How to open ftp on windows

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) представляет собой протокол удаленной передачи файлов. С его помощью можно загрузить на сервер и скачивать с него же данные любого типа и размера, создавать или удалять файлы и папки.

В Windows, Linux и macOS подключиться к FTP-серверу можно с помощью встроенных средств и сторонних программ разного назначения. Полноценная работа со всеми средствами возможна только через специальные приложения, называемые FTP-клиентами. Теперь подробнее расскажем обо всех этих способах.

Данные для доступа к FTP-серверу

При подключении к FTP-серверу очень важно вводить правильные данные. Возьмем в качестве примера Timeweb. После регистрации на почту приходят два письма. Письмо с данными выглядит вот так:

Данные для FTP в электронном письме

Теперь о том, какие данные необходимо иметь под рукой:

  • логин,
  • пароль,
  • ссылка на FTP-сервер (указывается в том же письме),
  • порт (по умолчанию устанавливается значение 21).

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Как подключится к FTP через Проводник Windows

Сначала рассмотрим, как подключиться к FTP-серверу через программу «Проводник» в Windows 10. Здесь ничего дополнительно устанавливать не надо, просто открываем системный файловый менеджер. В левой панели находим значок «Этот компьютер» и жмем по нему правой кнопкой мыши для вывода контекстного меню. В списке выбираем элемент «Добавить новый элемент в сетевое окружение».

Подключение к FTP-хосту через Проводник Windows

В результате откроется окно мастера добавления сетевого расположения. В начальном окне просто нажимаем «Далее».

Как добавить сетевое расположение через Проводник Windows

Следом надо выбрать его дальнейшее местоположение, но в этом окне нам доступен только один вариант. Для продолжения снова нажимаем на кнопку «Далее».

Выбор в меню типа сетевого расположения

В этом окне понадобится указать ссылку на сетевой ресурс, к которому планируется провести подсоединение. Важно соблюдать предписанный формат (чуть ниже есть несколько примеров). В поле вводим адрес/ссылку и вновь идем дальше.  

Набор сетевого адреса или ссылки на FTP-ресурс

Теперь понадобится ввести в поле имя пользователя. Пароль заранее вводить не нужно, он будет запрашиваться только при подключении. Если на вашем хосте есть такая возможность, вход можно осуществить анонимно, отметив соответствующую галочку.

Ввод данных для входа в интерфейс FTP сервера 

В самом конце даем название новому сетевому окружению.

Ввод наименования для создаваемого ярлыка

На этом настройка завершена. При необходимости можно поставить галочку, чтобы сразу после нажатия на кнопку «Готово» открыть указанный сервер и приступить к работе.

Подтверждение данных и завершение настройки соединения с FTP 

Новое подключение теперь находится в «Сетевых расположениях» в разделе «Этот компьютер».

Новое сетевое расположение для соединения с FTP-хостом

Теперь подключаемся – открываем только что созданное соединение. Открывается маленькое окошко, где мы вводим пароль, затем жмем на кнопку «Вход».

Ввод имени пользователя и пароля для подключения

Если все данные введены успешно, откроется папка сервера. Можно приступать к работе.

Удачное подключение к FTP-серверу

Читайте также

Как подключиться к виртуальному серверу VPS/VDS

Выбираем и настраиваем бесплатный FTP-клиент

Подключение через командную строку Windows

Теперь расскажу, как подключиться к FTP-серверу в Windows с помощью командной строки. Этот способ многим может показаться не очень удобным, потому что вручную придется вбивать команды на загрузку документов, открытие папок и их скачивание. А для входа следуем указанной ниже последовательности.

  1.     Вводим команду ftp и жмем на клавишу Enter для подтверждения.
  2.     Задаем команду open наименование_ftp_хоста.
  3.     Вводим логин пользователя. Можно осуществить анонимный вход, просто введя Anonymous.
  4.     Вбиваем пароль. В случае с анонимом оставляем это поле пустым и жмем снова Enter.

Как подключиться к FTP-серверу с помощью командной строки WindowsТеперь подробнее по командам:

  •       dir – просмотр содержимого сервера.
  •       cd «имя_папки» – открытие указанной папки.
  •       put «путь_к_файлу» – загрузка этого документа с компьютера на сервер.
  •       get «наименование_файла.формат» – скачивание с хоста на компьютер.
  •       quit – отключение от FTP-сервера.

FTP-подключение через любой браузер

Подключиться к FTP-серверу можно и через браузер на любых операционных системах. В таком случае будет доступна лишь часть функций. Необходимо ввести в адресной строке IP-адрес хоста, только с добавлением приставки «ftp://». Нажимаем на клавишу Enter. Дальше потребуется ввести имя пользователя и пароль, а потом нажать на кнопку «Вход».

