Green shot скачать бесплатно для windows 10

Download the latest stable release

Latest Windows release version:

09 Aug 2017

Greenshot for Windows
is free and open source!

Only $1.99
to cover our own costs!

In most cases, the latest stable version will be the best choice for you: it has been thoroughly tested by the community and is already used by myriads of people around the world. However, if you are looking for the latest unstable version, need an older version or the ZIP distribution, you will find everything you need in the version history.

(Info for Windows 8 users)

Source code

If you want to have a look at the source code, you can do so in Greenshot’s Git repositories at
GitHub or

для Windows

Greenshot скриншот № 1

Greenshot — небольшая и простая в использовании утилита для снятия скриншотов, с помощью которой можно легко делать снимки заданной произвольной области, активного окна, всего экрана или отдельного объекта.

Также программа предоставляет возможность редактировать полученные скриншоты, например наносить текст, добавлять стрелки и символы, обрезать и затемнять выбранные участки изображения.

При создании скриншота можно выбрать предпочтительные действия: открыть картинку в редакторе, скопировать ее в буфер обмена, отправить на принтер или сохранить в файл. Результат работы можно сохранить в форматах jpg, gif, png или bmp. Поддерживаются «горячие» клавиши.

Что нового в Greenshot 1.3.274?

  • Исправлены ошибки

ТОП-сегодня раздела «Захват экрана»

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Отзывы о программе Greenshot

Екатерина про Greenshot 1.3.235 [11-04-2022]

Установщик почему-то не запускается
3 | 3 | Ответить

Андрей про Greenshot [28-04-2021]

Отличная программа, подсмотрел как ее используют на работе (строительный супермаркет Оби) для автоматической печати скриншота экрана. Дома установил, чтобы можно было делать много скриншотов подряд и все они сохранялись бы в нужной папке. Весит немного, рекламы нет, РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК выбираем при установке! Супер!
2 | 3 | Ответить

Vitalij про Greenshot [24-06-2017]

Заменил этой программой PicPick и очень доволен. При небольшом весе имеет функции, которых и у платных нет, например — Затемнение…
4 | 5 | Ответить

Игорь про Greenshot [09-05-2017]

Нет русского языка в установщике
5 | 8 | Ответить

Kron в ответ Игорь про Greenshot [10-05-2017]

Ну так написано же «Интерфейс — Английский, Немецкий»!
4 | 5 | Ответить

ZZ про Greenshot [24-10-2015]

Очень хорошая программа, бесплатная. Скачивать русский язык отдельно не обязательно, во время установки будет опция установки дополнительных языков.
6 | 11 | Ответить

Greenshot — программа для создания скриншотов в разных режимах с возможностью их редактирования, отправки в печать, загрузки на различные онлайн-сервисы. Приложение распространяется бесплатно, подходит для компьютеров под управлением Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 и 11 (32 и 64 бит). Интерфейс имеет перевод на русский язык (во время установки нужно поставить галочку напротив пункта «Русский» в разделе «Additional languages», а затем активировать русский язык в настройках).

Greenshot — программа, позволяющая создавать скриншоты экрана целиком, выделенной его части, а также любого открытого и находящегося в фокусе окна. В приложении предусмотрен встроенный графический редактор для редактирования создаваемых снимков еще до их сохранения. Также Greenshot обладает рядом функций по сохранению скриншотов, включая возможность их загрузки на различные онлайн-сервисы.

Создание и обработка скриншотов в Greenshot

Greenshot обладает довольно емким для подобных программ набором функциональных возможностей. Рассмотрим их, разбив на несколько категорий.

Возможности Greenshot по созданию скриншотов:

  • 3 основных режима создания скриншотов: захват полного экрана, выделенной пользователем области, а также открытого окна.
  • 2 вспомогательных режима: создание скриншота ранее выделенной области и захват окна браузера Internet Explorer (не работает с Microsoft Edge).
  • Возможность запуска всех перечисленных функций создания снимков при помощи горячих клавиш (можно изменить в настройках) или путем выбора нужной опции из контекстного меню значка в системном трее.
  • Возможность задания паузы перед созданием скриншота.
  • Сохранение скриншотов в форматах JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, ICO, TIFF, а также в собственном формате «.greenshot».

Функции постобработки скриншотов:

  • Наличие автоматической функции присвоения имен скриншотам по заданному пользователем шаблону (например, в имя снимка может быть добавлена текущая дата или название учетной записи Windows).
  • Возможность добавления/исключения из контекстного меню (отображается на экране после создания скриншота) опций, отвечающих за действия со снимками после их создания: копирование в буфер обмена, сохранение в папке, открытие во встроенном редакторе изображений и т.д.
  • Экспорт скриншотов в программы Outlook, OneNote, PowerPoint, Word и Excel с их последующим автоматическим запуском (также пользователь может вручную расширить перечень программ для экспорта в них скриншотов).
  • Если на компьютере пользователя установлен компонент Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI), отвечающий за распознавание текста, скриншоты также могут быть переданы на обработку ему.
  • Автоматическая загрузка снимков на такие онлайн-сервисы, как: Imgur, Flickr, Picasa, Photobucked, Dropbox, Box, Jira и Confluence (поддержку нужных сервисов следует активировать при установке программы).
  • Отправка скриншотов в печать с возможностью предварительной настройки параметров макета страницы и цвета.

Функции редактора изображений Greenshot:

  • Рисование прямоугольников, эллипсов, линий и стрелок.
  • Наложение на скриншоты текста, а также текстовых блоков типа «комикс-облачко».
  • Выделение области изображения полупрозрачным прямоугольником.
  • Проставление поочередно пронумерованных штампов.
  • Затемнение области скриншота для скрытия каких-либо данных.
  • Обрезка изображений путем выделения прямоугольной области.
  • Поворот изображения на угол и изменение разрешения.
  • Наложение на скриншоты спецэффектов «Рамка», «Тень», «Рваные края», «Оттенки серого» и «Инвертировать».
  • Возможность вставки в скриншоты внешних изображений, скопированных в буфер обмена (это же относится и скопированной в буфер части изображения).
  • Возможность экспорта наложенных на изображения объектов в файл-проект «.gst» с сохранением их местоположения для возможности дальнейшего быстрого редактирования однотипных скриншотов.

Также в Greenshot присутствует функционал и опции для профессиональных пользователей. Например, программа способна сохранять скриншоты в буфер обмена в DIBV5 и HTML, автоматически создавать 8-битные изображения при условии, что захватываемая область экрана имеет меньше 256 цветов, и другие.

Greenshot 1.3.277 unstable

Release notes for Greenshot 1.3.277 unstable

Greenshot 1.3 is the first Greenshot which targets .NET 4.7.2 which just by doing to solves some general issues in the area of Internet Explorer capturing, TLS communication and some other minor issues.

