How to use wget on windows

What does WGET Do?

Once installed, the WGET command allows you to download files over the TCP/IP protocols: FTP, HTTP and HTTPS.

If you’re a Linux or Mac user, WGET is either already included in the package you’re running or it’s a trivial case of installing from whatever repository you prefer with a single command.

Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple in Windows (although it’s still very easy!).

To run WGET you need to download, unzip and install manually.

Install WGET in Windows 10

Download the classic 32 bit version 1.14 here or, go to this Windows binaries collection at Eternally Bored here for the later versions and the faster 64 bit builds.

Here is the downloadable zip file for version 1.2 64 bit.

If you want to be able to run WGET from any directory inside the command terminal, you’ll need to learn about path variables in Windows to work out where to copy your new executable. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to make WGET a command you can run from any directory in Command Prompt.

Run WGET from anywhere

Firstly, we need to determine where to copy WGET.exe.

After you’d downloaded wget.exe (or unpacked the associated distribution zip files) open a command terminal by typing “cmd” in the search menu:

type: cmd in the search bar of Windows 10

We’re going to move wget.exe into a Windows directory that will allow WGET to be run from anywhere.

First, we need to find out which directory that should be. Type:


You should see something like this:

Typing path in cmd in Windows 10

Thanks to the “Path” environment variable, we know that we need to copy wget.exe to the c:\Windows\System32 folder location.

Go ahead and copy WGET.exe to the System32 directory and restart your Command Prompt.

Restart command terminal and test WGET

If you want to test WGET is working properly, restart your terminal and type:

wget -h

If you’ve copied the file to the right place, you’ll see a help file appear with all of the available commands.

So, you should see something like this:

A successful installation of WGET in Windows

Now it’s time to get started.

Get started with WGET

Seeing that we’ll be working in Command Prompt, let’s create a download directory just for WGET downloads.

To create a directory, we’ll use the command md (“make directory”).

Change to the c:/ prompt and type:

md wgetdown

Then, change to your new directory and type “dir” to see the (blank) contents.

create new directory in cmd

Now, you’re ready to do some downloading.

Example commands

Once you’ve got WGET installed and you’ve created a new directory, all you have to do is learn some of the finer points of WGET arguments to make sure you get what you need.

The WGET manual is a particularly useful resource for those inclined to really learn the details.

If you want some quick commands though, read on. I’ve listed a set of instructions to WGET to recursively mirror your site, download all the images, CSS and JavaScript, localise all of the URLs (so the site works on your local machine), and save all the pages as a .html file.

To mirror your site execute this command:

wget -r

To mirror the site and localise all of the urls:

wget --convert-links -r

To make a full offline mirror of a site:

wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites --no-parent

To mirror the site and save the files as .html:

wget --html-extension -r

To download all jpg images from a site:

wget -A "*.jpg" -r

For more filetype-specific operations, check out this useful thread on Stack.

Set a different user agent:

Some web servers are set up to deny WGET’s default user agent – for obvious, bandwidth saving reasons. You could try changing your user agent to get round this. For example, by pretending to be Googlebot:

wget --user-agent="Googlebot/2.1 (+" -r

Wget “spider” mode:

Wget can fetch pages without saving them which can be a useful feature in case you’re looking for broken links on a website. Remember to enable recursive mode, which allows wget to scan through the document and look for links to traverse.

wget --spider -r

You can also save this to a log file by adding this option:

wget --spider -r -o wget.log

Enjoy using this powerful tool, and I hope you’ve enjoyed my tutorial. Comments welcome!

WGET is a free tool to crawl websites and download files via the command line.

In this wget tutorial, we will learn how to install and how to use wget commands with examples.

WGET command and flags tutorial

How to Use WGET command (with Examples)

What is Wget?

Wget is free command-line tool created by the GNU Project that is used todownload files from the internet.

  • It lets you download files from the internet via FTP, HTTP or HTTPS (web pages, pdf, xml sitemaps, etc.).
  • It provides recursive downloads, which means that Wget downloads the requested document, then the documents linked from that document, and then the next, etc.
  • It follows the links and directory structure.
  • It lets you overwrite the links with the correct domain, helping you create mirrors of websites.

What Is the Wget Command?

The wget command is a tool developed by the GNU Project to download files from the web. Wget allows you to retrieve content and files from web servers using a command-line interface. The name “wget” comes from “World Wide Web” and “get”. Wget supports downloads via FTP, SFTP, HTTP, and HTTPS protocols.

