t release the win32 versions of their tools except as source packages. (Update: not sure if this is still true, this page was started years ago.) Since I’m sick of hunting them down, I’ve placed my copy here. So, if you are looking for net-snmp tools (snmpwalk, snmpget, etc) for Windows, you’ve found them below.

Most recent binaries were build from net-snmp-5.9.1 as downloaded on January 1, 2023.

I haven’t been able to get openssl support to build into this version, sorry. Unresolved external when linking. The error I get is:

	link.exe netsnmp.lib netsnmpagent.lib netsnmpmibs.lib netsnmptrapd.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /pdb:"../bin/.\release/snmptrapd.pdb" /out:"..\bin\.\release/snmptrapd.exe" /libpath:"../lib/.\release" /libpath:c:/openssl-win32/lib/vc /MANIFEST:EMBED ".\release\snmptrapd.obj"  ".\release\winservice.obj"  ".\release\winservice.res"
netsnmpagent.lib(snmp_vars.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _netsnmp_certs_agent_init referenced in function _init_agent
..\bin\.\release\snmptrapd.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29333\bin\HostX86\x86\link.exe"' : return code '0x460'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29333\bin\HostX86\x86\nmake.EXE"' : return code '0x2'

If you can fix that for me let me know. I don’t have a lot of time to throw at it.

If they release a new version at some point and put my versions out of date, remind me via email and I may update them for you.

As required, here is the license.

A note from someone who had a little trouble with the MIB files:
«I just found out where the problem was. When I tried running snmpget I got a message that said it could not find the module. I had to create an environment variable called MIBDIRS = «c:\snmp\mibs» in my case. Thanks for posting the tools.»

Download Directories:

  • Version 5.8, 5.9.1 and later on download.elifulkerson.com
  • Older versions (no signatures provided)

Direct Download:

