Game for windows live resident evil operation raccoon city

Your Hair is Beautiful

Capcom временно убрали Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City с продажи в Steam из-за проблем с Games for Windows Live.

Вот сообщение Capcom со страницы игры в Steam:

Мы знаем о проблеме, связанной с Games for Windows Live, с которой некоторые из наших клиентов могут столкнуться во время установки игры. Пока мы изучаем данную проблему — мы временно убрали возможность приобрести игру. Мы будем держать вас в курсе нашего расследования. Благодарим вас за ваше терпение.

Если вы не являетесь счастливым обладателем Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City и знать не знаете о проблеме с Games for Windows Live в ней, то проясню для вас ситуацию: без «свежей» версии Games for Windows Live игра отказывается запускаться (а та версия, что игра устанавливает сама — ей почему-то не подходит), и, как результат, владельцу этого замечательного зомби-шутера приходится либо просто возвращать деньги за него, пока он еще имеет возможность это сделать, либо отправиться на просторы интернета в поисках нужной версии Games for Windows Live или даже купить Resident Evil 5, чтоб та поставила ему версию Games for Windows Live, с которой Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City совместима (хоть и сама Resident Evil 5 никакой Games for Windows Live уже давно не использует).

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Your Hair is Beautiful

Capcom временно убрали Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City с продажи в Steam из-за проблем с Games for Windows Live.

Вот сообщение Capcom со страницы игры в Steam:

Мы знаем о проблеме, связанной с Games for Windows Live, с которой некоторые из наших клиентов могут столкнуться во время установки игры. Пока мы изучаем данную проблему — мы временно убрали возможность приобрести игру. Мы будем держать вас в курсе нашего расследования. Благодарим вас за ваше терпение.

Если вы не являетесь счастливым обладателем Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City и знать не знаете о проблеме с Games for Windows Live в ней, то проясню для вас ситуацию: без «свежей» версии Games for Windows Live игра отказывается запускаться (а та версия, что игра устанавливает сама — ей почему-то не подходит), и, как результат, владельцу этого замечательного зомби-шутера приходится либо просто возвращать деньги за него, пока он еще имеет возможность это сделать, либо отправиться на просторы интернета в поисках нужной версии Games for Windows Live или даже купить Resident Evil 5, чтоб та поставила ему версию Games for Windows Live, с которой Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City совместима (хоть и сама Resident Evil 5 никакой Games for Windows Live уже давно не использует).

купил Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City,установил,начал запускать и тут выдаёт мол Games for Windows Love должен произвести проверку,убедитесь что подключены к сети интернет(интернет был подключен,смотреть вложение),после чего выдаёт ошибку и говорит,что интернет не подключен,собственно в игру зайти вообще не могу,что делать!?


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Отправлено 22 января 2021 — 20:26

Небольшой мануал по запуску лицензионной копии Resident Evil ORC в Steam.

1. Устанавливаем игру в стиме, как обычно.

2. Скачиваем GFWL по ссылке.

3. Запускаем игру и жмём на клаве HOME.

Для игры в офлайне:

1.  Выбираем «Создать новый аккаунт».

2.  Жмём «создать локальный профиль

3. Обзываем наш профиль как нам же угодно.

4. Аккаунт создан. Жмём ОК и можно играть.

Для игры в онлайне нужно создать аккаунт Xbox Live (создание аккаунта тут). На ПК должно стоять приложение Xbox.

1. После авторизации GFWL попросит обновиться, соглашаемся. Перезапускаем игру.

1.1 Если при перезапуске игры нашего аккаунта ещё нет, то жмём на клавиатуре кнопку HOME и выбираем добавить аккаунт. Вбиваем данные полученные при регистрации

1.2 Дожидаемся загрузки аккаунта

И можно играть.

Автор: LeonSK

Ver: 1.0 от 26.01.2021

  • Наверх



  • ГородRaccoon City
  • Организация:Umbrella
  • Предпочтение:Storyline
  • Любимый RE:CODE: Veronica X

Отправлено 05 апреля 2021 — 00:36

У меня игра тупит на 7ре…

Точнее, тупила, удалил, висла при загрузке и запуске ГФВЛ.

  • Наверх

С приходом Xbox Live в операционную систему Windows 10 компания Microsoft перестала поддерживать свой старый сервис Games for Windows Live. Тем не менее, данная платформа до сих пор работает, даже работает онлайн, но вот проблема установки осталась. Во-первых, последняя версия не обновлялась с 2013 года, а во-вторых, на официальном сайте даже нет уже самого установщика Games for Windows Live, даже на просторах Интернета тяжело найти последнюю версию, так как абсолютно все старые версии не работают, кроме версии 2013 года.

