Как перезапустить сервер postgresql windows

pg_ctl — initialize, start, stop, or control a PostgreSQL server


pg_ctl init[db] [-D datadir] [-s] [-o initdb-options]

pg_ctl start [-D datadir] [-l filename] [-W] [-t seconds] [-s] [-o options] [-p path] [-c]

pg_ctl stop [-D datadir] [-m s[mart] | f[ast] | i[mmediate] ] [-W] [-t seconds] [-s]

pg_ctl restart [-D datadir] [-m s[mart] | f[ast] | i[mmediate] ] [-W] [-t seconds] [-s] [-o options] [-c]

pg_ctl reload [-D datadir] [-s]

pg_ctl status [-D datadir]

pg_ctl promote [-D datadir] [-W] [-t seconds] [-s]

pg_ctl logrotate [-D datadir] [-s]

pg_ctl kill signal_name process_id

On Microsoft Windows, also:

pg_ctl register [-D datadir] [-N servicename] [-U username] [-P password] [-S a[uto] | d[emand] ] [-e source] [-W] [-t seconds] [-s] [-o options]

pg_ctl unregister [-N servicename]


pg_ctl is a utility for initializing a PostgreSQL database cluster, starting, stopping, or restarting the PostgreSQL database server (postgres), or displaying the status of a running server. Although the server can be started manually, pg_ctl encapsulates tasks such as redirecting log output and properly detaching from the terminal and process group. It also provides convenient options for controlled shutdown.

The init or initdb mode creates a new PostgreSQL database cluster, that is, a collection of databases that will be managed by a single server instance. This mode invokes the initdb command. See initdb for details.

start mode launches a new server. The server is started in the background, and its standard input is attached to /dev/null (or nul on Windows). On Unix-like systems, by default, the server’s standard output and standard error are sent to pg_ctl‘s standard output (not standard error). The standard output of pg_ctl should then be redirected to a file or piped to another process such as a log rotating program like rotatelogs; otherwise postgres will write its output to the controlling terminal (from the background) and will not leave the shell’s process group. On Windows, by default the server’s standard output and standard error are sent to the terminal. These default behaviors can be changed by using -l to append the server’s output to a log file. Use of either -l or output redirection is recommended.

stop mode shuts down the server that is running in the specified data directory. Three different shutdown methods can be selected with the -m option. Smart mode disallows new connections, then waits for all existing clients to disconnect. If the server is in hot standby, recovery and streaming replication will be terminated once all clients have disconnected. Fast mode (the default) does not wait for clients to disconnect. All active transactions are rolled back and clients are forcibly disconnected, then the server is shut down. Immediate mode will abort all server processes immediately, without a clean shutdown. This choice will lead to a crash-recovery cycle during the next server start.

restart mode effectively executes a stop followed by a start. This allows changing the postgres command-line options, or changing configuration-file options that cannot be changed without restarting the server. If relative paths were used on the command line during server start, restart might fail unless pg_ctl is executed in the same current directory as it was during server start.

reload mode simply sends the postgres server process a SIGHUP signal, causing it to reread its configuration files (postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf, etc.). This allows changing configuration-file options that do not require a full server restart to take effect.

status mode checks whether a server is running in the specified data directory. If it is, the server’s PID and the command line options that were used to invoke it are displayed. If the server is not running, pg_ctl returns an exit status of 3. If an accessible data directory is not specified, pg_ctl returns an exit status of 4.

promote mode commands the standby server that is running in the specified data directory to end standby mode and begin read-write operations.

logrotate mode rotates the server log file. For details on how to use this mode with external log rotation tools, see Section 25.3.

kill mode sends a signal to a specified process. This is primarily valuable on Microsoft Windows which does not have a built-in kill command. Use --help to see a list of supported signal names.

register mode registers the PostgreSQL server as a system service on Microsoft Windows. The -S option allows selection of service start type, either auto (start service automatically on system startup) or demand (start service on demand).

unregister mode unregisters a system service on Microsoft Windows. This undoes the effects of the register command.



