Install python on windows server

Python is an excellent general purpose language that can be used for batch processing and other tasks on your server.

To install Python on Windows Server operating system, you just need to run the installer and use the simplest configuration.

Steps to Install Python on Windows Server Operating System

  1. Download the installer (full as opposed to the web sintaller) and save it to your temp folder.

    Python installer in Windows Temp folder

  2. Right-click on the file and select Run as administrator.

    Run Python installer as administrator

  3. You’ll see a User Account Control popup window with a question, “Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?” Just click on Yes.

  4. Check the Add Python 3.7 to PATH checkbox at the bottom of the window (or whatever the latest version you’re installing).

    Install Python setup screen

  5. If you don’t care where the program is installed, you can just clik on the Install Now, there’s nothing wrong with the setup and Python will run and this is generally fine for desktop installation.

    For server installation, you should be more mindful with the program location better location rather than the default installation under a specific user folder who ran the installer. So it’s better to choose Customize installation.

  6. In Optional Features screen, make sure you at least check the following: pip, py launcher, and for all users. Click Next.

    Python customize installation optional features

  7. On the next screen, Advanced Options, make sure you check Install for all users which then will change the value of Customize install location, just accept the default installation in C:\Program Files unless you have a reason to install it somewhere else. Click Install.

    Python customize installation advanced options for all users

  8. Once you see Setup was successful just click the Close button.

  9. Make sure that C:\Program Files\Python37 and C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts are in the Path of your System variables.

    Python added to path in Windows Environment Variables

    If you’re able to click on Edit button, you can see all the path entries in each line which is easier to read and edit. In this case, the button is greyed out due to the group policy.

As a final check, you can open Programs and Features and check if Python and Python Launcher are shown.

Programs and Features

That’s all there is to have your server running Python scripts.

If you work mostly with Microsoft stack and need to connect to a SQL Server database using Python, then check this post about Python SQL Server Driver.

Further Reading

How to Activate Built-in Web Server
How to Use Python to Connect to SQL Server


Python Download

INTRODUCTION how to install Python 3.7 on Windows Server

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation. Python is dynamically-typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured (particularly procedural), object-oriented and functional programming. It is often described as a «batteries included» language due to its comprehensive standard library. how to install Python 3.7 on Windows Server

Python 3.7, the latest version of the language aimed at making complex tasks simple, is now in production release. The most significant additions and improvements to Python 3.7 include:

  • Data classes that reduce boilerplate when working with data in classes.
  • A potentially backward-incompatible change involving the handling of exceptions in generators.
  • A “development mode” for the interpreter.
  • Nanosecond-resolution time objects.
  • UTF-8 mode that uses UTF-8 encoding by default in the environment.
  • A new built-in for triggering the debugger.

Prerequisites how to install Python 3.7 on Windows Server

  1. Windows Server with Administrator rights
  2. Access to Powershell
  3. Access to internet

Step 1. Login to your Windows Server via RDP

Step 2. Open Windows Powershell as Administrator

Step 3. Run the following command to download the python setup

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "python-3.7.4-amd64.exe"

Step 4. Run the following command to install python and set up path as well

PS C:\Users\Administrator> .\python-3.7.4-amd64.exe /quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1 Include_test=0

Step 5. Run the following command to reload environment variables

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")

Step 6. Run python -V to check the version of python installed.

Python official downloads:-

Thank You.

In this guide, we want to teach you How To Set up Python on Windows Server 2022.

Python is a programming language known for its far-reaching applicability that goes beyond web development coding. It can be a good coding language for new or novice coders because of its readability and use of the English language.

Although it’s an accessible program to learn and use, Python can be scaled up and implemented for vast, complex tasks, including compiling massive amounts of data and executing machine learning algorithms.

  • How To Set up Python on Windows Server 2022

How To Set up Python on Windows Server 2022

This tutorial teaches you to install Python 3.10 the latest stable version on your Windows Server.

Now follow the steps below to complete this guide.

Install Python on Windows Server 2022

First, you need to visit the Python Downloads page and get the latest Python 3 release for Windows. Depending on your system choose 32-bit or 64-bit.

