Windows XP 32bit,Windows Me,Windows 98se,Windows 98,Windows 2000[2.04a]
2.63 MB
Jun 04, 2004
Realtek AC97 Driver
Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Me,Windows 98,Windows 2000[]
20.25 MB
Dec 19, 2006
Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Server 2003 32bit[Beta:1.21]
2.33 MB
Jan 18, 2006
Windows XP 32bit,Windows Me,Windows 98,Windows 2000[1.17e]
2.59 MB
May 28, 2004
Windows Server 2003 32bit[Beta:1.18]
2.88 MB
Jan 18, 2006
Windows XP 32bit,Windows NT,Windows Me,Windows 98,Windows 2000[1.16b]
6.09 MB
Sep 24, 2003
SiS 964 SATA
Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Server 2003 64bit,Windows Server 2003 32bit,Windows 2000[4.00a]
5.53 MB
Aug 29, 2006
SiS 964 Preinstall driver, press F6 during Windows* setup to read from floppy
Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Server 2003 64bit,Windows Server 2003 32bit,Windows 2000[4.00a]
0.52 MB
Aug 29, 2006
SiS 651 /661FX /650 /650GX /650GL
Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Server 2003 32bit[Beta:3.70]
12.65 MB
Jan 18, 2006
SiS 651 /661FX /650 /650GX /650GL
Windows XP 32bit,Windows Me,Windows 98se,Windows 98,Windows 2000[3.61a]
11.84 MB
May 11, 2005
10.70 MB
Mar 28, 2005
0.46 MB
Aug 30, 2006
- Update CPU ID (Support Intel Cedar Mill D0-stepping CPU)
0.51 MB
Apr 28, 2006
- Patch INTEL C1-stepping CPU temperature
0.46 MB
Jan 12, 2006
- First Release
- Manual
Arabic, English, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese
12.15 MB
Aug 05, 2012
Installation Guidebook
Czech, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish
18.60 MB
Aug 05, 2012
Installation Guidebook
Traditional Chinese
8.40 MB
Jan 26, 2006
7.29 MB
Jan 26, 2006
Traditional Chinese
0.55 MB
Feb 01, 2005
SiS964 SATA(RAID) O.S. Installation Manual
0.32 MB
Feb 01, 2005
SiS964 SATA(RAID) O.S. Installation Manual
CPU Support
Product Spec. / Peripherals / Others
Storage Devices / Driver / Software / OS
Производители драйвера | Версия | Типы драйвера | Описание | Скачать | |
DriverHub | 1.0 | Driver Utility | Не тратьте время на поиск драйверов — DriverHub автоматически найдет и установит их. |
Скачать 20.53 MB |
Realtek AC97 Driver AC97 Driver |
Скачать 25.72 MB |
SiS SATA driver 1. Extract the file and Copy all files to the floppy. 2. Press F6… больше |
Скачать 516.83 KB |
Lan DriverLan Driver for WinXP/2K SIS Lan Driver SiS LAN driver for Win2000/XP |
Скачать 3.84 MB |
Скачать 14.92 MB |
н/д | н/д | Другое |
SiS 651 /661FX /650 /650GX /650GL 651 /661FX /650 /650GX /650GL |
Скачать 11.84 MB |
н/д | н/д | Другое |
SiS 651 /661FX /650 /650GX /650GL 651 /661FX /650 /650GX /650GL |
Скачать 12.65 MB |
н/д | н/д | Другое | SiS 964 Preinstall driver, press F6 during Windows* setup to read from floppy |
Скачать 5.53 MB |
н/д | н/д | Другое |
Скачать 6.09 MB |
н/д | н/д | Другое |
SiS AGP Sis for Sis 661FX,SIS 651C AGP |
Скачать 2.59 MB |
н/д | н/д | Другое |
Скачать 2.33 MB |
н/д | н/д | Другое |
Скачать 2.63 MB |
Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775 (Rev 1.x) драйверы помогут исправить неполадки и ошибки в работе устройства. Скачайте драйверы на Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775 (Rev 1.x) для разных версий операционных систем Windows (32 и 64 bit). После скачивания архива с драйвером для Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775 (Rev 1.x) нужно извлечь файл в любую папку и запустить его.
