Коллекция решений и диагностических данных
Данное средство обнаружения продуктов устанавливает на устройство Microsoft Windows программное,которое позволяет HP обнаруживать продукты HP и Compaq и выполнять сбор данных о них для обеспечения быстрого доступа информации поддержке решениям Сбор тех. данных по поддерживаемым продуктам, которые используются для определения продуктов, предоставления соответствующих решений и автообновления этого средства, а также помогают повышать качество продуктов, решений, услуг и удобства пользования.
Примечание: Это средство поддерживается только на компьютерах под управлением ОС Microsoft Windows. С помощью этого средства можно обнаружить компьютеры и принтеры HP.
Полученные данные:
- Операционная система
- Версия браузера
- Поставщик компьютера
- Имя/номер продукта
- Серийный номер
- Порт подключения
- Описание драйвера/устройства
- Конфигурация компьютера и/или принтера
- Диагностика оборудования и ПО
- Чернила HP/отличные от HP и/или тонер HP/отличный от HP
- Число напечатанных страниц
Сведения об установленном ПО:
- HP Support Solutions Framework: служба Windows, веб-сервер localhost и ПО
Удаление установленного ПО:
- Удалите платформу решений службы поддержки HP с помощью программ установки/удаления на компьютере.
- Операционная система: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- Браузер: Google Chrome 10+, Internet Explorer (IE)10.0+ и Firefox 3.6.x, 12.0+
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Solution and Diagnostic Data Collection
This product detection tool installs software on your Microsoft Windows device that allows HP to detect and gather data about your HP and Compaq products to provide quick access to support information and solutions. Technical data is gathered for the products supported by this tool and is used to identify products, provide relevant solutions and automatically update this tool, to improve our products, solutions, services, and your experience as our customer.
Note: This tool applies to Microsoft Windows PC’s only. This tool will detect HP PCs and HP printers.
Data gathered:
- Operating system
- Browser version
- Computer vendor
- Product name/number
- Serial number
- Connection port
- Driver/device description
- Computer and/or printer configuration
- Hardware and software diagnostics
- HP/Non-HP ink and/or HP/Non-HP Toner
- Number of pages printed
Installed Software Details:
- HP Support Solutions Framework — Windows Service, localhost Web server, and Software
Removing Installed Software:
- Remove «HP Support Solutions Framework» through Add/Remove programs on PC
- Operating System — Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- Browser — Google Chrome 10+, Internet Explorer (IE)10.0+, and Firefox 3.6.x, 12.0+
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Подробнее о пакете драйверов:Тип: драйвер |
Драйвер и полнофункционально программное обеспечение для черно-белого лазерного принтера HP LaserJet Pro P1102, P1102w, P1102s. Установка драйвера на Windows 10 происходит автоматически. Предназначен также для принтеров серии HP LaserJet Pro P1100, P1560, P1600. Подходит для любых версий Windows, включая 32 и 64 битные Windows 10.
Внимание! Перед установкой драйвера HP LaserJet Pro P1102 рекомендутся удалить её старую версию. Удаление драйвера особенно необходимо — при замене оборудования или перед установкой новых версий драйверов для видеокарт. Узнать об этом подробнее можно в разделе FAQ.
Файлы для скачивания (информация)
LJP1100_1102_P1560_P1600-HB-win32-ru.exe — для 32 битных систем (только драйвер).
LJP1100_1102_P1560_P1600-HB-win64-ru.exe — для 64 битных систем (только драйвер).
hp_LJP1100_P1560_P1600_Full_Solution-v20120831-50157036_SMO.exe — драйвер и программное обеспечение (Windows 10) (143 mb)
Поддерживаемые устройства (ID оборудований):
USB\VID_03F0&PID_002A | Hewlett-Packard LaserJet P1102 |
USB\VID_03F0&PID_032A | Hewlett-Packard P1100 USB EWS Device Driver |
USB\VID_03F0&PID_102A | Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Profession al P 1102w |
USB\VID_03F0&PID_092A | Hewlett-Packard P1560 USB EWS Device Driver |
USB\VID_03F0&PID_0A2A | Hewlett-Packard HP Printer (BIDI) |
USB\VID_03F0&PID_042A | Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1132 MFP |
USB\VID_03F0&PID_052A | Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Profession al M1210 MFP Series |
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HP LaserJet Pro P1102
HP LaserJet Pro P1102
Чтобы скачать драйвер HP LaserJet Pro P1102, нажмите на ссылку ниже и после чего читайте нашу инструкцию по установке драйвера. Драйвер вы можете установить в системы: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 и Windows 10. А также в другие популярные серверные версии.
