Как посмотреть wwn в windows

Способов получения этой информации несколько, и они зависят от версии ОС. В Windows 2008 R2 есть замечательная оснастка Storage Explorer, которую, к сожалению, убрали в Windows 2012. Эта оснастка позволяет получить детальную информацию об установленных в системе HBA адаптерах, и просмотреть топологию SAN сети.

Storage Explorer

Второй способ универсальный и подойдёт для использования во всех версиях ОС Windows. Чтобы им воспользоваться необходимо установить утилиту управления от производителя HBA:

  • HBAnyware/OneCommand для Emulex
  • SANsurfer для Qlogic
  • HP System Management Console (HP SYM)
  • Dell Server Management Console

SAN Surfer
Не могу сказать о других утилитах, но SAN Surfer может просматривать информацию HBA адаптеров и с других серверов. Достаточно указать IP-адрес необходимого сервера при запуске программы.

Третий способ также подойдет для всех ОС. Необходимо скачать с сайта Microsoft утилиту fcinfo.exe.

There are 4 adapters:
com.qlogic-QLE2462-0: PortWWN: 21:00:00:1b:32:02:10:18 \\.\Scsi3:
com.qlogic-QLE2462-1: PortWWN: 21:01:00:1b:32:22:10:18 \\.\Scsi4:
com.qlogic-HPAJ764A-2: PortWWN: 50:01:43:80:28:ce:5d:18 \\.\Scsi5:
com.qlogic-HPAJ764A-3: PortWWN: 50:01:43:80:28:ce:5d:1a \\.\Scsi6:

В выводе мы получили название адаптера, его WWPN и тип устройства. Для более детальной информация, воспользуемся ключом /details:
C:\Windows\system32>fcinfo /details

adapter: com.qlogic-QLE2462-0
node_wwn: 20:00:00:1b:32:02:10:18
fabric: 10:00:00:05:1e:0a:1e:22
port_wwn: 21:00:00:1b:32:02:10:18
osdevice: \\.\Scsi3:
venid: x1077
prodid: x2432
nports: 1
manfac: QLogic Corporation
sernum: RFC0728B37232
model: QLE2462
descrp: QLogic QLE2462 Fibre Channel Adapter
symblc: QLE2462 FW:v7.03.00 DVR:v9.1.11.28
optver: 2.16
fwver: 7.03.00
drvnam: ql2300.sysadapter: com.qlogic-QLE2462-1
node_wwn: 20:01:00:1b:32:22:10:18
fabric: 10:00:00:05:1e:02:71:b2
port_wwn: 21:01:00:1b:32:22:10:18
osdevice: \\.\Scsi4:
venid: x1077
prodid: x2432
nports: 1
manfac: QLogic Corporation
sernum: RFC0728B37232
model: QLE2462
descrp: QLogic QLE2462 Fibre Channel Adapter
symblc: QLE2462 FW:v7.03.00 DVR:v9.1.11.28
optver: 2.16
fwver: 7.03.00
drvnam: ql2300.sysadapter: com.qlogic-HPAJ764A-2
node_wwn: 50:01:43:80:28:ce:5d:19
fabric: 10:00:00:05:1e:02:71:b2
port_wwn: 50:01:43:80:28:ce:5d:18
osdevice: \\.\Scsi5:
venid: x103C
prodid: x2532
nports: 1
manfac: QLogic Corporation
sernum: MY541920CF
model: HPAJ764A
descrp: QLogic HPAJ764A Fibre Channel Adapter
symblc: HPAJ764A FW:v7.03.00 DVR:v9.1.11.28
optver: 2.16
fwver: 7.03.00
drvnam: ql2300.sysadapter: com.qlogic-HPAJ764A-3
node_wwn: 50:01:43:80:28:ce:5d:1b
fabric: 10:00:00:05:1e:0a:1e:22
port_wwn: 50:01:43:80:28:ce:5d:1a
osdevice: \\.\Scsi6:
venid: x103C
prodid: x2532
nports: 1
manfac: QLogic Corporation
sernum: MY541920CF
model: HPAJ764A
descrp: QLogic HPAJ764A Fibre Channel Adapter
symblc: HPAJ764A FW:v7.03.00 DVR:v9.1.11.28
optver: 2.16
fwver: 7.03.00
drvnam: ql2300.sys

Мы получили имя wwnn, wwpn, видим wwn порта на SAN-коммутаторе и другую информацию.