Wget is used by developers to automate file downloads.

WGet Command

WGet Command

How to Install Wget

Check if the Wget Command is installed

Open Terminal and type:

If it is installed, it will return the version.

If not, follow the next steps to download wget on either Mac or Windows.

Download and Install Wget on Mac

The recommended method to install wget on Mac is with Homebrew.

First, install Homebrew.

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Then, install wget.

$ brew install wget

Install WGET on MACOS

Brew Install Wget on MacOS

Download and Install Wget on Windows

To install and configure wget for Windows:

  1. Download wget for Windows and install the package.
  2. Copy the wget.exe file into your C:\Windows\System32 folder.
  3. Open the command prompt (cmd.exe) and run wget to see if it is installed.

Here is a quick video showing you how to download wget on windows 10.

Download and Install Wget on Linux

To install Wget on Linux Ubuntu/Debian use the apt-get command.

$ apt-get install wget

And verify installation with the wget command with the --version flag.

$ wget --version

Downloading Files From the Command Line (Wget Basics)

Let’s look at the wget syntax, view the basic commands structure and understand the most important options.

Wget Syntax

Wget has two arguments: [OPTION] and [URL] .

wget [OPTION]... [URL]...
  • [OPTION] tells what to do with the [URL] argument provided after. It has a short and a long-form (ex: -V and --version are doing the same thing).
  • [URL] is the file or the directory you wish to download.
  • You can call many OPTIONS or URLs at once.

View WGET Arguments

To view available wget Arguments, use the wget help command:

The output will show you an exhaustive list of all the wget command parameters.

Here are the 11 best things that you can do with Wget:

  1. Download a single file
  2. Download a files to a specific directory
  3. Rename a downloaded files
  4. Define User Agent
  5. Extract as Googlebot
  6. Extract Robots.txt when it changes
  7. Convert links on a page
  8. Mirror a single page
  9. Extract Multiple URLs from a list
  10. Limit Speed
  11. Number of attempts
  12. Use Proxies
  13. Continue Interrupted Downloads
  14. Extract Entire Website

Download a single file with Wget

$ wget

Download a File to a Specific Output Directory

Here replace <YOUR-PATH> by the output directory location where you want to save the file.

$ wget ‐P <YOUR-PATH>

Rename Downloaded File when Retrieving with Wget

To output the file with a different name:

$ wget -O <YOUR-FILENAME.html>

Define User Agent in WGET

Identify yourself. Define your user-agent.

$ wget --user-agent=Chrome

Extract as Googlebot with Wget Command

$ wget --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +"

Let’s extract robots.txt only if the latest version in the server is more recent than the local copy.

First time that you extract use -S to keep a timestamps of the file.

$ wget -S

Later, to check if the robots.txt file has changed, and download it if it has.

$ wget -N

Wget command to Convert Links on a Page

Convert the links in the HTML so they still work in your local version. (ex: to localhost:8000/path)

$ wget --convert-links

Mirror a Single Webpage in Wget

To mirror a single web page so that it can work on your local.

$ wget -E -H -k -K -p --convert-links

Add all urls in a urls.txt file.

To be a good citizen of the web, it is important not to crawl too fast by using --wait and --limit-rate.

  • --wait=1: Wait 1 second between extractions.
  • --limit-rate=10K: Limit the download speed (bytes per second)

Define Number of Retry Attempts in Wget

Sometimes the internet connection fails, sometimes the attempts it blocked, sometimes the server does not respond. Define a number of attempts with the -tries function.

$ wget -tries=10

How to Use Proxies With Wget?

To set a proxy with Wget, we need to update the ~/.wgetrc file located at /etc/wgetrc.

You can modify the ~/.wgetrc in your favourite text editor.

$ vi ~/.wgetrc # VI
$ code ~/.wgetrc # VSCode

And add these lines to the wget parameters:

use_proxy = on
http_proxy =  http://username:password@proxy.server.address:port/
https_proxy =  http://username:password@proxy.server.address:port/

Then, by running any wget command, you’ll be using proxies.

Alternatively, you can use the -e command to run wget with proxies without changing the environment variables.

wget -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=http://proxy.server.address:port/

How to remove the Wget proxies?

When you don’t want to use the proxies anymore, update the ~/.wgetrc to remove the lines that you added or simply use the command below to override them:

Continue Interrupted Downloads with Wget

When your retrieval process is interrupted, continue the download with restarting the whole extraction using the -c command.

