Gfwl games for windows live

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Games for Windows – Live or GFWL was an online gaming service used by Games for Windows–branded PC titles that enables Windows PCs to connect to Microsoft’s Live service.

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November 4, 2021
Works on Windows 10

Thanks, now I can play DiRT 2 again!






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Games for Windows Live (GFWL) — это платформа для игр, разработанная компанией Microsoft. Она позволяет пользователям играть в онлайн-игры, общаться с друзьями и получать достижения. Однако с выпуском Windows 10 Microsoft прекратила поддержку GFWL, что стало проблемой для многих геймеров.

Тем не менее, существуют способы запустить GFWL на Windows 10. В этой статье мы подробно рассмотрим несколько методов, которые помогут вам снова наслаждаться своими любимыми играми.

Перед тем, как приступить, следует отметить, что эти методы могут не сработать в случае некорректной установки или отсутствия необходимых компонентов на вашем компьютере.


  1. Скачайте Games for Windows Live
  2. Установите Games for Windows Live
  3. Запустите Games for Windows Live
  4. Войдите в свой аккаунт Games for Windows Live
  5. Обновите Games for Windows Live
  6. Запустите игру с помощью Games for Windows Live

Скачайте Games for Windows Live

Перед тем, как запустить Games for Windows Live (GFWL) в Windows 10, вам необходимо скачать программу GFWL с официального сайта Microsoft.

Шаги по скачиванию Games for Windows Live:

  1. Откройте браузер и перейдите на официальный сайт Microsoft.
  2. Найдите раздел «Games for Windows Live» и перейдите на страницу загрузки.
  3. На странице загрузки выберите язык и нажмите на кнопку «Скачать».
  4. Согласитесь с условиями лицензионного соглашения и нажмите на кнопку «Согласен».
  5. Сохраните установочный файл на ваш компьютер.

После завершения скачивания вы можете продолжить с установкой Games for Windows Live на компьютере.

Установите Games for Windows Live

Для того чтобы запустить Games for Windows Live (GFWL) в Windows 10, сначала вам понадобится установить саму программу. Вот как это сделать:

  1. Перейдите на официальный сайт Games for Windows Live.
  2. Нажмите на кнопку «Скачать», чтобы начать загрузку программы установки GFWL.
  3. После завершения загрузки откройте скачанный файл.
  4. Следуйте инструкциям установщика и примите лицензионное соглашение.
  5. Выберите папку, куда вы хотите установить GFWL, или оставьте значение по умолчанию.
  6. Дождитесь завершения установки.

Теперь у вас должна быть установлена последняя версия Games for Windows Live на вашем компьютере. Вы готовы запустить GFWL и наслаждаться играми, которые его поддерживают.

Запустите Games for Windows Live

Для того чтобы запустить Games for Windows Live (GFWL) на компьютере с операционной системой Windows 10, следуйте этим инструкциям:

  1. Загрузите установочный файл Games for Windows Live с официального сайта Microsoft или иного надежного источника.
  2. Запустите загруженный файл и следуйте инструкциям мастера установки.
  3. После установки запустите Games for Windows Live из меню «Пуск».
  4. Если у вас уже есть учетная запись Xbox Live, введите свои данные для входа. Если у вас нет учетной записи, создайте новую, следуя инструкциям на экране.
  5. После входа в систему вы сможете приступить к использованию Games for Windows Live и покупке, загрузке и управлению играми, поддерживающими эту платформу.

Теперь вы можете наслаждаться играми, поддерживающими Games for Windows Live, на вашем компьютере с операционной системой Windows 10. Удачной игры!

Войдите в свой аккаунт Games for Windows Live

После установки Games for Windows Live на компьютере с операционной системой Windows 10, вам необходимо войти в свой аккаунт, чтобы получить доступ к сервису и вашим играм. Для этого выполните следующие шаги:

  1. Откройте приложение Games for Windows Live, которое должно быть установлено на вашем компьютере;
  2. На открывшейся странице введите свои учетные данные в поля «E-mail» и «Пароль». Если у вас еще нет аккаунта, щелкните на ссылке «Зарегистрироваться» и следуйте инструкциям для создания нового аккаунта;
  3. После ввода данных нажмите кнопку «Войти», чтобы войти в свой аккаунт;
  4. Если данные введены корректно, вы будете перенаправлены на главную страницу своего аккаунта Games for Windows Live, где вы сможете увидеть список доступных игр, сообщения от друзей и другую информацию.

