Have you taken the tickets and are the windows

2 . 1(want)……………………………….. to see you. I (not/see)………………………………….you for ages! 3. You (read)……………………………………. this book?” — “Yes.” “What you (th in k )…………………………………… of it?”4. “You (k n o w )…………………………………..Nick?” “Y es.” — “ How long you (know) ……………………………………… him?» — “ I (know) …………………………………….

him for 10 years.” 5. You (realize)…………………………………… we (kn o w )………………………………….each other for quite a period of time now?And this (be) …………………………………….. the firstoccasion you (a s k )……………………………………me tocome with you. 6. “You (know) ……………………………………the girl who just (le a v e )…………………………………….the shop?” — “Yes, that (b e )………………………………….. Bella York.” — “She (b e )……………………………………

a customer of yours?» — “ Not exactly.She (b e )………………………………….here several timesbut she never (buy) ……………………………………….anything.” 7. Come in, I (b e )…………………………………awake since sunrise. 8. It’ll be good to see him again.How long he (b e )………………………………….. away? It1.Father/get/a new job/in South Africa.2.He and Mother/leave/for Cape Town.3.Mary/marry/an architect/from Canada.4.l/pass/my/law/exams.5.l/m eet/the right man.\J(A, B) Read the description of a situation andthen write a suitable sentence. Use the verb inbrackets.(JvjodelT) Hugh is listening to music.

It is a new*1cassette, (buy)Hugh has bought a new cassette.1.Andrew is sleeping soundly. It is late morning,(oversleep)2.You are going to sit down to dinner and discoverthere is no bread in the house, (run out of)W e ……………………………………………………………….Last weekend Jane went mountain-walking. Nowshe is in bed.

(to catch a bad cold)3.4.60Your neighbours were playing their VCR veryloud. Now it’s quiet, (switch off)THEPERFECTFORMS2.(your parents/live/here all their lives?)3.(you/hear/this concert?)(M o d e l:) Could you lend me your dictionary? (sorry,l/just/give/it/to Mike)Sorry, I ’ve ju s t given it to Mike.4.(how many tim es/you/ be married?)5.(he/ever/meet/the President?)1.Has Mother come from the market? (yes/she/just/come/from the market)6.(you/ever/visit/the White House?)2.Have you phoned Jack yet? (yes/l/just /phone/him)6(A, B) Answer the questions, using the wordsin brackets. Use ju s t in your answers.3./Ф(A, B) Use the verb in brackets to completethe answers to the questions.Would you like some coffee? (no thanks/l/just/have/a cup)(M o d e l:) Is he handsome? (see)i ttb, lit: /о me iiiubi iidiiusuiiit: iiiaii i vt:ever seen.(A, B) Make sentences with already and yet.1.Is it a fast car? (drive) — Yes, it’s the fastest(M o d e l:) Don’t forget to pack some warm clothes.- I ’ve already packed them.Have you typed the letters yet? — Yes,I ’ve already typed them.Have you bought that dress? — No, Ihaven’t bought it yet, but I ‘m goingto buy it.2.Is it a warm coat? (have) — Yes, it ’s the3.Are they nice people? (meet) — Yes, they areth e ……………………………………………………………….1.Why don’t you have a bath?-2.Shall I buy some newspapers? — No,3.Have you asked Jim yet? — Yes,4.Have you invited Larry and Sue? — No, I…………………………..

but la m ………………………..Has th e m a n a g e r a rriv e d ye t? — Yes,5.6.-j piI U(Model?)You and your friend are swimming in the open sea.You ask: Is this the first time you’ve swum in theopen sea?Your friend:Yes, I ’ve never swum in the open sea before.No, i t ’s the second time I ’ve swum in the sea thisyear.Has Jill written to Dad? — No, s h e ……………………………… but s h e …………………………..tonight.1.О(A, B) Use the words in brackets to makequestions according to the model.2.(M o d e l:) (he/ever/paint/people)1Has he ever painted people?1.(A, B) Write questions and answers.(you/ever/be/to Scotland?)61Kate is skating.

She’s doesn’t feel very confident.You ask: Is this the first t im e ……………………….Kate: Yes, I’ve …………………………………………..No…………………………………………………….You are playing volleyball. Ivy is not very goodand is not sure about the rules.You ask:……………………………………………………..Ivy: Yes……………………………………………………….No…………………………………………………………THE3.You met Nat at a party in London.

He is fromAmerica.You ask: ……………………………………………………..Nat: Y es,…………………………………………………….N o ,……………………………………………………..VERBI О(A, B) Translate into English, using thePresent Perfect Tense.I. Они построили новый дом. Ты его видел? 2.

Тыпоказал маме свою картину? — Нет, она ещё неготова. 3. Я посмотрел этот фильм. А ты? — Да.Это интересный фильм. 4. Ты был в ЛондонскомII(A, B) Make questions, using the words in зоопарке? — Да. 5. Отец только что вернулсяbrackets.с моря. 6. Возьмите эти журналы. Я уже прочиталих. 7. Вы были когда-нибудь в Греции? — Да, этооченькрасивая страна. 8. Мы ещё не сделали(Model?) (anything/happen/recently?)опыт.9.Она никогда не переводила такие труд­Has anything happened recently?ные статьи. 10. Я звонил ему три раза сегодня.I I . Сегодня он уехал в Нью-Йорк.

12. Ты видел^. (you/read/any books/recently?)директора сегодня? — Нет.2.(you/hear/from Tom/in the past few days?)3.(you/buy/any new records/recently?)(В, С) Translate into English. The firstsentence has been done for you.4.(you/eat/anything/today?)1.5.(you/see/any good films/recently?)6.(it/snow/here this year/yet?)14Я звоню тебе уже третий раз за вечер.It’s the third time I’ve phoned you thisevening.2.Ты опоздала уже второй раз на этой неделе.3.Машина ломается уже третий раз за месяц.4.Я выпила уже пятую чашку кофе за вечер.(А, В) Translate the questions and answers.((Model:) Когда ты в последний раз видел Аню?1- Я не видел её с мая.When did you last see Ann? — / haven’tseen her since May.Когда в последний раз шёл дождь? — Дождяне было целую вечность.Когда они навещали вас в последний раз? Они не навещали нас с июня.Когда ты в последний раз играл в теннис? Я уже давно не играл в теннис.Когда ты в последний раз ела кокос? Я никогда не ела кокос.Когда ты в последний раз водил машину? Я не водил машину шесть месяцев.Когда ты в последний раз ездил в Канаду? Я никогда не ездил в Канаду.Когда она тебе писала в последний раз? Она не писала с прошлого лета.15(В, С) John and Mary are going on holiday.Their taxi is coming in ten minutes.

They want tocheck if everything is in order. Look through theinformation below and say what each of them hasalready done or has not done.62THEz’—————————PERFECTC^D—— \- put John’s hiking boots in the suitcase,- forget to pack his jumper,- charge the batteries for the camera.F OR MSJohnГ-(already) take their tickets (they are in his pocket),(already )check the windows several times,(just) switch off the TV set,also switch off the microwave oven.v _________________________________________/B. Now restore the dialogue between Mary and John using the information from the table above.Mary:John:Mary:John:Mary:John:Mary:John:Mary:Have you taken the tickets?……………………………………………………….And are the windows closed?………………………………………………….How about my hiking b o o ts? ……………………………………………….I’ve already put your hiking boots into the suitcase.And my ju m p e r? …………………………………………………….

?Oh d e a r!……………………………………………………. It’s over there. Give it to me, please…………………………………………………. the TV set?Yes……………………………………………………….and I a ls o ………………………………………………………..And I ………………………………………………………. Ok, I think we have done everything.

Let’s go then.16(В, C) Mr. Johnson has applied for the post of manager in one of the advertising companies andis going to have an interview with its managing director. Look through their notes. In pairs, act out thedialogue between Mr. Johnson and the managing director.Questions to ask:Applicant’s personal information:1. ever work in advertising?2. get any promotion recently?3. ever ta ke p a rt in any in te rn a tio n a lconferences? If yes, what kind?4. apply for the same post in any othercompanies?5. If yes, pass the interview or not?1.

work in an advertising с о т р е т у (2 years),2. get promotion several times (recently post of marketing manager),3. In te rn a tio n a l con fere nce on newadvertising techniques (London),4. send resumes to some other companies,5. decided to s ta r t with this one as it isthe most prosperous.(^Modelf)The Managing Director: Have you ever worked in advertising?M r. Johnson: I ’ve worked in an advertising company for two years.63THEVERB8.2 The Present Perfect a nd the Past Simplea) Do not use the Present Perfect (I have done) when you are talking about a finished time in the past(for example: last Tuesday, seven years ago, in 1995, when I was a student).Use the P ast Simple:□ I lost my English book yesterday, (not “has lost” )□ Did you see the football match on television last night?□ Father retired from his job a year ago.□ I swam in the lake when I was a child.To ask when something happened, use the P ast Simple Tense:□What time did they start? (not “have they started” )□ When was he born? (not «has he been born” )COMPARE:□ I have lost my English book.