Ввод логина и пароля для доступа к FTP-ресурсу через браузер

Как подключиться к FTP с помощью FileZilla

FileZilla – наиболее востребованный и рекомендуемый FTP-клиент, бесплатный и простой в использовании. Подключиться к FTP-серверу через FileZilla можно вне зависимости от операционной системы, установленной на компьютере.

Сперва потребуется скачать приложение на официальном сайте. Есть версии для Linux, Windows (портативная и установочная) и macOS. Просто выбираем нужный вариант и жмем по нему для начала закачки.

Как скачать приложение FileZilla для доступа к FTP-хосту

Устанавливаем приложение и открываем его. В верхней панели вводим следующую информацию:

  •       Хост. Это может быть IP-адрес или ссылка.
  •       Логин пользователя, предварительно высланный на почту сервисом.
  •       Пароль.
  •       Порт. Оставляем пустым или устанавливаем значение 21. 

После того как все нужные поля будут заполнены, нажимаем на кнопку «Быстрое соединение».

Как получить доступ к FTP-ресурсу через клиент FileZillaПосле открытия каталога можно приступать к загрузке и скачиванию необходимых данных. Чтобы не вводить каждый раз данные для подключения, следует воспользоваться менеджером сайтов, который доступен в меню «Файл».

Подключаемся с помощью Total Commander

Вам потребуется скачать и установить приложение Total Commander. Рекомендуем делать это с официального сайта. После завершения установки открываем приложение. Переходим во вкладку «Сеть» и выбираем там пункт «Соединиться с FTP-сервером». Для этого действия, кстати, предусмотрена комбинация горячих клавиш – Ctrl + F.

Как добавить FTP-соединение в Total Commander

В новом окне нажимаем на кнопку «Добавить». Дальше вводим имя нового соединения, адрес хоста, учетную запись и пароль. Нажимаем на кнопку ОК, чтобы сохранить всю введенную информацию.

Ввод данных для FTP-соединения в Total Commander

Новое подключение отразится в списке. Остается только соединиться с сервером, нажав на соответствующую кнопку.

Подсоединение к FTP-хосту через Total Commander

Как подключиться к FTP-серверу через терминал Linux

В Linux к FTP можно подключиться через системное приложение «Терминал». Это очень похоже на использование командной строки в Windows. Последовательность абсолютно та же – набираем команду ftp и активируем ее нажатием на кнопку Enter. Потом пишем open ссылка_на_хост. Не забываем, что затем надо указать логин и пароль.

Вот примеры доступных опций:

  •       Is – отображение списка файлов и папок.
  •       get – скачивание файла.
  •       mget – скачивание документов определенного формата. Например, mget * – все данные в каталоге, mget *, php – файлы формата php.
  •       put – загрузка файла на ресурс.
  •       mput – загрузка нескольких документов единого формата.
  •       mkdir – создание нового каталога.
  •       rmdir – удаление каталога.
  •       delete – удаление файла.
  •       bye – завершение работы.
  •       close – выход из текущего сеанса и возврат в контекст командной строки FTP.
  •       status – отображение статуса FTP клиента.

В Linux предусмотрен и другой вариант подключения к FTP. Сначала надо установить нужный пакет, дав вот такой запрос:

sudo apt-get install curlftpfs

Следом нужно предоставить права на определенную папку:

sudo chmod 777 ~/ftp

Теперь производится монтирование ftp-директории:

sudo curlftpfs -o allow_other ftp://user: /home/virtdiver/ftp/

Если работать необходимо от имени пользователя, то вводится вот такая опция:

-o allow_other

Для размонтирования FTP-папки используем такую команду:

sudo umount ~/ftp

Подключение к FTP через сайт хостинга

В этом случае достаточно лишь войти на сайт хостинга и перейти в соответствующий раздел. Покажу на примере Timeweb.

В правой части окна есть панель управления. Находим в ней пункт «Файловый менеджер» и жмем по нему. Перед нами предстанет веб-интерфейс FTP-сервера. Работать с ним очень просто, переносить файлы можно посредством drag-n-drop. 

Доступ к FTP-серверу через сайт хостинга


Подключиться к FTP-серверу очень просто, и сделать это можно несколькими способами. Многие из них актуальны для всех популярных операционных систем. Но все зависит от цели, ведь функционал некоторых программ весьма ограничен.