$ wget -c

Recursive mode extract a page, and follows the links on the pages to extract them as well.

This is extracting your entire site and can put extra load on your server. Be sure that you know what you do or that you involve the devs.

$ wget --recursive --page-requisites --adjust-extension --span-hosts --wait=1 --limit-rate=10K --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --no-clobber --domains --no-parent
Command What it does
–recursive Follow links in the document. The maximum depth is 5.
–page-requisites Get all assets (CSS/JS/images)
–adjust-extension Save files with .html at the end.
–span-hosts Include necessary assets from offsite as well.
–wait=1 Wait 1 second between extractions.
–limit-rate=10K Limit the download speed (bytes per second)
–convert-links Convert the links in the HTML so they still work in your local version.
–restrict-file-names=windows Modify filenames to work in Windows.
–no-clobber Overwrite existing files.
–domains Do not follow links outside this domain.
–no-parent Do not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively
–level Specify the depth of crawling. inf is used for infinite.

$ wget --spider -r -o wget.log

Wget VS Curl

Wget’s strength compared to curl is its ability to download recursively. This means that it will download a document, then follow the links and then download those documents as well.

Use Wget With Python

Wget is strictly command line, but there is a package that you can import the wget package that mimics wget.

import wget
url = ''
filename =

Debugging: What to Do When Wget is Not Working

Wget Command Not Found

If you get the -bash: wget: command not found error on Mac, Linux or Windows, it means that the wget GNU is either not installed or does not work properly.

Go back and make sure that you installed wget properly.

Wget is not recognized as an internal or external command

If you get the following error

'wget' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

It is more than likely that the wget package was not installed on Windows. Fix the error by installing wget first and then start over using the command.

Alternatives to Wget on Mac and Windows

You can use cURL as an alternative of Wget command line tool. It also has to be installed on Mac, Linux and Windows.

Wget for Web Scraping

By allowing you to download files from the Internet, the wget command-line tool is incredibly useful in web scraping. It has a set of useful features that make web scraping easy:

  1. Batch Downloading: wget allows you to download multiple files or web pages in a single command.
  2. Recursive Downloading: the --recursive flag in wget allows you to follow links and download an entire website
  3. Retries: wget is designed to handle unstable network connections and interruptions and retry failed extractions
  4. Command-line options: Options are available to improve scraping capabilities (download speed, User-Agent headers, cookies for authentication, etc.).
  5. Header and User-Agent Spoofing: To avoid being blocked by websites when web scraping, wget allows you to change the User-Agent header to make your requests appear more regular users.
  6. Limiting Server Load: By using the --wait and --limit-rate options, you can control the speed at which wget fetches data.

About Wget

Wget was developed by Hrvoje Nikšić
Wget is Maintained by Tim Rühsen and al.
Wget Supported Protocols HTTP(S), FTP(S)
Wget was Created In January 1996
Installing Wget brew install wget
Wget Command wget [option]…[URL]…
Detail table about WGET

Wget FAQs

What is Wget Used For?

Wget is used to download files from the Internet without the use of a browser. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through HTTP proxies.

How Does Wget Work?

Wget is non-interactive and allows to download files from the internet in the background without the need of a browser or user interface. It works by following links to create local versions of remote web sites, while respecting robots.txt.

What is the Difference Between Wget and cURL?

Both Wget and cURL are command-line utilities that allow file transfer from the internet. Although, Curl generally offers more features than Wget, wget provide features such as recursive downloads.

Can you Use Wget With Python?

Yes, you can run wget get in Python by installing the wget library with $pip install wget

Does Wget Respect Robots.txt?

Yes, Wget respects the Robot Exclusion Standard (/robots.txt)

Is Wget Free?

Yes, GNU Wget is free software that everyone can use, redistribute and/or modify under the terms of the GNU General Public License

What is recursive download?

Recursive download, or recursive retrieval, is the capacity of downloading documents, follow the links within them and finally downloading those documents until all linked documents are downloaded, or the maximum depth specified is reached.

How to specify download location in Wget?

Use the -P or –directory-prefix=PREFIX. Example: $ wget -P /path <url>


This is it.

You now know how to install and use Wget in your command-line.

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Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget
(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

Most users will download files onto their PC using their web browser. There’s a problem with this method, however—it’s not particularly efficient. If you need to pause your download, or if you’ve lost your connection, you’ll probably need to start your download again from scratch. You may also be working with Python or other code at the command line and want to download directly from the command prompt. 