Теперь вы успешно вошли в свой аккаунт Games for Windows Live и готовы начать играть в ваши любимые игры!

Обновите Games for Windows Live

Чтобы запустить Games for Windows Live (GFWL) в Windows 10, вам потребуется сначала обновить программу.

Следуйте этим шагам, чтобы обновить Games for Windows Live:

  1. Откройте ваш веб-браузер и перейдите на официальный веб-сайт Microsoft.
  2. Найдите раздел «Загрузки» или «Игры» на сайте и найдите Games for Windows Live.
  3. Нажмите на ссылку для загрузки последней версии программы.
  4. Сохраните файл установщика на вашем компьютере.
  5. Запустите файл установщика и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы установить новую версию Games for Windows Live.

После завершения установки вы сможете запустить Games for Windows Live и наслаждаться всеми возможностями этой платформы на вашем компьютере с операционной системой Windows 10.

Запустите игру с помощью Games for Windows Live

Чтобы запустить игру с помощью Games for Windows Live (GFWL), следуйте этим простым инструкциям:

  1. Первым делом, убедитесь, что у вас установлен Games for Windows Live клиент. Если у вас еще не установлен клиент, вы можете скачать его с официального сайта Microsoft.
  2. Запустите клиент Games for Windows Live. Вы можете найти ярлык клиента на рабочем столе или в меню «Пуск».
  3. Войдите в учетную запись Games for Windows Live. Если у вас нет учетной записи, вам нужно будет создать новую.
  4. После входа в учетную запись перейдите в раздел «Игры». Здесь вы увидите список доступных игр, установленных на вашем компьютере.
  5. Выберите игру, которую вы хотите запустить. Если игра не отображается в списке, убедитесь, что она установлена на вашем компьютере и правильно настроена.
  6. Нажмите на кнопку «Играть» рядом с выбранной игрой. Игра должна запуститься, и вы можете начать играть с помощью Games for Windows Live.

Теперь вы знаете, как запустить игру с помощью Games for Windows Live в Windows 10. Наслаждайтесь игрой и удачи!

Games for Windows Live – программа для Windows 7, 8, 10, которая предназначена для кроссплатформенного мультиплеера, покупки игр, дополнений и многого другого.

Благодаря этому приложению можно играть с друзьями по сети, но главное в этом именно кроссплатформенность. Она позволяет встречаться на одном сервере, даже находясь на разных платформах. Вы можете играть на ПК, а ваш друг на Xbox и наоборот.

Games for Windows Live – это полноценная соцсеть для игр, а также игровой магазин. Здесь можно не только общаться с друзьями, но и покупать новый контент. Помимо этого, в каждом профиле отображаются достижения, статистика и прочее. Вы всегда можете узнать, какие игры появились у ваших друзей, и как далеко они в них зашли.

Games for Windows Live

Games for Windows Live


  • Мультиплеер. Это наиболее важная особенность GFWL. Она позволяет проходить некоторые игры в кооперативе, даже если вы с друзьями играете на разных платформах. Главное, чтобы у каждого из вас была установлена Games for Windows Live.
  • Переписка. Программа не просто так зовется социальной сетью. Здесь действительно можно общаться с друзьями с помощью сообщений даже во время игры.
  • Добавление друзей. Заводите новые знакомства и играйте вместе. Вы всегда будете видеть, кто из ваших друзей онлайн и во что они сейчас играют.
  • Профиль. Свой профиль можно изменять так, как вам захочется. Установить ник, создать аватара, настроить информацию о себе, которую будет видно вашим друзьям и другим пользователям.
  • Обновления. Все купленные в Games for Windows Live игры будут автоматически обновляться по мере выхода новых патчей.
  • Покупка игр. GFWL – полноценный магазин игр, в котором даже проходят частые распродажи и акции.
  • Достижения. За многие действия в играх вы будете получать особые достижения. Ими можно соревноваться с друзьями или просто собирать для коллекции.

Games for Windows Live

Games for Windows Live

Плюсы и минусы

Программа обладает множеством преимуществ:

  • Полностью на русском языке.
  • Позволяет играть вместе с разных платформ.
  • Активно поддерживается Microsoft.
  • Удобный и простой интерфейс.
  • Полноценная социальная сеть.

Среди недостатков можно выделить разве что относительно небольшое количество игр. В том же Steam их намного больше.