Attempt to allow server crashes to produce core files, on platforms where this is possible, by lifting any soft resource limit placed on core files. This is useful in debugging or diagnosing problems by allowing a stack trace to be obtained from a failed server process.

-D datadir

Specifies the file system location of the database configuration files. If this option is omitted, the environment variable PGDATA is used.

-l filename

Append the server log output to filename. If the file does not exist, it is created. The umask is set to 077, so access to the log file is disallowed to other users by default.

-m mode

Specifies the shutdown mode. mode can be smart, fast, or immediate, or the first letter of one of these three. If this option is omitted, fast is the default.

-o options

Specifies options to be passed directly to the postgres command. -o can be specified multiple times, with all the given options being passed through.

The options should usually be surrounded by single or double quotes to ensure that they are passed through as a group.

-o initdb-options

Specifies options to be passed directly to the initdb command. -o can be specified multiple times, with all the given options being passed through.

The initdb-options should usually be surrounded by single or double quotes to ensure that they are passed through as a group.

-p path

Specifies the location of the postgres executable. By default the postgres executable is taken from the same directory as pg_ctl, or failing that, the hard-wired installation directory. It is not necessary to use this option unless you are doing something unusual and get errors that the postgres executable was not found.

In init mode, this option analogously specifies the location of the initdb executable.


Print only errors, no informational messages.

-t seconds

Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait when waiting for an operation to complete (see option -w). Defaults to the value of the PGCTLTIMEOUT environment variable or, if not set, to 60 seconds.


Print the pg_ctl version and exit.


Wait for the operation to complete. This is supported for the modes start, stop, restart, promote, and register, and is the default for those modes.

When waiting, pg_ctl repeatedly checks the server’s PID file, sleeping for a short amount of time between checks. Startup is considered complete when the PID file indicates that the server is ready to accept connections. Shutdown is considered complete when the server removes the PID file. pg_ctl returns an exit code based on the success of the startup or shutdown.

If the operation does not complete within the timeout (see option -t), then pg_ctl exits with a nonzero exit status. But note that the operation might continue in the background and eventually succeed.


Do not wait for the operation to complete. This is the opposite of the option -w.

If waiting is disabled, the requested action is triggered, but there is no feedback about its success. In that case, the server log file or an external monitoring system would have to be used to check the progress and success of the operation.

In prior releases of PostgreSQL, this was the default except for the stop mode.


Show help about pg_ctl command line arguments, and exit.

If an option is specified that is valid, but not relevant to the selected operating mode, pg_ctl ignores it.

Options for Windows

-e source

Name of the event source for pg_ctl to use for logging to the event log when running as a Windows service. The default is PostgreSQL. Note that this only controls messages sent from pg_ctl itself; once started, the server will use the event source specified by its event_source parameter. Should the server fail very early in startup, before that parameter has been set, it might also log using the default event source name PostgreSQL.

-N servicename

Name of the system service to register. This name will be used as both the service name and the display name. The default is PostgreSQL.

-P password

Password for the user to run the service as.

-S start-type

Start type of the system service. start-type can be auto, or demand, or the first letter of one of these two. If this option is omitted, auto is the default.

-U username

User name for the user to run the service as. For domain users, use the format DOMAIN\username.



Default limit on the number of seconds to wait when waiting for startup or shutdown to complete. If not set, the default is 60 seconds.


Default data directory location.

Most pg_ctl modes require knowing the data directory location; therefore, the -D option is required unless PGDATA is set.

pg_ctl, like most other PostgreSQL utilities, also uses the environment variables supported by libpq (see Section 34.15).

For additional variables that affect the server, see postgres.



pg_ctl examines this file in the data directory to determine whether the server is currently running.


If this file exists in the data directory, pg_ctl (in restart mode) will pass the contents of the file as options to postgres, unless overridden by the -o option. The contents of this file are also displayed in status mode.