That’s where tools like Wget come in. This command line tool has a number of useful features, with support for recursive downloads and download resumption that allows you to download single files (or entire websites) in one go.

Wget is popular on Linux and other Unix-based operating systems, but it’s also available for Windows users. Below, we’ll explain how to install and use Wget to download any content you want online from your Windows command line.

Installing GNU Wget on Windows

Wget (in name, at least) is available on Windows 10 and 11 via the PowerShell terminal. However, this version of Wget isn’t the same as the GNU Wget tool that you’d use on a Linux PC. Instead, this version is simply an alias for a PowerShell command called Invoke-WebRequest.

Invoke-WebRequest is Wget-like in what it does, but it’s a completely different tool that’s much more difficult to use and understand. Instead, you’ll be better served by installing Wget for Windows, a compiled version of the same tool available for Linux users, using the steps below.

1. Download the Wget for Windows setup file from the Wget website. You’ll need to do this using your web browser.

2. Run the Wget for Windows installer file. Once the Wget setup file has finished downloading, run the setup file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

3. Update the Wget.exe file (optional). The Wget installer is packaged with a fairly old version of the Wget binary. If you run into difficulties downloading files because of SSL certificate errors, you should download the latest wget.exe for your architecture from this website and save it to your Wget installation directory (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin). This step is optional, but highly recommended.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

4. Open the Start menu, search for environment variables, and click Open. Once the installation is finished, use the search tool in the Start menu to search for environment variables, then click Open. You’ll need to do this to allow you to use the ‘wget’ command from the command line without referencing its location every time you wish to run it.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

5. Click Environment Variables in the System Properties window.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

6. Select Path and click Edit under System or User variables.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

7. Click the New button and type in the directory for the Wget for Windows binary (.exe) file. By default, this should be C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

8. Save your changes. When you’re finished, click OK in each menu and exit System Properties.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

9. Open the Start menu, type cmd, and press Open. This will launch a new command prompt window.  You can also use the newer Terminal app, as long as you switch to using a command prompt shell.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

10. Type wget —version and press Enter. If Wget was installed correctly, you should see the GNU Wget version returned in the command prompt window.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

If you want to run Wget from a PowerShell terminal instead, you’ll need to run the file from its installation directory directly (eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe).

Downloading Files with Wget

Once you’ve installed GNU Wget and you’ve configured the environment variables to be able to launch it correctly, you’ll be able to use it to start downloading files and webpages.

We’ve used an example domain and file path in our examples below. You’ll need to replace this with the correct path to the file (or files) that you want to download.

  • Type wget -h to see a full list of commands. This will give you the full list of options that you can use with Wget.
    wget -h

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Download a single file using wget <url>. Replace <url> with the path to a file on an HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP server. You can also refer to a website domain name or web page directly to download that specific page (without any of its other content).

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Save with a different filename using -O. Using the -O option, you’ll be able to save the file with a different filename. For example, wget -O <filename> <url>, where <filename> is the filename you’ve chosen.
    wget -O example.html

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Save to a different directory using -P. If you want to save to another directory than the one you’re currently in, use the -P option. For example, wget -P <path> <url>.
    wget -P C:\folder

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Use —continue or -c to resume files. If you want to resume a partial download, use the -c option to resume it, as long as you’re in the same directory. For example, wget -c <url>.
    wget -c

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Download multiple files in sequence. If you want to download several files, add each URL to your Wget command. For example, wget <url1> <url2> etc.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Download multiple files using a text file with -i. Using the -i option, you can refer to a text file that contains a list of URLs to download a large number of files. Assuming that each URL is on a new line, Wget will download the content from each URL in sequence. For example, wget -i <file.txt> <url>.
    wget -i urls.txt

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Limit download speeds using —limit-rate. If you want to limit your bandwidth usage, you can cap the download speeds using the —limit-rate option. For example, wget —limit-rate=1M <url> would limit it to 1 megabyte per second download speeds, while wget —limit-rate=10K <url> would limit it to 10 kilobytes per second.
    wget —limit-rate=10K

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Use -w or –wait to set a pause period after each download. If you’re downloading multiple files, using -w can help to spread the requests you make and help to limit any chance that your downloads are blocked. For example, wget -w 10 <url1> <url2> for a 10 second wait. 

wget -w 10

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Set a retry limit using -t or —tries. If a download fails, wget will use the -t value to determine how many times it’ll attempt it again before it stops. The default value is 20 retries. If the file is missing, or if the connection is refused, then this value is ignored and Wget will terminate immediately.
    wget -t 5

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Save a log using -o or -a. You can save your log data to a text file using -o (to always create a new log file) or -a (to append to an existing file). For example, wget -o <file.txt> <url>.

