Haskell скачать компилятор для windows

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Название→ Haskell Platform
Версия→ 8.6.5
Лицензия→ Бесплатно
Размер файла→ 268 Мб
Поддержка→ Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Разработчик→ Haskell Platform Team
Опубликовано→ 20 сентября 2022

Разработан для быстрого запуска и работы, что позволяет легко сосредоточиться на использовании платформы Haskell. Удивительная и полная надежная платформа программирования для вашей операционной системы Windows! Вы получаете:

Скачать для компьютера

Скачайте бесплатно и установите Haskell Platform 8.6.5 по прямой ссылке с сервера. Программа имеет лицензию «Бесплатно» и разработана Haskell Platform Team, подходит для компьютера и ноутбука с Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10. Размер загружаемого файла составляет 268 Мб.

Описание программы

  • компилятор Glasgow Haskell
  • система построения Кабала
  • инструмент Stack для разработки проектов
  • поддержка анализа профиля и покрытия кода
  • 35 Основные и широко используемые пакеты

Пользователи, которые хотят использовать стек и хотят убедиться, что они используют последнюю версию, могут рассмотреть возможность запуска «обновления стека» и убедиться, что правильный путь для установленных двоичных файлов в стеке находится в его окружение.

Основной установщик является рекомендуемым установщиком. Включает в себя все инструменты. Полный установщик включает в себя дополнительные глобальные библиотеки помимо тех, что поставляются вместе с ghc. Он особенно полезен тем, кому нужны полнофункциональные установщики в ситуациях, когда сетевое подключение не должно восприниматься как должное.

Особенности и особенности

  • приложения, стрелки, функторы, моноиды
  • синхронные и асинхронные исключения (расширяемые)
  • монады: набор монад mtl
  • складной, проходной
  • легкие нити
  • проволочные искры / фьючерсы
  • программная транзакционная память
  • MVars: переменные синхронизации потока
  • каналы, семафоры, образцы переменных
  • примитивные и стандартные типы данных
  • струнные инструменты
  • типы последовательностей
  • чистый, нечистый, упакованный/неупакованный, внешний, сохраняемый, ST, массивы различий
  • строгие и ленивые строки байтов
  • регулярные и индуктивные графы
  • конечные отображения
  • Патриция пытается
  • наборы
  • пальцы пальцев (как Data.Sequence)
  • изменяемые ссылки
  • изменяемые хеш-таблицы
  • динамические типы
  • слабые и стабильные ссылки
  • целые числа и отношения произвольной точности
  • числа с фиксированной точностью
  • комплексные числа
  • генераторы случайных чисел
  • Символы Юникода
  • разбор комбинаторов readp
  • комбинаторы разбора parsec
  • Hughes / SPJ объединители симпатичных принтов
  • Регулярные выражения Posix
  • архивирование и обработка абстракций
  • Системный ввод-вывод
  • услуги сборщиков мусора
  • переносные технологические и трубные опоры
  • обработка каталогов
  • Манипулирование путями переносимых файлов операционной системы
  • экологический менеджмент
  • время процессора, системная информация, posix, тайм-ауты
  • переносной календарь даты и времени
  • чтение/отображение сериализации данных
  • сжатие zlib
  • местная поддержка
  • Простое создание HTML и XHTML

Комментарии пользователей


The Haskell Platform is deprecated and no longer the recommended way
to install Haskell. The recommended way is to follow the instructions on
the Haskell.org Downloads page.

Haskell Platform


«Haskell Platform» is a combination of the GHC compiler and core libraries,
plus additional tools and libraries covering a range of common programming
tasks. The platform is maintained and released so as to be a consistent, stable
base. It aims to be a quick way to a working Haskell environment, and a solid
foundation on which to base production software.

While end-users can build the platform themselves, it is generally recommended,
if possible, to use the prebuilt binaries available from https://www.haskell.org/platform/

The platform distribution and tooling are more intended instead for those wishing to package a platform installer for use by others.