  1. Учебник Spotlight 6. Student’s Book. Страница 82
  2. Have you taken the tickets and are the windows closed
  3. Популярные тесты
  4. Преимущества
  5. Пользователям

Учебник Spotlight 6. Student’s Book. Страница 82

1. a) Listen and read the sentences below. Which belong to the receptionist (R)/to the customer (C)? What are they talking about? Listen and check. — Прослушай и прочитай предложения. Какие принадлежат администратору (R), а какие клиенту (C)? О чем они говорят? Прослушай и проверь

  • How can I help you?
  • I’d like to book some theatre tickets, please.
  • Which play would you like to see?
  • How many seats would you like?
  • Can I pay by credit card?
  • How would you like to pay?
  • The ones near the centre, I think.
  • How can I help you? — Чем могу помочь?
  • Which play would you like to see? — Какую пьесу вы хотели бы посмотреть?
  • How many seats would you like? — Сколько мест вы хотели бы взять?
  • How would you like to pay? — Как вы хотели бы заплатить?
  • I’d like to book some theatre tickets, please. — Я хотел бы заказать билеты в театр
  • Can I pay by credit card? — Могу я заплатить картой?
  • The ones near the centre, I think. — Думаю, те, которые ближе к центру.

The receptionist and a customer are talking about booking tickets for the theatre. — Администратор и покупатель говорят о заказе билетов в театр

b) Close your books. What receptionist’s/customer’s sentences do you remember? — Закройте ваши учебники. Какие предложения администратора/клиента вы помните?

2. Read the dialogue. How much are Mr Darcey’s tickets? How does he pay? — Прочитай диалог. Сколько стоят билеты мистера Дарси? Как он платит?

  • R: Hello, Theatre Royal Haymarket. How can I help you? — Здравствуйте, касса Королевского театра. Чем могу помочь?
  • C: Hello. I’d like to book some theatre tickets, please. — Здравствуйте. Я хотел бы заказать несколько билетов в театр.
  • R: Certainly. Which play would you like to see? — Конечно. Какую пьесу вы хотели бы посмотреть?
  • C: ‘Hamlet’, on Friday the 21st. — «Гамлет» в пятницу 21-го числа.
  • R: OK. How many seats would you like? — Хорошо. Сколько мест вам нужно?
  • C: Two seats, please. — Два, пожалуйста.
  • R: Fine … There are available seats in the fourth row, near the front, which cost £30 each, and some nearer the centre … £25 each. Which would you like? — Хорошо… Есть два билета на места в четвертом ряду, около края, стоят 30 фунтов каждый, и есть немного ближе к центру по 25 фунтов. Какие вы хотите взять?
  • C: Mmmm … The ones near the centre, I think. — Мммм… Думаю, те, которые ближе к центру.
  • R: So, two seats in row 11 … Friday the 21st. That comes to a total of £50. How would you like to pay? — Так, два места на одиннадцатом ряду… Пятница 21-е число. Всего получается 50 фунтов. Как вы хотели бы заплатить?
  • C: Can I pay by credit card? — Могу я заплатить кредитной картой?
  • R: Certainly. Just give me the number and the expiry date. — Конечно. Просто дайте мне номер и дату окончания действия карты.
  • C: 3959 3854 1104 9455. Expires this March. — 3959 3854 1104 9455. Заканчивается в марте.
  • R: And your name? — Ваше имя?
  • C: Mark Darcy. — Марк Дарси
  • R: Thank you, Mr Darcy. You can collect your tickets at the theatre on Wednesday at 7pm. The performance starts at 8 pm. Enjoy the show. — Спасибо мистер Дарси. Вы можете забрать ваши билеты в театре в среду в 19.00. Представление начнется в 20.00. Хорошего просмотра.
  • C: Thank you very much. — Спасибо большое

Mr Darcy’s tickets are £50. He wants to pay by credit card. — Билеты мистера Дарси стоят 50 фунтов. Он хочет заплатить кредитной картой.

3. Portfolio: Work in pairs. Look at the poster. You want to book some tickets for the performance. Take roles and act out the dialogue. Record yourselves. — Портфолио: работайте в парах. Посмотрите на плакат. Вы хотите заказать несколько билетов на представление. Выберите роли и разыграйте диалог. Запишите себя

Королевский Театр им. Шекспира представляет пьесу Уилльяма Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта». Сеансы в пятницу, 27 сентября, и в субботу, 28 сентября, в 20:00 в Королевском театре на Хеймаркете. Стоимость билетов £15 и £20. Специальная скидка в 10% для студентов.

  • A: Hello, Theatre Royal Haymarket. How can I help you? — Здравствуйте, касса Королевского театра на Хеймаркете. Чем могу помочь?
  • B: Hello. I’d like to book some theatre tickets, please. — Здравствуйте. Я хотел бы заказать билеты в театр.
  • A: Good. Which play would you like to see? — Хорошо. Какую пьесу вы хотели бы посмотреть?
  • B: I’d like to see «Romeo and Juliet» on Saturday, 28th of September. — Я хотел бы посмотреть пьесу «Ромео и Джульетта» в субботу 28-го сентября.
  • A: OK. How many seats would you like? — Хорошо. Сколько мест вам нужно?
  • B: For seats, please. — Четыре, пожалуйста.
  • A: We have seats available in the first five rows, near the front, which cost £20 each, and some near the centre. Thy cost £15 each. Which would you like? — У нас есть места на первых пяти рядах, около сцены, они стоят по 20 фунтов каждое, и есть ближе к центру зала … по 15 фунтов. Какие хотите?
  • The ones near the front, I think. — Думаю, те, которые ближе к сцене.
  • A: So, four seats in row 4, Saturday the 28th of September. That comes to a total of £80. How would you like to pay? — Так, четыре билета в четвертом ряду, суббота 28-е сентября. Всего получается 80 фунтов. Как вы хотели бы заплатить?
  • B: By cash. Do you have any discount for students? — Наличными. А у вас есть скидки для студентов?
  • A: Yes, we have special 10% discounts for students. Are you student? — Да, у нас есть 10% скидка для учащихся. Вы студент?
  • B: Yes, I am a student. — Да, я студент.
  • A: Don’t forget to take student membership cards with you, then. — Не забудьте взять с собой студенческие билеты.
  • B: Sure, I know the rules. — Конечно, я знаю правила.
  • A: So, you have a discount £8 then. That’s £72 with discount and you’ll have to pay at the theatre before collecting your tickets. The performance starts at 8 pm. Enjoy the show. — Так, тогда ваша скидка 8 фунтов. 72 фунта с учетом скидки вы должны будете заплатить в театре перед тем как заберете билеты. Представление начинается в 20.00. Приятного просмотра.
  • B: Thank you very much. — Спасибо большое

4. Copy the table in your textbook. Listen and tick (✓). Listen again and repeat. Then read out the sentences. — Скопируй таблицу в тетрадь. Послушай и отметь галочкой. Послушай снова и повтори. Затем прочитай предложения.

/əυ/: know, coach, tone;
/aυ/: now, couch, town

Have you taken the tickets and are the windows closed

Тест на кругозор. Хватит ли вам эрудиции, чтобы пройти его 10/10?