Download Python on Windows server

Then, open your downloaded file and check the box ‘Add Python 3.10.4 to PATH’. This option will add python Path to the system environment variable.

If we select the ‘Install Now’, python will install with default settings and path. Here, we will choose the ‘Customize installation’. So that, according to our requirements, we can change its features.

Set up Python

At this point, on the Optional features window, you can select the Python features that you want to install on your Windows server and click Next.

Optional features for python

At this point, you will see the Advanced options. You need to check the box next to ‘Install for all users that will change the ‘Customize install location’ and click install to continue your Python installation on Windows server 2022.

Python advanced options

When your installation is completed click on close to exit from the window.

Now you have successfully installed Python 3.10.4 on your Windows Server 2022.


Python is commonly used for developing websites and software, task automation, data analysis, and data visualization.

At this point, you learn to Set up Python on Windows Server 2022.

Hope you enjoy it.

Installing Python on Windows Server wasn’t that easier before this guide.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Python
  2. Steps to Install Python on Windows Server Operating System

1. What is Python?

Python is a more “high-level” programming language than most other languages, object-oriented, and suitable, among other uses, for developing distributed applications, scripting, numerical computing, and system testing.

To install Python on the Windows Server operating system, like on a VPS with Windows Server 2019 you just need to run the installer and use the simplest configuration.

2. Steps to Install Python on Windows Server Operating System

  1. Download the installer and then Right-click on the file and select Run as administrator.
  2. You’ll see a User Account Control popup window with the question, “Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?” Just click on Yes.
  3. Check the Add Python 3.7 to PATH checkbox at the bottom of the window (or whatever the latest version you’re installing).
  4. If you don’t care where the program is installed, you can just click on Install Now, there’s nothing wrong with the setup and Python will run and this is generally fine for desktop installation.
  5. For server installation, you should be more mindful of the program location better location rather than the default installation under a specific user folder that ran the installer. So it’s better to choose Customize installation.
  6. In the Optional Features screen, make sure you at least check the following: pip, py launcher, and all users. Click Next.
  7. On the next screen, Advanced Options, make sure you check to Install for all users which then will change the value of Customize install location, just accept the default installation in C:\Program Files unless you have a reason to install it somewhere else. Click Install.
  8. Once you see Setup was successful just click the Close button.
  9. Make sure that C:\Program Files\Python37 and C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts are in the Path of your System variables.
  10. If you’re able to click on the Edit button, you can see all the path entries in each line which is easier to read and edit. In this case, the button is greyed out due to the group policy.

As a final check, you can open Programs and Features and check if Python and Python Launcher are shown

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Python is among the most widely-used programming languages for both web and application development. The easy-to-read and clear design philosophy is one of the reasons behind its massive popularity. Not to mentioned the reliability and efficiency of the code.

Therefore, a growing number of businesses are keen to use Python for developing their applications. To start using it, you must download Python into your server along with the necessary components.

In this article, we explain the process of installing Python on your Windows server the easiest way possible.

Installing Python Process

Log in to your Windows server using the required credentials via RDP or Remote Desktop Protocol

Now, visit and download the latest Python installation package. You can also download your preferred version if you don’t want to use the latest version. You can download either the 32-bit or 64-bit version. Check with your Windows architecture to decide which version to download.

Select the appropriate installation options and install Python.

Before installing, you need to tick the box that reads, “Add Python x.x to PATH”. This would automatically adjust System Environment Variables. The benefit is you can launch Python from anywhere without having to worry about command prompt location.

To verify, open a command prompt window and check the Python installation directory, which should be “C:\Users\*yourusername*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37”. You will see the Python details on screen, and this would confirm Python was successfully installed.

Installing PIP

You need to install PIP as well using the default setting in the installer. It makes package management easier. But you can install PIP later as well. Before that, verify whether or not you have PIP installed on your server using this command: pip -v

You’ll see the PIP information if it is installed. Otherwise, it’ll return empty and you need to download it.

So that’s basically how you install Python on your Windows server. If you’re working with Managed service providers, you can ask them to install it for you.

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