Again: If you want to install the haskell platform, this is NOT the right location. You can download prebuilt installers for most systems from


From there you can get the following:

installer — For Windows and OS X, the platform is distributed as a standard
installer for the operating system. It contains a fully built version of the
platform, accompanying documentation, and additional scripts and files needed
to integrate well with the standard environment and development tools.

Running the installer is all you need to get a working Haskell environment.

OS distribution packages — For many Linux, BSD, and other similar Posix,
the platform has been packaged into packages for the local package manager.
These can be selected and installed, from the appropriate package repos, with
the standard package manager tools.

generic bindist — For Linux, there is a generic bindist. This is compiled
against standard versions of the common system libraries, and if your system
has those, you can generally just unpack this tarball, and run a script to
get it setup.


If you really want to get the toolkit to build your own platform installer, then you’re in the right spot.

The platform installer toolkit comes in several forms:

source tarball — This is a specially packaged version of the repo that
includes the sources of the packages that make up the platform, and excludes
some of the ancillary things in the source repo. You can use this to build
the platform without access to hackage or even an internet connection. You still
need a GHC bindist, as well as cabal and stack binaries, either built from source or
available from their respective websites.

This is also available from https://www.haskell.org/platform/

source repo — This is the source of the system that builds the platform. It
includes the file that defines the versions of GHC and other packages that make
up the platform. You can use this to build the platform from just a GHC bindist.

You can check out the official release from github:

The master branch is always stable, and releases are tagged like «2014.2.0.0».
Development usually happens in other branches.


You need the platform build files, either from the source repo or the
source tarball. Build instructions are the same for either.

You need a GHC bindist that matches the OS you are compiling on. It must also
match the GHC version used by the platform, which you can find by looking in the Releases*.hs files.

You can get the bindists from


The machine doing the build needs to have a working Haskell setup: Usually,
GHC (7.4 or later), Cabal (1.24 or later), and haddock and HsColour must be on
the $PATH.

You also need a proper version of the cabal and stack binaries to be bundled.

You can build a cabal directly from hackage and get a stack from http://docs.haskellstack.org


The platform is now built by a program called hptool. That tool is a shake based
build system that creates both the traditional haskell-platform source tarball,
and can build a complete, hermetic build of the platform for use in building OS
installer packages.

In either the source repo or unpacked source tarball, simply run this:


This will build the hptool itself, and then use that tool to build first the
platform source tarball, and finally the hermetic build of all the platform

By default this now builds a «minimal» installer that does not install libraries beyond core. To
build a «full» installer with a broader range of libraries pre-installed in the global store, pass
a «-f» option.

If you are building for a Posix like system (Linux, or BSD), then you can add
the command line option —prefix to specify where, on the target system the
tree of built things will be placed. It defaults to «/usr/local/haskell». The
build will include another directory under that named «ghc-x.y.z-arch» and
everything will be installed under there.

Adding -j (no space between the j and the number of cores) to the build invocation
will enable building on multiple cores at once.


After the build completes, it will print instructions for how to take the build
product and install it on systems. The build products are in:

For OS X and Windows, the built product is just a standard installer. Copy it
to the target system and install it.

For Posix like systems, the built product is a tarball, which should be unpacked
at / (it includes the prefix spec’d in the build). Then, on the target, you
must run the activate-hs script in the installed bin dir, usually:
That script will do the final package registrations, and symlink all the command
line tools (ghc, haddock, etc..) into /usr/local/bin. Run the script with -n or
-? to find out more.

Download — 32 bit

Download — 64 bit

SHA-1: 15dd8762c9800308cb7cfdd16ea1a8e74988e06a

SHA-1: 89e6fb747816af69acabc5c04cee103257855614

  1. 1. Double click the package icon to start the installer
  2. 2. Follow the instructions

Release Notes:

  • Works on 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, and even 10.10 beta!
  • Works with both gcc and clang based systems.
  • Distributed with a build of GHC 7.8.3 that differs from the released
    bindist in two ways: a) it was built split-objs for smaller resulting
    executables, b) it includes Cabal- which fixes a particularly nasty
    problem with haddock, -XCPP, and clang based systems. This ghc-7.8.3 bindist
    is already incorporated into the installer above, but for reference is
    available here: ghc-7.8.3-x86_64-apple-darwin-r3.tar.bz2
  • Includes a new experimental activate-hs command that can
    switch between multiple installed versions of the platform
  • The cabal command is wrapped to provide a smoother file layout on the Mac.
    The wrapping only updates the ~/.cabal/config file the first
    time you run it. Please pay attention to its output. If you have a custom
    config file, you’ll want to update it, as Cabal’s defaults have changed.