HTML-кодMingalieva Polina Количество прохождений: 470 779 669 809 просмотров — 26 февраля 2020 Пройти тест

Какое имя подходит вам по знаку зодиака

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 332 310 443 368 просмотров — 14 августа 2019 Пройти тест

Сможете ли вы узнать 20 людей, определивших ход истории?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 638 141 1 026 024 просмотров — 12 февраля 2019 Пройти тест

Догадливы и эрудированны ли вы настолько, чтобы парировать 15 вопросов обо всём?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 292 790 565 370 просмотров — 12 марта 2019 Пройти тест

У вас должно быть как минимум два образования, чтобы пройти этот тест хотя бы на 9/12

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 460 098 870 352 просмотров — 12 февраля 2019 Пройти тест

Тест на эрудицию, который мы с треском завалили. Что насчет вас?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 620 678 958 157 просмотров — 13 марта 2019 Пройти тест

Непростой тест на общие знания: Пройдете его хотя бы на 7/10?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 701 914 1 174 919 просмотров — 31 января 2019 Пройти тест

Блесните своей эрудицией, ответив на 70% вопросов верно

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 547 834 1 447 819 просмотров — 26 февраля 2019 Пройти тест

Вас можно назвать ходячей энциклопедией, если сможете набрать восемь правильных ответов

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 456 911 723 151 просмотров — 22 ноября 2018 Пройти тест

Всего 2% людей могут назвать ВСЕ столицы этих европейских стран. Часть 2

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 309 575 474 735 просмотров — 30 января 2019 Пройти тест

Хватит ли вам фоновых знаний, чтобы ответить на рандомные вопросы из разных областей?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 299 950 477 104 просмотров — 10 марта 2019 Пройти тест

Сможете ли вы назвать имена всех этих легендарных артистов, популярных в СССР?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 515 684 932 928 просмотров — 06 декабря 2018 Пройти тест

Если ответите на все вопросы нашего теста без ошибок, то можете считать себя уникумом с высоким IQ

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 415 784 654 418 просмотров — 25 февраля 2019 Пройти тест

Большой тест на интеллект: узнай свой процент знаний

HTML-кодВсякие Научные Штуки Количество прохождений: 743 035 1 043 120 просмотров — 11 февраля 2019 Пройти тест

Каков Ваш психологический возраст?

HTML-кодНикитин Константин Количество прохождений: 722 727 1 066 080 просмотров — 21 декабря 2016 Пройти тест

Если в этом тесте вы наберете 13/13, то вам пора поступать в Гарвард

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 411 872 624 539 просмотров — 03 марта 2019 Пройти тест

Простейший тест на IQ из нескольких вопросов

HTML-кодАдминистратор Количество прохождений: 331 150 689 947 просмотров — 09 декабря 2016 Пройти тест

Помнишь, что ели в Советском Союзе?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 411 478 696 085 просмотров — 10 сентября 2018 Пройти тест

В чём ваш мозг крут

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 485 349 877 419 просмотров — 22 ноября 2018 Пройти тест

Сможете ли вы пройти этот IQ тест без единой ошибки?

HTML-кодНикитин Константин Количество прохождений: 279 514 427 054 просмотров — 28 декабря 2016 Пройти тест

Подписывайтесь на наши странички! Обязательно делитесь с друзьями! Впереди много новых интересных тестов! Ежедневные добавления! Страницы: Яндекс Дзен, ВКонтакте, Одноклассники, Facebook

Популярные тесты

Тест на кругозор. Хватит ли вам эрудиции, чтобы пройти его 10/10?

HTML-кодMingalieva Polina Количество прохождений: 470 779 669 809 просмотров — 26 февраля 2020 Пройти тест

Какое имя подходит вам по знаку зодиака

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 332 310 443 368 просмотров — 14 августа 2019 Пройти тест

Сможете ли вы узнать 20 людей, определивших ход истории?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 638 141 1 026 024 просмотров — 12 февраля 2019 Пройти тест

Догадливы и эрудированны ли вы настолько, чтобы парировать 15 вопросов обо всём?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 292 790 565 370 просмотров — 12 марта 2019 Пройти тест

У вас должно быть как минимум два образования, чтобы пройти этот тест хотя бы на 9/12

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 460 098 870 352 просмотров — 12 февраля 2019 Пройти тест

Тест на эрудицию, который мы с треском завалили. Что насчет вас?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 620 678 958 157 просмотров — 13 марта 2019 Пройти тест

Непростой тест на общие знания: Пройдете его хотя бы на 7/10?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 701 914 1 174 919 просмотров — 31 января 2019 Пройти тест

Блесните своей эрудицией, ответив на 70% вопросов верно

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 547 834 1 447 819 просмотров — 26 февраля 2019 Пройти тест

Вас можно назвать ходячей энциклопедией, если сможете набрать восемь правильных ответов

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 456 911 723 151 просмотров — 22 ноября 2018 Пройти тест

Всего 2% людей могут назвать ВСЕ столицы этих европейских стран. Часть 2

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 309 575 474 735 просмотров — 30 января 2019 Пройти тест

Хватит ли вам фоновых знаний, чтобы ответить на рандомные вопросы из разных областей?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 299 950 477 104 просмотров — 10 марта 2019 Пройти тест

Сможете ли вы назвать имена всех этих легендарных артистов, популярных в СССР?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 515 684 932 928 просмотров — 06 декабря 2018 Пройти тест

Если ответите на все вопросы нашего теста без ошибок, то можете считать себя уникумом с высоким IQ

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 415 784 654 418 просмотров — 25 февраля 2019 Пройти тест

Большой тест на интеллект: узнай свой процент знаний

HTML-кодВсякие Научные Штуки Количество прохождений: 743 035 1 043 120 просмотров — 11 февраля 2019 Пройти тест

Каков Ваш психологический возраст?

HTML-кодНикитин Константин Количество прохождений: 722 727 1 066 080 просмотров — 21 декабря 2016 Пройти тест

Если в этом тесте вы наберете 13/13, то вам пора поступать в Гарвард

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 411 872 624 539 просмотров — 03 марта 2019 Пройти тест

Простейший тест на IQ из нескольких вопросов

HTML-кодАдминистратор Количество прохождений: 331 150 689 947 просмотров — 09 декабря 2016 Пройти тест

Помнишь, что ели в Советском Союзе?

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 411 478 696 085 просмотров — 10 сентября 2018 Пройти тест

В чём ваш мозг крут

HTML-кодАндрей Количество прохождений: 485 349 877 419 просмотров — 22 ноября 2018 Пройти тест

Сможете ли вы пройти этот IQ тест без единой ошибки?

HTML-кодНикитин Константин Количество прохождений: 279 514 427 054 просмотров — 28 декабря 2016 Пройти тест


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Конструктор Тестов ру — это огромное количество интересных и бесплатных тестов на сообразительность, IQ, зрение, знания правил дорожного движения, программирования и многое другое. Если Вам понравилось, обязательно поделитесь со своими друзьями в социальных сетях или просто ссылкой. А еще Вы можете легко создать свой тест и его будут проходить десятки тысяч людей.

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Ну если не сложно вам)) помогите.

Заранее спасибо : ) 0 My name _is_ David.

A) is b) are c) be d) am 1 _____ David happy?

Yes, he is.

A) Are b) Aren’t c) Is d) Isn’t 2 There _____ any cars in the car park.

A) are b) aren’t c) is d) isn’t 3 Karol _____ at school.

He is a teacher.

A) doesn’t work b) works c) don’t work d) work 4 _____ she need a car?

Yes, she does.

A) Am b) Is c) Do d) Does 5 _____ is Istanbul?

In Turkey.

A) Where b) When c) What d) Which 6 _____ is he unhappy?

I don’t know.

A) How b) Why c) Who d) Does 7 Sarah is the champion.

She _____ wins.

A) always b) rarely c) never d) occasionally 8 Do you have _____ umbrella?

A) a b) an c) the d) (no word – write Ø) 9 _____ you help me please?

A) Can b) Do c) Can’t d) Don’t 10 Germany is _____ bigger than Italy.

A) (no word – write Ø) b) more c) the d) most 11 Iwona is _____ best student in the class.

A) a b) an c) the d) (no word – write Ø) 12 I _____ some chocolate in my bag.

A) has b) have c) doesn’t have d) don’t have 13 How _____ money is there in the bank?

A) much b) many c) some d) any 14 We _____ in Rome at the moment.

A) to live b) are living c) lives d) is living 15 I _____ studying these days.

A) is not b) do not c) are not d) am not 16 It _____ very cold yesterday.

A) is b) are c) was d) were 17 I _____ drive a car at six years old but now I drive all the time.

A) can b) could c) can’t d) couldn’t 18 _____ you fly to France last year?

A) Did b) Was c) Were d) Do 19 Last night I _____ spaghetti.

A) eat b) eaten c) ate d) eating 20 My TV is old.

I _____ buy another one.

A) should b) would c) could d) couldn’t 21 You don’t _____ buy a dictionary.

I have one.

A) should b) have to c) could d) will 22 At the end of the course, we _____ have an exam.

