Ghost spectre windows 10 отзывы


все сборки залупа ебанная, я че не ставил, везде то ошибки, то какой то хуйни нет, проще поставить оригинал и уже там под себя все сделать


Развернуть ветку



В ней ты не ебешься, как на бомжосборках.


Развернуть ветку

Hickey House

Только приблуды по телеметрии и Xbox от широкого Фила надо выключить


Развернуть ветку


Ну… все это отрубается ручками. Зато надежнее, потому что ты четко знаешь, что делаешь и для чего.


Развернуть ветку


А что простите такого в сборках, что кто то вообще их рассматривает как вариант?


Развернуть ветку

Аккаунт удален

Комментарий недоступен


Развернуть ветку


Ты будешь удивлен, но до сих пор есть люди, у которых старые ПК с 4 или даже страшно сказать с 2 ГБ оперативной памяти.


Развернуть ветку

Аккаунт удален

Комментарий недоступен


Развернуть ветку


Почему? Как раз таки для таких пользователей этот вопрос наиболее актуален.
К примеру, у меня производительный ПК, и я не заморачиваюсь увеличением скорости запуска на 0,5 с или снижения потребления оперативной памяти. Но если у тебя «древний» ПК, а нужно ставить windows 10 (т.к. браузеры, обновления и прочие причины) — то лучше, на мой взгляд, попробовать заморочиться со сборкой.


Развернуть ветку

Аккаунт удален

Комментарий недоступен


Развернуть ветку


Если у тебя древний ПК и нужно поставить win 10, то нужно раздобыть комп получше, потому что на 2гб оперативы тебе больше ничто не поможет.


Развернуть ветку


Ну типа всё ненужное\вредное выброшено и отключено, все обновления установлены и прочее…


Развернуть ветку

Hickey House

В них кармическая неразрывная связь с windows xp и мифическими зверями


Развернуть ветку


Лет 20 назад имело смысл. Можно было найти систему уже настроенную чтобы она на некро компе работала. Например под 2 гига оперативы уже урезанная.
Сейчас 0 смысла.


Развернуть ветку


Мне кажется проще зайти в сервисы, и поотключать ненужное самому (в крайнем случае почитать описание там же, что за что отвечает). Я таким образом на планшете добился винды в 700мб в ОЗУ, было 1200. Оптимизировал 40%, получается. Как ни странно, работало всё что нужно (на трансформере всего 2гб рамы)


Развернуть ветку

Gray Brevis

Я сам за тот же подход, но можно идти и от обратного. Поставить tiny10/11 или ghost spectre и устанавливать компоненты по необходимости. Естественно, надо понимать что делаешь.
Кстати, винда периодически может заново подрубать отключенные сервисы, поэтому лучше их не отключать, а переводить на ручной запуск.


Развернуть ветку


Ну поставишь ты Васянчкую сборку, а что потом, будет лазить по форумам ища проблемы, на тему «а почему у меня игра не запускается» к примеру.


Развернуть ветку

Gray Brevis

Лол, ну и вопросы.
Если тебе нужна сборка — ставь сборку.
Нужен оригинальный образ — ставь его.


Развернуть ветку


Недавно переставляв седьмую винду, соблазнился на вроде бы хорошую сборку — по итогу огреб проблемы с флешками, которые невозможно было безопасно извлечь и приходилось гасить комп, чтоб не повредить данные. Ну и прикрепление ярлыков в панель быстрого запуска поломалось, так что нюансы есть… С другой стороны, резко улучшилось быстродействие и заработали игры и рабочие программы, которые на старой засранной семерке не работали.


Развернуть ветку

Аккаунт удален

Комментарий недоступен


Развернуть ветку


На мой Core2Duo десятка не встанет — ну и пачка еще не пройденных старых игр, которые купил в Стиме и ГоГ-е под десяткой не заработают, либо будут сильно глючить, судя по комментам пользователей.


