I was cleaning the windows when the telephone rang

Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous, present simple, past simple og past continuous

I … (clean) the windows when the telephone … (ring)

«What is that noise?» James … (repair) his bike at the moment.

He … (read) a book when his mother … (call)

» … (be) you busy?» No, what … (you/want) me to do?»

they … (sing) while we … (play) some music

Susan is a nurse. She usually … (work) at night.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous, present simple, past simple og past continuous I … (clean) the windows when the …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous, present simple, past simple og past continuous I … (clean) the windows when the telephone … (ring) «What is that noise?» James … (repair) his bike at the moment. He …

Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous, present simple, past simple og past continuous I .

(clean) the windows when the telephone.

(ring) «What is that noise?

» James .

(repair) his bike at the moment.

He . (read) a book when his mother .

(call) » .

(be) you busy?

» No, what .

(you / want) me to do?

» they .

(sing) while we .

(play) some music Susan is a nurse.

She usually .

(work) at night.

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Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous, present simple, past simple og past continuous

I … (clean) the windows when the telephone … (ring)

«What is that noise?» James … (repair) his bike at the moment.

He … (read) a book when his mother … (call)

» … (be) you busy?» No, what … (you/want) me to do?»

they … (sing) while we … (play) some music

Susan is a nurse. She usually … (work) at night.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous, present simple, past simple og past continuous I … (clean) the windows when the …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » ⭐️ Английский язык » Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous, present simple, past simple og past continuous I … (clean) the windows when the telephone … (ring) «What is that noise?» James … (repair) his bike at the moment. He …

   Используя свои собственные идеи, закончите предложения. Употребляйте прошедшее продолженное время.
Пример: а) …когда я встретил моего друга — Я шёл домой, когда встретил моего друга.
b) …Я хорошо проводил время, когда…—Я хорошо проводил время, когда я жил там.
1.     … когда зазвонил телефон.
2.      … когда она увидела его вчера.
3.      … когда он услышал голос.
4.      … когда они открыли дверь.
5.      … когда начался дождь.
6.      Телефон зазвонил, когда…
7.      Мы подписывали открытки, в то время как…
8.      Он убежал, когда…
9.      Они хорошо проводили время, когда…
1.      I was cleaning my room when the telephone rang.
Я убирался в комнате, когда зазвонил телефон.
2.      Неwas talking to his ex-girlfriend when she saw him yesterday. Он говорил со своей бывшей подругой, когда она увидела его вчера.
3.      Неwas going to bed when he heard the voice. Он собирался лечь спать, когда услышал голос.
4.      The burglar was rummaging for the documents when they opened the door. Взломщик рылся в поисках документов, когда они открыли дверь.
5.      We were having a great time on the beach when it started raining. Мы хорошо проводили время на пляже, когда начался дождь.
6.      The telephone rang while he was taking shower. Зазвонилтелефон, когда он принимал душ.
7.      We wrote postcards while he was putting stamps on the envelopes. Мы подписывали открытки, в то время как он наклеивал марки на конверты.
8.      Неran away while they police were searching his friend. Он убежал, пока полиция обыскивала его друга.
9.      They had a very good time while they were living in the country. Они хорошо проводили время, когда жили загородом.

Комикс Давайте похлопаем

впр2 с 17 1. Paul and Linda were singing while we were playing some music. 2. What is that? — Bob is repairing his car at the moment. 3. Sally is a nurse. She usually works at night. 4. I was cleaning the windows when the telephone rang. 5. Mike was reading a book when his mother called him. 6. Are you busy? — No, what do you want me to do?, Комикс Давайте похлопаем

впр2 с 17 1. Paul and Linda were singing while we were playing some music. 2. What is that? — Bob is repairing his car at the moment. 3. Sally is a nurse. She usually works at night. 4. I was cleaning the windows when the telephone rang. 5. Mike was reading a book when his mother called him. 6. Are you busy? — No, what do you want me to do? Комикс Давайте похлопаем


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впр 1 с 14 1. b; 2. c; 3. e; 4. f; 5, d; 6. a.