A) do b) will c) (no word – write Ø) d) are 23 What are you _____ eat tonight?

A) going b) have c) will d) going to 24 I have never _____ that film.

A) see b) seen c) saw d) sees 25 _____ you been to Spain?

A) Do b) Will c) Are d) Have 26 I _____ to the radio at the moment.

A) do not listen b) does not listen c) is not listening d) am not listening 27 The weather is getting hotter _____.

A) usually b) today c) sometimes d) never 28 They didn’t see David at work _____ Monday.

A) in b) at c) on d) with 29 Where _____ the exam yesterday.

A) did b) do c) was d) is 30 Julio _____ his car when the bus hit him.

A) was parking b) parked c) parks d) is parking 31 Did you hear the new song by the Matches on _____ radio last night?

A) an b) (no word – write Ø) c) the d) a 32 Osteopaths are doctors _____ people with back problems.

A) they help b) help c) who they help d) who help 33 How many exams _____ this year?

A) do you take b) have you taken c) is you take d) did you taking 34 There have been eight accidents _____.

A) in the last few days b) yesterday c) last year d) on November 12th 35 The Copper Kettle is the _____ restaurant in the town.

The meals are so cheap.

A) more expensive b) most expensive c) less expensive d) least expensive 36 There are very _____ tomatoes in the shop.

I’ll have more tomorrow.

A) little b) many c) few d) much 37 There _____ rain tomorrow.

A) won’t b) might be c) definitely is d) may will 38 If you don’t revise, you _____ the exam.

A) won’t pass b) might pass c) don’t pass d) aren’t passing 39 You _____ a ticket before you get on the train.

A) must to buy b) have buy c) must buys d) have to buy 40 Has Mark received a letter _____ the bank?

A) to b) from c) by d) on 41 Old people usually _____ pay to use the bus.

A) must not b) could not c) might not d) don’t have to 42 Have you ever thought _____ a doctor?

A) becoming b) to become c) about becoming d) became 43 This lesson is so _____.

A) bored b) bore c) boring d) bores 44 At the end of the year, the hospital _____ to open a new surgery.

A) like b) are hoping c) going d) will 45 _____ live in London?

A) Was David used b) Did David used to c) Did David use d) Was David used to 46 Chicken with chocolate _____ by Mexican people.

A) eats b) is eating c) is eaten d) are eaten 47 The hotel _____ this weekend for a wedding.

A) is closing b) is going close c) is close d) will be close 48 The Lexington Murderer _____ from prison last week.

A) was released b) was releasing c) did release d) released 49 How long _____ for the exam this week.

A) you have studied b) you studied c) were you studied d) have you been studying 50 If the newspaper sold more adverts they _____ more money.

A) will make b) makes c) can make d) would make.

Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Ну если не сложно вам)) помогите?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 10 — 11 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
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создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

Тесты по грамматике английского языка с ответами — 200 вопросов


Тесты по Грамматике английского языка с ответами 200 вопросов (We … to the theatre tonight …)

Рубрика: Английский язык

1.  We … to the theatre tonight.

a.  went

b.  are going

c.  have gone

d.  is going

e.  will going

2.  Look! It’s Francis! I … him for ages.

a.  seen

b.  hasn’t seen

c.  haven’t saw

d.  haven’t seen

e.  saw

3.  I couldn’t see what everybody … at.

a.  will stare

b.  is staring

c.  were staring

d.  stared

e.  was staring

4.  As soon as my brother … school he is going to join the army.

a.  leaves

b.  leave

c.  leaved

d.  will leave

e.  will leaving

5.  Don’t let the children … too much ice cream.

a.  to eat

b.  eating

c.  eat

d.  have eaten

e.  ate

6.  I saw him last week, but I … since then.

a.  saw

b.  seen

c.  see

d.  didn’t see

e.  haven’t seen

7.  When the house … , it will look different.

a.  is painted

b.  will be painted

c.  was painted

d.  are painted

e.  painted

8.  If you … me about it earlier, I will help you straight away.

a.  told

b.  tell

c.  will tell

d.  have told

e.  had told

9.  Could you make him … singing?

a.  to stop

b.  stopping

c.  stop

d.  stopped

e.  being stopped

10.  At this time tomorrow I … in the lake.

a.  will swim

b.  will have been swimming

c.  will be swim

d.  will be swimming

e.  will being swim

11.  The printing press … in the fifteenth century.

a.  has invented

b.  was invented

c.  been invented

d.  is invented

e.  invented

12.  May I go out and play in the street? – You … . It’s dangerous to play in the street.

a.  mustn’t

b.  isn’t

c.  haven’t

d.  couldn’t

e.  needn’t

13.  This letter … immediately.

a.  are sent

b.  is sent

c.  must send

d.  must sent

e.  must be sent

14.  If you … to the station now, you would find him there.

a.  gone

b.  go

c.  went

d.  will go

e.  would go

15.  The boy … the letter, if you had given it to him yesterday.

a.  would send

b.  would sent

c.  will send

d.  will be sent

e.  would have sent

16.  They asked him how long it … him to do this work yesterday.

a.  had taken

b.  take

c.  took

d.  has taken

e.  have taken

17.  The longer I look at the picture the … I like it.

a.  most

b.  more

c.  much

d.  many

e.  little

18.  I spend … time on my work if I work hard in class.

a.  least

b.  lesser

c.  little

d.  less

e.  most

19.  He was asked if he … any foreign languages.

a.  knews

b.  have known

c.  know

d.  knows

e.  knew

20.  My husband works too hard. I wish he … his job.

a.  had loved

b.  loved

c.  loving

d.  is loved

e.  has loved

21.  At the hotel there were neither showers … bath tubs.

a.  nor

b.  or

c.  either

d.  no

e.  not

22.  He hardly … any work.

a.  doesn’t do

b.  don’t do

c.  does

d.  do

e.  had done

23.  If John weren’t rich, he … his last holiday in Vegas.

a.  won’t spend

b.  willn’t spend

c.  didn’t spend

d.  hasn’t spend

e.  wouldn’t have spent

24.  Young people talk very loudly, … makes their parents mad.

a.  these

b.  why

c.  what

d.  which

e.  it

25.  An average family has … children now than before the war.

a.  little

b.  fewer

c.  much

d.  far

e.  a bit

26.  World War II is known … the most cruel in history.

a.  is

b.  was

c.  being

d.  to was

e.  to be

27.  Let’s meet at 5:30. I … work by then.

a.  will finish

b.  will finished

c.  will have finished

d.  will be finished

e.  will finishing

28.  I’d rather … English.

a.  to speak

b.  spoke

c.  must speak

d.  speak

e.  will speak

29.  World War II is known … the most cruel in history.

a.  to be

b.  was

c.  were

d.  been

e.  is

30.  I’d rather … English.

a.  to speak

b.  spoke

c.  will speak

d.  speaking

e.  speak

31.  If he … us a lift, we wouldn’t have had to take a taxi.

a.  has given

b.  given

c.  gave

d.  had given

e.  will give

32.  Would you mind … the window? I can’t bear the cold.

a.  closed

b.  closing

c.  close

d.  will close

e.  be close

33.  Who is going … at the meeting?

a.  speaking

b.  to talk

c.  to speak

d.  to say

e.  to tell

34.  He … he liked the city.

a.  spoke

b.  speak

c.  talk

d.  tell

e.  said

35.  He … me the story of his life.

a.  told

b.  telling

c.  said

d.  speaks

e.  talks

36.  He doesn’t always … the truth.

a.  spoke

b.  speaks

c.  tell

d.  speak

e.  told

37.  Let them … the letter.

a.  answering

b.  answer

c.  to answer

d.  answered

e.  will answer

38.  Please, tell your son … .

a.  not to go out

b.  doesn’t go out

c.  didn’t go out

d.  not went out

e.  not will go out

39.  I asked him where he … .

a.  come from

b.  did come from

c.  came from

d.  does come from

e.  comes from

40.  She told me … tomorrow as she wouldn’t be there.

a.  not to came

b.  won’t come

c.  didn’t come

d.  not will come

e.  not to come

41.  My friend was so busy yesterday, that he … to the country with me.

a.  were not able to go

b.  will could go

c.  can’t go

d.  couldn’t go

e.  isn’t able to go

42.  Moscow is … city in Russia.

a.  the largest

b.  the large

c.  a largest

d.  the most large

e.  less large

43.  No news … good news.

a.  are

b.  were

c.  is

d.  am

e.  wasn’t

44.  Where did you buy this watch. The watch … very good.

a.  were

b.  are

c.  aren’t

d.  is

e.  am

45.  Here you are! We … about you for an hour.

a.  had talked

b.  have been talking

c.  will be talking

d.  are talking

e.  is talking

46.  I don’t allow … to take my calculator.

a.  nobody

b.  nothing

c.  not anybody

d.  anybody

e.  somebody

47.  This man is never afraid of … .

a.  nothing

b.  everything

c.  anything

d.  something

e.  nobody

48.  Can you hear … ?

a.  anything

b.  something

c.  nothing

d.  not anything

e.  not something

49.  … our success depend on all these changes?