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  •  Bypass SSL errors using —no-check-certificate. If you’re having trouble downloading from a web server with an SSL certificate and you’ve already updated your Wget installation, bypass the SSL certificate check completely using —no-check-certificate to allow the download (in most cases). You should only do this for downloads from locations that you completely trust. For example, wget —no-check-certificate 

wget —no-check-certificate

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

Make sure to use the wget -h or wget —help command to view the full list of options that are available to you. If you run into trouble with Wget, make sure to limit the number of retries you make and set a wait limit for each download you attempt.

Using Wget for Recursive Downloads

One of Wget’s most useful features is the ability to download recursively. Instead of only downloading a single file, it’ll instead try to download an entire directory of related files.

For instance, if you specify a web page, it’ll download the content attached to that page (such as images). Depending on the recursive depth you choose, it can also download any pages that are linked to it, as well as the content on those pages, any pages that are linked on those pages, and so on.

Theoretically, Wget can run with an infinite depth level, meaning it’ll never stop trying to go further and deeper with the content it downloads. However, from a practical point of view, you may find that most web servers will block this level of scraping, so you’ll need to tread carefully.

  • Type wget -r or wget —recursive to download recursively. By default, the depth level is five. For example, wget -r <url>.
    wget -r

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Use -l or –level to set a custom depth level. For example, wget -r -l 10 <url>. Use wget -r -l inf <url> for an infinite depth level.
    wget -r -l 10

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Use -k to convert links to local file URLs. If you’re scraping a website, Wget will automatically convert any links in HTML to point instead to the offline copy that you’ve downloaded. For example, wget -r -k <url>.
    wget -r -k

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)
  • Use -p or —page-requisites to download all page content. If you want a website to fully download so that all of the images, CSS, and other page content is available offline, use the -p or —page-requisites options. For example, wget -r -p <url>.
    wget -r -p

Download Files from the Windows Command Line with Wget

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

For a full list of options, make sure to use the wget —h command. You should also take care to respect any website that you’re actively downloading from and do your best to limit server loads using wait, retry, and depth limits.

If you run into difficulties with downloads because of SSL certificate errors, don’t forget to update your Wget binary file (wget.exe) with the latest version.

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What is wget?

Wget is a free GNU command-line utility tool used to download files from the internet. It retrieves files using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols.

It serves as a tool to sustain unstable and slow network connections. If a network problem occurs during a download, this helpful software can resume retrieving the files without starting from scratch.

Another important aspect is its capability of recursive downloads, with which it mirrors websites. It transfers parts of a website by following links and directory structure, thus creating local versions of webpages.

The wget command is also highly flexible and can be used in terminals, scripts, and cron jobs. During the download, the user does not have to be active nor logged in. As wget is non-interactive, it can independently run in the background.

Read this article to learn how to use some of the most common wget commands.

Tutorial on how to use wget commands with examples.

How to Check if wget is Installed?

Most likely, the wget package is already on your system as it now comes pre-installed on most Linux distributions.

To check, open the terminal window and type in:


If you have the wget software, the output tells you that the wget command is missing a URL, as shown in the image below:


wget Command Not Found

If the output displays wget command not found you need to download and install the tool manually. Below you will find the installation instructions for Ubuntu/Debian, CentOS, and Windows.

How to Install wget on Ubuntu/Debian?

To install wget on Ubuntu or Debian releases, use the command:

sudo apt-get install wget

How to Install wget on CentOS/Fedora?

To install wget on CentOS or Fedora, type the following command:

sudo yum install wget

How to Install wget on Windows?

To install and configure wget for Windows:

  1. Download wget for Windows and install the package.
  2. Add the wget bin path to environment variables (optional). Configuring this removes the need for full paths, and makes it a lot easier to run wget from the command prompt:
    • Open the Start menu and search for “environment.”
    • Select Edit the system environment variables.
    • Select the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button.
    • Select the Path variable under System Variables.
    • Click Edit.
    • In the Variable value field add the path to the wget bin directory preceded by a semicolon (;). If installed in the default path, add C:Program Files (x86)GnuWin32bin.
  3. Open the command prompt (cmd.exe) and start running wget commands.

