Grub — это программное обеспечение, которое позволяет выбрать операционную систему, которую нужно запустить при загрузке компьютера. В этой статье мы расскажем о пошаговой установке Grub из-под Windows, начиная с самого начала и заканчивая успешным запуском.
Шаг 1: Скачайте образ Grub
Первым шагом необходимо скачать образ Grub. Для этого перейдите на официальный сайт проекта и загрузите последнюю версию Grub.
Шаг 2: Скачайте EasyBCD
EasyBCD — это утилита для Windows, которая позволяет управлять загрузочным меню. Скачайте ее с официального сайта и установите на свой компьютер.
Шаг 3: Создайте раздел
Создайте новый раздел на своем жестком диске. Для этого можно воспользоваться утилитами Windows, например, «Управление дисками». Обязательно запомните букву диска, на котором создан новый раздел.
Шаг 4: Запишите образ Grub на раздел
Для записи образа Grub на раздел следует воспользоваться командной строкой, которую можно открыть в режиме администратора. Перейдите в папку, где сохранен образ Grub, используя команду cd
. Убедитесь, что путь в консоли отображает текущую директорию с образом Grub.
Затем используйте следующую команду для записи образа Grub на раздел:
dd if=имя_образа_grub of=диск_с_разделом bs=512 count=1
Замените имя образа Grub и диск с разделом на соответствующие значения. Например, dd if=grub.iso of=E: bs=512 count=1
Шаг 5: Добавьте запись в загрузчик Windows
Запустите EasyBCD и выберите «Добавить новую запись». Затем выберите тип записи «Linux/BSD» и введите имя для новой записи.
В разделе «Путь к файлу» укажите букву диска, на котором создан новый раздел, и путь к файлу boot\grub\stage1
В разделе «Привод/Сектор» укажите букву диска, на котором создан новый раздел, и номер сектора, где записан Grub. Например, 0x8001
для сектора 1
в байтах.
Сохраните новую запись.
Шаг 6: Запустите Grub
Перезагрузите компьютер и выберите новую запись в загрузочном меню. Grub должен успешно загрузиться.
В этой статье мы рассмотрели пошаговую инструкцию по установке Grub из-под Windows. Надеемся, что она поможет вам успешно настроить загрузку операционных систем на вашем компьютере.
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- GRUB 2
Последний раз редактировалось: Ttron27 (2019-01-09 16:40), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а) |
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vovan1982 |
Отправлено: 08-Янв-2019 09:32
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Отправлено: 08-Янв-2019 09:32
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Ttron27 |
Ttron27, непонятно зачем весь это Копенгаген, все это уже давно есть на форуме, Conty9 уже года 2 назад выкладывал готовый вариант, 3-й спойлер сверху Два раздела на флешке — зачем это нужно и реализация такой возможности с помощью UTmake Приму к сведению, про китайскую доработку не знал. Про разделы не совсем понял , пока не наблюдаю ухода от разделения дисков. Но тему по ссылке покурю |
Отправлено: 08-Янв-2019 10:38
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Отправлено: 08-Янв-2019 10:38
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Ander_73 |
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stea.61 |
это уже давно есть на форуме vovan1982, Ander_73, Ttron27, Последний раз редактировалось: stea.61 (2019-01-08 11:25), всего редактировалось 1 раз |
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Joker-2013 |
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Ttron27 |
stea.61, |
Отправлено: 08-Янв-2019 15:03
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BalAngel |
нас интересует файл …. на флешке … Приму к сведению, про китайскую доработку не знал… И даже название темы от puhpol созвучно: GRUB 2 установка под Windows. … IMHO Последний раз редактировалось: BalAngel (2019-01-09 09:45), всего редактировалось 1 раз |
Отправлено: 08-Янв-2019 15:35
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Отправлено: 08-Янв-2019 15:35
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Ttron27 |