У Вас есть материнская плата Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775? Вы ищете
драйвер для материнской платы Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775? Вы на
правильном пути. Только на нашем сайте Вы сможете найти и скачать требуемый в этом случае
системой драйвер. Ниже Вы увидите список имеющихся у нас в каталоге драйверов для
материнской платы Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775. Вам осталось выбрать
подходящий для вашей операционной системы драйвер. Скорее всего, ваша операционная
система — Windows 7.
Цветом выделены рекомендованные Вам драйвера, на основе определения Вашей операционной системы.
Драйвер видеокарты
Драйвера для видеокарты на Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775. Выберите подходящий вам и скачайте его бесплатно.
Версия | Обновление | Операционная система | Описание | |
3.61a | 05.02.2010 | Windows 2000, Win98, WinME, WinXP | SiS 651 /661FX /650 /650GX /650GL |
Скачать |
Beta | 05.02.2010 | WinXP x64 | SiS VGA |
Скачать 10.70 Мб |
Beta 3.70 | 05.02.2010 | Windows 2003, WinXP, WinXP x64 | SiS 651 /661FX /650 /650GX /650GL |
Скачать |
ATA драйвер
Драйвера для использования функций ATA материнской платы Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775. Выберите подходящий вам и скачайте его бесплатно.
Версия | Обновление | Операционная система | Описание | |
2.04a | 05.02.2010 | Windows 2000, Win98, WinME, WinXP | SiS IDE |
Скачать |
Драйвер звуковой карты
Драйвера для настройки звука материнской платы Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775. Выберите подходящий вам и скачайте его бесплатно.
Версия | Обновление | Операционная система | Описание | |
---|---|---|---|---| | 05.02.2010 | Windows 2000, Win98, WinME, WinXP, WinXP x64 | Realtek AC97 Driver |
Скачать |
Драйвер чипсета
Драйвера для настройки чипсета материнской платы Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775. Выберите подходящий вам и скачайте его бесплатно.
Версия | Обновление | Операционная система | Описание | |
Beta 1.21 | 05.02.2010 | Windows 2003, WinXP, WinXP x64 | SiS AGP |
Скачать |
1.17e | 05.02.2010 | Windows 2000, Win98, WinME, WinXP | SiS AGP |
Скачать |
Сетевой драйвер
Драйвера для настройки сети на Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775. Выберите подходящий вам и скачайте его бесплатно.
Версия | Обновление | Операционная система | Описание | |
Beta 1.18 | 05.02.2010 | Windows 2003 | SiS PCI LAN |
Скачать |
1.16b | 05.02.2010 | Windows 2000, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinXP | SiS PCI LAN |
Скачать |
Драйвер для SATA и RAID
Драйвера для использования функций SATA и RAID материнской платы Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775. Выберите подходящий вам и скачайте его бесплатно.
Версия | Обновление | Операционная система | Описание | |
4.00a | 05.02.2010 | Windows 2000 / 2003 / 2003 x64, WinXP, WinXP x64 | SiS 964 SATA |
Скачать |
Не нашли нужный тип драйвера для материнской платы Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775?
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Мы вам поможем!
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Настоятельно рекомендуется всегда использовать драйвер Gigabyte GA-8S661FXM-775 самой последней
версии из доступных. Не забывайте время от времени проверять наличие обновлений на нашем сайте.
Официальные драйвера для похожих моделей материнской платы Gigabyte
Рынок аудио-решений сегодня разросся настолько сильно, что простому обывателю, желающему получить качественный звук за приемлемые деньги приходится несладко.
Пользователи, относящиеся к категории моддеров, то есть тех, кто с удовольствием модифицирует внешний вид своих ПК, используют массу непривычных материалов и комплектующих, для создания уникальных компьютеров.