Скачать Games for Windows Live бесплатно для Windows 7, 8, 10 можно с нашего сайта по ссылке ниже.

Скачать Games for Windows Live:

Количество загрузок: 2014

Проверено! Вирусов и прочих угроз не обнаружено.

Games for Windows — LIVE

Games for Windows - LIVE cover
Release dates
Windows May 29, 2007

Games for Windows - LIVE at Wikipedia


Epic Games Store
FireFlower Games
Games for Windows — LIVE
Green Man Gaming
Humble Store
Mac App Store
Meta Store
Microsoft Store
Rockstar Games Launcher
Ubisoft Connect
ZOOM Platform

Games for Windows — LIVE, often also referred to as GFWL, was an online gaming service and storefront developed by Microsoft.

Together with distributing games under both the GFWL and less-restrictive Games for Windows[1] branding through the Marketplace client, Games for Windows — LIVE also offers distinguishable feature such as Xbox LIVE achievements, social networking and in some cases, cross-platform multi-player with Xbox 360 consoles.

Games distributed through the Marketplace were usually protected with its’ own DRM, with all GFWL releases also requiring activation through a product key. Note that most games used additional third-party DRM such as SecuROM. Some of the GFWL games have also released on Steam, see the Big List of 3rd Party DRM on Steam for exact information.

Games for Windows — LIVE was officially launched on May 29th, 2007 with Shadowrun releasing on Windows PCs.

With the Marketplace client’s official closure on August 25th, 2013[2], multiple publishers and developers have, over time, removed the GFWL service entirely from their games on digital distribution platforms and future retail releases[3][4], although Although the Marketplace client was supposed to allow downloading existing purchases after the closure, it has degraded steadily since 2018[5][6] and made entirely non-functional in 2022.

General information

Requires installation of the latest version to function on Windows 8 and later.
Uses the same Microsoft/Xbox account across other services and as such is only available in regions that Xbox Live supports; Users outside those regions must use a local profile.
Official Xbox Live account support


  1. Remove any existing versions of the GFWL Marketplace and LIVE Redistributable.
  2. Download and install the Games for Windows — LIVE software.
    • Note that the included GFWL Marketplace is non-functional in 2022 and can be ignored after the installation.[7]
  3. Launch a GFWL title and sign in using the in-game overlay and login prompt that appears. Please note that the first sign-in for a game tend to take quite some time and the process might seem to be stuck for 5-10 minutes before completion.[8]

Games for Windows — LIVE

Creating a local profile

Local profiles don’t need internet access.
Multiplayer, achievements, DLC downloading and in-game patching are unavailable (many games can be patched manually; refer to the individual game pages for details).
Local profiles can’t be used for games that are multiplayer-only or always-online (e.g. Age of Empires Online).
Create local profile[9]
  1. While in any game sign out of your existing profile (if you are signed in), then choose Create New Profile.
  2. Choose Create New Profile again.
  3. At the Create Gamer Profile screen, scroll down and click the «create a local profile» blue link.
  4. Name your profile and click Submit.
  5. Customize the profile now if you want to, then click Done to save your profile.

Backing up saves

Back up XLive folder[citation needed]
  1. Back up the game’s normal save folder.
  2. Back up the XLive folder: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\XLive.
  3. Restore everything to the same locations.

Moving saves between gamertags

If you rename your gamertag or switch to a different one your existing saves won’t be shown in-game.[10]
Move saves to new gamertag
  1. Log into the game with the new gamertag and save the game to make the new folder, then exit the game.
  2. Go to the game’s save folder (e.g. for Fallout 3 this is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves).
  3. Move everything from the old gamertag’s folder to the new one, replacing all existing files.
  4. If it worked, the saves will now show up in-game under the new gamertag.
Some games specifically block saves being moved between profiles so this may not work for all games.[11]

Backing up installers

Installation files are normally deleted after installation is complete; you can back them up to avoid having to download them again.
Games reinstalled from backups will not show up as installed in the Marketplace client but will otherwise work normally.
You may also want to keep a copy of your game keys, accessible from the Marketplace client by going to the item and then choosing View Game Keys.
Backing up installers for games purchased through the Marketplace[citation needed]
  1. Download the game through the Marketplace client but do not install it yet.
  2. Go to the downloads folder, found in the following location by default:
    • Vista and later: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\GFWLive\Downloads
    • Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\GFWLive\Downloads
  3. Copy the installation files somewhere else, then install the game normally.
  4. To reinstall the game from your backup extract the .cab file(s) and run the .msi inside.
Backing up patch update installers[citation needed]
  1. Allow the game to download the update in-game when prompted.
  2. Cancel the UAC prompt or installer window when it appears.
  3. Go to the updates folder, found in the following location by default:
    • Vista and later: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\XLive\Updates
    • Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\XLive\Updates
  4. Copy the installation files somewhere else, then allow the game to retry the update installation.
  5. To reinstall the update from the backup, extract the .cab file(s) and run the executablee (or .msi).