Starting the Server

To start the server, waiting until the server is accepting connections:

$ pg_ctl start

To start the server using port 5433, and running without fsync, use:

$ pg_ctl -o "-F -p 5433" start

Stopping the Server

To stop the server, use:

$ pg_ctl stop

The -m option allows control over how the server shuts down:

$ pg_ctl stop -m smart

Restarting the Server

Restarting the server is almost equivalent to stopping the server and starting it again, except that by default, pg_ctl saves and reuses the command line options that were passed to the previously-running instance. To restart the server using the same options as before, use:

$ pg_ctl restart

But if -o is specified, that replaces any previous options. To restart using port 5433, disabling fsync upon restart:

$ pg_ctl -o "-F -p 5433" restart

Showing the Server Status

Here is sample status output from pg_ctl:

$ pg_ctl status

pg_ctl: server is running (PID: 13718)
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres "-D" "/usr/local/pgsql/data" "-p" "5433" "-B" "128"

The second line is the command that would be invoked in restart mode.

PostgreSQL is an advanced, freely available, and highly stable relational database management system that offers numerous features, such as accuracy, integrity, resilience, etc. The Postgres database is widely used for storing data of web apps, mobile apps, analytical apps, etc. However, to attain any Postgres features, you must know how to start, stop, or restart a Postgres Server.

To tackle such scenarios, Postgres offers different methods, such as the “pg_ctl” utility, “services” manager, etc. This post presents a practical guide on how to start, stop, or restart the PostgreSQL server on the Windows Operating System.

How Do I Start the Postgres Server?

There are various ways to start the Postgres server on Windows, such as using the “net start” command, “pg_ctl” utility, or “services” manager.

Method 1: Starting Postgres Server Using “net start”

Launch the Windows CMD as an administrator and execute the “net start” command to start the Postgres Server:

net start postgresql-x64-15


Method 2: Starting Postgres Server Using “pg_ctl”

Firstly, you need to find the directory’s path where Postgres is located. If you didn’t change the default path while installing Postgres, then it must be located in the “Program Files” directory inside the “C” drive.

The complete path will look something like this: “C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\data”:


Once you find the complete path, open the CMD and execute the following command to “start the Postgres Server”:

pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\data" start


Note: Windows Path for Postgres tools must be set to get the error-free output. Else you will encounter a “not recognized as an internal/external command” error.

Method 3: Starting Postgres Server Using Services Manager

Press the “win” key + “R” to launch the “Run” window. Type the “services.msc” and hit the “OK” button to open the Services Manager:


In the “Services Manager”, search for “Postgresql-x64-15”, select the service, and hit the “Start/play” button to start a Postgres server via the “services” manager:


Once you press the “start” button the service’s status will be changed to “running”:


How to Stop the Postgres Server on Windows?

A Postgres server can be stopped using the “net stop” command, the “pg_ctl” utility, or the “services” manager.

Method 1: Stopping the Postgres Server Using “net stop”

Execute the below-mentioned command from the Command prompt to stop the Postgres Server:

net stop postgresql-x64-15


Method 2: Stopping the PostgreSQL Server via the “pg_ctl”

Users may use the “pg_ctl” utility to stop the Postgres server:

pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\data" stop


Method 3: Stopping the Postgres Server Using the Services Manager

Open the “Services Manager”, search for “Postgresql-x64-15”, select the service, and hit the “Stop” button to stop a Postgres server via the “services” manager:


Clicking on the “Stop” button will stop the Postgres Server.

Note: Similarly, to pause a Postgres Server on Windows, you can select the “pause” button from the Services manager or execute the “net pause postgresql-x64-15” command from the command prompt.

How Do I Restart the Postgres Server on Windows?

You can restart the Postgres server on the windows operating system using the “Services” Manager and “pg_ctl” utility.

Method 1: Restarting the Postgres Server via the “pg_ctl”

Run the below-given command from the CMD to restart the Postgres Server:

pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\data" restart


Method 2: Restarting the Postgres Server Using the Services Manager

Launch the “Services Manager”, locate the “Postgresql-x64-15”, select the desired service, and hit the “restart” button to restart a Postgres server via the “services” manager:


Clicking on the Restart button will restart the Postgres Server.