We’ve also added some new Windows 10 functions, like notifications, OCR and sharing with Windows 10 apps.

Supported platforms:

As always Greenshot comes «as-is» with no guarantee whatsoever, supplying free software doesn’t make it possible to go beyond that.
Due to the amount of work involved in testing Greenshot on different platforms, and needing hardware to do so, we cannot support all of them. What does this mean?

  • Windows 11 — Greenshot should work without big issues. We expect to upgrade our primary development systems towards it some time after release, and have a better support soon.
  • Windows 10 «current» — We develop & test Greenshot on the latest available version of Windows 10, which means you can pretty much assume it works on there and if not we can work on it.
  • Windows 10 «previous» — We don’t have the hardware to have all supported Windows versions side-by-side, we try to keep the compatibility high. If there are very Windows specific bugs, we can look at it. In general we add new Windows features with a check for the version, preventing issues with older versions.
  • Windows 10 insiders — If someone is on an insider, and wants to use Greenshot, there is no guarantee. But please do report issues, and make sure you mention the build you are on. As insiders are the next «current», we will try to look at this.
  • Windows 7 — this is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will not buy extended support licenses for older Windows, we rather motivate people to upgrade to a normal supported version. It should still work on Windows 7, but we can’t guarantee this and functionality will be degraded compared to that on Windows 10.
  • Windows 8(.1) — Greenshot 1.2 mostly worked on it, thus we assume 1.3 will do so too, but we can no longer support this.
  • Windows Server version XYZ- We do not have the hardware nor licenses to test on this, do so at your own risk. You can report issues, but we cannot support specific Windows Server issues, unless someone wants to pay for the time, hardware & licenses.
  • Linux via Wine or CrossOver — Although we made some small changes to Greenshot to get basics working, it’s not supported and to be honest it’s a lot of work to get it running, and the result is very disappointed. We are looking towards a more platform independend Greenshot, but this will take time and doesn’t have our priority.
  • MacOS — We have a version of Greenshot for MacOS in the appstore here.

Support for other software?

We have many request, mainly from companies in form of «we use an eMail client from this company, and have a tool which does this cool thing, can you support this?» This depends, if it’s something which benefits the masses, we can look at it. An example is PowerToys, where we interact with the maintainers to see how we can make Greenshot work together and not have PowerToys break us. We can’t support all, and we cannot buy licenses & install every product.

Let us see the changes:

New features

  • The editor now has a zoom. Build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
  • Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called «MODI». To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
  • Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
  • Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
  • FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.
  • FEATURE-1125: Add shortcuts (0-9, +/-) for foreground color, background color, line thickness, bold and shadow (#338)
  • #249 (#388): Added the ability to crop an image vertically and horizontally. Build by our awesome community member @Christian-Schulz

General improvements:

  • Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
  • Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
  • DPI improvements, so people have less issues using Greenshot with high DPI screens.
  • Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and resize with the DPI settings
  • Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
  • PR #224, #230: Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus
  • PR #216: Added support to generate random characters in the filename
  • Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
  • #348, BUG-2892 and more: Improved clipboard stability
  • #314: Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
  • FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)
  • #385/#384: Added support for more file formats, read more about it here

Known issues

  • Bug #283: Drawing Unicode icons (emoticons) in the editor, this is an generic Windows issue with the technology we currently use.
  • Bug #326: Rounded corners of Windows 11 windows should be transparent

Bug fixes

Functionality fixes:

  • BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
  • BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
  • BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
  • BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
  • BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
  • BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google — Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
  • BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
  • BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
  • BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
  • BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
  • PR #157: Fixing textbox issue with polish letter «ą»
  • Bug #124: some minor issues with the EmailDestination
  • Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
  • Bug #279: External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
  • BUG-2565: Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.
  • BUG-2951: Improved the office executable detection, sometimes it wasn’t found. Fix by @jdavila71
  • Fixed backwards compatibility for the .greenshot file, it should now be possible to read Greenshot 1.2 files.

Stability fixes:

  • SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
  • BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
  • BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
  • BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
  • BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
  • BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) — Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
  • BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
  • BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
  • BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
  • BUG-2435: Crash
  • BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
  • BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
  • BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
  • [BUG…

Greenshot 1.3.274 unstable

Release notes for Greenshot 1.3.274 unstable

Greenshot 1.3 is the first Greenshot which targets .NET 4.7.2 which just by doing to solves some general issues in the area of Internet Explorer capturing, TLS communication and some other minor issues.

We’ve also added some new Windows 10 functions, like notifications, OCR and sharing with Windows 10 apps.

Supported platforms:

As always Greenshot comes «as-is» with no guarantee whatsoever, supplying free software doesn’t make it possible to go beyond that.
Due to the amount of work involved in testing Greenshot on different platforms, and needing hardware to do so, we cannot support all of them. What does this mean?

  • Windows 11 — Greenshot should work without big issues. We expect to upgrade our primary development systems towards it some time after release, and have a better support soon.
  • Windows 10 «current» — We develop & test Greenshot on the latest available version of Windows 10, which means you can pretty much assume it works on there and if not we can work on it.
  • Windows 10 «previous» — We don’t have the hardware to have all supported Windows versions side-by-side, we try to keep the compatibility high. If there are very Windows specific bugs, we can look at it. In general we add new Windows features with a check for the version, preventing issues with older versions.
  • Windows 10 insiders — If someone is on an insider, and wants to use Greenshot, there is no guarantee. But please do report issues, and make sure you mention the build you are on. As insiders are the next «current», we will try to look at this.
  • Windows 7 — this is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will not buy extended support licenses for older Windows, we rather motivate people to upgrade to a normal supported version. It should still work on Windows 7, but we can’t guarantee this and functionality will be degraded compared to that on Windows 10.
  • Windows 8(.1) — Greenshot 1.2 mostly worked on it, thus we assume 1.3 will do so too, but we can no longer support this.
  • Windows Server version XYZ- We do not have the hardware nor licenses to test on this, do so at your own risk. You can report issues, but we cannot support specific Windows Server issues, unless someone wants to pay for the time, hardware & licenses.
  • Linux via Wine or CrossOver — Although we made some small changes to Greenshot to get basics working, it’s not supported and to be honest it’s a lot of work to get it running, and the result is very disappointed. We are looking towards a more platform independend Greenshot, but this will take time and doesn’t have our priority.
  • MacOS — We have a version of Greenshot for MacOS in the appstore here.

Support for other software?

We have many request, mainly from companies in form of «we use an eMail client from this company, and have a tool which does this cool thing, can you support this?» This depends, if it’s something which benefits the masses, we can look at it. An example is PowerToys, where we interact with the maintainers to see how we can make Greenshot work together and not have PowerToys break us. We can’t support all, and we cannot buy licenses & install every product.