net-snmp 5.9.1 statically linked, no openssl

Listing directory https://download.elifulkerson.com/files/net-snmp-compiled-win32/netsnmp-5.9.1-nossl-static: encode_keychange.exe January 01 2023 15:00:56 51200 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows encode_keychange.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:33:20 801 GnuPG signature encode_keychange.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:33:20 55 MD5 checksum encode_keychange.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:33:20 63 SHA1 checksum encode_keychange.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:33:20 87 SHA256 checksum encode_keychange.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:33:20 151 SHA512 checksum mib2c January 01 2023 15:01:30 45136 Perl script text executable mib2c.asc January 02 2023 22:33:34 801 GnuPG signature mib2c.md5 January 02 2023 22:33:34 40 MD5 checksum mib2c.sha1 January 02 2023 22:33:34 48 SHA1 checksum mib2c.sha256 January 02 2023 22:33:34 72 SHA256 checksum mib2c.sha512 January 02 2023 22:33:34 136 SHA512 checksum snmpbulkget.exe January 01 2023 15:00:58 355840 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpbulkget.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:33:52 801 GnuPG signature snmpbulkget.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:33:52 50 MD5 checksum snmpbulkget.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:33:52 58 SHA1 checksum snmpbulkget.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:33:52 82 SHA256 checksum snmpbulkget.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:33:52 146 SHA512 checksum snmpbulkwalk.exe January 01 2023 15:00:58 356864 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpbulkwalk.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:16 801 GnuPG signature snmpbulkwalk.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:16 51 MD5 checksum snmpbulkwalk.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:16 59 SHA1 checksum snmpbulkwalk.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:16 83 SHA256 checksum snmpbulkwalk.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:16 147 SHA512 checksum snmpconf January 01 2023 15:01:30 26989 Perl script text executable snmpconf.asc January 02 2023 22:34:32 801 GnuPG signature snmpconf.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:32 43 MD5 checksum snmpconf.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:32 51 SHA1 checksum snmpconf.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:32 75 SHA256 checksum snmpconf.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:32 139 SHA512 checksum snmpd.exe January 01 2023 15:01:30 939008 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpd.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:40 801 GnuPG signature snmpd.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:40 44 MD5 checksum snmpd.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:40 52 SHA1 checksum snmpd.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:40 76 SHA256 checksum snmpd.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:40 140 SHA512 checksum snmpdelta.exe January 01 2023 15:01:00 360960 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpdelta.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:33:24 801 GnuPG signature snmpdelta.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:33:24 48 MD5 checksum snmpdelta.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:33:24 56 SHA1 checksum snmpdelta.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:33:24 80 SHA256 checksum snmpdelta.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:33:24 144 SHA512 checksum snmpdf.exe January 01 2023 15:01:00 358400 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpdf.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:33:38 801 GnuPG signature snmpdf.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:33:38 45 MD5 checksum snmpdf.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:33:38 53 SHA1 checksum snmpdf.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:33:38 77 SHA256 checksum snmpdf.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:33:38 141 SHA512 checksum snmpget.exe January 01 2023 15:01:00 355840 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpget.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:04 801 GnuPG signature snmpget.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:04 46 MD5 checksum snmpget.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:04 54 SHA1 checksum snmpget.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:04 78 SHA256 checksum snmpget.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:04 142 SHA512 checksum snmpgetnext.exe January 01 2023 15:01:02 355840 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpgetnext.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:20 801 GnuPG signature snmpgetnext.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:20 50 MD5 checksum snmpgetnext.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:20 58 SHA1 checksum snmpgetnext.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:20 82 SHA256 checksum snmpgetnext.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:20 146 SHA512 checksum snmpnetstat.exe January 01 2023 15:01:08 389632 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpnetstat.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:34 801 GnuPG signature snmpnetstat.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:34 50 MD5 checksum snmpnetstat.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:34 58 SHA1 checksum snmpnetstat.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:34 82 SHA256 checksum snmpnetstat.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:34 146 SHA512 checksum snmpset.exe January 01 2023 15:01:10 360448 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpset.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:44 801 GnuPG signature snmpset.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:44 46 MD5 checksum snmpset.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:44 54 SHA1 checksum snmpset.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:44 78 SHA256 checksum snmpset.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:44 142 SHA512 checksum snmpstatus.exe January 01 2023 15:01:12 350208 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpstatus.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:33:26 801 GnuPG signature snmpstatus.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:33:26 49 MD5 checksum snmpstatus.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:33:26 57 SHA1 checksum snmpstatus.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:33:26 81 SHA256 checksum snmpstatus.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:33:26 145 SHA512 checksum snmptable.exe January 01 2023 15:01:16 364544 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmptable.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:33:42 801 GnuPG signature snmptable.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:33:42 48 MD5 checksum snmptable.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:33:42 56 SHA1 checksum snmptable.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:33:42 80 SHA256 checksum snmptable.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:33:42 144 SHA512 checksum snmptest.exe January 01 2023 15:01:16 358912 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmptest.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:08 801 GnuPG signature snmptest.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:08 47 MD5 checksum snmptest.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:08 55 SHA1 checksum snmptest.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:08 79 SHA256 checksum snmptest.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:08 143 SHA512 checksum snmptranslate.exe January 01 2023 15:01:16 346624 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmptranslate.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:24 801 GnuPG signature snmptranslate.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:24 52 MD5 checksum snmptranslate.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:24 60 SHA1 checksum snmptranslate.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:24 84 SHA256 checksum snmptranslate.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:24 148 SHA512 checksum snmptrap.exe January 01 2023 15:01:18 369152 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmptrap.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:38 801 GnuPG signature snmptrap.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:38 47 MD5 checksum snmptrap.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:38 55 SHA1 checksum snmptrap.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:38 79 SHA256 checksum snmptrap.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:38 143 SHA512 checksum snmptrapd.exe January 01 2023 15:01:26 644096 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmptrapd.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:56 801 GnuPG signature snmptrapd.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:56 48 MD5 checksum snmptrapd.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:56 56 SHA1 checksum snmptrapd.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:56 80 SHA256 checksum snmptrapd.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:56 144 SHA512 checksum snmpusm.exe January 01 2023 15:01:20 361984 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpusm.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:33:30 801 GnuPG signature snmpusm.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:33:30 46 MD5 checksum snmpusm.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:33:30 54 SHA1 checksum snmpusm.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:33:30 78 SHA256 checksum snmpusm.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:33:30 142 SHA512 checksum snmpvacm.exe January 01 2023 15:01:22 366592 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpvacm.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:33:46 801 GnuPG signature snmpvacm.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:33:46 47 MD5 checksum snmpvacm.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:33:46 55 SHA1 checksum snmpvacm.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:33:46 79 SHA256 checksum snmpvacm.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:33:46 143 SHA512 checksum snmpwalk.exe January 01 2023 15:01:24 357376 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpwalk.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:34:12 801 GnuPG signature snmpwalk.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:12 47 MD5 checksum snmpwalk.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:12 55 SHA1 checksum snmpwalk.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:12 79 SHA256 checksum snmpwalk.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:12 143 SHA512 checksum traptoemail January 01 2023 15:01:30 2277 Perl script text executable traptoemail.asc January 02 2023 22:34:28 801 GnuPG signature traptoemail.md5 January 02 2023 22:34:28 46 MD5 checksum traptoemail.sha1 January 02 2023 22:34:28 54 SHA1 checksum traptoemail.sha256 January 02 2023 22:34:28 78 SHA256 checksum traptoemail.sha512 January 02 2023 22:34:28 142 SHA512 checksum ↩ Browse the download server