Итак, если вы хотите поиграть в старую игру, которая основана на сервисе Games for Windows Live, то следует сделать следующе:

  1. Удалить все старые версии Games for Windows Live через «Удаление программы» в Панели управления.
  2. Воспользоваться веб-установщиком gfwlivesetup.exe по ссылке ниже или же установить только пакет xliveredist.msi. Для Windows 7 потребуется также и установка wllogin_32.msi или wllogin_64.msi, если вы не воспользовались веб-установщиком.
  3. Установить .NET Framework 3.x/4.x, если потребуется.
  4. Установить игру (к примеру, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Street Fighter X Tekken).
  5. Авторизоваться и ввести ключ в GFWL.
  6. Играть ;)

В архиве лежать все оговоренные компоненты для полноценной установки Game for Windows Live, в том числе и gfwlclient.msi – это сам, непосредственно, магазин LIVE.

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10.11.2021 — 08:25

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Capcom временно убрали Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City с продажи в Steam из-за проблем с Games for Windows Live.Вот сообщение Capcom со страницы игры в Steam:Если вы не являетесь счастливым обладателем Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City и знать не знаете о проблеме с Games for Windows Live в ней, то проясню для вас ситуацию: без «свежей» версии Games for Windows Live игра отказывается запускаться (а та версия, что игра устанавливает сама — ей почему-то не подходит), и, как результат, владельцу этого замечательного зомби-шутера приходится либо просто возвращать деньги за него, пока он еще имеет возможность это сделать, либо отправиться на просторы интернета в поисках нужной версии Games for Windows Live или даже купить Resident Evil

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How to Play Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Without Windows Live: A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you want to play Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without using Windows Live? Well, you can, and it’s not as complicated as it sounds. This step-by-step guide will show you how.

Step 1: Get the Game

The first step is to download the game from a trusted source. Make sure it’s compatible with your computer or gaming system.

Step 2: Install the Game

Once you’ve downloaded the game, follow the installation instructions. This part is usually pretty straightforward.

Step 3: Get the “No Windows Live” Patch

Now, you’ll need to download the “No Windows Live” patch from a reliable source. This patch will help you play the game without Windows Live.

Step 4: Extract the Patch

After downloading the patch, extract it to a folder on your computer. You’ll need this later.

Step 5: Find the Executable File

Open the folder where you extracted the patch and look for the “No Windows Live” executable file.

Step 6: Run as Administrator

Right-click on the executable file and choose “Run as Administrator.” This is important for the patch to work correctly.

Step 7: Follow On-Screen Instructions

The patch will guide you through the installation process. Just follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 8: Launch the Game

Once the patch is installed, go ahead and launch the game. You’re almost there!

Step 9: Enjoy the Game

Congratulations! You can now enjoy playing Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without Windows Live.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to dive into the game hassle-free. If you run into any issues, don’t hesitate to check the game’s manual or reach out to customer support.

How to Get the Most Out of Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Without Windows Live

Playing Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without Windows Live is possible, but it comes with its challenges. Here are some tips to help you make the most of the game without Windows Live.

1. Keep Your Game Updated

Ensure you have the latest version of the game installed. This ensures you have access to all the features and content available.

2. Create a Local Profile

Create a local profile within the game. This allows you to save your progress and access online features without needing Windows Live.

3. Join a Local Server

To play with others without Windows Live, join a local server. This lets you team up with fellow players who prefer this method.

4. Explore Offline Mode

The game has an offline mode that lets you play without an internet connection. You can still access the game’s content and features but won’t be able to play with others online.

5. Stay Updated

Ensure your game is up-to-date with the latest patches and updates to enjoy all the features and fixes.

By following these tips, you can make the most of Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without Windows Live.

Troubleshooting Tips for Playing Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Without Windows Live

If you’re facing issues while playing Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without Windows Live, don’t worry. Here are some troubleshooting tips that might help you get back on track:

1. Keep Your Game Updated

Make sure you have the latest version of the game installed. If you’re playing on PC, check for updates on the game’s Steam page. On consoles, visit the game’s store page for updates.

2. Check System Requirements

Ensure your system meets the game’s minimum requirements. You can find these on the game’s store page. Inadequate hardware may lead to performance issues.

3. Update Graphics Card Drivers

Keep your graphics card drivers up to date. Visit the manufacturer’s website to get the latest drivers.

4. Update DirectX

Make sure you have the latest version of DirectX installed. You can find it on the Microsoft website.

5. Reinstall the Game

If all else fails, consider reinstalling the game. On PC, go to the game’s Steam page and select “Uninstall.” On consoles, redownload the game.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you should be able to enjoy Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without Windows Live.

Exploring the Features of Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Without Windows Live

Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City is an exciting third-person shooter game developed by Capcom and Slant Six Games. It’s the eighth installment in the Resident Evil series, set in the fictional Raccoon City during the events of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.

Here’s a glimpse of what the game offers:

1. Unique Blend of Action and Horror

The game combines action and horror elements. Players take on the role of a member of the Umbrella Security Service (USS) and battle both the undead and the US Special Forces.

2. Diverse Characters

Choose from four different characters, each with their unique abilities and weapons.

3. Cooperative Multiplayer Mode

Team up with friends in the cooperative multiplayer mode and face the undead together. You can play with up to four players.

4. Variety of Weapons and Items

The game offers a wide range of weapons and items, from handguns and shotguns to assault rifles and explosives.