Let us see the changes:

New features

  • The editor now has a zoom. Build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
  • Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called «MODI». To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
  • Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
  • Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
  • FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.
  • FEATURE-1125: Add shortcuts (0-9, +/-) for foreground color, background color, line thickness, bold and shadow (#338)
  • #249 (#388): Added the ability to crop an image vertically and horizontally. Build by our awesome community member @Christian-Schulz

General improvements:

  • Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
  • Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
  • DPI improvements, so people have less issues using Greenshot with high DPI screens.
  • Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and resize with the DPI settings
  • Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
  • PR #224, #230: Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus
  • PR #216: Added support to generate random characters in the filename
  • Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
  • #348, BUG-2892 and more: Improved clipboard stability
  • #314: Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
  • FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)
  • #385/#384: Added support for more file formats, read more about it here

Known issues

  • Bug #283: Drawing Unicode icons (emoticons) in the editor, this is an generic Windows issue with the technology we currently use.
  • Bug #326: Rounded corners of Windows 11 windows should be transparent
  • Greenshot will not read .greenshot files from other versions

Bug fixes

Functionality fixes:

  • BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
  • BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
  • BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
  • BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
  • BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
  • BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google — Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
  • BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
  • BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
  • BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
  • BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
  • PR #157: Fixing textbox issue with polish letter «ą»
  • Bug #124: some minor issues with the EmailDestination
  • Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
  • Bug #279: External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
  • BUG-2565: Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.
  • BUG-2951: Improved the office executable detection, sometimes it wasn’t found. Fix by @jdavila71

Stability fixes:

  • SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
  • BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
  • BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
  • BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
  • BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
  • BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) — Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
  • BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
  • BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
  • BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
  • BUG-2435: Crash
  • BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
  • BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
  • BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
  • [BUG-2552](…

Greenshot 1.3.270 unstable

Release notes for Greenshot 1.3.270 unstable

Greenshot 1.3 is the first Greenshot which targets .NET 4.7.2 which just by doing to solves some general issues in the area of Internet Explorer capturing, TLS communication and some other minor issues.

We’ve also added some new Windows 10 functions, like notifications, OCR and sharing with Windows 10 apps.

Supported platforms:

As always Greenshot comes «as-is» with no guarantee whatsoever, supplying free software doesn’t make it possible to go beyond that.
Due to the amount of work involved in testing Greenshot on different platforms, and needing hardware to do so, we cannot support all of them. What does this mean?

  • Windows 11 — Greenshot should work without big issues. We expect to upgrade our primary development systems towards it some time after release, and have a better support soon.
  • Windows 10 «current» — We develop & test Greenshot on the latest available version of Windows 10, which means you can pretty much assume it works on there and if not we can work on it.
  • Windows 10 «previous» — We don’t have the hardware to have all supported Windows versions side-by-side, we try to keep the compatibility high. If there are very Windows specific bugs, we can look at it. In general we add new Windows features with a check for the version, preventing issues with older versions.
  • Windows 10 insiders — If someone is on an insider, and wants to use Greenshot, there is no guarantee. But please do report issues, and make sure you mention the build you are on. As insiders are the next «current», we will try to look at this.
  • Windows 7 — this is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will not buy extended support licenses for older Windows, we rather motivate people to upgrade to a normal supported version. It should still work on Windows 7, but we can’t guarantee this and functionality will be degraded compared to that on Windows 10.
  • Windows 8(.1) — Greenshot 1.2 mostly worked on it, thus we assume 1.3 will do so too, but we can no longer support this.
  • Windows Server version XYZ- We do not have the hardware nor licenses to test on this, do so at your own risk. You can report issues, but we cannot support specific Windows Server issues, unless someone wants to pay for the time, hardware & licenses.
  • Linux via Wine or CrossOver — Although we made some small changes to Greenshot to get basics working, it’s not supported and to be honest it’s a lot of work to get it running, and the result is very disappointed. We are looking towards a more platform independend Greenshot, but this will take time and doesn’t have our priority.
  • MacOS — We have a version of Greenshot for MacOS in the appstore here.

Support for other software?

We have many request, mainly from companies in form of «we use an eMail client from this company, and have a tool which does this cool thing, can you support this?» This depends, if it’s something which benefits the masses, we can look at it. An example is PowerToys, where we interact with the maintainers to see how we can make Greenshot work together and not have PowerToys break us. We can’t support all, and we cannot buy licenses & install every product.

Let us see the changes:

New features

  • The editor now has a zoom. Build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
  • Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called «MODI». To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
  • Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
  • Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
  • FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.
  • FEATURE-1125: Add shortcuts (0-9, +/-) for foreground color, background color, line thickness, bold and shadow (#338)
  • #249 (#388): Added the ability to crop an image vertically and horizontally. Build by our awesome community member @Christian-Schulz

General improvements:

  • Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
  • Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
  • DPI improvements, so people have less issues using Greenshot with high DPI screens.
  • Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and resize with the DPI settings
  • Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
  • PR #224, #230: Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus
  • PR #216: Added support to generate random characters in the filename
  • Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
  • #348, BUG-2892 and more: Improved clipboard stability
  • #314: Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
  • FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)
  • #385/#384: Added support for more file formats, read more about it here

Known issues

  • Bug #283: Drawing Unicode icons (emoticons) in the editor, this is an generic Windows issue with the technology we currently use.
  • Bug #326: Rounded corners of Windows 11 windows should be transparent
  • Greenshot will not read .greenshot files from other versions

Bug fixes

Functionality fixes:

  • BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
  • BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
  • BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
  • BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
  • BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
  • BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google — Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
  • BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
  • BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
  • BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
  • BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
  • PR #157: Fixing textbox issue with polish letter «ą»
  • Bug #124: some minor issues with the EmailDestination
  • Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
  • Bug #279: External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
  • BUG-2565: Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.
  • BUG-2951: Improved the office executable detection, sometimes it wasn’t found. Fix by @jdavila71

Stability fixes:

  • SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
  • BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
  • BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
  • BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
  • BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
  • BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) — Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
  • BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
  • BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
  • BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
  • BUG-2435: Crash
  • BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
  • BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
  • BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
  • [BUG-2552](…

Greenshot 1.3.265 unstable

Release notes for Greenshot 1.3.265 unstable

Greenshot 1.3 is the first Greenshot which targets .NET 4.7.2 which just by doing to solves some general issues in the area of Internet Explorer capturing, TLS communication and some other minor issues.

We’ve also added some new Windows 10 functions, like notifications, OCR and sharing with Windows 10 apps.

Supported platforms:

As always Greenshot comes «as-is» with no guarantee whatsoever, supplying free software doesn’t make it possible to go beyond that.
Due to the amount of work involved in testing Greenshot on different platforms, and needing hardware to do so, we cannot support all of them. What does this mean?