List of games using Games for Windows — LIVE.

There are two types of GFWL activation, Server-Side Activation (SSA) and Legacy (Per-Title 5×5). Both can also utilize Zero Day Piracy Protection (ZDPP) to prevent access to games before the release date. ZDPP protected titles are marked as such.

Server-Side Activation (SSA)

Server-Side Activation (SSA) include a unique product key with the game. The key is permanently bound to the Microsoft account, similar to Steam. These games have no activation limits.
If an SSA product key is bound to an account that is not in a supported region the key will be lost (and, consequently, access to the game).
SSA implementations are flexible and it is up to game developers how much of the product should be restricted behind the activation.[Note 1]

Legacy (Per-Title 5×5)

Simple product key check; requires internet access for online profile but does not attach the key to the Microsoft account.
Activation limit between 10-20 (usually 15) for online profiles. Then, the game must be purchased again.

Zero Day Piracy Protection (ZDPP)

Zero Day Piracy Protection (ZDPP) was an additional DRM check used to prevent pre-release access to games through their retail copies. It relied on an online service to decrypt critical AES-128 encrypted game files that were stored on the disc. When the user tried to launch the game after its installation had completed the Zero Day Piracy Protection Tool would be launched instead. This tool connected and transmitted the ID of the protected game to Microsoft’s online ZDP service hosted here. The online service would then look up the release date for the requested game ID and validate if the date have passed. Upon confirming the release date as passed, the service would respond with the decryption keys for the relevant files which allowed the local tool to decrypt them and grant user access to the game.

The online service stopped working sometime between 2018 and 2020,[13] meaning retail discs of ZDPP protected games will not longer work after installation unless the decrypted files are retrieved through another means. A common method is by manually installing the patches released for the game as they usually come with a decrypted copy of the game executable.

Module Authentication (MA)

Module Authentication (MA) is an protection measure meant to prevent debugging and/or cheats by verifying protected executable files.[Note 2]

Issues unresolved

If you still have any issues with GFWL, use XLiveLess

Issues fixed

Crashes, errors, impossible to log-in

Reinstall updated client[citation needed]
  1. Uninstall Microsoft Games for Windows – LIVE Redistributable.
  2. Uninstall Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace.
  3. Reinstall latest version.

Games not saving under Windows 8 and newer

Reinstall client in Windows 7 compatibility mode and as administrator[16]
  1. Uninstall Microsoft Games for Windows – LIVE Redistributable.
  2. Uninstall Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace.
  3. Reboot Windows.
  4. Download the latest version of the Games for Windows Marketplace Client installer.
  5. Run the installer in compatibility mode for Windows 7 and as administrator.
  6. Run a GFWL game and retrieve the gamertag profile if necessary.


In-game interface does not open

Reinstall client[citation needed]
Log in the desktop client at least once[citation needed]
  1. Open start menu/screen
  2. Search for Games for Windows
  3. Open the client and log in there
Install the Sign-in Assistant[citation needed]
These steps do not apply to Windows 8 and later.
  1. Install the Sign-in Assistant:
    • Vista and 7: Windows Live Sign-in Assistant.
    • Windows XP: Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant 6.5.
  2. Launch the game again and the interface should now open normally.


Fails to install if Windows Update service is disabled[citation needed]
Ensure Sign-in Assistant service is running[citation needed]
If the Sign-in Assistant is installed but not working, the service might not be running.
These steps do not apply to Windows 8 and later.
  1. Go to Services:
    • Vista and 7: open the Start screen/Start menu, type services.msc and press Enter.
    • Windows XP: press Win+R, type services.msc and press Enter.
  2. Open the Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant entry on the list.
  3. Ensure Startup type is set to Automatic.
  4. If the service is Stopped, click Start and wait until the Service status says Started.
  5. Close the Services windows and try again.

