Hp protect tools windows 10


The HP ProtectTools Security manager software is not compatible with W10.

You need to install the newer HP Client Security Manager software which you can find on your notebook’s support page…    Oct 2, 2019

HP Client Security Manager provides enhanced Windows login and website single-sign-on capabilities. Security Manager is also the host for HP Client Security plugins, and therefore should be installed before other Client Security modules. This package is provided for supported computer models that are running a supported operating system.


You can install W10 by creating a bootable recovery drive using the HP Cloud recovery client utility at the link below.

This package provides the Cloud Recovery Client for supported models running a supported operating system. This Client Utility enables users to download the Recovery Kit from the cloud.


This utility should install the drivers and software that would have come with the PC including the above security manager software.

I have attached an info file below for how to use the cloud recovery client utility…

This is a security application for managing HP desktop and laptop supported devices alongside a new protective layer comprising a suite of programs.

HP Protects Tools Security providers an interface where another security deliverable can be plugged in, enabling them to manage security features offered by HP.


Its the world best security providers

  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Full volume encryption
  • Single sign options
  • Secure file deletion
  • encrypted email
  • Computrace and LoJack Pro software
  • remembering all passwords

HP Protecttools provides HP computer owners with a software package to help them quickly and easily manage all your business’ desktops and laptops from a single, central point.

The modular design presents in HP ProtectTools allows you to customize it just way you want, thus covering all of your needs regarding protection of your data, networks as well as communications. This comes in very handy for times when users forget their account credentials or the computer is the subject of a theft.

With HP ProtectTools, you get multiple levels of pre-boot security and multi-factor authentication, full volume encryption, secure file deletion and limited access to peripherals, single-sign-on options, encrypted email as well as the computrace and LoJck Pro software that work with local law enforcement to help recover lost or stolen notebooks.

This particular piece of software also delivers an intuitive wizard that you can use in order to rapidly and effortlessly set it up. Moreover, the HP ProtectTools supplies you with all kinds of technologies to keep your computer fleet in check at any given moment in time.

The HP SpareKey can prove to be just the thing you need whenever you have trouble remembering your password by adding another layer of credential recovery to the BIOS. In this case, you may not have to resort to the IT administrator. Furthermore, your emails and chats can now be encrypted by the Privacy Manager for further protection To sum it all up, HP ProtectTools is a pretty nifty software collection that can really make the difference if correctly utilized. 

The fact that it can help you in so many ways and that it can also save you when in specific distress situations must be enough for everyone carry for their computer to take it for a spin and see whether it makes a difference lot.

— Windows 7, 8, or 10 operating system
— HP Desktop or Laptop device
— Minimum 1GB RAM
— At least 500MB of free hard drive space

Offers comprehensive protection against various cyber threats.

Integrates seamlessly with other HP products and systems.

User-friendly interface ensures easy navigation.

Can be difficult for non-tech savvies to navigate and use.

Limited customer support available for troubleshooting.

Occasionally experiences software crashes and performance issues.


image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools is a really useful software to have if you need to securely run a business. The program makes sure that your computer is accessed only by those you want it to be accessed by. It also manages the configuration of your computer, in addition to various Smart Card operations. The program is unobtrusive since it runs «behind the scenes» in the background while your system is working.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


HP Protect tools for windows can be a helpful tool to help manage multiple security features offered by HP. However, there are issues with it when updating to Windows 10 which makes it slightly difficult to workaround. It works well with Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista. If you have windows 10 I would not recommend this.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Technology is great. It allows us to store, access and share data, lots and lots of it. But there’s a downside. Sometimes unauthorized users access and utilize this data too. That’s why trusted security applications and tools are a must. Hewlett Packard is a trusted and reputable name in the industry. Packard’s uber-useful, HP Protect Tools come with a veritable boatload of high-tech security features.