Building your own FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server can be one of the easiest and most convenient solutions to transfer file through a private or public network without limitations and restrictions typically found with most cloud storage services.

There are also many benefits running your FTP server. For example, it’s private, and you have absolute control. It’s fast (depending on your internet connection speeds), and there is virtually no limits on the amount and type of data you can store.

Also, you don’t have restrictions on file sizes either, which means that you can transfer something as small as a text file or a 1000GB PC backup, and you can even create multiple accounts to let friends and family access or store content remotely too.

You’ll find many third-party software on the internet to build a file transfer server, but Windows includes an FTP server feature that you can set up without the need to resource to other solutions. In this Windows 10 guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to successfully set up and manage an FTP server on your PC to transfer files from your home network or remotely over the internet.

How to install an FTP server on Windows 10

Very similar to previous versions, Windows 10 includes the necessary components to run an FTP server. Follow the steps below to install an FTP server on your PC:

  1. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Programs and Features.
  2. Click the Turn Windows features on or off link.

  1. Expand Internet Information Services and check the FTP Server option.
  2. Expand FTP Server and check the FTP Extensibility option.
  3. Check Web Management Tools with the default selections.
  4. Click OK to begin the installation.

  1. Click Close.

How to configure an FTP site on Windows 10

After installing the necessary components to run an FTP server on your PC, you need to create an FTP site using the following instructions:

  1. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Control Panel.
  2. Open Administrative Tools.
  3. Double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  1. Expand and right-click Sites on the Connections pane.
  2. Select Add FTP Site.

  1. Name your new FTP site and enter the path to the FTP folder you want to use to send and receive files.Note: You can also use the Make New Folder button to create a specific folder to store your FTP files.
  2. Click Next.

  1. On Binding and SSL Settings leave all the default settings, but change the SSL option to No SSL.Note: It’s worth pointing out that in a business environment or on an FTP server that will host sensitive data, it’s best practice to configure the site to require SSL.
  2. Click Next.

  1. On Authentication, check the Basic option.
  2. On Authorization, select Specified users from the drop-down menu.
  3. Type the email address of your Windows 10 account or local account name to allow yourself access to the FTP server.
  4. Check the options Read and Write.
  5. Click Finish.

How to allow an FTP server through Windows Firewall

If you have Windows Firewall running on your computer, then the security feature will block any connections trying to access the FTP server. Use the steps below to allow the FTP server through the firewall.

  1. Open the Start menu, do a search for Windows Firewall, and press Enter.
  2. Click the Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall link.

  1. Click the Changes settings button.
  2. Select FTP Server and make sure to allow it on a Private and Public network.
  3. Click OK.

At this point, you should be able to use your favorite FTP client to connect your newly created FTP server from your local network.

Note: Make sure to check your software vendor support website for specific instructions to allow an FTP server, if you’re using another security software other than the Windows Firewall.

How to configure a router to allow external connections

For your FTP server to be reachable from the internet, you need to configure your router to open TCP/IP port number 21 to allow connections to your PC.

The instructions to forward a port will vary from router-to-router, but below you’ll find the steps to configure most routers. (For more specific instructions to forward TCP/IP ports, you should check your router’s manufacturer support website.)

  1. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt.
  2. Type the following command: ipconfig and press Enter.
  3. Make note of the Default Gateway IP address, which is the IP address of your router. Typically, it’s private address in the 192.168.x.x range. For example, or

  1. Open your default web browser.
  2. On the address bar enter the router’s IP address and press Enter.
  3. Sign-in with your router credentials.
  4. Find the Port Forwarding section — usually you’ll find this feature under the WAN or NAT settings.
  5. Create a new port forwarding that includes the following information:
    • Service name: You can use any name. For example, FTP-Server.
    • Port rage: You must use port 21.
    • PC’s TCP/IP address: Open Command Prompt, type ipconfig, and the IPv4 address is your PC’s TCP/IP address.
    • Local TCP/IP port: You must use port 21.
    • Protocol: TCP.

  1. Apply the new changes, and save the new router configurations.

How to access an FTP server from any PC

Here’s the quickest way to test your FTP server, after configuring the firewall, and forwarding port 21 on your router.

Open your default web browser and in the address bar type your Windows 10 PC IP address, on an FTP link format, and press Enter. The address should look like this: FTP://

Note: I’m using Internet Explorer, because Microsoft Edge seems not to include the functionality to browse FTP sites. You can also opt to use Chrome, Firefox, or another modern web browser.

To test if your FTP server is reachable from the internet, visit Google or Bing, do a search for «What’s my IP?». Note your public IP address from the results and type it into the address bar using the FTP link format and press Enter.