Касательно Debian, было бы интересно узнать, как его установить в среде Windows Если я не ошибся, в windows 10 с этим может помочь PowerShell(по крайней мере эмуляция linx у меня отрабатывала отлично, а эмуляцией ubuntu ставлю прошивки Padavan ) ну или виртуалка с пробросом порта с usb устройства. Пишут, что grub-2.02-for-windows не поддерживает UEFI enabled Secure Boot Если я не ошибся тут на форуме был такой метод UTmake — не китайская доработка (или у китайцев другое название?) Нет, я не знал про 0 сектора, про программу пока ничего не скажу . Флешка. Тут уже ответили. Все сборки разместить на FAT32, на раздел NTFS — только сборки с VHD и большие файлы. |
Отправлено: 09-Янв-2019 10:14
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Отправлено: 09-Янв-2019 10:14
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BalAngel |
эмуляция linx у меня отрабатывала отлично …. Если я не ошибся тут на форуме был такой метод … моя специфика работы не дает носить такой( а по факту их надо штуки 3 мне, да и с питанием у некоторых проблемы еше на usb2 не говоря про то где я юзаю ag да и не у всех есть деньги\потребности … linx — посмотрю когда-нибудь |
Отправлено: 09-Янв-2019 16:56
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BalAngel |
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Отправлено: 10-Янв-2019 15:13
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Ttron27 |
Установка Grub-2.02 UEFI+Grub4dos-0.4.6a из под Windows Читаю все и внимательно |
Отправлено: 10-Янв-2019 16:40
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vovan1982 |
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KottoSOFT |
configfile /KSFT/BOOT/GRLDR/menu.lst Сделать основным загрузчиком bootmgr а уже в BCD прописать путь для запуска GRUB4DOS |
Отправлено: 10-Янв-2019 17:50
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Ander_73 |
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The three interfaces of Grub functions at various levels. The menu interface consists of the list of kernels or the operating systems.
You have the option to select a particular operating system with the help of the arrow keys and you can boot it with the Enter key.
All the Commands in Grub are displayed in the menu entry editor interface. You can change the commands before you load the Operating System.
The Command-Line interface is the basic interface that provides the user with the utmost control. You can execute any command with the help of it.
You may sometimes encounter how to install a grub bootloader in windows 10 issues raised by the corrupted boot directory or the partition.
Restore Grub After Windows Install
The Grub Bootloader is particularly important as you cannot start the Operating System without it.
While you switch on the program, this is the first program that gets started. Then the Bootloader transfers the control it has to the Operating System Kernel.
When you are stuck with how to install a grub bootloader in Windows 10, you can go for a clean installation of Windows 10 or reset your BIOS settings. These may help you to resolve the problem.
You also have other options to fix it like rebuilding the BCD or simply replacing your damaged hard drive.
Through this article let us address the possibilities to fix the Grub related problem effectively.
Solution 1: Setting The Correct Partition
If the correct partition gets deactivated somehow, you face this grub related problem and need to go for restoring grub after windows install.
This happens as the boot loader gets initiated by the BIOS from the active partition.
We suggest you verify whether the active partition is incorrect. Then you will have to get the proper partition activated.
This process works wonder to fix the grub related issues swiftly. Follow the steps mentioned below to execute the process:
Step 1: First of all you need to connect a DVD or USB Flash Player bootable media to your PC.
Step 2: Then give your system a fresh restart to execute the Automatic Repairing Process.
Step 3: Select to Troubleshoot and go to the Advanced options. Now, launch Command Prompt and enter diskpart and hit the Enter button.
Step 4: Input the commands mentioned below one after another:
- list disk: This will give you the list of all your hard drives
- select disk n: n denotes the disk where you have installed the operating system.
- list volume: All the Volumes on Disk 0 will be enlisted here.
- select volume n: he will give you the number of system partitions
- active: this will show you the active system partition. Identify the specific partition from the displayed list that ought to be active.