Предыдущими способами мы можем воспользоваться только на локальном сервере. Для получения wwn на удалённом компьютере, воспользуемся функцией Powershell. Правда, она покажет только информацию о wwnn, а не wwpn.

function Get-HBAWin {
[String[]]$ComputerName = $ENV:ComputerName,

$ComputerName | ForEach-Object {
try {
	$Computer = $_

	$Params = @{
		Namespace    = 'root\WMI'
		class        = 'MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes'
		ComputerName = $Computer
		ErrorAction  = 'Stop'

	Get-WmiObject @Params  | ForEach-Object {
				ComputerName     = $_.__SERVER
				NodeWWN          = (($_.NodeWWN) | ForEach-Object {"{0:X2}" -f $_}) -join ":"
				Active           = $_.Active
				DriverName       = $_.DriverName
				DriverVersion    = $_.DriverVersion
				FirmwareVersion  = $_.FirmwareVersion
				Model            = $_.Model
				ModelDescription = $_.ModelDescription
			New-Object psobject -Property $hash
catch {
	Write-Warning -Message "$Computer is offline or not supported"
	if ($LogOffline)
		"$Computer is offline or not supported" >> "$home\desktop\Offline.txt"



Дата: 24.06.2018 Автор Admin

Поскольку в Windows Server 2012 R2 нельзя узнать wwn через Storage explorer, я покажу новый, простой способ как это сделать.Откройте консоль PowerShell и выполните команду:




В выводе команды  вы увидите WWN FiberChannel адаптеров сервера.

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  • Question

  • Hi ALL,

    Can any one have information about WWN ID number for all  disks. How to check WWN ID? I have windows 2012 r2 server. I run The fcinfo tool also. But it is not giving wwn number for all disks..

    Thanks in advance


    • Marked as answer by
      Moosa Karimulla Shaik
      Friday, September 30, 2016 9:32 AM

All replies

    • Marked as answer by
      Moosa Karimulla Shaik
      Friday, September 30, 2016 9:32 AM
  • Thanks Mary….

    But I run below command in powershell, I got the FCwwn ID.


    I run fcinfo tool also. Both are same.

    Thanks …..

  • Hi Moosa Karimulla Shaik,

    Can you find anything in Device Management? You should able to find a name and its GUID in Properties of a disk in Device Management.

    Based on my knowledge, to find WWN in Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2, we can use PowerShell to perform «Get-InitiatorPort». I‘m not sure if other commands could check disk WWN ID for all drives. Maybe you could confirm in Powershell scripts if
    there’s other commands could achieve this.

    Best Regards,


    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

  • Hi Moosa Karimulla Shaik,

    If you have more ideas feel free contact us.

    Best Regards,


    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

Post Views: 16,960

How to check WWN and Multipathing on Windows Server

How to check WWN and Multipathing on Windows Server?

There are many ways to find the World Wide Name (WWN) of fibre channel HBA connected to windows server operating system

Windows 2012-2022

Started from Windows Server 2012, “Storage Explorer” was removed. To find WWN in Windows Server 2012-2022 we can use PowerShell to perform.

For ISCSI Connections


If you are using MPIO to connect the SAN

mpclaim -s  -d

Look for Disk number of SAN for Ex:- MPIO Disk 0 and append the digit “0” in command as below, it will show all the multipaths

mpclaim -s  -d 0

Windows 2008

Few model dependent utilities are:

Storage Explorer – It will show all the FC switches in your storage fabric, with details about what is connected to each port of each switch. It also show information about other servers connected to the storage fabric, including information about HBAs and LUNs.

Windows 2003/2000

1. Check  FCINFO (Fibre Channel Information Tool) for windows 2003 & windows 2000 servers

This tool is to discovery the SAN resources and configuration information on your Fibre Channel SAN

Download the tool from here:



run “fcinfo” command in Command Prompt. It will show up HBA connected to the server with WWN.

Few model dependent utilities are:

  1. HBAnyware utility (click here to download)
  2. SANsurfer utility (click here to download)
  3. Hitachi Storage: – please follow the below commands:
dlnkmgr view -path Check the multipath output
dlnkmgr view -drv Checking the current settings
dlnkmgr set -lb on -lbtype rr Setting load balancing
dlnkmgr set -pchk on -intvl 10 Setting path Health Checking
dlknmgr set -afb on Setting Automatic Failback

Ravi Chopra

I am an IT professional working in the industry for the last 15 years. I am here to share my Technical experience and knowledge with all of you.

World Wide Name (WWN) is a unique identifier on storage controllers that identify devices on the SAN (disk bay). This is the equivalent of MAC addresses.

1. Open a PowerShell command prompt.

2. Enter the following command:


3. Here is the result of the command:

Résultat commande

On the screenshot above, we see that the server has 4 SAN, 2 SAS and 2 FC ports

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