Hp p1006 драйвера для windows 10 x64

логотип HP

Коллекция решений и диагностических данных

Данное средство обнаружения продуктов устанавливает на устройство Microsoft Windows программное,которое позволяет HP обнаруживать продукты HP и Compaq и выполнять сбор данных о них для обеспечения быстрого доступа информации поддержке решениям Сбор тех. данных по поддерживаемым продуктам, которые используются для определения продуктов, предоставления соответствующих решений и автообновления этого средства, а также помогают повышать качество продуктов, решений, услуг и удобства пользования.

Примечание: Это средство поддерживается только на компьютерах под управлением ОС Microsoft Windows. С помощью этого средства можно обнаружить компьютеры и принтеры HP.

Полученные данные:

  • Операционная система
  • Версия браузера
  • Поставщик компьютера
  • Имя/номер продукта
  • Серийный номер
  • Порт подключения
  • Описание драйвера/устройства
  • Конфигурация компьютера и/или принтера
  • Диагностика оборудования и ПО
  • Чернила HP/отличные от HP и/или тонер HP/отличный от HP
  • Число напечатанных страниц

Сведения об установленном ПО:

  • HP Support Solutions Framework: служба Windows, веб-сервер localhost и ПО

Удаление установленного ПО:

  • Удалите платформу решений службы поддержки HP с помощью программ установки/удаления на компьютере.


  • Операционная система: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Браузер: Google Chrome 10+, Internet Explorer (IE)10.0+ и Firefox 3.6.x, 12.0+

Компания HP компилирует ваши результаты. Это может занять до 3 минут, в зависимости от вашего компьютера и скорости подключения. Благодарим за терпение.

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HP LaserJet P1006 Printer Software Driver Download

HP LaserJet P1000-P1500 Hostbased Plug and Play Basic Driver


Operation Systems: Microsoft Windows 10 32Bit

Details : The Plug and Play Bundle provides basic printing functions.

Release details

File name: ljP1000_P1500-HB-pnp-win32-en.exe

Released: Oct 15, 2013

Version : 20130415


File Size : 3.41Mb

Operation Systems: Microsoft Windows 10 64Bit

Details : The Plug and Play driver provides easy installation and offers basic printing functions.

Release details

File name: ljP1000_P1500-HB-pnp-win64-en.exe

Released: May 24, 2013

Version : 20130415


File Size : 3.91 Mb

HP LaserJet P1006 drivers free downloads Windows 11/10/7 (32/64-bit). Install the full drivers and scan the HP P1006 driver as a first step in setting up your printer.

Drivers for the HP LaserJet P1006 can be downloaded and installed for free and easily on Windows. Make sure the printer drivers used is in accordance with the operating system so that errors do not occur during driver installation.
For using a new printer or wanting to install all printer drivers on the HP LaserJet P1006, a full drivers installation is recommended. Besides being easy to use, the full installation drivers also supports the latest Windows OS.

HP LaserJet P1006 Driver Windows 11/10/7 (32/64-bit)

HP LaserJet P1006 Printer Driver


Download drivers HP LaserJet P1006 full feature software for Windows. This is a compatible driver for HP P1005/P1006/P1500 as a complete software solution and If the previous version of the software is still installed, remove it before installing this version.

HP LaserJet P1006 drivers Windows 11 (32/64-bit) | DOWNLOAD

HP LaserJet P1006 drivers Windows 10 (32/64-bit) | DOWNLOAD

HP LaserJet P1006 drivers Windows 7 (32/64-bit) | DOWNLOAD

Applicable for series: HP LaserJet P1005 | HP LaserJet P1006 | HP LaserJet P1500

HP LaserJet P1006 Scan Driver


Download HP Scan and Doctor printer driver for LaserJet P1006. Install this driver for troubleshooting common issues experienced with HP print and scan products connected to Windows-based computers by simply running the tool and following the on-screen instructions.