5. Customization

Customize your characters with various clothing and accessories.

6. Enemies Galore

Encounter a variety of enemies, including zombies, lickers, hunters, and other terrifying creatures.

7. Online Modes

Engage in competitive and cooperative online modes, as well as a survival mode that challenges your survival skills.

Playing Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without Windows Live is a valuable feature for those who prefer not to use the service or don’t have access to it. It allows you to enjoy the single-player campaign and online multiplayer mode seamlessly.

Tips and Tricks for Playing Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Without Windows Live

Playing Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without Windows Live can be a breeze with the right approach. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your gaming experience:

1. Get the Game from a Trusted Source

Download the game from a reputable source, such as Steam or GOG. Make sure you get the version that doesn’t require Windows Live.

2. Follow the Installation Instructions

Install the game as per the instructions provided by the store you purchased it from.

3. Get the Latest Games for Windows Live Client

Download and install the latest version of the Games for Windows Live client. This is essential for playing without Windows Live.

4. Create a Local Profile

Set up a local profile within the game. This enables you to play without signing in to Windows Live.

5. Choose Your Profile and Enjoy

Launch the game and select the local profile you created. Now, you’re ready to dive into the world of Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City.

With these steps, you’ll be able to play Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without Windows Live hassle-free. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to the game’s support team for assistance.

The Pros and Cons of Playing Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Without Windows Live

Playing Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without Windows Live has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a closer look at both sides:


  • No Need for Windows Live: You can enjoy the game without the need to sign up for or use Windows Live.
  • Access to Single-Player and Multiplayer: You can still access the single-player campaign and online multiplayer mode without Windows Live.


  • No Leaderboards: You won’t have access to the game’s leaderboards, which track player progress.
  • No Achievements: You won’t earn achievements for completing specific tasks in the game.
  • No Access to Downloadable Content: Without Windows Live, you’ll miss out on downloadable content, such as new levels and weapons.

In summary, playing Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City without Windows Live is entirely possible, but it does come with some limitations. You won’t have access to leaderboards, achievements, or downloadable content. However, you can still enjoy the core gameplay experience, including the single-player campaign and online multiplayer mode.

How to Play Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Online with Games for Windows Live

How to Play Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Online with Games for Windows Live

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is a third-person shooter game that was released in 2012 for Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The game is set in the fictional Raccoon City during the events of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, and features both cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes. However, many players have encountered problems with the game’s online functionality due to the shutdown of Games for Windows Live (GFWL) service in 2014.

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GFWL was a platform that provided online features such as matchmaking, achievements, leaderboards and cloud saves for many Windows games. However, due to its poor performance, security issues and lack of support, Microsoft decided to discontinue the service and migrate some of the games to Steamworks or Xbox Live. Unfortunately, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City was not among them, and players who wanted to play online had to resort to unofficial methods such as cracks or mods.

In this article, we will show you how to play Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City online with GFWL using a working solution that was posted by a Steam user named _REC_ [^1^]. This solution involves installing an updated version of GFWL, creating a Microsoft account and deleting a file called xlive.dll from the game folder. This method has been tested by many players and confirmed to work as of April 2023. However, please note that this is not an official fix and may not work for everyone. Also, we do not condone piracy or cracking of games, and we recommend that you only use this solution if you own a legitimate copy of the game.

Steps to Play Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Online with GFWL

  1. Uninstall any Windows Live programs you have on your computer, such as GFWL client, Marketplace or Redistributable. You can do this by going to Control Panel» Programs and Features and selecting the programs you want to remove.
  2. Download the files from this link: [^2^]. This is a package that contains an updated version of GFWL client and some other files that are needed for the solution.
  3. Install only gfwlivesetup.exe (the one with the Windows symbol) from the package. This will install the latest version of GFWL client on your computer.
  4. Sign into your Xbox/Microsoft account in your browser. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free at [^3^]. You will need this account to log into GFWL in the game.
  5. Now start the game. Click the LIVE button (Home key) on your keyboard. This will open the GFWL overlay in the game.
  6. Click to sign in but uncheck all the boxes, write your email address, delete the autofill password and write yours, then check the boxes again. This will ensure that you enter your credentials correctly and avoid any errors.
  7. Now wait up to 10 minutes. Your profile should start to download the necessary information from GFWL servers. You may see some messages such as «Downloading profile» or «Signing in». Be patient and do not close the game or the overlay.
  8. Once your profile is downloaded, you should be able to access the online features of the game, such as co-op or versus modes. You can invite your friends who have also followed this solution or join random matches with other players.


If you encounter any problems with this solution, here are some possible fixes:

  • If the game crashes when you start it or when you press the Home key, try deleting the file called xlive.dll from the game folder. This file may interfere with the updated version of GFWL client and cause errors. You can find the game folder by right-clicking on Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City in your Steam library, selecting Properties» Local Files» Browse Local Files.
  • If GFWL client does not install correctly or says that it has no internet connection, try installing wllogin_32.msi or wllogin

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