Компьютеры, Интернет, мобильная связь – эти понятия крепко вошли в нашу повседневную жизнь и сейчас уже невозможно представить, как мы раньше без них обходились.
«WOW! Finally my PC got up to speed!» Melany Kim 7/18/2016
Our main support OS are: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, and Windows 8.
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x Driver Details:
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x File Name:
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x Driver Version: 91824VgN2
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x ZIP Size: 124.kb
Manufacturer: Gigabyte
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x was fully scanned at: 10/6/2023
Scan Status: OK
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x now has a special edition for these Windows versions: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit,, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8,
Windows 10 Home 32bit, Windows 7 Starter 64bit, Windows 10 Team 64bit, Windows 10 32bit, Windows RT 32bit, Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit, Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 32bit, Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit, Windows 10 S 64bit,
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x Download Stats:
Driver Uploaded: 1/16/2019
Direct Downloads: 432
Most Recent Download: 11/20/2019
Managed Downloads: 432
Most Recent Download: 11/3/2019
Download Mirrors: 3
Current Delay: 21 Seconds
Driver License: Free
Direct Download Success Stats:
Reports Issued By 227/432 Users
Success Reported By 210/227 Users
Driver Download Score92/100
Driver Installation Score89/100
Overall preformance Score88/100
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x driver direct download was reported as adequate by a large percentage of our reporters, so it should be good to download and install.
Installation Manager Success Stats:
Reports Issued By 322/432 Users
Success Reported By 315/322 Users
Driver Download Score91/100
Driver Installation Score92/100
Overall preformance Score95/100
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x driver installation manager was reported as very satisfying by a large percentage of our reporters, so it is recommended to download and install.
1. Direct Download
Select your OS and press «Download».
This option requires basic OS understanding.
Select Your Operating System, download zipped files, and then proceed to
manually install them.
Recommended if Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x is the only driver on your PC you wish to update.
2. Driver Installation Manager
This option requires no OS understanding.
Automatically scans your PC for the specific required version of Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x + all other outdated drivers, and installs them all at once.
Please help us maintain a helpfull driver collection.
After downloading and installing Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x, or the driver installation manager, take a few minutes to send us a report:
* Only registered users can upload a report.
Don’t have a password?
Please register, and get one.
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function
These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*
*Scans were performed on computers suffering from Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x disfunctions.
Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: ECS BAT-MINI — Windows 7 64 bit
Outdated or Corrupted drivers:4/17
Device/Driver | Status | Status Description | Updated By Scanner |
Motherboards | |||
Microsoft ATI I/O Communications Processor PCI Bus Controller | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Mice And Touchpads | |||