General Notes:

The command line development tools are required prior to installation.
If you have /usr/bin/ld available in a shell, you should be good to go. If not:

  • On OS 10.7 or later, choose one of the following:

    • Download and install Command Line Tools for Xcode. Despite the name, you don’t need Xcode installed!

    • After installing Xcode (4.3 or later), choose Preferences, then pick the Downloads panel. There you can download and install the Command Line Tools as an optional component. This installs the same package as listed in the above option.

    • If you have Xcode prior to 4.3, depending on how you installed it, you may already have the command line tools. If not, consider the first option above.

  • On OS 10.6, 32-bit, use Xcode 3.2 or later: Choose the «Customize…» button during installation and choose UNIX Development. 64-bit version requires Xcode 4.1 or later.

  • The command line tools and/or Xcode can be downloaded for free from Apple’s developer website, you do need to register as a developer (also free).


SHA-1: 15dd8762c9800308cb7cfdd16ea1a8e74988e06a

SHA-1: 89e6fb747816af69acabc5c04cee103257855614

  1. 1. Double click the package icon to start the installer
  2. 2. Follow the instructions

Release Notes:

  • Works on 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, and even 10.10 beta!
  • Works with both gcc and clang based systems.
  • Distributed with a build of GHC 7.8.3 that differs from the released
    bindist in two ways: a) it was built split-objs for smaller resulting
    executables, b) it includes Cabal- which fixes a particularly nasty
    problem with haddock, -XCPP, and clang based systems. This ghc-7.8.3 bindist
    is already incorporated into the installer above, but for reference is
    available here: ghc-7.8.3-x86_64-apple-darwin-r3.tar.bz2
  • Includes a new experimental activate-hs command that can
    switch between multiple installed versions of the platform
  • The cabal command is wrapped to provide a smoother file layout on the Mac.
    The wrapping only updates the ~/.cabal/config file the first
    time you run it. Please pay attention to its output. If you have a custom
    config file, you’ll want to update it, as Cabal’s defaults have changed.


SHA-1: 15dd8762c9800308cb7cfdd16ea1a8e74988e06a

SHA-1: 89e6fb747816af69acabc5c04cee103257855614

  1. 1. Double click the package icon to start the installer
  2. 2. Follow the instructions

Release Notes:

  • Works on 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, and even 10.10 beta!
  • Works with both gcc and clang based systems.
  • Distributed with a build of GHC 7.8.3 that differs from the released
    bindist in two ways: a) it was built split-objs for smaller resulting
    executables, b) it includes Cabal- which fixes a particularly nasty
    problem with haddock, -XCPP, and clang based systems. This ghc-7.8.3 bindist
    is already incorporated into the installer above, but for reference is
    available here: ghc-7.8.3-x86_64-apple-darwin-r3.tar.bz2
  • Includes a new experimental activate-hs command that can
    switch between multiple installed versions of the platform
  • The cabal command is wrapped to provide a smoother file layout on the Mac.
    The wrapping only updates the ~/.cabal/config file the first
    time you run it. Please pay attention to its output. If you have a custom
    config file, you’ll want to update it, as Cabal’s defaults have changed.

Haskell Platform for Windows 10 PC/laptop – Free download Haskell Platform latest official version for Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10. Now, this app is available for Windows PC users. Haskell Platform is one of the most popular Developer Tools apps worldwide!

A comprehensive and reliable programming platform for Windows PC!