Развернуть ветку

Аккаунт удален

Комментарий недоступен


Развернуть ветку

Hickey House

Всё ещё нормальный проц для старых игр. Ну вы знаете, когда внутриигровое время привязано к тактовой частоте процессора


Развернуть ветку

Аккаунт удален

Комментарий недоступен


Развернуть ветку


Успевай до 24 пробежать олдовые игрушки, купленные в стиме, тк стим с 24 года перестанет на 7ках робить


Развернуть ветку


Да, я уже в курсе, прокомментировал эту новость:


Развернуть ветку


Нормально, аккумулятор большой и держит заряд очень долго.


Развернуть ветку


Человек в недавней теме утверждал, что установщик десятки его сходу послал нахрен на Core2Duo, мол каких-то инструкций у процессора не хватает.


Развернуть ветку


Кстати, на 11ке кор2дуо у меня быстрее работал чем на 10, но всё ещё плохо, да.


Развернуть ветку


Ставь сборки, если только собираешь их сам и знаешь, что делаешь. А так мало ли, что там нахуеверчено и не указано в описании. Если уж очень не хочется тащить мелкомягкую блоатварь — ищи и ставь чистую LTSC, но опять же если понимаешь все особенности такого решения


Развернуть ветку


Если любишь когда тебя без спроса в любой момент могут выебать в жепу чем угодно, то сборка.


Развернуть ветку


Только сборку windows embedded compact


Развернуть ветку

Hickey House

В чем прикол? Всё обрезано для функции показа картинки?


Развернуть ветку


Не знаю, но ноутбук на 4500u начал новую жизнь. На 10 у него тормозило все, что возможно.


Развернуть ветку

Кот Шрёдингера

Ты чооооо, конечно оригинал, сборка это только для школоты, которой мамка кампутер для учебы купила


Развернуть ветку



Спасибо за ответы.


Развернуть ветку

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  • #1

Hey all!

So I came across a Windows 10 custom ISO that has a lot of the bloatware and other stuff removed, goes by the name of Ghost Spectre. Having done some initial research seems to look pretty legit. In that it only removes a lot of the bloaty stuff that comes with windows.

Anyone had any experience with this?


  • NightHawkRMX


Don’t download questionable installs like that. They could have loaded in stuff you do not want.

Get a legitimate Windows 10, install it, and remove the excess stuff yourself.

A lot of this work can be done via powershell, some can be done elsewhere simply by uninstalling programs in settings.


Mar 16, 2013




  • #2

Hey all!

So I came across a Windows 10 custom ISO that has a lot of the bloatware and other stuff removed, goes by the name of Ghost Spectre. Having done some initial research seems to look pretty legit. In that it only removes a lot of the bloaty stuff that comes with windows.

Anyone had any experience with this?

Why not a REAL Windows 10, and YOU remove the stuff you don’t want?

I certainly wouldn’t go with this ‘lite’ thing.
What is in there you don’t know about?


  • #3

Why not a REAL Windows 10, and YOU remove the stuff you don’t want?

I certainly wouldn’t go with this ‘lite’ thing.
What is in there you don’t know about?

I feel like it’s a lot harder to remove a lot of the «built in» stuff that is pretty hardwired in there. You can continue to update and everything on this version, it just seems like a lot of the background bloaty stuff is removed.

«What is in there you don’t know about? «

What do you mean? Thanks :)



Mar 16, 2013




  • #4

They removed stuff. Nothing you can’t do on your own, and likely doesn’t help anything anyway.

Did they add anything? Malware, keyloggers, etc…


  • #5

They removed stuff. Nothing you can’t do on your own, and likely doesn’t help anything anyway.

Did they add anything? Malware, keyloggers, etc…

Oh, it also has a significantly smaller file footprint. Oh I see what you mean, its pretty popular, haven’t seen anything in regards to that, but you are right.

How would I go about getting a lot of the stuff out myself?


Mar 16, 2013




  • #6

Oh, it also has a significantly smaller file footprint. Oh I see what you mean, its pretty popular, haven’t seen anything in regards to that, but you are right.

How would I go about getting a lot of the stuff out myself?

Depends what you consider «bloatware» and what you want to remove.


Jan 1, 2018




  • #7

Don’t download questionable installs like that. They could have loaded in stuff you do not want.

Get a legitimate Windows 10, install it, and remove the excess stuff yourself.