a.  Do

b.  Does

c.  Is

d.  Are

e.  Have

50.  Why isn’t the new model … reliable as the old one?

a.  so

b.  that

c.  an

d.  is

e.  as

51.  He asked me … to make all the necessary calls.

a.  not to forget

b.  don’t forget

c.  to forget

d.  didn’t forget

e.  not forget

52.  The story … in several magazines lately.

a.  was published

b.  is published

c.  has been published

d.  were published

e.  have published

53.  I … for my telephone book for over an hour.

a.  am looking

b.  have looking

c.  have been looking

d.  are being looked

e.  are looking

54.  Why does he look so … ?

a.  worried

b.  worrying

c.  worry

d.  having worried

e.  is worried

55.  After Adam … to the adults, he turned to me and said: ………………………

a.  spoken

b.  had spoken

c.  spoke

d.  had been spoken

e.  was spoken

56.  I … you everything frankly, but you were away on business then.

a.  would tell

b.  told

c.  had told

d.  will tell

e.  would have told

57.  When I went into the cinema, a new film … .

a.  was shown

b.  is being shown

c.  was being shown

d.  were being shown

e.  shown

58.  This matter … at once.

a.  considered

b.  must consider

c.  must was considered

d.  must be considered

e.  is considered

59.  … and don’t go out in this raining weather when you have the flu.

a.  Not reasonable

b.  Is reasonable

c.  Don’t reasonable

d.  Reasonable

e.  Be reasonable

60.  “He … to make the journey!” “What’s a pity!”

a.  isn’t able

b.  doesn’t able

c.  doesn’t

d.  won’t able

e.  won’t be able

61.  Money … for buying and selling goods.

a.  is used

b.  are used

c.  were used

d.  will used

e.  am used

62.  Thus, we can only … about how money first came into use.

a.  speculated

b.  speculate

c.  speculating

d.  had speculated

e.  will speculate

63.  Throughout history several metals … as commodity money, including copper and iron.

a.  was used

b.  is used

c.  is been used

d.  are been used

e.  were used

64.  Our new TV-set came with a … on all electrical component

a.  ninety-days warranty

b.  ninetieth-day warranty

c.  ninety-day warranty

d.  ninety-dayed warranty

e.  ninety-daying warranty

65.  She used … very beautiful when she was young.

a.  was

b.  to be

c.  is

d.  be

e.  been

66.  Hundreds of house and … buildings have been destroyed by the tropical storm.

a.  other

b.  something

c.  others

d.  another

e.  anything

67.  Ask him what … films they saw at the festival.

a.  else

b.  another

c.  more

d.  most

e.  other

68.  We didn’t know his address. – …

a.  so did he

b.  so didn’t he

c.  neither didn’t he

d.  neither did he

e.  so does he

69.  I am right, …?

a.  wasn’t I

b.  aren’t I

c.  weren’t I

d.  am I

e.  amn’t I

70.  I’m sorry, I don’t know … about it.

a.  many

b.  nothing

c.  much

d.  something

e.  less

71.  I spend … time on my work if I work hard in class.

a.  least

b.  few

c.  more

d.  much

e.  less

72.  The sooner you come the … .

a.  best

b.  better

c.  most

d.  good

e.  gooder

73.  Neither Frank … Peter could answer my question.

a.  nor

b.  not

c.  or

d.  neither

e.  no

74.  Mr. Brown and Mr. Smith don’t speak to … . They had had an arrangement yesterday.

a.  the other

b.  another

c.  themselves

d.  the others

e.  each other

75.  They will bring books if they come, …?

a.  didn’t they

b.  aren’t they

c.  won’t they

d.  don’t they

e.  willn’t they

76.  Let’s go home. There’s … interesting here.

a.  anybody

b.  nothing

c.  any

d.  no

e.  some

77.  When we met on Friday, Peter told me that he … me up the day before.

a.  had rung

b.  has rung

c.  have rung

d.  having rung

e.  have been ringing

78.  Have you ever been … England?

a.  –

b.  in

c.  at

d.  to

e.  on

79.  It has stopped raining after people … without umbrellas.

a.  walk

b.  have walked

c.  have been walking

d.  are walking

e.  was walking

80.  The train will already have left … the time we come to the station.

a.  at

b.  by

c.  in

d.  on

e.  –

Тесты с ответами, Англия

81.  He didn’t blame me … anything.

a.  at

b.  without

c.  or

d.  for

e.  in

82.  You should tell … me the truth.

a.  –

b.  to

c.  for

d.  at

e.  by

83.  Let’s go … home together.

a.  to

b.  at

c.  in

d.  –

e.  after

84.  I wonder what street … in?

a.  do he live

b.  he lives

c.  does he live

d.  he living

e.  is he living

85.  Shall I answer … the letters now?

a.  on

b.  at

c.  for

d.  about

e.  –

86.  Did you go … yesterday?

a.  anywhere

b.  nowhere

c.  somewhere

d.  anything

e.  no anywhere

87.  If you work at your English, you will be able to speak well … two years.

a.  –

b.  for

c.  in

d.  on

e.  by

88.  She sat … .

a.  smiled

b.  being smiled

c.  was smiling

d.  smiling

e.  is smiling

89.  … an answer he wrote a letter again.

a.  Not receiving

b.  Not having received

c.  Didn’t received

d.  Doesn’t receiving

e.  Not being received

90.  I think Peter is cross … me.

a.  at

b.  on

c.  –

d.  to

e.  with

91.  … the conductor nor the porter took any notice of Mark Twain.

a.  Nor

b.  Not

c.  Either

d.  Or

e.  Neither

92.  They walked on and on … of the rain.

a.  despite of

b.  because

c.  in spite of

d.  in front of

e.  behind

93.  … Mr. Winkle fell on the ice, he didn’t hurt himself.