Windows 2003/2008/2012/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 — рекомендуем полный пакет
Размер: 143.3 MB
Разрядность: 32/64
Ссылка: HP LaserJet Pro P1102 -Win-XP-10
Windows 7/8/8.1/10 — базовый пакет
Вы можете установить драйвер HP LaserJet Pro P1102 с помощью Windows. Но это будет базовый драйвер. Более подробно про установку мы рассказывали в одной из статей.
Установка драйвера в Windows 10
Первая операция, которая должна быть проведена для нового принтера HP LaserJet Pro P1102 после покупки – это установка специального программного продукта от производителя. Это простая операция, которая позволяет системе правильно опознать устройство.
Первое, что потребуется сделать – это перейти по ссылкам, опубликованным в начале статьи, чтобы скачать драйверы для принтера HP LaserJet Pro P1102. После завершения скачивания, дистрибутив попадет в системную папку «Загрузки», откуда его необходимо запустить через меню «Открыть».
Жмем по ссылке «Установка с USB» для запуска разархивирования файлов инсталлера.
После этого кликаем по ссылке «Начать установку» для того, чтобы открыть основной мастер установки.
Обязательно потребуется просмотреть обучающее видео с руководством по условиям размещения принтера. Для этого жмем на красный треугольник слева снизу.
Снимаем транспортировочную пленку, а также фиксаторы из клейкой ленты, так, как показано на картинке.
Обязательно проверяем, что снят основной фиксатор с верхней крышки устройства.
Теперь остается кликнуть по ссылке «Установка программного обеспечения принтера».
Из предложенных опций по установке драйверов выбираем рекомендуемый вариант – это «простая установка». Жмем «Далее».
Из перечня устройств, выбираем нужную серию – в данном случае – это «HP LaserJet Professional P1100 Series» и подтверждаем выбор кнопкой «Далее».
Теперь потребуется выбрать конкретную модификацию устройства. Для нас выбор – «НР LaserJet Professional P1100w Series». Переходим «Далее».
Из предложенных опций выбираем способ подключения к системнику. Предпочтительный – «Настройка на печать с помощью устройства USB» — ставим напротив него отметку и жмем «Далее».
Подключаем устройство кабелем из комплекта и ждем (3-4 минуты) пока программа завершит настройку и установку.
После этого выводим на печать тестовую страницу, так как драйвер HP LaserJet Pro P1102 установился на ваш компьютер.
Просим Вас оставить комментарий к этой статье, потому что нам нужно знать – помогла ли Вам статья. Спасибо большое!
Download the HP LaserJet P1102 Driver download for free on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
Today, we come here with one more printer driver, model number HP LaserJet Pro P1102. In this page, we’ll share with you the HP LaserJet P1102 pro driver download link for Windows 10, 11 (32-bit, 64-bit), 8, 8.1, Windows 7, Vista, XP, Windows Server 2003, 2008 and MacOS x10.4 to x10.7.
To download the driver, go to the download section below and click on the download link. There are two types of drivers that are available for download full feature driver & basic driver.
How to Download HP LaserJet P1102 Printer Driver
To download the correct printer driver, you must know the exact version of your computer’s operating system running on your computer.
- Once you know your operating system, go to the download list below and choose your operating system from here.
- Next, download the HP LaserJet P1102 (27-dp0151d) printer driver associated with your operating system.
- HP laser jet p1102 driver for
Windows 11, 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP (32bit / 64bit) – Download (Full Feature)
Windows 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP (32bit) – Download 32-bit (Basic Driver)
Windows 11, 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP (64bit) – Download 64-bit (Basic Driver)
Supported OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, Windows 10, 11, Server 2003 to 2022 32-bit / 64-bit.
Watch a video tutorial on how to install HP p1102 printer driver using the full feature driver.
Note: If the above driver installation wizard doesn’t start automatically then download this driver in a zip format. Then click here to learn how to manually start the installation wizard.
- HP laserjet p1102 basic driver (With Installer) for All Windows
Basic Driver 32bit / Basic Driver 64bit (.EXE Format)
Basic Driver (.INF Format – 32/64bit)
Supported OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, Windows 10, 11, Server 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022.
Watch a video tutorial on how to install a basic driver manually on a Windows-based computer.