Introduction to wget Syntax

The wget syntax has the following pattern:

wget [option][URL]

Each [option] has its long and short form which are conveniently interchangeable. This attribute specifies what to do with the URL that follows.

[URL] is the address of the file or directory you wish to download.

Download File from Web

To download a file from the web use:

wget [URL]

For example, to install Tomcat 9, first you need to download the package with wget using the command:


Download File and Save Under Specific Name

To download a file and save it under a specified name run:

wget -O [file_name] [URL]

The wget command allows you to rename files prior to downloading them on your computer.

For instance, you may want to install Terraform. To download the package and rename it use the following command:

wget -O

Download File to Specific Directory

By default wget downloads a file in the directory the user is in. To save the file in a different location, add the -P option:

wget -P [wanted_directory] [URL]

For example, while installing Git on Ubuntu, you can download the package in the /temp directory with the command:

wget -P /temp

Set Download Speed

You can set the download speed when downloading a big file, so it does not use the full available bandwidth. The download speed is defined in kilobytes (k) and megabytes (m). Use the command:

wget --limit-rate [wanted_speed] [URL]

For example, if you are installing NVIDIA TESLA drivers on Linux and want to limit the download speed to 1 megabyte, would use the command:

wget --limit-rate 1m 

Continue Download After Interruption

Instead of having to start from scratch, wget can resume downloading where it stopped before the interruption. This is a useful feature if there is a lost of connection while downloading a file.

wget -c [URL]

For instance, you may want to install a Mumble Server on Linux and suddenly lose internet connection while downloading the installation file. To continue downloading, type in the command:

wget -c

Download Multiple Files

wget allows downloading multiple files at the same time using the command:

wget -i [file_name]

To do so, follow the steps outlined below:

1. First, create and open a file under the name MultipleDownloads.txt (or a name of your choice), using a text editor. In this case, we used Nano:

nano MultipleDownloads.txt

2. Once in the editor, add the URLs of the packages you want to download, one per line.


3. Save and exit the file.

4. Run the following wget command in the terminal window:

wget -i MultipleDownloads.txt

This prompts wget to download from each URL in the text file.

Download Web page (Mirror Web page)

With wget you can download an entire website from the internet, using the -m option. It prompts wget to create a mirror of the specified webpage. The basic command for doing so is:

wget -m [URL]

For example:

wget -m <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>

Download via FTP

To download via FTP, type in the username and password of the FTP server, followed by the ftp address:

wget --ftp-user=[ftp_username] --ftp-password=[ftp_password] ftp://...

For instance:

wget --ftp-user=sofiftp --ftp-password=TopSecretPassword ftp://123.456.7890

Download in Background

You can download in the background, a practical feature when dealing with a large file:

wget -b [URL]

You can check the status of the download with the command:

tail -f wget -log

To download the RPM package manager in the background, type:

wget -b http://some_website/sample_file.rpm

Increase Retry Attempts

You can set how many times wget attempts to download a file after being interrupted by a bad network with:

wget --tries=[number_of_tries] [URL]

By default, the number of retry attempts is set to 20.

You can also set the number to infinity with the values 0 or inf, as in the following example:

wget --tries=inf

Skip Certificate Check

By default, wget checks whether the server has a valid SSL/TLS certificate. If it does not identify an authentic certificate, it refuses to download.

The --no-check-certificate option is used to avoid certificate authorities checking for a server certificate. However, utilize it only if you are sure of the website’s credibility or are not worried about security issues it may cause.

wget --no-check-certificate [URL]

If has an untrusted certificate, but will not harm the system, you can download it with:

wget --no-check-certificate

Change User Agent

When downloading a webpage, wget essentially emulates a browser. In some cases, the output might say you don’t have permission to access the server, or that the connection is forbidden. This may be due to a website blocking client browsers that have a specific “User-Agent.”

“User-Agent” is a header field that the browser sends to the server it wants to access. Therefore, to download from a server that is refusing to connect, try to modify the user agent.

Find a database of all user agents online, search for the one you need and run the command:

wget --user-agent="User Agent Here" "[URL]"


wget -U "User Agent Here" "[URL]"

For example, to emulate Chrome (version 74), you would change the user agent with the command:

wget --user-agent=" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36" ""

Note: Make sure you always download from a trusted source because wget can instruct a download of a script from a malicious source. We outline this and many other dangerous commands in our article 14 Dangerous Linux Terminal Commands.


This article sums up why wget is such a powerful tool for downloading files over the internet. It also serves as a good reference for beginners with its list of 12 essential wget commands and examples.