Code: 8015403A error

Try to log in website[citation needed]

Code: 80048821 error

If two-factor authentication is enabled, create a new app password[17]
Try «Sign in with a different gamertag» in the Windows Live ID dropdown menu[citation needed]

Password contains special characters

Passwords need to be under 16 ASCII characters[18][19]
Change incompatible password[citation needed]
  1. Go to the password change form.
  2. Set a new password that is 16 characters or less and has only ASCII characters.
  3. Try signing in with the new password.

Cannot connect in-game

The Microsoft account might be able to log into other Microsoft services but not GfWL.

Attempt workarounds[citation needed]
  • «Sign in as a different user», then re-enter the same account credentials.
    1. Open an administrator level command prompt.
    2. Enter netsh.exe interface ipv4 show interfaces and note the number it returns.
    3. Identify the used Local Area Connection, then type in netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface 10 mtu=1492 store=persistent
      Replace «10» with the value for the Local Area Connection from the first command’s results. This may need to be run every time the game is started.
This problem arises because GFWL tries to alter the network connection’s MTU before using it.

DNS lookup failed to locate the LIVE servers

«Can’t connect to LIVE. A DNS lookup failed to locate the LIVE servers.»
Flush all DNS entries in cache & change default DNS servers to OpenDNS servers[20]

Flush the DNS entries from your DNS cache

  1. Run the command prompt as administrator.
  2. Type the following: ipconfig /flushdns
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Exit the command prompt.

Change the DNS servers to OpenDNS servers

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Under the ‘Network and Internet’ header click ‘View network status and tasks’.
  3. Select the current network used for teh used Internet connection, right-click on it and select ‘Properties’ from the context menu.
  4. Select ‘Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)’ from the ‘This connection uses the following items’ box. Click ‘Properties’ button.
  5. Click the checkbox labelled ‘Use the following DNS server addresses:’
  6. In the ‘Preferred DNS server:’ box, enter
  7. In the ‘Alternative DNS server:’ box enter
  8. Click ‘OK’ and then click ‘Close’ for Internet connection’s Properties window.
  9. Sign out of the Windows account or restart the computer for changes to take affect.

List of games using Games for Windows — LIVE

Server-Side Activation (SSA) titles

This section is automated; refer to the individual game pages to add or update entries.
Game Developer Publisher First release Local profile ZDPP
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon — Enhanced Edition Project Aces Bandai Namco Entertainment 2013-01-25
AFL Live Big Ant Studios Tru Blu Entertainment 2012-06-06
Age of Empires Online Robot Entertainment, Gas Powered Games Microsoft Studios 2011-08-16
Batman: Arkham City Rocksteady Studios Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Feral Interactive, 1C-SoftClub 2011-11-22
Battle vs. Chess Targem Games TopWare Interactive 2011-05-17
Blacklight: Tango Down Zombie Studios Ignition Entertainment 2010-07-14
Bulletstorm People Can Fly, Epic Games Electronic Arts 2011-02-22
CarneyVale: Showtime Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab Microsoft Game Studios 2010-11-11
Colin McRae: DiRT 2 Codemasters Codemasters, Feral Interactive 2009-12-01
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition FromSoftware Bandai Namco Entertainment, FromSoftware 2012-08-23
Dark Void Airtight Games Capcom 2010-01-19
Dead Rising 2 Capcom Vancouver Capcom, 1C-SoftClub 2010-09-28
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Capcom Vancouver Capcom, 1C-SoftClub 2011-10-11
DiRT 3 Codemasters Codemasters, Feral Interactive 2011-05-24
F1 2010 Codemasters Birmingham Codemasters 2010-09-22
F1 2011 Codemasters Birmingham Codemasters 2011-09-20
Fable III Lionhead Studios Microsoft Studios 2011-05-17
Game Room Krome Studios Microsoft Game Studios 2010-03-24
Gotham City Impostors Monolith Productions Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 2012-02-07
Lost Planet 2 Capcom 2010-10-12
Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom Creat Studios TikGames, Big Fish Games 2007-03-07
Microsoft Flight Microsoft Studios Vancouver Microsoft Studios 2012-02-29
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection NetherRealm Studios, Other Ocean Interactive, Code Mystics Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 2012-02-01
Ms. Splosion Man Twisted Pixel Games Microsoft Studios 2013-04-03
Operation Flashpoint: Red River Codemasters 2011-04-21
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Slant Six Games Capcom 2012-05-18
Rugby League Live Big Ant Studios Tru Blu Entertainment 2011-02-11
Section 8 TimeGate Studios SouthPeak Interactive 2009-09-04
Section 8: Prejudice TimeGate Studios Atari 2011-05-04
Street Fighter X Tekken Dimps, Capcom Capcom, 1C-SoftClub 2012-05-11
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Capcom, Dimps Capcom, 1C-SoftClub 2011-07-05
Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends Slightly Mad Studios Evolved Games, Rombax Games 2012-12-10
Toy Soldiers Signal Studios Microsoft Studios 2012-04-27
Tron: Evolution Propaganda Games Disney Interactive Studios, Noviy Disk 2010-11-25
Virtua Tennis 4 Sega Sega 2011-06-24
Where’s Waldo? The Fantastic Journey Ludia Microsoft Game Studios, Ubisoft 2009-09-22