- HP p1102 driver for Windows Server – Download (Full Feature)
Supported OS: Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022 32-bit / 64-bit.
- HP LaserJet 1102 Driver for Linux and Ubuntu – Download 11.1 MB (Know more)
Supported OS: Linux, Fedora, Unix, Ubuntu
- HP laser jet p1102 driver for Mac OS X 10.4 to 10.7– Download
Supported OS: Mac OS X v10.4, v10.5, v10.6, v10.7
- HP laser jet p1102 driver for Mac OS X 10.8 to 10.15, 11.x, 12.x, 13.x – Download
Supported OS: Mac OS X v10.8, v10.9, v10.10, macOS 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14, 10.15, 11 Big Sur, 12.x Monterey, 13.x Ventura.
If you are having problem while installing it on Mac OS X then you should checkout this article: https://www.freeprintersupport.com/fix-printer-has-stopped-working-after-update/
You can download these drivers directly from HP LaserJet P1102 official download page.
Update Logs:
- Added HP LaserJet P1102 official download page link. Added more information about “not available” drivers.
- Added basic drivers for all operating system versions.
- Added macOS 10.0 to 11 Big Sur drivers.
- On September 2023, I have added Mac 13.x, Linux and Server 2022 drivers.
HP LaserJet P1102 Driver Compatibility
Many users are concerned about the compatibility of HP 1102 printer before installing it on their computer. This concern is completely justified because an incompatible driver can cause device malfunctions. Therefore, you can install our printer drivers on your computer without any hesitation. We have listed its supported operating system listed in above.
How to install HP laserjet p1102 driver
- Install driver through its driver CD
- Install driver through its online driver package
- Install driver through its basic driver
Option1: How to install the drivers for the printer using the CD wizard
- Turn on the printer by pressing the power button on it.
- Load the driver CD that came with your printer into your computer’s CD drive.
- The Autoplay window will pop up and prompt you to Install or run the program from your media.
- Click on Run or execute the file named as Autorun.exe.
- Windows will ask you if you want to open the installer at which point you should click on Yes.
- Before the installation can continue, you need to review the agreements and then click on the checkbox next to “I have reviewed and accept the installation agreement”.
- You’ll now be promoted to click Next to begin installing the HP LaserJet P1102 printer drivers. The Installer will copy files from the CD and transfer them to your computer.
- A menu with a few choices will appear, so make sure you choose the way you want to connect the printer to your computer.
- Choose to either connect it through a wireless network, a wired network or using a USB cable.
- A window will then appear asking that you connect one end of the USB cable into your printer and the other into your laptop/computer.
- Your computer will find the printer (automatically) and then continue/next with the installation.
- Once the installation is complete, the installer will notify you about it.
- A window will appear saying the software was successfully installed, Click Finish.
Option2: How to install the driver through Installation package
Watch a video tutorial on how to install HP laserjet p1102 printer in Windows using its full feature driver.
You can install printer drivers even if you have lost your printer drivers CD. This is the method that you can install HP LaserJet P1102 printer without CD (disc).
Method1 to download driver
- Go to HP LaserJet P1102 official website and click on Download drivers button.
- Enter your printer name in the Find my product box.
- A series of results will appear, so make sure you select your specific printer model by clicking on it
- Choose your operating system that matches your version of Windows.
- Choose either the Basic Driver or Full Feature Driver. The Basic Driver package includes all the basic files required to use the printer. The Full Feature package includes extra software, such as maintenance programs, utilities and even photo editing apps.
Method2 to download driver
- You can download driver through this page as well. Driver Download links are also given on this page, you can download it from here directly. Scroll above and find out the driver download link.
Then follow the below-given instructions to install HP LaserJet P1102 driver
- Click on the driver package and choose where you want to download it on your computer.
- Click Save and wait until the download is complete.
- Double click on the Driver package of your choice after it’s downloaded. The installation will extract the files required to begin.
- The installation will now begin, so walk the Wizard prompts to install the drivers.
- Accept Installation agreements.
- Connect your printer to your computer when prompted to do so.
- Click Finish to finish installing the drivers.
Option 3: How to install the driver through “Add a printer” (Manually)
Watch a video tutorial on how to install HP laserjet p1102 printer in Windows manually using its basic driver (inf drivers).
- Go to Start.
- Locate Control Panel on the right and click on it.
- Go to Hardware and Sound.
- Under Devices and Printers, click on Add Printer.