Step 5: Now, enter the commands given below and after inputting each one, press the Enter Key.
- select partition d
- active
- quit
Step 6: After you have finished the above step give your Computer a fresh restart.
Check whether your Grub related problem is solved this way.
Solution 2: Resetting the BIOS Settings
Resetting BIOS is another effective way to fix grub after windows 10 upgrade.
Here I am providing you a complete guideline to execute the task. Follow the steps:
Step 1: Turn off your computer and wait for a couple of minutes, then give it a fresh restart.
Step 2: Now, press F2 and repeat the process till you see the System Screen Window.
The function key may vary from system to system. Give it a check while you start your system.
Step 3: Now with the help of the Right Arrow Key go to the Exit menu bar. Then move on to the Load Optimized Defaults.
Step 4: After you pressed the Load Optimized Device option, hit the Enter button.
After you accomplished the entire procedure check whether this has helped. You also have the option to flash the BIOS of your computer to fix the issue.
Solution 3: Using the Automatic Repair and restoring the Boot Sector Code
You may use your automatics repair system provided by Windows 10 and run are repairing process for restoring grub after windows install.
The boot sector code may be damaged and this may create the problem. So, you need to restore the boot sector code so that the grub rescue error is not prompted.
For this, I am describing the process that you are required to follow meticulously.
Step 1: Give your PC a fresh restart for repeated times and then select to Troubleshoot. From the displayed panel, choose Advanced and from there move on to Start-up Repair.
Step 2: Now, the repairing process will commence. Wait till the procedure gets completed.
We recommend you not to proceed for any operation in between. After that check, if that was good enough to address your problem.
Step 3: You have another option to use DVD or USB Flash Drive for resting the boot Sector Code.
For this, connect the bootable USB or DVD to your PC give your computer a fresh restart to go to the Automatic Repair Mode.
Step 4: Now proceed to Troubleshoot and then go to the Advanced Tab.
Step 5: Now Enter cmd to launch Command Prompt. Input the given commands in the Command Prompt. Do not forget to hit the Enter button after you type them.
select disk 0
list volume
This way you will get all the volumes displayed. In the Type section, you will get to see DVD-ROM.
Make sure to remember the letter for the drive of the DVD or USB Flash Drive that you have connected to your Device. Like D or E.
Step 6: Now, enter the commands that I am providing below and click Enter.
D: or E:
CD Boot
Step 7: Scrutinize whether there is bootsect.exe file in the provided list. On finding it input the given command and then hit the enter button.
bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr
Step 8: Now reboot your Computer and hope this will solve the problem you are muddling with.
Solution 4: Clean Installation Of Windows 10
To repair grub from windows, install Windows 10 afresh so that the installations done previously completely get removed.
For this, you will have to download the ISO file of Windows 10 on another device and get it burned on a DVD. You may also proceed with creating a USB drive that you can boot.
You may take the help of a third-party utility or you may also fix the boot related error if you create a bootable media.
That will automatically help you launching the program, selecting the proper partition, etc.
Solution 5: Rebuilding BCD With The Help Of Windows 10 Automatic Repair
If you cannot find bootsect.exe file, then you may need to rebuild BCD to combat your Grub issue.
Many users have reported that by using this rebuilding BCD technique they could easily fix the Grub related issue.
Follow the given process described below to rebuild the BCD:
Step 1: First of all you will have to connect bootable USB Flash Drive DVD to your system.
Step 2: Then reboot your PC and go to the Automatic Repair Mode.
Then from the advanced window choose Command Prompt for initiating BCD Files.
Step 3: Enter the below-given commands in the Command Prompt and when you have finished press Enter:
- Bootrec /Fixmbr
- Bootrec /Fixboot
- Bootrec /Rebuildbcd
Step 4: When you complete the process, exit from Command Prompt and then give your device a fresh restart.