Legacy (Per-Title 5×5) titles

This section is automated; refer to the individual game pages to add or update entries.
Game Developer Publisher First release Local profile ZDPP
007: Quantum of Solace Treyarch Activision 2008-10-31
Batman: Arkham Asylum Rocksteady Studios Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Eidos Interactive, Square Enix, Feral Interactive, Noviy Disk 2009-09-15
Battlestations: Pacific Eidos Hungary Eidos Interactive, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Square Enix, Feral Interactive 2009-05-12
BioShock 2 2K Marin, 2K China, 2K Australia, Iron Galaxy Studios, Digital Extremes 2K Games, Feral Interactive 2010-02-09
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Arc System Works H2 Interactive Co. Ltd. 2010-08-20
Fallout 3 Bethesda Game Studios Bethesda Softworks 2008-10-28
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage Bugbear Entertainment Empire Interactive, Buka Entertainment, CD Projekt, Techland, TopCD, Strategy First 2008-08-01
Fuel Asobo Studio Codemasters, Noviy Disk 2009-07-05
Gears of War Epic Games Microsoft Game Studios 2007-11-06
Grand Theft Auto IV Rockstar North Rockstar Games, Capcom, 1C-SoftClub 2008-12-02
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City Rockstar North Rockstar Games, 1C-SoftClub 2010-04-13
Halo 2 Bungie, Pi Studios Microsoft Game Studios 2007-05-17
Hour of Victory N-Fusion Interactive Midway Games 2007-06-01
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights Juice Games THQ 2007-11-16
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Microvision Bandai Namco Entertainment 2008-10-16
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition Capcom 2008-05-27
Osmos Hemisphere Games 2009-08-17
Red Faction: Guerrilla Volition, THQ Nordic THQ, THQ Nordic, Deep Silver 2009-09-15
Resident Evil 5 Capcom Capcom, 1C Company 2009-09-17
Shadowrun FASA Interactive Microsoft Studios 2007-05-29
Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Republic Heroes Krome Studios LucasArts, Disney Interactive Studios, 1C Company 2009-10-06
Stormrise Creative Assembly International Sega 2009-03-29
Street Fighter IV Capcom, Dimps Capcom, 1C Company 2009-07-03
The Club Bizarre Creations Sega 2008-02-07
Universe at War: Earth Assault Petroglyph Games Sega 2007-12-10
Vancouver 2010 Eurocom Sega 2010-02-18
Viva Piñata Rare Microsoft Game Studios 2007-11-06
World of Goo (2008) 2D Boy Brighter Minds Media 2008-10-13

Only on the Games for Windows Marketplace

These games only had Games for Windows — LIVE when purchased from the Games for Windows Marketplace.
These versions were removed for purchase on August 25, 2013 following the Marketplace’s closure,[2] and eventually removed for download in 2015.

Server-Side Activation (SSA) titles

Game Developer Publisher First release Local profile ZDPP
Dark Void Airtight Games Capcom January 19, 2010
Game Room Krome Studios Microsoft Game Studios March 24, 2010
Mahjong Wisdom Creat Studios TikGames March 7, 2007
Tinker Fuel Industries Microsoft September 23, 2008
Where’s Waldo? The Fantastic Journey Ludia Microsoft Game Studios September 22, 2009

Legacy (Per-Title 5×5) titles

Game Developer Publisher First release Local profile ZDPP
Osmos Hemisphere Games August 17, 2009
World of Goo 2D Boy October 13, 2008