Table of Contents

Haskell Platform Latest Version Overview

Download Haskell Platform for Windows 10

Haskell Platform is one of the most popular Developer Tools alongside ActivePython, Boostnote, and Scala. This app has its advantages compared to other Developer Tools applications. Haskell Platform is lightweight and easy to use, simple for beginners and powerful for professionals. Haskell Platform application is free to download and offers easy-to-install, easy-to-use, secure, and reliable Developer Tools applications.

Haskell Platform is a very fast, small, compact and innovative Freeware Developer Tools for Windows PC. It is designed to be uncomplicated for beginners and powerful for professionals. This app has unique and interesting features, unlike some other Developer Tools apps. Haskell Platform works with most Windows Operating System, including Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10.

Although there are many popular Developer Tools software, most people download and install the Freeware version. However, don’t forget to update the programs periodically. You can get Haskell Platform free and download its latest version for Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 PC from below.

Haskell Platform Technical Details

It’s better to know the app’s technical details and to have a knowledge background about the app. Therefore, you can find out if Haskell Platform will work on your Windows device or not.

Download Haskell Platform for Windows 10

App Name: Haskell Platform
Developer: Haskell Platform Team
Version: Haskell Platform 8.6.5
Updated: August, 10th 2019
Category Developer Tools
File Size: 268 MB
File Type: EXE file
Requirement: PC/laptop/tablet running Windows
(Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10)
License: Freeware

Download Haskell Platform for Windows 10 (64/32-bit) PC/laptop

Download Haskell Platform (latest version) free for Windows 10 (64-bit and 32-bit) PC/laptop/tablet. Safe Download and Install from the official link!

Haskell Platform 64-bit and 32-bit download features:

  • Haskell Platform direct, free and safe download
  • Latest version update
  • Compatible with Windows 10 64-bit and 32-bit
  • Download Haskell Platform for your PC or laptop

Haskell Platform Setup Installer

Download & install the latest offline installer version of Haskell Platform for Windows PC / laptop. It works with both 32-bit & 64-bit versions of Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10.

✔ Free & Safe Download for Windows PC/laptop – 268 MB

Safety (Virus) Test:
✔ Tested and is 100% Safe to download and install on your Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 device (PC/laptop/tablet).

What is New in the Haskell Platform Latest Version?

✓ Compatibilities improvement for new Windows update.
✓ Fixes bugs.

How to download and install Haskell Platform for Windows 10 PC/laptop

Now let’s just move to the next section to share the steps you have to follow to download Haskell Platform for Windows PC. So here we go:

  1. Download the Haskell Platform installer file from the link above.
  2. Save the downloaded file to your computer.
  3. Double-click on the downloaded Haskell Platform installer file.
  4. Now, a smart screen might appear and ask for a confirmation.
  5. Click “Yes” to confirm.
  6. Finally, follow the installation instructions until you get a confirmation notification of a successful installation process.

So those are all the processes that you have to follow to download Haskell Platform for Windows PC. Then let’s go on to the next section where we will discuss Haskell Platform itself. So you can understand the application and its features. So here we go:

Top Features of Haskell Platform for Windows PC

Haskell Platform is a Developer Tools application like Visual C++, Robo 3T, and Python from Haskell Platform Team. It has a simple and basic user interface, and most importantly, it is free to download. Haskell Platform is an efficient software that is recommended by many Windows PC users.

This application’s primary functions are comprehensive and go beyond the features offered by others that can be considered as its rivals.

  • Haskell Platform for PC – fast, reliable, and robust by Haskell Platform Team.
  • Haskell Platform Free & Safe Download.
  • Haskell Platform latest version for the best experience.
  • It works/compatible with almost all Windows versions, including Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10.
  • Free of Cost!
  • User-friendly Interface.
  • Easy to Use.
  • Privacy and Security!
  • Lightweight and consume low resources.
  • Best for Developer Tools application.
  • PC User’s choice!

How to uninstall Haskell Platform in Windows PC?