There are various ways to start, stop, or restart the Postgres server on Windows, such as using the “net start” command, “pg_ctl” utility, or “services” manager. To get the error-free output, Windows Path for Postgres tools must be set. Else you will encounter a “not recognized as an internal/external command” error. This post presented a practical guide on how to start, stop, or restart the PostgreSQL server on the windows operating system.

In this PostgreSQL tutorial, we will learn how to restart PostgreSQL services or servers in various platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux. Also, we will cover these topics:

  • How to Restart Postgres Server
  • How to Restart PostgreSQL Service in Linux
  • How to Restart Postgres Sevice in Mac
  • How to Restart PostgreSQL Service
  • How to Restart PostgreSQL in Windows
  • How to Restart Postgres in Ubuntu
  • How to Restart Postgres Service in Ubuntu
  • How to Restart Postgres Server in Ubuntu
  • How to Restart Postgres Service in Centos

How to Restart Postgres Service

In this section, we will see why do we need to restart the PostgreSQL services on various platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux.

  • Software is a mysterious thing that may break or stop working while it was running fine a few minutes back. There could be ‘n’ number of reasons why the bug appeared in the program.
  • Whenever this happens the first thing we do is restart our system & most of the time it works.
  • But when a developer sees an error, he tries to understand it. So instead of rebooting the system, he restarts the services of that program.
  • If the problem is not solved after restarting services that means some other software or driver or any malware is creating a problem.
  • To restart PostgreSQL services, we use systemctl in Linux, services in Mac and windows.
  • Moving ahead we will see all of these in detail.

Read: How to create a table in PostgreSQL [Terminal + pgAdmin]

How to Restart Postgres Service in Linux

In this section, we will learn how to Restart Postgres Service in Red Hat Linux. Red Hat is the Linux RPM package.

  • Linux Debian package users can see How to Restart Postgres in Ubuntu section below.
  • Linux provides a power command systemctl using which we can start, stop, restart and view the status of any service on the Linux machine.
  • In the below command we have used status to know the current state of the PostgreSQL service.
sudo systemctl status postgresql-13.service
  • In the below image, the output of the above command shows the status of the PostgreSQL service.
  • The service is in an active (running) state. Also, please make a note of the time so that you can compare it with an upcoming image.
how to restart postgres
  • Type the below command to restart the PostgreSQL services. Here restart is the keyword behind the operation.
sudo systemctl restart postgresql-13.service
  • In the below image, the PostgreSQL service is restarted and now the time running says 13s ago which means machine is just now started.
restart postgres service in rpm package of Linux
how to restart postgres

How to Restart Postgres Sevice in Mac

In this tutorial, we will learn how to restart PostgreSQL service in Mac operating system. We will be using brew to restart the PostgreSQL services.

  • Open terminal and type the following command.
sudo brew services restart postgresql
  • The PostgreSQL services will be restarted in Mac operating system.

How to Restart Postgres in Windows

In this section, we will learn how to restart Postgres in Windows. This tutorial will work on Windows 10, Windows 8, 8.1, Windows 7.

  • Press Windows key + R, ‘RUN’ box will appear.
  • Type services.msc in the Run box and hit enter.
  • Services window will open, search for postgresql-13. Here 13 is the version of PostgreSQL installed in the window machine.
  • Right-click on the postgresql-13 and click on the restart option.
  • The services will restart now.
  • This is how we can restart PostgreSQL services in windows machines.

Read: PostgreSQL installation on Linux step by step

How to Restart Postgres in Ubuntu

In this section, we will learn how to restart PostgreSQL in Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is a Linux Debian package.