List of games formerly using Games for Windows — LIVE

These games have had Games for Windows — LIVE removed from certain versions in favour of Steam or other services.
Name Notes
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon — Enhanced Edition Steam version migrated to Steamworks. Retail product keys activate on Steam.[21]
Batman: Arkham Asylum GFWL and SecuROM removed from Steam version. All product keys activate on Steam. Non-GOTY keys are upgraded to GOTY version.[22]
Batman: Arkham City GFWL and SecuROM removed from Steam version. All product keys activate on Steam. Non-GOTY keys are upgraded to GOTY version.[22]
BioShock 2 Steam version migrated to Steamworks. All product keys activate on Steam.[23]
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Re-released without GFWL. The original version cannot be upgraded.
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition Steam version migrated to Steamworks on February 16, 2015. All product keys activate on Steam.[24]
Dead Rising 2 Steam version migrated to Steamworks on March 17, 2015.[25] Retail product keys activate on Steam.[26]
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Steam version migrated to Steamworks on March 17, 2015.[25] Retail product keys activate on Steam.[26]
DiRT 3 Steam version owners received DiRT 3 Complete Edition which does not use GFWL. Retail product keys activate on Steam.[27]
Fallout 3 GFWL removed from Steam version.[28]
Gotham City Impostors Free to Play version does not use GFWL.
Grand Theft Auto IV / Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City Steam versions merged and changed in March 2020 to remove GFWL and replace its functionality with that of Rockstar Games Launcher.[29]
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Steam version migrated to Steamworks. GFWL removed.[30]
Iron Brigade GFWL was removed in the Steam Matchmaking update.[31]
Ms. Splosion Man Steam version migrated to Steamworks on June 20, 2014.[32] Other versions are not affected. GFWL can be accessed if still desired[33]
Red Faction: Guerrilla Steam version migrated to Steamworks.[34] GFWL can be accessed if still desired through the gamesforwindowslivelegacy Steam beta (does not generate a GFWL key).
Resident Evil 5 Steam version migrated to Steamworks. Retail product keys activate on Steam.[35] GFWL can be accessed if still desired, see game page.
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Steam version migrated to Steamworks as Ultra Street Fighter IV.[36] GFWL saves can be optionally imported. All product keys activate on Steam.
Toy Soldiers Steam version gives choice of GFWL or Steamworks (saves and achievements are separate for each). GFWL completely optional (GFWL keys cannot be generated or retrieved).[37]
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II GFWL has been removed.[38] A GFWL downgrade is available, see game page.
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising GFWL has been removed.[39] A GFWL downgrade is available, see game page.


  1. Four typical configurations are mentioned as examples in a presentation by Microsoft:[12]
    • While offline: Singleplayer is accessible. While connected to LIVE: Multiplayer, achievements, DLCs are accessible.
    • While offline: Nothing is accessible. Having connected once to LIVE: Singleplayer is accessible. While connected to LIVE: Multiplayer, achievements, DLCs are accessible.
    • While offline: Nothing is accessible: While connected to LIVE: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, achievements, DLCs are accessible.
    • While offline: Demo with only the first few levels are accessible. While connected to LIVE: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, achievements, DLCs are accessible.

  2. Not a lot of information is available on this module, but this presentation mentions it in context of anti-cheat measures.[14] Additionally, it is also mentioned in the EULA for the original version of Bulletstorm.[15]


  1. For Publishers | Games for Windows
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wayback Machine: PC Marketplace closing | PC Marketplace —
  3. Batman: Arkham games drop Games for Windows Live — Destructoid — last accessed on 2023-09-27
  4. Fallout 3 — Update on Steam News — last accessed on 2023-09-27
  5. Steam Community — There was an error retrieving your purchase history — last accessed on 2018-02-26
  6. I will continue insisting for the Games for Windows Marketplace to be repaired by Microsoft by Cosminiion on Microsoft Community — last accessed on 2023-09-27
  7. Verified by User:Aemony on 2022-08-15
  8. Verified by User:Aemony on 2022-08-15
    This is something that have been the case the last few years — the first sign-in to a game on a system takes forever before it finishes, though subsequent sign-ins for that game takes the expected couple of seconds.

  9. Verified by User:SargeCassidy on 2021-09-20
    Tested with a retail installation of Fable III. Once the GFWL overlay pop-up appeared, I was able to follow the instructions and create a local profile.