HP LaserJet P1006 Scan drivers Windows 11 (32/64-bit) | DOWNLOAD

HP LaserJet P1006 Scan drivers Windows 10 (32/64-bit) | DOWNLOAD

HP LaserJet P1006 Scan drivers Windows 7 (32/64-bit) | DOWNLOAD

Applicable for series: HP LaserJet P1005 | HP LaserJet P1006 | HP LaserJet P1500

HP LaserJet P1006

Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Размер: 163.3 MB

Разрядность: 32/64

Ссылка: HP LaserJet P1006-Win-7

Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10

Размер: 3.5 MB -x32 и 3.9 MB -x64

Разрядность: 32/64


x32 — HP LaserJet P1006-Win-10

x64 — HP LaserJet P1006-Win-10

Как узнать разрядность системы.

Установка драйвера в Windows 10

Для того чтобы настроить новый принтер НР, потребуется настроить систему для работы с ним. Это делается при помощи установки программы-драйвера. Она необходима, чтобы принтеру в Windows были присвоены правильные настройки. Сначала скачайте драйвера для принтера НР LaserJet P1006 по ссылкам выше на этой странице. Нажмите на скаченный файл правой кнопкой и выберите меню «Открыть».

В приветственном окне выбираем серию принтеров – «НР LaserJet P1000 Series». Щелкаем по ссылке с таким названием.

Если принтер уже был подключен к системному блоку кабелем, то отключаем его и нажимаем «Begin Setup».

Проверьте место установки устройства – там должна быть вентиляция, соблюдаться температура 10-32 градуса и относительная влажность 10-80%. Для продолжения выберите «Next Step».

Для запуска мастера установки, нажмите кнопку «Install Printer Software».

Рекомендуется закрыть все другие приложения перед началом работы. Затем нажмите «Далее».

Прочитайте текст лицензионного соглашения. Если согласны со всеми его пунктами, то нажмите «Да» для перехода далее.

Из списка устройств выберите нужную модель принтера. В нашем случае – это НР LaserJet P1006. Для подтверждения нажмите «Далее».

Для перехода к копированию файлов проверьте информацию и щелкните  «Далее».

Программа предложит соединить принтер и системный блок кабелем.

В компьютер присоедините прямоугольный конец, а в принтер квадратный. Включите питание. Установка печатающего устройства завершится автоматически. Принтер готов к работе.

Просим Вас оставить комментарий к этой статье, потому что нам нужно знать – помогла ли Вам статья. Спасибо большое!

for Windows 11, 10, Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 32bit-64bit and Mac OS.

HP LaserJet P1006 printer image

HP LaserJet P1006 Driver Download Link

All users of HP LaserJet P1006 must ensure they have downloaded all the drivers and installed them correctly. However, there are a few things users have to check before clicking on the download link. Driver compatibility is very essential as drivers are compatible with specific operating systems. The following operating systems are compatible with the HP LaserJet P1006 driver download. HP LaserJet P1006 basic driver setup and full feature package are available in the download section below.

If the below given full feature .exe driver doesn’t open when you clicked on it then download the zip format driver and run setup.exe file from there.

  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Windows XP (32-bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP Laserjet P1006 Driver for Wind Vista (32-bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Windows 8 (32-bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Windows 8 (64-bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Windows 8.1 (32-bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Windows 8.1 (64-bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Windows 10 (32bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Windows 10 (64bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Windows 11 (32bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Windows 11 (64bit) → Download (Exe) / Download (zip)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 basic driver for all Windows versions → Download (Basic Driver)
    Learn how to install a printer manually in Windows 11, 10, 8 using its basic driver.
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Server 2000 to 2022 (32bit) → Download
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Server 2003 to 2022 (64bit) → Download
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Server 2008, 2012, 2016 → Not Available Read more
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Print and Scan Doctor for all Windows versions → Download
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Mac OS x10.3 → Download
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Mac OS x10.4 → Download
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Mac OS x10.5 → Download
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Mac OS x10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14, 10.15, 11.x Big Sur, 12.x Monterey Not Available (Read more)
  • HP LaserJet P1006 Driver for Linux and UbuntuNot Available (Read more)


  • You can download these drivers directly from the HP Laserjet P1006 official download page.