Uninstall Haskell Platform in Windows 10

Steps to uninstall Haskell Platform in Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista

  1. Click the Windows Start menu.
  2. Locate and select the Control Panel menu, then select Programs.
  3. Under Programs, click the Uninstall a Program.
  4. Select Haskell Platform and then right-click, select Uninstall/Change.
  5. Then click Yes to confirm the Haskell Platform uninstallation process.

Steps to uninstall Haskell Platform in Windows XP

  1. Click the Windows Start menu.
  2. Locate and select the Control Panel menu, then select Add or Remove Programs icon.
  3. Select the Haskell Platform and then click Remove/Uninstall.
  4. Then click Yes to confirm the Haskell Platform uninstallation process.

Uninstall Haskell Platform in Windows XP

Steps to uninstall Haskell Platform in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000

  1. Click the Windows Start menu.
  2. Locate and select the Control Panel menu, then double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
  3. Select the Haskell Platform and then right-click, select Uninstall/Change.
  4. Then click Yes to confirm the Haskell Platform uninstallation process.

Best Haskell Platform Alternative Apps for Windows

Isn’t Haskell Platform what you were looking for? We prepared a list of alternatives below!

  1. ActivePython for Windows 10 ActivePython
  2. Boostnote for Windows 10 Boostnote
  3. Scala for Windows 10 Scala
  4. Free Pascal for Windows 10 Free Pascal
  5. App Builder for Windows 10 App Builder

ActivePython, Boostnote, and Scala is the strong competitor of Haskell Platform. Otherwise, Free Pascal and App Builder also quite good as the alternative of this software. There are also other similar apps such as Python, Robo 3T, and Visual C++ that also need to try if you want to find the best alternative of Haskell Platform.

In Conclusion

The Haskell Platform for Windows PC is unquestionably the best Developer Tools that you can find nowadays. It also is the most reliable when it comes to performance and stability. You can find that out for yourself. That is why a lot of PC users recommend this app.

Get superb and impressive experience using this Haskell Platform application developed by Haskell Platform Team. Haskell Platform nowadays are already getting better each time.

If you have some questions related to this app, feel free to leave your queries in the comment section. Or you can share with us your experience when using this Haskell Platform on your Windows 10 PC. And if you know other people who want to experience Haskell Platform for Windows PC, you can share this article to help them. Enjoy using Haskell Platform for Windows PC.

Find other interesting articles that will help you how to download ActivePython for Windows 10 PC, install Boostnote for Windows 10, Scala review, or about best Free Pascal alternative apps for Windows 10.

Haskell Platform FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is Haskell Platform for PC?
A: For more information about this app, please go to the developer link on the above of this page.

Q: How do I access the free Haskell Platform download for Windows PC?
A: It is easy! Just click the free Haskell Platform download button in the above of this page. Clicking the download button will start the installer to download Haskell Platform free for a PC/laptop.

Q: Is Haskell Platform free? If not, how much does it price to download this app?
A: Absolutely no cost! You can download this app from official websites for free by this website—any extra details about the license you can found on the owner’s websites.

Q: Is this Haskell Platform will typically run on any Windows?
A: Yes! The Haskell Platform for PC will typically work on most recent Windows operating systems, including Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 64-bit and 32-bit.

Q: What’s the importance of downloading the latest version of Haskell Platform?
A: We recommend downloading the latest version of Haskell Platform because it has the most recent updates, which improves the quality of the application.

Q: What’s the difference between 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Haskell Platform?
A: The Haskell Platform 64-bit version was specially designed for 64-bit Windows Operating Systems and performed much better on those. The Haskell Platform 32-bit version was initially intended for 32-bit Windows Operating Systems, but it can also run on 64-bit Windows Operating Systems.


Haskell Platform is an application that builds by Haskell Platform Team. All trademarks, product names, company names, and logos mentioned here are their respective owners’ property. This site (autotechint.com) is not affiliated with them directly. All information about applications, programs, or games on this website has been found in open sources on the Internet.

We don’t host or store Haskell Platform on our servers. Downloads are done through the Official Site. We are firmly against piracy, and we do not support any sign of piracy. If you think that the application you own the copyrights is listed on our website and want to remove it, please contact us.