  • If you are using Red hat, Centos or Fedora then follow the instructions in How to Restart Postgres Service in Linux section above.
  • Linux provides a power command systemctl using which we can start, stop, restart and view the status of any service on the Linux machine.
  • In the below command we have used status to know the current state of the PostgreSQL service.
sudo systemctl status postgresql.service
  • In the below image, the output of the above command shows the status of the PostgreSQL service.
  • The service is in an active (running) state. Also, please make a note of the time so that you can compare it with an upcoming image.
Restart Postgres in Ubuntu
Restart Postgres in Ubuntu
  • Type the below command to restart the PostgreSQL services. Here, restart is the keyword behind the operation. It stops the service and then start it again.
sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service
  • In the below image, we have restarted the PostgreSQL service and now the total running time of the service has been changed from 23m to 10s. This means the service has been started just now.
How to Restart Postgres in Ubuntu
Restart Postgres in Ubuntu

How to Restart Postgres Server

In this section, we will learn how to restart Postgres Server. The server could be local or cloud-based.

  • Ubuntu server, Red Hat server, etc are examples of local servers that we can be created to manage work on a small scale.
  • AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean, etc comes under cloud-based servers and they are dedicated to large work.
  • In this section, we have used the Red Hat server, which is a local server created on our own network. Please note that this machine is destroyed after publishing this tutorial.
  • Linux provides a powerful command systemctl using which we can start, stop, restart and view the current status of the services running on the machine.
  • In the below command we have used status to know the current state of the PostgreSQL service.
sudo systemctl status postgresql-13.service
  • The service is in an active (running) state. Also, please make a note of the time so that you can compare it with an upcoming image.
how to restart postgresql mac
how to restart postgresql mac
  • Type the below command to restart the PostgreSQL services. Here, restart is the keyword behind the operation. It stops the service and then start it again.
sudo systemctl restart postgresql-13.service
  • In the below image, we have restarted the PostgreSQL service and now the total running time of the service has been changed from 17m to 9s. This means the service has been started just now.
How to Restart Postgres Server
How to Restart Postgres Server

How to Restart Postgres Service in Ubuntu

In this section, we will learn how to restart PostgreSQL in Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is a Linux Debian package.

  • If you are using Red hat, Centos or Fedora then follow the instructions in How to Restart Postgres Service in Linux section above.
  • Linux provides a power command systemctl using which we can start, stop, restart and view the status of any service on the Linux machine.
  • In the below command we have used status to know the current state of the PostgreSQL service.
sudo systemctl status postgresql.service
  • In the below image, the output of the above command shows the status of the PostgreSQL service.
  • The service is in an active (running) state. Also, please make a note of the time so that you can compare it with an upcoming image.

Restart Postgres Service in Ubuntu

Restart Postgres Service in Ubuntu
  • Type the below command to restart the PostgreSQL services. Here, restart is the keyword behind the operation. It stops the service and then starts it again.
sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service
  • In the below image, we have restarted the PostgreSQL service and now the total running time of the service has been changed from 23m to 10s. This means the service has been started just now.

restart postgres service in ubuntu

Restart Postgres Service in Ubuntu

How to Restart Postgres Server in Ubuntu

In this section, we will learn how to restart PostgreSQL server in Ubuntu. There are two types of services available under Ubuntu postgresql@13-main.service and postgresql.service.

  • If postgresql.service controls all the activities related to postgreSQL. If this service is stopped then postgresql@13-main.service also stops.
  • postgresql@13-main.service is the PostgreSQL server if this service is stopped then the user won’t be able to access the PostgreSQL.
  • In this section, we will learn how to restart postgresql@13-main.service.
  • Linux provides a powerful command systemctl using which we can start, stop, restart or view the status of the services running on the machine.
  • Below is the command to restart the Postgres server in ubuntu.
sudo systemctl retart postgresql@13-main.service
  • In the below output, we have stopped the main services and then we have tried to access the PostgreSQL.
  • ‘could not connect to server’, an error appeared on the screen.
  • To connect back we have run the restart command now we are able to access the Postgres.
restart Postgres server in ubuntu

How to Restart Postgres Service in Centos

In this section, we will learn how to Restart Postgres Service in Centos Linux. Centos is the Linux RPM package.