Update1: We have added HP LaserJet P1006 windows 10 drivers to the above download list. You can now easily download drivers for win 11, 10 as well. If you have upgraded your windows from windows 7 or 8 to windows 10 and your HP 1018 printer has stopped working, it means an old driver is occurring this problem so you’ll have to download driver and install the newer windows 10 version drivers on that.

Update2: Added direct official download page link for this printer in the download section. And added more details about “not available” drivers.

Update 3: Added Windows 11 driver and Server 2022 version drivers.

Printer Description & Review

The HP LaserJet P1006 printer comes with several great features, making it one great printer to own in a small, busy office. The toner is spherical, allowing small cartridges to easily fit. It is hap’s smallest laser printer so far specifically designed for quiet offices. Users can easily print from their desktop without having to experience the annoying noises from the background. It is economical in several ways, occupying very minimal office space and operating with the smallest amount of power so far. The instant on technology allows the printer to quickly print documents without having to heat, unlike most printers. However, most of these features cannot be enjoyed without having the right kind of printers. There is a need for users to download the correct drivers and install them to be able to enjoy most of these features.

HP P1006 also known as:

  • HP LaserJet P1006 printer driver
  • HP P1006 printer
  • LaserJet P1006
  • LaserJet HP  P1006
  • HP  P1006 LaserJet
  • P1006 hp drivers for macOS
  • Technical model number: Boisb-0605-00


Once the operating system has been confirmed, one can then either choose to download the drivers to an external hard disk or internal hard disk of the computer. Downloading the drivers is very easy and one can access the drivers by clicking the download link. The download process should only take a few minutes as the driver size is small. There are different versions of this driver but going with the latest delivers the best results when it comes to proper functioning of the printer. Driver installations can take place later or immediately depending on the user’s preference. Installation of the drivers is another easy process which takes very few minutes.

How to Install HP LaserJet P1006 Printer

Driver installation for the printer is important in several ways. Printer problems can be easily detected and solved if one has the right drivers for the printer. Most of the printer problems are usually related to software problems. This means keeping drivers up to date will ensure that any problems with the printer that are not caused by malfunctions can easily be detected and solved by troubleshooting. Troubleshooting the printer detects any problems and helps solve any issues making the printer function properly. For those with this type of printer who do not have the drivers, they should download them and install them to enjoy the features this great printer offers.

The file containing the drivers is selected and one clicks on the ‘exe format’. This will enable the drivers to be installed without any difficulty. One will have to click accept for the drivers to be installed. Once the installation process is complete, click on the finish button to confirm the installation has been successful and one can easily use most of the features of this printer. However, instances where the installation process fails, one will have to reinstall it again. Follow the steps below.


Method 1: How to Install HP P1006 driver through its driver’s CD

Install HP LaserJet P1006 Printer with software CD. (Automatic Wizard)

Method 1 Requirements:

  1. Need one CD/DVD Drive installed on your computer.
  2. Need a Software/Driver CD Disk for HP LaserJet P1006, which came with the printer.
  3. Need a USB cable that will connect your printer to your computer. It came with the printer.

Follow the steps to install HP LaserJet P1006 printer with CD Drive.

  1. Turn it on your computer, where you need to install the HP LaserJet P1006 printer on it.
  2. Turn it on the HP LaserJet P1006 printer as well.
  3. Keep unplug HP LaserJet P1006 printer USB cable (Do not plug it in until it prompts).
  4. Insert HP LaserJet P1006 disk into the CD/DVD drive on your computer, run the setup wizard of the CD, and follow their instructions to install it.
  5. Now connect the HP LaserJet P1006 printer USB cable to the computer when the installer wizard asks (Note: Do not plug before asking). Wizards will be analyzed when you connect them. Once the printer is recognized, it will automatically go to further steps. Note: Wait until the printer is finished detection.
  6. Follow the wizard instructions to finish it.
  7. Once done, you will have your HP LaserJet P1006 Printer ready to use.