If you get a login prompt, then everything is working as expected. Simply enter your account credentials and you’re should be able to sign-in.

How to upload files to an FTP server on Windows 10

Keep in mind that the method shown above is only useful to test, browse, and download files from an FTP site. You have to use the following instructions to be able to browse, download and upload files.

  1. Use the Windows key + E keyboard shortcut to open File Explorer.
  2. On the address bar type your public IP address on an FTP format. For example, FTP://
  3. Enter your username and password.
  4. Check the Save password option.
  5. Click Log On.

Using this method, you can browse, download, and upload files as if FTP server was just another drive connected to your computer.

Furthermore, you can also right-click Quick Access on the left pane and select Pin current folder to Quick Access to easily reconnect to the FTP server at a later time.

Quick Tip: You’re not limited to use only File Explorer, you can use any FTP client like the popular FileZilla open source software to transfer files over a local or public network.

How to create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

If you want to allow other people to access your FTP server too, you can create multiple accounts with specific permissions to download and upload files.

To let other people access to your FTP server, you need to create a new Windows 10 account for each user, associate each account with the FTP home directory, and configure the appropriate settings. Follow the steps below to accomplish these tasks:

Add a new user account on Windows 10

  1. Use the Windows key + I to open the Settings app.
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. Click Family & other users.
  4. Click Add someone else to this PC.

  1. Click the I don’t have this person’s sign-in information link.

  1. Click the Add a user without a Microsoft account link.

  1. Enter the new user account information and click Next to complete the task.Note: This account will be accessed from the internet, as such make sure to use a strong and secure password.

Add a new user account to access the FTP folder

  1. Right-click the FTP folder and select Properties.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. Click Edit.

  1. Click Add.

  1. Enter the user account name and click Check Name.
  2. Click OK.

  1. On Group or user names, select the user account you just created, and select the appropriate permissions.

  1. Click Apply.
  2. Click OK.

Configure a new user account to access the FTP server

  1. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Control Panel.
  2. Open Administrative Tools.
  3. Double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  4. Expand Sites.
  5. Select the FTP site and double-click Authorization Rules.

  1. Right-click on and select Add Allow Rules from the context menu.

  1. Select Specified user and enter the name of the Windows 10 user account you created earlier.
  2. Set the Read and Write permissions you want the user to have.
  3. Click OK.

Now the new user should be able to connect to the server with their own credentials. Repeat the steps mentioned above to add more users to your FTP server.

Wrapping things up

In this guide, you learned to set up and manage your own private FTP server without third-party software, and we’ve shown you different methods to access your files remotely. Just remember that your PC must be turned on and connected to the internet for the FTP server to work, you won’t be able to access any files if your computer is in Sleep or Hibernation mode.

The FTP feature is available on Windows 10 Pro as well as on Windows 10 Home, and previous versions of the operating system.

Windows 10 resources

For more interesting guides, tips, coverage, and answers on Windows 10, you can visit the following resources:

  • Windows 10 help, tips, and tricks
  • Windows 10 on Windows Central – All you need to know
  • Windows 10 forums on Windows Central

All the latest news, reviews, and guides for Windows and Xbox diehards.

Mauro Huculak is technical writer for His primary focus is to write comprehensive how-tos to help users get the most out of Windows 10 and its many related technologies. He has an IT background with professional certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, and CompTIA, and he’s a recognized member of the Microsoft MVP community.

Just because running servers and Windows 10 don’t exactly mix doesn’t mean you can’t get something set up. If you’re planning to set up an FTP server to transfer files over the network but don’t want to switch to a server edition or a Linux distro, this guide is for you. There are many reasons why you may want to start an FTP server. One of the most common reasons for a private FTP server is transferring large files without paying a lot for cloud storage fees.

With small files, using cloud storage services like Google Drive makes sense, but as the size of the files you want to transfer increases, the prices rise quickly. That’s when you should think about taking the time to turn your Windows 10 into an FTP. Here, I’ll show you how to do that before revealing a much easier way to get it done.

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Steps to Create an FTP Server in Your Windows 10

  1. Activate IIS on Windows 10
  2. Configure an FTP Server on Windows 10
  3. Configure Windows Firewall for an FTP Server
  4. Enable Port Forwarding on your Route

Windows 10 can turn into an FTP server without additional software. But this tool is disabled by default and you need to enable it first.

To create an FTP server in Windows 10 you need to enable a Windows utility called Internet Information Services. Microsoft created the IIS to support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, and SMTP, among other protocols.