net-snmp 5.9.1 dynamically linked, no openssl

Listing directory https://download.elifulkerson.com/files/net-snmp-compiled-win32/netsnmp-5.9.1-nossl-dynamic: encode_keychange.exe January 02 2023 20:34:00 17920 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows encode_keychange.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:35:20 801 GnuPG signature encode_keychange.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:20 55 MD5 checksum encode_keychange.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:20 63 SHA1 checksum encode_keychange.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:20 87 SHA256 checksum encode_keychange.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:20 151 SHA512 checksum mib2c January 02 2023 20:34:22 45136 Perl script text executable mib2c.asc January 02 2023 22:35:30 801 GnuPG signature mib2c.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:30 40 MD5 checksum mib2c.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:30 48 SHA1 checksum mib2c.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:30 72 SHA256 checksum mib2c.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:30 136 SHA512 checksum netsnmp.dll January 02 2023 20:33:28 474624 PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows netsnmp.dll.asc January 02 2023 22:35:44 801 GnuPG signature netsnmp.dll.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:44 46 MD5 checksum netsnmp.dll.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:44 54 SHA1 checksum netsnmp.dll.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:44 78 SHA256 checksum netsnmp.dll.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:44 142 SHA512 checksum snmpbulkget.exe January 02 2023 20:34:00 11264 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpbulkget.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:36:06 801 GnuPG signature snmpbulkget.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:06 50 MD5 checksum snmpbulkget.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:06 58 SHA1 checksum snmpbulkget.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:06 82 SHA256 checksum snmpbulkget.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:06 146 SHA512 checksum snmpbulkwalk.exe January 02 2023 20:34:02 12288 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpbulkwalk.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:36:20 801 GnuPG signature snmpbulkwalk.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:20 51 MD5 checksum snmpbulkwalk.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:20 59 SHA1 checksum snmpbulkwalk.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:22 83 SHA256 checksum snmpbulkwalk.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:22 147 SHA512 checksum snmpconf January 02 2023 20:34:22 26989 Perl script text executable snmpconf.asc January 02 2023 22:36:34 801 GnuPG signature snmpconf.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:34 43 MD5 checksum snmpconf.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:34 51 SHA1 checksum snmpconf.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:34 75 SHA256 checksum snmpconf.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:34 139 SHA512 checksum snmpd.exe January 02 2023 20:34:22 555520 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpd.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:35:22 801 GnuPG signature snmpd.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:22 44 MD5 checksum snmpd.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:22 52 SHA1 checksum snmpd.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:22 76 SHA256 checksum snmpd.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:22 140 SHA512 checksum snmpdelta.exe January 02 2023 20:34:02 17920 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpdelta.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:35:32 801 GnuPG signature snmpdelta.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:32 48 MD5 checksum snmpdelta.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:32 56 SHA1 checksum snmpdelta.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:32 80 SHA256 checksum snmpdelta.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:32 144 SHA512 checksum snmpdf.exe January 02 2023 20:34:04 16384 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpdf.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:35:48 801 GnuPG signature snmpdf.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:48 45 MD5 checksum snmpdf.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:48 53 SHA1 checksum snmpdf.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:48 77 SHA256 checksum snmpdf.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:48 141 SHA512 checksum snmpget.exe January 02 2023 20:34:04 11264 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpget.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:36:10 801 GnuPG signature snmpget.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:10 46 MD5 checksum snmpget.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:10 54 SHA1 checksum snmpget.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:10 78 SHA256 checksum snmpget.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:10 142 SHA512 checksum snmpgetnext.exe January 02 2023 20:34:06 11264 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpgetnext.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:36:24 801 GnuPG signature snmpgetnext.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:24 50 MD5 checksum snmpgetnext.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:24 58 SHA1 checksum snmpgetnext.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:24 82 SHA256 checksum snmpgetnext.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:24 146 SHA512 checksum snmpnetstat.exe January 02 2023 20:34:10 56832 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpnetstat.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:36:36 801 GnuPG signature snmpnetstat.