Solution 6: Replace The Hard Drive
Sometimes you may face several issues with your hard drive. Your hard drive may get damaged somehow and this may lead to the Grub rescue issue along with other burning issues for your system.
In case you discover that your hard drive is damaged, we suggest you replace it immediately.
Hard Drives are available on your manufacturer’s website or from the retail sites then replace your drive and clean install Windows 10 to get rid of the Grub related problem.
Winding Up
Hope the resolutions provided could give you the answer to how to install grub bootloader in Windows 10.
If you still have queries or issues with the related files, feel free to intimate us in the comments section or may shoot us a mail.
We always look forward to hearing back from you.
How do I chainload GRUB from Windows boot.ini
- 1 Other titles for this same problem.
- 2 Advice
- 3 Neogrub lazy solution
- 4 Classical solution
- 5 Advanced solution
- 6 Problematic solution
- 7 GRUB solution (on its own)
- 8 GRUB solution (Linux shell)
- 9 GRUB2 solution (on its own)
- 10 GRUB2 solution (Linux shell)
- 11 Common Final Solution
- 11.1 Windows Vista (with easybcd help)
- 11.2 Classical Final Solution
- 11.2.1 Windows XP/Windows 2000/NT/Windows
- 11.2.2 Windows Vista (manually)
- 12 Rescatux
- 13 Tecnical explanation
- 14 One thing you should know
- 15 TIP
- 16 Similar problems
- 17 External resources
Other titles for this same problem.
- GRUB is a great but I prefer not to install it on my mbr.
- How do I chainload GRUB from Windows Vista
- I have Linux in my second hard disk and I follow other howto instructions but I cannot get it to be chainloaded from Windows.
- Is there a safe way to access Linux on the external drive and have xp on the internal drive while being able to disconnect the external drive from pc at any time? ([b]You should run Fix Boot of Windows[/b] for your internal hard disk before these steps.)
adrian15 advice for this kind of task is #Classical solution
Neogrub lazy solution
TODO: Talk about Neogrub that it is included with EasyBCD I think.
Classical solution
- Super Grub Disk (WITH HELP) :-)))
- English Super Grub Disk
- Windows
- Windows (Advanced)
- Windows chainloads Grub!
- Select the partition where GRUB it is found (i.e. stage1 is found).
Please continue reading at: Common Final Solution
Advanced solution
Problematic solution
GRUB solution (on its own)
This method is only valid when you want to boot a Linux partition that it is found in the same hard disk as the windows one (i.e. the first hard disk).
This installs Stage1 of Grub to the first sector of partition containing the Grub folder.
To get started we need to identify the partition containing the Grub folder. (Usually the same as the Linux partition) Say it is (hd0,3) (Usually, but not always, identified in Linux as: /dev/sda4).
Boot with your grub disk or with your already installed grub.
Press ‘c’
At the grub> prompt type:
- root (hd0,3)
- setup (hd0,3)
- quit #(With Linux working)
- reboot #(From grub disk)
Please continue reading at: Common Final Solution
GRUB solution (Linux shell)
This installs Stage1 of Grub to the first sector of partition containing the Grub folder. We will use the «device» function of the grub-shell to ensure that Grub uses the correct map between the bios drives and linux devices, and also to ensure that Grub uses the hard drive numbers.
To get started we need to identify the partition containing the Grub folder. (Usually the same as the Linux partition) Say it is (hd2,3) and /dev/sdb4.
(The (hd2,3) must be how grub sees the partition during boot-up)
Open a terminal in Linux and type
- su #(use sudo -i in Ubuntu)
- grub
and at the «grub>»prompt
- device (hd2) /dev/sdb
- device (hd0) /dev/sdb
- root (hd2,3)
- setup (hd0,3)
- quit
Please continue reading at: Common Final Solution
GRUB2 solution (on its own)
As long as I know GRUB2 cannot install itself on its own.
GRUB2 solution (Linux shell)
This installs first part of Grub2 to the first sector of partition containing the Grub folder.