How to Activate IIS on Windows 10?

To activate IIS on Windows 10, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the launch section

Press ‘WinKey + R’.


open launch section

Step 2: Type appwiz.cpl

Type in “appwiz.cpl” and press Enter.


activate IIS on Windows 10

activate IIS on Windows 10

Step 3: Turn Windows features

From the left-hand panel, click on “Turn Windows features on or off.”

activate IIS on Windows 10

activate IIS on Windows 10

Step 4: Internet Information Services

Then find ‘Internet Information Services’ and expand it.

Step 5: FTP Server

Check the ‘FTP Server’ and expand it.

Step 6: FTP Extensibility

Check the ‘FTP Extensibility’.

Step 7: Web Management Tools

Check the ‘Web Management Tools’.

Step 8: Confirm changes

Click OK.

Windows will proceed to install the tools. Then you can configure your server.

How to Configure an FTP Server on Windows 10?

Now that the IIS is enabled, we need to configure the server. To configure an FTP server on Windows 10, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the search box

Press ‘WinKey + S’.

Step 2: Search Administrative Tools

Search for and open ‘Windows Administrative Tools’.

Step 3: Open IIS

Double-click on ‘Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager’.

configure an FTP server on Windows 10

configure an FTP server on Windows 10

Step 4:  Select computers name

From the left-hand panel, right-click on your computer’s name.

Step 5: Add FTP site

Click on the ‘Add FTP site’.

configure an FTP server on Windows 10

configure an FTP server on Windows 10

Step 6: Fill FTP site name

Type in a name for your FTP server in the ‘FTP site name’ field.

Step 7: Choose a folder

Choose a folder as the physical path of your FTP directory.

configure an FTP server on Windows 10

configure an FTP server on Windows 10

Step 8: Assign an IP address to your FTP.

You can assign an IP address and port to your FTP in the next step. You can leave them the way they are.

Step 9: SSL Status

If you use the FTP server as a test and security isn’t an issue, you can choose No SSL and proceed. Otherwise, you need to choose Require SSL. You can use Comodo’s SSL management tool to create an SSL certificate.

Step 10: Configure  FTP

configure an FTP server on Windows 10

Step 11: chooses Basic

On the authentication section, choose ‘Basic’.

configure an FTP server on Windows 10

Step 12: Allow Access

Set ‘Allow Access to’ on ‘Specified users’.

Step 13: Enter your information

Type your name or your Microsoft account’s email address in the field below.

Step 14: Set permissions

Give yourself permission to Read and Write.

Step 15: Finish

Click on Finish.

Now you have an FTP server on your Windows.

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How to Configure Windows Firewall for an FTP Server?

By default Windows Firewall blocks all FTP access. To fix this you need to take the steps below:

Step 1: open the search box

Press ‘WinKey + S’ and type-in Windows Firewall.

Step 2: Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall

Click on ‘Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall’ from the left-hand menu.

Step 3: Change settings

Click on ‘Change settings’.

Step 4: Find FTP Server

Find ‘FTP Server’ in the list and check-mark public and private.

Step 5: Confirm changes

Click OK.

This lets you establish a local connection. Of course, if you want to access the server over the internet, you need to open the ports on your router.

How to Enable Port Forwarding on your Route?

Your FTP server needs port 21 open to connect to other computers on the internet. There are different ways to open a port on a router. Here is how it works on an Asus router:

Step 1: Search for cmd box

Press ‘Winkey + S’ and type in ‘cmd’.

Step 2: Open cmd

Open ‘Command Prompt’.

Step 3: Select ipconfig

Type in ‘ipconfig’ and press Enter.

 configure Windows Firewall for an FTP server

configure Windows Firewall for an FTP server

Step 4: Write the Default Gateway

Write the Default Gateway number down. (Normally, it’s

Step 5: Browser

Open your web browser.

Step 6: Type the Gateway

Type the Default Gateway number on the address bar and press Enter.

Step 7: Sign in to the control panel

Sign in to your router’s control panel.

Step 8: Choose WAN

Choose ‘WAN’ from the left-hand menu.

Step 9: Create a new port

Create a new port forwarding with the following setup:

  • Give your item a name under ‘Service Name’
  • Port Range: 21
  • Local IP: Use the IPv4 address on the ‘ipconfig’ command explained above.
  • Local Port: 21
  • Protocol: TCP

Step 10: Apply changes

Click on Apply.

Create an FTP Server in Windows 10 with Username and Password

The method above gives access to you or other users on the computer. But how can you make users log in with their username and password to access your FTP? The answer is to add a generic user with user-password authentication.