A lot of this work can be done via powershell, some can be done elsewhere simply by uninstalling programs in settings.

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Windows 10 is among the best operating system to use. It has the right mix of every feature you need.

It is a bit heavy for old PCs and laptops. Also, its updates are infamous for breaking things out of nowhere. So not everyone is fond of it and may feel out of place.

Don’t worry, as you can get all the features minus the problems. Just download Ghost Spectre Windows 10 and install it on your PC.

Ghost Spectre Windows 10 is a Superlite modded version of Windows 10 OS.

You can install it on a low-end PC with 2 GB RAM and 10 GB space. Along with that, it is pretty good for gaming as you get more RAM for your games instead of the bloatware.

We have listed the best links to download Ghost Spectre 10 Superlite in 64-bit and 32-bit architecture. The latter is ideal for computers with under 4 GB RAM.

And once you have downloaded the Spectre 10 ISO, we have also mentioned a step-by-step tutorial to install it right away.

Table Of Contents

  • Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10
    • How to extract Ghost Spectre Windows 10 ISO?
    • Ghost Spectre Windows 10 OS Requirements
    • Spectre 10 Superlite Features
  • Install Ghost Spectre Windows 10 from ISO
    • A. Make Ghost Spectre Windows 10 bootable
    • B. Install Ghost Spectre Windows 10 OS from ISO
    • Install apps on Spectre 10 using Ghost Toolbox
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Will it work with 4 GB RAM PC?
    • How to Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10?
    • Can you download Windows 10 Updates?
    • Make the Best of Spectre 10 on PC
Windows Version Ghost Spectre Windows 10 – x64 bit
Size 3.46GB
Edition Superlite, Compact, includes Defender, without defender
Download Button Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10
Password aiou10
Windows Version Ghost Spectre Windows 10 – x64 bit
Size 3.44GB
Edition Superlite, Compact, includes Defender, without defender
Download Button Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10
Password aiou09 / aiou9
Windows Version Ghost Spectre Windows 10 – x86 bit
Size 2.5GB
Version 21H1 – Compact Windows 10 Pro
Edition Superlite, Compact, includes Defender, without defender
Download Button Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10
Password Not needed

1. Install 7zip on your PC.

2. Add .zip to the end of the ISO file name.

Download Spectre 10

3. Right-click on the Spectre 10 ISO file and head to 7zip > Extract Files to extract the files.

Download Spectre 10

4. Set a location for your extracted Spectre 10 files, then enter the password as we have mentioned, and then click OK.

Download Spectre Windows 10

Ghost Spectre Windows 10 OS Requirements

RAM 2 GB (minimum); 4 GB (recommended)
Space 10 GB (minimum); 20 GB (recommended)
Processor Dual Core (two cores)

If you plan on gaming on Ghost Spectre 10 then I would suggest adding more RAM and storage space to the mix.

Recent Update Notes

07/23/2023 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 10
– Update OS Build 1904X.3208
– Update Defender Engine
– Update StartIsBack

06/25/2023 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 9
– Update OS Build 1904X.3086
– Update Defender Engine
– Update StartIsBack for SE
– Disabled Search Highlights Taskbar for S/SE

Spectre 10 Superlite Features

– Compact with LZX algorithm.
– Forced .NET Framework versions: 4.0, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8.
– No unnecessary software (Bloatware-free).
– Enhanced optimization for Pagefile, Services, Scheduled tasks, and Search Indexer.
– Features privacy and performance optimization settings.
– Introducing Ghost Toolbox: Customize Windows features, including adding or removing the Windows Store.
– Multilingual support with various keyboard options.
– Compatible with UWP Games and Apps, e.g., Forza, GOW, and more.
– Original drivers available to use
– Allows updates to recent Windows 10 builds like version 2004, 2009, and 21H1.
– Option to pause Windows updates until the year 2050.
– Ghost Custom Bootable with WPE.
– Windows 10 themes and icon packs are included

Install Ghost Spectre Windows 10 from ISO

You can quickly install Ghost Spectre Windows 10 on your computer by following the tutorial provided below.

Follow the instructions, and the installation should take between ten to thirty minutes, based on your storage speed.