Have you ever lost an essential asset at a crucial moment on your website? It is frightening to even think about it, isn’t it? Perhaps if you have used Linux, then you might have heard of WGET. Yay! WGET is also available for Windows. Thank GNU for coming up with a compatible version of WGET for Windows 10. From the starting of this article, you will understand how to download and install WGET for Windows 10. Also, you will learn how to use WGET command with examples provided for improving your understanding. Keep on reading to gain comprehensive knowledge about WGET.

How to Download, Install, and Use WGET for Windows 10

Table of Contents

WGET has been available for Linux users for a long time. Learners can even refer to the different articles and guides available on the web to better their comprehension. But when it comes to the Windows version, even the scarce amount of articles cannot give you the information you need. However, do not lose hope. From this point on, you will know things about WGET on Windows that you’ve never heard or read. So why not start with answering the most asked question: What is WGET?

What is WGET?

WGET is a free tool to download files and crawl websites using the command line. Before learning to download WGET and how to use WGET command with examples, check out the points given below to know more about its features:

  • WGET can retrieve contents from web pages.
  • It even allows you to download from any web pages (FTP, HTTP) in any format (PDF, XML).
  • It’s known to provide operational anonymity to keep users’ location or activities a secret.
  • WGET works perfectly in bad network conditions too.
  • Apart from these features, WGET can overwrite correct domain name in links.
  • Moreover, it can perform recursive downloads, where the link present in the downloading document gets automatically downloaded further.

Also Read: What is a Command Line Interpreter?

How to Install WGET for Windows 10

Using WGET for Windows 10 will seamlessly download and extract information from any webpage by using commands. Implement the steps below to download GnuWin first to create a Windows environment and use WGET.

1. Download GnuWin WGET from here. The download process will start and finish automatically in a few seconds.

2. Click the downloaded WGET setup.exe  folder to open it, as shown below.

WGET downloaded file | WGET for Windows 10

3. Click Yes when prompted.

Note: Make sure to close already running applications before starting WGET installation.

4. To install WGET for Windows, click on Next, as depicted below.

Start Wget Setup and click Next | Install WGET for Windows

5. Select the I accept the agreement radio button and click the Next option as highlighted below to continue the installation process.

Accept the License agreement and click Next | Install WGET for Windows

6. Click on Browse to select the Destination Location. Choose a folder where you want to set up WGET and click on Next as shown.

Note: It is recommended to use default path: C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin

Choose a destination folder to save the Setup and click Next | Install WGET for Windows

7. Select the components you want to install among Binaries and Documentation. Click Next to proceed further.

Select the required component and click Next | WGET for Windows 10

8. Here, click on Browse and select a Destination Folder to create the program shortcut in the start menu. Then, click on Next.

Note: If you don’t want to create a shortcut, select the checkbox Don’t create a Start Menu folder.

Choose or not the location for program shortcut and click Next

9. Select the Additional icons you need and click Next as illustrated below:

  • Create document shortcuts in Start Menu folder
  • Download Sources

Select the necessary additional icons and click Next | Install WGET for Windows

10. Scroll down the review tab and check if all the desired options are present. Click Install to begin installing WGET on your system.

Note: You can select Back to change any setting you need to modify.

Click Install to begin installation process

11. Wait for the WGET installation process to complete in your Windows 10 desktop/laptop and click Finish to exit the setup.

Click Finish and complete the Setup installation

Also Read: Fix error 1500 Another Installation is in Progress

How to Use WGET for Windows 10

There are two ways to use WGET on your system.

  • First, it is accessed directly via Command Prompt using a single path.
  • Second, you need to manually go to the directory page where the app is present, and then proceed to the command prompt procedure.

You can implement any of these methods to use WGET on your system at your convenience. So, now you will see both methods in action below:

Method 1: Add CD to WGET Path

Once you install WGET for Windows 10, ensure that the wget.exe folder exists in the path given in this method.

Note: If not, copy and paste the respective folder in the location shown in the below File Explorer navigation, as you are about to use only this path.

1. Press Windows + E keys simultaneously to open File Explorer.

2. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin and copy the location.