  • Windows 11 — Greenshot should work without big issues. We expect to upgrade our primary development systems towards it some time after release, and have a better support soon.
  • Windows 10 «current» — We develop & test Greenshot on the latest available version of Windows 10, which means you can pretty much assume it works on there and if not we can work on it.
  • Windows 10 «previous» — We don’t have the hardware to have all supported Windows versions side-by-side, we try to keep the compatibility high. If there are very Windows specific bugs, we can look at it. In general we add new Windows features with a check for the version, preventing issues with older versions.
  • Windows 10 insiders — If someone is on an insider, and wants to use Greenshot, there is no guarantee. But please do report issues, and make sure you mention the build you are on. As insiders are the next «current», we will try to look at this.
  • Windows 7 — this is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will not buy extended support licenses for older Windows, we rather motivate people to upgrade to a normal supported version. It should still work on Windows 7, but we can’t guarantee this and functionality will be degraded compared to that on Windows 10.
  • Windows 8(.1) — Greenshot 1.2 mostly worked on it, thus we assume 1.3 will do so too, but we can no longer support this.
  • Windows Server version XYZ- We do not have the hardware nor licenses to test on this, do so at your own risk. You can report issues, but we cannot support specific Windows Server issues, unless someone wants to pay for the time, hardware & licenses.
  • Linux via Wine or CrossOver — Although we made some small changes to Greenshot to get basics working, it’s not supported and to be honest it’s a lot of work to get it running, and the result is very disappointed. We are looking towards a more platform independend Greenshot, but this will take time and doesn’t have our priority.
  • MacOS — We have a version of Greenshot for MacOS in the appstore here.

Support for other software?

We have many request, mainly from companies in form of «we use an eMail client from this company, and have a tool which does this cool thing, can you support this?» This depends, if it’s something which benefits the masses, we can look at it. An example is PowerToys, where we interact with the maintainers to see how we can make Greenshot work together and not have PowerToys break us. We can’t support all, and we cannot buy licenses & install every product.

Let us see the changes:

New features

  • The editor now has a zoom. Build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
  • Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called «MODI». To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
  • Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
  • Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
  • FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.
  • FEATURE-1125: Add shortcuts (0-9, +/-) for foreground color, background color, line thickness, bold and shadow (#338)
  • #249 (#388): Added the ability to crop an image vertically and horizontally. Build by our awesome community member @Christian-Schulz

General improvements:

  • Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
  • Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
  • DPI improvements, so people have less issues using Greenshot with high DPI screens.
  • Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and resize with the DPI settings
  • Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
  • PR #224, #230: Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus
  • PR #216: Added support to generate random characters in the filename
  • Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
  • #348, BUG-2892 and more: Improved clipboard stability
  • #314: Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
  • FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)
  • #385/#384: Added support for more file formats, read more about it here

Known issues

  • Bug #283: Drawing Unicode icons (emoticons) in the editor, this is an generic Windows issue with the technology we currently use.
  • Bug #326: Rounded corners of Windows 11 windows should be transparent
  • Greenshot will not read .greenshot files from other versions

Bug fixes

Functionality fixes:

  • BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
  • BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
  • BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
  • BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
  • BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
  • BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google — Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
  • BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
  • BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
  • BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
  • BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
  • PR #157: Fixing textbox issue with polish letter «ą»
  • Bug #124: some minor issues with the EmailDestination
  • Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
  • Bug #279: External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
  • BUG-2565: Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.

Stability fixes:

  • SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
  • BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
  • BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
  • BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
  • BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
  • BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) — Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
  • BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
  • BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
  • BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
  • BUG-2435: Crash
  • BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
  • BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
  • BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
  • BUG-2552: Crashed when drawing new colored line after a ctrl+z undo.
  • BUG-2557: sudden shut down du…

Greenshot 1.3.262 unstable

Release notes for Greenshot 1.3.262 unstable

Greenshot 1.3 is the first Greenshot which targets .NET 4.7.2 which just by doing to solves some general issues in the area of Internet Explorer capturing, TLS communication and some other minor issues.

We’ve also added some new Windows 10 functions, like notifications, OCR and sharing with Windows 10 apps.

Supported platforms:

As always Greenshot comes «as-is» with no guarantee whatsoever, supplying free software doesn’t make it possible to go beyond that.
Due to the amount of work involved in testing Greenshot on different platforms, and needing hardware to do so, we cannot support all of them. What does this mean?

  • Windows 11 — Greenshot should work without big issues. We expect to upgrade our primary development systems towards it some time after release, and have a better support soon.
  • Windows 10 «current» — We develop & test Greenshot on the latest available version of Windows 10, which means you can pretty much assume it works on there and if not we can work on it.
  • Windows 10 «previous» — We don’t have the hardware to have all supported Windows versions side-by-side, we try to keep the compatibility high. If there are very Windows specific bugs, we can look at it. In general we add new Windows features with a check for the version, preventing issues with older versions.
  • Windows 10 insiders — If someone is on an insider, and wants to use Greenshot, there is no guarantee. But please do report issues, and make sure you mention the build you are on. As insiders are the next «current», we will try to look at this.
  • Windows 7 — this is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will not buy extended support licenses for older Windows, we rather motivate people to upgrade to a normal supported version. It should still work on Windows 7, but we can’t guarantee this and functionality will be degraded compared to that on Windows 10.
  • Windows 8(.1) — Greenshot 1.2 mostly worked on it, thus we assume 1.3 will do so too, but we can no longer support this.
  • Windows Server version XYZ- We do not have the hardware nor licenses to test on this, do so at your own risk. You can report issues, but we cannot support specific Windows Server issues, unless someone wants to pay for the time, hardware & licenses.
  • Linux via Wine or CrossOver — Although we made some small changes to Greenshot to get basics working, it’s not supported and to be honest it’s a lot of work to get it running, and the result is very disappointed. We are looking towards a more platform independend Greenshot, but this will take time and doesn’t have our priority.
  • MacOS — We have a version of Greenshot for MacOS in the appstore here.

Support for other software?

We have many request, mainly from companies in form of «we use an eMail client from this company, and have a tool which does this cool thing, can you support this?» This depends, if it’s something which benefits the masses, we can look at it. An example is PowerToys, where we interact with the maintainers to see how we can make Greenshot work together and not have PowerToys break us. We can’t support all, and we cannot buy licenses & install every product.