A. Make Ghost Spectre Windows 10 bootable

If you are thinking of getting Ghost Spectre 11 on your PC, it is not as simple as just launching the setup from the ISO.

First, you will need to create a bootable media. That will be used to install Spectre 10 on your PC.

And in order to do that, you will need a free bootable creator app like Rufus. It will help you create Spectre 10 bootable and ready to install.

1. Launch Rufus after plugging a flash drive with at least 6 GB of space.

Note – Your flash drive’s data will be deleted so back it up before starting this process.

2. Select the flash drive from the Device option that you will use for Spectre 10 bootable.

Download Spectre Windows 10

3. Click Select and import your Ghost Spectre Windows 10 ISO.

Download Spectre Windows 10

4. Assign a name to your Spectre 10 bootable drive. Or, you can leave it to Rufus which names it same as the ISO.

While you can name it anything, it would be better to pick something easily identifiable, especially if you are using a machine with multiple drives connected.

Download Spectre Windows 10

5. Next, click the Start button to initiate the bootable process. Within a few minutes, it will be complete and you will see a confirmation message.

Download Spectre Windows 10

Press the Pause – You can install Spectre 10 on an existing partition. But if you want a separate partition then learn to create a partition before moving forward.

B. Install Ghost Spectre Windows 10 OS from ISO

You can easily install Ghost Spectre 10 on your PC when you are following the tutorial at each step.

Don’t worry, you can do it on your own and it will take under twenty minutes.

First, you need to find the boot menu key for your computer that shows the list of devices it can start from.

For our purpose, we will use this boot menu key to start the computer from the flash drive we made. This will let us install the Ghost Spectre 10 Windows Superlite.

Below is a list of these boot menu keys for popular computer and laptop brands.


Brand Boot Menu Key
Acer F12
Dell F12
Lenovo F8, F10, F12


Motherboard Brand Boot Menu Key
Gigabyte F12
Intel F10
ASRock F8, F11
Biostar F9

If your laptop or motherboard is from a brand not mentioned here, you can Google “model number+ boot menu key” and get the boot menu key from their official or any reliable website.

1. Restart the computer and press the boot menu key to select the Spectre 10 ISO.

2. Select your language for the setup and then click next.

Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10

3. Then select the Spectre 10 version which you want to install. We selected WIN10PRO + Superlite + Def which comes with Microsoft Defender.

This version essentially has no bloatware but has the essential security component to keep your PC secure.

Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10

4. After that, tick I accept the license terms and then Next to continue.

Download Spectre Windows 10

5. Select Custom: Install Windows Only (advanced) for a fresh OS installation on the computer.

Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10

6. Select the partition to install Specte Windows 10 and then click Next.

Download Spectre Windows 10

7. Now sit back and let Ghost Spectre Windows 10 Supterlite get installed on your computer. It will take anywhere between ten to thirty minutes, depending upon your storage speed.

Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10

8. After a couple of restarts, you will have to enter a password for your user account. You will have to enter this every time for logging into Spectre 10 so make sure to remember it.

Install Spectre Windows 10

9. And finally you will land on Windows 10 Superlite’s desktop. You will only find a handful of apps preinstalled here.

Download Spectre Windows 10 Superlite

Install apps on Spectre 10 using Ghost Toolbox

Ghost Spectre Windows 10 comes with the most basic apps, only the ones which are essential to the operating system. But you need certain apps as your daily driver.

Spectre 10 comes with a command tool utility that lets you install important apps. They also let you bring back certain elements that are removed from the OS by default.

1. Launch the Ghost Toolbar from the desktop shortcut.

Download Spectre Windows 10 Superlite

2. Now read the options and type the number of the app/driver/utility you want to install.

Then press enter to start the installation process as it will be downloaded and then installed on your PC.

Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it work with 4 GB RAM PC?

Yes, Ghost Spectre Windows 10 Superlite can run with 2 GB RAM. You can use it for day-to-day browser usage and consuming content such as TV shows, and movies.

How to Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10?

You can download Spectre Windows 10 using the links given above. All of them are in ISO format so you can either start the installation process directly or create a bootable.