a.  as

b.  though

c.  because

d.  in

e.  for

94.  The woman pointed … a large building at the corner.

a.  on

b.  at

c.  out of

d.  to

e.  down

95.  You can wait … there.

a.  over

b.  to

c.  at

d.  on

e.  behind

96.  Our party has been fixed … next Saturday.

a.  on

b.  for

c.  at

d.  to

e.  –

97.  Do fares increase … ?

a.  off

b.  in

c.  although

d.  on

e.  with

98.  Do you often travel … business?

a.  on

b.  in

c.  for

d.  at

e.  –

99.  When … the book?

a.  published

b.  will publish

c.  are published

d.  were publish

e.  was published

100.  The woman answered that she … two return tickets.

a.  wants

b.  will want

c.  wanted

d.  is wanting

e.  was wanting

101.  We’ll discuss all the problems … at the last meeting.

a.  raising

b.  is raising

c.  were raised

d.  raised

e.  will be raised

102.  Be reasonable and don’t go out … this rainy weather

a.  on

b.  in

c.  about

d.  for

e.  neither

103.  The sun was slowly disappearing … the mountains.

a.  behind

b.  in front of

c.  above

d.  off

e.  out of

104.  Have you travelled … ?

a.  many

b.  few

c.  a few

d.  most

e.  much

105.  This island … two hundred years ago.

a.  were discovered

b.  is discovered

c.  was discovered

d.  will be discovered

e.  has been discovered

106.  Are you going to have … work to do tomorrow?

a.  many

b.  a

c.  an

d.  much

e.  few

107.  If you have got the flu you … go to see a doctor.

a.  will must

b.  must

c.  will have

d.  musted

e.  –

108.  Let me … you.

a.  to help

b.  helped

c.  will help

d.  going to help

e.  help

109.  They didn’t have time to come to see you, …?

a.  didn’t they

b.  don’t they

c.  did they

d.  do they

e.  will they

110.  I … hardly recognize him when I saw him.

a.  couldn’t

b.  can

c.  can’t

d.  could

e.  is able

111.  What will you do if he …?

a.  will late

b.  is late

c.  will be late

d.  was late

e.  are late

112.  I wonder if he … in time or not.

a.  will come

b.  come

c.  was coming

d.  comes

e.  will be come

113.  He was asked what TV shows he … watching.

a.  likes

b.  like

c.  will like

d.  would liked

e.  liked

114.  They asked my friend how well he … his winter holiday.

a.  spent

b.  spend

c.  had spent

d.  is spending

e.  will spend

115.  What … do you want to pack?

a.  else

b.  still

c.  yet

d.  much

e.  another

116.  If you want to pack many things, take … suitcase.

a.  more

b.  yet

c.  others

d.  another

e.  anothers

117.  They … at the table when I began to tell this story.

a.  sat

b.  were sitting

c.  sit

d.  was sitting

e.  are sitting

118.  He asked me … his mother about it.

a.  don’t tell

b.  didn’t tell

c.  not to told

d.  doesn’t tell

e.  not to tell

119.  It was … a comfortable flat.

a.  so

b.  as

c.  this

d.  such

e.  an

120.  The article is … difficult.

a.  so

b.  such

c.  am

d.  the

e.  this

121.  Yesterday was the … day in my life.

a.  happiest

b.  happier

c.  more happiest

d.  much more happiest

e.  a happy

122.  This room is much … than that one.

a.  comfortable

b.  comfortabler

c.  little comfortable

d.  more comfortable

e.  most comfortable

123.  If you get off at the next stop you’ll get to the University … .

a.  quick

b.  quicker

c.  more quick

d.  the quick

e.  quickerly

124.  If often … here.

a.  rains

b.  rain

c.  is raining

d.  was raining

e.  raining

125.  I hope it … for you to listen to him.

a.  will interesting

b.  will interest

c.  will be interesting

d.  will is interesting

e.  interesting

126.  … of them told me to come.

a.  Somebody

b.  Any

c.  Nobody

d.  Anybody

e.  None

127.  Could you tell me … about this writer’s life?

a.  nothing

b.  no

c.  some

d.  anything

e.  none

128.  What’s the name of the student … a report now.

a.  make

b.  made

c.  will make

d.  was making

e.  making

129.  … the language I couldn’t understand anything

a.  not knowing

b.  not know

c.  don’t knowing

d.  didn’t knowing

e.  knowing

130.  Nobody wanted to go … .

a.  nowhere

b.  anywhere

c.  everywhere

d.  somewhere

e.  where

131.  Nothing could make him … this advice.

a.  following

b.  to follow

c.  was followed

d.  followed

e.  follow

132.  I don’t know how important the news … .

a.  is

b.  are

c.  were

d.  will

e.  has

133.  … she nor her sister came to the party.

a.  nor

b.  either

c.  or

d.  neither

e.  not

134.  I go to the college. – …

a.  so did he

b.  so he does

c.  so he did

d.  so does he

e.  so he will

135.  We’ll be glad to see you. – … .

a.  so am I

b.  so I am

c.  so do I

d.  so I do

e.  so are I

136.  We haven’t finished our work yet. – … .

a.  neither he does

b.  neither does he

c.  neither he has

d.  neither has he

e.  not has he

137.  They aren’t going to work tomorrow. – … .

a.  nor we are

b.  nor are we

c.  nor do we

d.  not are we

e.  not we do

138.  Don’t worry. … Nick or Peter knows his address.

a.  neither

b.  or

c.  either

d.  both

e.  no

139.  What is the name of the man … on the phone now.

a.  spoken

b.  spoke

c.  speak

d.  speaks

e.  speaking

140.  … in London for about a week, I could tell them many interesting things.

a.  having staying

b.  had staying

c.  stayed

d.  having stayed

e.  staying

141.  The news … yesterday impressed everybody.

a.  receiving

b.  received

c.  had receive

d.  receive

e.  being receiving

142.  I think he … many questions when he stops speaking.

a.  will be asked

b.  will asked

c.  was asked

d.  are asked

e.  shall be asked

143.  All the letters … by 5 o’clock.

a.  will be written

b.  will write

c.  will have written

d.  will have been written

e.  shall have been written

144.  What … on the other side of the river now.

a.  was being built

b.  is building

c.  is being built

d.  was building

e.  are being built

145.  Here is … man you wanted to talk to.

a.  a

b.  the

c.  –

d.  these

e.  an

146.  … Browns haven’t come yet.

a.  A

b.  –

c.  An

d.  In

e.  The

147.  When we met on … Friday, Peter told me everything.

a.  –

b.  the

c.  an

d.  an

e.  those

148.  I wondered what … .

a.  were they laughing at

b.  are they laughing at

c.  they will laugh at

d.  they were laughing at

e.  they are laughing at

149.  Do you feel … now?

a.  best

b.  better

c.  much

d.  good

e.  many

150.  I’ll let you … when he will come.

a.  to knew

b.  to know

c.  know

d.  knew

e.  known

151.  I don’t mind … helping you.

a.  –

b.  on

c.  in

d.  off

e.  after

152.  In this season there is only one way of getting there – … plane.

a.  on

b.  in

c.  –

d.  off

e.  by

153.  After looking … all the magazines, he came across a very interesting article about England.

a.  before

b.  through

c.  behind

d.  on

e.  about

154.  He sat in the hall … taking off his coat.

a.  with

b.  no

c.  on

d.  without

e.  for

155.  I’ll go there … two days.

a.  after

b.  before

c.  through

d.  by

e.  in

156.  What is the reason … your being so upset.

a.  for

b.  in

c.  –

d.  after

e.  by

157.  I invited him … my place.

a.  for

b.  to

c.  behind

d.  in front of

e.  –

158.  I am very much pleased … the progress you have made lately.

a.  of

b.  in

c.  with

d.  after

e.  on

159.  Why didn’t you mention the fact then? I … come and helped you.

a.  will

b.  –

c.  will have

d.  would

e.  would have

160.  If he … more, he would succeed in setting a record.

a.  train

b.  trains

c.  training

d.  would train

e.  trained

161.  A new town … to be built in this area.

a.  is supposed

b.  will supposed

c.  supposing

d.  are supposed

e.  is supposing

162.  Zhukovskiy … to have been a wonderful lecturer and teacher.

a.  knows

b.  knew

c.  is known

d.  will know

e.  are known

163.  We saw him … along the opposite side of the street.

a.  walk

b.  having walked

c.  will walk

d.  walking

e.  walks

164.  Children … go to bed early.

a.  is

b.  must

c.  has to

d.  will must

e.  musts

165.  I … to be there at 5 o’clock

a.  were

b.  will

c.  would

d.  are

e.  am

166.  You (не должен был) do it yesterday.

a.  mustn’t

b.  didn’t have to

c.  couldn’t

d.  don’t have to

e.  didn’t must

167.  You (не следует) tell her about it.

a.  shouldn’t

b.  mustn’t

c.  can’t

d.  aren’t

e.  may not

168.  He hasn’t done the work … .

a.  still

b.  more

c.  else

d.  other

e.  yet

169.  What … books by Jack London did you read?

a.  Another

b.  more

c.  other

d.  else

e.  still

170.  I thought you … busy now.

a.  are

b.  were

c.  was

d.  have

e.  been

171.  He will work at the plant after he … school.

a.  will leave

b.  leave

c.  leaves

d.  will be leaving

e.  will leaves

172.  I didn’t know that your friend … for a holiday without you.

a.  goes

b.  will go

c.  has gone

d.  going

e.  would go

173.  he told me … this work today.

a.  not to do

b.  not do

c.  don’t do

d.  doesn’t do

e.  not doing

174.  Let’s go to the theatre together, … ?

a.  shall let

b.  don’t we

c.  shan’t we

d.  shall we

e.  will let

175.  I … the house in ten minutes.

a.  leaves

b.  have leaved

c.  is leaving

d.  am leaving

e.  will leaving

176.  The girl … usually works at this desk is on holiday now.

a.  which

b.  who

c.  whom

d.  whose

e.  what

177.  The cable … has just arrived is very important.

a.  what

b.  who

c.  whose

d.  which

e.  why

178.  … of you has seen a TV interview today?