- Choose to Add a local printer if you don’t have a USB printer listed in the list. That’s because Windows installs USB printers automatically as you plug them in.
- Choose a port for your printer or create a new one and then click Next.
- Choose your printer from the list (including brand and model) and click Next.
- Now all you have to do is select Use the driver that is currently installed (recommended) and click Next. If you don’t find your printer drivers in this default list then you have to download drivers first from their own official website then extract them to the temp folder then give that temp folder path in this “add a printer” installation wizard.
- Click next again and then click Finish.
Our experts have prepared a short and precise installation guide for all our printer drivers. This has been done to simplify the driver installation process and to make it error-free. Although the installation procedure is simple, it’s different for each operating system. Therefore, you must read the instructions carefully and execute them as they are described.
HP LaserJet P1102 Uninstallation
Even after installing the right printer driver in a proper way if you are experiencing printer malfunctions, then it’s probably due to driver conflicts. Having driver conflicts on your computer can create multiple problems with various devices. However, getting rid of driver conflicts from your computer is a simple and easy process if you follow the right steps.
First, you should make a list of all the unnecessary and old drivers that are still installed on your computer. Preferably, you should uninstall all these drivers from your computer, since you don’t need them anymore or you have their newer version on your computer. However, if due to some reason you are unable to do that, then at least make sure that only useful drivers are running on your computer when you are using your HP 1102 printer.
HP Laser Jet P1102 pro printer detail
HP P1102 pro Printer Review
HP this laserjet P1102 printer model is the most selling model in its segment because of its laser printing technique and its economical printing. The printer size is also very compact in size, I loved it. Its maintenance is also very low in cost.
The HP LaserJet P1102 is a compact, affordable monochrome printer that can deliver top-quality prints while saving money by using less energy with its Instant-on Technology. In this guide, you will get access to working links for downloading the HP LaserJet Pro P1102 driver for multiple operating systems.
HP LaserJet P1102 pro Features
- HP Monochrome Laser technology.
- Print resolution of up to 1200 dpi.
- Print speed of up to 18 ppm for black prints.
- Processor speed of 266 MHz.
- The duty cycle of 5,000 pages per month.
- Supports mobile printing.
- Uses HP FastRes 1200 Image Enhancement Technology.
- Model number is: BOISB-0902-00
- Printer Number: CE651A / VNC6H18325.
Supported operating systems
- Windows Vista 32-bit / 64-bit
- Windows XP 32-bit / 64-bit
- Windows 7 32-bit / 64-bit
- Windows 8 / 8.1 32-bit / 64-bit
- Windows 10 32-bit / 64-bit
- Windows 11 64-bit
- Windows Server 2003 to 2022 32-bit / 64-bit
- Mac OS X v10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12 Sierra, 10.13 High Sierra , 10.14 Moajve, 10.15, 11.x, 12.x Monterey.
Driver Requests:
- Need to download driver for printer HP Laserjet 1102.
- We want to download drive HP Laser Jet P1102.
- Is there a way to install for the printer HP laser Jet P1102 types are on line and free. What is the name of the site.
- I need Printer Drivers for Hp Laser Jet P1102.
- Kindly send me drivers for my printer HP Laser jet P1102.
Are you facing any difficulty finding your printer or scanner driver? Try DriverEasy tool, it will download and update the missing drivers automatically.
Questions & Answers
Question: good day,i want install HP Laserjet P1102 on my Chromebook Samsung laptop, thanks
Answer: You can easily set up the HP Laserjet P1102w printer on your Chromebook. In order to do so, you just need to follow the following steps:-
How to set up HP Laserjet P1102 printer on Chromebook
Step 1: First of all, connect your printer to your WiFi Network (Wireless Router) through WiFi. Here’s a video tutorial that will help you set up the printer to router.
Step 2: Once you have successfully connected the printer to the router, go to the «Settings» of your Chromebook and click on «Printers» from the left side pane. Now look at the right-side pane and you’ll see the HP Laserjet P1102 printer model number listed there. Please note that the printer won’t be listed there until your printer is successfully connected to the router through WiFi. After that, look at the extreme right side where the printer model number is shown and you’ll see a «Save» button on the front, click on that to complete the setup. For more details, check out this video tutorial.
Question: The borders of the page aren’t equal even after installing and trying all the available drivers here>>>although the same page is printed with equal borders on another printer >>>how can i solve this, if you please??