Can you download Windows 10 Updates?

Yes, you will continue to receive Windows 10 updates via the official channel. You can also stop it via the Ghost toolbox.

Make the Best of Spectre 10 on PC

Anyone can download Spectre Windows 10 but getting the most of out it takes time.

Dive into the Ghost toolbox and you can personalize it the way you want. It has everything that you need to get the most of the Spectre 10.

  • SUPERLITE — Вырезаны ненужные службы и программы + сделаны настройки и твики системы. Рекоменудется для Steam Deck!

  • COMPACT — Вырезаны ненужные службы и программы. Настройки и твики системы не делались.

  • Заходим в Settings -> Time & Language -> Language & Region

  • В разделе Preferred languages нажимаем на Add language

  • В поиске находим Русский и нажимаем Next

  • Выбираем Language Pack и Set as my Windows display language, жмём Install

  • Ждём окончания установки и перезагружаемся

Создаём образ системы (Бэкап)

  • Заходим в Control Panel -> Backup and Restore (Windows 7)

  • Нажимаем Create a system image и выбираем диск куда сохранить бэкап

  • Жмём Next и Start backup

Восстанавливаем образ системы (Бэкап)

Для восстановления образа системы нам понадобится загрузочная флешка Ghost Spectre

  • Создаём загрузочную флешку (сд карту) с образом Ghost Spectre (веосия с WPE+) и загружаемся с неё (Так же как при установке Windows)

  • Когда образ загрузится нажимаем на иконку с плюсиком и Windows Recovery Tools

  • Выбираем язык (US) -> Troubleshoot -> See more recovery options -> System Image Recovery -> Windows 11

  • В следующем окне система предложит восстановить последний образ

  • Если у вас несколько образов, то заходим в Select a system image и выбираем нужный

  • Далее жмём Next -> Next -> Finish

  • Перезагружаем консоль

Last Updated: 20-Sept-2023; Updated all the download links for Ghost Spectre Windows 10.

Last Updated: 28-Mar-2023: Added a new Ghost Spectre Windows 10 AIO (All-in-one) version, that single ISO contains the last 5 major updates (22H2, 21H2, 21H1, 20H2, 20H1); you will get an option to choose from after the installation.

Fed up with those irritating Windows 10 updates? I think the answer is Yes, well don’t worry, most of us are fed of it.

In this article, we are going to show you a decent Windows build named Ghost Spectre Windows 10 Superlite Version, in which they truncated many unnecessary features so that any PC can take advantage of Windows 10 without worrying about the update, RAM limitation, or an old HDD with limited speed.

The developer community/group named Ghost Spectre is working hard and pushing the latest updates, but it is on you whether you want to update or not.

Also, Read: Ghost Spectre Windows 11 Superlite Version

Disclaimer: We don’t own any of the files; we are using the files available on the internet. This article is for educational purposes only. Don’t disturb anyone’s privacy without their permission. We, at TechLatest, cannot be held responsible for any loss.

Ghost Spectre Windows 10 Superlite is the modded version of the original Windows. Here modded only doesn’t refer to extra features but also truncated useful features for a normal user.

A group of developers is publishing a number of mods of Windows 10 without a ton of unnecessary features which took extra memory and space, making low-end PCs not run properly.

Check out their YouTube Channel for more info: Ghost Spectre

Features of Ghost Spectre Windows 10 Superlite

  • Compact Integrated + LZX (algorithm)
  • Forced .NET Framework 4.0/4.5/4.6/4.7/4.8
  • Bloatware FREE!!
  • Optimized Pagefile/Services/Scheduled/Search Indexer
  • Privacy Optimizations & Performance mode!
  • Ghost Toolbox! (Add or Remove Windows Store and Much More!)
  • Cortana Removes (You can add it back using Ghost Toolbox for WIN10 version 2004/2009)
  • Support Other Language & Keyboard
  • Support UWP Games / UWP Apps (ex. Forza/GOW/etc etc)
  • Stock Drivers is not removed
  • Ghost Custom Bootable with more features!
  • GhostDark Purple V2 Themes!
  • GHOST DARK (Full dark themes Beta Test)
  • Updatable (Can update to latest build windows10 version 2009/2004)
  • Windows update can be paused until 2030!