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:36 50 MD5 checksum snmpnetstat.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:36 58 SHA1 checksum snmpnetstat.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:36 82 SHA256 checksum snmpnetstat.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:36 146 SHA512 checksum snmpset.exe January 02 2023 20:34:12 12288 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpset.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:35:24 801 GnuPG signature snmpset.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:24 46 MD5 checksum snmpset.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:24 54 SHA1 checksum snmpset.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:24 78 SHA256 checksum snmpset.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:24 142 SHA512 checksum snmpstatus.exe January 02 2023 20:34:14 12800 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpstatus.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:35:36 801 GnuPG signature snmpstatus.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:36 49 MD5 checksum snmpstatus.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:36 57 SHA1 checksum snmpstatus.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:36 81 SHA256 checksum snmpstatus.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:36 145 SHA512 checksum snmptable.exe January 02 2023 20:34:14 19968 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmptable.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:35:56 801 GnuPG signature snmptable.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:56 48 MD5 checksum snmptable.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:56 56 SHA1 checksum snmptable.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:56 80 SHA256 checksum snmptable.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:56 144 SHA512 checksum snmptest.exe January 02 2023 20:34:14 15872 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmptest.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:36:14 801 GnuPG signature snmptest.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:14 47 MD5 checksum snmptest.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:14 55 SHA1 checksum snmptest.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:14 79 SHA256 checksum snmptest.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:14 143 SHA512 checksum snmptranslate.exe January 02 2023 20:34:16 15360 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmptranslate.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:36:26 801 GnuPG signature snmptranslate.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:26 52 MD5 checksum snmptranslate.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:26 60 SHA1 checksum snmptranslate.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:26 84 SHA256 checksum snmptranslate.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:26 148 SHA512 checksum snmptrap.exe January 02 2023 20:34:16 13824 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmptrap.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:36:40 801 GnuPG signature snmptrap.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:40 47 MD5 checksum snmptrap.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:40 55 SHA1 checksum snmptrap.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:40 79 SHA256 checksum snmptrap.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:40 143 SHA512 checksum snmptrapd.exe January 02 2023 20:34:20 257536 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmptrapd.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:35:28 801 GnuPG signature snmptrapd.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:28 48 MD5 checksum snmptrapd.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:28 56 SHA1 checksum snmptrapd.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:28 80 SHA256 checksum snmptrapd.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:28 144 SHA512 checksum snmpusm.exe January 02 2023 20:34:18 24576 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpusm.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:35:40 801 GnuPG signature snmpusm.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:35:40 46 MD5 checksum snmpusm.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:35:40 54 SHA1 checksum snmpusm.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:35:40 78 SHA256 checksum snmpusm.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:35:40 142 SHA512 checksum snmpvacm.exe January 02 2023 20:34:18 23552 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpvacm.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:36:00 801 GnuPG signature snmpvacm.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:00 47 MD5 checksum snmpvacm.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:00 55 SHA1 checksum snmpvacm.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:00 79 SHA256 checksum snmpvacm.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:00 143 SHA512 checksum snmpwalk.exe January 02 2023 20:34:18 13312 PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows snmpwalk.exe.asc January 02 2023 22:36:16 801 GnuPG signature snmpwalk.exe.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:16 47 MD5 checksum snmpwalk.exe.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:16 55 SHA1 checksum snmpwalk.exe.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:16 79 SHA256 checksum snmpwalk.exe.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:16 143 SHA512 checksum traptoemail January 02 2023 20:34:22 2277 Perl script text executable traptoemail.asc January 02 2023 22:36:30 801 GnuPG signature traptoemail.md5 January 02 2023 22:36:30 46 MD5 checksum traptoemail.sha1 January 02 2023 22:36:30 54 SHA1 checksum traptoemail.sha256 January 02 2023 22:36:30 78 SHA256 checksum traptoemail.sha512 January 02 2023 22:36:30 142 SHA512 checksum ↩ Browse the download server

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