a.  why

b.  who

c.  which

d.  whom

e.  some

179.  What’s the … way to the station?

a.  short

b.  shorter

c.  shortly

d.  most shortest

e.  shortest

180.  Do you feel … today? No, doctor! I feel better.

a.  worse

b.  badder

c.  badly

d.  better

e.  gooder

181.  Which design is …?

a.  modernest

b.  much modern

c.  more modern

d.  most more modern

e.  moderner

182.  Let’s go by air. It’s … .

a.  convenient

b.  much convenient

c.  convenientest

d.  much more convenient

e.  convenienter

183.  The problem is … than you think.

a.  important

b.  more important

c.  much important

d.  importantless

e.  important

184.  We … tennis from five till seven yesterday.

a.  was playing

b.  are playing

c.  have been playing

d.  has been playing

e.  were playing

185.  I hope we … to settle everything in the near future.

a.  will be able

b.  would be able

c.  will able

d.  will can

e.  can

186.  How long … it take you to do this work.

a.  do

b.  is

c.  are

d.  does

e.  can

187.  Will you come back soon? – … 10 minutes.

a.  after

b.  in

c.  on

d.  while

e.  by

188.  We didn’t find … there.

a.  any

b.  nobody

c.  none

d.  anybody

e.  somebody

189.  … of us will help you to adjust the machine.

a.  some

b.  somebody

c.  nobody

d.  anybody

e.  no

190.  If never … here.

a.  doesn’t snow

b.  snowing

c.  snowed

d.  didn’t snow

e.  snows

191.  Go straight until you … to the traffic lights.

a.  gets

b.  will get

c.  get

d.  will be get

e.  got

192.  If it … dry and sunny, we’ll go to the country.

a.  keep

b.  kept

c.  will keep

d.  keeps

e.  will keeps

193.  Do you agree that twenty-four hours isn’t … to do we all have to do.

a.  enough

b.  well

c.  bad

d.  quite

e.  quick

194.  If it … , we’ll go to the country.

a.  don’t rain

b.  doesn’t rain

c.  won’t rain

d.  willn’t rain

e.  rain

195.  If I … you I wouldn’t waste so much time on it.

a.  will be

b.  are

c.  am

d.  had been

e.  were

196.  You would make better progress if you … harder.

a.  had worked

b.  work

c.  has worked

d.  worked

e.  will work

197.  We … so much time yesterday if everybody had come in time.

a.  would wasted

b.  will waste

c.  wouldn’t have wasted

d.  had wasted

e.  wasted

198.  If I had known he was ill, I … him.

a.  visited

b.  will have visited

c.  had visited

d.  would visited

e.  would have visited

199.  All the documents always … in order.

a.  kept

b.  are kept

c.  keeping

d.  was kept

e.  keeps

200.  The house … now.

a.  is being built now

b.  was being built

c.  built

d.  has been built

e.  building

Тесты с ответами

Ответы на тесты по грамматике английского языка

  1. b
  2. d
  3. e
  4. a
  5. c
  6. e
  7. a
  8. b
  9. c
  10. d
  11. b
  12. a
  13. e
  14. c
  15. e
  16. a
  17. b
  18. d
  19. e
  20. b
  21. a
  22. c
  23. e
  24. e
  25. b
  26. e
  27. c
  28. d
  29. a
  30. e
  31. d
  32. b
  33. c
  34. e
  35. a
  36. d
  37. b
  38. a
  39. c
  40. e
  41. d
  42. a
  43. c
  44. d
  45. b
  46. d
  47. c
  48. a
  49. b
  50. e
  51. a
  52. c
  53. c
  54. a
  55. b
  56. e
  57. c
  58. d
  59. e
  60. e
  61. a
  62. b
  63. e
  64. c
  65. b
  66. a
  67. e
  68. d
  69. b
  70. c
  71. e
  72. b
  73. a
  74. e
  75. c
  76. b
  77. a
  78. d
  79. d
  80. b
  81. d
  82. a
  83. d
  84. b
  85. e
  86. a
  87. c
  88. d
  89. b
  90. e
  91. e
  92. c
  93. b
  94. d
  95. a
  96. b
  97. e
  98. a
  99. e
  100. c
  101. d
  102. b
  103. a
  104. e
  105. c
  106. d
  107. b
  108. e
  109. c
  110. d
  111. b
  112. a
  113. e
  114. c
  115. a
  116. d
  117. b
  118. e
  119. d
  120. a
  121. a
  122. d
  123. b
  124. a
  125. c
  126. e
  127. d
  128. e
  129. a
  130. b
  131. e
  132. a
  133. d
  134. d
  135. a
  136. d
  137. b
  138. c
  139. e
  140. d
  141. b
  142. a
  143. d
  144. c
  145. b
  146. e
  147. a
  148. d
  149. b
  150. c
  151. a
  152. e
  153. b
  154. d
  155. e
  156. a
  157. b
  158. c
  159. e
  160. e
  161. a
  162. c
  163. d
  164. b
  165. e
  166. b
  167. a
  168. e
  169. c
  170. b
  171. c
  172. e
  173. a
  174. d
  175. d
  176. b
  177. d
  178. c
  179. e
  180. a
  181. c
  182. d
  183. b
  184. e
  185. a
  186. d
  187. b
  188. d
  189. a
  190. e
  191. c
  192. d
  193. a
  194. b
  195. e
  196. d
  197. c
  198. e
  199. b
  200. a

patterns 1


location of the
swimming pool

Where is the
swimming pool located?

opening hours

What are the
opening hours of the swimming pool?

price for 3

What is the
price for 3 months?


Is there a sauna

discounts for

Do you offer any
discounts for students?

flights to Japan

departure dates

What are the
departure dates to Japan?

travel time

What is the
travel time of the flight?

return ticket

What is the return
ticket price?

discounts for

Do you offer any
discounts for students?

buying the
ticket online

Is there a
possibility of buying a ticket online


tuition fee

How much is the
tuition fee for the course?

course location

Where is the
course located?

duration of the

How long are the


Do I need any
special clothes for the lessons?


Do you have
evening classes at your school?

a museum

location of the museum

Where is the
museum located?

special offers

Are there any
special offers you can suggest?

number of exhibitions

How many
exhibitions do you have?

working hours

What are the
working hours of the museum?

tickets for kids

Do you have
tickets for kids?

staying one night at the hotel

local museums and theatres

Are there any
local museums and theatres near the hotel?

special offers

What special
offers do you have?

number of available rooms

How many rooms
are available?

quality of the staff

What is the
quality of the working staff?

if they have TV in hotel rooms

Is there a TV in
hotel rooms?

car washing services

working hours

What are the
working hours of your car wash?

if they have a discount card

Do you have
discount cards?


Can you give any
recommendations, if needed?

number of clients per day

How many clients
per day do you serve?

time they need to wash the car

How much time do
you need to wash the car?

the real estate agency

location of the agency

Where is the agency located?

services they provide

What services do you provide?

if they work at weekends

Do you work at weekends?

competitive advantages

What competitive advantages do you possess?

if they provide any guarantees

Do you provide any guarantees?

visiting the coffee

special offers

What special
offers do you have?

discounts for regular customers

Are there any discounts for regular customers?

most popular coffee

What is the most popular coffee?

if they have a parking lot

Do you have a parking lot?

free Wi-Fi

Is there access to free Wi-Fi?

visiting the gift shop

if they have gifts for anniversary

Are there any gifts for anniversary?

of discount cards

Are discount
cards available?

of the shop

What is the size of the shop?

they have lunch hours

Do you have lunch hours?


Is there a website of your shop?

considering to buy ipad

the amount of internal memory

What is the amount of  internal memory of the ipad?

they provide a free delivery service

Do you provide a free delivery service?

they have special offers

Are there any special offers?

of the device

 What advantages does that device have?

they have a black color

Do you have the ipad in black color?

visiting the Cesky Krumlov city

the most popular sights of the city

What are the most popular sights of the city?

for the family of three

How much does the trip for the family of three cost?


 Do you have any recommendations?

provided during the trip

What services do you provide during the trip?

of people in the trip

How many people are going to be in the trip?

visiting London
transport museum

location of the museum

Where is the museum located?

for children

Are there any discounts for children?


What are the working hours?

most popular exhibit in the museum

What is the most popular exhibit in the musuem?

tours that they have

What kind of tours do you have?

buying the tablet

functions of the device

What functions does that device have?


How long is the battery life?