To add a user with a username-password authentication, follow these steps:

1- Go to Settings.

2- Choose Accounts.

Create an FTP server

Create an FTP server

3- Go to “Family & other users”.

4- Click ‘Add someone else to this PC’.

Create an FTP server

Create an FTP server

5- On the new window, choose ‘I don’t have this person’s sign-in information’.

Create an FTP server

Create an FTP server

6- Click on ‘Add a user without Microsoft account’.

Create an FTP server

Create an FTP server

7- Choose a username and password and fill in the security questions.

 Create an FTP server

Create an FTP server

8- Click Next.

9- Now go again to ‘Windows Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager’.

10- Select your site from the left-hand panel.

11- Click on ‘FTP authorization rules’.

Create an FTP server

Create an FTP server

12- From the right-hand panel, choose ‘Add Allow Rule’.

Create an FTP server

Create an FTP server

13- Choose Specified users and add the username you chose above.

Create an FTP server

Create an FTP server

14- Give them the permissions you want.

15- Click OK.

Now you need to add permission to the FTP folder as well. To do so:

  • Go to the FTP folder.
  • Right-click and choose ‘Properties’.
  • Go to the ‘Security’ tab.

Create an FTP server

Create an FTP server
  • Choose Edit, then Add.

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10
  • Type-in the username in the ‘Enter the object…’ section and click Check Names.

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10
  • Click OK.
  • Select the user and give them the permissions they need.
  • Click OK.

Now you can use the username and password to access your FTP.

How to Create Multiple FTP Accounts on Windows 10?

To create another account, you need to take the same steps as above and then specify the Email Address of the new user.

To create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10:

Step 1: Setting

Go to ‘Settings’.

Step 2: Choose accounts

Click on Accounts.

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

Step 3: Select Family

Go to Family & other users.

Step 4: Add someone else

Click ‘Add someone else to this PC’.

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

Step 5: Create an account

Add their Microsoft account or click on “I don’t have this person’s…” to create an account for them.

Step 6: Select (IIS) Manager

Go to ‘Windows Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Also Read: How to install IIS on Windows 10?

Step 7: Select your website

Select your site from the left-hand panel.

Step 8: FTP authorization

Click on ‘FTP authorization rules.

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

Step 9: Add Allow Rule

From the right-hand panel choose ‘Add Allow Rule’.

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

Step 10: Add username

Choose Specified users and add the username you chose above.

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

Step 11: Access permissions

Give them the permissions you need.

Step 12: Apply changes

Click OK.

Now you need to add permission to the FTP folder as well. To do so:

  • Go to the FTP folder.
  • Right-click and choose ‘Properties’.
  • Go to the ‘Security’ tab.

 create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10
  • Choose Edit, then Add.

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10
  • Type in the username in the ‘Enter the object…’ section and click Check Names.

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10

create multiple FTP accounts on Windows 10
  • Click OK.
  • Select the user and give them the permissions they need.
  • Click OK.

How to Connect to an FTP Server on Windows 10?

Now that you have created your FTP server and configured it correctly, it’s time to connect and test your server out. If you have a client such as FileZilla, you can connect to the server. But also you can take the steps below using your web browser:

Step 1: Browser

Open your browser.

Step 2: Type IP address

Type in your IPv4 address with ftp:// at the beginning.

connect to an FTP server on Windows 10

connect to an FTP server on Windows 10

Step 3: Enter credentials

Enter your credentials to log in.

connect to an FTP server on Windows 10

connect to an FTP server on Windows 10

Step 4: Download files

Here you can see your files. To download or change the files remotely you can use FileZilla.

What are my Windows 10 FTP Server Credentials?

By default, you add your Windows account as the main FTP account. This means your Microsoft email and password are your credentials. Read the instructions on setting up user authentication above to use a more independent method. Or use a different account by adding another account to your FTP as I explained before.

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As you probably guessed from how long the article was, launching a successful FTP server on Windows 10 is not a short and sweet process. It is, of course, easy, but it takes many steps, and in the end, Windows 10 will not give you the best FTP performance possible. The most obvious way to set up a decent FTP server is to use a Linux server distro. For a lot of us, dual-booting our computer and entering a completely new environment will be out of the question. But I did promise that I’d reveal a much easier way, and that’s getting a VPS. A VPS is ideal for launching an FTP server with just the right resources. Plus, you can install a Linux distro or even a Windows Server edition with just a few clicks, allowing you to make the most of your FTP server without forcing you to switch your PC over to Linux. Cloudzy offers Linux VPS plans on top-tier hardware with super-fast bandwidth and connection speed. So, stop by and find out how our VPS can help with your FTP.

