Home assistant only supports linux osx and windows using wsl

Thanks for the reply! How much longer — like half an hour or more? If so, I will let it sit all afternoon.

Option 2:

homeassistant is running as pid 48438.

Nothing exciting in the logfile. It appears to have started up successfully at least once after upgrading because it was griping about a Volumio device loading slowly. Every subsequent restart of the service or reboot of the jail, nothing happens.

The log file was >300 MB so I renamed it and created a new logfile «home-assistant.log» and ensured it had the right permissions and owner. When I restart the home assistant service, the logfile stays at filesize zero.

As a sanity-check I searched the jail for other instances of «home-assistant.log» (found none) and double-checked the mount point mapping (appears unchanged).

I tried running the upgrader again from the console, all requirements are already satisfied, and it signs off with these lines again:

Testing configuration at /home/homeassistant/homeassistant
INFO:homeassistant.helpers.storage:Migrating core.device_registry storage from 1.1 to 1.2
INFO:homeassistant.helpers.storage:Migrating core.entity_registry storage from 1.1 to 1.4

… and logfile remains empty.

Running service -e in the console, I also see «/usr/local/etc/rc.d/homeassistant» running.

Any thoughts are appreciated. The empty logfile is strange. And sorry if this is not the right place to troubleshoot (please advise if not), but it seemed relevant.

EDIT: Before anyone wastes any time on my reply… I think I have found a workaround. I shut down the old jail, built a new jail from scratch, and pointed it at my config directory (which I’d externalized per the documentation). Everything has been booting up for 20 minutes — verrrry slowly as adorobis said — but at least it all seems to be working. Glad I read the original instructions and set that up!! I have to run a cat to the vet right now but you can assume that if I don’t update this post again, it’s all working. Not sure where I went wrong. Thanks again all. Love this integration.

FINAL UPDATE: All appears to be well. HA is back and my cat’s shots are up to date. Not sure what the issue was, but as a colleague used to say I’m going to «back away slowly». Thanks to all the contributors!

  • #1

They’ve added an OS compatibility check in Home Assistant 2022.2.0 which obviously fais on TrueNAS CORE


Home Assistant only supports Linux, OSX and Windows using WSL

Fortunately there is also an --ignore-os-check command option that can be added to the rc script.

If your using the community plugin, you can get the updated rc script by running Plugin UPDATE from the TrueNAS UI.

Optionally, you can update the rc script manually


iocage console $jail_name
# Press 0 to exit menu

ee /usr/local/etc/rc.d/homeassistant

Edit line 116 (assuming your plugin is other wise up to date) of the script to add --ignore-os-check as shown below


HA_ARGS="--ignore-os-check --config ${homeassistant_config_dir}"

Press esc then enter twice to save and exit

  • #2

Thank you for this. Just did the update and freaked out when I got that message.

Cheers for posting a fix so fast.

  • #3

With the 2022.2 update, people are also reporting that Home Assistant is failing to restart from it’s UI.

I pushed a second plugin update yesterday to hopefully workaround this.

The rc script already runs Home Assistant using the FreeBSD daemon. This workaround simply adds the -R restart_delay_seconds to the rc-flags for the daemon. The default delay is set for 1 second.


 -R  restart_delay_seconds
         Supervise and restart the program after the specified delay if it
         has been terminated.

If needed, the delay can be adjusted by setting the rcvar homeassistant_restart_delay

For example, the following would set a 3 second delay


sysrc homeassistant_restart_delay=3

If you’re using the community plugin, you can get the updated rc script by again running Plugin UPDATE from the TrueNAS UI.

Optionally, you can update the rc script manually by applying these chances to /usr/local/etc/rc.d/homeassistant

На данный момент инструкция неактуальна. Текущие варианты установки можете посмотреть на официальном сайте HA.

В данной статье будет пошагово описан процесс установки home assistant на ПК под управлением Windows 10.

Важно отметить, что операционная система Windows не является основной для HA, что проявляется в неполной работоспособности программного обеспечения, в связи с чем установку HA на Win10 рекомендуется производить только для ознакомления с возможностями ПО.