впр 1 с 17 I'd like to travel to different countries, to study English to speak fluently.

впр2 с 17 1. Paul and Linda were singing while we were playing some music. 2. What is that? — Bob is repairing his car at the moment. 3. Sally is a nurse. She usually works at night. 4. I was cleaning the windows when the telephone rang. 5. Mike was reading a book when his mother called him. 6. Are you busy? — No, what do you want me to do?, Комикс Давайте похлопаем

впр2 с 17 1. Paul and Linda were singing while we were playing some music. 2. What is that? — Bob is repairing his car at the moment. 3. Sally is a nurse. She usually works at night. 4. I was cleaning the windows when the telephone rang. 5. Mike was reading a book when his mother called him. 6. Are you busy? — No, what do you want me to do?, Комикс Давайте похлопаем

   Используя свои собственные идеи, закончите предложения. Употребляйте прошедшее продолженное время.
Пример: а) …когда я встретил моего друга — Я шёл домой, когда встретил моего друга.
b) …Я хорошо проводил время, когда…—Я хорошо проводил время, когда я жил там.
1.     … когда зазвонил телефон.
2.      … когда она увидела его вчера.
3.      … когда он услышал голос.
4.      … когда они открыли дверь.
5.      … когда начался дождь.
6.      Телефон зазвонил, когда…
7.      Мы подписывали открытки, в то время как…
8.      Он убежал, когда…
9.      Они хорошо проводили время, когда…
1.      I was cleaning my room when the telephone rang.
Я убирался в комнате, когда зазвонил телефон.
2.      Неwas talking to his ex-girlfriend when she saw him yesterday. Он говорил со своей бывшей подругой, когда она увидела его вчера.
3.      Неwas going to bed when he heard the voice. Он собирался лечь спать, когда услышал голос.
4.      The burglar was rummaging for the documents when they opened the door. Взломщик рылся в поисках документов, когда они открыли дверь.
5.      We were having a great time on the beach when it started raining. Мы хорошо проводили время на пляже, когда начался дождь.
6.      The telephone rang while he was taking shower. Зазвонилтелефон, когда он принимал душ.
7.      We wrote postcards while he was putting stamps on the envelopes. Мы подписывали открытки, в то время как он наклеивал марки на конверты.
8.      Неran away while they police were searching his friend. Он убежал, пока полиция обыскивала его друга.
9.      They had a very good time while they were living in the country. Они хорошо проводили время, когда жили загородом.


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не нравится

 Underline the correct tense:

Выберите правильную форму глагола:
1    Lynne was singing/had sung as she was cleaning the windows.
2    Mr Todd was teaching/had been teaching for thirty years when he retired.
3    I phoned Jack because I wanted/had wanted to ask him a question.
4    They had walked/had been walking for hours when they stopped for a rest.
5    The shop had been selling/had sold the table by the time I got there.
6    Joe was happy. He was winning/had won first prize in the competition.
7    It was raining/had rained while they were playing the football match.
8    Rob was opening/opened the box and looked inside.
9    Eve was delighted to hear that she was getting/had got the job.
10    People used to work/were working very long hours in those days.
11    I was running when I slipped/was slipping on the ice.
12    They were already buying/had already bought the tickets when they went to the concert.
13    Carol had broken/was breaking her arm, so she couldn’t write for six weeks.
14    We had been staying/stayed in a hotel by the sea last summer.
15    Elvis Presley sang/had sung lots of hit songs.
16    I opened/was opening the door and stepped outside.
17    They had stood/were standing outside when the results were announced.
18    Alexander Graham Bell had invented/invented the telephone.
19    She broke the glass while she had washed/was washing it.

Ответы к упражнению:

  1. was singing
  2. had been teaching
  3. wanted
  4. had been walking
  5. had sold
  6. had won
  7. was raining
  8. opened
  9. had got
  10. used to work
  11. slipped
  12. had already bought
  13. had broken
  14. stayed
  15. sang
  16. opened
  17. were standing
  18. invented
  19. was washing

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