  • Linux Debian package users can see How to Restart Postgres in Ubuntu section above.
  • Linux provides a power command systemctl using which we can start, stop, restart and view the status of any service on the Linux machine.
  • In the below command we have used status to know the current state of the PostgreSQL service.
sudo systemctl status postgresql-13.service
  • In the below image, the output of the above command shows the status of the PostgreSQL service.
  • The service is in an active (running) state. Also, please make a note of the time so that you can compare it with an upcoming image.
How to Restart Postgres Service in Centos
How to Restart Postgres Service in Centos
  • Type the below command to restart the PostgreSQL services. Here restart is the keyword behind the operation.
sudo systemctl restart postgresql-13.service
  • In the below image, the PostgreSQL service is restarted and now the time running says 13s ago which means machine is just now started.
restart postgres service in rpm package of Linux
restart postgres centos

You may like the following articles:

  • How to Uninstall PostgreSQL (Linux, Mac, and Windows)
  • How to connect to PostgreSQL database

In this tutorial, we have learned how to how to restart PostgreSQL service in Linux. Also, we have covered these topics.

  • How to Restart Postgres Service in Linux
  • How to Restart Postgres in Mac
  • How to Restart Postgres Sevice in Mac
  • How to Restart Postgres in Windows
  • How to Restart Postgres in Ubuntu
  • How to Restart Postgres Server
  • How to Restart Postgres Service in Ubuntu
  • How to Restart Postgres Server in Ubuntu
  • How to Restart Postgres Service in Centos


I am Bijay having more than 15 years of experience in the Software Industry. During this time, I have worked on MariaDB and used it in a lot of projects. Most of our readers are from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

Want to learn MariaDB? Check out all the articles and tutorials that I wrote on MariaDB. Also, I am a Microsoft MVP.

In this post, we are going to figure out how to start, stop, and restart a PostgreSQL server on macOS, Linux, and Windows.

1. On macOS

If you installed PostgreSQL via Homebrew:

  • To start manually:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
  • To stop manually:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop
  • To start PostgreSQL server now and relaunch at login:
brew services start postgresql
  • And stop PostgreSQL:
brew services stop postgresql

If you want a hassle-free way to manage the local PostgreSQL database servers, use DBngin. It’s just one click to start, another click to turn off. No dependencies, no command line required, multiple drivers, multiple versions and multiple ports. And it’s free.

DBngin local server

2. On Windows

First, you need to find the PostgreSQL database directory, it can be something like C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10.4\data. Then open Command Prompt and execute this command:

pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\data" start
  • To stop the server
pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\data" stop
  • To restart the server:
pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\data" restart

Another way:

  • Open Run Window by Winkey + R
  • Type services.msc
  • Search Postgres service based on version installed.
  • Click stop, start or restart the service option.

3. On Linux

Update and install PostgreSQL 10.4

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql-10.4

By default, the postgres user has no password and can hence only connect if ran by the postgres system user. The following command will assign it:

sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE testdb;"
  • Start the PostgreSQL server
sudo service postgresql start
  • Stop the PostgreSQL server:
sudo service postgresql stop

Need a good GUI tool for PostgreSQL on MacOS and Windows? TablePlus is a modern, native tool with an elegant GUI that allows you to simultaneously manage multiple databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server and more.

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pg_ctl — initialize, start, stop, or control a PostgreSQL server


pg_ctl init[db] [-D datadir] [-s] [-o initdb-options]

pg_ctl start [-D datadir] [-l filename] [-W] [-t seconds] [-s] [-o options] [-p path] [-c]

pg_ctl stop [-D datadir] [-m s[mart] | f[ast] | i[mmediate] ] [-W] [-t seconds] [-s]

pg_ctl restart [-D datadir] [-m s[mart] | f[ast] | i[mmediate] ] [-W] [-t seconds] [-s] [-o options] [-c]

pg_ctl reload [-D datadir] [-s]

pg_ctl status [-D datadir]

pg_ctl promote [-D datadir] [-W] [-t seconds] [-s]

pg_ctl logrotate [-D datadir] [-s]

pg_ctl kill signal_name process_id

On Microsoft Windows, also:

pg_ctl register [-D datadir] [-N servicename] [-U username] [-P password] [-S a[uto] | d[emand] ] [-e source] [-W] [-t seconds] [-s] [-o options]

pg_ctl unregister [-N servicename]


pg_ctl is a utility for initializing a PostgreSQL database cluster, starting, stopping, or restarting the PostgreSQL database server (postgres), or displaying the status of a running server. Although the server can be started manually, pg_ctl encapsulates tasks such as redirecting log output and properly detaching from the terminal and process group. It also provides convenient options for controlled shutdown.