Elo TouchSystems Elo Serial Touchmonitor Interface | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Microsoft Microsoft Express Mouse (Mouse and Keyboard Center) | Corrupted By Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x | ||
Usb Devices | |||
Samsung SAMSUNG_Android_SGH-T999 | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Sound Cards And Media Devices | |||
AVerMedia AVerMedia A373 MiniCard Dual DVB-T | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Motorola Motorola SM56 Speakerphone Modem | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Network Cards | |||
Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Keyboards | |||
Microsoft HID Keyboard | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Hard Disk Controller | |||
Intel(R) 82801BA Ultra ATA Storage Controller — 244B | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Others | |||
Texas Instruments Dispositivo compatible con HID | Outdated | ||
Texas Instruments Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Integrated FlashMedia Controller | Outdated | ||
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners | |||
Canon Canon MG5300 series | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Video Cards | |||
ATI ATI Technologies, Inc. 3D RAGE PRO AGP 2X | Corrupted By Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x | ||
Input Devices | |||
KME Dispositivo de interfaz humana USB | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Port Devices | |||
MediaTek MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM51) | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Monitors | |||
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices | |||
Acer NOKIA | Up To Date and Functioning |
Scan performed on 4/26/2019, Computer: Toshiba Dynabook Qosmio G10/390LS — Windows 7 32 bit
Outdated or Corrupted drivers:4/19
Device/Driver | Status | Status Description | Updated By Scanner |
Motherboards | |||
Intel(R) Thunderbolt(TM) Controller — 156C | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Mice And Touchpads | |||
VMware VMware USB Pointing Device | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Usb Devices | |||
Cambridge Silicon Radio HP Integrated Bluetooth module | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Hewlett-Packard HP Officejet 6500 E710a-f (REST) | Corrupted By Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x | ||
Intel USB Device | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Sound Cards And Media Devices | |||
Syntek USB 2.0 Video Capture Controller | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
C-Media Standardgameport | Outdated | ||
NVIDIA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Network Cards | |||
TP-LINK TP-LINK 300Mbps Wireless N Adapter | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Keyboards | |||
Microsoft Keyboard Device Filter | Corrupted By Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x | ||
Hard Disk Controller | |||
Intel(R) ESB2 SATA AHCI Controller | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Others | |||
Texas Instruments Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Integrated FlashMedia Controller | Outdated | ||
AuthenTec TouchChip Fingerprint Coprocessor (WBF advanced mode) | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners | |||
Canon Canon MP495 ser | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Video Cards | |||
ATI RADEON X300 Series | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Input Devices | |||
Logitech Logitech Optical Tilt Wheel Mouse | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Port Devices | |||
MediaTek MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM51) | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Monitors | |||
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices | |||