Answer: It seems like there is a problem when the printer is picking up the paper. Maybe the paper-picker or the very first roller after picking up the paper has gone dusty or worn off. Eventually, it seems like a hardware issue, so you’ll have to get it repaired by the HP support or any printer repair shop near you. As a last try, can you perform aligning the paper from the printer software.
Question: The paper does not pick up in the rollers, so I have to sort of hand push a little to get the rollers to pull the sheet through the machine. Sticks at the rollers. Do you have an answer?
Answer: This seems like a hardware issue. There is a part in the printer that helps to pick-up the paper — it is also called paper-picker. It could have been rubbed. You may clean it manually or replace it with a new one.
Question: How to install my HP laser Jet P1102 without cd disk.
Answer: Nowadays, all the printer companies provide their device drivers online on their own website easily. So now you can easily install HP laserjet p1102 printer without CD. You don’t need to keep the CD disc or drive, becasue everytime you’ll get updated drivers from on-line.
Here’s the full feature printer driver. Download the driver and then double-click on it to install it on your computer. Sometimes, the driver installation wizard doesn’t start automatically, in this case we we suggest you to please use the driver in the zip format and then run its inside «.exe» file manually as given in the below animation.
Answer: There are two main reasons behind the blank page printing.
- The first is refers to the dry ink cartridges. Make sure the ink cartridges are not gone dry.
- The second reason is referred to the printer driver. Re-install the printer driver from scratch. Don’t forget to uninstall the «USB printing support» driver which is located under the «Universal Serail Bus controller» in the «device manager».
Question: Software HP Laser Jet P1102.
Question: Driver for Mac 10.14.
Answer: Mac OS version 10.14 driver is not available. Click here to get more detail on how to install HP laserjet p1102 printer in mac 10.14 OS. We suggest you to please update your OS version while connecting HP p1102 printer on your mac.
Question: After we run the link …it’s not completed running (extraction failed — cannot open output file).
Answer: There might be a permission issue with this file. Anyway, we are giving you the drivers in a zip file, download the zip file. Please unzip the downloaded file to a folder and double-click on the P1100_P1560_P1600.exe file. See the below Animation.
If this doesn’t work then try its basic driver. Click here to download 32-bit / download 64-bit.
Question: please kindly send my hp laser jet P1102 printer driver i can’t download it through the net. thanks.
Question: Required hp laserjet p1007 software.
Answer: Click here to download HP p1007 driver & software pack.
Question: I have a printer HP LaserJet P1102 printer, serial no. VNF3B12038, I lost my CD help me the device because I lost the CD driver.
Answer: Don’t worry because you can easily install the driver without its driver disk. The driver setup file is easily available on their official website. We are giving you this driver here as well, click here to download the HP p1102 driver.
Question: I have a printer HP Laser jet P1102, Serial no- VNF8R34136, I lost my CD. Pls sent me a installing software for installing.
Answer: No need driver’s CD nowadays because most of the printer manufacturers provide its driver pack on their websites easily. Click here to download HP Laserjet P1102 driver & software pack.
Question: What is the meaning of Function address 0x8007260c caused a protection fault?
Answer: This error message (Function address 0x8007260c caused a protection fault) appears when you try to open up printer’s property page, but it may not be display. The error message contains «exception code 0xc0000005» which means a permission issue occurs in communicating with the printer settings. Happily, this issue can be fixable.
Solution: To fix it, you have to uninstall and then re-install the printer driver. The issue will fix after that. Please let us know again if it doesn’t work.
Question: I have HP LaserJet Professional P1102 printer, it was installed but there was a problem that forced to deinstall and I can not reinstall the printer. I ask you to solve the problem. HP LaserJet P1102 Windows 8 — 64bit.
Question: why I can not download HP LaserJet P1102? my computer were stolen , so that i loose my printer c d driver, now i have another computer and i need the driver for my printer,
please help me.
Answer: I just have checked the all download links and all are working perfectly fine. We recommend you to please use a diffrent browser to download the file. Here is the direct link to download the file, click here.
Question: Divers for the laserjet printer p1102 printer isn’t seen. please send me a link on the email.
Answer: Windows 10 driver is already listed in the download list above. So, please go to the download section above and download windows 10 driver from there. We have sent you this driver through email as well.
Question: Kindly send me a driver driver for HP LASERJET P1102 i want to install to my laptop advent
Answer: This driver is already listed in our download list. So please go to the download section and download windows 7 driver from there.
Question: Required hp laser jet p 1102 driver need free software.