Method 2: Install HP LaserJet P1006 Drivers using online driver

Install HP LaserJet P1006 Printer without CD. (Automatic Wizard)

Method 2 Requirements:

  1. Need a Software/Driver Setup file for HP LaserJet P1006. You can download it from the above links, according to your Operating System.
  2. Need a USB cable that will connect your printer to your computer. It came with the printer.

Follow the steps to install HP LaserJet P1006 printer with Setup File.

  1. Turn it on your computer, where you need to install the HP LaserJet P1006 printer.
  2. Turn it on the HP LaserJet P1006 printer as well.
  3. Keep unplug the HP LaserJet P1006 printer USB cable (Do not plug it in until it prompts).
  4. Download the HP LaserJet P1006 driver setup file from the above links then run that downloaded file and follow their instructions to install it.
  5. Now connect the HP LaserJet P1006 printer USB cable to the computer when the installer wizard asks (Note: Do not plug before asking). Wizards will be analyzed when you connect them. Once the printer is recognized, it will automatically go to further steps. Note: Wait until the printer is finished detection.
  6. Follow the wizard instructions to finish it.
  7. Once done, you’ll have your HP LaserJet P1006 Printer ready to use.

Method 3: Install HP LaserJet P1006 Driver Manually

Install HP LaserJet P1006 Driver manually with the help of “Add a Printer” option (Windows inbuilt feature)

Method 3 Requirements:

  1. Need a Software/Driver Setup file for HP LaserJet P1006. You can download it from the above links, according to your Operating System.
  2. Need a USB cable that will connect your printer to your computer. It came with the printer.

Follow the steps to install HP LaserJet P1006 printer Manually

  1. Turn it on your computer, where you need to install the HP LaserJet P1006 printer on it.
  2. Turn it on the HP LaserJet P1006 printer as well.
  3. Connect HP LaserJet P1006 printer USB cable from Printer to computer.
  4. Extract HP LaserJet P1006 setup file and their extracted location (the default location is TEMP folder)
  5. Click on Start button ⇾ then click on Control Panel ⇾ then click on View Devices & Printer (for Windows 7, vista users).
    Note: For XP Users, Click on Fax & Printers.
  6. Click on Add a Printer.
  7. If it prompts for the driver’s location, then give it the path where they have extracted the setup file.
  8. Follow the wizard instructions to finish it.
  9. Once done, you’ll have your HP LaserJet P1006 Printer ready to use.

This page includes complete instructions about installing the latest HP LaserJet P1006 driver downloads using their online setup installer file. If there are any complications in downloading or installing the driver, do let me know in the comments down below.

Are you facing any difficulty finding your printer or scanner driver? Try DriverEasy tool, it will download and update the missing drivers automatically.

Questions & Answers

Question: Hi, I lost my disk for my hp lasserjet p1006, so how can i install direct or where to download

Answer: If you have lost your driver disk, then you don’t need to worry, you can easily download the latest driver of HP Laserjet P1006 printer by clicking here.

Question: Will MacBook Air 10.13.5 recognize the HP P1006 printer

Question: Request the download of hp lasarjet p1006 Windows 8

Question: jump paper any time.

Answer: Do clean your printer rollers maually and do reset your printer once.

Question: Can’t run hp 1006 after windows 10 upgrade driver for hp laserJet P1006

Answer: Windows upgrade uses different drivers that’s why it is not working.
Solution: Do uninstall your old drivers and then install drivers which is compatible with windows 10. Please go to the download section above and download windows 10 drivers and then install them on your computer.


Answer: Go to the download section above and download HP laserjet P1006 driver from there and re-install it. Please let us know again if the problem doesn’t fix after reinstall.

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