Итак, приступим.

      1. Первым делом нам нужно установить Python. Идем на официальный сайт, выбираем последнюю версию, проматываем страницу вниз и выбираем нужный нам файл (например Windows x86-64 executable installer). Скачиваем и запускаем.
      2. При установке выбираем Customize installation -> на второй вкладке оставляем только pip -> на третьей выбираем Add Python to environment variables.
        Установка python для home assistant
      3. После того, как Python установится запускаем командную строку: нажимаем Win и R, в появившемся поле вводим cmd и нажимаем Ок.
      4. Вводим в командной строке pip install homeassistant, нажимаем Enter и ждем пока все установится. В случае ошибок внимательно читаем и делаем что там будет написано. В моем случае не было Visual C++ 14.0. Для исправления – скачиваем Build Tools для Visual Studio с официального сайта, устанавливаем и перезагружаем ПК.
        ошибка при установке HA visual c++ 14.0 is required python
      5. Программа установлена и для запуска осталось ввести команду hass в командной строке. На данном этапе может появляться много ошибок, возможно придется прервать запуск (Ctrl+C) и запустить заново. Также брандмауэр может попросить разрешить доступ. Разрешаем. В самом конце запуска в консоли должна появиться строчка со следующим содержанием: INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Starting Home Assistant.
      6. Далее запускаем браузер и вводим localhost:8123. Если все сделано правильно, то откроется окно регистрации учетной записи. Если ничего не получилось, то попробуйте еще раз выполнить пятый пункт.
      7. Поздравляю, мы установили Home Assistant на ПК под управлением Windows 10.

      Авторизация в Home Assistant

Ссылки на другие уроки по настройке Home Assistant.

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Joined: Jul 2023



I’m trying to integrate home assistant by windows OS.
I did all the steps as explained in this link : https://www.kincony.com/home-assistant-r…odule.html.

when i put the the command «hass —open-ui», i get the message » Home Assistant only supports Linux, OSX and Windows using WSL»!!!

what I might did wrong in the way?

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two years ago, we tested install home assistant on Windows OS.
now home assistant only use by Linux, not support install to Windows OS directly.

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Joined: Jul 2023



Now I already Ran the homeassistant by linux.
my goal is control the H32B by siri, I installed mosquitto Broker in homeassistant.

1. what I have to do next?
2.in the wifi setting of H32B, I put the wifi work mode «mqtt». what are the wifi server IP and port? are they belong to my laptop which is the server now?
3.what things i have to set up in the mosquitto broker?
4. I’m not able to connect to home assistant APP from my iphone!! which things i have to set up in the homeassistant in my computer to be able to connect to it from iphone?
5. what i have to do to set up in apple homekit to start controll the H32B?

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if you use home assistant, want to work with siri, you need to install Node-Red.

1. install Node-Red on HA.
2. integrate H32B to Node-Red by MQTT.
3. make homekit node for H32B every relay output.
4. if you want to use home assistant app, when you complete config the PC, home assistsant phone app just input your server IP so that can use directly.actually just in local network, your phone and server, home assistant will auto found and directly to use.
5. i suggest you watch our YouTube channel , already have video tour how to use Node-Red for Apple Homekit.

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07-28-2023, 11:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2023, 12:32 AM by Saif Kitany.)

Ok, got it.
and controlling H32B by homekit app it will be just when my iphone connected to my home wifi? or also from outside?

when i try to install homekit node, it faild and shows me this message :