Encrypt access to your drives. Select site and application-specific passwords. Create an encrypted password database. Use facial recognition to block easy access to a sensitive site. Or, designate a fingertip-verified mode of entry to foil unwanted users. Even reboot your security credentials, should circumstances make it needful, from an approved-by-you central venue. The list goes on. The tools are user-friendly. Make space on your device for this feature today.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools for Windows helps computer administrators address several critical security objectives, including protecting confidential data, allowing only authorized users to access data, preventing theft of private information on corporate networks, and enforcing strong password policies and related security mandates. HP ProtectTools for Windows provides several software modules to manage security credentials, remotely encrypt hard drives, backup hard drives, install biometric security, restore hard drives, authenticate users with Java Card Security, sanitize files, manage privacy, and remotely configure BIOS settings without rebooting. HP ProtectTools for Windows provides several key tools to keep your critical data secure for both corporate security professionals at the enterprise-level and the individual at home.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools for Windows software is able to keep and all of my files and all of my confidential information, like credit card numbers and social security numbers and banking information, completely safe from any outside, unauthorized access. It also protects any smart card information I have by encrypting it so no one unauthorized can access it.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools software is easy to use in Microsoft windows for the security operations. This will help yo to identify the unauthorized files entering windows. Manages security systems in an easy manner. The operating systems which we can use this software are windows, windows2000 windows XP, Windows Vista. It enables the security deliverables so the can perform the security actions . This software helps us to identify the software’s which needs an update . Updating the software’s related notifications are provided up to date with the help of HP protect tools. Software update notifications only provided . Hardware updating notifications are yet to be provided.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools is an interface that gives you more control over your system’s security. Offered on Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista, it is just a manager program. It does not seem to offer the actual tools which can be added later. This is the original interface that allows you to manage said tools. Reviews commonly reflect That customers were not aware of this beforehand, although most reviews date back to 2012.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Leon Ingerick

HP ProtectTools is a suite of security software designed to provide enhanced protection for HP computers and other devices. It includes features such as password protection, encryption, file and folder security, and the ability to remotely manage the security settings. It also includes additional applications for devices such as printers, tablets, and smartphones.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Riley Estopinal

I recently used HP ProtectTools software to secure my laptop and I must say it was quite a pleasant experience. It was easy to install and configure, and I was able to have my laptop secured in no time. It had a wide range of options for security, from passwords to a complete data encryption system. It also provided for a secure login process with a PIN code. The system was also very intuitive, making it easy to navigate. The only downside was that the encryption process was quite slow. Overall, HP ProtectTools is a great security solution and I would certainly recommend it.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Leon R*******b

HP ProtectTools software is easy to use and offers a wide range of security options. It provides strong protection for my computer against unauthorized access and malicious software. It also includes pre-boot authentication and password protection for sensitive files. The software is well organized, allowing for quick access to the various security settings.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Joseph E*******k

HP ProtectTools is a useful software for managing security features on HP devices, with options for setting up passwords, encryption, and biometric authentication.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Jacob V.

HP ProtectTools software provides a range of security features for HP devices, including encryption, authentication, and password management.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools is a suite of security tools that ensures comprehensive protection of computer systems. Its key feature is its range of robust security measures including pre-boot authentication, drive encryption, and BIOS level security controls. The software is renowned for its ease of use and its ability to guard against unauthorized access or potential malicious threats.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


It has a user-friendly interface but often runs a bit slowly.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Reliable security features, somewhat complex interface.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Robust, versatile security features.

HP ProtectTools Security Manager — предоставляет расширенные функции входа в систему и входа на сайт, также содержит функции безопасности, доступ к некоторым опциям биоса, настройки шифрования диска.

Личное мнение: эта программа нужна только тем, кто понимает ее возможности. Она содержит по-настоящему малоиспользуемые опции, да и просто может глючить, учитывая что продукт не массовый, а только для пользователей устройств HP. Так что если вы толком не поймете зачем она — удаляйте, тем более это не драйвера.


  1. Это фирменная программа компании HP, то есть она уже может быть спокойно установлена на только что купленном ноутбуке или ПК HP.
  2. Значок этого приложения может быть в панели управления Windows, которую легко открыть таким способом: зажмите Win + R, далее вставьте control иди control panel и кликните ОК.
  3. Но зачем нужна эта программа? Она предоставляет функции безопасности, которые помогают защитить ноутбук от несанкционированного доступа.
  4. На самом деле программа имеет сомнительную пользу, хоть и связанная с безопасностью. Например она может изменить некоторые опции биоса — включить или отключить последовательный/параллельный порт, карту памяти SD, привод CD-ROM, флоппи-дисковод, активировать функцию загрузки по сети.
  5. Присутствуют настройки безопасного входа в систему.
  6. Поддержка Activate Drive Encryption.
  7. Работа с пользователями — добавление, удаление, просмотра состояния.
  8. Просмотр параметров шифрования.
  9. Инструмент создания сложных паролей.
  10. Функция полного шифрования жесткого диска. Включает проверку подлинности перед запуском ПК.


Это только некоторые опции. Мое мнение — если вы обычный пользователь, купили себе ноут производителя HP чтобы просто смотреть веб-сайты, фильмы, играть в простенькие игры, то эту программу можно удалить. Это не драйвера и не критически важное ПО.

Простая инструкция деинсталляции приложения

  1. Зажмите клавиши Win + R, вставьте команду appwiz.cpl, нажмите ОК.
  2. Откроется окно установленного софта.
  3. Находим в списке HP ProtectTools Security Manager, нажимаем правой кнопкой > выбираем Удалить.
  4. Следуем инструкциям на экране, обычно нужно нажимать Далее/Next/Удалить/Uninstall.