Tap on the image for full view.

Download Ghost Spectre Windows 10 Superlite Version

Win 10 AIO Version (22H2, 21H2, 21H1, 20H2, 20H1) (Stable Release) 64-Bit

  • Edition: Superlite, Compact, Without Defender
  • Build: 1904X.3208
  • Architecture: x64
  • Language: en-US
  • Size: 3.46 GB
  • Downloads:

Password (if required): aiou10
Last Updated: 23-July-2023
Extract Tools: 7zip, WinRAR

Having trouble extracting the ISO file? Here is how you can do it.


  • 07/23/2023 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 10
    • Update OS Build 1904X.3208
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Update StartIsBack
  • 06/25/2023 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 9
    • Update OS Build 1904X.3086
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Update StartIsBack for SE
    • Disabled Search Highlights Taskbar for S/SE

NOTE: You can use Ghost Toolbox to Enable/Disable Highlights. (OP1)

  • 04/15/2023 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 8
    • Update OS Build 1904X.2846
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Added Right Click Ghost Mode
  • 12/29/2022 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 7
    • Update OSbuild 1904X.2364
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Improved Tweak S/SE
    • Update StartIsBack for SE
    • Add Disk Genius (WPE+ Bootable)
    • Add Forgot Password (WPE+ Bootable)
  • 11/26/2022 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 6.2
    • Fixed Undoing changes while upgrade
    • Fixed Windows Login with Email
    • Update OSbuild 1904X.2311
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Improved Boot Startup
      NOTE: If you want to update this build in previous Windows please use this ISO to upgrade.
  • 11/06/2022 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 5
    • Update OSbuild 1904X.2194
    • Update Defender Engine
    • WPE+ Bootable (No more separate WPE/Normal Bootable now just in one ISO’s!)
    • WPE+ Bootable (Support Upgrade without losing data on any GhostSpectre Windows 10)
  • 08/16/2022 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 4.1
    • Added Windows 10 Version 22H2
    • Update OSbuild 1904X.1889
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Improved Tweak SE/SUPERLITE – Every a new account.
    • Improved Boot Startup
    • Normal Bootable SV2 – Can upgrade Without losing data
    • Windows Recovery included (winre)
    • Fixed Stuck on Wireless Screen on Compact/Compact + DEF (first installation)
      NOTE: Those who need compact/compact+def please re-download ISO update 4.1.
  • 07/22/2022 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 3
    • Update OSbuild 1904X.1862
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Improved Tweak SE/SUPERLITE
  • 06/17/2022 – AIO VERSION UPDATE 2
    • Update OSbuild 1904X.1766
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Security intelligence version 1.367.1647.0
  • 03/21/2022 – AIO VERSION
    • Update OSbuild 1904X.1618
    • Added Version 2004/2009/21H1/21H2
  • 12/03/2021 – UPDATE 6
    • Update OSbuild 19043.1387 / 19044.1387
    • Added Version 21H2
  • 09/17/2021 – UPDATE 5
    • Update OSbuild 19043.1237
    • Update Startisback 2.9.15 for SUPERLITE SE
    • Update Ghost Toolbox 1.9 rev11
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Security intelligence version: 1.349.841.0
    • Antimalware Client Version: 4.18.1909.6
    • Engine Version: 1.1.18500.10
    • Antivirus Version: 1.349.841.0
    • Antispyware Version: 1.349.841.0
  • 05/26/2021 – [UPDATE 4.1]
    • – nothing much changes
    • Just update startisback 2.9.13 for SUPERLITE SE
    • OS build 19043.1021 already fixed Valorant black icons on 21H1
  • 05/25/2021 – [UPDATE 4]
    • Fixed OEM  > DEL/LENOVO/ACER/HP Stuck on Screen “it’s taking a bit longer than expected” (SUPERLITE / SUPERLITE SE)
    • Startisback getting weird on SUPERLITE SE (21h1),  If you’re facing explorer crashing or etc please re-install Startisback version 2.9.13 or higher version.
  • 05/23/2021 – [UPDATE 3]
    • ISO Based on Public Version
    • Update OS build 19043.1021
    • Add Windows 10 Insider Preview Icon Themes
    • Update StartIsBack 2.9.12 for SUPERLITE SE
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Security intelligence version: 1.1339.1178.0
    • Antimalware Client Version: 4.18.2104.14
    • Engine Version: 1.1.18100.6
    • Antivirus Version: 1.339.1178.0
    • Antispyware Version: 1.339.1178.0
  • 05/06/2021
    • Fixed ISO for Normal Bootable cannot read the <ProductKey> setting from the unattended answer file.
  • 05/01/2021 – [UPDATE 2]
    • Update OSbuild 19043.964
    • Update StartIsBack 2.9.11 for SUPERLITE SE
    • Update Defender Engine
    • Antimalware Client Version: 4.18.2103.7
    • Engine Version: 1.1.18100.5
    • Antivirus Version: 1.337.214.0
    • Antispyware Version: 1.337.214.0
  • 04/10/2021
    • Update for Normal Bootable V2 (Device Drivers Bootable)
  • 04 Jan’2021
    • First Release Version 2009 (21H1) Release preview / (Full version 21h1 should be version 2103/2104)
Update(Pass) Build Download(s)
Update 9 (aiou9) 1904X.3086 Link 1, Link 2
Update 8 (aiou8) 1904X.2846 Link 1, Link 2
Update 7 (W10AIOUPDATE7) 1904X.2364 Link 1, Link 2