File Explorer on Windows 10 lets you open any FTP site. Here are the steps to open an FTP site in File Explorer on Windows 10.

Windows File Explorer is one of the most powerful tools of them all. Not only for managing local files and folders but File Explorer also allows you to connect to remote servers by mapping them as network drives. Once you map the network drive, you can browse, copy, or manage remote files just like you would with your local files.

Apart from manually mapping network drives, you can also open an FTP site directly in the File Explorer itself. This is particularly helpful if you want to quickly browse an FTP site in File Explorer without first adding it as a network drive. For example, you can configure your Android phone as an FTP server and access the Android file system via File Explorer using the FTP address.

In this quick and simple article, I will show a simple way to open FTP site in File Explorer in Windows 10.

The steps below will work in Windows 7 and Windows 8 & 8.1.

To open an FTP site in the File Explorer, follow the steps shown below.

1. First, open the File Explorer application. To do that, press the “Windows key + E” keyboard shortcut. You can also click on the File Explorer icon on the taskbar.

2. After opening the File Explorer, click on the address bar. This is where you need to type the FTP site address.

3. In the address bar, type the FTP site address and press “Enter”. In my case, the FTP address comes with a specific port number (9999). So, I typed the FTP address along with its port number.

The FTP address can be in the below formats.



type ftp address in file explorer

4. As soon as you press the Enter button on your keyboard, Windows File Explorer will open the FTP site. Do keep in mind that if the FTP site is protected with a username and password, Windows will prompt you for those details. In that case, type the username and password and click the “Log in” button to open the FTP site in File Explorer.


open ftp site in file explorer

Important notes to keep in mind

When connecting to FTP server in File Explorer, there are a few things you should always keep in mind.

  • The FTP connection is unencrypted by design. This means anyone in the network to see what you are doing and transferring from and to the FTP server.
  • You can only open FTP sites in File Explorer. You cannot open SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) or FTPS (FTP with SSL/TLS) sites. The main reason for this is that File Explorer doesn’t support encrypted FTP connections.
  • If you are opening the FTP site frequently, you can map FTP as network drive in the File Explorer. This removes the need to manually type the FTP address each time and makes your life a bit easier.
  • If you are unable to upload files to the FTP site, it might because the FTP server prohibits or doesn’t give Write permission to an outside connection. This is a common security precaution for many FTP servers.
  • Compared to third-party programs like File-Zilla, the FTP functionality in File Explorer is barebone. However, it is enough for most common tasks like accessing and copying files.
  • You cannot create an FTP server from File Explorer.

That is all. I hope that helps. If you are stuck or need some help, comment below and I will try to help as much as possible.

FTP, short for File Transfer Protocol, is a standard network protocol that allows users to transfer files from one host to another over a network, such as the internet. Despite the emergence of new cloud-based technologies and file sharing platforms, FTP remains a fundamental protocol in networking and is particularly useful in professional settings where large files need to be shared or when tasks need to be automated. In this article, we’ll explore in-depth how to use the FTP command lines on Windows 11 Command Prompt, offering a step-by-step guide on different commands and their uses.

Also see: How to Download an FTP File Using CMD in Windows 11/10

How to use FTP command line on Windows 11 CMD

Introduction to FTP

FTP is a time-tested protocol used for transferring files between a client and a server on a computer network. The client initiates a request, and the server then responds with the requested file or action. FTP works on a client-server model where the client can perform actions like downloading, uploading, renaming, and deleting files on the server.


Before starting, make sure you have the following:

  1. An operational FTP server: This is the remote computer where your files will be uploaded or downloaded. It should be running an FTP server software.
  2. The IP address or domain name of the FTP server: You’ll need this information to establish the connection to the server.
  3. FTP credentials: These are your username and password used to authenticate your access to the FTP server.

Expert guide: How to Download All Files From a Website Directory Using Wget

Accessing the FTP client on Windows 11

While various third-party FTP clients exist, Windows 11, like its predecessors, has a built-in FTP client that can be accessed directly via the command line. To open it:

  1. Click on the “Start” button and type “cmd” in the search bar.
  2. Click on “Command Prompt” to open the command-line interface.Open CMD Windows 11

With the command prompt open, you’re all set to start using FTP commands.

However, it’s important to note that while generally, you do not need administrative privileges to download files via FTP, there are some cases where you might. For instance, if you’re trying to download files directly to the root of your C:\ drive, or to any system folder, you would need administrative permissions. In such a case, right-click on “Command Prompt” in the search results and select “Run as administrator”.