We are always compliant with DMCA regulations and respect the application owners. We are happy to work with you. Please find the DMCA / Removal Request page below.

Browse free open source Haskell Compilers for Windows and projects below. Use the toggles on the left to filter open source Haskell Compilers for Windows by OS, license, language, programming language, and project status.

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  • 1



    A GHC-based Haskell to JavaScript compiler

    A compiler to generate JavaScript code from Haskell. It even has a website and a mailing list. Seamless, type-safe single program framework for client-server communication. Support for modern web technologies such as WebSockets, WebStorage and Canvas. Simple JavaScript interoperability. Generates small, fast programs. Supports all GHC extensions except Template Haskell. Uses standard Haskell libraries. Cabal integration, simple, one-step build; no need for error prone Rube Goldberg machines of Vagrant, VirtualBox, GHC sources and other black magic. Concurrency and MVars with Haste.Concurrent. Unboxed arrays, ByteArrays, StableNames and other low level features. Low-level DOM base library. You have three options for getting Haste: installing from Hackage, from Github or from one of the pre-built binary packages.

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  • 2

    We extend the Eclipse IDE with tools for development in Haskell, a functional programming language, providing support for a wide range of tools (compilers, interpreters, doc tools etc.) in a coherent, convenient and configurable environment.

    Leader badge

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    Koka language compiler and interpreter

    Koka is a strongly typed functional-style language with effect types and handlers. The core of Koka consists of a small set of well-studied language features, like first-class functions, a polymorphic type- and effect system, algebraic data types, and effect handlers. Each of these is composable and avoid the addition of “special” extensions by being as general as possible. Koka tracks the (side) effects of every function in its type, where pure and effectful computations are distinguished. The precise effect typing gives Koka rock-solid semantics backed by well-studied category theory, which makes Koka particularly easy to reason about for both humans and compilers. Effect handlers let you define advanced control abstractions, like exceptions, async/await, or probabilistic programs, as a user library in a typed and composable way. Perceus is an advanced compilation method for reference counting.

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    Haskell to VHDL/Verilog/SystemVerilog compiler

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    BrandMail®, developed by BrandQuantum, is a software solution that seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Outlook to empower every employee in the organisation to automatically create consistently branded emails via a single toolbar that provides access to brand standards and the latest pre-approved content.

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    More Than Parsing is a parser generator for context free grammars defined in a BNF-like format. It generates scanners, parsers, ASTs, etc. This sf project is no longer active, development will continue in a different place.

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    The Glasgow Haskell Compiler is a robust, fully-featured, optimising compiler for the Haskell 98 programming language. Please note, we are no longer using the SourceForge bug tracker. Please go to http://cvs.haskell.org/trac/ghc instead.

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    A programming language that understands what a web app is

    Wasp (Web Application Specification Language) is a declarative DSL (domain-specific language) for developing, building and deploying modern full-stack web apps with less code. Concepts such as app, page, user, login, frontend, production, etc. are baked into the language, bringing a new level of expressiveness and allowing you to get more work done with fewer lines of code. While describing high-level features with Wasp, you still write the rest of your logic in your favorite technologies (currently React, NodeJS, Prisma). Wasp is in alpha and is therefore likely to change a lot, have bugs and miss important features. Due to its expressiveness, you can create and deploy a production-ready web app from scratch with very few lines of concise, consistent, declarative code. When you need more control than Wasp offers, you can write code in existing technologies such as js/html/css/… and combine it with Wasp code!

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    See Project

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    Experimental compiler for an extended version of the Curry programming language

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    Kaya: A statically typed, imperative cross-platform programming language with type inference, powerful data description capabilities and built-in abstractions and libraries for easy and robust web application development. http://kayalang.org/

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    midori programming language

    Programming language based off pure type systems, and COQ. Currently aimed at both systems, and application programming. Has a simple syntax, and (planned) C integration.

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    MUgen is an emulator generator which works in a way similar to yacc. It takes an input machine description and outputs a source file which is a fully implemented emulator of that system. This is the open-source system.

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    See Project

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