Acer NOKIA | Up To Date and Functioning |
Driver Model | OS | Original Upload Date | Last Modification | Driver File | File Size | Compatible Computer Models | Availabilty To Instalation Manager |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 802.170 | For Windows 7 32 bit | 7/21/2015 | 2/19/2017 | zajvzobkq-802.170.exe | 78kb | Sony VPCEB4E9R, IBM IBM eServer x3105 -[434722G, Gateway S2.WNB03.004, LG R490-K.AFE3BZ, WIPRO WSG59355W7S-0014, NEC PC-BL350DW6B, IBM 23795VU, Prosys Prosys, Gateway 6020GZ, Lenovo ThinkPad SL500c, Dell Vostro 1320, HP EY906AA-ABZ, IBM 2673CXG, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 80249 | For Windows 7 64 bit | 6/9/2014 | 8/1/2016 | xdtziafft-80249.exe | 113kb | LG T1-5224A3, Itautec Infoway w7730, Fujitsu FMVU75HRG, Seneca Pro38611, HP EJ254AA-ABF w5269.f, IBM IBM eServer 206m -[8485PEE, HP HP PAVILION DV6000, Fujitsu FMVD70BNB7, Packard Bell IMEDIA 9206, Sony VPCF132FX, Sony VGN-CS60B_Q, Sony VGN-SZ17SP_C, ASUS CM5425, NEC PC-VY16AEDAMFL2, LG RB380-A.AFLGL, HP DT212A-ABU M487.UK, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 81.1087 | For Windows 7 | 9/9/2016 | 7/23/2016 | swulhevuu-81.1087.exe | 168kb | HP GG625AA-UUW, Sony VPCEF22FX, Lenovo ThinkCentre M71e, Intel Test Product, IBM 4838137, HP P6747ch-m, Fujitsu FMVNFC60H, EMachines EL1200-06w, Sony VGN-NW250D, HP VC758AA-ABZ p6120it, NEC PC-VJ20ERZE1, HP PS135AA-ABY, Epson AT970-KD2, Fujitsu FMVNA1S3E, HP PW665AA-ACJ a815i, HP RA956AA-ABH, HP HP Compaq dc7900 Convertible Microtowe, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 81.1800 | For Windows 10 | 3/9/2016 | 9/22/2016 | dlenaxcwd-81.1800.exe | 188kb | Lenovo ThinkPad L512, IBM 184469U, Packard Bell IXMM5740, HP GL318AA-B1U, Fujitsu FMVNFD75B, HP HP ProBook 6555b, Acer Aspire 8943, IBM BladeCenter HS22 -[7870B4U, LG LW70-JJKG, Gigabyte P35-S3, Sony VGN-A290, HP HP Compaq nx8220, Gateway GT5228J, Extracomputer D3128-B2, HP CQ1160FRm, Zoostorm 7010-0064E, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 80982.1 | For Windows 10 64 bit | 4/2/2015 | 11/11/2016 | psjcxcijs-80982.1.exe | 97kb | Compaq PW783AA-ACJ SR1425IL FD440, WIPRO WNBOBM4901-0022, Toshiba SATELLITE C855D-122, Gateway DX4300, Samsung 900X3F, NEC Express5800/54We [N8000-246, ASUS L8400F series Notebook PC, Toshiba SATELLITE C855-18G, Fujitsu FMVNFD70RC, Toshiba Dynabook TX/77MWHYD, Toshiba NB100/HF, NEC PC-VY17MRFEAEH1, Lenovo ThinkCentre M90z, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 80902.1 | For Windows 7 32 bit | 6/25/2015 | 10/27/2016 | zfcildpvt-80902.1.exe | 82kb | HP KY731AA-AKL a6784l, Sony VGN-FW45MJ_B, IBM 1860WR7, Notebook MIM2300, WIPRO WSG48355W7-0023, HP Compac Presario CQ57 Notebook PC, Sony VPCZ12X9R, HP HP Pavilion dv5, Sony VGN-TZ33_B, MSI MS-6711, Lenovo ThinkCentre A70, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 81.11.149 | For Windows 7 64 bit | 1/6/2015 | 9/8/2016 | zrdmdvkyg-81.11.149.exe | 52kb | IBM 2672CBE, Packard Bell EasyNote_MX37-V-058NL, Gigabyte EP41-US3L, Sony VPCW211AD, HP C9700, Lenovo ThinkCentre M71e, LG R500-U.CPCIT, Acer TM6595, Itautec Infoway w7730, NEC EASYNOTE PB41Q00006, Sony SVF15215SNB, Sony VGN-FW190CU, Lenovo 7359W4B, Sony VPCZ12X9R, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 82839 | For Windows 7 | 3/8/2016 | 8/13/2016 | fefrkseqd-82839.exe | 71kb | Packard Bell IMEDIA J9004, WIPRO WSG37455W7-0092, HP 3639, HP KE530AA-ABD a6212de, HP Pavilion ze5700, Fujitsu FMVLX70SDG, Packard Bell IMEDIA 6556, HP HPE-280jp, NEC PC-MJ30XRZJDU83, Sony VGN-CR510D, Compaq Presario 1201EA 470019-012, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 80202.1 | For Windows 10 | 5/15/2016 | 2/24/2017 | uptaivklt-80202.1.exe | 164kb | IBM 2724NM0, IBM ThinkPad X40, Dell Vostro 1550, LG R470-K.AR85L, IBM 8215WBM, AnabelleB Argyle M292, NEC