Related resource: Downloading HTML from a Website

FTP commands for Windows (with examples)

Here are the FTP commands you’ll use most often when interacting with an FTP server:

Connecting to an FTP server:

To connect to an FTP server, use the ftp command followed by the domain name or IP address of the server.

ftp <hostname/IP>

For example, ftp or ftp

FTP command to Connect to an FTP server

Logging in with a username and password:

After a successful connection, the FTP server will prompt you to enter your username and password.

ftp> user <username>
ftp> <password>

For instance, if your username is “john”, you would type user john and then enter your password when prompted.

Logging into FTP with a username and password using command line

Changing directory:

To navigate to a different directory on the FTP server, use the cd command.

ftp> cd <directory-name>

For example, cd documents would move you to the “documents” directory.

FTP command line to change directory CMD

Listing files in a directory:

To list all the files and directories in the current directory, use the dir command.

ftp> dir

FTP command to list directory CMD

Downloading a file:

To download or retrieve a file from the FTP server, use the get command followed by the filename.

ftp> get <file-name>

For instance, get report.pdf would download the file named “report.pdf”.

Windows FTP command line to download a file from FTP server

Uploading a file:

To upload or send a file to the FTP server, use the put command followed by the filename.

ftp> put <file-name>

For example, put report.pdf would upload the file “report.pdf” to the server.

Windows FTP command to upload a file to server

Renaming a file:

You can rename a file on the server using the rename command, followed by the old filename and the new filename.

ftp> rename <old-file-name> <new-file-name>

For example, rename oldfile.txt newfile.txt.

Windows 11 FTP command line to rename a file

Deleting a file:

To delete a file from the server, use the delete command followed by the filename.

ftp> delete <file-name>

For example, delete unwantedfile.txt will remove the file named “unwantedfile.txt”.

FTP command line to delete a file from the server

Creating a new directory:

To create a new directory on the server, use the mkdir command.

ftp> mkdir <directory-name>

For example, mkdir newfolder will create a directory named ‘newfolder’.

Create a new directory FTP command line on Windows 11

Removing a directory:

To remove a directory from the server, use the rmdir command.

ftp> rmdir <directory-name>

For example, rmdir oldfolder will delete the “oldfolder” directory.

Windows command line to remove a directory from FTP server

Closing the FTP connection:

When you’re finished with your FTP session, you can close the connection using the close command.

ftp> close

Close FTP connection command line CMD

Exiting the FTP client:

To exit or quit the FTP client altogether, use the quit command.

ftp> quit

How to exit an FTP connection in Windows 11 CMD

Sample FTP Session

For better understanding, let’s walk through a simulated FTP session using the commands we just discussed:

C:\Users\YourUser> ftp
Connected to
220 FTP Server ready.
ftp> user john
331 Please specify the password.
ftp> johnspassword
230 Login successful.
ftp> cd documents
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> dir
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 0 May 25 08:59 report.pdf
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> get report.pdf
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for report.pdf (0 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 0 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 0.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> close
221 Goodbye.

Anonymous FTP

In certain circumstances, FTP servers allow anonymous logins. Such servers are set up to allow users to log in with the username “anonymous” and typically use the user’s email address as the password. Anonymous FTP is usually read-only and is used for distributing files to the public. While this can make it easier for the general public to access files, it can also create potential security issues.


While FTP is an incredibly handy tool, its primary shortcoming is the lack of security. FTP does not encrypt data transmitted over the network, making it vulnerable to eavesdropping and data tampering. SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), on the other hand, provides the same functionality as FTP but with added security. SFTP encrypts the data transferred over the network, protecting it from unauthorized access and manipulation.

Risks associated with FTP

FTP’s biggest risk lies in its lack of encryption. Any data transferred via FTP, including login credentials, is sent in plain text. This lack of security means any data sent via FTP can be intercepted and read by anyone who can access the network data, leading to data theft or corruption.

FTPS (FTP Secure) and SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) were developed to address these security issues. Both protocols add an encryption layer to the data transfer process, thereby significantly improving the security of file transfers.


FTP, despite being one of the oldest protocols for transferring files over a network, remains an integral part of today’s IT world. Windows 11 continues to provide built-in support for this protocol via the command line interface, making FTP a handy tool for anyone who needs to deal with file transfers regularly. This guide gives you a comprehensive understanding of the FTP commands, their functionalities, and how to use them on Windows Command Prompt.

Remember, while FTP can be a powerful tool, it’s essential to be aware of its security limitations and take appropriate precautions to protect sensitive data.

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