The init or initdb mode creates a new PostgreSQL database cluster, that is, a collection of databases that will be managed by a single server instance. This mode invokes the initdb command. See initdb for details.

start mode launches a new server. The server is started in the background, and its standard input is attached to /dev/null (or nul on Windows). On Unix-like systems, by default, the server’s standard output and standard error are sent to pg_ctl‘s standard output (not standard error). The standard output of pg_ctl should then be redirected to a file or piped to another process such as a log rotating program like rotatelogs; otherwise postgres will write its output to the controlling terminal (from the background) and will not leave the shell’s process group. On Windows, by default the server’s standard output and standard error are sent to the terminal. These default behaviors can be changed by using -l to append the server’s output to a log file. Use of either -l or output redirection is recommended.

stop mode shuts down the server that is running in the specified data directory. Three different shutdown methods can be selected with the -m option. Smart mode disallows new connections, then waits for all existing clients to disconnect. If the server is in hot standby, recovery and streaming replication will be terminated once all clients have disconnected. Fast mode (the default) does not wait for clients to disconnect. All active transactions are rolled back and clients are forcibly disconnected, then the server is shut down. Immediate mode will abort all server processes immediately, without a clean shutdown. This choice will lead to a crash-recovery cycle during the next server start.

restart mode effectively executes a stop followed by a start. This allows changing the postgres command-line options, or changing configuration-file options that cannot be changed without restarting the server. If relative paths were used on the command line during server start, restart might fail unless pg_ctl is executed in the same current directory as it was during server start.

reload mode simply sends the postgres server process a SIGHUP signal, causing it to reread its configuration files (postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf, etc.). This allows changing configuration-file options that do not require a full server restart to take effect.

status mode checks whether a server is running in the specified data directory. If it is, the server’s PID and the command line options that were used to invoke it are displayed. If the server is not running, pg_ctl returns an exit status of 3. If an accessible data directory is not specified, pg_ctl returns an exit status of 4.

promote mode commands the standby server that is running in the specified data directory to end standby mode and begin read-write operations.

logrotate mode rotates the server log file. For details on how to use this mode with external log rotation tools, see Section 25.3.

kill mode sends a signal to a specified process. This is primarily valuable on Microsoft Windows which does not have a built-in kill command. Use --help to see a list of supported signal names.

register mode registers the PostgreSQL server as a system service on Microsoft Windows. The -S option allows selection of service start type, either auto (start service automatically on system startup) or demand (start service on demand).

unregister mode unregisters a system service on Microsoft Windows. This undoes the effects of the register command.



Attempt to allow server crashes to produce core files, on platforms where this is possible, by lifting any soft resource limit placed on core files. This is useful in debugging or diagnosing problems by allowing a stack trace to be obtained from a failed server process.

-D datadir

Specifies the file system location of the database configuration files. If this option is omitted, the environment variable PGDATA is used.

-l filename

Append the server log output to filename. If the file does not exist, it is created. The umask is set to 077, so access to the log file is disallowed to other users by default.

-m mode

Specifies the shutdown mode. mode can be smart, fast, or immediate, or the first letter of one of these three. If this option is omitted, fast is the default.

-o options

Specifies options to be passed directly to the postgres command. -o can be specified multiple times, with all the given options being passed through.

The options should usually be surrounded by single or double quotes to ensure that they are passed through as a group.

-o initdb-options

Specifies options to be passed directly to the initdb command. -o can be specified multiple times, with all the given options being passed through.