Let us see the changes:

New features

  • The editor now has a zoom. Build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
  • Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called «MODI». To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
  • Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
  • Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
  • FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.
  • FEATURE-1125: Add shortcuts (0-9, +/-) for foreground color, background color, line thickness, bold and shadow (#338)
  • #249 (#388): Added the ability to crop an image vertically and horizontally. Build by our awesome community member @Christian-Schulz

General improvements:

  • Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
  • Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
  • DPI improvements, so people have less issues using Greenshot with high DPI screens.
  • Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and resize with the DPI settings
  • Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
  • PR #224, #230: Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus
  • PR #216: Added support to generate random characters in the filename
  • Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
  • #348, BUG-2892 and more: Improved clipboard stability
  • #314: Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
  • FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)
  • #385/#384: Added support for more file formats, read more about it here

Known issues

  • Bug #283: Drawing Unicode icons (emoticons) in the editor, this is an generic Windows issue with the technology we currently use.
  • Bug #326: Rounded corners of Windows 11 windows should be transparent
  • Greenshot will not read .greenshot files from other versions

Bug fixes

Functionality fixes:

  • BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
  • BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
  • BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
  • BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
  • BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
  • BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google — Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
  • BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
  • BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
  • BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
  • BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
  • PR #157: Fixing textbox issue with polish letter «ą»
  • Bug #124: some minor issues with the EmailDestination
  • Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
  • Bug #279: External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
  • BUG-2565: Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.

Stability fixes:

  • SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
  • BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
  • BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
  • BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
  • BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
  • BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) — Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
  • BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
  • BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
  • BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
  • BUG-2435: Crash
  • BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
  • BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
  • BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
  • BUG-2552: Crashed when drawing new colored line after a ctrl+z undo.
  • BUG-2557: sudden shut down due to…

Greenshot 1.3.260 unstable

Release notes for Greenshot 1.3.260 unstable

Greenshot 1.3 is the first Greenshot which targets .NET 4.7.2 which just by doing to solves some general issues in the area of Internet Explorer capturing, TLS communication and some other minor issues.

We’ve also added some new Windows 10 functions, like notifications, OCR and sharing with Windows 10 apps.

Supported platforms:

As always Greenshot comes «as-is» with no guarantee whatsoever, supplying free software doesn’t make it possible to go beyond that.
Due to the amount of work involved in testing Greenshot on different platforms, and needing hardware to do so, we cannot support all of them. What does this mean?

  • Windows 11 — Greenshot should work without big issues. We expect to upgrade our primary development systems towards it some time after release, and have a better support soon.
  • Windows 10 «current» — We develop & test Greenshot on the latest available version of Windows 10, which means you can pretty much assume it works on there and if not we can work on it.
  • Windows 10 «previous» — We don’t have the hardware to have all supported Windows versions side-by-side, we try to keep the compatibility high. If there are very Windows specific bugs, we can look at it. In general we add new Windows features with a check for the version, preventing issues with older versions.
  • Windows 10 insiders — If someone is on an insider, and wants to use Greenshot, there is no guarantee. But please do report issues, and make sure you mention the build you are on. As insiders are the next «current», we will try to look at this.
  • Windows 7 — this is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will not buy extended support licenses for older Windows, we rather motivate people to upgrade to a normal supported version. It should still work on Windows 7, but we can’t guarantee this and functionality will be degraded compared to that on Windows 10.
  • Windows 8(.1) — Greenshot 1.2 mostly worked on it, thus we assume 1.3 will do so too, but we cannot support this.
  • Windows Server version XYZ- We do not have the hardware nor licenses to test on this, do so at your own risk. You can report issues, but we cannot support specific Windows Server issues, unless someone wants to pay for the time, hardware & licenses.
  • Linux via Wine or CrossOver — Although we made some small changes to Greenshot to get basics working, it’s not supported and to be honest it’s a lot of work to get it running, and the result is very disappointed. We are looking towards a more platform independend Greenshot, but this will take time and doesn’t have our priority.
  • MacOS — We have a version of Greenshot for MacOS in the appstore here.

Support for other software?

We have many request, mainly from companies in form of «we use an eMail client from this company, and have a tool which does this cool thing, can you support this?» This depends, if it’s something which benefits the masses, we can look at it. An example is PowerToys, where we interact with the maintainers to see how we can make Greenshot work together and not have PowerToys break us. We can’t support all, and we cannot buy licenses & install every product.

Let us see the changes:

New features

  • The editor now has a zoom. Build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
  • Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called «MODI». To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
  • Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
  • Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
  • FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.
  • FEATURE-1125: Add shortcuts (0-9, +/-) for foreground color, background color, line thickness, bold and shadow (#338)
  • #249 (#388): Added the ability to crop an image vertically and horizontally. Build by our awesome community member @Christian-Schulz

General improvements:

  • Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
  • Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
  • DPI improvements, so people have less issues using Greenshot with high DPI screens.
  • Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and resize with the DPI settings
  • Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
  • PR #224, #230: Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus
  • PR #216: Added support to generate random characters in the filename
  • Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
  • #348, BUG-2892 and more: Improved clipboard stability
  • #314: Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
  • FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)
  • #385/#384: Added support for more file formats, read more about it here

Known issues

  • Bug #283: Drawing Unicode icons (emoticons) in the editor, this is an generic Windows issue with the technology we currently use.
  • Bug #326: Rounded corners of Windows 11 windows should be transparent
  • Greenshot will not read .greenshot files from other versions

Bug fixes

Functionality fixes:

  • BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
  • BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
  • BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
  • BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
  • BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
  • BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google — Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
  • BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
  • BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
  • BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
  • BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
  • PR #157: Fixing textbox issue with polish letter «ą»
  • Bug #124: some minor issues with the EmailDestination
  • Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
  • Bug #279: External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
  • BUG-2565: Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.

Stability fixes:

  • SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
  • BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
  • BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
  • BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
  • BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
  • BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) — Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
  • BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
  • BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
  • BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
  • BUG-2435: Crash
  • BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
  • BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
  • BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
  • BUG-2552: Crashed when drawing new colored line after a ctrl+z undo.
  • BUG-2557: sudden shut down due to error …

Greenshot 1.3.259 unstable

Release notes for Greenshot 1.3.259 unstable

Greenshot 1.3 is the first Greenshot which targets .NET 4.7.2 which just by doing to solves some general issues in the area of Internet Explorer capturing, TLS communication and some other minor issues.

We’ve also added some new Windows 10 functions, like notifications, OCR and sharing with Windows 10 apps.

Supported platforms:

As always Greenshot comes «as-is» with no guarantee whatsoever, supplying free software doesn’t make it possible to go beyond that.
Due to the amount of work involved in testing Greenshot on different platforms, and needing hardware to do so, we cannot support all of them. What does this mean?