2023-07-29T00:29:55.083Z Install : @boneskull/node-red-contrib-homekit 1.0.0

2023-07-29T00:29:55.977Z npm install —no-audit —no-update-notifier —no-fund —save —save-prefix=~ —production —engine-strict @boneskull/node-red-contrib-homekit@1.0.0
2023-07-29T00:31:25.091Z [err] npm
2023-07-29T00:31:25.093Z [err] ERR!
2023-07-29T00:31:25.093Z [err] code EAI_AGAIN
2023-07-29T00:31:25.094Z [err] npm ERR!
2023-07-29T00:31:25.094Z [err]
2023-07-29T00:31:25.095Z [err] syscall
2023-07-29T00:31:25.096Z [err] getaddrinfo
2023-07-29T00:31:25.096Z [err] npm ERR!
2023-07-29T00:31:25.097Z [err] errno EAI_AGAIN
2023-07-29T00:31:25.115Z [err] npm ERR!
2023-07-29T00:31:25.116Z [err] request to https://registry.npmjs.org/@boneskull%2f…ib-homekit failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN registry.npmjs.org
2023-07-29T00:31:25.153Z [err]
2023-07-29T00:31:25.153Z [err] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
2023-07-29T00:31:25.153Z [err] npm ERR!
2023-07-29T00:31:25.154Z [err] /root/.npm/_logs/2023-07-29T00_31_25_119Z-debug.log
2023-07-29T00:31:25.175Z rc=1

why this?

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Joined: Oct 2020



you can search by our video tour, whether install correct Node.

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Joined: Aug 2023



08-13-2023, 05:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-20-2023, 07:28 AM by GREEN FLOID.)

Get Python for Windows from the official websit Use Win + R, type cmd, press Enter Go to a location, run python -m venv homeassistantenv.Navigate to homeassistantenv\Scripts, run activate.
In the active environment, use pip install home assistant.
Home Assistant docs for updates.

Using pip to install homeassistant encountered the following problems, and could not successfully install ciso8601

Building wheels for collected packages: ciso8601
  Building wheel for ciso8601 (pyproject.toml) ... error
  error: subprocess-exited-with-error

  × Building wheel for ciso8601 (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully.
  │ exit code: 1
  ╰─> [11 lines of output]
      running bdist_wheel
      running build
      running build_py
      creating build
      creating build\lib.win32-cpython-39
      creating build\lib.win32-cpython-39\ciso8601
      copying ciso8601\__init__.pyi -> build\lib.win32-cpython-39\ciso8601
      copying ciso8601\py.typed -> build\lib.win32-cpython-39\ciso8601
      running build_ext
      building 'ciso8601' extension
      error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools": https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/
      [end of output]

  note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
  ERROR: Failed building wheel for ciso8601
Failed to build ciso8601
ERROR: Could not build wheels for ciso8601, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

Let me talk about the solution first:

The C++ compilation tool is not installed in the system, causing pip to fail to compile the relevant code, which is the prompt in the above error message

error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools": https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/

Try flow:

1. Update the versions of pip and python

2. Install the corresponding whl file, but I searched for the corresponding link, and there is no ciso8601 whl file at all

To install the Microsoft C++ Build Tools tool, refer to this link:

Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with «Microsoft C++ Build Tools» solution — Zhihu.com

After installing the compilation tool, reinstall ciso8610, the installation is successful

C:\Users\Administrator>pip3 install ciso8601
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
Collecting ciso8601
  Using cached https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/packages/db/50/ed16ee9a645196a29d2b7222d77e7d266f63f7a6042f2ac6cbb18a2b98e4/ciso8601-2.2.0.tar.gz (18 kB)
  Installing build dependencies ... done
  Getting requirements to build wheel ... done
  Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... done
Building wheels for collected packages: ciso8601
  Building wheel for ciso8601 (pyproject.toml) ... done
  Created wheel for ciso8601: filename=ciso8601-2.2.0-cp39-cp39-win32.whl size=14159 sha256=8589c0945876044d6824c0618f794c8f18be2f01024a090defbf986d7262e870
  Stored in directory: c:\users\administrator\appdata\local\pip\cache\wheels\67\1f\93\f5d692f0e81d6c353cf764e0e98af724f5b6b8b7a7e587ad31
Successfully built ciso8601
Installing collected packages: ciso8601
Successfully installed ciso8601-2.2.0

It is recommended to use WIN+ virtual machine to install home assistant, because even if there is a compatibility problem with win, even if the installation is complete, it will prompt at runtime: Home Assistant only supports Linux, OSX and Windows using WSL

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