The initdb-options should usually be surrounded by single or double quotes to ensure that they are passed through as a group.

-p path

Specifies the location of the postgres executable. By default the postgres executable is taken from the same directory as pg_ctl, or failing that, the hard-wired installation directory. It is not necessary to use this option unless you are doing something unusual and get errors that the postgres executable was not found.

In init mode, this option analogously specifies the location of the initdb executable.


Print only errors, no informational messages.

-t seconds

Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait when waiting for an operation to complete (see option -w). Defaults to the value of the PGCTLTIMEOUT environment variable or, if not set, to 60 seconds.


Print the pg_ctl version and exit.


Wait for the operation to complete. This is supported for the modes start, stop, restart, promote, and register, and is the default for those modes.

When waiting, pg_ctl repeatedly checks the server’s PID file, sleeping for a short amount of time between checks. Startup is considered complete when the PID file indicates that the server is ready to accept connections. Shutdown is considered complete when the server removes the PID file. pg_ctl returns an exit code based on the success of the startup or shutdown.

If the operation does not complete within the timeout (see option -t), then pg_ctl exits with a nonzero exit status. But note that the operation might continue in the background and eventually succeed.


Do not wait for the operation to complete. This is the opposite of the option -w.

If waiting is disabled, the requested action is triggered, but there is no feedback about its success. In that case, the server log file or an external monitoring system would have to be used to check the progress and success of the operation.

In prior releases of PostgreSQL, this was the default except for the stop mode.


Show help about pg_ctl command line arguments, and exit.

If an option is specified that is valid, but not relevant to the selected operating mode, pg_ctl ignores it.

Options for Windows

-e source

Name of the event source for pg_ctl to use for logging to the event log when running as a Windows service. The default is PostgreSQL. Note that this only controls messages sent from pg_ctl itself; once started, the server will use the event source specified by its event_source parameter. Should the server fail very early in startup, before that parameter has been set, it might also log using the default event source name PostgreSQL.

-N servicename

Name of the system service to register. This name will be used as both the service name and the display name. The default is PostgreSQL.

-P password

Password for the user to run the service as.

-S start-type

Start type of the system service. start-type can be auto, or demand, or the first letter of one of these two. If this option is omitted, auto is the default.

-U username

User name for the user to run the service as. For domain users, use the format DOMAIN\username.



Default limit on the number of seconds to wait when waiting for startup or shutdown to complete. If not set, the default is 60 seconds.


Default data directory location.

Most pg_ctl modes require knowing the data directory location; therefore, the -D option is required unless PGDATA is set.

pg_ctl, like most other PostgreSQL utilities, also uses the environment variables supported by libpq (see Section 34.15).

For additional variables that affect the server, see postgres.



pg_ctl examines this file in the data directory to determine whether the server is currently running.


If this file exists in the data directory, pg_ctl (in restart mode) will pass the contents of the file as options to postgres, unless overridden by the -o option. The contents of this file are also displayed in status mode.


Starting the Server

To start the server, waiting until the server is accepting connections:

$ pg_ctl start

To start the server using port 5433, and running without fsync, use:

$ pg_ctl -o "-F -p 5433" start

Stopping the Server

To stop the server, use:

$ pg_ctl stop

The -m option allows control over how the server shuts down:

$ pg_ctl stop -m smart

Restarting the Server

Restarting the server is almost equivalent to stopping the server and starting it again, except that by default, pg_ctl saves and reuses the command line options that were passed to the previously-running instance. To restart the server using the same options as before, use:

$ pg_ctl restart

But if -o is specified, that replaces any previous options. To restart using port 5433, disabling fsync upon restart:

$ pg_ctl -o "-F -p 5433" restart

Showing the Server Status

Here is sample status output from pg_ctl:

$ pg_ctl status

pg_ctl: server is running (PID: 13718)
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres "-D" "/usr/local/pgsql/data" "-p" "5433" "-B" "128"

The second line is the command that would be invoked in restart mode.

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