21H1 (2009) (Stable Release) 32-Bit

  • Edition: Superlite, Compact, Without Defender
  • Build: 19043.1021
  • Architecture: x86
  • Language: en-US
  • Size: 2.47 GB
  • Downloads:


  • 05/23/2021
    • ISO Based on Public Version
    • Update OSbuild 19043.1021
    • First release x86

20H2 (2009) 64-Bit

  • Edition: Superlite, Compact, Without Defender
  • Build: 19042.685
  • Architecture: x64
  • Language: en-US
  • Size: 2.63 GB
  • Downloads:


  • Update 2 – 27 Dec’20
    • Update OS build 19042.685
    • Added Superlite Special Edition
  • 20 Nov’20
    • First release version 2009

20H2 (2009) 32-Bit

  • Edition: Superlite, Compact, Without Defender
  • Build: 19042.630
  • Architecture: x86
  • Language: en-US
  • Size: 2.48 GB
  • Downloads:


  • 11/20/2020
    • First release version 2009


  • Edition: Superlite, Compact, Defender, All Windows Version
  • Build: 19041.630
  • Architecture: x64
  • Language: en-US
  • Downloads:


  • Update 8 – 26 Nov’2
    • Update OSbuild 19041.630
  • Update 7 – 10 Sept’20
    • Update OSbuild19041.508- GHOSTSPECTRE – DARK LIGHT PURPLE V2 (default themes)
    • Fixed Component Store Corruption
    • Startup Delay SET TO > 0
    • Pause Windows update until 2050 for Compact version
    • | Update Microsoft Defender
    • | Security intelligence version: 1.323.819.0
    • | Antimalware Client version: 4.18.1909.6
    • | Engine Version: 1.1.17400.5
    • | Antivirus Version: 1.323.819.0
    • | Antispyware Version: 1.323.819.0


  • Edition: Superlite, Compact, Defender
  • Build: 18363.1139
  • Architecture: x64
  • Language: en-US
  • Downloads:


  • Update 11 – 16 Oct’20
    • OS build 18363.1139
  • Update 11 – 15 Aug’20
    • OS build 18363.1016


  • Edition: Superlite, Compact, Without Defender, With Defender
  • Build: 16299.1992
  • Architecture: x64
  • Language: en-US
  • Downloads:


  • 6 Sept’20
    • First release version 1709 with the latest build


  • Edition: Superlite, Compact, Without Defender
  • Build: 19042.685
  • Architecture: x64
  • Language: en-US
  • Downloads:


  • Update 2 – 25 Sept’20
    • Fix shortcut Defender Signature Updates for Potato with Defender
    • Fix Tray icon can’t be left click for Extreme Potato [4] – [5]
  • 22 Sept’20
    • Potato Edition – 15063.2500 (end of service)

What’s not working on version 1703?