Let’s suppose that you know that your Linux partition is /dev/sda3
What you need to to is run:
Open a terminal in Linux and type
- su #(use sudo -i in Ubuntu)
- grub-install —force /dev/sda3
Please continue reading at: Common Final Solution
Common Final Solution
As a final solution we need somehow Windows to chainload our Linux partition. If we use easybcd we can avoid having to copy a file from a live cd to our Windows partition and setting up the boot. If we are geeks and classical we will have to edit boot.ini or the new Vista file manually in order to make
things work.
Windows Vista (with easybcd help)
- Download and run EasyBCD 1.7.2(or any version i think)
- If program ask for boot drive just select your windows partion
- Choose Add/remove Entries
- At «Add an Entry» select «Linux»
- Change Type to «Linux»
- Enter Name box with any name u want
- At Drive Select Your Ubuntu Partion
- Click «Add Entry»
- Click «Save»
- Restart, you have done ^ ^
Classical Final Solution
Once grub has been installed to a partition we need to get its boot sector to a file in order to boot it from Windows.
Let’s boot with a live cd and open a terminal.
Identify the partition containing the grub folder. (Usually the same one as the Linux partition)
In this example the identified grub partition is sda3.
Plugin your pendrive and open it.
Identify your plugged pendrive associated folder.
In this example:
Pendrive mount point is: /media/disk
From a terminal (Aplications -> System -> Terminal) please run:
- sudo -i | su
(When prompted enter your current user password or your root password in non-sudo systems such as Debian. If you do not know how to type | symbol please only type sudo -i)
- dd if=/dev/sda3 of=/media/disk/linux.bin count=1 bs=512
- sync
- Right Click on your pendrive icon in your desktop and click on umount or extract.
Now let’s boot into Windows.
Plug in your pendrive and copy the linux.bin file into c:\ folder.
Windows XP/Windows 2000/NT/Windows
Now let’s edit boot.ini and add this line at its bottom:
Windows Vista (manually)
Now when rebooting if you boot windows you will get a Windows menu with two options: Windows and the new Linux option which will chainload GRUB.
Finally there is an optional step that it is removing grub so that it chainloads Windows menu in the first place automatically at boot.
This feature is not yet available at the Rescapp program. It is available at the Super Grub Disk included with Rescatux. If you want to have this feature at the Rescapp program please complain at the super grub disk mailing list.
Tecnical explanation
One thing you should know
- These methods only restore GRUB successfully if a stage1,stage2 (and optionally a stage1_5 file) is found. If you have deleted these files the GRUB solution (Linux shell) might help although it might be better to reinstall GRUB from a chroot environment got from a live cd.
If your Linux filesystem has errors GRUB might not be able to find its files even if they are there. So sometimes is advised to try to run the:
fsck -yc /dev/DEV
command as root where DEV is your linux partition device.
fsck -yc /dev/sda3
will fix the third partition from an scsi or sata first disk (Although it might not actually be the first one).
- OpenSolaris GRUB cannot be restored to a partition which this method. You need to boot Linux and then use the install-grub command. See man install-grub for more info.
If you cannot get to restore grub this way you can always try to boot Linux and then use the Grub Solution (on its own) method or the Grub Solution (Linux shell) method.
Similar problems
External resources
Grub2 is a very powerful boot loader, developed by GNU. You can easily install Grub2 from Windows with just a few commands. Grub2 supports both UEFI and Legacy BIOS modes. It is capable of booting most Windows, Linux, BSD and macOS operating systems.
How do I manually install GRUB bootloader?
Installing GRUB2 on a BIOS system
- Create a configuration file for GRUB2. # grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg.
- List block devices available on the system. $ lsblk.
- Identify the primary hard disk.
- Install GRUB2 in the MBR of the primary hard disk.
- Reboot your computer to boot with the newly installed bootloader.