  • Windows 11 — Greenshot should work without big issues. We expect to upgrade our primary development systems towards it some time after release, and have a better support soon.
  • Windows 10 «current» — We develop & test Greenshot on the latest available version of Windows 10, which means you can pretty much assume it works on there and if not we can work on it.
  • Windows 10 «previous» — We don’t have the hardware to have all supported Windows versions side-by-side, we try to keep the compatibility high. If there are very Windows specific bugs, we can look at it. In general we add new Windows features with a check for the version, preventing issues with older versions.
  • Windows 10 insiders — If someone is on an insider, and wants to use Greenshot, there is no guarantee. But please do report issues, and make sure you mention the build you are on. As insiders are the next «current», we will try to look at this.
  • Windows 7 — this is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will not buy extended support licenses for older Windows, we rather motivate people to upgrade to a normal supported version. It should still work on Windows 7, but we can’t guarantee this and functionality will be degraded compared to that on Windows 10.
  • Windows 8(.1) — Greenshot 1.2 mostly worked on it, thus we assume 1.3 will do so too, but we cannot support this.
  • Windows Server version XYZ- We do not have the hardware nor licenses to test on this, do so at your own risk. You can report issues, but we cannot support specific Windows Server issues, unless someone wants to pay for the time, hardware & licenses.
  • Linux via Wine or CrossOver — Although we made some small changes to Greenshot to get basics working, it’s not supported and to be honest it’s a lot of work to get it running, and the result is very disappointed. We are looking towards a more platform independend Greenshot, but this will take time and doesn’t have our priority.
  • MacOS — We have a version of Greenshot for MacOS in the appstore here.

Support for other software?

We have many request, mainly from companies in form of «we use an eMail client from this company, and have a tool which does this cool thing, can you support this?» This depends, if it’s something which benefits the masses, we can look at it. An example is PowerToys, where we interact with the maintainers to see how we can make Greenshot work together and not have PowerToys break us. We can’t support all, and we cannot buy licenses & install every product.

Let us see the changes:

New features

  • The editor now has a zoom. Build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
  • Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called «MODI». To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
  • Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
  • Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
  • FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.
  • FEATURE-1125: Add shortcuts (0-9, +/-) for foreground color, background color, line thickness, bold and shadow (#338)
  • #249 (#388): Added the ability to crop an image vertically and horizontally. Build by our awesome community member @Christian-Schulz

General improvements:

  • Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
  • Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
  • DPI improvements, so people have less issues using Greenshot with high DPI screens.
  • Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and resize with the DPI settings
  • Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
  • PR #224, #230: Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus
  • PR #216: Added support to generate random characters in the filename
  • Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
  • #348, BUG-2892 and more: Improved clipboard stability
  • #314: Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
  • FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)
  • #385/#384: Added support for more file formats, read more about it here

Known issues

  • Bug #283: Drawing Unicode icons (emoticons) in the editor, this is an generic Windows issue with the technology we currently use.
  • Bug #326: Rounded corners of Windows 11 windows should be transparent
  • Greenshot will not read .greenshot files from other versions

Bug fixes

Functionality fixes:

  • BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
  • BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
  • BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
  • BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
  • BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
  • BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google — Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
  • BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
  • BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
  • BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
  • BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
  • PR #157: Fixing textbox issue with polish letter «ą»
  • Bug #124: some minor issues with the EmailDestination
  • Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
  • Bug #279: External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
  • BUG-2565: Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.

Stability fixes:

  • SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
  • BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
  • BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
  • BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
  • BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
  • BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) — Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
  • BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
  • BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
  • BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
  • BUG-2435: Crash
  • BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
  • BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
  • BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
  • BUG-2552: Crashed when drawing new colored line after a ctrl+z undo.
  • BUG-2557: sudden shut down due to error …

Greenshot 1.3.249 unstable

Release notes for Greenshot 1.3.249 unstable

Greenshot 1.3 is the first Greenshot which targets .NET 4.7.2 which just by doing to solves some general issues in the area of Internet Explorer capturing, TLS communication and some other minor issues.

We’ve also added some new Windows 10 functions, like notifications, OCR and sharing with Windows 10 apps.

Supported platforms:

As always Greenshot comes «as-is» with no guarantee whatsoever, supplying free software doesn’t make it possible to go beyond that.
Due to the amount of work involved in testing Greenshot on different platforms, and needing hardware to do so, we cannot support all of them. What does this mean?

  • Windows 11 — Greenshot should work without big issues. We expect to upgrade our primary development systems towards it some time after release, and have a better support soon.
  • Windows 10 «current» — We develop & test Greenshot on the latest available version of Windows 10, which means you can pretty much assume it works on there and if not we can work on it.
  • Windows 10 «previous» — We don’t have the hardware to have all supported Windows versions side-by-side, we try to keep the compatibility high. If there are very Windows specific bugs, we can look at it. In general we add new Windows features with a check for the version, preventing issues with older versions.
  • Windows 10 insiders — If someone is on an insider, and wants to use Greenshot, there is no guarantee. But please do report issues, and make sure you mention the build you are on. As insiders are the next «current», we will try to look at this.
  • Windows 7 — this is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will not buy extended support licenses for older Windows, we rather motivate people to upgrade to a normal supported version. It should still work on Windows 7, but we can’t guarantee this and functionality will be degraded compared to that on Windows 10.
  • Windows 8(.1) — Greenshot 1.2 mostly worked on it, thus we assume 1.3 will do so too, but we cannot support this.
  • Windows Server version XYZ- We do not have the hardware nor licenses to test on this, do so at your own risk. You can report issues, but we cannot support specific Windows Server issues, unless someone wants to pay for the time, hardware & licenses.
  • Linux via Wine or CrossOver — Although we made some small changes to Greenshot to get basics working, it’s not supported and to be honest it’s a lot of work to get it running, and the result is very disappointed. We are looking towards a more platform independend Greenshot, but this will take time and doesn’t have our priority.
  • MacOS — We have a version of Greenshot for MacOS in the appstore here.

Support for other software?

We have many request, mainly from companies in form of «we use an eMail client from this company, and have a tool which does this cool thing, can you support this?» This depends, if it’s something which benefits the masses, we can look at it. An example is PowerToys, where we interact with the maintainers to see how we can make Greenshot work together and not have PowerToys break us. We can’t support all, and we cannot buy licenses & install every product.

Let us see the changes:

New features

  • The editor now has a zoom. Build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
  • Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called «MODI». To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
  • Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
  • Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
  • FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.
  • FEATURE-1125 Add shortcuts (0-9, +/-) for foreground color, background color, line thickness, bold and shadow (#338)
  • Added the ability to crop an image vertically and horizontally. Build by our awesome community member @Christian-Schulz #249 (#388)

General improvements:

  • Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
  • Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
  • DPI improvements, so people have less issues using Greenshot with high DPI screens.
  • Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and resize with the DPI settings
  • Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
  • Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus e.g. PR #224, #230
  • Added support to generate random characters in the filename PR #216
  • Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
  • Improved clipboard stability (#348, BUG-2892 and more)
  • #314 Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
  • FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)
  • #385 Added support for more file formats, read more about it here #384

Known issues

  • Bug #283 Drawing Unicode icons (emoticons) in the editor, this is an generic Windows issue that there are not APIs.
  • Bug #326 Rounded corners of Windows 11 windows should be transparent

Bug fixes

Functionality fixes:

  • BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
  • BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
  • BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
  • BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
  • BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
  • BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google — Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
  • BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
  • BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
  • BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
  • BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
  • PR #157 — Fixing textbox issue with polish letter «ą»
  • Bug #124, some minor issues with the EmailDestination
  • Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
  • Bug #279 External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
  • BUG-2565 Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.