Navigate to the location of the application | WGET for Windows 10

3. Type Command Prompt in the Windows search bar and click Open to launch it, as shown below.

Type Command Prompt on the Windows search bar and click Open to launch it

4. Type cd C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin and press Enter.

5. Then type wget and hit Enter. If the command is executed, it shows that WGET is running properly.

Type the commands to execute wget | WGET for Windows 10

6A. Type the required WGET for Windows 10 command to download any file in the given format:

wget [OPTION] … [URL]…

6B. Or, view help from WGET by typing ‘wget –help’

Also Read: Fix File Explorer Not Responding in Windows 10

Method 2: Add Environment Variable

Once you download WGET for Windows 10, you must change the environmental variable set in the system settings. This is a long process. Follow the steps below carefully to set up WGET for Windows 10:

1. Press the Windows key from the keyboard and type Control Panel. Click the Open option to launch it.

Press the Windows key. Type Control Panel and click Open to launch it

2. Choose View by: Large icons from the top right corner. Click on the System option.

Choose the View by as Large icons. Select System | How to use WGET command with Examples

3. Scroll down and click on the Advanced system settings as illustrated below.

Scroll down and click on the Advanced system settings | How to use WGET command with Examples

4. In the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button as shown.

Click Environmental Variables on system properties | How to use WGET command with Examples

5. Environmental Variables pop-up window will appear. Select the Path under the User variables for GREEN category and click on Edit as depicted below.

Set User variable as Path and select Edit

6. In the Edit environmental variable window, select the Browse option.

On the Edit environmental variable page, select Browse

7. Select C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin path and click OK as shown.

Select the path and click OK

8. Then, click OK as shown.

click OK in the Environmental variables window

9. Again, click OK in the System Properties window.

click OK in the System Properties window | How to use WGET command with Examples

10. Now, open Command Prompt as explained in Method 1.

11. Type wget and press Enter on the keyboard. Once the Environment Variable is set, you will be able to run WGET regardless of any folder you are currently in.

Type wget and press Enter

Also Read: How to Fix Git Merge Error

How to Check the Functioning of WGET App and Commands

To check if you can access WGET for Windows 10 regardless of any folder or directory that is present, follow the steps given below:

1. Type Command Prompt on the start menu search bar and click Open to launch it.

Type Command Prompt on the Windows search bar and click Open to launch it

2. Type wget and press Enter to check whether the application runs.

Note: If you receive unrecognized command error, you have downloaded the WGET Setup from the wrong source. So, ensure to use only the link given above for the download process and try again.

Type wget and help commands to test its functioning | How to use WGET command with Examples

3A. If the test worked, then it’s great. You have done a good job!

3B. If it is not working, do not worry. Check if you have followed the steps in an orderly manner, from downloading GnuWin, installing WGET Setup, then adding WGET environment variable. Try once again and restart the command line.

Also Read: Fix ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE in Google Chrome

How to Use WGET Command with Examples

There are thousands of WGET commands to perform specific tasks. Run WGET for Windows 10 using any of the methods given above and type any of the commands listed below in Command Prompt.

Note: You need to enter the command correctly to obtain desired results. 

1. To get list of commands, use the command wget -h.

Type the command to get the list of commands | How to use WGET command with Examples

2. To download a single file, use the command wget [URL]. For instance, enter the command wget Here, WordPress is chosen as an example.

3. To download to a specific folder, use the command wget ‐P [wanted directory] [URL]. For instance, wget -P /temp

4. To resume an interrupted download, use the command wget ‐c [URL]. For instance, wget -c

5. To set the download speed, use the command wget ‐‐limit-rate [wanted speed] [URL]. For instance, wget –limit-rate 1m

6. To mirror a single webpage, use the command wget -m [URL]. For instance, wget -m

7. To know the version of installed WGET, then use the command wget -V.

Type the command to know the WGET version | How to use WGET command with Examples

8. To download and save under a specific name, use the command wget -o [file name] [URL]. For instance, wget -o file.docx

9. To download a web page in the background, use the command wget -b [URL]. For instance, wget -b

10. To download multiple URLs, use the command wget -i [File name]. For instance, wget -i URL.txt. Before executing this command, place all the URLs in one file and include that file name in the command.

11. To download via FTP, use the command wget –ftp-user=[ftp_username] –ftp-password=[ftp_password] ftp://… For instance, wget –ftp-user=sofiftp –ftp-password=TopSecretPassword ftp://123.456.7890.

12. To change the number of retry attempts, use the command wget –tries=[number_of_tries] [URL]. For instance, wget –tries=inf In this example, inf denotes infinity. The default number of retries is 20.

This is how to use WGET command with examples. Click here to know about more commands and their uses.


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We hope that this guide was helpful and you could learn how to download, install & use WGET for Windows 10. If you have any queries or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.

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