Do you have a discount on the tablet?

you get in the kit

What else do I get in the kit?

online booking service

Do you provide the online booking service?

visiting Natural
history museum

working hours

What are the working hours of the museum?

of available exhibitions

How many exhibitions are available?

they provide

What services do you provide?

they have a free internet

Do you have free internet access?

you can buy tickets online

Is it possible to buy tickets online?

buying a laptop

if you can get a discount card

Do you have a discount card?

characteristics of the device

are the full characteristics of the device?


there a warranty period?

of the device

are the advantages of the device?

they take credit cards

you take credit cards?

going to the sushi bar

working hours

What are the working hours of the sushi bar?


you have any special dishes?

they have free Wi-Fi

there free Wi-Fi?

location of the restaurant

is the restaurant located?


discounts do you offer?

patterns 2

Louvre museum

available exhibitions

What exhibitions are available at the

duration of the tour

How long does the tour last?

if they are open at weekends

Are you open at weekends?

if they provide the multilingual guide

 Do you provide the multilingual
guide service?

contact information

How can I contact you?

real estate
agent services

if there special offers

Are there any special offers?

all services that he provides

What services do you provide?

online consulting service

Do you have an online consulting

duration of the meeting

How long does the meeting last?

number of clients per day

How many clients per day do you have?

using an
engineering service

services that they provide

What services do you provide?

if you can get a discount card

Can I get a discount card?

if they work at weekends

Do you work at weekends?

number of clients per day

How many clients per day do you serve?

guarantees they provide

Do you provide any guarantees?

buying the

warranty period

How long is the warranty period for this

if you can buy the printer online

Can I buy the printer online?

discount for regular customers

Are there any discounts for regular

full characteristics of the device

What are the full characteristics of the

advantages of the printer

What are the advantages of the printer?

visiting the
tattoo shop

working hours

What are the working hours of the shop?

if they have a website

Do you have a website?

if it hurts during the process

Does it hurt during the process?

number of temporary tattoos

How many temporary tattoos do you offer?

average price

What is the average price for the

buying a

if there are extra wheels in the kit

Are there extra wheels in the kit?

a free delivery service

Do you provide a free delivery service?

country producer

What is the country of origin of the

availability of other colors of the

What other colors of the skateboard are

warranty period

How long does the warranty period last?

buying a TV

if they take credit cards

Do you take credit cards?

screen size

What is the screen size of the TV?

if the TV has Wi-Fi access

Does the TV have Wi-Fi access?

advantages of the device over the others

What are the advantages of this device
over the others?

delivery time

How long does the delivery take?

staying one
night at the hotel

if they have available rooms

Do you have available rooms?

services they provide

What services do you provide?

sights nearby the hotel

Are there any sights nearby the hotel?

special offers

What special offers do you have?

discount for regular

Are there any discounts for regular

staying three nights at the hotel

free internet

Is there free internet at the hotel?

entertainments that
hotel provides

What entertainments
does the hotel provide?

if they take credit

Do you take credit

location of the hotel

Where is the hotel

discount for inviting
a friend

Is there a discount
for inviting a friend?

visiting the barber shop

working hours

are the working hours of the barber shop?


is the shop located?

number of clients per

many clients per day do you serve?

discount for regular

there a discount for regular customers?

contact information

How can I contact you?

visiting the restaurant

location of the restaurant

is the restaurant located?

free Wi-Fi access

you have a free Wi-Fi access?

special dishes

special dishes do you serve?

if you can reserve a

I reserve a table?

if they have Russian
speaking staff

Is there
a Russian speaking staff?

visiting Alla Scala theater

current performances

performances do you currently have?

tickets price

much does the ticket cost?

location of the

Where is the theater located?

if you can go backstage

Can I go backstage?

if they have an
online booking service

Do you have an online
booking service?

study in France for three months — attend a dance

dance school address

What’s the dance school address? 

the hours of opening

What time does the
school open?

the three-month
subscription fee

How much does the
three-month subscription cost?

the rate for young

What prices do you
have for young people?

the possibility of
the online subscription

Is it possible to
make the subscription on-line?

visiting Universal Studios while travelling to
Los Angeles

working hours

What are the working hours of Universal Studios?

ticket cost for a
group of teenagers

How much do the
tickets cost for a group of teenagers?

discounts on the

Are there any
discounts on the weekdays?

chance to meet famous

Is there a chance to
meet famous actors?

getting to Universal
Studios by public transport

How can I get to
Universal Studios by public transport?

Going on a trip  to the mountains

departure dates

What are the departure dates of the trip to the mountains?

duration of the trip

How long does the
trip last?

size of the group

What is the size of
the group?


What kind of accommodation do you


How much does the
trip cost?

buying some flowers in a boutique


Where is the flower boutique located?

opening hours

What are the working
hours of the boutique?

kinds of flowers in

What kinds of flowers
do you have in stock?

if they sell pot

Do you sell pot

discounts for big

Do you have discounts
for big orders?

patterns 3

buying the appliance (a kitchen unit)


How much does the appliance cost?

if one can buy it

Can I buy it online?

number of functions

How many functions
does it have?

guarantee period

What is guarantee
period for the unit?

recipe book to go
with the unit

Does the recipe book
go with the appliance?

buying the recipe book

if it’s a paperback edition

Is this a paperback edition?

number of

How many
illustrations does the book contain?

vegetarian dishes

Does the book cover
vegetarian dishes?

the price

How much does the
book cost?

audio version of the

Is there an audio
version of this book?

You are going to buy cakes

types of cakes on sale

What types of cakes
do you offer?

cakes with fresh

Have you got cakes
with fresh berries


How much does the
cake weigh?


What is the price of the


Do you provide
delivery service?

joining the Chess Club


What activities are available in the club?

training courses

What training courses do you offer?

membership fee

What is the
membership fee?


Where is the chess
club located?

getting to the place

How can I get get to
the place?

having your birthday party in this new café

having a birthday party in this café

Is it possible to have a birthday party
in your cafe?

number of guests you
can invite

How many guests can I

kinds of pizza served

What kinds of pizza
do you serve?

music and dancing

Is dance floor with
music available?

getting to the café
by public transport

How can I get to the
cafe by public transport?

considering having a holiday by the lake


Where is the lake located?


What kind of
accommodation do you offer?


Is fishing allowed on
the lake?

price for a week for

How much does it cost
to stay there for a week?

group discounts

Are there any
discounts for groups of tourists?

considering renting bicycles


Where is the rental located?

opening hours

What are the opening

rental price of
adults’ and children’s bicycles

What are the rental
prices for adults’ and kids’ bikes?

discounts for

Are there any
discounts for families?

possibility of
renting a helmet

Is it possible to
rent a helmet?

are going to visit Japan this summer

departure dates

What are the departure dates of the trip to Japan?

travel time

What is the
travel time?

return ticket price

How much does
the return ticket cost?

discounts for

Are there any
discounts for students?

buying the ticket

Can I buy the
ticket online?

your birthday in a club


Where is the
club located?

Music choice

Is there a music
choice in your club?

Catering service

Do you offer
catering service?

Price per person

What is the
price for one person?

Discounts for students

Are there any
discounts for students?

books by airmail

Price per kilo

What is the
price for a kilo?

Length of

How long does
the delivery last?

If any documents
are necessary

Are any
documents necessary?

The least busy hours
of the post office

What are the
least busy hours at the post office?

If mailing boxes
are available

Are mailing
boxes available?

city bus tour

Starting place

What is the
starting place of the tour?

Price per one

What is the
price of the tour for one person?

If translation
into English is available

Is translation
into English available during the tour?

Number of stops

How many stops
will the bus make?

Booking by phone

Can I book a
tour by phone?

a volunteer movement


How can I become
a member of the movement?

Tasks suggested

What tasks do
you suggest?

If there is

Is there any
payment for the work?

Special clothes

Are special
clothes available?

Number of people

How many people
are involved in the movement?

the swimming pool


Where is the
swimming pool located?

Opening hours

What are the
opening hours of the pool?

Price per hour

What is the
price for an hour?

Size of the pool

How big is the swimming


Is instructor’s
help available?

dancing lessons

Tuition fee

What is the
tuition fee?

Course location

Where is the
course located

Duration of the

How long will
the course last?

Special clothes

Do I need any
special clothes for the lessons?

Evening classes

Are evening
classes available?

a museum of modern art

Transport to the museum

What transport can I use to get to the museum?

Excursion time

What time do
excursions take place?

Ticket price

How much does
the ticket cost?


Do you offer
special exhibitions?

Discounts for
big groups

Are there any
discounts for groups?

the mall

Opening hours

What are the opening hours of the mall?

Ways to get to the

How can I get to
the mall?

If there is a
food court

Is there a food
court in the mall?

Number of

How many
boutiques are there in the mall?

Free parking

Is there free
parking available?

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