Stability fixes:

  • SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
  • BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
  • BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
  • BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
  • BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
  • BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) — Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
  • BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
  • BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
  • BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
  • BUG-2435: Crash
  • BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
  • BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
  • BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
  • BUG-2552: Crashed when drawing new colored line after a ctrl+z undo.
  • BUG-2557: sudden shut down due to error , Error
  • BUG-2567: Automatic…

Greenshot 1.3.239 unstable

Release notes for Greenshot 1.3.239 unstable

Greenshot 1.3 is the first Greenshot which targets .NET 4.7.2 which just by doing to solves some general issues in the area of Internet Explorer capturing, TLS communication and some other minor issues.

We’ve also added some new Windows 10 functions, like notifications, OCR and sharing with Windows 10 apps.

Supported platforms:

As always Greenshot comes «as-is» with no guarantee whatsoever, supplying free software doesn’t make it possible to go beyond that.
Due to the amount of work involved in testing Greenshot on different platforms, and needing hardware to do so, we cannot support all of them. What does this mean?

  • Windows 11 — Greenshot should work without big issues. We expect to upgrade our primary development systems towards it some time after release, and have a better support soon.
  • Windows 10 «current» — We develop & test Greenshot on the latest available version of Windows 10, which means you can pretty much assume it works on there and if not we can work on it.
  • Windows 10 «previous» — We don’t have the hardware to have all supported Windows versions side-by-side, we try to keep the compatibility high. If there are very Windows specific bugs, we can look at it. In general we add new Windows features with a check for the version, preventing issues with older versions.
  • Windows 10 insiders — If someone is on an insider, and wants to use Greenshot, there is no guarantee. But please do report issues, and make sure you mention the build you are on. As insiders are the next «current», we will try to look at this.
  • Windows 7 — this is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will not buy extended support licenses for older Windows, we rather motivate people to upgrade to a normal supported version. It should still work on Windows 7, but we can’t guarantee this and functionality will be degraded compared to that on Windows 10.
  • Windows 8(.1) — Greenshot 1.2 mostly worked on it, thus we assume 1.3 will do so too, but we cannot support this.
  • Windows Server version XYZ- We do not have the hardware nor licenses to test on this, do so at your own risk. You can report issues, but we cannot support specific Windows Server issues, unless someone wants to pay for the time, hardware & licenses.
  • Linux via Wine or CrossOver — Although we made some small changes to Greenshot to get basics working, it’s not supported and to be honest it’s a lot of work to get it running, and the result is very disappointed. We are looking towards a more platform independend Greenshot, but this will take time and doesn’t have our priority.
  • MacOS — We have a version of Greenshot for MacOS in the appstore here.

Support for other software?

We have many request, mainly from companies in form of «we use an eMail client from this company, and have a tool which does this cool thing, can you support this?» This depends, if it’s something which benefits the masses, we can look at it. An example is PowerToys, where we interact with the maintainers to see how we can make Greenshot work together and not have PowerToys break us. We can’t support all, and we cannot buy licenses & install every product.

Let us see the changes:

New features

  • The editor now has a zoom, completely build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
  • Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called «MODI». To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
  • Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
  • Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
  • FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.
  • FEATURE-1125 Add shortcuts (0-9, +/-) for foreground color, background color, line thickness, bold and shadow (#338)

General improvements:

  • Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
  • Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
  • DPI improvements, so people can use Greenshot with high DPI screens.
  • Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and resize with the DPI settings
  • Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
  • Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus e.g. PR #224, #230
  • Added support to generate random characters in the filename PR #216
  • Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
  • Improved clipboard stability (#348, BUG-2892 and more)
  • #314 Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
  • FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)

Known issues

  • Bug #283 Drawing Unicode icons (emoticons) in the editor, this is an generic Windows issue that there are not APIs.

Bug fixes

Functionality fixes:

  • BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
  • BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
  • BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
  • BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
  • BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
  • BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google — Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
  • BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
  • BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
  • BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
  • BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
  • PR #157 — Fixing textbox issue with polish letter «ą»
  • Bug #124, some minor issues with the EmailDestination
  • Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
  • Bug #279 External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
  • BUG-2565 Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.
  • #326 Rounded corners of Windows 11 windows should be transparent

Stability fixes:

  • SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
  • BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
  • BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
  • BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
  • BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
  • BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) — Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
  • BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
  • BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
  • BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
  • BUG-2435: Crash
  • BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
  • BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
  • BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
  • BUG-2552: Crashed when drawing new colored line after a ctrl+z undo.
  • BUG-2557: sudden shut down due to error , Error
  • BUG-2567: Automatic error, tells me to report a bug
  • BUG-2577: Erreur inattendue
  • BUG-2592: Crash when copying to clipboard
  • [BU…

Greenshot 1.3.229 unstable

Release notes for Greenshot 1.3.229

Greenshot 1.3 is the first Greenshot which targets .NET 4.7.2 which just by doing to solves some general issues in the area of Internet Explorer capturing, TLS communication and some other minor issues.

We’ve also added some new Windows 10 functions, like notifications, OCR and sharing with Windows 10 apps.

Supported platforms:

As always Greenshot comes «as-is» with no guarantee whatsoever, supplying free software doesn’t make it possible to go beyond that.
Due to the amount of work involved in testing Greenshot on different platforms, and needing hardware to do so, we cannot support all of them. What does this mean?

  • Windows 11 — We currently have insider versions installed and looking at some small issues (rounded corners), but Greenshot should work without big issues. We expect to upgrade our primary development systems towards it some time after release, and have a better support soon.
  • Windows 10 «current» — We develop & test Greenshot on the latest available version of Windows 10, which means you can pretty much assume it works on there and if not we can work on it.
  • Windows 10 «previous» — We don’t have the hardware to have all supported Windows versions side-by-side, we try to keep the compatibility high. If there are very Windows specific bugs, we can look at it. In general we add new Windows features with a check for the version, preventing issues with older versions.
  • Windows 10 insiders — If someone is on an insider, and wants to use Greenshot, there is no guarantee. But please do report issues, and make sure you mention the build you are on. As insiders are the next «current», we will try to look at this.
  • Windows 7 — this is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will not buy extended support licenses for older Windows, we rather motivate people to upgrade to a normal supported version. It should still work on Windows 7, but we can’t guarantee this and functionality will be degraded compared to that on Windows 10.
  • Windows 8(.1) — Greenshot 1.2 mostly worked on it, thus we assume 1.3 will do so too, but we cannot support this.
  • Windows Server version XYZ- We do not have the hardware nor licenses to test on this, do so at your own risk. You can report issues, but we cannot support specific Windows Server issues, unless someone wants to pay for the time, hardware & licenses.
  • Linux via Wine or CrossOver — Although we made some small changes to Greenshot to get basics working, it’s not supported and to be honest it’s a lot of work to get it running, and the result is very disappointed. We are looking towards a more platform independend Greenshot, but this will take time and doesn’t have our priority.
  • MacOS — We have a version of Greenshot for MacOS in the appstore here.