Can you install GRUB without Linux?
Yes it is. G As GRUB is a stand-alone boot loader and can be installed onto a computer that doesn’t have Linux installed, to boot those operating systems that are installed.
How do I restore a GRUB file after installing Windows 7?
To recover grub: Open the live version. Open the terminal and run sudo fdisk -l to see where Linux is installed….6 Answers
- Boot from LiveCD ⋯ please try to use a LiveCD that has the same version of Grub2 as the installed version.
- Mount the root of the installed Ubuntu at /mnt.
- Change root.
- Update grub.
- Install grub.
- Reboot.
How do I fix Windows bootloader?
Method 1: Startup Repair tool
- Start the system to the installation media for the installed version of Windows.
- On the Install Windows screen, select Next > Repair your computer.
- On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot.
- On the Advanced options screen, select Startup Repair.
How do I install grub menu?
via Partition Files Copy
- Boot to the LiveCD Desktop.
- Mount the partition with your Ubuntu installation.
- Open a terminal by selecting Applications, Accessories, Terminal from the menu bar.
- Run the grub-setup -d command as described below.
- Reboot.
- Refresh the GRUB 2 menu with sudo update-grub.
Where is GRUB Disk installed?
The GRUB 2 files will normally be located in the /boot/grub and /etc/grub. d folders and the /etc/default/grub file in the partition containing the Ubuntu installation. If another Ubuntu/Linux distribution controlled the boot process, it will be replaced by the GRUB 2 settings in the new installation.
Should I install GRUB bootloader?
You don’t actually need GRUB (Grand Unified Boot Loader) boot loader as it is by default boot loader and manager for Ubuntu since version 9.10. If you look into the booting process, after BIOS and MBR, GRUB gives you the option of choosing your kernel.
Can Windows 7 boot from grub?
Boot your system to the GRUB menu. Select (highlight) the GRUB boot menu entry Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1) . Press e to edit the GRUB boot commands for Windows 7.
Can I continue without a bootloader?
Since version 3.3. x, and ONLY on EFI machines, it is possible to boot the Linux kernel without using a bootloader. Have a look at Booting the Linux Kernel without a bootloader.
How do I get Ubuntu back after installing Windows?
The graphical way
- Insert your Ubuntu CD, reboot your computer and set it to boot from CD in the BIOS and boot into a live session. You can also use a LiveUSB if you have created one in the past.
- Install and run Boot-Repair.
- Click “Recommended Repair”.
- Now reboot your system. The usual GRUB boot menu should appear.
How do I reinstall grub from USB?
How to Repair Grub
- Boot to the live cd or USB that you have and open a terminal window( Ctrl + T ) and type the following: sudo fdisk -l.
- Now you are sure about where to install grub.
- sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt , where /mnt is any directory you need.
How do I boot Windows 7 using GRUB?
Currently, your grub.cfg uses the GRUB boot commands below to boot Windows 7. I am suggesting you try changing this and use these commands instead. Here are the steps to do this. Boot your system to the GRUB menu. Select (highlight) the GRUB boot menu entry Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1).
How do I install a grub-based bootloader?
EasyBCD can automatically install a GRUB-based bootloader called NeoGrub. It’ll be chainloaded from the Windows bootloader, and you can edit its configuration file from within Windows; it also supports NTFS so you can save the kernel to the NTFS partition and load it from there.
How do I add a custom entry to the Grub config file?
Run the command sudo update-grub to update /boot/grub/grub.cfg to include your customized entry. (It will be on the bottom of the GRUB menu when you boot.) I would view the suggestion above as only a partly-baked solution.
How do I start Ubuntu on GRUB2?
The above steps are from near the bottom of the Ubuntu Community Documentation of Grub2 After booting from the liveCD ( select “Try Ubuntu” on the opening screen) Then start up a terminal (dash, type-in terminal, … )… It may be easier to open this web page while running LiveCD.