Окно, где можно удалить программу — правый клик по названию и выбираем Удалить. Дальше просто следуем инструкциям.

В крайнем случае если что — приложение можно спокойно скачать с официального сайта HP (на форуме есть ссылка представителя).

По этой картинке видим — утилита функционирует под процессом PTHost.exe (точнее это один из процессов).
Отключение некоторых опций в биосе. Судя по оформлению программы — она существует уже давно, была еще во времена Windows XP.
Настройка опций безопасности в биосе.

Надеюсь данная информация оказалась полезной. Удачи.

This is a security application for managing HP desktop and laptop ed devices alongside a new protective layer comprising a suite of programs.

HP Protects Tools Security providers an interface where another security deliverable can be plugged in, enabling them to manage security features offered by HP.


Its the world best security providers

  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Full volume encryption
  • Single sign options
  • Secure file deletion
  • encrypted email
  • Computrace and LoJack Pro software
  • ing all s

HP Protecttools provides HP computer owners with a software package to help them quickly and easily manage all your business’ desktops and laptops from a single, central point.

The modular design presents in HP ProtectTools allows you to customize it just way you want, thus covering all of your needs regarding protection of your data, networks as well as communications. This comes in very handy for times when s forget their credentials or the computer is the subject of a theft.

With HP ProtectTools, you get multiple levels of pre-boot security and multi-factor authentication, full volume encryption, secure file deletion and limited access to peripherals, single-sign-on options, encrypted email as well as the computrace and LoJck Pro software that work with local law enforcement to help recover lost or stolen notebooks.

This particular piece of software also delivers an intuitive wizard that you can use in order to rapidly and effortlessly set it up. Moreover, the HP ProtectTools supplies you with all kinds of technologies to keep your computer fleet in check at any given moment in time.

The HP SpareKey can prove to be just the thing you need whenever you have trouble ing your by adding another layer of credential recovery to the BIOS. In this case, you may not have to resort to the IT . Furthermore, your emails and chats can now be encrypted by the Privacy Manager for further protection To sum it all up, HP ProtectTools is a pretty nifty software collection that can really make the difference if correctly utilized. 

The fact that it can help you in so many ways and that it can also save you when in specific distress situations must be enough for everyone carry for their computer to take it for a spin and see whether it makes a difference lot.

— Windows 7, 8, or 10 operating system
— HP Desktop or Laptop device
— Minimum 1GB RAM
— At least 500MB of free hard drive space

Offers comprehensive protection against various cyber threats.

Integrates seamlessly with other HP products and systems.

-friendly interface ensures easy navigation.

Can be difficult for non-tech savvies to navigate and use.

Limited customer available for troubleshooting.

Occasionally experiences software crashes and performance issues.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools is a really useful software to have if you need to securely run a business. The program makes sure that your computer is accessed only by those you want it to be accessed by. It also manages the configuration of your computer, in addition to various Smart Card operations. The program is unobtrusive since it runs «behind the scenes» in the background while your system is working.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


HP Protect tools for windows can be a helpful tool to help manage multiple security features offered by HP. However, there are issues with it when updating to Windows 10 which makes it slightly difficult to workaround. It works well with Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista. If you have windows 10 I would not recommend this.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


Technology is great. It allows us to store, access and share data, lots and lots of it. But there’s a downside. Sometimes unauthorized s access and utilize this data too. That’s why trusted security applications and tools are a must. Hewlett Packard is a trusted and reputable name in the industry. Packard’s uber-useful, HP Protect Tools come with a veritable boatload of high-tech security features. Encrypt access to your drives. Select site and application-specific s. Create an encrypted database. Use facial recognition to block easy access to a sensitive site. Or, designate a fingertip-verified mode of entry to foil unwanted s. Even reboot your security credentials, should circumstances make it needful, from an approved-by-you central venue. The list goes on. The tools are -friendly. Make space on your device for this feature today.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools for Windows helps computer s address several critical security objectives, including protecting confidential data, allowing only authorized s to access data, preventing theft of private information on corporate networks, and enforcing strong policies and related security mandates. HP ProtectTools for Windows provides several software modules to manage security credentials, remotely encrypt hard drives, backup hard drives, install biometric security, restore hard drives, authenticate s with Java Card Security, sanitize files, manage privacy, and remotely configure BIOS settings without rebooting. HP ProtectTools for Windows provides several key tools to keep your critical data secure for both corporate security professionals at the enterprise-level and the individual at home.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools for Windows software is able to keep and all of my files and all of my confidential information, like credit card numbers and social security numbers and banking information, completely safe from any outside, unauthorized access. It also protects any smart card information I have by encrypting it so no one unauthorized can access it.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools software is easy to use in Microsoft windows for the security operations. This will help yo to identify the unauthorized files entering windows. Manages security systems in an easy manner. The operating systems which we can use this software are windows, windows2000 windows XP, Windows Vista. It enables the security deliverables so the can perform the security actions . This software helps us to identify the software’s which needs an update . Updating the software’s related notifications are provided up to date with the help of HP protect tools. Software update notifications only provided . Hardware updating notifications are yet to be provided.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools is an interface that gives you more control over your system’s security. Offered on Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista, it is just a manager program. It does not seem to offer the actual tools which can be added later. This is the original interface that allows you to manage said tools. Reviews commonly reflect That customers were not aware of this beforehand, although most reviews date back to 2012.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner

Leon Ingerick

HP ProtectTools is a suite of security software designed to provide enhanced protection for HP computers and other devices. It includes features such as protection, encryption, file and folder security, and the ability to remotely manage the security settings. It also includes additional applications for devices such as printers, tablets, and smartphones.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner

Riley Estopinal

I recently used HP ProtectTools software to secure my laptop and I must say it was quite a pleasant experience. It was easy to install and configure, and I was able to have my laptop secured in no time. It had a wide range of options for security, from s to a complete data encryption system. It also provided for a secure process with a PIN code. The system was also very intuitive, making it easy to navigate. The only downside was that the encryption process was quite slow. Overall, HP ProtectTools is a great security solution and I would certainly recommend it.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner

Leon R*******b

HP ProtectTools software is easy to use and offers a wide range of security options. It provides strong protection for my computer against unauthorized access and malicious software. It also includes pre-boot authentication and protection for sensitive files. The software is well organized, allowing for quick access to the various security settings.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner

Joseph E*******k

HP ProtectTools is a useful software for managing security features on HP devices, with options for setting up s, encryption, and biometric authentication.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner

Jacob V.

HP ProtectTools software provides a range of security features for HP devices, including encryption, authentication, and management.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


HP ProtectTools is a suite of security tools that ensures comprehensive protection of computer systems. Its key feature is its range of robust security measures including pre-boot authentication, drive encryption, and BIOS level security controls. The software is renowned for its ease of use and its ability to guard against unauthorized access or potential malicious threats.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


It has a -friendly interface but often runs a bit slowly.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


Reliable security features, somewhat complex interface.



Pablo Stanley


Florian Körner


Robust, versatile security features.

Step 1) Click Start, then “All Programs.” Select “HP Protect Tools Security Manager” from the list of programs. Step 2) Click “Settings.” Click the box to the left of the menu. The green check in the box should disappear, which means that the application is disabled. Step 3) Close the window and restart the computer.

Is the HP protecttools security manager compatible with Windows 10?

The HP ProtectTools Security manager software is not compatible with W10. You need to install the newer HP Client Security Manager software which you can find on your notebook’s support page… Oct 2, 2019 . HP Client Security Manager provides enhanced Windows login and website single-sign-on capabilities.

Which is the operating system of HP protecttools?

The Operating System is Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit). Thank you for the attention. 09-28-2018 07:32 AM You can get it from the link below… HP ProtectTools Security Manager provides enhanced Windows login and website single-sign-on capabilities.

Why do I need HP Client Security Manager?

HP Client Security Manager provides enhanced Windows login and website single-sign-on capabilities. Security Manager is also the host for HP Client Security plugins, and therefore should be installed before other Client Security modules. This package is provided for supported computer models that are running a supported operating system.

How do I remove password from HP ProtectTools Security Manager?

This document describes how to disable the Password Manager in HP Client Security software.

  1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP ProtectTools Security Manager\Bin.
  2. Rename DPAgent to DPAgent. old.
  3. Stop the processes DpAgent.exe and DPAgent.exe.
  4. Restart the unit.

How do you remove HP Protect tools?

Go to Control Panel > Programs select Programs and Features , then choose Uninstall a program. Select HP ProtectTools Security Manager from the list of programs. Click “Uninstall” and follow all onscreen instructions to remove the program from your computer.

How do I disable HP Client Security?

2 Launch the System Configuration dialog by running the program msconfig.exe. (You can find it by typing “msconfig” in the start menu search.) Click on the services tab at the top of the window. find and uncheck “Digital Persona” under services. Click OK and restart the machine. HP Client Security will be disabled and inactive.

How do I uninstall HP device access manager?

Hover the cursor in the bottom-left corner of the screen, right-click on the Start button when a small image of the Start Screen appears and select Programs and Features . 2. Click on HP Device Access Manager and click Uninstall to uninstall it from your computer.

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