  • Some latest drivers / DCH driver
  • Some UWP games like Forza Horizon 4 / GOW4 and etc. etc (get version 2004/1909)
  • Some UWP Apps on Microsoft Store (get version 2004/1909)
  • Xbox Game Pass (get version 2004/1909)
  • This Windows version cannot be updated

What is working on this version 1703?

  • Steam games / Epicgames / Origin / Uplay / GOG / Etc etc
  • Photoshop / Any Software / etc/ Some latest/old driver

Install Ghost Spectre Windows 10 Superlite Version

There isn’t any new while installing Ghost Spectre Windows 10 Superlite Version on your PC. You are good to go if you are familiar with the normal clean installation steps.

Nevertheless, follow the below steps if you have any doubts about doing it:

  • Download Rufus to create the bootable media.
  • Open Rufus and create the bootable media by using the previously downloaded ISO File and a USB Drive.
  • After that, restart your PC, and while booting up, use one of the function keys to open the Windows Boot menu.
Brand Assigned Boot Menu Key
Acer F12
Asus Esc or F8
Dell F12
HP Esc or F9
Lenovo F12, F8, F10
Other Esc or F1-F12
  • Boot into Windows Boot Menu and select the bootable media.
  • Then the Windows logo will appear on the screen for a while; if you see the animated dots, it means everything is fine.
  • On the screen with the Ghost Spectre banner, click the Windows logo from the bottom bar.
Ghost Spectre Windows 10
  • Next, you will be asked to select your Language, and after configuring all these things, click Next.
Ghost Spectre Windows 10
  • Now, Windows 10 setup will ask you to enter the Product Key; if you have a Windows 10 product key, proceed to enter it. Otherwise, click “I don’t have a key” or “Do this later.”
  • Select your preferred version of Ghost Spectre Windows 10; a small description is provided, and click Next.
Ghost Spectre Windows 10
  • Click Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).
  • Select the drive and then click Next. [If there are multiple partitions, select each from the bottom, then click to delete until only one unallocated drive is left]
  • Select the unallocated drive list, and Click New > Apply > OK.
  • Select the Primary partition from multiple partitions, and click Next.
Ghost Spectre Windows 10
  • Just wait for a few seconds while Windows install.
Ghost Spectre Windows 10
  • When all this setup completes, Windows will reboot into the setup automatically.
  • After this, Windows will detect and install hardware and restart for the last time.
  • Once you are on the desktop for the first time, you will get an option to choose the OS version (22H2, 21H2, 21H1, 20H2, 20H1), type the number in the box and click OK.
GH Win 10 AIO Window
  • After a restart, the OS will be fully functional.


Will it work with 4 GB RAM PC?

It will absolutely work with your PC with 4 GB RAM; choose either the 1709 or 1909 build and you are good to go.

What will happen to my Windows 10 license?

The license will be overridden by the new Ghost Spectre Windows 10, so we will suggest you extract Windows 10 license and save it somewhere.

Will I be able to use the Windows 10 Updater?

No, you will not be able to use the default Windows 10 updater; you can check this page for the latest updates, download the iso file, and update from it.

Final Words

That was it; we have gathered everything about the Ghost Spectre Windows 10 edition, download it and enjoy a perfect Windows 10 on your low-end PCs.

Please let us know if I missed anything in the comment section, and we will add it ASAP.

Peace 😉

Further Reading:

  • How to Partition an External Hard Disk in Windows 10
  • How to Create Undeletable Folders in Windows 10
  • How to Control Windows 10 from an Android Smartphone
  • How to Use 2 Speakers to Play Audio in Windows 10 Simultaneously
  • How to Fix Your Windows License Will Expire Soon Error in Windows 10

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TechLatest (*, * is in compliance with 17 U.S.C. * 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Our policy is to respond to any infringement notices and take appropriate action. We don’t own any of the material posted in this article. If your copyrighted material has been posted on the site and you want this material removed, Contact us.

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