PC-GL16MG1R9, NEC MS-6303, HP GG685AA-ABF a6117.f, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 8342.14 | For Windows 10 64 bit | 10/11/2014 | 11/16/2016 | zltbyhexc-8342.14.exe | 110kb | HP WK697AA-ABD p6329de, Toshiba SATELLITE C660-1VR, Packard Bell EASYNOTE PB62S00106, Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t, Fujitsu FMVNB5Y3, HP S5-1028hk, LG LW75-P333, NEC VERSAL2101 RNB31065295, Sony PCG-K35, HP Pavilion ze5400, HP DW225A-ABE, Sony VPCF13WFX, HP 700-015eg, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 80972.1 | For Windows 8 | 11/7/2014 | 2/16/2017 | uvphkewca-80972.1.exe | 133kb | Dell Vostro 1320, HP EY906AA-ABZ, IBM 2673CXG, MiTAC 9008D, HP RR492AA-ABE, Toshiba PORTEGE M750, HP DK320A-ABA A206X, Acer Aspire X5900, Panasonic CF-W8FWDAJS, HP NC047AA-ABU s3714uk, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 81.1493 | For Windows 7 32 bit | 6/27/2014 | 2/3/2017 | ujlzvgads-81.1493.exe | 66kb | Lenovo ThinkCentre A58e, VMware VMware7,1, Shuttle SB83V10, Compaq FQ552AA-ABA SR5616F, Packard Bell IXTREME MC 9740, HP KT394AA-AB4 S3580D, Sony VGN-NW238F, Leading Edge LECQ43SOHO, Packard Bell PBIPGX, HP PC106A-ABA a610, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 8271.11.1 | For Windows 7 64 bit | 11/14/2015 | 1/4/2017 | mqmixocwl-8271.11.1.exe | 168kb | Toshiba SATELLITE C870-12E, Fujitsu FPC06010AK, HP HP Compaq nc2400, Samsung SM50S, Dell BlackfordESB2, HP HP Compaq nx7300, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 81.1089 | For Windows 7 | 3/27/2016 | 10/9/2016 | bhgzpkghi-81.1089.exe | 26kb | ASUS 1001PQ, Lenovo ThinkPad SL410, Toshiba SATELLITE C855-1LC, MSW GmbH & Co. KG Intel DP55WB, Dell OptiPlex 330, LG S525-GF4WKN, LG B75PS.AS5MB1D, Compaq Presario 1201EA 470019-012, SAMSUN 305U1A/305U1A, Compaq Presario 7RPM11 195749-999, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 82664 | For Windows 10 | 5/6/2016 | 9/13/2016 | oglqjpjjo-82664.exe | 192kb | SIEMENS SIMATIC IPC647C PROFINET, LG R490-KR7WK, Notebook MIM 2270, HP PX679AA-B1U, HP PX568AA-ABY, IBM 819437U, Epson Endeavor NY3300S, HP NC047AA-ABU s3714uk, Compaq RZ569AA-ABZ SR5039IT, LG P210-GE2PK, Toshiba Dynabook T552/36FBK, Lenovo 209022U, Lenovo 7359W4B, Panasonic CF-30CASCZBM, HP GX610AAR-ABA m9180f, , and more. | |
Gigabyte Ga 8s661fxm 775 Rev 1.x 81.1966 | For Windows 10 64 bit | 5/14/2015 | 10/2/2016 | uhavtfngr-81.1966.exe | 163kb | HP KJ357AA-B14, Toshiba Satellite A100-999, Fujitsu FPC03051DN, HP Compaq 516, Fujitsu FMVNB18C, Acer Aspire5740, Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E530c, HASEE U147, Gateway 310 2900297, IBM 842777G, Sony SVE15128CGS, MSI MS-1727, NEC NEC POWERMATE S2100-006, HP AW010AAR-ABA p6210t, Fujitsu D2178-A1, IBM 814338G, , and more. |
Files 19
- Operating system
- Windows XP
- Windows ME
- Windows 2000
- Windows 98
- Version
- Operating system
- Windows XP
- Windows ME
- Windows 2000
- Windows 98
- Operating system
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows XP
- Version
- Operating system
- Windows XP
- Windows ME
- Windows 2000
- Windows 98
- Operating system
- Windows Server 2003
- Operating system
- Windows XP
- Windows ME
- Windows 2000
- Windows 98
- Windows NT
- Operating system
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows XP
- Windows 2000
- Version
- Operating system
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows XP
- Version
- Operating system
- Windows XP
- Windows ME
- Windows 2000
- Windows 98
- Operating system
- Windows XP
- Version
- Operating system
- Unknown OS
- Operating system
- Unknown OS
- Operating system
- Unknown OS
- Operating system
- Unknown OS
- Operating system
- Unknown OS
- Operating system
- Unknown OS
- Operating system
- Unknown OS
- Operating system
- Unknown OS
- Operating system
- Unknown OS