  10. PSA: If you change your Windows Live gamer tag name, all of your GFWL save games will disappear. — last accessed on 17 May 2023
  11. Verified by User:SargeCassidy on 2022-08-17
    This is the case for Fable III, at the very least. Opening the file and changing the gamertag within the game’s save/following the above instructions both (separately or at the same time, doesn’t matter) result in the game assuming the save is corrupt and forces to create a new save.

  12. Defense Against the Dark Arts of Game Piracy and Cheating — Gamefest 2010 presentation by Arka Ray on protecting PC games from piracy and cheating. — last accessed on 2022-03-20
  13. Verified by User:Aemony on 2022-09-15
    In February of 2018 was when I investigated Dark Souls, and at the time the online service worked.

  14. Verified by User:Aemony on 2022-03-20
  15. — last accessed on 17 May 2023
  16. How to fix Games for Windows Live on Windows 8 Pro x64 (And Windows 10 too!) — last accessed on 17 May 2023
  17. Games For Windows live marketplace Code: 80048821 — Microsoft Community — last accessed on May 2023
  18. Microsoft No Longer Accepts Long Passwords, Shortens Them For You | The Next Web
  19. security — Is it true that Microsoft doesn’t allow more than 16 characters in their Hotmail password? — Web Applications Stack Exchange — last accessed on 17 May 2023
  20. DNS lookup failed? I have no idea what this is or how to fix it. What do I do? — last accessed on May 2023
  21. Ace Combat Assault Horizon enhanced Edition title Update — Game for Windows Live functionalities replaced by Steamworks funtionalities. — Steam Community :: Group Announcements :: ACE COMBAT™ ASSAULT HORIZON Enhanced Edition
  22. 22.0 22.1 Important Batman Arkham Announcement — Steam Community :: Group Announcements :: Batman: Arkham City GOTY
  23. News — BioShock 2 Updated — last accessed on 17 May 2023
  24. HOW TO: Replace Games for Windows Live functionality with Steamworks functionality in Dark Souls™ Prepare To Die Edition for PC :: Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition General Discussions
  25. 25.0 25.1 Dead Rising 2 and Off the Record now on Steam, on sale — Steam Community :: Group Announcements :: Dead Rising 2
  26. 26.0 26.1 Steamworks Migration / Troubleshooting FAQ (Updated!) :: Dead Rising 2 General Discussions
  27. DiRT 3 Complete Edition — Now Available With 100% Less GFWL
  28. Fallout 3: Game of the Year — Update
  29. Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City updates to remove Games for Windows Live — Rockstar Games Customer Support — last accessed on 2020-03-25
    «As a result of this update the following services will no longer be available in Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition — Games for Windows Live, Multiplayer mode, Leaderboards«

  30. Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Goes GFWL-Free with New Indie Bundle — last accessed on 17 May 2023
  31. Update: GFWL Gone, progress wiped :: Iron Brigade General Discussions — last accessed on 17 May 2023
  32. Steamworks update! — Steam Community :: Group Announcements :: Ms. Splosion Man — last accessed on 17 May 2023
  34. Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition LIVE — Steam Community :: Group Announcements :: Red Faction: Guerrilla Steam Edition
  35. «Gold Edition» Content Now Available! — Steam Community :: Group Announcements :: Resident Evil 5 / Biohazard 5 — last accessed on 17 May 2023
  36. Just Updated with Steamworks — Super Street Fighter® IV Arcade Edition, 75% off! — last accessed on 9 June 2023
  37. News — Toy Soldiers Product Update — last accessed on 17 May 2023
  38. Dawn of War II Patch Notes and Updates :: Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II General Discussions — last accessed on 9 June 2023
  39. Dawn of War II — Chaos Rising Patch Notes/Updates :: Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II — Chaos Rising™ General Discussions — last accessed on 9 June 2023


Games For Windows — Live — бесплатный игровой онлайн сервис для Windows, позволяющий получить
больше возможностей при сетевой игре, так же как и Xbox Live. С его помощью у пользователей ПК
появилась возможность соединяться со всеми устройствами, поддерживающими сервисы Live, в том
числе Windows Mobile и Zune. Пользователь при регистрации получает уникальный тег игрока
Gamertag, который совместим с Xbox Live, и дает возможность играть онлайн, следить за статусами
друзей, принимать и отправлять сообщения, коллекционировать достижения (Achievements).
Кроме того, существует кросс-платформенный голосовой чат.

Распакуйте и запустите «setup.exe». Далее следуйте инструкциям.

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