Support for other software?

We have many request, mainly from companies in form of «we use an eMail client from this company, and have a tool which does this cool thing, can you support this?» This depends, if it’s something which benefits the masses, we can look at it. An example is PowerToys, where we interact with the maintainers to see how we can make Greenshot work together and not have PowerToys break us. We can’t support all, and we cannot buy licenses & install every product.

Let us see the changes:

New features

  • The editor now has a zoom, completely build by our awesome community member @KillyMXI PR #201
  • Windows 10 has out of the box OCR support, this can now be used from Greenshot. We added functionality which is on par with that we provided via an old Microsoft component called «MODI». To reduce our maintenance, we removed the old functionality. This is the first step with Windows 10 OCR, we have some great plans with this.
  • Greenshot can now use the Windows 10 app sharing, share screenshots with app which support bitmaps.
  • Greenshot now can use the Windows 10 notifications system, which looks better. We will add more user friendly functionality for this later.
  • FEATURE-1110: Making it possible to use a hotkey to open the clipboard, for details look at the issue.

General improvements:

  • Improved the about and error details with better version information, and OS name.
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework dependency to 4.7.2, any lower version would cause a lot of additional work and make the installer even bigger.
  • Used more recent versions of software components, which brings better/more functionality and make it easier to find bugs.
  • DPI improvements, so people can use Greenshot with high DPI screens.
  • Made the selection boxes (grippers) bigger and reize with the DPI settings
  • Update check should have less impact with us and for the user
  • Added Italian to the installer, a lof of PR’s from @bovirus e.g. PR #224, #230
  • Added support to generate random characters in the filename PR #216
  • Changed the cloud services Box, DropBox and Imgur to use the default browser in combination with instead of the embedded, solving incompatibility issues.
  • #314 Added additional tray-icon click actions which support additional functionality with one click. (no setting UI yet)
  • FEATURE-1196: Selects a color with double click to close color dialog (thanks to @EricCogen)

Known issues

  • Bug #283 Drawing Unicode icons (emoticons) in the editor, this is an generic Windows issue that there are not APIs.
  • Rounded corners on Windows 11 are not yet transparent, we are looking at this.

Bug fixes

Functionality fixes:

  • BUG-2693, BUG-2693, BUG-2743: Greenshot doesn’t recognize a MAPI client
  • BUG-2535: Greenshot selects invisible windows fix was suggested by Raymond Chen here
  • BUG-2544: Enabled TLS1.1 & 1.2 to fix jira connectivity and do not use the JIRA session support as this was deprecated.
  • BUG-2529: This should most likely fix the excessive update checks.
  • BUG-1919: Screenshot works once on Internet Explorer
  • BUG-1943: Picassa no longer supported by Google — Picassa plugin update to Google Photos
  • BUG-2127: Incorrect link image to picasa
  • BUG-2170: Editor buttons are too small on high-resolution PC
  • BUG-2300: User need to do a lot of CTRL + Z to undo the ellipse/rectangle modification
  • BUG-2736: Cropping a capture where a speech bubble is shown doesn’t move the bubble tail
  • PR #157 — Fixing textbox issue with polish letter «ą»
  • Bug #124, some minor issues with the EmailDestination
  • Bug #149: If using a full screen capture of the current monitor, not the default, the mouse cursor is not visible.
  • Bug #279 External commands where duplicated in the editor and dynamic destination picker
  • BUG-2565 Fixed the tooltips on the recent colors not representing the color.

Stability fixes:

  • SUPPORT-407: Reduced an attack vector by placing quotes around the startup path to Greenshot
  • BUG-2792: Fixed the issue that PowerToys is interacting with our region selection window.
  • BUG-2644: Fixed a NPRE when exporting to Powerpoint when it’s not running yet.
  • BUG-2542: Fix for shutdown issue (ImgurPlugin)
  • BUG-2249: Error after switching between colors
  • BUG-2303: Greenshot 1.2.10 Build 6 (64 bit) — Dotnet 4.0 framework crash.
  • BUG-2307: Using the pencil tool, changing colors, undo, pencil tool again, produces error dump.
  • BUG-2309: Exception while editing screen shot
  • BUG-2403: error message came up immediately after a restart of Windows.
  • BUG-2435: Crash
  • BUG-2463: Crash on moving freehand drawing
  • BUG-2484: Unexpected error pop-up after DRIVER VERIFIER IOMANAGER VIOLATION Blue Screen of Death
  • BUG-2486: program window goes white with red x through it
  • BUG-2552: Crashed when drawing new colored line after a ctrl+z undo.
  • BUG-2557: sudden shut down due to error , Error
  • BUG-2567: Automatic error, tells me to report a bug
  • BUG-2577: Erreur inattendue
  • BUG-2592: Crash when copying to clipboard
  • BUG-2615: Greenshot crashed while changing line color
  • BUG-2642: Greenshot Ima…

Greenshot is an open-source screenshot software tool for Windows that quickly creates screenshots of a selected region, window, or full screen. Greenshot can easily annotates, highlight, or obfuscate a screenshot


  • screenshot
  • screen capture
  • screen grab

Project Samples

Greenshot Screenshot 1

Greenshot Screenshot 2


GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)

BrandMail Email Signatures for Outlook Icon

BrandMail®, developed by BrandQuantum, is a software solution that seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Outlook to empower every employee in the organisation to automatically create consistently branded emails via a single toolbar that provides access to brand standards and the latest pre-approved content.

User Ratings


out of 5 stars





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4 / 5

User Reviews

  • All
  • ★★★★★
  • ★★★★
  • ★★★
  • ★★
  • Excellent screenshot tool, 100% recommended

  • Event better than Microsoft embedded tools, hope on new update

  • Program is simple and with good features, it has many customisation features which allow for considerable flexibility. As a screen capture and markup tool it wacks the W10 Snip tool with lines, boxes, text and output options.
    I have an issue with my XPS13 running at default resolution 3200×1800 that the Color Picker for lines and boxes and background is all jumbled as this tool cannot handle the resolution. Changing W10 compatibility does not help.
    Otherwise, I would give 5 stars

  • couldn’t get by without greenshot

    2 users found this review helpful.

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Operating Systems



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